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strange phone call?
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i recived a phone call yesterday, a man said is that (my full name) i said yes, he was like i got some good news for you, looking on the goverment daterbase your name has come up for some money you are owed on a loan because of a payment proction thing (cant remeber the name)
he then said all he needed to do was conferm some details and he will send me some forms to fill out.
i explained i have only had one loan and never paid them back so i am sure i not owed any money but he was sure?
so he started to ask for me to conferm my name address bank stuff and that, so i said why dont u tell me the details you have on me and i will tell you if they are right or not, he seemed shocked at me asking this but said ok, then gave me a diffrent name then mine (even tho he used my full name at the start of the call, and a address and post code that was not mine,
i was saying. no, no, no to each thing he said he then asked again for more details i said, well i have just said no to eveything you have said as you have none of the details right, and then i hung up.
it was a call to my mobile from a mobile number, very strange. anyone got any idea what could have gone on here? i find it strange he used my full name then gave me a diffrent one when i asked him to tell me what info he has got on me???? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"i recived a phone call yesterday, a man said is that (my full name) i said yes, he was like i got some good news for you, looking on the goverment daterbase your name has come up for some money you are owed on a loan because of a payment proction thing (cant remeber the name)
he then said all he needed to do was conferm some details and he will send me some forms to fill out.
i explained i have only had one loan and never paid them back so i am sure i not owed any money but he was sure?
so he started to ask for me to conferm my name address bank stuff and that, so i said why dont u tell me the details you have on me and i will tell you if they are right or not, he seemed shocked at me asking this but said ok, then gave me a diffrent name then mine (even tho he used my full name at the start of the call, and a address and post code that was not mine,
i was saying. no, no, no to each thing he said he then asked again for more details i said, well i have just said no to eveything you have said as you have none of the details right, and then i hung up.
it was a call to my mobile from a mobile number, very strange. anyone got any idea what could have gone on here? i find it strange he used my full name then gave me a diffrent one when i asked him to tell me what info he has got on me????"
I got a similar call but it wasn't from a mobile. The caller rang my home number first (my number is unlisted) then my mobile.
He also gave me my full name, address and postcode and home phone number and asked about reclaiming any payment protection I may have paid.
I said I'd never taken out a loan but had paid it on a credit card. He said he'd send me the details in the post and I'd get the forms on Saturday, Monday the latest.
Wednesday, and still nothing. I didn't give him any information he didn't already have but it makes you wonder where these people get your number from: some of my friends don't have my home number! |
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My bank called me one time saying there was a suspected fraudulent activity on my account. The caller started to ask me to confirm my details and I said, “Well you called me, so why are you asking ME for my details?” this just went around in circles for a while with no break in the deadlock. So in the end I said, “Thanks for the information” and hung up. Next I phoned my bank, it turned out to be a genuine call from the banks anti-fraud department, they had in fact prevented my account from being cleaned out!
So for future reference with such a call, ask for the name of the caller and where they are calling from, also ask for the name of the company. If you get that far look-up the company and see if its real before contacting them.
Genuine debt recovery companies will try allsorts of tricks to try and trace people, I still sometimes get calls looking for people who previously lived at my house from more than 20 years ago!!! Debt recovery companies, and loans companies change hands from time to time, and typically all the paperwork goes with it and so old dead-ends get re-investigated.
Having said all that the call you received sounds like some kind of would-be scam. |
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just spoke to a freind about this and he said they can do it through your mobile registration and also something dogy has been going on over facebook with scammers too.
I don't give my detailes to anyone, I can however understand people being scammed like this. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
We had the same thing happen to us and the man on the end of the phone got quite angry when we wouldnt give out our bank details,
However he had most of them, full name, address and most of our bank card number but we rufused to give out the last few numbers and ended up reporting it to the bank and changing our cards, |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Had a similar phone call a few weeks back, again about payments plans and asking to confirm my DOB. Told her that this is strange as I've NEVER had a payment plan as they are a rip-off and then hang up. It's nothing but a con stay way clear.. |
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"Had a similar phone call a few weeks back, again about payments plans and asking to confirm my DOB. Told her that this is strange as I've NEVER had a payment plan as they are a rip-off and then hang up. It's nothing but a con stay way clear.." companies like comet etc when buying items ask you all this information about your address etc then sell your information onto various different organisations etc,unwittingly you have gave all your info to companies.thats why you get pestered,so in future tell them you are not giving them any details as your receipt will act as your guarantee etc.
