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5 Facts about Immigration that May Surprise you

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman  over a year ago

The Town by The Cross


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Everything is unfairly portrayed by the media

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"Everything is unfairly portrayed by the media "
very true indeed

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By *riskynriskyCouple  over a year ago


I think facts can often be made to fit someone's point of _iew. I am sure that a large portion of immigrants do work hard. However near my work is a homeless shelter. So you get homeless people hanging around day and night. Over the last year or so the homeless have gone from being predominantly British to predominantly foreign...

Many of the British homeless are there through mental health problems or have run away from abuse. However many of the foreigners are there due to financial problems. To me it seems unfair to be helping people who are homeless due to travelling for financial gain when we should be helping people who really need it...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think facts can often be made to fit someone's point of _iew. I am sure that a large portion of immigrants do work hard. However near my work is a homeless shelter. So you get homeless people hanging around day and night. Over the last year or so the homeless have gone from being predominantly British to predominantly foreign...

Many of the British homeless are there through mental health problems or have run away from abuse. However many of the foreigners are there due to financial problems. To me it seems unfair to be helping people who are homeless due to travelling for financial gain when we should be helping people who really need it..."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *an_WoodMan  over a year ago


Give stats that are liable to interpretation and ask for a confirmed answer. I like your style of debate

Hope for fireworks on this thread.

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"I think facts can often be made to fit someone's point of _iew. I am sure that a large portion of immigrants do work hard. However near my work is a homeless shelter. So you get homeless people hanging around day and night. Over the last year or so the homeless have gone from being predominantly British to predominantly foreign...

Many of the British homeless are there through mental health problems or have run away from abuse. However many of the foreigners are there due to financial problems. To me it seems unfair to be helping people who are homeless due to travelling for financial gain when we should be helping people who really need it..."

we should be helping those who need help full stop...we shouldnt discriminate on the account that their immigrant's or they have a different colour of skin or something and how can one be sure that they havent left their respective countries to escape imprisonment or bodily harm...and if someone is willing to travel to a foreign land that they know little if nothing of then to me that's an indicationt that things are pretty dire where they come from and who's to say that they're not suffering from mental illness themselves as they must be pretty crazy to give up everything they know to come to a place where they're not welcomed and where they may also face verbal and physical attacks by intolerant individuals in this country.... of all the immigrants i've known in this country and a dozen other countries the vast majority work hard and contribute to the fabric of society which is more than i can say of a fair few of the natives of as much as a dozen respective countries ive had the fortune to live in united we stand...divided we fall

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.

every British person out of a job cost every tax payer more money to support these people out of work.

Its great we have some of the best Doctors from around the world working here.

Our NHS run perfect for many many years with British born Nurses who cared more for their patients then a lot of these agency nurses in my experience.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm not against immigration, I'm against the influx. The pressure that mass immigration to these shores has put on our infrastructure: our schools, hospitals, GP and community health services, roads and housing. This country was struggling to cope with the change of demographics (people living longer) and therefore a growing nation with growing health and social needs, before we opened our doors.

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"Give stats that are liable to interpretation and ask for a confirmed answer. I like your style of debate

Hope for fireworks on this thread."

just call me guy fawkes V for vendetta!Vi veri universum vivus vici!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i think that immigration is an absolute minefield. to be fair,few people understand the intricacies of the system. that leaves the entire topic to being spun and quite frankly exploited in order to fit someone's agenda. if you step back and look at the media, they prey on the emotional reaction of everyone. Political parties so the same.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.

every British person out of a job cost every tax payer more money to support these people out of work.

Its great we have some of the best Doctors from around the world working here.

Our NHS run perfect for many many years with British born Nurses who cared more for their patients then a lot of these agency nurses in my experience."

My Grandmother was a full-time nurse who came here from the Caribbean.

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By *extoysareusCouple  over a year ago

kinky heaven

Just another form of cheap labour. Which keeps people in low pay added to the fact of computerisations of the workforce you are branded a racist or bigot for thinking different

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Its not a case of stopping all immigration, as you say a large proportion of NHS workers and support workers are Immigrants, lots of low paid work in the food production industry is undertaken by immigrants, and this is good as they all pay NI and tax, they also spend their earning in the UK so help the economy.

The problem is the immigrants that come here soley for NHS treatment and benefits, this isnt just hyped by the media as government reports this to be happening on an increasing scale.

I believe that benefits and NHS free services should not be offered until an immigrant has worked and paid contributions for 3 years, until then they can pay an insurance to cover any medical costs, same goes for housing and other entitlements, if they lose the means to support themselves then they should be asked to leave, I dont consider this in any way as discrimmination just sensible practice.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think if we didn't have so many immigrants bleeding the NHP dry x would need non British medical staff !

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.

every British person out of a job cost every tax payer more money to support these people out of work.

Its great we have some of the best Doctors from around the world working here.

Our NHS run perfect for many many years with British born Nurses who cared more for their patients then a lot of these agency nurses in my experience."

lol truth be told ...there are enough jobs out there for those that want them...then again the general attitude is that alot of folk are not willing to do certain jobs in this country and what should be said of the millions of brits who go abroad a year to work in other countries and take jobs from the locals their and in many instances there isnt a "hand out" culture and infrastructure in place to reward people for not working.....and that's speaking from personal experience..... i cant think of one person i went to school with in this country who wanted to grow up to be a doctor....whereas i can think of so many ambitious individuals i went to school with in 3rd world countries....something to be said for that i guess....why strive to be a doctor when you can have an easy run of things? just saying

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Our NHS run perfect for many many years with British born Nurses who cared more for their patients then a lot of these agency nurses in my experience."

Wtf has agency nurses got to do with imigration, most will be British born.

You want British born nurses, then tell the politicians to stop fucking with the NHS and to put more money into educating here instead of fucking off to other countries and spending money bringing in the foreign nurses cos this country isn't producing enough, and nor will it cos the idiots have decided we only want degree nurses!!!

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By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"I think facts can often be made to fit someone's point of _iew. I am sure that a large portion of immigrants do work hard. However near my work is a homeless shelter. So you get homeless people hanging around day and night. Over the last year or so the homeless have gone from being predominantly British to predominantly foreign...

Many of the British homeless are there through mental health problems or have run away from abuse. However many of the foreigners are there due to financial problems. To me it seems unfair to be helping people who are homeless due to travelling for financial gain when we should be helping people who really need it..."

Persons from aboard are not entitled to benefits when they first come over...most of those who come over are often promised work over here by people in their country and most pay a fee to some pretty unsavoury people..the promise of work never amounts to anything once over here...some are trafficked and their passports stolen...women are sold into the sex trade when they were promised that they would become housemaids etc....So after all this ordeal that they go through they need a helping hand in terms of a roof over their head and support...often most return to their country some find employments others simply vanish underground...all homeless people require assistance no matter where they are from

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"Just another form of cheap labour. Which keeps people in low pay added to the fact of computerisations of the workforce you are branded a racist or bigot for thinking different "
not at all....the problem lies with the government and not the immigrants yet those that are generally more inclined to point the finger of blame at the immigrants are more often than not racist...see the differnce?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.



You walk a week in my shoes and try to get a British person work in a national minimum wage job.

Eastern Europeans will as will other economic migrants.

They may be taking British jobs : the jobs that British people won't do either because it is too much like hard work or because it is easier to sit back and hold your hand out.

Benefit payments exacerbate the situation and corporate greed doesn't help matters either.

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"I think facts can often be made to fit someone's point of _iew. I am sure that a large portion of immigrants do work hard. However near my work is a homeless shelter. So you get homeless people hanging around day and night. Over the last year or so the homeless have gone from being predominantly British to predominantly foreign...

Many of the British homeless are there through mental health problems or have run away from abuse. However many of the foreigners are there due to financial problems. To me it seems unfair to be helping people who are homeless due to travelling for financial gain when we should be helping people who really need it...

Persons from aboard are not entitled to benefits when they first come over...most of those who come over are often promised work over here by people in their country and most pay a fee to some pretty unsavoury people..the promise of work never amounts to anything once over here...some are trafficked and their passports stolen...women are sold into the sex trade when they were promised that they would become housemaids etc....So after all this ordeal that they go through they need a helping hand in terms of a roof over their head and support...often most return to their country some find employments others simply vanish underground...all homeless people require assistance no matter where they are from "

well said

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

being a first generation immigrant myself I can honestly say I have never claimed benefits, lived in a council house or taken anything from this country I have not paid for, I have however paid tax since I started working at 16

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By *an_WoodMan  over a year ago


There is no problem. When Scotland is independent SNP have open border policy and booming economy so any who want to take advantage of low population density will find a welcome there. Scotland is a tolerant and fair nation unlike England & Wales

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.


You walk a week in my shoes and try to get a British person work in a national minimum wage job.

Eastern Europeans will as will other economic migrants.

They may be taking British jobs : the jobs that British people won't do either because it is too much like hard work or because it is easier to sit back and hold your hand out.

Benefit payments exacerbate the situation and corporate greed doesn't help matters either."

What cobblers. ive worked all my life for ok money but can understand why people wont work for less money then sitting at home.

0 hours contracts are the worse thing that has been brought into the working classes

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By *awkeye and HotlipsCouple  over a year ago


"Its not a case of stopping all immigration, as you say a large proportion of NHS workers and support workers are Immigrants, lots of low paid work in the food production industry is undertaken by immigrants, and this is good as they all pay NI and tax, they also spend their earning in the UK so help the economy.

The problem is the immigrants that come here soley for NHS treatment and benefits, this isnt just hyped by the media as government reports this to be happening on an increasing scale.

I believe that benefits and NHS free services should not be offered until an immigrant has worked and paid contributions for 3 years, until then they can pay an insurance to cover any medical costs, same goes for housing and other entitlements, if they lose the means to support themselves then they should be asked to leave, I dont consider this in any way as discrimmination just sensible practice."

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By *extoysareusCouple  over a year ago

kinky heaven

"Just another form of cheap labour. Which keeps people in low pay added to the fact of computerisations of the workforce you are branded a racist or bigot for thinking different not at all....the problem lies with the government and not the immigrants yet those that are generally more inclined to point the finger of blame at the immigrants are more often than not racist...see the differnce? "

Not blaming the immigrants either, they have their own lives.

Its the policies that have decided this

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.


The reason a lot of immigrants are bought into this country are to do jobs British people do not want to do

If they got rid of every none British nurse are your seriously telling me there are enough British people to fill every place? of course there isn't that's why none British people are given the rights to live and work here in the first place, to look after the people in this country, you should be more grateful, there would be no NHS without immigrants as there wouldn't be enough Doctors and nurses to keep it going

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.


You walk a week in my shoes and try to get a British person work in a national minimum wage job.

Eastern Europeans will as will other economic migrants.

They may be taking British jobs : the jobs that British people won't do either because it is too much like hard work or because it is easier to sit back and hold your hand out.

Benefit payments exacerbate the situation and corporate greed doesn't help matters either.

What cobblers. ive worked all my life for ok money but can understand why people wont work for less money then sitting at home.

0 hours contracts are the worse thing that has been brought into the working classes


And that is a problem created by immigrants ?

They are part of the solution to a problem, not the cause of that problem.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

There are still plenty of doctors training here and go on to be qualified, I've known many but there is still a large amount if doctors taking up posts here for a couple of years that shouldn't really be in the job and also some that are amazing and better and more experienced than home grown .. My opinion but its a large percentage and very possibly is going to grow too

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"I think if we didn't have so many immigrants bleeding the NHP dry x would need non British medical staff !"
yea i felt the same way about british colonialism and the fact that the wealth of the uk was built up apon the back of slavery and exploitation of the natural resource's of countless countries around the world including the caribbean where many people are impoverished and there is no money to offer free health service or money for those out of work because to this day the wealth of resource's are still being monopolised by foreign (u.k/usa) corporations and governments

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By *extoysareusCouple  over a year ago

kinky heaven

"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.


You walk a week in my shoes and try to get a British person work in a national minimum wage job.

Eastern Europeans will as will other economic migrants.

They may be taking British jobs : the jobs that British people won't do either because it is too much like hard work or because it is easier to sit back and hold your hand out.

Benefit payments exacerbate the situation and corporate greed doesn't help matters either.

What cobblers. ive worked all my life for ok money but can understand why people wont work for less money then sitting at home.

0 hours contracts are the worse thing that has been brought into the working classes

And that is a problem created by immigrants ?

They are part of the solution to a problem, not the cause of that problem.


No they are part of the cause of the problem

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By *an_WoodMan  over a year ago


Catherine wheel is spinning now

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.


You walk a week in my shoes and try to get a British person work in a national minimum wage job.

Eastern Europeans will as will other economic migrants.

They may be taking British jobs : the jobs that British people won't do either because it is too much like hard work or because it is easier to sit back and hold your hand out.

Benefit payments exacerbate the situation and corporate greed doesn't help matters either.

What cobblers. ive worked all my life for ok money but can understand why people wont work for less money then sitting at home.

0 hours contracts are the worse thing that has been brought into the working classes

And that is a problem created by immigrants ?

They are part of the solution to a problem, not the cause of that problem.


ive got some great mates from all over the world who work here, ive no problem with that

Its the system i dont like. British workers first, dont allow single people to be able to live on more money at home then work

dont let employers pay people less money then its possible to live on.

Great Britain was famous all around the world for its work. work done by British people .

its propaganda to hide a open border system to keep shouting we need everyone from abroad here to help us lazy brits out.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.


You walk a week in my shoes and try to get a British person work in a national minimum wage job.

Eastern Europeans will as will other economic migrants.

They may be taking British jobs : the jobs that British people won't do either because it is too much like hard work or because it is easier to sit back and hold your hand out.

Benefit payments exacerbate the situation and corporate greed doesn't help matters either.

What cobblers. ive worked all my life for ok money but can understand why people wont work for less money then sitting at home.

0 hours contracts are the worse thing that has been brought into the working classes

And that is a problem created by immigrants ?

They are part of the solution to a problem, not the cause of that problem.

No they are part of the cause of the problem"

How so ?

My mind is open to change ...

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By *dam_TinaCouple  over a year ago


"I think if we didn't have so many immigrants bleeding the NHP dry x would need non British medical staff !"

