FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > Green Party Manifesto
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"Quite scary stuff here. Even more so when you think that 11% of the population have their support. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/green-party/11356354/Drugs-brothels-al-Qaeda-and-the-Beyonce-tax-the-Green-Party-plan-for-Britain.html For those who can't be bothered to copy and paste here are some highlights... In the short term, a Green administration would impose a string of new taxes, ramp up public spending to unprecedented levels and decriminalise drugs, brothels and membership of terrorist groups. In the long term, they want to fundamentally change life as we know it." Taxes are shit, but they'll go up whichever party is in. Can't see who this will affect more or how though. Drugs are pretty much decriminalised anyway because we prefer to treat drug problems with rehabilitation rather than punishment because punishment doesn't work very well. Brothels are safer than 'walking the street', not sure people like having sex or earning money by offering sexual services though so it could cause problems here. ![]() "They want a zero growth economy (even Zkarl Marx accepted that growth was needed)." Meh, marx shmarx, old news, get with the times and how the economy is messing up the planet. "The flagship policy is an unconditional, non-withdrawable income of £71 a week for everyone living in Britain “as a right of citizenship”, regardless of wealth or whether they are seeking work." Omfg, everyone will be entitled to money and no sanctions....fucking miracle, i am voting these people in. They know exactly how to fix an economy and keep money flowing, especially to the people needing it. I love you greens, mwah, mwah, mwah...etc. ![]() "Under Green plans, inheritance tax – “to prevent the accumulation of wealth and power by a privileged class” – will no longer just tax the dead. Under radical reforms, it will cover gifts made while the giver is still alive – raising the prospect of levies on cars, jewellery or furniture given by parents to their children. " Yeah, yeah more taxes, that's cool. I'm actually quite spiritual and don't see the point in owning things, so this is ok to me. "The trade and cultivation of cannabis will be decriminalised under Green policy, along with possession of Class A and B drugs for personal use. Anti-rave laws would be scrapped. Higher taxes will be brought in on alcohol and tobacco, and a complete alcohol advertising ban imposed. All elements of the sex industry will be decriminalised, and prostitutes could no longer be discriminated against in child custody cases. The Greens also want to see “significantly reduced” levels of imprisonment, with jail only used when there is a “substantial risk of a further grave crime” or in cases where offences are so horrific that offenders would be at risk of vigilantes. Prisoners will be given the vote." Progressive thinking. I do like this. Think i'm a bit old for raves but giving people autonomy is great. When you give people more freedom they make better choices, especially if you add in the rehabilitation mentioned earlier. "The Greens will aim for all energy to be supplied from renewables, with wind the main source of power by 2030." Not sure about this. I like how we can recycle poop waste for fuel, those windmills look nice but seem a bit flimsy. "Under a new hierarchy for transport, pedestrians and bikes come first – and aeroplanes last." Yeah, less pollution, fitter people, good, good. The law already says humans have priority over vehicles anyway, so next time you see an old lady waiting to cross the road let them across or you're breaking the law (probably). "Buses and trains will be electric by 2030, while taxes and regulations will be imposed to force people to buy smaller, lighter and less-powerful cars." I don't have a car so this is good. "No more new airports or runways will be built, and existing ones nationalised." Cool. Hope this works and brings prices down, although with my extra £71 a week i can afford the prices now. "All new homes and businesses must by law provide bicycle parking." Er ok. Possibly pointless. "Helicopter travel would be regulated “more strictly”. The sale of alcohol on planes and airports will be tightly restricted to prevent air-rage, and the air on inbound flights tested for disease." Ugh, i won't be able to pick up my kids from school in my helicopter any more? I don't drink, but seeing as they're taxing alcohol more they might have cut their nose to spite their face here. Disease testing, making me safer? Cool. "Advertising of holiday flights will be controlled by law to halt the “promotion of a high-carbon lifestyle”. New taxes would be imposed on carriers to reduce passenger numbers." Does need an overhaul (worldwide really), they haven't been profiting for ages now and been propped up by taxes for ages because of it. "Britain will leave NATO, end the special relationship with the US, and unilaterally abandon nuclear weapons. A standing army, navy and airforce is “unnecessary”. Bases will be turned into nature reserves and the arms industry “converted” to producing windturbines." 'Merica. Kind of concerned we will become a terroirist nation and war target if this happens. "“We will work to create a world of global inter-responsibility in which the concept of a 'British national' is irrelevant and outdated.” A Green Government will “progressively reduce” border controls, including an amnesty for illegal immigrants after five years. " Nice one. If anyone has managed to hide in this country for 5 years and escape evasion they must be intelligent and have a good network outside of the system, well done guys, come big up our country. Yeah, nice to hear this stuff. Would have loved more details but sounds alright tbh. | |||
