FabSwingers.com > Forums > The Lounge > TV's and Transsexuals
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"It sounds good, but would be tricky in reality to administer. Do you go on who has had surgery, who is on hormones, who's got a Dr's note, or who just feels they are in the wrong gender? Is it the responsibility of the profile holder to decide which box applies to them, or does someone at Fab put the stamp of approval on it? On Chix, I personally know a lot of girls who label themselves as TS, but aren't, as they feel it applies to them. I can imagine this site being similar. I think people would just look at the pics and decide if the profile holder fits their idea of what a TS should be. ![]() I agree with that Who does decide who's a TS and who's a TV, I know someone ho lives full time as a woman but has never taken hormones or has boobs would this person be allowed a TS profile? | |||
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"Since most of the guys looking for TS will feel let down when they don't look like Kelly Brook, maybe we should grade them. 10 for a Mrs Doubtfire or give them 1 when they look like an escapee from a porn movie!" I'll pay good money for the job of grading them ![]() | |||
"A bit of common sense goes a long way. They way I see it is: If a TV/TS/CD joins surely they want to be as genuine as possible so will choose the description best fitting. E.g a TS wouldn't choose CD and vice versa Obviously I understand there will be CDs choosing TS and chancing it but there is no way to police who chooses what profile when they join. How about we reverse the question and say would you support merging TV/Ts/Cd into one category If they weren't already? " Why would anyone be "chancing" it saying they're a TS when they're not. TS doesn't necessarily look any different to a TV. It may be a mental difference only. | |||
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" How about we reverse the question and say would you support merging TV/Ts/Cd into one category If they weren't already? " a transvestite is the same as a crossdresser ..absolutely no difference . | |||
" How about we reverse the question and say would you support merging TV/Ts/Cd into one category If they weren't already? a transvestite is the same as a crossdresser ..absolutely no difference ." But a transsexual is completely different........ | |||
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"For me it's quite simple: someone who psychologically identifies themselves as a woman and lives full time as such, whether on hormones or not, would go in the transsexual category. Anyone who has a 'man mode' would not." I agree | |||
"For me it's quite simple: someone who psychologically identifies themselves as a woman and lives full time as such, whether on hormones or not, would go in the transsexual category. Anyone who has a 'man mode' would not." . Well..sometimes it's not that simple. Some might feel they are a woman inside their manly physique... and yet, still live as a man - and proud of it. . All these labels are like amoeba..they will keep on dividing. As for this site, people should be able meet whoever they have mutual attraction to. . I think some of the posts above are spot-on. | |||
"For me it's quite simple: someone who psychologically identifies themselves as a woman and lives full time as such, whether on hormones or not, would go in the transsexual category. Anyone who has a 'man mode' would not. . Well..sometimes it's not that simple. Some might feel they are a woman inside their manly physique... and yet, still live as a man - and proud of it. . All these labels are like amoeba..they will keep on dividing. As for this site, people should be able meet whoever they have mutual attraction to. . I think some of the posts above are spot-on. " You've just described a transvestite. | |||
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"We are all Men in Frocks,simple as that, this Trans heirarchy is a Web Invention..." Well said, I put on lace knickers & stockings for some guys who happen to like them. What box do I sit in (not the twat box which is how I sometimes feel) ![]() | |||
"Since most of the guys looking for TS will feel let down when they don't look like Kelly Brook, maybe we should grade them. 10 for a Mrs Doubtfire or give them 1 when they look like an escapee from a porn movie! I'll pay good money for the job of grading them ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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". There is a big difference between TV and TS. " but for this site i dont feel its important enough to have a separate section. i mean most guys dont even read profiles anyway so you think they'll be bothered ? if i guy is specifically looking for a TS then he can go to a TS site | |||
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"it really is about time this site separated TV's from Transsexuals there is a world of difference,basically transexual WOMEN have breasts TV's dont!! besides other difference's ![]() thats what tvchix is for kentgardener here | |||
"If you have a penis your a man, don't care how you try to dress it up. If I wore a white coat and had a stethoscope around my neck dose that make me a doctor ? " I'm noticing a trend in your comments on TG threads. | |||