But if we'd never had immigration you wouldn't be sucking that black cock

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


The reason a lot of immigrants are bought into this country are to do jobs British people do not want to do

If they got rid of every none British nurse are your seriously telling me there are enough British people to fill every place? of course there isn't that's why none British people are given the rights to live and work here in the first place, to look after the people in this country, you should be more grateful, there would be no NHS without immigrants as there wouldn't be enough Doctors and nurses to keep it going "

You're confusing two issues. There are immigrants coming here off their own back and immigrants coming here with a gov't designed purpose. The NHS would survive without the immigrants it brings in but it would be a scant service. Or would it?

Perhaps the politicians would actually seek a home grown solution like a huge drive and improved educational aspects.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think if we didn't have so many immigrants bleeding the NHP dry x would need non British medical staff !

But if we'd never had immigration you wouldn't be sucking that black cock "


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By *oo hotCouple  over a year ago

North West

"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


All good stuff. Where have you got this information from? Can it be validated as fact or is it your opinion?

It is not that I disagree with your sentiment, on the contrary - I agree fully but I would just like to know where you have got your "facts" from and if they can be validated with an external link?


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By *oo hotCouple  over a year ago

North West

[Removed by poster at 30/05/14 13:31:47]

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By *oo hotCouple  over a year ago

North West

[Removed by poster at 30/05/14 13:33:41]

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.


You walk a week in my shoes and try to get a British person work in a national minimum wage job.

Eastern Europeans will as will other economic migrants.

They may be taking British jobs : the jobs that British people won't do either because it is too much like hard work or because it is easier to sit back and hold your hand out.

Benefit payments exacerbate the situation and corporate greed doesn't help matters either.

What cobblers. ive worked all my life for ok money but can understand why people wont work for less money then sitting at home.

0 hours contracts are the worse thing that has been brought into the working classes

And that is a problem created by immigrants ?

They are part of the solution to a problem, not the cause of that problem.

No they are part of the cause of the problem"

everyone is a part of some problem or another on this planet but the the bigger picture is that if we dont work together as a community and support and assist each other in the fullfillment of a peaceful,productive and joyous existence then ultimately we will all suffer as a result ...you reap what you sow and we should all endeavour to treat other's as we would like to be treated...of course the world is full of dastardly and dispicable people but surely two wrongs dont make a right and we should address the roots of the issues rather than attempting to find scapegoats....what's the point about bickering about a problem when we do nothing to contribute to the solution? hmmm

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Bottom line: immigration is not the problem.

Immigration is not the solution.

The problem comes from govt policies!

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By *riskynriskyCouple  over a year ago


As I said many come here and work hard. I am not against immigration, but it should be controlled. In theory I agree we should help anybody who needs it. Being realistic, there are not enough houses, jobs, money etc to help everyone. Regarding asylum seekers, there is no country next to us that requires us to accept their citizens for asylum. The rules of asylum state that the person requiring asylum travels to the first safe country. These asylum seekers often travel through 5 or more safe countries to get to the UK. This is wrong. We live on an island. It has finite land and resources. We have to be realistic.

Ex pats that travel abroad like many that come here do so because their skills and qualifications are required...

Don't talk to me about British people who don't want to work. I earn well above the national average, yet I have less money than the woman down the school who has 5 children from 4 fathers... She and her latest ex partner (father to her 3 day old) were moaning that they would lose benifits if they moved in together....Surprisingly they weren't together long enough to do it....

The chances are my 3 children will end up working to support her 5 children and their 25 children...

A little basic maths shows that this cannot continue... The country and working population cannot continue to support this system...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


Or "D" Are these "Facts" due to clever accounting?

Notwithstanding the strain on schools, the NHS, and so on.

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By *punkloverCouple  over a year ago


I think people have more of a problem with illegal immigrants who come to milk the system, i have no problem with anybody who wishes to come here and contribute to our diverse country as we are allowed the same freedoms abroad.

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By *inaTitzTV/TS  over a year ago

Titz Towers, North Notts

Personally, I cry my eyes out if I have to travel more than 10 miles to work, so I think anyone willing to move country for a job has got to have something positive about them.

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


All good stuff. Where have you got this information from? Can it be validated as fact or is it your opinion?

It is not that I disagree with your sentiment, on the contrary - I agree fully but I would just like to know where you have got your "facts" from and if they can be validated with an external link?


i got it from the BNP website course everything on there is to be fully believed

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Bottom line: immigration is not the problem.

Immigration is not the solution.

The problem comes from govt policies!"

spot on. END OF THREAD really

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By *extoysareusCouple  over a year ago

kinky heaven

"Bottom line: immigration is not the problem.

Immigration is not the solution.

The problem comes from govt policies!"

Exactly and we know who forms government policies, big businesses and corporations.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Bottom line: immigration is not the problem.

Immigration is not the solution.

The problem comes from govt policies!"

So why are immigrants made to carry the barrel then ?

Not by the government, but by a good number of the general populace ?

Easy target ?

Or a clever deflection by those in power ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Invest in the young people of Britain,they are the ones who will be paying taxes all their lives and not sending money out of the country. If they stay here that is

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *extoysareusCouple  over a year ago

kinky heaven

"Bottom line: immigration is not the problem.

Immigration is not the solution.

The problem comes from govt policies!

So why are immigrants made to carry the barrel then ?

Not by the government, but by a good number of the general populace ?

Easy target ?

Or a clever deflection by those in power ?"

b and c

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think if we didn't have so many immigrants bleeding the NHP dry x would need non British medical staff !

But if we'd never had immigration you wouldn't be sucking that black cock "

A solitary voice of reason. ))))

Let us also not forget that an immigrant will become British one day and possibly even complain about the next wave of immigration. Besides, their children will be British.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Invest in the young people of Britain,they are the ones who will be paying taxes all their lives and not sending money out of the country. If they stay here that is "

Invest in all!

Do you know how little funding the govt puts into educating our NHS support staff who are quite capable of going on to become qualified nurses, physios and occupational therapists? And then spends huge amounts recruiting foreign staff simply because we have a shortage of these professionals!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Does immigration take into account the asylum seekers that are here? And many still out of work and on benefits. How has immigration contributed to the british economy? If they are taking established work they are not ifthey are stting up businesses they are. Hasn' t it been questioned the qualifications of these foreign doctors?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *an_WoodMan  over a year ago


"Invest in the young people of Britain,they are the ones who will be paying taxes all their lives and not sending money out of the country. If they stay here that is

Invest in all!

Do you know how little funding the govt puts into educating our NHS support staff who are quite capable of going on to become qualified nurses, physios and occupational therapists? And then spends huge amounts recruiting foreign staff simply because we have a shortage of these professionals!!!!"

You can't privatise it if it works ! Get with the program

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Invest in the young people of Britain,they are the ones who will be paying taxes all their lives and not sending money out of the country. If they stay here that is

Invest in all!

Do you know how little funding the govt puts into educating our NHS support staff who are quite capable of going on to become qualified nurses, physios and occupational therapists? And then spends huge amounts recruiting foreign staff simply because we have a shortage of these professionals!!!!"

I'm not surprised at all

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Invest in the young people of Britain,they are the ones who will be paying taxes all their lives and not sending money out of the country. If they stay here that is

Invest in all!

Do you know how little funding the govt puts into educating our NHS support staff who are quite capable of going on to become qualified nurses, physios and occupational therapists? And then spends huge amounts recruiting foreign staff simply because we have a shortage of these professionals!!!!

You can't privatise it if it works ! Get with the program "

Again politics. Maggie Thatcher's govt privatised British utilities creating competition for business. However the govt should not privatise one of the world's revered institutions. The NHS will never have enough funding, it's an impossibility. But ffs take out govt interference apart from legislation to protect the public, and the ownership of purse strings.

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By *denlouWoman  over a year ago


"I think facts can often be made to fit someone's point of _iew. I am sure that a large portion of immigrants do work hard. However near my work is a homeless shelter. So you get homeless people hanging around day and night. Over the last year or so the homeless have gone from being predominantly British to predominantly foreign...

Many of the British homeless are there through mental health problems or have run away from abuse. However many of the foreigners are there due to financial problems. To me it seems unfair to be helping people who are homeless due to travelling for financial gain when we should be helping people who really need it..."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Journalism is sensationalism

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Invest in the young people of Britain,they are the ones who will be paying taxes all their lives and not sending money out of the country. If they stay here that is

Invest in all!

Do you know how little funding the govt puts into educating our NHS support staff who are quite capable of going on to become qualified nurses, physios and occupational therapists? And then spends huge amounts recruiting foreign staff simply because we have a shortage of these professionals!!!!

I'm not surprised at all"

Probably down to the fact they have x amount of money for education within the NHS, x amount for recruitment, x amount for this, that and the other.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"Does immigration take into account the asylum seekers that are here? And many still out of work and on benefits. How has immigration contributed to the british economy? If they are taking established work they are not ifthey are stting up businesses they are. Hasn' t it been questioned the qualifications of these foreign doctors?"

Asylum seekers are not eligible for benefits or housing etc...they are supported by NASS until their claim for asylum has been decided..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Invest in the young people of Britain,they are the ones who will be paying taxes all their lives and not sending money out of the country. If they stay here that is

Invest in all!

Do you know how little funding the govt puts into educating our NHS support staff who are quite capable of going on to become qualified nurses, physios and occupational therapists? And then spends huge amounts recruiting foreign staff simply because we have a shortage of these professionals!!!!

I'm not surprised at all

Probably down to the fact they have x amount of money for education within the NHS, x amount for recruitment, x amount for this, that and the other. "

IE one pot has no relevance on another pot of money, ridiculous!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think facts can often be made to fit someone's point of _iew. I am sure that a large portion of immigrants do work hard. However near my work is a homeless shelter. So you get homeless people hanging around day and night. Over the last year or so the homeless have gone from being predominantly British to predominantly foreign...

Many of the British homeless are there through mental health problems or have run away from abuse. However many of the foreigners are there due to financial problems. To me it seems unfair to be helping people who are homeless due to travelling for financial gain when we should be helping people who really need it..."

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By *an_WoodMan  over a year ago


"Everything is unfairly portrayed by the media very true indeed "

when the topic doesn't suit a liberal agenda ?

Reason that UKIP are flying is unskilled and low skilled workers are between a rock and a hard place. No party yet has addressed the problem of low skills, poor educational achievement and migrants ability to undercut rates.

Yes employment rate stays stable but real income declines. Suits employers fine.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Everything is unfairly portrayed by the media very true indeed

when the topic doesn't suit a liberal agenda ?

Reason that UKIP are flying is unskilled and low skilled workers are between a rock and a hard place. No party yet has addressed the problem of low skills, poor educational achievement and migrants ability to undercut rates.

Yes employment rate stays stable but real income declines. Suits employers fine.


There's the truth right there.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ensualtouch15Man  over a year ago

ashby de la zouch

"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.

every British person out of a job cost every tax payer more money to support these people out of work.

Its great we have some of the best Doctors from around the world working here.

Our NHS run perfect for many many years with British born Nurses who cared more for their patients then a lot of these agency nurses in my experience."

Got to love ignorance x

I remember all those out of work British born benifit claimants who were pro active and set up successful hand car washes . Ah no I don't

A person is a person x I care equally for a human from Prague as I do a human from Newcastle x

Odd people suggest the migrants are taking benefits on an industrial scale ? I feel there are too many English born who could work who are financially persuaded not to its obvious the migrants don't have that choice x

Migrants don't take jobs or reduce the wage paid they fill a vacancy x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" Migrants don't take jobs or reduce the wage paid they fill a vacancy x "

Or they take a vacancy long enough to obtain a NI number then obtain free NHS treatment and benefits

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Everything is unfairly portrayed by the media very true indeed

when the topic doesn't suit a liberal agenda ?

Reason that UKIP are flying is unskilled and low skilled workers are between a rock and a hard place. No party yet has addressed the problem of low skills, poor educational achievement and migrants ability to undercut rates.

Yes employment rate stays stable but real income declines. Suits employers fine.


Our Government wants to grab as much of the money coming from other countries. They should focus on generating more money in this country that is invested back into this country. The reason people come here should be because we are prospering

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


" Migrants don't take jobs or reduce the wage paid they fill a vacancy x

Or they take a vacancy long enough to obtain a NI number then obtain free NHS treatment and benefits "

which isnt half as bad as british folk that havent worked a day in their lives and expect everything to be handed to them and have the nerve to complain about foreigners coming in and taking the jobs that they never wanted in the first place.... alot of folk moan about immigrants but if you walk down the street and you observe the amount of litter,dog shit etc you do wonder if folk really care their country in the first place before they start moaning about other folk coming here.... there are actually more people leaving the uk every year than there is people coming in which is why the government is opening up the proverbial floodgates for immigrants to come in because what happens to the infrastructure of our society if there arent enough people here to fill jobs or pay taxe's to facilitate the upkeep of the country in the first place

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life ;0

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" Migrants don't take jobs or reduce the wage paid they fill a vacancy x

Or they take a vacancy long enough to obtain a NI number then obtain free NHS treatment and benefits which isnt half as bad as british folk that havent worked a day in their lives and expect everything to be handed to them and have the nerve to complain about foreigners coming in and taking the jobs that they never wanted in the first place.... alot of folk moan about immigrants but if you walk down the street and you observe the amount of litter,dog shit etc you do wonder if folk really care their country in the first place before they start moaning about other folk coming here.... there are actually more people leaving the uk every year than there is people coming in which is why the government is opening up the proverbial floodgates for immigrants to come in because what happens to the infrastructure of our society if there arent enough people here to fill jobs or pay taxe's to facilitate the upkeep of the country in the first place"

Its all bad, no form of fraudulent claiming is any better or worse than any other, does not matter whether they are British, East european, African, the problem lays with government who should do more to prevent anyone claiming things which they are not entitled too.