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" Buses and trains will be electric by 2030, while taxes and regulations will be imposed to force people to buy smaller, lighter and less-powerful cars." This alone would cost them my vote. Politicians are elected to serve the people. I won't have some politician telling me what sort of car I can or can not drive. Last time I checked we lived in a democratic free country. | |||
" Buses and trains will be electric by 2030, while taxes and regulations will be imposed to force people to buy smaller, lighter and less-powerful cars. This alone would cost them my vote. Politicians are elected to serve the people. I won't have some politician telling me what sort of car I can or can not drive. Last time I checked we lived in a democratic free country. " Bigger engine - more tax, it's exactly what happens already. | |||
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"Is that the actual manifesto or a journalistic interpretation of it with a smattering of spin thrown in for good measure ? " . There's the usual, but it ain't worth arguing with them!. | |||
"Is that the actual manifesto or a journalistic interpretation of it with a smattering of spin thrown in for good measure ? " . They always argue with ooooooo wind mills everywhere and ooooh I bet you drove here you hypocrite. All you can do is keep smiling and keep telling people who want to listen the point of the policy | |||
"If you want to see the Greens in action, take a look at Brighton.... a glimpse into how bad it could be... and its going downhill fast!" How bad is it? I can't get there atm. | |||
"Quite scary stuff here. Even more so when you think that 11% of the population have their support. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/green-party/11356354/Drugs-brothels-al-Qaeda-and-the-Beyonce-tax-the-Green-Party-plan-for-Britain.html For those who can't be bothered to copy and paste here are some highlights... In the short term, a Green administration would impose a string of new taxes, ramp up public spending to unprecedented levels and decriminalise drugs, brothels and membership of terrorist groups. In the long term, they want to fundamentally change life as we know it. They want a zero growth economy (even Zkarl Marx accepted that growth was needed). The flagship policy is an unconditional, non-withdrawable income of £71 a week for everyone living in Britain “as a right of citizenship”, regardless of wealth or whether they are seeking work. Under Green plans, inheritance tax – “to prevent the accumulation of wealth and power by a privileged class” – will no longer just tax the dead. Under radical reforms, it will cover gifts made while the giver is still alive – raising the prospect of levies on cars, jewellery or furniture given by parents to their children. The trade and cultivation of cannabis will be decriminalised under Green policy, along with possession of Class A and B drugs for personal use. Anti-rave laws would be scrapped. Higher taxes will be brought in on alcohol and tobacco, and a complete alcohol advertising ban imposed. All elements of the sex industry will be decriminalised, and prostitutes could no longer be discriminated against in child custody cases. The Greens also want to see “significantly reduced” levels of imprisonment, with jail only used when there is a “substantial risk of a further grave crime” or in cases where offences are so horrific that offenders would be at risk of vigilantes. Prisoners will be given the vote. The Greens will aim for all energy to be supplied from renewables, with wind the main source of power by 2030. Under a new hierarchy for transport, pedestrians and bikes come first – and aeroplanes last. Buses and trains will be electric by 2030, while taxes and regulations will be imposed to force people to buy smaller, lighter and less-powerful cars. No more new airports or runways will be built, and existing ones nationalised. All new homes and businesses must by law provide bicycle parking. Helicopter travel would be regulated “more strictly”. The sale of alcohol on planes and airports will be tightly restricted to prevent air-rage, and the air on inbound flights tested for disease. Advertising of holiday flights will be controlled by law to halt the “promotion of a high-carbon lifestyle”. New taxes would be imposed on carriers to reduce passenger numbers. Britain will leave NATO, end the special relationship with the US, and unilaterally abandon nuclear weapons. A standing army, navy and airforce is “unnecessary”. Bases will be turned into nature reserves and the arms industry “converted” to producing windturbines. “We will work to create a world of global inter-responsibility in which the concept of a 'British national' is irrelevant and outdated.” A Green Government will “progressively reduce” border controls, including an amnesty for illegal immigrants after five years. " Makes Michael Foot's 1983 Labour manifesto look normal. | |||
