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Kate McCann

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By *riapus4u OP   Man  over a year ago

Charlestown, Cornwall

Did anybody hear her talking on Aled Jones's Radio 2 show 'Good Morning Sunday' this morning?. What she must have gone through in the last 2 years has been traumatic & her (& her husbands) pain continues. She does seem a very strong person though.

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By *zMaleMan  over a year ago


I got no sympathy for either of them. they should be in prison for neglect, at least. Both are in well paid jobs. The resort they were staying in offered a babysitting service that charged £10 a night. What they did was abosuletly disgusting.

Would you go out for a night and leave your kids at home???????

Having said that I would not like to be in their shoes emotionally speaking.

They have to live with the consequences of their actions.

But please don't ask me for a sympathy vote.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I echo the sentiment about "they should know better", sorry!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yup as a mum of four I echo this sentiment £10 a night is a very small price to pay for your children's safety! Am sure she has suffer tremondously but again I have very little sympathy

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have more symapathy.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I am not a parent but my wife was and we agreed that no-one should go through the torment of having their child abducted but this tragic situation would almost certainly not have happened if they had not been so selfish in the first place. I heard conflicting reports about how effective the child-minding service was but to not even make use of it was unforgivable.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I still think there is something missing, there were 3 children in that room why just take maddy. And as for saying it was like being at home in there back garden its not they were in a foreign country on the other side of the resort from their room. If it was a single mum on a council estate who left their children unattended what do you think would happen.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Still say there's something fishy about the whole affair ....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I still think there is something missing, there were 3 children in that room why just take maddy. And as for saying it was like being at home in there back garden its not they were in a foreign country on the other side of the resort from their room. If it was a single mum on a council estate who left their children unattended what do you think would happen."

My thoughts too. Odd the younger children wasn't taken.

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By *ebzStarWoman  over a year ago


I dont even have kids yet when the news first broke i was horrorfied that they had left them children alone.

When my little sis was young we either took her with us (when appropiate) or on occaision i would stay at home and let the parents go out for a meal on their own.

At the end of the day - if you go on holiday as a family you are there as a family. And if you need a break to go out for dinner - you do what you would do at home, and get a sitter.

All the facts dont add up properly - but its the parents that have got to live with what they have done. Hope the other two little uns dont suffer as a consequence.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I would not leave my dog unattended when I go camping with him, let alone a child!

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By *ebzStarWoman  over a year ago


"I would not leave my dog unattended when I go camping with him, let alone a child! "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Would you trust a doctor to treat you if you knew they had a lackadaisical attitude to child care. I am not saying they deserve what happened but I have yet to see them stand up once and admit it was a selfish and stupid act to leave young children alone in a strange room in a strange country whilst they enjoyed an evening of alcohol and self indulgence.

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

Would a single mum living in a flat on moss side who popped next door to the pub be treated the same?? I think not

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I would not leave my dog unattended when I go camping with him, let alone a child! "

Given the choice of a kid or a child - I know which one I'd go for

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Would a single mum living in a flat on moss side who popped next door to the pub be treated the same?? I think not"

She would be hung drawn and quartered. The other children would be taken into care and most likely she would be prosecuted.

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By *mumaWoman  over a year ago


compare Kate McCann to Denise Bulger - who conducted herself with dignity? who has (to my mind) actively seeked publicity?

Sorry, whilst I have some sympathy for them in the loss of their daughter, the McCann's really haven't done themselves any favours in the public eye

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

As a mother of 6 children, yes i said 6 all to the same man I can sympathised with them to only a certain degree i know what its like having the kids running around and sometimes being a pain when all you want is a couple of hours by yourself or with friends just for a yap or even a meal but that is where the parent bit kicks in til they have left home and have their own family to deal with. my children have never been left alone with anyone other than family members when i have been going out on either a meet or for a special occasion betwenn myself and hubby. The only other time they are out of either mine or hubby's sight is when they are at school or asleep in their beds xxx Lois xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Unlike Denise Bulger, the McCanns actively seek publicity as they have no concrete proof that their child is dead. Cynics may also say that it may be to deflect accusation away from them, and publicly show how concerned they are, after initially leaving their children alone in a room.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Would a single mum living in a flat on moss side who popped next door to the pub be treated the same?? I think not"

I was vilified when I said something similar to friends when this happened, cos they said I have no idea what its like to lose a child - well no I dont but I know not to leave my girls alone in a strange place while I go out with mates

We are due to go on holiday in a few months and I know hubby and I will not get an evening "off" cos its a family holiday, not a piss up with mates holiday.