Similar to Limited companies who go into liquidation to avoid paying creditors, they then sell all their assets to another company they have set up for a pittance with the same creditors and with only a slight change in company name and with same directors yet this too is acceptable to the government as its financial, this should be dealt with as well along with so many other things.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

There's litter and dog shit everywhere in other countries too

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

think you will find that the majority of people moving abroad from here are going to professional jobs.

however, there are entire factories over here with workforces of unskilled labour, made up from overseas.

thats fact, not opinion.

i can give you names of 8 companies i deal with that is just like this, and im certain there are many more i have no interaction with that are the same.

are immigrants unfairly portrayed?

not really.

there are workshy scroungers in every society, so why shouldnt the ones from other countries come here and better their lives by doing nothing here rather than nothing in their own countries.

i dont blame individuals, i blame the system they use.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It always gets me when newcomers start paying tax here and they have a rant about how unfair it is to pay tax and ni

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If it was not for the over seas workers working on the land around here I don't know how the farmers would cope here in Norfolk ... A lot of uk people just don't wish to do jobs on the land .

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By *irtual48 RealityCouple  over a year ago


The immigration issue is just another "problem" that media and the establishment and the government uses to distract us from the real issues and PROBLEMS that the government have created

THEMSELVES, without any help from immigrants.

The rulers and the rich rely on this cheap labour to be able to keep up their own lifestyle.

And the media creates rifts and fictional problems with their lies and bullshit stories, in order for us on a streetlevel to start hating your own neighbours and then further distract yourself from the governments criminal and discusting plans to rob you, imprison your mind AND body and eventually kill you off just before your pension.



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By *uby0000Woman  over a year ago


my mum was in her local hospital the other day the only nurse doing leg dressings is English she was the ONLY English person there

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"The immigration issue is just another "problem" that media and the establishment and the government uses to distract us from the real issues and PROBLEMS that the government have created

THEMSELVES, without any help from immigrants.

The rulers and the rich rely on this cheap labour to be able to keep up their own lifestyle.

And the media creates rifts and fictional problems with their lies and bullshit stories, in order for us on a streetlevel to start hating your own neighbours and then further distract yourself from the governments criminal and discusting plans to rob you, imprison your mind AND body and eventually kill you off just before your pension.



haha well said...thanks for the support! the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and they then blame the ethnic minorities rather than addressing that the problem lies with the rich and their illicit wealth gaining practice's....for all the negative impact derived from a minority of minorities it's greatly outweighed by the benefits the minorities bring to this country and for the possible few million a year that's been scammed by immigrants one should not discount the billions/trillions a year scammed by the government/corporations and politicians but that's something that's rarely addressed by the masses ...united we stand ...divided we fall....divide and conquer is the game they play with us....so we can either form lil sub groups and bicker about petty unfounded issues or we can join forces and look at the big issue and do something about it

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"It always gets me when newcomers start paying tax here and they have a rant about how unfair it is to pay tax and ni "
it always get's me when folk who have never worked a day in their life in this country rant about how unfair it is that immigrants have to come here and take the low paid shitty jobs that no one here wants....lets face the facts...who in their right mind likes paying taxes? would you like to go to work for 12 hours a day at minimum wage only to have a fifth or a 3rd of what you make taken away in taxes that then go towards paying to keep dole birds in drink and drugs and out their face so much that they dont even question the fact that it's not immigrants that are the cause of the problem but they themselves lol that's the irony of the situation ....having said that...not everyone that's on the dole is scamming the system....nor is ever immigrant coming to this country and i can vouch for myself a vast number of immigrants i know compared to a vast number of british people i know who are hard at it trying to scam the system for as long as they possibly can......if we british people are so concerned about the fact that were paying x amount of money in takes to the government for the money to be used on NHS treatment and benefits for foreigners then perhaps we should all do our part by not drinking/smoking/taking drugs or eating junk food or running to the doctor for medication everytime we have a cold because all of the above cost the tax payers billions a year! health is wealth....there needs t be a change in attitude's and lifestyle habits in this country towards a healthier britain and that in itself will save us so much money that we would all be infinitely better off ...blah blah blah

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By *uby0000Woman  over a year ago


theres a programme on Monday about imigrants

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"my mum was in her local hospital the other day the only nurse doing leg dressings is English she was the ONLY English person there "

What's wrong with that?

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By *uby0000Woman  over a year ago


"my mum was in her local hospital the other day the only nurse doing leg dressings is English she was the ONLY English person there

What's wrong with that?"

nothing.. it was just an observation

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By *irtual48 RealityCouple  over a year ago


Yes _akedninja..

It is very sad to see how most of us still buy into this mainstream brainwash propaganda that is destroying this country VERY rapidly.

Everybody please

-DO NOT VOTE!-none of the PRE-SELECTED opitons (for your convenience.lol) will EVER speak for you.

- Your vote does NOT make a difference in a voting system for which you need a maths deegree to be able to count the votes and apply the "formula".

-IT IS YOUR VOICE!- How can a stranger speak for you? Somebody you seen on TV cause he seems "alright"? FUCK THAT. Nobody but yourself should speak for you.


Always remember that all unemployment in the UK could be 0% for roughly 11 years(depends how you count/estimate obviously)if THEY did not BAIL out the banks, WITH YOURS AND MINES MONEY.



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It always gets me when newcomers start paying tax here and they have a rant about how unfair it is to pay tax and ni it always get's me when folk who have never worked a day in their life in this country rant about how unfair it is that immigrants have to come here and take the low paid shitty jobs that no one here wants....lets face the facts...who in their right mind likes paying taxes? would you like to go to work for 12 hours a day at minimum wage only to have a fifth or a 3rd of what you make taken away in taxes that then go towards paying to keep dole birds in drink and drugs and out their face so much that they dont even question the fact that it's not immigrants that are the cause of the problem but they themselves lol that's the irony of the situation ....having said that...not everyone that's on the dole is scamming the system....nor is ever immigrant coming to this country and i can vouch for myself a vast number of immigrants i know compared to a vast number of british people i know who are hard at it trying to scam the system for as long as they possibly can......if we british people are so concerned about the fact that were paying x amount of money in takes to the government for the money to be used on NHS treatment and benefits for foreigners then perhaps we should all do our part by not drinking/smoking/taking drugs or eating junk food or running to the doctor for medication everytime we have a cold because all of the above cost the tax payers billions a year! health is wealth....there needs t be a change in attitude's and lifestyle habits in this country towards a healthier britain and that in itself will save us so much money that we would all be infinitely better off ...blah blah blah"

people on minimum wage are no longer in the tax bracket, so paying tax isnt a concern of those on low wages.

that said, everyone, rich or poor, pays NI and vat on purchases, you just find that the rich pay a lot more in vat as they tend to buy more expensive things

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Yes _akedninja..

It is very sad to see how most of us still buy into this mainstream brainwash propaganda that is destroying this country VERY rapidly.

Everybody please

-DO NOT VOTE!-none of the PRE-SELECTED opitons (for your convenience.lol) will EVER speak for you.

- Your vote does NOT make a difference in a voting system for which you need a maths deegree to be able to count the votes and apply the "formula".

-IT IS YOUR VOICE!- How can a stranger speak for you? Somebody you seen on TV cause he seems "alright"? FUCK THAT. Nobody but yourself should speak for you.


Always remember that all unemployment in the UK could be 0% for roughly 11 years(depends how you count/estimate obviously)if THEY did not BAIL out the banks, WITH YOURS AND MINES MONEY.



how do you work out that the money used to bail out the banking system, without which,m may i add, the country would have gone into meltdown, and not only the dole dossers would be scrounging, but pretty much everyone would have been, would have been used to make all unemployment extinct?

even when labour was spending money like a d*unken sailor, there was still mass unemployment, and would have been more had they not invested in a bloated civil servant payroll, not to mention buying the votes of the out of work by making benefits so 'cushy' as a career path.

no, immigration is a concern, i have already stated as to why.

professional immigrants are welcome, as they are in many other countries in the world, but if you think you have a chance of going to canada or australia to pack boxes, sweep floors, or pick cabbages, you are fooling yourself!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" Migrants don't take jobs or reduce the wage paid they fill a vacancy x

Or they take a vacancy long enough to obtain a NI number then obtain free NHS treatment and benefits which isnt half as bad as british folk that havent worked a day in their lives and expect everything to be handed to them and have the nerve to complain about foreigners coming in and taking the jobs that they never wanted in the first place.... alot of folk moan about immigrants but if you walk down the street and you observe the amount of litter,dog shit etc you do wonder if folk really care their country in the first place before they start moaning about other folk coming here.... there are actually more people leaving the uk every year than there is people coming in which is why the government is opening up the proverbial floodgates for immigrants to come in because what happens to the infrastructure of our society if there arent enough people here to fill jobs or pay taxe's to facilitate the upkeep of the country in the first place"

Really ?

Must say i havnt heard of many british people lately that will travel abroad in the hope of finding a permanent job so that they can save and become permanent residents of that country,

Even fewer brits who attempt to claim political asylum


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By *irtual48 RealityCouple  over a year ago



We have very different _iews on todays situation in the UK. We respect your _iew and if this is what you believe in, hold on to it and inform people in your community about your version of this distorted reality we have been locked in to.

Our opinions are too far apart to be able to have a productive exchange of ideas.

You have obviously not been victims of the banks and the governments aggravated robberies yet, I HOPE that you dont, trust me.

To be truly enlightned, you have to find yourself in darkness first.

Have a great friday and i hope that we can find us together on the same page one day.

All the best

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By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"Yes _akedninja..

It is very sad to see how most of us still buy into this mainstream brainwash propaganda that is destroying this country VERY rapidly.

Everybody please

-DO NOT VOTE!-none of the PRE-SELECTED opitons (for your convenience.lol) will EVER speak for you.

- Your vote does NOT make a difference in a voting system for which you need a maths deegree to be able to count the votes and apply the "formula".

-IT IS YOUR VOICE!- How can a stranger speak for you? Somebody you seen on TV cause he seems "alright"? FUCK THAT. Nobody but yourself should speak for you.


Always remember that all unemployment in the UK could be 0% for roughly 11 years(depends how you count/estimate obviously)if THEY did not BAIL out the banks, WITH YOURS AND MINES MONEY.



if voting actually changed anything then they would make it illegal

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

what have the banks done to you personally?

this thread wasnt about the banks in the first instance, so how has immigration helped the banks? or indeed not helped the situation?

my thoughts on immigration stand, however, i work for a company that has, easily, an 80% immigrant workforce, if not more.

they even bus workers in from other areas, all eastern european (from my observation), so not using local out of work kids, and i know many people that want work, but cant get it.

may be different where you live, but not here.

as you say, our opinions are far apart.

you live in your little utopia where everyone works together and nobody was left out or suffered, except those that are victims of the government, but the real world aint like that

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


" Migrants don't take jobs or reduce the wage paid they fill a vacancy x

Or they take a vacancy long enough to obtain a NI number then obtain free NHS treatment and benefits which isnt half as bad as british folk that havent worked a day in their lives and expect everything to be handed to them and have the nerve to complain about foreigners coming in and taking the jobs that they never wanted in the first place.... alot of folk moan about immigrants but if you walk down the street and you observe the amount of litter,dog shit etc you do wonder if folk really care their country in the first place before they start moaning about other folk coming here.... there are actually more people leaving the uk every year than there is people coming in which is why the government is opening up the proverbial floodgates for immigrants to come in because what happens to the infrastructure of our society if there arent enough people here to fill jobs or pay taxe's to facilitate the upkeep of the country in the first place

Really ?

Must say i havnt heard of many british people lately that will travel abroad in the hope of finding a permanent job so that they can save and become permanent residents of that country,

Even fewer brits who attempt to claim political asylum


so gimp....you assume because you havent heard of something then it would in fact actually not exist as a consequence? lol people never used to believe in the world being round or the fact that germ's or various disease's existed prior having heard of them so i guess you fall into that catergory of folk who are inclined to bury their head in the sand and not think outside of the box there are millions who are leaving the uk for a better life elsewhere...some of which it might surprise you are doing so as a result of abuse/assault's and threats on their live's and liberty in this country believe it or not it wont be long before i'll be planning on doing the same and perhaps heading off back to the caribbean or miami or some similar such exotic destination to live out the rest of my life without having to concern myself about politics and folk moaning about immigrants whilst they sip on their buckfast with their pinky stuck out and take a lil puff on their crack pipe's and proclaim how exquisite it is

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"what have the banks done to you personally?

this thread wasnt about the banks in the first instance, so how has immigration helped the banks? or indeed not helped the situation?

my thoughts on immigration stand, however, i work for a company that has, easily, an 80% immigrant workforce, if not more.

they even bus workers in from other areas, all eastern european (from my observation), so not using local out of work kids, and i know many people that want work, but cant get it.

may be different where you live, but not here.

as you say, our opinions are far apart.

you live in your little utopia where everyone works together and nobody was left out or suffered, except those that are victims of the government, but the real world aint like that"

there is no such thing as "cant" ...where there is a will there is a way....there are a rare few who were as disadvantaged as me growing up and i didnt let that stop me....whilst most of my peers sat about in the pubs knocking back pints complaining that there wasnt any work i was out there taking on any bullshit job i could get and scrimping and saving and working hard and smart and working my way up and staying positive despite my many shortcomings,set backs and let downs.... nothing has ever been given to me ive had to take it and work hard for what little i have..but that's just my experience which may differe vastly from anyone else

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By *UNCHBOXMan  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know

Ill quote a bit of Mark Twain for you. 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.'"


Ill quote a bit of Mark Twain for you. 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.'"

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By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"Yes _akedninja..

It is very sad to see how most of us still buy into this mainstream brainwash propaganda that is destroying this country VERY rapidly.

Everybody please

-DO NOT VOTE!-none of the PRE-SELECTED opitons (for your convenience.lol) will EVER speak for you.

- Your vote does NOT make a difference in a voting system for which you need a maths deegree to be able to count the votes and apply the "formula".

-IT IS YOUR VOICE!- How can a stranger speak for you? Somebody you seen on TV cause he seems "alright"? FUCK THAT. Nobody but yourself should speak for you.


Always remember that all unemployment in the UK could be 0% for roughly 11 years(depends how you count/estimate obviously)if THEY did not BAIL out the banks, WITH YOURS AND MINES MONEY.


fUCK THEM, ITS OUR TIME TO FUCK THINGS UP NOW.... if voting actually changed anything then they would make it illegal"

Yes i saw some pictures of muslim extremeists in a newspaper during the local and european elections last week, they were holding banners which said "Democracy go to HELL!"