"Quite scary stuff here. Even more so when you think that 11% of the population have their support. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/green-party/11356354/Drugs-brothels-al-Qaeda-and-the-Beyonce-tax-the-Green-Party-plan-for-Britain.html For those who can't be bothered to copy and paste here are some highlights... In the short term, a Green administration would impose a string of new taxes, ramp up public spending to unprecedented levels and decriminalise drugs, brothels and membership of terrorist groups. In the long term, they want to fundamentally change life as we know it. They want a zero growth economy (even Zkarl Marx accepted that growth was needed). The flagship policy is an unconditional, non-withdrawable income of £71 a week for everyone living in Britain “as a right of citizenship”, regardless of wealth or whether they are seeking work. Under Green plans, inheritance tax – “to prevent the accumulation of wealth and power by a privileged class” – will no longer just tax the dead. Under radical reforms, it will cover gifts made while the giver is still alive – raising the prospect of levies on cars, jewellery or furniture given by parents to their children. The trade and cultivation of cannabis will be decriminalised under Green policy, along with possession of Class A and B drugs for personal use. Anti-rave laws would be scrapped. Higher taxes will be brought in on alcohol and tobacco, and a complete alcohol advertising ban imposed. All elements of the sex industry will be decriminalised, and prostitutes could no longer be discriminated against in child custody cases. The Greens also want to see “significantly reduced” levels of imprisonment, with jail only used when there is a “substantial risk of a further grave crime” or in cases where offences are so horrific that offenders would be at risk of vigilantes. Prisoners will be given the vote. The Greens will aim for all energy to be supplied from renewables, with wind the main source of power by 2030. Under a new hierarchy for transport, pedestrians and bikes come first – and aeroplanes last. Buses and trains will be electric by 2030, while taxes and regulations will be imposed to force people to buy smaller, lighter and less-powerful cars. No more new airports or runways will be built, and existing ones nationalised. All new homes and businesses must by law provide bicycle parking. Helicopter travel would be regulated “more strictly”. The sale of alcohol on planes and airports will be tightly restricted to prevent air-rage, and the air on inbound flights tested for disease. Advertising of holiday flights will be controlled by law to halt the “promotion of a high-carbon lifestyle”. New taxes would be imposed on carriers to reduce passenger numbers. Britain will leave NATO, end the special relationship with the US, and unilaterally abandon nuclear weapons. A standing army, navy and airforce is “unnecessary”. Bases will be turned into nature reserves and the arms industry “converted” to producing windturbines. “We will work to create a world of global inter-responsibility in which the concept of a 'British national' is irrelevant and outdated.” A Green Government will “progressively reduce” border controls, including an amnesty for illegal immigrants after five years. Makes Michael Foot's 1983 Labour manifesto look normal. " as normal as a man in his underpants called _unchbox with half a loaf on.... The concept of normal varies greatly amongst the population. | |||
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"I'm thinking the Greens and a couple of commentators on here have been smoking a bit too much of the green. While I absolutely agree the world needs wholesale change when it come to politics and politicians, and that change is coming, whether we are ready for it or not. The greens have a voice, tiny though it is, it is one of many little squeaks being heard and that's all it will ever amount to, a little squeak, barely heard above the ruckus. Clegg and his cronies are destined to join them once again. UKIP will be the kingmaker at the next election, unless the public take matters into their own hands and day by day, that looks increasingly likely. the major parties, not just in the UK, but across Europe and further afield are in for a very rude awakening this year." . Squeak squeak. Tell me which party is confronting depleted resources, climate change, energy, pollution, welfare, population growth.... No summer sea ice this year maybe! Never mind let's discuss financial rewards for fracking?. The most acidic oceans for 15 million years! Never mind let's talk about potholes. Worst floods for a hundred years. Let's talk about river dredging. Volatile oil prices, banking crises, air pollution, glacier reduction..... Don't worry... Watch corrie, drink some cheap alcohol puke in the street. While we bend you over and fuck you up the arse, while blaming all the problems on gypsies which we let in so we could blame them. Yeah they've got all the answers ![]() | |||
"I'm thinking the Greens and a couple of commentators on here have been smoking a bit too much of the green. While I absolutely agree the world needs wholesale change when it come to politics and politicians, and that change is coming, whether we are ready for it or not. The greens have a voice, tiny though it is, it is one of many little squeaks being heard and that's all it will ever amount to, a little squeak, barely heard above the ruckus. Clegg and his cronies are destined to join them once again. UKIP will be the kingmaker at the next election, unless the public take matters into their own hands and day by day, that looks increasingly likely. the major parties, not just in the UK, but across Europe and further afield are in for a very rude awakening this year." If that was to me? Yeah i have a sense of humour. Never felt the need to personally criticise anyone though. Attack the argument, not the poster. Otherwise you look like you have no argument. Just about everyone in here has said nothing, just put a few random words with nothing to back them up (OP put a lot of words, with nothing to back them up). And this is why we have such a shit country, nobody really cares. Just make sweeping statements that mean nothing, just opinion. And everyone in power knows they are safe, even if they get voted out we still have to pay for them anyway. Politics is a joke, full of jokers who get away with whatever they want. And that's ok, if you aren't interested in affecting anything just carry on voting and carry on paying taxes, they like that. | |||
