By *inaTitzTV/TS
over a year ago
Titz Towers, North Notts |
This reminds me of when I was passing through Gloucestershire last year. I stopped off for a meal at a pub.
The conversation went like this.
Me, for it is I, in a broad Northern accent, 'Are tha doing any snap, lass?'
Barmaid, for she was a maid of the bar, 'Beg your pardon?'
Me, speaking more slowly, 'Does tha do tea, me duck?'
Barmaid, with the sort of look on her face that many people get when dealing with customers who should really get their carer to go to the bar, 'We do offer hot drinks.'
Me, beginning to wish I'd made more sarnies, 'Nay, lass, do tha have any food going?'
Her, 'Ah, dinner? Yes, take a seat and I'll fetch a menu for you.'
The moral of the story, we may be on a small island, but we don't all speak the same language. I never did get to find out if she had got a brand new combine harvester, either  |