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"If you have a penis your a man, don't care how you try to dress it up. If I wore a white coat and had a stethoscope around my neck dose that make me a doctor ? I'm noticing a trend in your comments on TG threads. " ![]() | |||
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"Beg to differ there on tv an cd being same tv to me is one likes dressing a 90% of there time a cd only dresses for a little of the time an wen an where" well u are entitled to your own definition but here's the actual definition "Magnus Hirschfeld coined the word transvestism (from Latin trans-, "across, over" and vestitus, "dressed") to refer to the sexual interest in cross-dressing" | |||
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"There's absolutely nothing to stop a TS lady filling out a female profile if they want to be seen as a woman rather than as a TS (or vice versa for transguys) and then just being selective about meets, just as there would be nothing to stop TV using a TS label. Being TS has nothing to do with physical appearance, it's just that some are more 'fortunate' than others in how well they conform to the norms of their adopted gender. A 20 stone rugby players could just as easily be transsexual as an 8 stone petit figured guy could feel as, manly as any other guy inside. Don't get me wrong, I fully agree there's a world of difference between enjoying slipping on a pair of frilly knickers and being unable to continue functioning as a person unless you make a change. Cause that's really what the difference is. It's really not possible for anyone other than the individual, setting up the profile to make the call of where they sit on, the trans spectrum and even they may not know. In the end there's no simple solution to this and the developers /site owners don't give a fig anyway so why would they make more hassle for themselves by creating additional categories? " spot on | |||
"There's absolutely nothing to stop a TS lady filling out a female profile if they want to be seen as a woman rather than as a TS (or vice versa for transguys) and then just being selective about meets, just as there would be nothing to stop TV using a TS label. Being TS has nothing to do with physical appearance, it's just that some are more 'fortunate' than others in how well they conform to the norms of their adopted gender. A 20 stone rugby players could just as easily be transsexual as an 8 stone petit figured guy could feel as, manly as any other guy inside. Don't get me wrong, I fully agree there's a world of difference between enjoying slipping on a pair of frilly knickers and being unable to continue functioning as a person unless you make a change. Cause that's really what the difference is. It's really not possible for anyone other than the individual, setting up the profile to make the call of where they sit on, the trans spectrum and even they may not know. In the end there's no simple solution to this and the developers /site owners don't give a fig anyway so why would they make more hassle for themselves by creating additional categories? " Absolutely spot on. The difference between a TS and a TV is in the persons mind and has nothing to do with a persons appearance. I thing a lot of people's views on this are influenced by trannie porn. | |||
"There's absolutely nothing to stop a TS lady filling out a female profile if they want to be seen as a woman rather than as a TS (or vice versa for transguys) and then just being selective about meets, just as there would be nothing to stop TV using a TS label. Being TS has nothing to do with physical appearance, it's just that some are more 'fortunate' than others in how well they conform to the norms of their adopted gender. A 20 stone rugby players could just as easily be transsexual as an 8 stone petit figured guy could feel as, manly as any other guy inside. Don't get me wrong, I fully agree there's a world of difference between enjoying slipping on a pair of frilly knickers and being unable to continue functioning as a person unless you make a change. Cause that's really what the difference is. It's really not possible for anyone other than the individual, setting up the profile to make the call of where they sit on, the trans spectrum and even they may not know. In the end there's no simple solution to this and the developers /site owners don't give a fig anyway so why would they make more hassle for themselves by creating additional categories? " I concur. ![]() | |||
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"I support keeping it as it is, as a transgender individual. It is an individual's own right to choose and denote their own gender anyway, regardless of whether others feel they are too masculine, big or flimsy for whichever they choose. If Fab introduced another change, it would mean all existing users to change their listing- and, until we all did, then it would mean that the categorisation was meaningless, as it would not be 100% accurate. Fab is about meeting others, and most users will spend some time discussing respective needs, prior to arranging a meet. We all know that often profiles are not read, but that still doesn't leave out the opportunity to ask any questions etc, that each may feel is needed. And some are right, that at a pertinent point, some of us may change our profile gender to female/male etc, without mention of an trans journey. That again is our right. It's not the responsibility of fab to police our gender identity transition, nor for any service provider to discriminate, which would be illegal, as we have protected characteristics. Think of it like being a listed building - Mz Titz and my own titz being Category 1 Listed Buildings, if we were historic piles. Not saying you've got piles, Tina ![]() My sentiments entirely. Now we that we have that sorted can we go back to the real question. "Why do straight guys keep messaging us"? ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"Cat among the pigeons time.... when i first joined i started with a female profile, afterall, all my legal documentation lists me as female, but i also stated in my profile that i was TS and awaiting the cock-chop OP. Before i even had chance to upload a single picture , my profile was reported and admin changed it to TV/TS, of course admin didn't bother to tell me, so every pic i uploaded for nearly a week was getting rejected 'because it wasn't me in the photo' (i was ticking female in the declaration ) So, TV/CD- pretty much the same, although one will dress far more often and for longer periods of time, sometimes even staying in the female format for a few days before reverting back to male mode, but essentially TV and CD will live part or most of life as a male. Some will dress for sexual kicks, some will dress just because they feel better or more comfortable in female attire, but all will revert to being male. TS, a whole world of difference, a TS will live their life full time 24/7 as the woman they are, they will have an overwhelming feeling inside that they should have been born female (or male if going the opposite way, FTM). Depending on their own stage during the transition, they could be anywhere from just starting their transition and therefore not yet be full time or on hormones to someone who is full time , on hormones and waiting for gender realignment surgery (GRS, or the cock-chop OP as i call it) to someone who is post operative and when naked , looks every inch as much a female as they truly are. Some TS women will decide not to have the surgery, that does not make them male, it does not make them TV either, and at some stage during the transition of ALL TS women, there is a requirement that they change their legal name (unless they choose not to be legally recognised as female in which case my own opinion would be that they are still TV with some TS tendencies ) Complicated? you bet it is. can this site, or any other site really split us up into our correct categories? YES, simply because a TS woman is just that, a woman. the categories really should be TV/CD and no category for TS because we belong in the female category. oh stop panicking, it's never going to happen anyway, but before you whinge and moan about TS and female being in the same category when some TS women still have a cock, just think how many men have a couples profile, and how many times you get messages from couples and arrange meets only to find the 'female' can't meet this time, maybe next time though. It doesn't matter what categories there are and for who, they will all get abused." Excellent post | |||
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"Cat among the pigeons time.... when i first joined i started with a female profile, afterall, all my legal documentation lists me as female, but i also stated in my profile that i was TS and awaiting the cock-chop OP. Before i even had chance to upload a single picture , my profile was reported and admin changed it to TV/TS, of course admin didn't bother to tell me, so every pic i uploaded for nearly a week was getting rejected 'because it wasn't me in the photo' (i was ticking female in the declaration ) So, TV/CD- pretty much the same, although one will dress far more often and for longer periods of time, sometimes even staying in the female format for a few days before reverting back to male mode, but essentially TV and CD will live part or most of life as a male. Some will dress for sexual kicks, some will dress just because they feel better or more comfortable in female attire, but all will revert to being male. TS, a whole world of difference, a TS will live their life full time 24/7 as the woman they are, they will have an overwhelming feeling inside that they should have been born female (or male if going the opposite way, FTM). Depending on their own stage during the transition, they could be anywhere from just starting their transition and therefore not yet be full time or on hormones to someone who is full time , on hormones and waiting for gender realignment surgery (GRS, or the cock-chop OP as i call it) to someone who is post operative and when naked , looks every inch as much a female as they truly are. Some TS women will decide not to have the surgery, that does not make them male, it does not make them TV either, and at some stage during the transition of ALL TS women, there is a requirement that they change their legal name (unless they choose not to be legally recognised as female in which case my own opinion would be that they are still TV with some TS tendencies ) Complicated? you bet it is. can this site, or any other site really split us up into our correct categories? YES, simply because a TS woman is just that, a woman. the categories really should be TV/CD and no category