"Quite scary stuff here. Even more so when you think that 11% of the population have their support. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/green-party/11356354/Drugs-brothels-al-Qaeda-and-the-Beyonce-tax-the-Green-Party-plan-for-Britain.html For those who can't be bothered to copy and paste here are some highlights... In the short term, a Green administration would impose a string of new taxes, ramp up public spending to unprecedented levels and decriminalise drugs, brothels and membership of terrorist groups. In the long term, they want to fundamentally change life as we know it. They want a zero growth economy (even Zkarl Marx accepted that growth was needed). The flagship policy is an unconditional, non-withdrawable income of £71 a week for everyone living in Britain “as a right of citizenship”, regardless of wealth or whether they are seeking work. Under Green plans, inheritance tax – “to prevent the accumulation of wealth and power by a privileged class” – will no longer just tax the dead. Under radical reforms, it will cover gifts made while the giver is still alive – raising the prospect of levies on cars, jewellery or furniture given by parents to their children. The trade and cultivation of cannabis will be decriminalised under Green policy, along with possession of Class A and B drugs for personal use. Anti-rave laws would be scrapped. Higher taxes will be brought in on alcohol and tobacco, and a complete alcohol advertising ban imposed. All elements of the sex industry will be decriminalised, and prostitutes could no longer be discriminated against in child custody cases. The Greens also want to see “significantly reduced” levels of imprisonment, with jail only used when there is a “substantial risk of a further grave crime” or in cases where offences are so horrific that offenders would be at risk of vigilantes. Prisoners will be given the vote. The Greens will aim for all energy to be supplied from renewables, with wind the main source of power by 2030. Under a new hierarchy for transport, pedestrians and bikes come first – and aeroplanes last. Buses and trains will be electric by 2030, while taxes and regulations will be imposed to force people to buy smaller, lighter and less-powerful cars. No more new airports or runways will be built, and existing ones nationalised. All new homes and businesses must by law provide bicycle parking. Helicopter travel would be regulated “more strictly”. The sale of alcohol on planes and airports will be tightly restricted to prevent air-rage, and the air on inbound flights tested for disease. Advertising of holiday flights will be controlled by law to halt the “promotion of a high-carbon lifestyle”. New taxes would be imposed on carriers to reduce passenger numbers. Britain will leave NATO, end the special relationship with the US, and unilaterally abandon nuclear weapons. A standing army, navy and airforce is “unnecessary”. Bases will be turned into nature reserves and the arms industry “converted” to producing windturbines. “We will work to create a world of global inter-responsibility in which the concept of a 'British national' is irrelevant and outdated.” A Green Government will “progressively reduce” border controls, including an amnesty for illegal immigrants after five years. Makes Michael Foot's 1983 Labour manifesto look normal. as normal as a man in his underpants called _unchbox with half a loaf on.... The concept of normal varies greatly amongst the population." Coming from someone who hasn't bothered to upload any pictures themselves, i don't know if to take that as a compliment or an insult!. T | |||
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" If that was to me? Yeah i have a sense of humour. Never felt the need to personally criticise anyone though. Attack the argument, not the poster. Otherwise you look like you have no argument. Just about everyone in here has said nothing, just put a few random words with nothing to back them up (OP put a lot of words, with nothing to back them up). And this is why we have such a shit country, nobody really cares. Just make sweeping statements that mean nothing, just opinion. And everyone in power knows they are safe, even if they get voted out we still have to pay for them anyway. Politics is a joke, full of jokers who get away with whatever they want. And that's ok, if you aren't interested in affecting anything just carry on voting and carry on paying taxes, they like that." Well said. ![]() | |||
"Well said. ![]() Thanks. Hope i didn't offend anyone. Just don't see the point in discussing stuff without any actual discussion. | |||
"Well said. ![]() . Most people outside of the green party are completely unaware of the ecological disaster that is only a short step around the corner. For all the problems of jihadi John and extremism, they get an awful bigger share of news/press/general chit chat coverage, when was the last time you heard a conversation in a pub about the energy crises or the last serious documentary on the absolutely fucking pile of misery Fukushima is causing!. First rule of politics and news is don't mention the problems you have no answers for. ![]() | |||