When I lived in a flat in Edinburgh and had to take rubbish out to the bin chute when the oldest was a baby I locked her in the flat walked the 7 steps to the bin chute and raced back cos I was that paranoid something would happen my mother said why lock the door your not leaving the floor just the flat my answer I cant see my front door from the bin chute room, and I would rather die than have something happen to my daughter

Even now when my girls are 7 and 11 I still wouldnt go to the pub without someone to watch them.


x x x

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

I never left my son on his own until he was 15 i simply didnt go out. Every other weekend he went to his dads so that was my time. Was i over causious well maybe but i lost him in woolwoths 6 months after the jamie bulger affair and he was the same age, that was the worst 15 minutes of my life

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By *exeteraWoman  over a year ago


This was a family holiday at a resort that caters for families. The children could have gone along with the parents or they could have made use of the sitter service available at the resort. I also agree that hindsight is a wonderful thing. What the McCanns did was make a seriously bad judgement call and now have to suffer the consequences. My thoughts are with Maddie whose life must be in turmoil, wondering what has happened. I do hope she's still alive.

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By *uton_coupleCouple  over a year ago


"I got no sympathy for either of them. they should be in prison for neglect, at least. Both are in well paid jobs. The resort they were staying in offered a babysitting service that charged £10 a night. What they did was abosuletly disgusting.

Would you go out for a night and leave your kids at home???????

Having said that I would not like to be in their shoes emotionally speaking.

They have to live with the consequences of their actions.

But please don't ask me for a sympathy vote."

totaly agree when our kids were little if you left them in the another room without being able to seeing them there was hell to pay, you wouldnt leave a baby upstairs without a monitor to hear never mind going to the bar for a nice meal with your friends, they wouldnt have gone to the pub in the uk and left them so why did they do it on holiday.no sympathy at all they should be locked up for what they did!

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By *plpxp2Couple  over a year ago


You have to think that if they were not in high paid jobs and lived in a poor area, would the other children have been taken into care due to neglect?

What has happend is terrible and I have no doubt that their actions it will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Leaving the kids alone was unforgivable.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I got no sympathy for either of them. they should be in prison for neglect, at least. Both are in well paid jobs. The resort they were staying in offered a babysitting service that charged £10 a night. What they did was abosuletly disgusting.

Would you go out for a night and leave your kids at home???????

Having said that I would not like to be in their shoes emotionally speaking.

They have to live with the consequences of their actions.

But please don't ask me for a sympathy vote."

i agree with you, if me a joe bloggs noone with a normal job had left my kids alone and one went missing i'd have had the lot took off me, but because they are well paid mecidal people who drugs their kids to save on babysitting money thats ok, they keep the ones they aint 'lost'

personally speaking i still think they was involved with that kids disappearance and i do not feel sorry for them at all

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By *luffybbbWoman  over a year ago


No sympathy for them here.... The only person I feel sorry for is Maddie............!

I wouldn't even trust them with my dog's!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

its tragic what happened but i go abroad frequently and never leave her to go for a meal or out my sight. with the money they have the could have a had a nanny or au pair with them if they wanted peace and didnt want to use the baby sittin service.

i feel if i had done what they done i would have been persecuted and called for hangin!!

very tragic but could have been prevented xx

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By *riapus4u OP   Man  over a year ago

Charlestown, Cornwall

I totaly agree with you all, they should not have left the children on their own & no doubt they think the same thing, only in truck loads!.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

When our girls were young I worked days and my husband nights so one of us would be there to pick them up from school etc.

Any where they went we were there ever vigilant.

I therefore can't understand how the McCann's could leave their children alone and how their "friends" didn't say anything to them!

