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Clown above me is starting to annoy me.....

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

All day all i have been getting is boom boom boom music non stop and its starting to make me sick, seriously its giving me a sore head!

I feel like bursting his door down but he's an unsavoury character in the area and i can't be upsetting him as him and his cronies will no doubt set about me

Fucking arsehole!!

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


thought this was gonna be one of those 'person above you threads'

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Many years ago Myself and my g/f had the same problem with the neighbours above ..

Fortunately the incoming cables to both properties and the electric companies cutout / meters were all in our understairs cupboard.

A swift pull of the company fuse soon settled them down

Perhaps their meters / incoming fusegear is in an outside cabinet ?

Not that I'm suggesting for one moment that you interefere with the electric companies equipment of course - but just in case you do - make sure when you pull the fuse, you pull it out 100% vertically (Reduces arcing)

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By *ebzStarWoman  over a year ago


I had an eejit that lived above me in london.

I worked nights and he didnt work at all.

So during the day ALL fucking day, i heard boom boom, rap rap crap, ting ting bang bang.

I had asked him on SEVERAL occaisions very nicely to NOT play his music all day on a Monday daytime.

Weekends i cant argue with cos you cant excpect anyone to be quiet on a weekend regardless of if they are working or not.

Well he ignored me for weeks on end and kept me awake.


I set my sterio on the loudest setting with my best classical CD in it - to go off at 5.45am.

And it went off for an hour,

Every morning,

Even when i was in, in bed with my ear plugs in ( could still hear him stamping on the floor cos he wanted his sleep).


I think he took about 2 weeks of that before he stopped playing his music on a monday AND tues and was even more quiet at the weekends.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Get a cbeebies cd and play that full blast, lol.

balamory at full blast is enough to do anyone's head in, lol.

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By *xstephbxxCouple  over a year ago


Ahhhhh.. now, find a high pitch mp3 sound and put it on repeat on your pc/lap top. Leave it running whilst you go out for an hour or 2...Volume up full of course.

Any complaints, just say you can hear it too, must be the electrics playing up etc,,,,

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By *etillanteWoman  over a year ago


Or if the cable is on the outside wall

Stick a needle through it

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

My old house about 8 years ago we had a gentleman of the twatt variety living next door. We moved into the house while I was 8 months pregnant.

I woke about 3am hearing boyzone played clearly as I woke singing the lyrics in my head thinking it was my radio.

I woke the other twatt man(who is now my ex) to go round and complain about the noise. June was very hot that year for a change.

The ex baulked at the idea and suggested he may get violent with him when knocking on his door to complain. So he thought it was a good idea if I(yes me heavily pregnant) went and knocked which I did. He apologised when I asked him to turn it down(he said his partner had left it on in the lounge) and he saw my massive belly protruding.

This carried on and was also incidents of his dog digging under the fence/knocking it down and getting into my garden. (I was a childminder so even worse)

During that year it was the football world cup or some flipping football permanent time. We had complained to the council as you do when it got really bad especially at 2 am most days when I had a small baby.

In the end the council came round with monitoring equipment to record the noise.

It was deemed that nout(fook all) could be done as it wasnt for an hour every day or something so wasnt classed as a nuisance!!!

I didnt threaten to get the address somehow of the officer and come and knock on his door with a radio playing near his front door but of course for less than an hour every day as it wasnt a nuisance.

This carried on and never got better and luckily we eventually moved for the exs job.

The joys!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Or if the cable is on the outside wall

Stick a needle through it"

Needs to go direct through the centre of the coax tho

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By *ebzStarWoman  over a year ago


"Get a cbeebies cd and play that full blast, lol.

balamory at full blast is enough to do anyone's head in, lol."

oh bejeezus!!!

Nearly as bad as Bob the Builder!!!


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"thought this was gonna be one of those 'person above you threads' "

Lol so did I!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago
Forum Mod

"Many years ago Myself and my g/f had the same problem with the neighbours above ..

Fortunately the incoming cables to both properties and the electric companies cutout / meters were all in our understairs cupboard.

A swift pull of the company fuse soon settled them down

Perhaps their meters / incoming fusegear is in an outside cabinet ?