"Most people outside of the green party are completely unaware of the ecological disaster that is only a short step around the corner. For all the problems of jihadi John and extremism, they get an awful bigger share of news/press/general chit chat coverage, when was the last time you heard a conversation in a pub about the energy crises or the last serious documentary on the absolutely fucking pile of misery Fukushima is causing!. First rule of politics and news is don't mention the problems you have no answers for. ![]() I don't even know what jihadi john is anyway. Don't drink and haven't watched any documentaries for a while (no tv here, but could watch them on the internet i suppose). Will probably see if Noam Chomsky talks about it anywhere coz i like listening to him and understand what he says. I'm well tired, been up since 2 am, gonna go to sleep. Would be nice if people researched more on why things are done a certain way and if other ways failed or were better, and from unbiased sources too (when possible). I love history, neuroscience, psychology and anthropology. Got so much knowledge about it (not times or people or places so much) but how things were, how it affected us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rnJEdDNDsI If anyone wants to be creeped out before bed watch that. Night. | |||
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"people go on and on about time wasters on here but now its official there's time wasters in politics as well. its easy to spot them there called the monster raving loony green party " and your solution to Fukushima is exactly what!. Maybe you've got a solution for climate change,c02 amounts, acidic oceans, sea life depletion... No! The only thing your doing is adding to the methane time bomb problem ![]() ![]() | |||
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"people go on and on about time wasters on here but now its official there's time wasters in politics as well. its easy to spot them there called the monster raving loony green party and your solution to Fukushima is exactly what!. Maybe you've got a solution for climate change,c02 amounts, acidic oceans, sea life depletion... No! The only thing your doing is adding to the methane time bomb problem ![]() ![]() global warming ? bring it on have you been outside in the cold | |||
"people go on and on about time wasters on here but now its official there's time wasters in politics as well. its easy to spot them there called the monster raving loony green party and your solution to Fukushima is exactly what!. Maybe you've got a solution for climate change,c02 amounts, acidic oceans, sea life depletion... No! The only thing your doing is adding to the methane time bomb problem ![]() ![]() . The term ‘global warming’ was first used in a 1975 Science article by geochemist Wallace Broecker of Columbia University. He wrote a paper called Climatic Change: Are We on the Brink of a Pronounced Global Warming(Note the use of the term climatic change). | |||
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" Buses and trains will be electric by 2030, while taxes and regulations will be imposed to force people to buy smaller, lighter and less-powerful cars. This alone would cost them my vote. Politicians are elected to serve the people. I won't have some politician telling me what sort of car I can or can not drive. Last time I checked we lived in a democratic free country. " ![]() ![]() | |||
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"I'm wondering how the plan to fund the £71 per person. To potential 30+ million people. That is gonna cost a minimum potential of £2,130,000,000. And that's before they included other welfare top ups to people that either can't work or can't find jobs" It costs something like 10bn more than the current welfare budget in total. A tiny amount when you consider higher tax for the wealthy and tax-evading corporations. Just gonna hijack this thread and say I fully support the Green Party and will continue to vote them. I don't see any other party providing us with anything different to what we have now, other than more fear and more censorship. No point being luddites and falling behind developing countries. Green Party are just what everyone else will be saying, in 20 years time, when its too late. | |||
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" What about large families that require 7 seaters... Are they going to be disproportionately taxed because they need the larger cars. I've not seen any pledge to increase the incentive to buy a hybrid or electric car.. which would be more to the point from the side of fuel efficiency and lower or no carbon emission cars. " It strikes me that living on an overcrowded island that cant produce enough food to feed its population and has a serious shortage of decent housing for those here already that policies that tax excess (including producing offspring) are a good idea. As for hybrid and electric cars, as I understand present technology, they are ecologically unsound when total carbon costs (including production) are compared to the latest generation of small low emission high efficiency petrol engines. Having said that I believe that the future lies in hydrogen fuel cells and that we should be pumping money into that technology. | |||