They made it perfectly clear what they think of our way of life.

If they want to come and live here, why don't they respect our way of life and integrate into British society?

A lot of the tensions are also caused because many immigrants don't even speak english, and have little interest in learning to speak english when they get here (not just muslim or arabic speaking immigrants, but also white eastern europeans aswel, Poland, Romania, etc).

In my opinion if someone wants to come to live and work here, speaking english should be a basic requirement at point of entry.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Everything is unfairly portrayed by the media very true indeed "

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *etitmortCouple  over a year ago


"As I said many come here and work hard. I am not against immigration, but it should be controlled. In theory I agree we should help anybody who needs it. Being realistic, there are not enough houses, jobs, money etc to help everyone. Regarding asylum seekers, there is no country next to us that requires us to accept their citizens for asylum. The rules of asylum state that the person requiring asylum travels to the first safe country. These asylum seekers often travel through 5 or more safe countries to get to the UK. This is wrong. We live on an island. It has finite land and resources. We have to be realistic.

Ex pats that travel abroad like many that come here do so because their skills and qualifications are required...

Don't talk to me about British people who don't want to work. I earn well above the national average, yet I have less money than the woman down the school who has 5 children from 4 fathers... She and her latest ex partner (father to her 3 day old) were moaning that they would lose benifits if they moved in together....Surprisingly they weren't together long enough to do it....

The chances are my 3 children will end up working to support her 5 children and their 25 children...

A little basic maths shows that this cannot continue... The country and working population cannot continue to support this system...


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know




Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *an_WoodMan  over a year ago



shouting is fun

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know




my point is clearly outlined in my post...what's your point? that we should expel all immigrants and cut all trade with foreign countries and live off of a diet of potatoe's and cider

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


In answer to each specific question and starting with question 1.

1. 26% of Nhs doctors are foreign born and without them the Nhs would struggle. Yes i agree with this but its not as simple as you make it out to be. Many of the doctors in that 26% are Indian/asian doctors, and because of our membership of the EU now immigration from outside of the EU is being unfairly restricted because there is an open door to the whole of the european union. So now we find ourselves in a situation where an unskilled manual Labourer from eastern europe would get priority immigration the UK over a highly skilled Indian /asian doctor who is much needed in the Nhs. The EU has forced our government into this position on immigration, blame the ridiculous EU laws and eurocrats for this with their insistance on free movement of people across europe. It's just one reason why UKIP are in favour of leaving the EU.

2. 5.5 million Brits live abroad. Maybe true but as someone else already said on this thread, most of those people are probably in highly skilled well paid jobs. I'd bet my last pound that 99% of Brits don't wake up in the morning and think ....."i know, i'll move to Romania where i can work for a 3rd of what i'm earning here now in the UK". Traffic will only ever be one way when it comes to low paid jobs.

3. Agree with you on that one.

4. Would probably agree with you on that one aswel.

5. Immigration has no significant effect on employment or British employment. Not sure about that but immigration does have a significant effect on crime in this country. As Nigel Farage recently pointed out there is now a very large problem with Romanian criminal gangs in London, and he backed it up with official Met police crime statistic so you cannot really argue about it. A large portion of cash machine crime and credit/debit card crime in this country is also from foreign immigrants, official police statistics will also back this up, but i see you made no mention of crime in your opening statement for some reason, wonder why that was?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"As I said many come here and work hard. I am not against immigration, but it should be controlled. In theory I agree we should help anybody who needs it. Being realistic, there are not enough houses, jobs, money etc to help everyone. Regarding asylum seekers, there is no country next to us that requires us to accept their citizens for asylum. The rules of asylum state that the person requiring asylum travels to the first safe country. These asylum seekers often travel through 5 or more safe countries to get to the UK. This is wrong. We live on an island. It has finite land and resources. We have to be realistic.

Ex pats that travel abroad like many that come here do so because their skills and qualifications are required...

Don't talk to me about British people who don't want to work. I earn well above the national average, yet I have less money than the woman down the school who has 5 children from 4 fathers... She and her latest ex partner (father to her 3 day old) were moaning that they would lose benifits if they moved in together....Surprisingly they weren't together long enough to do it....

The chances are my 3 children will end up working to support her 5 children and their 25 children...

A little basic maths shows that this cannot continue... The country and working population cannot continue to support this system...


I live in a area of high unemployment, most of the people round here haven't worked in years, they claim all kinda of sickness benefits yet are well enough to have half a dozen kids, get pissed and stagger home every weekend but cant even manage to work a sitting down job

I'm almost ashamed to say I live in a Ukip constituency, 99% of the people round here voted for them, I just want to add now I voted Labour all you hear from the locals is how much they hate immigrants and how they take our homes and job

I really feeling like saying to them, what difference does it make to you, you've never worked and have no intentions of, if they all left you still wouldn't work, I think some just use immigration as an excuse to justify their own lazy asses

you usually find the biggest moaners of immigration are the ones who sit on their asses all day getting piss

those I realise I may set off a few sparks here if you lived where I did you wouldn't understand what I mean

*puts on bullet proof vets*

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know




my point is about the "HUGE" level's of ignorance,intolerance,racism,lack of education,ambition in the uk and the "HUGE" levels of misconception that it's the immigrants to blame...are we still living in the dark ages or what?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


In answer to each specific question and starting with question 1.

1. 26% of Nhs doctors are foreign born and without them the Nhs would struggle. Yes i agree with this but its not as simple as you make it out to be. Many of the doctors in that 26% are Indian/asian doctors, and because of our membership of the EU now immigration from outside of the EU is being unfairly restricted because there is an open door to the whole of the european union. So now we find ourselves in a situation where an unskilled manual Labourer from eastern europe would get priority immigration the UK over a highly skilled Indian /asian doctor who is much needed in the Nhs. The EU has forced our government into this position on immigration, blame the ridiculous EU laws and eurocrats for this with their insistance on free movement of people across europe. It's just one reason why UKIP are in favour of leaving the EU.

2. 5.5 million Brits live abroad. Maybe true but as someone else already said on this thread, most of those people are probably in highly skilled well paid jobs. I'd bet my last pound that 99% of Brits don't wake up in the morning and think ....."i know, i'll move to Romania where i can work for a 3rd of what i'm earning here now in the UK". Traffic will only ever be one way when it comes to low paid jobs.

3. Agree with you on that one.

4. Would probably agree with you on that one aswel.

5. Immigration has no significant effect on employment or British employment. Not sure about that but immigration does have a significant effect on crime in this country. As Nigel Farage recently pointed out there is now a very large problem with Romanian criminal gangs in London, and he backed it up with official Met police crime statistic so you cannot really argue about it. A large portion of cash machine crime and credit/debit card crime in this country is also from foreign immigrants, official police statistics will also back this up, but i see you made no mention of crime in your opening statement for some reason, wonder why that was?"

maybe i made no mention about crime because im an eastern european criminal sent here by the BNP to steal your shitty jobs that you dont want and your fat slags that have had more cocks than hot dinners and not all immigrants are romanian gangsters as much as not all BNP supporters are closet kiddy fiddlersand i would dare say that the majority of brits that move abroad do so because they generally go to places where they can take advantage of the cheaper living costs and better standard of living and better weather...generally in my experience those that are in professional high paid job's it can be said are taking those job's from the local's and lets consider the amount of british criminals living in spain and thailand adding to crime statistic's....not all romanians are in crimnal gang's...as a matter of fact i happen to know alot of romanians,muslims and polish and the vast majority of them are intelligent,hard working,honest,generous and speak better english than most brits i know and they go out of their way to integrate into the social fabric of the society which is more than i can say for alot of brits i know who couldnt care less if the country goes down the proverbial toilet just saying

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago




hello my old friend...thanks for the contribution

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn


hello my old friend...thanks for the contribution "

you are welcome

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Everything is unfairly portrayed by the media "


read a headline today woman dead for 3 days in care home

The care home was sheltered housing x still not good but the headline was total distortion

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *akedninja OP   Man  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 30/05/14 19:19:07]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Yes _akedninja..

It is very sad to see how most of us still buy into this mainstream brainwash propaganda that is destroying this country VERY rapidly.

Everybody please

-DO NOT VOTE!-none of the PRE-SELECTED opitons (for your convenience.lol) will EVER speak for you.

- Your vote does NOT make a difference in a voting system for which you need a maths deegree to be able to count the votes and apply the "formula".

-IT IS YOUR VOICE!- How can a stranger speak for you? Somebody you seen on TV cause he seems "alright"? FUCK THAT. Nobody but yourself should speak for you.


Always remember that all unemployment in the UK could be 0% for roughly 11 years(depends how you count/estimate obviously)if THEY did not BAIL out the banks, WITH YOURS AND MINES MONEY.


fUCK THEM, ITS OUR TIME TO FUCK THINGS UP NOW.... if voting actually changed anything then they would make it illegal

Yes i saw some pictures of muslim extremeists in a newspaper during the local and european elections last week, they were holding banners which said "Democracy go to HELL!"

They made it perfectly clear what they think of our way of life.

If they want to come and live here, why don't they respect our way of life and integrate into British society?

A lot of the tensions are also caused because many immigrants don't even speak english, and have little interest in learning to speak english when they get here (not just muslim or arabic speaking immigrants, but also white eastern europeans aswel, Poland, Romania, etc).

In my opinion if someone wants to come to live and work here, speaking english should be a basic requirement at point of entry.


My sister worked in Indonesia for 10 years, she was out qualified by many people but held a higher position, she couldn't speak Indonesian, she did pick some up but she didn't know any on arrival. She now lives and works in Hong Kong, she doesn't speak much Chinese. She has only ever worked in this country for about 18 months full time, did a few temp jobs whilst getting her free degree. I bet many immigrants have paid more tax in this country but received less in the way of services provided.

You'll probably find a lot of immigrants will pick up the language over time, maybe they detect your anti immigrant _iews and pretend not to speako the lingo, I've worked with a group of Poles and their English was fairly good, not one of them wasn't able to get by in a break time smoking shed conversation.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oo hotCouple  over a year ago

North West

Africa... 19th Century...

"What is it with these white skinned English people? They come over here take over our land and eat all our animals and even build their houses next to each other and carry out stupid pastimes like hitting a ball the a bat. They never integrate with us and look down on us and make no effort to speak our language."

Sorry, did I say Africa in the 19th Century? I meant Spain... Last week.

If learning a language was a pre requisite for entering another country, we would be taking millions of Brits back here pretty sharpish. I suggest whoever made that suggestion has not read any cv's recently. English is invariably better in young, educated Europeans than it is from English school leavers and that truly is shameful.

As an employer, I take the person who displays the best cocktail of qualifications, attitude and presentation. It is not my fault that far too many native Brits fall short in many respects. As an aside, over the last 12 months my inter_iew no show rates were 26% for people with "British" names and 5% for people with "foreign" sounding names.

The problem is what successive governments have created and more than anything a society with far too many people in it who know exactly what they can claim for... And do.

Slash welfare to the bone and the country will sort itself out.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The descendants of those white skinned people still own a hefty amount of Africa.

So people travel to the UK to set up car wash businesses etc. How far do those Brits apparently unable to find work travel to try and find it?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *taryscorpCouple  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


fact 2 ? how many get free heath care ?

how many can come back to the uk and get all the tax back ? (even if they only come back for a week )

how many can clam benefits ?

and this government or any government can and do make facts look the way they want

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Anyone can create statistics only 20% of all people know that!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ncutgemMan  over a year ago

Bath ish

will you class your self as an imigrant after sepember ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


In answer to each specific question and starting with question 1.

1. 26% of Nhs doctors are foreign born and without them the Nhs would struggle. Yes i agree with this but its not as simple as you make it out to be. Many of the doctors in that 26% are Indian/asian doctors, and because of our membership of the EU now immigration from outside of the EU is being unfairly restricted because there is an open door to the whole of the european union. So now we find ourselves in a situation where an unskilled manual Labourer from eastern europe would get priority immigration the UK over a highly skilled Indian /asian doctor who is much needed in the Nhs. The EU has forced our government into this position on immigration, blame the ridiculous EU laws and eurocrats for this with their insistance on free movement of people across europe. It's just one reason why UKIP are in favour of leaving the EU.

2. 5.5 million Brits live abroad. Maybe true but as someone else already said on this thread, most of those people are probably in highly skilled well paid jobs. I'd bet my last pound that 99% of Brits don't wake up in the morning and think ....."i know, i'll move to Romania where i can work for a 3rd of what i'm earning here now in the UK". Traffic will only ever be one way when it comes to low paid jobs.

3. Agree with you on that one.

4. Would probably agree with you on that one aswel.

5. Immigration has no significant effect on employment or British employment. Not sure about that but immigration does have a significant effect on crime in this country. As Nigel Farage recently pointed out there is now a very large problem with Romanian criminal gangs in London, and he backed it up with official Met police crime statistic so you cannot really argue about it. A large portion of cash machine crime and credit/debit card crime in this country is also from foreign immigrants, official police statistics will also back this up, but i see you made no mention of crime in your opening statement for some reason, wonder why that was?maybe i made no mention about crime because im an eastern european criminal sent here by the BNP to steal your shitty jobs that you dont want and your fat slags that have had more cocks than hot dinners and not all immigrants are romanian gangsters as much as not all BNP supporters are closet kiddy fiddlersand i would dare say that the majority of brits that move abroad do so because they generally go to places where they can take advantage of the cheaper living costs and better standard of living and better weather...generally in my experience those that are in professional high paid job's it can be said are taking those job's from the local's and lets consider the amount of british criminals living in spain and thailand adding to crime statistic's....not all romanians are in crimnal gang's...as a matter of fact i happen to know alot of romanians,muslims and polish and the vast majority of them are intelligent,hard working,honest,generous and speak better english than most brits i know and they go out of their way to integrate into the social fabric of the society which is more than i can say for alot of brits i know who couldnt care less if the country goes down the proverbial toilet just saying"

Not really sure where the BNP rant came from, i made no mention of the BNP in my post, lol. I vote UKIP and yes i do have a job, work for a living, pay my taxes and have never claimed benefits in my life. I'm fully aware that many immigrants come here and contribute to our society in a positive way, work hard and pay tax. I was just highlighting some reasons why the issue of immigration is a cause for concern for a lot of people and the UK's immigration system is not a fair and balanced system because our hands are tied by stupid EU laws.......clearly touched a nerve somewhere along the line?