I've found them very cold and their arrogance towards the Portugese police has been astounding!

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


The McCann family are suing Gonçalo Amaral for having had the audacity to write a book about the disappearance.

It seems they feel they're the only ones allowed to make money out of this tragedy.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think they are involved in Maddie's death.

G. Amaral had the guts to say what the police was not allowed to say officially because their incompetence screwed up the gathering of evidence and making them inadmissible in court.

So the authorities know they did it but cannot prove it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

bet they dnt donate any cash either 2 the missing ppl organisation ,,,

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ive read the Maddy book and it seems the parents were more worried about their tennis lessons and mini tournaments. Kids were palmed off in kids club all the time! DISGUSTING!!

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By *kmale421Man  over a year ago


I have sympathy with the McCanns and I hope that one day thier pain is ended.

The hope remains that one day Maddy will be found alive. Slim though that maybe the fact that in USA those 3 women were found earlier this year after having been missing for 10 years or so must give hope. In addition there gave been other cases in recent years where missing people have been found.

As for what happened on the night in question, suffice to say that however poor the decision was to leave the children alone in a room, the price that the parents have paid far outweighs any misjudgement on their behalf.

My prayers are for all the McCanns and hopefully one day they'll find Maddy.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i would love to get involved in this, but my _iews would probably lead to a ban, lynching and being thrown off the site, lol.

suffice to say we agree there is something not right about them.

a parent of any note would be frantic looking wherever you could for your child, not posing walking down a beach with a rose.

that is all

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sincerely hope Amaral wins his case , ...always money before Maddie with this odious pair I'm affraid .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What ever your _iews on what they did was wrong, I feel sorry for them as through thier own actions they have lost something very precious to them.

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


Maybe, if they'd thought about that first, ............

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I hope one day Maddie is found alive but I believe she died the night she disappeared.

The McCanns both come across as very cold and hard, and whether guilty or innocent - and I make no judgement either way - put their 3 children in danger by leaving them alone so they could drink and dine with friends...had they been an unmarried couple from a council estate instead of wealthy doctors they would have been vilified and prosecuted.

What amazes me is that whilst you hear of families selling everything they own to fund the search for missing loved ones, the McCanns still live in luxury and have used other people's donations to look for Maddie.

There is something just not 'right' about it all

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The McCanns get no sympathy from me. They put there children in danger and it is there fault one of there children was taken. They should have the rest of there children took off them and shouldn't be allowed to bring them up. They have neglected there duty as a parent to put there children before anything else.

The amount of publicity that they have received is ridiculous when compared to other children that have been abducted.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wasn't some sort of dna evidence found in their hire car? Which was allegedly hired AFTER the poor wee souls disapearance? To me, the whole case stinks of something rotten.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I got no sympathy for either of them. they should be in prison for neglect, at least. Both are in well paid jobs. The resort they were staying in offered a babysitting service that charged £10 a night. What they did was abosuletly disgusting.

Would you go out for a night and leave your kids at home???????

Having said that I would not like to be in their shoes emotionally speaking.

They have to live with the consequences of their actions.

But please don't ask me for a sympathy vote."

My thoughts are with Maddie. I feel nothing for her parents.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What ever your _iews on what they did was wrong, I feel sorry for them as through thier own actions they have lost something very precious to them. "

I feel sorry for maddie and there other children. Not the parents

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago



The amount of publicity that they have received is ridiculous when compared to other children that have been abducted. "

If you employ a publicist, you're entitled to expect publicity.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Regardless, I hope Madeleine is alive and well, if not alive with the chance of finding her way to safety.

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By *andWCouple  over a year ago


"I have sympathy with the McCanns and I hope that one day thier pain is ended.

The hope remains that one day Maddy will be found alive. Slim though that maybe the fact that in USA those 3 women were found earlier this year after having been missing for 10 years or so must give hope. In addition there gave been other cases in recent years where missing people have been found.

As for what happened on the night in question, suffice to say that however poor the decision was to leave the children alone in a room, the price that the parents have paid far outweighs any misjudgement on their behalf.