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"Quite scary stuff here. Even more so when you think that 11% of the population have their support. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/green-party/11356354/Drugs-brothels-al-Qaeda-and-the-Beyonce-tax-the-Green-Party-plan-for-Britain.html For those who can't be bothered to copy and paste here are some highlights... In the short term, a Green administration would impose a string of new taxes, ramp up public spending to unprecedented levels and decriminalise drugs, brothels and membership of terrorist groups. In the long term, they want to fundamentally change life as we know it. They want a zero growth economy (even Zkarl Marx accepted that growth was needed). The flagship policy is an unconditional, non-withdrawable income of £71 a week for everyone living in Britain “as a right of citizenship”, regardless of wealth or whether they are seeking work. Under Green plans, inheritance tax – “to prevent the accumulation of wealth and power by a privileged class” – will no longer just tax the dead. Under radical reforms, it will cover gifts made while the giver is still alive – raising the prospect of levies on cars, jewellery or furniture given by parents to their children. The trade and cultivation of cannabis will be decriminalised under Green policy, along with possession of Class A and B drugs for personal use. Anti-rave laws would be scrapped. Higher taxes will be brought in on alcohol and tobacco, and a complete alcohol advertising ban imposed. All elements of the sex industry will be decriminalised, and prostitutes could no longer be discriminated against in child custody cases. The Greens also want to see “significantly reduced” levels of imprisonment, with jail only used when there is a “substantial risk of a further grave crime” or in cases where offences are so horrific that offenders would be at risk of vigilantes. Prisoners will be given the vote. The Greens will aim for all energy to be supplied from renewables, with wind the main source of power by 2030. Under a new hierarchy for transport, pedestrians and bikes come first – and aeroplanes last. Buses and trains will be electric by 2030, while taxes and regulations will be imposed to force people to buy smaller, lighter and less-powerful cars. No more new airports or runways will be built, and existing ones nationalised. All new homes and businesses must by law provide bicycle parking. Helicopter travel would be regulated “more strictly”. The sale of alcohol on planes and airports will be tightly restricted to prevent air-rage, and the air on inbound flights tested for disease. Advertising of holiday flights will be controlled by law to halt the “promotion of a high-carbon lifestyle”. New taxes would be imposed on carriers to reduce passenger numbers. Britain will leave NATO, end the special relationship with the US, and unilaterally abandon nuclear weapons. A standing army, navy and airforce is “unnecessary”. Bases will be turned into nature reserves and the arms industry “converted” to producing windturbines. “We will work to create a world of global inter-responsibility in which the concept of a 'British national' is irrelevant and outdated.” A Green Government will “progressively reduce” border controls, including an amnesty for illegal immigrants after five years. " At the last German election they wanted to legalise incest and lower the age of consent to 14. A strong green party is a bloody nightmare. You buy a tin of paint here and it's like piss because they've got half of the ingredients banned. Bleach and any products containing it are banned for household use so we have to pay a fortune for crap cleaning products that don't work. Green Party? Be very careful what you wish for. | |||
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"Because the greens are not a social as the would have you believe. They are ideologically pashed for the supreme ecological agenda. Which is all well and good until you start forcing it on to people, like taxing people that buy larger cars more.... What about large families that require 7 seaters... Are they going to be disproportionately taxed because they need the larger cars. I've not seen any pledge to increase the incentive to buy a hybrid or electric car.. which would be more to the point from the side of fuel efficiency and lower or no carbon emission cars. They are socialists only skin deep. Beyond that they are just as capitalist as the other 4 main parties" I think that's the point though, force people to take a look at the damage their choices are making. Anybody here doesn't agree with a party or it's policies you can contact them direct on your own or start a campaign and get back up. Ask them to consider your ideas if you think they're better. Get involved by doing more than tick a box at election time. I always consider voting a bit like a political version of a popularity contest, because not everyone who votes is going to get the party they wanted and even if you did do you really agree 100% on everything they do? All political parties very much do have their own agendas that they try to push as law, sometimes they don't discuss things we think are in our interest, or they do so and come to a different conclusion. But without our input they won't know we care or what we want. Yeah it's hard work, gets easier as you get to know their system and how it works. Also, that £71 a week will be a standard payment for everyone because we do have an economic system and if you are born into it it's unlikely you'll leave it. Is it fair if anyone is forced to live in an economic society without any money? No it isn't, and it's stressful, it's cruel to even hint that your way of life will entail you have nothing. I'm guessing, from the info given in that article, that the unemployed will get no more help than they were entitled to before they change to