Forgot to say that on the employment issue and British jobs being affected, yes it does have an effect on British jobs particularly in the construction industry and the building trade. I work in the building trade, and for a lot of employers since the doors were opened to Poland back in the early 00's it has been a race to the bottom in terms of wages. A lot of British builders, and highly skilled tradespeople (electricians, Plumbers, Plasterers, bricklayers, etc) have seen their wages drop like lead balloons. The main reason for this has been the massive influx of cheap foreign Labour especially from eastern europe, particularly Polish construction workers and tradesmen coming here and undercutting british builders left, right and centre. A job in the building trade used to be a well paid job if you were a good tradesman, but now you'll be lucky to get not much more than minimum wage, may as well go and work in McDonalds because Labour party policy of mass open door immigration has seen construction workers coming here willing to work for the bare minimum. Now people wonder why voters are turning their backs on the Labour party who have betrayed the working class in this country and now they are voting UKIP instead.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Theres only one 'fact' about the deluge of immigration,we can do ok without them,train our own people up for jobs,we don't need foreign 'big issue sellers' construction workers or doctors,British people can do those jobs just fine

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"Africa... 19th Century...

"What is it with these white skinned English people? They come over here take over our land and eat all our animals and even build their houses next to each other and carry out stupid pastimes like hitting a ball the a bat. They never integrate with us and look down on us and make no effort to speak our language."

Sorry, did I say Africa in the 19th Century? I meant Spain... Last week.

If learning a language was a pre requisite for entering another country, we would be taking millions of Brits back here pretty sharpish. I suggest whoever made that suggestion has not read any cv's recently. English is invariably better in young, educated Europeans than it is from English school leavers and that truly is shameful.

As an employer, I take the person who displays the best cocktail of qualifications, attitude and presentation. It is not my fault that far too many native Brits fall short in many respects. As an aside, over the last 12 months my inter_iew no show rates were 26% for people with "British" names and 5% for people with "foreign" sounding names.

The problem is what successive governments have created and more than anything a society with far too many people in it who know exactly what they can claim for... And do.

Slash welfare to the bone and the country will sort itself out."

Personally speaking for myself i would'nt go to work in another country if i could'nt speak the language there.

I can't speak Spannish or French so i would'nt go to work in Spain or France.

I do agree with you on slashing welfare, its the Labour party who have promoted the benefits Britain society in this country, the Jeremy Kyle chavs who want to stay in bed all day watching daytime television too idle to work for a living. The Labour party made a life on benefits too comfortable so for some it has become a lifestyle choice and that is wrong. Its about time we made work pay in this country again.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Theres only one 'fact' about the deluge of immigration,we can do ok without them,train our own people up for jobs,we don't need foreign 'big issue sellers' construction workers or doctors,British people can do those jobs just fine"

your working on the assumption there that everyone in this country wants to work and will bother getting the training for the jobs

There's nothing to stop anyone in this country going back into education at any age and getting training for a job they wish to do already

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Africa... 19th Century...

"What is it with these white skinned English people? They come over here take over our land and eat all our animals and even build their houses next to each other and carry out stupid pastimes like hitting a ball the a bat. They never integrate with us and look down on us and make no effort to speak our language."

Sorry, did I say Africa in the 19th Century? I meant Spain... Last week.

If learning a language was a pre requisite for entering another country, we would be taking millions of Brits back here pretty sharpish. I suggest whoever made that suggestion has not read any cv's recently. English is invariably better in young, educated Europeans than it is from English school leavers and that truly is shameful.

As an employer, I take the person who displays the best cocktail of qualifications, attitude and presentation. It is not my fault that far too many native Brits fall short in many respects. As an aside, over the last 12 months my inter_iew no show rates were 26% for people with "British" names and 5% for people with "foreign" sounding names.

The problem is what successive governments have created and more than anything a society with far too many people in it who know exactly what they can claim for... And do.

Slash welfare to the bone and the country will sort itself out.

Personally speaking for myself i would'nt go to work in another country if i could'nt speak the language there.

I can't speak Spannish or French so i would'nt go to work in Spain or France.

I do agree with you on slashing welfare, its the Labour party who have promoted the benefits Britain society in this country, the Jeremy Kyle chavs who want to stay in bed all day watching daytime television too idle to work for a living. The Labour party made a life on benefits too comfortable so for some it has become a lifestyle choice and that is wrong. Its about time we made work pay in this country again."

A quick search on Google will reveal that since 1970 the highest recorded levels of unemployment was in the mid eighties, after Maggie had been in the driving seat for 5-6 years, you keep banging on about how unemployment is a Labour problem when in reality you haven't done even the most basic research into the subject before posting. Don't know how much you remember about the Thatcher years but for a lot of people they were not a bed of roses.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"Africa... 19th Century...

"What is it with these white skinned English people? They come over here take over our land and eat all our animals and even build their houses next to each other and carry out stupid pastimes like hitting a ball the a bat. They never integrate with us and look down on us and make no effort to speak our language."

Sorry, did I say Africa in the 19th Century? I meant Spain... Last week.

If learning a language was a pre requisite for entering another country, we would be taking millions of Brits back here pretty sharpish. I suggest whoever made that suggestion has not read any cv's recently. English is invariably better in young, educated Europeans than it is from English school leavers and that truly is shameful.

As an employer, I take the person who displays the best cocktail of qualifications, attitude and presentation. It is not my fault that far too many native Brits fall short in many respects. As an aside, over the last 12 months my inter_iew no show rates were 26% for people with "British" names and 5% for people with "foreign" sounding names.

The problem is what successive governments have created and more than anything a society with far too many people in it who know exactly what they can claim for... And do.

Slash welfare to the bone and the country will sort itself out.

Personally speaking for myself i would'nt go to work in another country if i could'nt speak the language there.

I can't speak Spannish or French so i would'nt go to work in Spain or France.

I do agree with you on slashing welfare, its the Labour party who have promoted the benefits Britain society in this country, the Jeremy Kyle chavs who want to stay in bed all day watching daytime television too idle to work for a living. The Labour party made a life on benefits too comfortable so for some it has become a lifestyle choice and that is wrong. Its about time we made work pay in this country again.

A quick search on Google will reveal that since 1970 the highest recorded levels of unemployment was in the mid eighties, after Maggie had been in the driving seat for 5-6 years, you keep banging on about how unemployment is a Labour problem when in reality you haven't done even the most basic research into the subject before posting. Don't know how much you remember about the Thatcher years but for a lot of people they were not a bed of roses."

Last time i checked Maggie and the tories never had a policy of open door mass immigration to the whole of europe back in the 80's, a massive influx of cheap foreign Labour and a race to the bottom in terms of their wages for many people. It was the Labour party who did that under Blair and Brown, then they made the welfare state a comfortable option for many people, a comfortable alternative to working for a living, in some cases it actually paid more to be on the dole than it did to work under Labour party rule in this country. Where is the incentive to work then if the dole pays on a par with working for a living?

Cameron and the tories now want to get tough on welfare, make work pay again, Miliband in typical Labour party style seems less enthusiastic about tackling welfare in this country. If Miliband gets in at the general election the country will be heading for bankruptcy again before we know it. Labour cannot be trusted on the economy and they especially cannot be trusted to tackle the welfare state.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *damandeve4funCouple  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Africa... 19th Century...

"What is it with these white skinned English people? They come over here take over our land and eat all our animals and even build their houses next to each other and carry out stupid pastimes like hitting a ball the a bat. They never integrate with us and look down on us and make no effort to speak our language."

Sorry, did I say Africa in the 19th Century? I meant Spain... Last week.

If learning a language was a pre requisite for entering another country, we would be taking millions of Brits back here pretty sharpish. I suggest whoever made that suggestion has not read any cv's recently. English is invariably better in young, educated Europeans than it is from English school leavers and that truly is shameful.

As an employer, I take the person who displays the best cocktail of qualifications, attitude and presentation. It is not my fault that far too many native Brits fall short in many respects. As an aside, over the last 12 months my inter_iew no show rates were 26% for people with "British" names and 5% for people with "foreign" sounding names.

The problem is what successive governments have created and more than anything a society with far too many people in it who know exactly what they can claim for... And do.

Slash welfare to the bone and the country will sort itself out.

Personally speaking for myself i would'nt go to work in another country if i could'nt speak the language there.

I can't speak Spannish or French so i would'nt go to work in Spain or France.

I do agree with you on slashing welfare, its the Labour party who have promoted the benefits Britain society in this country, the Jeremy Kyle chavs who want to stay in bed all day watching daytime television too idle to work for a living. The Labour party made a life on benefits too comfortable so for some it has become a lifestyle choice and that is wrong. Its about time we made work pay in this country again.

A quick search on Google will reveal that since 1970 the highest recorded levels of unemployment was in the mid eighties, after Maggie had been in the driving seat for 5-6 years, you keep banging on about how unemployment is a Labour problem when in reality you haven't done even the most basic research into the subject before posting. Don't know how much you remember about the Thatcher years but for a lot of people they were not a bed of roses.

Last time i checked Maggie and the tories never had a policy of open door mass immigration to the whole of europe back in the 80's, a massive influx of cheap foreign Labour and a race to the bottom in terms of their wages for many people. It was the Labour party who did that under Blair and Brown, then they made the welfare state a comfortable option for many people, a comfortable alternative to working for a living, in some cases it actually paid more to be on the dole than it did to work under Labour party rule in this country. Where is the incentive to work then if the dole pays on a par with working for a living?

Cameron and the tories now want to get tough on welfare, make work pay again, Miliband in typical Labour party style seems less enthusiastic about tackling welfare in this country. If Miliband gets in at the general election the country will be heading for bankruptcy again before we know it. Labour cannot be trusted on the economy and they especially cannot be trusted to tackle the welfare state."

Again load of bollocks mate, we entered into the EU under Edward Heath, leader of the conservative party, which was when free movement of EU workers started. In 1973 for your information, as the EU has grown steadily since then more people have become eligible to live and work in the UK. This has been happening regardless of who is in power in the UK steadily since 1973. You really do need to start looking some stuff up before you continue to blame the last government for all the woes, because you don't seem to have a clue what you're posting about.

Your answer to everything is to blame Blair and Brown when they were left a crock of shite from other governments.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Theres only one 'fact' about the deluge of immigration,we can do ok without them,train our own people up for jobs,we don't need foreign 'big issue sellers' construction workers or doctors,British people can do those jobs just fine

your working on the assumption there that everyone in this country wants to work and will bother getting the training for the jobs

There's nothing to stop anyone in this country going back into education at any age and getting training for a job they wish to do already"

Finances (lack of) and responsibities (children) can impede this.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I know the title is about immigration,but I think that's just a smokescreen put out by the self serving politicians. the exporting of british jobs is far more harmful, ford transit production has finally gone abroad (as with every other ford),thorsby and kellingley colliery have just announced closure (even though the uk imports 4 times the amount of coal it produces) this is just 2 examples that came to mind but this has been happening for years now with big and small companies, meanwhile we look to blame "immigrants???" while politicians sell us down the river

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

as a "US national" who apparently is over here "nicking the job of a british people" in the mind of some in this thread...(cue the rolled eyes.... ) I would like to think I got the job I have now because I was the best person for the job.....

I think the thing that gets missed a lot of the time is that a lot of the jobs immigrants are doing for low pay are the one that an lot of british people think are beneath.... your cleaners, your pizza delivery drivers, your fruit pickers, your factory workers....

they are making a better living for themselves.... because they get off their arses!!!

I got that work ethic from my mum... we watched her want to make a better life for herself.....

blaming immigrants for all the ill's is way too easy.... sometimes its a lot harder to look in the mirror

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Question is...

Are the media worth paying any attention too?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"Africa... 19th Century...

"What is it with these white skinned English people? They come over here take over our land and eat all our animals and even build their houses next to each other and carry out stupid pastimes like hitting a ball the a bat. They never integrate with us and look down on us and make no effort to speak our language."

Sorry, did I say Africa in the 19th Century? I meant Spain... Last week.

If learning a language was a pre requisite for entering another country, we would be taking millions of Brits back here pretty sharpish. I suggest whoever made that suggestion has not read any cv's recently. English is invariably better in young, educated Europeans than it is from English school leavers and that truly is shameful.

As an employer, I take the person who displays the best cocktail of qualifications, attitude and presentation. It is not my fault that far too many native Brits fall short in many respects. As an aside, over the last 12 months my inter_iew no show rates were 26% for people with "British" names and 5% for people with "foreign" sounding names.

The problem is what successive governments have created and more than anything a society with far too many people in it who know exactly what they can claim for... And do.

Slash welfare to the bone and the country will sort itself out.

Personally speaking for myself i would'nt go to work in another country if i could'nt speak the language there.

I can't speak Spannish or French so i would'nt go to work in Spain or France.

I do agree with you on slashing welfare, its the Labour party who have promoted the benefits Britain society in this country, the Jeremy Kyle chavs who want to stay in bed all day watching daytime television too idle to work for a living. The Labour party made a life on benefits too comfortable so for some it has become a lifestyle choice and that is wrong. Its about time we made work pay in this country again.

A quick search on Google will reveal that since 1970 the highest recorded levels of unemployment was in the mid eighties, after Maggie had been in the driving seat for 5-6 years, you keep banging on about how unemployment is a Labour problem when in reality you haven't done even the most basic research into the subject before posting. Don't know how much you remember about the Thatcher years but for a lot of people they were not a bed of roses.

Last time i checked Maggie and the tories never had a policy of open door mass immigration to the whole of europe back in the 80's, a massive influx of cheap foreign Labour and a race to the bottom in terms of their wages for many people. It was the Labour party who did that under Blair and Brown, then they made the welfare state a comfortable option for many people, a comfortable alternative to working for a living, in some cases it actually paid more to be on the dole than it did to work under Labour party rule in this country. Where is the incentive to work then if the dole pays on a par with working for a living?