My prayers are for all the McCanns and hopefully one day they'll find Maddy. "

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By *ancs MinxWoman  over a year ago


"I got no sympathy for either of them. they should be in prison for neglect, at least. Both are in well paid jobs. The resort they were staying in offered a babysitting service that charged £10 a night. What they did was abosuletly disgusting.

Would you go out for a night and leave your kids at home???????

Having said that I would not like to be in their shoes emotionally speaking.

They have to live with the consequences of their actions.

But please don't ask me for a sympathy vote."

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By *ark Gr8 Teddy BearMan  over a year ago


I know I'm probably going to get flack for this but I think they killed her. Either by accident or not then disposed of her body. I can't shake this feeling that they have been lying since the start of it all. Something is just not right about them. For starters what responsible parent would leave their young children like that. They should be held responsible for her going missing if nothing else.

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By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


" They put there children in danger and it is there fault one of there children was taken. They should have the rest of there children took off them and shouldn't be allowed to bring them up.

The amount of publicity that they have received is ridiculous when compared to other children that have been abducted. "

No,the fault,blame and guilt lies with the abductor(s).

Taking the childrens' parents away from them would not do anyone any good.

They should be praised for keeping the search for Maddie in the news not castigated.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


No,the fault,blame and guilt lies with the abductor(s).

Taking the childrens' parents away from them would not do anyone any good.

They should be praised for keeping the search for Maddie in the news not castigated."

So leaving 3 young children,alone in a hotel room is responsible ????

Had they been a working class couple,social services would have met them at the airport on their return.

They soon ran back to the UK once they were named as suspects..........

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" They put there children in danger and it is there fault one of there children was taken. They should have the rest of there children took off them and shouldn't be allowed to bring them up.

The amount of publicity that they have received is ridiculous when compared to other children that have been abducted.

No,the fault,blame and guilt lies with the abductor(s).

Taking the childrens' parents away from them would not do anyone any good.

They should be praised for keeping the search for Maddie in the news not castigated."

Who put them in a position where they she could be abducted. Yes the parents.

They have proved they aren't fit to look after the children. If this was someone who was unemployed living in a council estate there other kids would of been straight in to care.

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By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago



So leaving 3 young children,alone in a hotel room is responsible ????

Had they been a working class couple,social services would have met them at the airport on their return.

They soon ran back to the UK once they were named as suspects.........."

A mistake,yes but it is the abductor who is to blame.

Why would social services get involved?

If there was sufficient evidence against the mccanns they would be arrested charged and extradited.

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By *tirling DarkCouple  over a year ago


"I know I'm probably going to get flack for this but I think they killed her. Either by accident or not then disposed of her body. I can't shake this feeling that they have been lying since the start of it all. Something is just not right about them. For starters what responsible parent would leave their young children like that. They should be held responsible for her going missing if nothing else. "

So you are saying, on a public forum, that they are murderers? Do you have the full details of the case? Are you an expert in this sort of crime? Or do you just like throwing allegations around like confetti? Child neglect and murder are not the same thing

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By *wingerdelightCouple  over a year ago


Granted its wrong to abduct a child but its also wrong to leave them unsupervised. They have to take some of the blame. And to me the story doesn't add up something fishy about the whole thing

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


So leaving 3 young children,alone in a hotel room is responsible ????

Had they been a working class couple,social services would have met them at the airport on their return.

They soon ran back to the UK once they were named as suspects..........

A mistake,yes but it is the abductor who is to blame.

Why would social services get involved?

If there was sufficient evidence against the mccanns they would be arrested charged and extradited.


They weren't protecting her so of course they are to blame. If they had of been there or arranged a baby sitter it couldn't of happened.

Ss would get involved if children are being put in a position where they could be in danger. Being left alone at that age is being put in danger.

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By *az1312Woman  over a year ago

Somewhere near Coventry

No comment. I can't afford to be sued for libel.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Dont you just love those that think leaving 3 defenseless children alone in a strange country is simply a mistake.

It is called child neglect,when you have kids you are responsible for them 24/7, not just when your social life allows time.

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By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago



They weren't protecting her so of course they are to blame. If they had of been there or arranged a baby sitter it couldn't of happened.