this. But at least cruel sanctions cannot exist. We need to accept that demoralising people is cruel, it's not fair to scare people into thinking they will end up hungry and homeless, it's not fair to actually make them hungry or homeless either. Everyone has basic needs, and if we meet those (as has been more happening over time) then society becomes less violent, the people become more content and peaceful. _______________________________________ I've lived in poverty all my life, by chance and really by good luck i became wealthy a few years ago. Firstly, i'm not materialistic so it didn't really affect me too much, and it took me two years to leave the 'poverty' mindset because i'd never known anything but poverty, but i now have peace of mind for the first time in my life and it's an incredible feeling, especially compared to going hungry, worrying about bills and feeling stressed about things that shouldn't be stressful. I'm a lot worse off under this government by the way but still doing alright, not paying taxes in protest and they haven't got the staff to do anything about it so their cuts backfired for this government here, either that or they genuinely don't care that i pay them- either way it looks bad. This is why they want access to peoples personal information, so they can do what they want without any hassle and don anything they feel is justified, there's a law in place now where the gov. can access your bank and take out money they claim you owe (whether you owe it or not), don't think that's fair but hey we don't need privacy. | |||
"At the last German election they wanted to legalise incest and lower the age of consent to 14. A strong green party is a bloody nightmare. You buy a tin of paint here and it's like piss because they've got half of the ingredients banned. Bleach and any products containing it are banned for household use so we have to pay a fortune for crap cleaning products that don't work. Green Party? Be very careful what you wish for." Copy and pasting a previous argument into another argument is considered poor quality debating. Maybe elaborate more on what you felt a need to c&p or word it differently if you felt it was a good point but ignored unjustly. | |||
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"If you hadn't mentioned that this was the Green Party's manifesto OP, I might have mistaken it for that of the Monster Raving Loony party. On second thoughts, I don't think even the MRL Party are THAT bonkers!!!!" ![]() ![]() | |||
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"On the growth thing, we have finite piles of resources, (some replenish) so our clamouring for growth year on year just accelorates our consumption... And in the west most of us is consuming more than we should" . Exactly people just don't get the problems with growth or the challenges faced by stopping growth. | |||
"I'm wondering how the plan to fund the £71 per person. To potential 30+ million people. That is gonna cost a minimum potential of £2,130,000,000. And that's before they included other welfare top ups to people that either can't work or can't find jobs It costs something like 10bn more than the current welfare budget in total. A tiny amount when you consider higher tax for the wealthy and tax-evading corporations. Just gonna hijack this thread and say I fully support the Green Party and will continue to vote them. I don't see any other party providing us with anything different to what we have now, other than more fear and more censorship. No point being luddites and falling behind developing countries. Green Party are just what everyone else will be saying, in 20 years time, when its too late." . ![]() | |||
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"Just had a read of their pdf manifesto I can agree they have some good ideas but really bad ones. Their proposal to reduce motorway speed limits to 55mph is just ![]() . It's the most fuel efficient speed and produces less congestion. | |||
"Climate change is natural and mankind will not stop it. We are at present still coming out of the last Ice Age. In a few thousand years we will start to slip into a new Ice Age live with it that's what happens. The effect mankind has on this change is minimal and can safely be ignored. That is not to say that we should not control pollution for the beefit of health but don't try to scaremonger with dire warnings of rising sea levels due to man's pollution of the planet sea levels have been rising and lowering since the earth was formed." . No shit Sherlock. Last time I looked 26,000 climatologist said that according to current scientific data man made carbon is altering the climate and at an alarming rate. Not one scientist ever has said that climate change doesn't happen naturally. The evidence is based on man made carbon. Unless you've done your own research and had that peer reviewed by thousands of other experts, in which case let's hear it! | |||
"Climate change is natural and mankind will not stop it. We are at present still coming out of the last Ice Age. In a few thousand years we will start to slip into a new Ice Age live with it that's what happens. The effect mankind has on this change is minimal and can safely be ignored. That is not to say that we should not control pollution for the beefit of health but don't try to scaremonger with dire warnings of rising sea levels due to man's pollution of the planet sea levels have been rising and lowering since the earth was formed." ![]() ![]() | |||
