FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > The Fabio morning "phone in".. oops, that should be "moan in"......
The Fabio morning "phone in".. oops, that should be "moan in"......
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By *abio OP Man
over a year ago
Newcastle and Gateshead |
Since the 3rd Monday of each year is officially the most depressing day of the year... I am giving you till midnight to get it all out of your system...
I want to hear every moan,gripe and whinge you have.... then from midnight, I think this thread should be locked... and we should only have smiley, happy, positive threads..........
okay... nice thought but who i am kidding!!!!
i'll start now....
the "would you like to blah blah waffle to the person above" threads are really doing my head in now... and I'd wish they would stop now....
I want to scream everytime i see a "improve" my profile post now.... i really feel like saying to them "how about just using a bit of personality and just actually trying a bit harder"... rather then just spoon feeding them pish!!!
so.... just be mean and moody to your hearts content in this thread  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
the "would you like to blah blah waffle to the person above" threads are really doing my head in now... and I'd wish they would stop now....
thought it said 'blue waffle'....again!
yeah,stop mentioning links to horrendous medical pics. its not nice  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
love the sentiment _abio ......but i think this one will run and run and run ........ on the whinge front , i have nothing to declare , perferring to keep a cheery optimistic air about me .....  |
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I'll join you in this! With some pleasure!
I'd like the girls in my room at work to understand that television is NOT real. Andy in Emmerdale will probably get the blame for the fire and end up in prison but he's not really going to be in prison because it's not real. Ruth in Casualty will go loopy but the reality is that she's not really loopy because it's NOT real!! Kirsty will not be beating to a pulp by her husband because her bruises are make-up, cleverly painted on BECAUSE IT'S NOT REAL LIFE!
I'd like people to read my profile and not bother to send me a PM when they're outwith all my preferences. When I do reply to those people, I'd like for them to accept my decision and not question it or try to change my mind or indeed call me a twat and become nasty about it.
I'd like to have a full night of unbroken sleep without worrying about my mum who's thousands of miles away recovering from an accident with more injuries than she's actually told me about.
Then after everyone has had their moan, I'd like this thread to spontaneously combust and flush itself down the toilet and for everyone to think happy thoughts cause I hate threads that moan about everything and anything.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
My moan is
single guys moaning as they can't get meets
single guys moaning as their messages get deleted
single guys asking advice regarding profile with several cock shots on it
single guy asking for meets on forums, why not use the meet option you muppet
and the rain |
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"Since the 3rd Monday of each year is officially the most depressing day of the year... I am giving you till midnight to get it all out of your system...
I want to hear every moan,gripe and whinge you have.... then from midnight, I think this thread should be locked... and we should only have smiley, happy, positive threads..........
okay... nice thought but who i am kidding!!!!
i'll start now....
the "would you like to blah blah waffle to the person above" threads are really doing my head in now... and I'd wish they would stop now....
I want to scream everytime i see a "improve" my profile post now.... i really feel like saying to them "how about just using a bit of personality and just actually trying a bit harder"... rather then just spoon feeding them pish!!!
so.... just be mean and moody to your hearts content in this thread "
...and your point is?  |
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Something that relly grates with me, gets me utterly enraged, totally go off on one when...
...I buy a new automatic pencil that says it's HB, but the leads are hard as diamond and etch themselves into the paper!!!!! wtf!!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!!
Phew! Thanks Fabio, I needed that... deep breaths...  |
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By *ruitWoman
over a year ago
near kings lynn |
I would like to moan about people not reading my profile and winking at me when I dont want winks and also want to know when _abio is geting his ass and the rest of him to east anglia which ispast the mids and to the left |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I would like to moan about people not reading my profile and winking at me when I dont want winks and also want to know when _abio is geting his ass and the rest of him to east anglia which ispast the mids and to the left "
your lovely _ruit xx |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I had to go back to work today after being off sick- would rather still be on the antibiotics than go round properties taking pics and recording urine, faecal and blood spillage |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I've been on annual leave for a month and today was my first day back. I want to moan to the gods for not letting me win the lottery. I wont to moan to God for opening the heavens this morning and making me look like a drowned rat by the time I got to the station. I want to moan about the fact my staff had post dated a months worth of letters waiting for me to read and sign off. I want to moan that I've had to give up my office and share with my boss. I want to moan that IT have put my pc at an angle so I can't have a crafty look at FAB now as my boss can see my screen.
