Last Christmas some bastard gave our eldest daughter the complete box set of all 148 episodes of D A ,,,,,about mid jan she sat down to start watching it and got hooked ,,,,,I would walk in from work ,,,,can I have the news on please ,,,,, no feck off , im watching D A , it will be over in 30 min .
About 20 episodes in then mindy has a look at the first one and is completely hooked ,,,,, only problem here is that she does have to work so she is now trundling through vast hours of crapness whilst im in the same vicinity / same room , So did eldest daughter wait for her mother to catch up ,,,,,,,NOT A FUCKING CHANCE
God I hate D A
did get my revenge one night when I told mindy that I had seen this bit as some burke was driving down the drive with a grin on his face ,,,,, told her that he wouldn't be in the next series ,,,,about 15 secs before he ploughs into a tree
and now theres a new series
think I need some therapy |