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"No shit Sherlock. Last time I looked 26,000 climatologist said that according to current scientific data man made carbon is altering the climate and at an alarming rate. Not one scientist ever has said that climate change doesn't happen naturally. The evidence is based on man made carbon. Unless you've done your own research and had that peer reviewed by thousands of other experts, in which case let's hear it!" ![]() ![]() | |||
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"At the last German election they wanted to legalise incest and lower the age of consent to 14. A strong green party is a bloody nightmare. You buy a tin of paint here and it's like piss because they've got half of the ingredients banned. Bleach and any products containing it are banned for household use so we have to pay a fortune for crap cleaning products that don't work. Green Party? Be very careful what you wish for. Copy and pasting a previous argument into another argument is considered poor quality debating. Maybe elaborate more on what you felt a need to c&p or word it differently if you felt it was a good point but ignored unjustly." Yes to be fair I did use the same comments on another thread (re typed it rather than copy paste though) However it was Green party policy at the last German election (and the Euro Greens do tend to stick together) so on any Green party related thread or in reply to any Green party comment I think I am fully justified in repeating it. | |||
"I am not saying that we should not strive to be more efficient and cleaner but the UK impact on global "pollution" is microscopic." It is but many of the colonies follow our example. If we show the world that things can be different and times are changing, that impact is massive. Before it's too late anyway. Don't get hooked on the "Green" name and ethos. For me, that's the lowest priority of their regime. | |||
"I am not saying that we should not strive to be more efficient and cleaner but the UK impact on global "pollution" is microscopic. It is but many of the colonies follow our example. If we show the world that things can be different and times are changing, that impact is massive. Before it's too late anyway. Don't get hooked on the "Green" name and ethos. For me, that's the lowest priority of their regime." "Colonies follow our example?" I am not sure that is correct. The problem we have is that we have a mature, complacent and civilised western world and the developing world striving to achieve the same level. Cutting emmissions from the UK will be as effective as taking a bucket full of water out of lake windermere and execting the water level to drop. | |||
"I am not saying that we should not strive to be more efficient and cleaner but the UK impact on global "pollution" is microscopic. It is but many of the colonies follow our example. If we show the world that things can be different and times are changing, that impact is massive. Before it's too late anyway. Don't get hooked on the "Green" name and ethos. For me, that's the lowest priority of their regime." An admirable approach, but until China and the US agree to things like Kyoto then the rest of the world will argue if they aren't doing it why should we, until the point at which we screw things up so badly we are doomed anyway! | |||
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" Which is all well and good until you start forcing it on to people, like taxing people that buy larger cars more.... What about large families that require 7 seaters... Are they going to be disproportionately taxed because they need the larger cars. I've not seen any pledge to increase the incentive to buy a hybrid or electric car.. which would be more to the point from the side of fuel efficiency and lower or no carbon emission cars. " Ahem... Last time I checked wasn't road tax charged on what comes out at the back... So isn't the solution to mak bigger hybrid or electrics and stick charging points in all major cities and motorway service stations I don't mind many of their transport policies... Electric buses wouldn't be a problem.. An all electric train network would cost Also there are the only party to support the renationalises the trains | |||
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"Hello Fabio, unfortunately the people pushing electric transport and the people who have to supply the electricity don't seem to be talking, we have a serious shortfall in generating capacity which could become critical in a couple of years time. There is talk of new generating capacity being built but it takes years to build a base line power station. More wind turbines the greens will say, but I read a report this morning, on a day of our highest demand due to the cold the wind generated contribution was one percent, despite having an installed capacity of over twenty percent of our generating capacity. It is unreliable. Alec " . No one is saying wind turbines are the solution were saying we should build more so when the conditions are right we can get 50-60% generations, with gas fired as a measure to fill in, while we look to bring on hydro, wave, solar and geo. Nuclear as we now have is definitely a no go but we are curious to look at thorium and fusion, although these would be 20 year measures hence the need to reduce by tax and banning of some stuff for the current levels to be met. I'll be straight, there are no easy measures to meet c02 cutbacks, no magic wands, no secretly held back technology, it's just a case of cuts were we can and should regardless of whether it's a vote winner, in fact in spite no one likes it, it's the right thing to do in the long run. | |||
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