I want to moan about people who moan about what others have on their profiles.
I'm sick of single men asking women what they should put on their profile...if you don't know how should I.
I want to moan too about all these damned "what do you want to do ...." type threads. Some of you can't afford to lose any more grey cells, trust me.
And breath...oooooh thank you Fabio, I feel so much better now.
Tra la la!!!  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I want to moan about those threads too. Im all for freedom of speech and I accept its not up to me what others post and if I dont like it dont look etc etc, but they make me swear when I see them. They are so mind numbingly boring, every single one of them. What annoys me to is people are trying to type something a little different thinking we wont notice its the same kind of fucking bollocking thread (sorry its getting to me).
theres not point in them. No one is gonna say, no dont want to fuck the person above cos its starts nastiness and gets out of hand, so everyone says yes and its all a load of absolute lying tosh.
Bloody hell i miss the married men, kissing (though I see a new kissing one up, and the cliques ones, bring em back  |
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By *ruitWoman
over a year ago
near kings lynn |
My moan (yes another one) happened a few hours ago. My neighbour brought my green bin back to my house as he normally does as I had put it out by mistake and should be next week.
He brought it to my door and knocked to show me my bin which was full to the brim of someone else crap(not recycling)
I then politely told him it wasnt mine but then realised it was and some a hole had filled it with their crap.
The top of the bin I noticed something that had been on the lady on the corners front study windowsill so instantly knew where the stuff came from. She is moving by the way.
I stormed to her door furious and ready to give her shit for over filling my bin with her crap. Dog barked but no lady in. So I storm to the wall seperating her backgarden with the wall to our carpark. So then promptly chucked everything she dumped into my bin into her back garden leaving only my recycle stuff in my bin and put the bin back in my gsrden.
I felt seriously better and will smile as I walk past her garden in the morning with all her crap chucked in it including her sons high school old work I guess and loads of newspapers.
I really hop it rains tonight.
Am calm now.  |
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By *emmefataleWoman
over a year ago
dirtybigbadsgirlville |
Single men whinging about other single men whinging.
Women who wear flat shoes.
People who message me and ask me to keep the message quiet from my partner.
Single men who need to grow a pair of bollox
Metrosexual men.
Men who wear Joop aftershave.
Il be back with more FABIO, HAVE NO FEAR!!!  |
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This probably won't make any sense to anybody else, so I recommend stopping reading here and jumping to the thread below.
My rant is about my son's medical condition. He's coping with it brilliantly, but I'm not.
And to all the fucking cunts who stop and stare when he's out and about in public, sometimes I really really want to walk up to you and fucking well twat you one for being so cuntishly insensitive. You can see he's only young, and yes he does stuff that your darling fucking kids don't do in the middle of the supermarket.... so fucking what?!? Get the fuck out of my way and leave us the fuck alone!
And relax...
Erm, move along. There's nothing to see here. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Forum Mod |
I have one now,men who slag off other men in the forums and agree with everything the women say(even if its a pile of crap) to make themselves look better
I can leave this thread now I feel I have contributed properly
Thanks Fabio  |
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By *aucy3Couple
over a year ago
glasgow |
great idea _abio.the problem is,i like to moan,whinge,and whine a lot.so one thread,will probably not be enough.
besides,it's good to spread the whinge.it gives everybody,an equaul oportunity.to see what a moaning,whinging,whining git i am.
thanks anyway fab xx
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
We just want to whinge about... whinging, moaning (not the sexual kind) whining, bitching, envy, ego-massaging, jealousy, bullying and nastiness that goes on in everyday life.
Just wish a few people would climb out of their own backsides and realise that there is more sunshine to be seen when they witness a smile other than staring at the fake beam coming from the 9v bulb someone managed to shove up their rectum whilst pretending to kiss their ass
...and to the spotty-faced chav that pulled out in front of B's car today causing her to skid mark the road and her pants simultaneously... you can join the middle lane with the rest of the morons that shouldn't hold a licence to drive.
Our rant is over
Thanks Fabio xx |
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By *abio OP Man
over a year ago
Newcastle and Gateshead |
Can I just say 2 things...
1) 70 minutes left of blue monday.. so last chance to get it all off your chest!