Cameron and the tories now want to get tough on welfare, make work pay again, Miliband in typical Labour party style seems less enthusiastic about tackling welfare in this country. If Miliband gets in at the general election the country will be heading for bankruptcy again before we know it. Labour cannot be trusted on the economy and they especially cannot be trusted to tackle the welfare state.

Again load of bollocks mate, we entered into the EU under Edward Heath, leader of the conservative party, which was when free movement of EU workers started. In 1973 for your information, as the EU has grown steadily since then more people have become eligible to live and work in the UK. This has been happening regardless of who is in power in the UK steadily since 1973. You really do need to start looking some stuff up before you continue to blame the last government for all the woes, because you don't seem to have a clue what you're posting about.

Your answer to everything is to blame Blair and Brown when they were left a crock of shite from other governments. "

I'm guessing you are a Labour party supporter and have your rose tinted Labour party blinkers on, lol. I do know what i'm posting actually, i take a very keen interest in politics in this country, so i'm well aware of what i'm saying. Its you who seems to be in denial about Labours obvious failures. I think Maggie would have clearly objected to Polish immigrants having full undeclared rights for free movement of people to come here from Poland if she was in power during 2004 when the Labour party predicted around 15,000 Poles would come here but in the actual real event over half a million Polish immigrants came, how could the Labour party get it soooooooooo wrong, lol. You see Maggie was'nt a pushover in Europe like Blair and Brown were, she proved that when she insisted on the rebate which she got in 1984 when she threatened to halt payments to the EU budget. What rebates did Blair and Brown get????? Blair and Brown both proved themselves to be pushovers for the EU elite in Brussels. I also think Maggie would not have sold us out in the way Gordon Brown did when he signed the Lisbon treaty in 2007. What a joke of a Prime Minister he turned out to be calling one of his own Labour voters (Gillian Duffy) a bigot in Rochdale simply because she asked a perfectly reasonable and valid question about immigration.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I know the title is about immigration,but I think that's just a smokescreen put out by the self serving politicians. the exporting of british jobs is far more harmful, ford transit production has finally gone abroad (as with every other ford),thorsby and kellingley colliery have just announced closure (even though the uk imports 4 times the amount of coal it produces) this is just 2 examples that came to mind but this has been happening for years now with big and small companies, meanwhile we look to blame "immigrants???" while politicians sell us down the river "

British coal is very expensive compared to imported coal. Ours is hard to get at in deep mines, imported comes from huge open cast mines where they can just scoop it into ships, more economics than politics.

The same way people are happy with their cheap clothing from primary made in sweatshops in India etc. Greed from multinationals, Apple products made in China get sold at premium prices...

Dyson made his money using UK labour with a UK workforce then shifted production abroad and paid, in comparison, peanuts for labour, we continued to buy his products at the same prices...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The problem is that the imigrants that ate portrayed in the press should not be allowed to settle here unless they can be vetted to work here but the current legislation does not allow this and it is sad that the decent people who choose this great country for their home are sadly pushed into the same category as those who come here to abuse the system

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Long live UKIP why ain't the no politicians worth fuckng senseless

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Africa... 19th Century...

"What is it with these white skinned English people? They come over here take over our land and eat all our animals and even build their houses next to each other and carry out stupid pastimes like hitting a ball the a bat. They never integrate with us and look down on us and make no effort to speak our language."

Sorry, did I say Africa in the 19th Century? I meant Spain... Last week.

If learning a language was a pre requisite for entering another country, we would be taking millions of Brits back here pretty sharpish. I suggest whoever made that suggestion has not read any cv's recently. English is invariably better in young, educated Europeans than it is from English school leavers and that truly is shameful.

As an employer, I take the person who displays the best cocktail of qualifications, attitude and presentation. It is not my fault that far too many native Brits fall short in many respects. As an aside, over the last 12 months my inter_iew no show rates were 26% for people with "British" names and 5% for people with "foreign" sounding names.

The problem is what successive governments have created and more than anything a society with far too many people in it who know exactly what they can claim for... And do.

Slash welfare to the bone and the country will sort itself out.

Personally speaking for myself i would'nt go to work in another country if i could'nt speak the language there.

I can't speak Spannish or French so i would'nt go to work in Spain or France.

I do agree with you on slashing welfare, its the Labour party who have promoted the benefits Britain society in this country, the Jeremy Kyle chavs who want to stay in bed all day watching daytime television too idle to work for a living. The Labour party made a life on benefits too comfortable so for some it has become a lifestyle choice and that is wrong. Its about time we made work pay in this country again.

A quick search on Google will reveal that since 1970 the highest recorded levels of unemployment was in the mid eighties, after Maggie had been in the driving seat for 5-6 years, you keep banging on about how unemployment is a Labour problem when in reality you haven't done even the most basic research into the subject before posting. Don't know how much you remember about the Thatcher years but for a lot of people they were not a bed of roses.

Last time i checked Maggie and the tories never had a policy of open door mass immigration to the whole of europe back in the 80's, a massive influx of cheap foreign Labour and a race to the bottom in terms of their wages for many people. It was the Labour party who did that under Blair and Brown, then they made the welfare state a comfortable option for many people, a comfortable alternative to working for a living, in some cases it actually paid more to be on the dole than it did to work under Labour party rule in this country. Where is the incentive to work then if the dole pays on a par with working for a living?

Cameron and the tories now want to get tough on welfare, make work pay again, Miliband in typical Labour party style seems less enthusiastic about tackling welfare in this country. If Miliband gets in at the general election the country will be heading for bankruptcy again before we know it. Labour cannot be trusted on the economy and they especially cannot be trusted to tackle the welfare state.

Again load of bollocks mate, we entered into the EU under Edward Heath, leader of the conservative party, which was when free movement of EU workers started. In 1973 for your information, as the EU has grown steadily since then more people have become eligible to live and work in the UK. This has been happening regardless of who is in power in the UK steadily since 1973. You really do need to start looking some stuff up before you continue to blame the last government for all the woes, because you don't seem to have a clue what you're posting about.

Your answer to everything is to blame Blair and Brown when they were left a crock of shite from other governments.

I'm guessing you are a Labour party supporter and have your rose tinted Labour party blinkers on, lol. I do know what i'm posting actually, i take a very keen interest in politics in this country, so i'm well aware of what i'm saying. Its you who seems to be in denial about Labours obvious failures. I think Maggie would have clearly objected to Polish immigrants having full undeclared rights for free movement of people to come here from Poland if she was in power during 2004 when the Labour party predicted around 15,000 Poles would come here but in the actual real event over half a million Polish immigrants came, how could the Labour party get it soooooooooo wrong, lol. You see Maggie was'nt a pushover in Europe like Blair and Brown were, she proved that when she insisted on the rebate which she got in 1984 when she threatened to halt payments to the EU budget. What rebates did Blair and Brown get????? Blair and Brown both proved themselves to be pushovers for the EU elite in Brussels. I also think Maggie would not have sold us out in the way Gordon Brown did when he signed the Lisbon treaty in 2007. What a joke of a Prime Minister he turned out to be calling one of his own Labour voters (Gillian Duffy) a bigot in Rochdale simply because she asked a perfectly reasonable and valid question about immigration. "

No I'm not a labour supporter, FYI, certainly not a conservative either. If we weren't signed up to the EU by the conservative government of the day in 1973 then we wouldn't have free movement of workers which is what the conservatives signed up for. You have to go back further than the last labour government to get to the root of the EU and free movement. Your posts show you know nothing of the historic causes of where we are today, you can continue to try and lay the blame of all the immigration at Labours door, but it is you with the blinkers on, who sold all the utility companies to foreign companies??? You going to blame labour for that too. Do some research before you start posting flower.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Theres only one 'fact' about the deluge of immigration,we can do ok without them,train our own people up for jobs,we don't need foreign 'big issue sellers' construction workers or doctors,British people can do those jobs just fine

your working on the assumption there that everyone in this country wants to work and will bother getting the training for the jobs

There's nothing to stop anyone in this country going back into education at any age and getting training for a job they wish to do already

Finances (lack of) and responsibities (children) can impede this."

but both those problems will still be there

if there were no immigrants people who cant afford education and who have kids will still not be able to afford education and will still have kids

what we need is a government that will lower education fees and provide child care and believe me ukip will not do this

has anyone read any of their policies past where they stand on immigration? they are far from for the working class, its the working class that will be hit the hardest of they get in

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Theres only one 'fact' about the deluge of immigration,we can do ok without them,train our own people up for jobs,we don't need foreign 'big issue sellers' construction workers or doctors,British people can do those jobs just fine

your working on the assumption there that everyone in this country wants to work and will bother getting the training for the jobs

There's nothing to stop anyone in this country going back into education at any age and getting training for a job they wish to do already"

I'm working on the assumption that the namby pamby governments we have/had should stop giving people who can work,the choice/chance not to,but if in jobs such as construction an employer can take on a pliable cheap'ski,the young kids from this country don't get a look in

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


One word missed from all the above figures that makes all the difference...


Now I know I am splitting hairs but it is a very BIG hair!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Theres only one 'fact' about the deluge of immigration,we can do ok without them,train our own people up for jobs,we don't need foreign 'big issue sellers' construction workers or doctors,British people can do those jobs just fine

your working on the assumption there that everyone in this country wants to work and will bother getting the training for the jobs

There's nothing to stop anyone in this country going back into education at any age and getting training for a job they wish to do alreadyI'm working on the assumption that the namby pamby governments we have/had should stop giving people who can work,the choice/chance not to,but if in jobs such as construction an employer can take on a pliable cheap'ski,the young kids from this country don't get a look in"

life don't work like that though does it

If you don't want to work you only have to play on your back and you can be on the sick for years and with a doctors note you cant be made to work

people who wants to work generally do, I have knows a lot of people who have been made redundant and have found work within a few months, because they have looked and made the effort, I also know people who haven't worked for years

in my opinion and this is of course only an opinion, most immigrants only do the jobs people already here simply don't want

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


"Africa... 19th Century...

"What is it with these white skinned English people? They come over here take over our land and eat all our animals and even build their houses next to each other and carry out stupid pastimes like hitting a ball the a bat. They never integrate with us and look down on us and make no effort to speak our language."

Sorry, did I say Africa in the 19th Century? I meant Spain... Last week.

If learning a language was a pre requisite for entering another country, we would be taking millions of Brits back here pretty sharpish. I suggest whoever made that suggestion has not read any cv's recently. English is invariably better in young, educated Europeans than it is from English school leavers and that truly is shameful.

As an employer, I take the person who displays the best cocktail of qualifications, attitude and presentation. It is not my fault that far too many native Brits fall short in many respects. As an aside, over the last 12 months my inter_iew no show rates were 26% for people with "British" names and 5% for people with "foreign" sounding names.

The problem is what successive governments have created and more than anything a society with far too many people in it who know exactly what they can claim for... And do.

Slash welfare to the bone and the country will sort itself out.

Personally speaking for myself i would'nt go to work in another country if i could'nt speak the language there.

I can't speak Spannish or French so i would'nt go to work in Spain or France.

I do agree with you on slashing welfare, its the Labour party who have promoted the benefits Britain society in this country, the Jeremy Kyle chavs who want to stay in bed all day watching daytime television too idle to work for a living. The Labour party made a life on benefits too comfortable so for some it has become a lifestyle choice and that is wrong. Its about time we made work pay in this country again.

A quick search on Google will reveal that since 1970 the highest recorded levels of unemployment was in the mid eighties, after Maggie had been in the driving seat for 5-6 years, you keep banging on about how unemployment is a Labour problem when in reality you haven't done even the most basic research into the subject before posting. Don't know how much you remember about the Thatcher years but for a lot of people they were not a bed of roses.

Last time i checked Maggie and the tories never had a policy of open door mass immigration to the whole of europe back in the 80's, a massive influx of cheap foreign Labour and a race to the bottom in terms of their wages for many people. It was the Labour party who did that under Blair and Brown, then they made the welfare state a comfortable option for many people, a comfortable alternative to working for a living, in some cases it actually paid more to be on the dole than it did to work under Labour party rule in this country. Where is the incentive to work then if the dole pays on a par with working for a living?

Cameron and the tories now want to get tough on welfare, make work pay again, Miliband in typical Labour party style seems less enthusiastic about tackling welfare in this country. If Miliband gets in at the general election the country will be heading for bankruptcy again before we know it. Labour cannot be trusted on the economy and they especially cannot be trusted to tackle the welfare state.

Again load of bollocks mate, we entered into the EU under Edward Heath, leader of the conservative party, which was when free movement of EU workers started. In 1973 for your information, as the EU has grown steadily since then more people have become eligible to live and work in the UK. This has been happening regardless of who is in power in the UK steadily since 1973. You really do need to start looking some stuff up before you continue to blame the last government for all the woes, because you don't seem to have a clue what you're posting about.

Your answer to everything is to blame Blair and Brown when they were left a crock of shite from other governments.

I'm guessing you are a Labour party supporter and have your rose tinted Labour party blinkers on, lol. I do know what i'm posting actually, i take a very keen interest in politics in this country, so i'm well aware of what i'm saying. Its you who seems to be in denial about Labours obvious failures. I think Maggie would have clearly objected to Polish immigrants having full undeclared rights for free movement of people to come here from Poland if she was in power during 2004 when the Labour party predicted around 15,000 Poles would come here but in the actual real event over half a million Polish immigrants came, how could the Labour party get it soooooooooo wrong, lol. You see Maggie was'nt a pushover in Europe like Blair and Brown were, she proved that when she insisted on the rebate which she got in 1984 when she threatened to halt payments to the EU budget. What rebates did Blair and Brown get????? Blair and Brown both proved themselves to be pushovers for the EU elite in Brussels. I also think Maggie would not have sold us out in the way Gordon Brown did when he signed the Lisbon treaty in 2007. What a joke of a Prime Minister he turned out to be calling one of his own Labour voters (Gillian Duffy) a bigot in Rochdale simply because she asked a perfectly reasonable and valid question about immigration.

No I'm not a labour supporter, FYI, certainly not a conservative either. If we weren't signed up to the EU by the conservative government of the day in 1973 then we wouldn't have free movement of workers which is what the conservatives signed up for. You have to go back further than the last labour government to get to the root of the EU and free movement. Your posts show you know nothing of the historic causes of where we are today, you can continue to try and lay the blame of all the immigration at Labours door, but it is you with the blinkers on, who sold all the utility companies to foreign companies??? You going to blame labour for that too. Do some research before you start posting flower."