for TS because we belong in the female category. oh stop panicking, it's never going to happen anyway, but before you whinge and moan about TS and female being in the same category when some TS women still have a cock, just think how many men have a couples profile, and how many times you get messages from couples and arrange meets only to find the 'female' can't meet this time, maybe next time though. It doesn't matter what categories there are and for who, they will all get abused. Excellent post" ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"It would be much better to scrap the whole TV/TS, thing and replace it with a "Transgender" label. It's an umbrella term that fits us all, the HPW's the CD's, TV's and TS. But of course, some people would still piss and whine about it! ![]() ![]() | |||
"It would be much better to scrap the whole TV/TS, thing and replace it with a "Transgender" label. It's an umbrella term that fits us all, the HPW's the CD's, TV's and TS. But of course, some people would still piss and whine about it! ![]() Sorry to whine but does transgender not really only apply to TSs? Certainly I wouldn't apply the term to myself | |||
"But would the verification say: 'This person met my idea of what a TS is.' Or, 'I met this lady and they are smooth all over, have a lovely cock and a great figure.' " Happy to get the latter as a verification. I'm defo not TS. ![]() | |||
"It would be much better to scrap the whole TV/TS, thing and replace it with a "Transgender" label. It's an umbrella term that fits us all, the HPW's the CD's, TV's and TS. But of course, some people would still piss and whine about it! ![]() No because we're of the Transgender community xx Don't sell yourself short x | |||
"I support keeping it as it is, as a transgender individual. It is an individual's own right to choose and denote their own gender anyway, regardless of whether others feel they are too masculine, big or flimsy for whichever they choose. If Fab introduced another change, it would mean all existing users to change their listing- and, until we all did, then it would mean that the categorisation was meaningless, as it would not be 100% accurate. Fab is about meeting others, and most users will spend some time discussing respective needs, prior to arranging a meet. We all know that often profiles are not read, but that still doesn't leave out the opportunity to ask any questions etc, that each may feel is needed. And some are right, that at a pertinent point, some of us may change our profile gender to female/male etc, without mention of an trans journey. That again is our right. It's not the responsibility of fab to police our gender identity transition, nor for any service provider to discriminate, which would be illegal, as we have protected characteristics. Think of it like being a listed building - Mz Titz and my own titz being Category 1 Listed Buildings, if we were historic piles. Not saying you've got piles, Tina ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I don't know about the rest of you gurls but the Vast majority of guys who hit on Katie are married and straight...!!!!! Most say their wives won't wear sexy underwear, stockings and high heels for them any more and won't do anal or swallow. And if Katie goes to any local dogging spots then any male on male activity usually stops and katie is surrounded very quickly with cocks to service, again most of the guys have wedding rings on. | |||
"This thread highlights the fact that whether you separate them or not, people will still have different ideas on what each 'label' means. If the users if fab can't decide then what chance have the admin got. We couldn't care less whether it is separated as we will make our own minds up from the the profile and contact." . I agree with you. Someone who decide not to meet just based on 'labels' are not worth meeting in the first place. | |||
"It would be much better to scrap the whole TV/TS, thing and replace it with a "Transgender" label. It's an umbrella term that fits us all, the HPW's the CD's, TV's and TS. But of course, some people would still piss and whine about it! ![]() I'm not selling myself short and actually feel that saying I am is quite derogatory. I enjoy looking like a woman for sex but I feel no connection to woman kind, I do not consider myself transgender or a member of a transgender community. It's not any objection to the term. I just dont see how it applies | |||
" Sorry to whine but does transgender not really only apply to TSs? Certainly I wouldn't apply the term to myself" No, it literally applies to *anyone* on the transgender spectrum. It's not *my* rule...That's just wot it is! But Hey ho, if we can't agree on what we are, how the hell is anyone else supposed to! ![]() | |||
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"If you have a penis your a man, don't care how you try to dress it up. If I wore a white coat and had a stethoscope around my neck dose that make me a doctor ? I'm noticing a trend in your comments on TG threads. " ![]() | |||