Not that I'm suggesting for one moment that you interefere with the electric companies equipment of course - but just in case you do - make sure when you pull the fuse, you pull it out 100% vertically (Reduces arcing)


Hahahaha ill have to remind Rob to tell you a similar sort of story in october

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Thankfully the fanny has turned it off within the last 15 mins.

That was torture. I don't mind for a short while but all day it was thumping!. Well i assume it was as i went out earlier for a couple of hours and it was still on when i got back.

My head is thumping now and i feel like shite.

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By *eprobatepairCouple  over a year ago


If you lived nearer I could get a few mates around with our 100 watt Marshallsm Drumkit and 4000 watt PA system and serenade him with AC/DC and Ozzy Ozbourne for, oh, say 8 hours...

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By *umourCouple  over a year ago


Foiled!!! I thought this was a post about Notts!!!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Foiled!!! I thought this was a post about Notts!!!! "

He always seems to come on after midnight?

Is he not allowed out during the day?

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By *umourCouple  over a year ago


He is asleep in his coffin till the sun goes down!

(where did I put that stake and mallet?)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Many years ago Myself and my g/f had the same problem with the neighbours above ..

Fortunately the incoming cables to both properties and the electric companies cutout / meters were all in our understairs cupboard.

A swift pull of the company fuse soon settled them down

Perhaps their meters / incoming fusegear is in an outside cabinet ?

Not that I'm suggesting for one moment that you interefere with the electric companies equipment of course - but just in case you do - make sure when you pull the fuse, you pull it out 100% vertically (Reduces arcing)

Hahahaha ill have to remind Rob to tell you a similar sort of story in october "

looking forward to hearing this story - and to October

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By *emmefataleWoman  over a year ago


Try playing Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture on a loop.......

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


My solution to this problem is provided by Lemmy in his motorhead days and comes in a 7" 45 copy of "over the top" set on repeat play and left on at full volume while I go out for a walk (say 2 to 3 hrs. (Not been needed in many years, but has always worked in the past. LoL)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

When my youngest was a baby (only a few months old) the woman downstairs was dumped by her bloke and boy did we know about it - Celine Dions My Heart Will Go On all day and well into the night made sure we knew how unhappy she was!!

I got sick of going to her door and asking if she could turn it down and demanded Steven do something.

I was handed money and told to take the girls shopping for the afternoon and he would sort it out - very unusual thing then for Steven to hand me money and tell me to go shopping

Anyway off I went came back 3 hours later silence from downstairs - was fantastic, asked Steven what he did and was told "metalica full blast speakers on the floor"

She even had the gall to chap the door and demand he turn it down so he told her if she woke the baby again at 3.30am he would do it again.

We moved about a year later and never heard a peep from her again.

Sadly we moved to a flat where the guy downstairs has a set of decks and insists on playing duf duf duf stuff til midnight - well he did until one night my youngest (who was at school by this time) told me she couldnt sleep. I had asked him to turn it down a bit during the week, I had complained to his aunt, and his mother who owns the flat and nothing happened other than he got more annoying.

So this night I had had enough - I stomped thru and started jumping on the floor (not a good idea with my weight and dodgy floorboards lol) he got irate started shouting about he was recording and all he could hear was me thumping!! I screamed child TRYING to sleep wanna start with me?? he went all quiet

Few days later he had the brass neck to moan about my bed squeeking I said try living upstairs from you, now he turns it down at half 9!!

Moral of the story never mess with an overweight bad tempered woman


x x x

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By *ickmealloverWoman  over a year ago

a very plush appartment off junt 7 M5

"Or if the cable is on the outside wall

Stick a needle through it"

shocking lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"All day all i have been getting is boom boom boom music non stop and its starting to make me sick, seriously its giving me a sore head!

I feel like bursting his door down but he's an unsavoury character in the area and i can't be upsetting him as him and his cronies will no doubt set about me

we had this problem a few months ago with a totally unsavoury character,my husband asked him to tuen his music down but he never did,it was pissing john off.so when we went away for a couple of days john put the stereo in the passage right next to the ajoining wall of the houses,turned it up full blast.then set the program to play every hour on the hour.the cd was iron maiden cd by iron maiden.after two days when we got back,the neighbour was very angry,but he has not played his stereo loud since.lisa.

Fucking arsehole!!


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