You also seem to think i'm a tory supporter???? I'm not as i have voted UKIP for around the last 7 to 8 years. When we joined the EU in the 70's it was a free trade agreement, (which the British people had a vote in) we never agreed to the monstrosity it has become today much more than a free trade agreement, it has become a social experiment, of ever closer political union which is why the British public must now be given a referendum about our membership of the EU. I certainly don't want to be part of a united states of europe! Brown should have given us a referendum before he signed the Lisbon treaty but he was too gutless for it. Its a national disgrace that the British public have not been allowed to vote on EU membership in a referendum since the 1970's and the tories and Labour are both to blame for that. At least the tories are now finally offering a referendum if they win the general election. Labour are still flat out refusing to give the British public any kind of say or vote on the matter.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This country is founded upon immigration. UKIP & similar are just promoting racist bigotry & the media are doing little to stop it. It is up to people to read manifestos and vote with their heads. Until then political apathy & misinformation will always win out.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"This country is founded upon immigration. UKIP & similar are just promoting racist bigotry & the media are doing little to stop it. It is up to people to read manifestos and vote with their heads. Until then political apathy & misinformation will always win out."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Which immigrants are we referring to here?

Roman, Saxon, Viking, Angles, Jutes, Normans, Australians, Kenyan, Ugandian, Polish, Pakistani, Indian, Persian? Also from what date to when 400BC to 2014 or last month ?

In fact anyone who claims to be British is or immigrant origin and is likely not to be here if this island had not seen a constant flow of immigrants.

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By *andS66Couple  over a year ago


A few points

Children born from one British born person and one immigrant are treated as non-immigrant costs, if these costs were split equally, then the benefit of 8Billion would be halved.

The fiscal 'benefit' of immigration does not take into account any costs of infrastructure needed to support this influx... new houses, schools, hospitals etc.

the figures at the beginning of this thread are, indeed, 'true', however, they do not take into account the cost of 'job displacement', that is the cost of benefits given to those people who could otherwise work in a job currently filled by an immigrant. This cost has been estimated at over £60 Billion.

The immigrant population in the UK is estimated at in excess of 13 Million, far more than the 5.5 M emigrants from the UK. Emigrants from the UK are not known to rely on other countries benefit systems.

The biggest problem with immigration, though, is not now, but in the future when immigrants are retiring and the associated burdens on our tax system in state pensions and health care. ALL the studies carried out into immigration have concluded that taxes will have to rise substantially in the future to pay for this. And so we will need to allow more younger immigrants in to help pay for this as well.

I haven't got a problem at all with immigration, but I have got a problem with the system.. I think it should be targeted to the needs of the country, and should be skills based, similar to the Australian system.

I also don't think immigrants should be allowed any benefits until they have worked for 2 years, and should have to have insurances in place to suit, or indeed, lodge a sum of money up front. But then again, I also think that nobody should be allowed benefits until they have 2 years work behind them.... even if that means they have to work for their benefits for those 2 years.

As for health service immigration, from experience I can tell you it does happen.

You cannot blame individual immigrants for wanting a better life... I would probably do the same if it were me... but the system is wrong.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.

every British person out of a job cost every tax payer more money to support these people out of work.

Its great we have some of the best Doctors from around the world working here.

Our NHS run perfect for many many years with British born Nurses who cared more for their patients then a lot of these agency nurses in my experience."

The jobs were there before and no Brittany person wanted them. Do you actually believed if we chucked all of the immigrants out the jobs would be snapped up by the unemployed in Britain? I think you are very naive if you do.

I watched a programme where people stood outside a job centre offering people work picking in the fields. Not one brittish person took the job. One even said 'nah, too much like hard work....give it to the poles'

I'm not denting some immigrants milk the system and I think they should be dealt with in dome way but this utopia of every brittish person being in a job if they weren't here is utter rubbish. We have a generation of people who think it's their right to love on handouts and nothing will drag them away from their play stations to make them work for what they get.

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By *otlovefun42Couple  over a year ago

Costa Blanca Spain...

"Africa... 19th Century...

"What is it with these white skinned English people? They come over here take over our land and eat all our animals and even build their houses next to each other and carry out stupid pastimes like hitting a ball the a bat. They never integrate with us and look down on us and make no effort to speak our language."

Sorry, did I say Africa in the 19th Century? I meant Spain... Last week.

If learning a language was a pre requisite for entering another country, we would be taking millions of Brits back here pretty sharpish. I suggest whoever made that suggestion has not read any cv's recently. English is invariably better in young, educated Europeans than it is from English school leavers and that truly is shameful.

As an employer, I take the person who displays the best cocktail of qualifications, attitude and presentation. It is not my fault that far too many native Brits fall short in many respects. As an aside, over the last 12 months my inter_iew no show rates were 26% for people with "British" names and 5% for people with "foreign" sounding names.

The problem is what successive governments have created and more than anything a society with far too many people in it who know exactly what they can claim for... And do.

Slash welfare to the bone and the country will sort itself out.

Personally speaking for myself i would'nt go to work in another country if i could'nt speak the language there.

I can't speak Spannish or French so i would'nt go to work in Spain or France.

I do agree with you on slashing welfare, its the Labour party who have promoted the benefits Britain society in this country, the Jeremy Kyle chavs who want to stay in bed all day watching daytime television too idle to work for a living. The Labour party made a life on benefits too comfortable so for some it has become a lifestyle choice and that is wrong. Its about time we made work pay in this country again.

A quick search on Google will reveal that since 1970 the highest recorded levels of unemployment was in the mid eighties, after Maggie had been in the driving seat for 5-6 years, you keep banging on about how unemployment is a Labour problem when in reality you haven't done even the most basic research into the subject before posting. Don't know how much you remember about the Thatcher years but for a lot of people they were not a bed of roses.

Last time i checked Maggie and the tories never had a policy of open door mass immigration to the whole of europe back in the 80's, a massive influx of cheap foreign Labour and a race to the bottom in terms of their wages for many people. It was the Labour party who did that under Blair and Brown, then they made the welfare state a comfortable option for many people, a comfortable alternative to working for a living, in some cases it actually paid more to be on the dole than it did to work under Labour party rule in this country. Where is the incentive to work then if the dole pays on a par with working for a living?

Cameron and the tories now want to get tough on welfare, make work pay again, Miliband in typical Labour party style seems less enthusiastic about tackling welfare in this country. If Miliband gets in at the general election the country will be heading for bankruptcy again before we know it. Labour cannot be trusted on the economy and they especially cannot be trusted to tackle the welfare state.

Again load of bollocks mate, we entered into the EU under Edward Heath, leader of the conservative party, which was when free movement of EU workers started. In 1973 for your information, as the EU has grown steadily since then more people have become eligible to live and work in the UK. This has been happening regardless of who is in power in the UK steadily since 1973. You really do need to start looking some stuff up before you continue to blame the last government for all the woes, because you don't seem to have a clue what you're posting about.

Your answer to everything is to blame Blair and Brown when they were left a crock of shite from other governments.

I'm guessing you are a Labour party supporter and have your rose tinted Labour party blinkers on, lol. I do know what i'm posting actually, i take a very keen interest in politics in this country, so i'm well aware of what i'm saying. Its you who seems to be in denial about Labours obvious failures. I think Maggie would have clearly objected to Polish immigrants having full undeclared rights for free movement of people to come here from Poland if she was in power during 2004 when the Labour party predicted around 15,000 Poles would come here but in the actual real event over half a million Polish immigrants came, how could the Labour party get it soooooooooo wrong, lol. You see Maggie was'nt a pushover in Europe like Blair and Brown were, she proved that when she insisted on the rebate which she got in 1984 when she threatened to halt payments to the EU budget. What rebates did Blair and Brown get????? Blair and Brown both proved themselves to be pushovers for the EU elite in Brussels. I also think Maggie would not have sold us out in the way Gordon Brown did when he signed the Lisbon treaty in 2007. What a joke of a Prime Minister he turned out to be calling one of his own Labour voters (Gillian Duffy) a bigot in Rochdale simply because she asked a perfectly reasonable and valid question about immigration.

No I'm not a labour supporter, FYI, certainly not a conservative either. If we weren't signed up to the EU by the conservative government of the day in 1973 then we wouldn't have free movement of workers which is what the conservatives signed up for. You have to go back further than the last labour government to get to the root of the EU and free movement. Your posts show you know nothing of the historic causes of where we are today, you can continue to try and lay the blame of all the immigration at Labours door, but it is you with the blinkers on, who sold all the utility companies to foreign companies??? You going to blame labour for that too. Do some research before you start posting flower.

You also seem to think i'm a tory supporter???? I'm not as i have voted UKIP for around the last 7 to 8 years. When we joined the EU in the 70's it was a free trade agreement, (which the British people had a vote in) we never agreed to the monstrosity it has become today much more than a free trade agreement, it has become a social experiment, of ever closer political union which is why the British public must now be given a referendum about our membership of the EU. I certainly don't want to be part of a united states of europe! Brown should have given us a referendum before he signed the Lisbon treaty but he was too gutless for it. Its a national disgrace that the British public have not been allowed to vote on EU membership in a referendum since the 1970's and the tories and Labour are both to blame for that. At least the tories are now finally offering a referendum if they win the general election. Labour are still flat out refusing to give the British public any kind of say or vote on the matter. "

I agree with most of that but you got one thing wrong. Britain has never voted on EU membership. The only referendum was for membership of what then became nine country's in a trading block known as the Common Market.

The current model is a completely different animal. Not only is it now 28 country's, and if the federalists get their way soon to be more, but these new, mostly ex Soviet bloc, country's have much more power to control British laws that the old common market or EEC (remember that little stepping stone?)ever had.

As for which party is to blame, the Tory's and Labour are pretty much neck and neck, with the Lib Dems as main cheer leaders. However if only for the Blair creature being the champion of EU expansion, and still sticking his nose in by promoting Albania for membership (god help us) and Labour signing the Lisbon treaty I would declare them the winners by a short head.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Look at the "rogues gallery" on crimewatch next time it is on...... Try to spot how many are immigrants/ethnic etc.....

Not sure if deliberately chosen by BBC but last time i saw it it was 8/10.

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman  over a year ago

The Town by The Cross

"Everything is unfairly portrayed by the media very true indeed "

My answer is true also ....... !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Bottom line: immigration is not the problem.

Immigration is not the solution.

The problem comes from govt policies!"

Yes, past, present and most likely future government

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


In answer to each specific question and starting with question 1.

1. 26% of Nhs doctors are foreign born and without them the Nhs would struggle. Yes i agree with this but its not as simple as you make it out to be. Many of the doctors in that 26% are Indian/asian doctors, and because of our membership of the EU now immigration from outside of the EU is being unfairly restricted because there is an open door to the whole of the european union. So now we find ourselves in a situation where an unskilled manual Labourer from eastern europe would get priority immigration the UK over a highly skilled Indian /asian doctor who is much needed in the Nhs. The EU has forced our government into this position on immigration, blame the ridiculous EU laws and eurocrats for this with their insistance on free movement of people across europe. It's just one reason why UKIP are in favour of leaving the EU.

2. 5.5 million Brits live abroad. Maybe true but as someone else already said on this thread, most of those people are probably in highly skilled well paid jobs. I'd bet my last pound that 99% of Brits don't wake up in the morning and think ....."i know, i'll move to Romania where i can work for a 3rd of what i'm earning here now in the UK". Traffic will only ever be one way when it comes to low paid jobs.

3. Agree with you on that one.

4. Would probably agree with you on that one aswel.

5. Immigration has no significant effect on employment or British employment. Not sure about that but immigration does have a significant effect on crime in this country. As Nigel Farage recently pointed out there is now a very large problem with Romanian criminal gangs in London, and he backed it up with official Met police crime statistic so you cannot really argue about it. A large portion of cash machine crime and credit/debit card crime in this country is also from foreign immigrants, official police statistics will also back this up, but i see you made no mention of crime in your opening statement for some reason, wonder why that was?maybe i made no mention about crime because im an eastern european criminal sent here by the BNP to steal your shitty jobs that you dont want and your fat slags that have had more cocks than hot dinners and not all immigrants are romanian gangsters as much as not all BNP supporters are closet kiddy fiddlersand i would dare say that the majority of brits that move abroad do so because they generally go to places where they can take advantage of the cheaper living costs and better standard of living and better weather...generally in my experience those that are in professional high paid job's it can be said are taking those job's from the local's and lets consider the amount of british criminals living in spain and thailand adding to crime statistic's....not all romanians are in crimnal gang's...as a matter of fact i happen to know alot of romanians,muslims and polish and the vast majority of them are intelligent,hard working,honest,generous and speak better english than most brits i know and they go out of their way to integrate into the social fabric of the society which is more than i can say for alot of brits i know who couldnt care less if the country goes down the proverbial toilet just saying"

Going by your various comments you seem to know a LOT of people on a personal level, probably running into the thousands

It must make it much easier for your statistics


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By *endezvous4funMan  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)"

If we controlled immigration the savings we will make from various areas could be put into higher wages for doctors and training up our own people.

"2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)"

Who cares? Are you saying that if we left they EU they would some how be deported as they are british?

Non point really..

"3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)"

I think this stat is based on a one year study if i remember correctly?

Not really a useful stat unless you take the results of say 3-4 years of them having lived here.

"4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)"

Would like to see the paperwork for this estimate.

vastly over estimated for sure ( Just so happens to fall on a nice 8.8 figure) Funny that..

There is more to life than money and where exactly did this 8.8 go?

Corporations more than likely.. The same ones paying minimum wage and screwing all of us over.

"5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)"

Which studies? Funded by who?

"Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?"

Anyone can and will be at some point.

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By *kin BohnerMan  over a year ago


It's too simplistic. Foreign medics are generally recruited directly and are seldome here on the chance of finding work. The stats given probably come from a source that has put some kind of twist on them so have to be taken with a pinch of salt. I used to work as a lorry driver and its quite depressing when you arrive to make a delivery or collection and the first thing you have to do is find someone that speaks English! Believe me it's a common occurrence.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think we should warmly encourage people that want to work hard and contribute - wherever they are from.