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"..companies like comet etc when buying items ask you all this information about your address etc then sell your information onto various different organisations etc,unwittingly you have gave all your info to companies.thats why you get pestered,so in future tell them you are not giving them any details as your receipt will act as your guarantee etc."
whenever you go into a big store to buy stuff like big electricals,furniture etc they ask such a load of questions,phone numbers e-mail address etc then they sell it al on?,the bastards!,they had money from the sale of goods in the first place then the greedy gits want even more!. |
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At last a subject I can give some good genuine helpful advice.Just remeber databases and personal information is widely available to be bought by companies and individuals if you now wher to go. I was involved in "INFORMATION"and know precisley how these things work. He was one of these things:
Debt collection Agency - This where and old debt is sold on to an external agency (These range from legitimate service - to an individual who would break your legs for £5
Sales Person - A salesperson with limited information on you trying to sell you something (usually finance related )or attempting to update his database by gaining information by using simple question tehniques.
Con Artist /Scams - (Sounds like this was the most likely) An xample would be the "Nigerian "Ive got a lot omoney here in Nigeria but need £6000 to release it. Help me and ill give you £8000 back in 2 weeks.
Government Agency / Police/DSS - Oh yes fellow fabs people these do exist and are more active than you would ever know. Government Agncies are regulated by strict laws and codes of practice on gathering information so operate in grey areas . They can be gathering infomation on you, family , neighbours or suspects of various kinds to build up cases, Filling in blanks,Targeting individuals with "Form" Otherwise known in circles as the "Shit List" Yes it really Does exist.
Criminal/ Burglar/ Stalker/ or worse -
Now last but very not least is the most sinister of all. This is an individual or gang that has the intention of either robbing you in some away or intends to cause you or your family physical harm they are gathering information to build up a picture to enble them to succeed.
NOW THE GOOD NEWS !!!! There is a very easy simple way to Deal with ALL of the above in the same way which will either Kill it stone dead or make them veal their position.
1) When you answer the phone either home or mobile to a witheld or Unknown Number immediatly assume its a chancer and be on your guard BEFORE u answer.
2) Before he / she even gets into their stride STOP the conversation and ask them for a name and TELL THEM you are going to WRITE IT DOWN. If they refuse for any reason TELL THEM you are ending this phone call now and if they ring back your next phone call will be to the police. IF they do give it to you WRITE IT DOWN.
3)If they have given u a name (could be false)and hen you are still not happy or are asking questions about bank accounts etc. Again STOP the conversation there and then. NEVER give out financial or personal information to anyone unverified on the phone uner any circumstances. Having stopped the conversation you deliver the killer and final blow cleanly, calmly and not without a little satisfaction.
Be calm, Be Firm, Be polite, Be Positive
Say to them.
Please can you give me the following information. Im going to write it down in case i need to pass this information to the police if this cll is not genuine. PAUSE - STAY SILENT. They may ring off there and then. If not continue by saying I want the following
If in the unliely event they give you all 3 then verify on the land line no you have been given IMMEDIATLY.
If they refuse any of he above Refuse to speak any further put phone down straight away
He may well just end the call there and then
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When someone rings me and asks if its me by my full name i just say no thanks and put the phone down. If a genuine company want to get hold of me for something then they can send a letter otherwise it cant be that important |
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By *heWolfMan
over a year ago
warwickshire |
And register with the TPS. Any company that calls you out of the blue, fishing for work or sales, is BREAKING THE LAW, and you can take action against them.
Incidentally, the OP's call might not have been a scam, if the company that made it contacts 100 people a day, maybe 10 (probably 75!) of them have had recent loans, they might be in the category of people mis-sold loan insurance. The company will get that money back and take a cut, it's worth them trying the scattergun approach and making loads of calls.
They aren't scamming anyone, lots of people WERE mis-sold insurance, but you don't need help to get it, or sign up with agencies, you simply write to your lender and ask for it back. Most big lenders are writing to anyone who MAY have been mis-sold anyway, to ensure they comply with the law and reimburse everyone. This company probably is just using a bought database from somewhere that sells high-cost items, and assuming you will have got it on the knock, like so many of us have.
They are in the same vein as the people who keep texting me telling me I may be owed up to £4375 for my accident. What accident? And note the word "may". Just chancers, legit companies, but not helping do anything that anyone with half a brain can't sort for themself, for free.
Next time they call, take their name, ask them to strike you from their database, and that you will call the police if they call again. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Money started to be taken out of our account via our D C anyways small amounts 66.00 then 20.00 so went to the bank and found out some twat was up to their work... but we got all the money back within 24hrs,, only hassle was waiting on new cards and then got a phone call about it all asking for our details, told them that our bank had dealt with it and guess what ? they hung up |
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I had a phone call, got asked to confirm some details as I may have been owed some money, did the "If you rang me, then you must know the details" bit, so instead asked for the company details, callers name etc. Surprisingly I got all the info I needed, and checked them out.
They were legit.... and I got nearly £17,000!!!!!!!! Only problem is I cant get my hands on it as it is a pension and has to be transfered into a pension scheme, but I get it when I am 55.
So, although most of these calls ARE either telesales, info gathering or perhaps even scammers, every now and then one turns up trumps!!!!
Best advice.... do as advised and get the details of the person calling, the company etc, and check them out.  |
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