"I support keeping it as it is, as a transgender individual. It is an individual's own right to choose and denote their own gender anyway, regardless of whether others feel they are too masculine, big or flimsy for whichever they choose. If Fab introduced another change, it would mean all existing users to change their listing- and, until we all did, then it would mean that the categorisation was meaningless, as it would not be 100% accurate. Fab is about meeting others, and most users will spend some time discussing respective needs, prior to arranging a meet. We all know that often profiles are not read, but that still doesn't leave out the opportunity to ask any questions etc, that each may feel is needed. And some are right, that at a pertinent point, some of us may change our profile gender to female/male etc, without mention of an trans journey. That again is our right. It's not the responsibility of fab to police our gender identity transition, nor for any service provider to discriminate, which would be illegal, as we have protected characteristics. Think of it like being a listed building - Mz Titz and my own titz being Category 1 Listed Buildings, if we were historic piles. Not saying you've got piles, Tina ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
" Sorry to whine but does transgender not really only apply to TSs? Certainly I wouldn't apply the term to myself No, it literally applies to *anyone* on the transgender spectrum. It's not *my* rule...That's just wot it is! But Hey ho, if we can't agree on what we are, how the hell is anyone else supposed to! ![]() In effect I wear fancy dress some evenings. I am no more transgender than the girl playing Peter Pan, or the bearded guy playing the dame, in a panto. If I actually wanted people to think I was female it might be a different matter. | |||
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"Excuse my ignorance, plus are most tv's/ts attracted to men or women? On this site it seems it's mainly men then are attracted to sexually.. ![]() don't panic,,mostly men,,your safe ![]() | |||
"Excuse my ignorance, plus are most tv's/ts attracted to men or women? On this site it seems it's mainly men then are attracted to sexually.. ![]() Depends on the individual. I myself like both but only play with guys when Nikki is playing. Infact the only time I play is when Nikki is out. But o digress. There is no way to pin it down as most are evolving as they go. I know I am xx | |||
"Excuse my ignorance, plus are most tv's/ts attracted to men or women? On this site it seems it's mainly men then are attracted to sexually.. ![]() What do you take me for,,,,its men I aint no lezza ![]() | |||
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"Hahaha I'm not worried! Just intrigued! My brother is gay and I know that he is a "top", and likes more feminine men, but wouldn't like a tv/ts. He also classes himself as a switch I believe. I wonder how many straight men would also be a switch with a tv/ts? It's interesting. ![]() oh ive never had a gay man chat me up,,they tend not to find my look attractive,some folk are just weird eh ![]() | |||
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"Excuse my ignorance, plus are most tv's/ts attracted to men or women? On this site it seems it's mainly men then are attracted to sexually.. ![]() I'm into equal opportunities fuckery ![]() | |||
"Hahaha I'm not worried! Just intrigued! My brother is gay and I know that he is a "top", and likes more feminine men, but wouldn't like a tv/ts. He also classes himself as a switch I believe. I wonder how many straight men would also be a switch with a tv/ts? It's interesting. ![]() ![]() Phew. I'd been worrying I might actually be gay but this confirms I can't be. You know I think you're attractive Mikki ![]() | |||
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"Would you class a guy who has sex with a tv/ts as gay or straight?? ![]() *Warning! Warning! Controversy Alert* ![]() | |||
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"it really is about time this site separated TV's from Transsexuals there is a world of difference,basically transexual WOMEN have breasts TV's dont!! besides other difference's ![]() There is a difference BUT who has the right to question what gender a person identifies themselves as?! Being a TS is not all about physical appearance. Mrs Dirty | |||
"Would you class a guy who has sex with a tv/ts as gay or straight?? ![]() Depends who's asking ![]() | |||
"Would you class a guy who has sex with a tv/ts as gay or straight?? ![]() Probably not as gay unless they only liked guys! Would you class a woman who has sex with a tv/ts as gay or straight?? (Or is bisexual an option?) | |||
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"Would you class a guy who has sex with a tv/ts as gay or straight?? ![]() Could be bi? | |||
"Would you class a guy who has sex with a tv/ts as gay or straight?? ![]() Yeah Thats what I'd go for I think. I Wouldn't say they were straight if they were sucking a cock and then fucking them ![]() ![]() | |||
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"it really is about time this site separated TV's from Transsexuals there is a world of difference,basically transexual WOMEN have breasts TV's dont!! besides other difference's ![]() i can understand what you are saying but like others have said where do you draw the line ![]() | |||
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"I know what you mean, I am sick and tired of being mistaken for a TS, can't they see I am a CD lol ![]() I've put it on my profile cos I get asked if I'm TS all the time. | |||
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