And I think we should strongly encourage lazy, self entitled, parasites to bugger off at the earliest opportunity.

Would that leave us full of Brits? I doubt it.

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By *uriousBristolCplCouple  over a year ago


“Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.”

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Is this fact or fiction, one things for it won't be the truth

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By *oo hotCouple  over a year ago

North West

"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

If we controlled immigration the savings we will make from various areas could be put into higher wages for doctors and training up our own people.


3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

I think this stat is based on a one year study if i remember correctly?

Not really a useful stat unless you take the results of say 3-4 years of them having lived here.


It is high time this debate was endowed with facts rather than opinion.

UCL have an on going migration study into the economic benefits (and detriment) of various sectors of immigrant groups. EU migrants contribute far more in direct and indirect taxes than the native population and are also far more likely to set up a business and employ people. Therefore your assertions of savings are completely wrong and in fact the cutting off of the supply of young, EU migrants will actually cost the economy money, not save. Think about it, we have allegedly had 3,000,000 incoming EU migrants (let alone from elsewhere) since 2000 and there are more people in work today than at any time in the history of the UK.

The argument that this type of migration drives down the wages of low and unskilled workers is only true in the unsustainable micro economics of a single country. As the rest of the world has also discovered, high wages and good standards of living has to be measured by worldwide output otherwise the individual (and the country) exists in an unsustainable bubble and one day it will burst.

The only answer for UK citizens who want to improve their own lives is to skill up, improve standards and quality and make an effort to climb out of the low skill sector. We are now judged by global standards and a worker who works in a glass bottling plant is worth no more than a similar worker in the same business in Poland, Russia, Taiwan or China.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Immigration is fine as long as we take the Australians stance on the subject. If they have skills we need and can prove they can support themselves ok. Otherwise forget it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Immigration is fine as long as we take the Australians stance on the subject. If they have skills we need and can prove they can support themselves ok. Otherwise forget it."
WERE FULL end of story

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Its not a case of stopping all immigration, as you say a large proportion of NHS workers and support workers are Immigrants, lots of low paid work in the food production industry is undertaken by immigrants, and this is good as they all pay NI and tax, they also spend their earning in the UK so help the economy.

The problem is the immigrants that come here soley for NHS treatment and benefits, this isnt just hyped by the media as government reports this to be happening on an increasing scale.

I believe that benefits and NHS free services should not be offered until an immigrant has worked and paid contributions for 3 years, until then they can pay an insurance to cover any medical costs, same goes for housing and other entitlements, if they lose the means to support themselves then they should be asked to leave, I dont consider this in any way as discrimmination just sensible practice."

You don't fancy a government job do you...? I reckon you've hit the nail on the head with that one.

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By *irtydanMan  over a year ago


"Another load of propaganda.

Every immigrant working here is another British person out of a job.

every British person out of a job cost every tax payer more money to support these people out of work.

Its great we have some of the best Doctors from around the world working here.

Our NHS run perfect for many many years with British born Nurses who cared more for their patients then a lot of these agency nurses in my experience."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

If we controlled immigration the savings we will make from various areas could be put into higher wages for doctors and training up our own people.


3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

I think this stat is based on a one year study if i remember correctly?

Not really a useful stat unless you take the results of say 3-4 years of them having lived here.

It is high time this debate was endowed with facts rather than opinion.

UCL have an on going migration study into the economic benefits (and detriment) of various sectors of immigrant groups. EU migrants contribute far more in direct and indirect taxes than the native population and are also far more likely to set up a business and employ people. Therefore your assertions of savings are completely wrong and in fact the cutting off of the supply of young, EU migrants will actually cost the economy money, not save. Think about it, we have allegedly had 3,000,000 incoming EU migrants (let alone from elsewhere) since 2000 and there are more people in work today than at any time in the history of the UK.

The argument that this type of migration drives down the wages of low and unskilled workers is only true in the unsustainable micro economics of a single country. As the rest of the world has also discovered, high wages and good standards of living has to be measured by worldwide output otherwise the individual (and the country) exists in an unsustainable bubble and one day it will burst.

The only answer for UK citizens who want to improve their own lives is to skill up, improve standards and quality and make an effort to climb out of the low skill sector. We are now judged by global standards and a worker who works in a glass bottling plant is worth no more than a similar worker in the same business in Poland, Russia, Taiwan or China."

the key word there is allegedly, which automatically throws all of the findings out of the window, if you dont know how many have come in you cannot have a firm baseline to work with.

More people in work than at any time in the history of the UK ?..Surely that is a theory or supposition not a set in stone fact.


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By *oo hotCouple  over a year ago

North West

"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

If we controlled immigration the savings we will make from various areas could be put into higher wages for doctors and training up our own people.


3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

I think this stat is based on a one year study if i remember correctly?

Not really a useful stat unless you take the results of say 3-4 years of them having lived here.

It is high time this debate was endowed with facts rather than opinion.

UCL have an on going migration study into the economic benefits (and detriment) of various sectors of immigrant groups. EU migrants contribute far more in direct and indirect taxes than the native population and are also far more likely to set up a business and employ people. Therefore your assertions of savings are completely wrong and in fact the cutting off of the supply of young, EU migrants will actually cost the economy money, not save. Think about it, we have allegedly had 3,000,000 incoming EU migrants (let alone from elsewhere) since 2000 and there are more people in work today than at any time in the history of the UK.

The argument that this type of migration drives down the wages of low and unskilled workers is only true in the unsustainable micro economics of a single country. As the rest of the world has also discovered, high wages and good standards of living has to be measured by worldwide output otherwise the individual (and the country) exists in an unsustainable bubble and one day it will burst.

The only answer for UK citizens who want to improve their own lives is to skill up, improve standards and quality and make an effort to climb out of the low skill sector. We are now judged by global standards and a worker who works in a glass bottling plant is worth no more than a similar worker in the same business in Poland, Russia, Taiwan or China.

the key word there is allegedly, which automatically throws all of the findings out of the window, if you dont know how many have come in you cannot have a firm baseline to work with.

More people in work than at any time in the history of the UK ?..Surely that is a theory or supposition not a set in stone fact.


Almost 30,000,000 in work. At no time in history have there been more people on work. You just need to do a bit of research. ONS is a good place to start.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

If we controlled immigration the savings we will make from various areas could be put into higher wages for doctors and training up our own people.


3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

I think this stat is based on a one year study if i remember correctly?

Not really a useful stat unless you take the results of say 3-4 years of them having lived here.

It is high time this debate was endowed with facts rather than opinion.

UCL have an on going migration study into the economic benefits (and detriment) of various sectors of immigrant groups. EU migrants contribute far more in direct and indirect taxes than the native population and are also far more likely to set up a business and employ people. Therefore your assertions of savings are completely wrong and in fact the cutting off of the supply of young, EU migrants will actually cost the economy money, not save. Think about it, we have allegedly had 3,000,000 incoming EU migrants (let alone from elsewhere) since 2000 and there are more people in work today than at any time in the history of the UK.

The argument that this type of migration drives down the wages of low and unskilled workers is only true in the unsustainable micro economics of a single country. As the rest of the world has also discovered, high wages and good standards of living has to be measured by worldwide output otherwise the individual (and the country) exists in an unsustainable bubble and one day it will burst.

The only answer for UK citizens who want to improve their own lives is to skill up, improve standards and quality and make an effort to climb out of the low skill sector. We are now judged by global standards and a worker who works in a glass bottling plant is worth no more than a similar worker in the same business in Poland, Russia, Taiwan or China.

the key word there is allegedly, which automatically throws all of the findings out of the window, if you dont know how many have come in you cannot have a firm baseline to work with.

More people in work than at any time in the history of the UK ?..Surely that is a theory or supposition not a set in stone fact.


Almost 30,000,000 in work. At no time in history have there been more people on work. You just need to do a bit of research. ONS is a good place to start."

Its the no time in history of the UK that i have a problem with, Was there a detailed study of all those in employment when the UK was formed.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

If we controlled immigration the savings we will make from various areas could be put into higher wages for doctors and training up our own people.


3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

I think this stat is based on a one year study if i remember correctly?

Not really a useful stat unless you take the results of say 3-4 years of them having lived here.

It is high time this debate was endowed with facts rather than opinion.

UCL have an on going migration study into the economic benefits (and detriment) of various sectors of immigrant groups. EU migrants contribute far more in direct and indirect taxes than the native population and are also far more likely to set up a business and employ people. Therefore your assertions of savings are completely wrong and in fact the cutting off of the supply of young, EU migrants will actually cost the economy money, not save. Think about it, we have allegedly had 3,000,000 incoming EU migrants (let alone from elsewhere) since 2000 and there are more people in work today than at any time in the history of the UK.

The argument that this type of migration drives down the wages of low and unskilled workers is only true in the unsustainable micro economics of a single country. As the rest of the world has also discovered, high wages and good standards of living has to be measured by worldwide output otherwise the individual (and the country) exists in an unsustainable bubble and one day it will burst.

The only answer for UK citizens who want to improve their own lives is to skill up, improve standards and quality and make an effort to climb out of the low skill sector. We are now judged by global standards and a worker who works in a glass bottling plant is worth no more than a similar worker in the same business in Poland, Russia, Taiwan or China.

the key word there is allegedly, which automatically throws all of the findings out of the window, if you dont know how many have come in you cannot have a firm baseline to work with.

More people in work than at any time in the history of the UK ?..Surely that is a theory or supposition not a set in stone fact.


Almost 30,000,000 in work. At no time in history have there been more people on work. You just need to do a bit of research. ONS is a good place to start."

Whoopdidoo no surprise as there are more people alive in the UK today than ever before in recorded history.

The Tories used that as a party political broadcast slogan. No shit Sherlock logic tells us why.

I would find the stats more interesting on a pro rata basis of in work to those out of work percentage. Although don't forget the figures won't be truly representative cos 16-18 are no longer counted.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 31/05/14 17:11:54]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I know the title is about immigration,but I think that's just a smokescreen put out by the self serving politicians. the exporting of british jobs is far more harmful, ford transit production has finally gone abroad (as with every other ford),thorsby and kellingley colliery have just announced closure (even though the uk imports 4 times the amount of coal it produces) this is just 2 examples that came to mind but this has been happening for years now with big and small companies, meanwhile we look to blame "immigrants???" while politicians sell us down the river

British coal is very expensive compared to imported coal. Ours is hard to get at in deep mines, imported comes from huge open cast mines where they can just scoop it into ships, more economics than politics.

The same way people are happy with their cheap clothing from primary made in sweatshops in India etc. Greed from multinationals, Apple products made in China get sold at premium prices...

Dyson made his money using UK labour with a UK workforce then shifted production abroad and paid, in comparison, peanuts for labour, we continued to buy his products at the same prices..."

maybe you answered the coal argument(like I said it was just two examples that sprung to mind) but are we paying premium prices for imported coal as I was lead to believe all the loss making pits closed long ago, either way the rich are getting richer by exporting jobs from all industries abroad from the uk ,

just a footnote, how much are you really saving when what you leave behind is more people on benefits and eventually great tax breaks for companies to start up business in high unemployment areas

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Love this..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.

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By *UNCHBOXMan  over a year ago


"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

If we controlled immigration the savings we will make from various areas could be put into higher wages for doctors and training up our own people.


3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

I think this stat is based on a one year study if i remember correctly?

Not really a useful stat unless you take the results of say 3-4 years of them having lived here.

It is high time this debate was endowed with facts rather than opinion.

UCL have an on going migration study into the economic benefits (and detriment) of various sectors of immigrant groups. EU migrants contribute far more in direct and indirect taxes than the native population and are also far more likely to set up a business and employ people. Therefore your assertions of savings are completely wrong and in fact the cutting off of the supply of young, EU migrants will actually cost the economy money, not save. Think about it, we have allegedly had 3,000,000 incoming EU migrants (let alone from elsewhere) since 2000 and there are more people in work today than at any time in the history of the UK.

The argument that this type of migration drives down the wages of low and unskilled workers is only true in the unsustainable micro economics of a single country. As the rest of the world has also discovered, high wages and good standards of living has to be measured by worldwide output otherwise the individual (and the country) exists in an unsustainable bubble and one day it will burst.

The only answer for UK citizens who want to improve their own lives is to skill up, improve standards and quality and make an effort to climb out of the low skill sector. We are now judged by global standards and a worker who works in a glass bottling plant is worth no more than a similar worker in the same business in Poland, Russia, Taiwan or China.

the key word there is allegedly, which automatically throws all of the findings out of the window, if you dont know how many have come in you cannot have a firm baseline to work with.

More people in work than at any time in the history of the UK ?..Surely that is a theory or supposition not a set in stone fact.


Almost 30,000,000 in work. At no time in history have there been more people on work. You just need to do a bit of research. ONS is a good place to start."

How many of them are on zero hours contract, temporary contracts or part time?.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split that attention.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A banker, a tabloid reader, and a Romanian are sitting at the same table. There are also 10 slices of cake on the table. The banker takes 9 slices and tells the tabloid reader, "Watch that Romanian, he's after your cake.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A little bit of history repeating ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It's certainly starting to look that way ...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"1) 26% of NHS doctors are foreign-born. The BMA advises that without immigrants “many NHS services would struggle to provide effective care”. (1)

2) Almost 5.5 million British people live permanently abroad. (2)

3) Immigrants are 60% less likely to claim benefits than a British-born person. (3)

4) Between 1995-2011, EU immigrants contributed £8.8 billion more than they gained. (4)

5) Most studies suggest that immigration has no significant effect on overall employment, or British unemployment. (5)

Are Immigrants Unfairly Portrayed by the Media?



c)I don't know


Thank you for posting this. I actually felt sick to my stomach after reading some of the comments left on the BBC news website (one of the few that work doesn't block) regarding the horrific rape and hanging case on India - the majority of which suggested that this was the reason why we should reject immigrants. To say I was fuming was an understatement. As with many things the minority give the majority a bad name, however surely such atrocities make it blindingly obvious why people want to come and live in a country with a democracy such as ours and...well.....despite being agnostic the saying that " he without sin cast the first stone" springs to mind....before we slate immigrants for sponging off benefits perhaps we should address our own benefit culture?

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