By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Here's the scenario:
Setting: some rejuvenated old town house somewhere in a part of town that's been cleaned up to be art nouveaux.
Local Council: some ex-hippy, bits of different coloured rags tied into her hair like a 70s throwback, and a policy to match.
Tenant: bunch of ex-uni students who could afford to be 'radicals' whilst they were at uni and Daddy was paying for it but now they're out in the big playground have realised that they need to earn some cash to survive but still stay true to their 'radical' beliefs.
Group Meeting: (realise just a dope-fest from their own cannabis farm in the attic)
Grunge-clothed, yellow toothed Leader:
Hey guys, we need some dosh man. We need an idea like to really push it.
Almost female, horn-rimmed glasses, goofy, fingernails painted black, starstruck by Leader she let's fuck her when he wants to:
Yeah, we need to really tell the "Establishment" that we got the message and we're gonna deliver it! Fuck yeah!
Ok, Brains, what's on ya mind cept sucking my cock babe?
We should print some t-shirts like, y'know, the sort that pisses em off!
I see where ya coming from man, er, woman, er, citizen. Like, have all the kids with t-shirts saying 'Fuck the government'
No man, that's sooo yesterday, we need OUR own message.
What's the message.... pass the joint will ya.
Sommat like "Hit men, they're wankers."
Yeah, I like it. Really pushes it out there dunnit.
It's these sort of tossers producing this shit. Then it gets taken up by the big guys like feckin TKMaxx who want to be 'radical' too coz they just hired some smart-arsed, lesbian bitch, head purchaser on a fuck load of cash and need to justify her pitiful existence.