I'm off work and just found out she is well worth one!
fekkinig lovely!
Ummmm, great thought to muse on
Anyone else got a 'worker' that - should just get invited in!...??? :D
I sometimes leave out some sweets or a bar of chocolate for my postie, but not because he's hot, more because he's reliable and we have an understanding about things that need to be signed for and where they can be left without me having to make a special trip 3 miles out of my way.
"so you wouldn't shag him or are you a feeder "
lol no, it's just one of the secrets of life. Look after people who look after you and you get better service.
I'd still like to shag her. She's got a gorgeous button arse. Probably from all the walking. Uniform wasn't too bad either ... hmmm think I may be infatuated a little