2) oi... I like Joop and you lot have left me heartbroken!!!!  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Ok better put my moan in now before it's too late
I'm menopausal so at the moment have to play it day by day never knowing if and when it's going to happen, so can't plan meets in advance, which is buggering everything up! |
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"is that one joop in particular or all the joop scents including the lady ones
all of em theyre vile
The perfumes or the men? The scent of Joop, only fit for a juvenile, yuk!!! "
Phew, it's a good job I don't wear it, eh?
Any thoughts about Thierry Mugler...? I mean his perfumes, not him personally |
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"My life is perfect i have nothing to moan about "
I'm jealous of you. That's the state I'm aspiring to get to.... I've not quite reached it yet though.
Had a couple of set backs along the way But I'm getting there. |
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"My life is perfect i have nothing to moan about
I'm jealous of you. That's the state I'm aspiring to get to.... I've not quite reached it yet though.
Had a couple of set backs along the way But I'm getting there."
its about realising the setbacks are not a reason not to love your life,i have plenty of shit going on,but really off the things i can change which are the only things worth bothering about,i just say,live in the now and embrace it. |
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By *habsMan
over a year ago
Fortress of Solitude, Middlesex |
Ok, I'll have a moan...
Its 2011, the age of human and social advancement, and here we find ourselves on a swingsite.. and STILL...
.. quite a lot of women expect a lot of men (as a rule of thumb) to do the chasing and running.
For the record: I don't do chasing!
My reasons:
1) If A notices and fancies B, then A should make the first move, or at least a nudge or wink that "Hey!", irrespective of whether A or B is the male or female (none of this "I'm female, he should chase me!" nonsense)
2) Women today have every right, power, freedom of expression and choice - so why not use some rather than take the back seat and STILL wait for guys to figure it out? You've seen him, give him the nod if nothing else.
3) The risk of rejection lives with us all - deal with it.
4) I do not believe in chasing someone who does not want to be caught. If I've been "chasing" her for a while and she's running the other wai inthe name of "playing hard to get" (on a swing site???) then she clearly doesn't want ot be caught.
5) By the time I've chased, for months (in some cases, years) I'm knackered, she's paired-up and decided only meeting couples, and am left wondering if it was worth the 2 dozen months of chasing. Geeeeeeee-zus! I'd be knackered,.. I'm not a Salmon!
There, got it off my chest. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
People telling other people what they should and shouldnt do when they are newbies themselves - especially single guys
Single guys moaning because theyve put a forum post up asking for opinions but get arsey when they dont like some of the responses
The patronising scan tills at Morrisons
The morons that continuously block my drive even when there are cars parked on it
The pig ignorant t*** that dont thank me when i stop my car to let them past may a thousand cows shit on them
People that dont read profiles
Guys that think because you are up early, you must be as horny as them
Guys that forget that you have a family to sort out and cant drop everything for them
But on the other hand a big thanks and well done to all the single guys that do listen when we tell them what improvements they could make to their profile  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Single men whinging about other single men whinging.
Women who wear flat shoes.
People who message me and ask me to keep the message quiet from my partner.
Single men who need to grow a pair of bollox
Metrosexual men.
Men who wear Joop aftershave.
Il be back with more FABIO, HAVE NO FEAR!!! "
Please dont count those that work shifts in a pub all day as i couldnt wear heels even if they are so much sexier  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I'd like to moan about Fabio!
When Are you actually gonna get your arse down to the Midlands, and come out to play!
There, rant over "
Here here, perhaps we should post the train and bus timetables for him  |
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By *ruitWoman
over a year ago
near kings lynn |
Clever p[eople on here that read a forum thread and then remember the poster from another post they did and then are able to pretty much quote it and remember if the person has left and made another profile and how mnay time when I am totally oblivious!! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Clever p[eople on here that read a forum thread and then remember the poster from another post they did and then are able to pretty much quote it and remember if the person has left and made another profile and how mnay time when I am totally oblivious!!"
That bugs the hell out of me too! I can't remember what I did yesterday let alone five weeks ago at 4.23pm!  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Clever p[eople on here that read a forum thread and then remember the poster from another post they did and then are able to pretty much quote it and remember if the person has left and made another profile and how mnay time when I am totally oblivious!!
That bugs the hell out of me too! I can't remember what I did yesterday let alone five weeks ago at 4.23pm! "
Sometimes though, if its a newbie, one remembers them and their quotes, especially if they get arsey with people, also i believe that if one clicks the little green arrow next to their name, it lists where they have posted on, problem solved  |
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