It is impossible for parents to always"protect" their children.

By your argument then other parents of abductees could be blamed too.

It is the abductor's fault.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 12/09/13 16:18:50]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


They weren't protecting her so of course they are to blame. If they had of been there or arranged a baby sitter it couldn't of happened.

It is impossible for parents to always"protect" their children.

By your argument then other parents of abductees could be blamed too.

It is the abductor's fault."

They didn't offer any form of protection to the children that night, I don't feel sorry for them, I feel sorry for Madeleine, if they are looking for someone to blame they only have to look in the mirror

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It should never have happened. I as a grandmother and an oldie would never have left my young children on their own to go out with friends. not eveat home let alone a foreign country. They neglected their children they must be feeling a lot of guilt but i dont sympathise with them, i feel for the litte darling who got abducted

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If you met a couple in a swingers club,and they told you they had left 3 children under five in the local travel lodge,you would be horrified.

What makes doing it in Portugal acceptable ??????

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo


They weren't protecting her so of course they are to blame. If they had of been there or arranged a baby sitter it couldn't of happened.

It is impossible for parents to always"protect" their children.

By your argument then other parents of abductees could be blamed too.


Not unless they are leaving a child to fend for themselves while they go eat and drink.

If they were with their child no one could have taken her

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago



It is impossible for parents to always"protect" their children.


That's your job till they're old enough to protect themselves.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" They put there children in danger and it is there fault one of there children was taken. They should have the rest of there children took off them and shouldn't be allowed to bring them up.

The amount of publicity that they have received is ridiculous when compared to other children that have been abducted.

No,the fault,blame and guilt lies with the abductor(s).

Taking the childrens' parents away from them would not do anyone any good.

They should be praised for keeping the search for Maddie in the news not castigated."

Praise them? For leaving their kids alone while they went bevvying?? Your having a laugh m8! The only reason they keep dragging it up into the public highlight every now and again is for the donation fund! If they had nothing to hide, they should have stayed there and answered the questins put to them instead of fleeing back to the uk when they were put under suspicion. The whole thing stinks like a week old fish!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have always thought it very odd that she washed the child's soft toy!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

They have low friends in high places ...( The Mcanns )

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


They weren't protecting her so of course they are to blame. If they had of been there or arranged a baby sitter it couldn't of happened.

It is impossible for parents to always"protect" their children.

By your argument then other parents of abductees could be blamed too.

It is the abductor's fault."

maybe so, but you dont hand your child effectively gift wrapped and ready to go, like that pair did. It doesnt matter that they were sat a few yards away, they did not have line of sight to their child. it is criminal negleglect pure and simple.

The only person i feel sorry for is Maddy

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

if i was her i would be ashamed to show my face after neglecting my children.

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By *hester SocialWoman  over a year ago

Chester / North Wales


It is impossible for parents to always"protect" their children.

That's your job till they're old enough to protect themselves."

And then protect them little bit more xx.. I will always protect my kids no matter how old they are

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman  over a year ago

Crumpet Castle

"The McCann family are suing Gonçalo Amaral for having had the audacity to write a book about the disappearance.

It seems they feel they're the only ones allowed to make money out of this tragedy."

Seems.... as grieving parents they may have more personal reasons.

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

I wish them well and hope they get positive news soon

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wish Kate McCann would go boil her head. I'm tired of hearing her and seeing her.

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman  over a year ago

Crumpet Castle

"I hope one day Maddie is found alive but I believe she died the night she disappeared.

The McCanns both come across as very cold and hard, and whether guilty or innocent - and I make no judgement either way - put their 3 children in danger by leaving them alone so they could drink and dine with friends...had they been an unmarried couple from a council estate instead of wealthy doctors they would have been vilified and prosecuted.

What amazes me is that whilst you hear of families selling everything they own to fund the search for missing loved ones, the McCanns still live in luxury and have used other people's donations to look for Maddie.

There is something just not 'right' about it all "

I don't disagree with all you've said but ... what luxury ? From what I can recall they did do all in their power to find her. Selling all they have and recovering old ground won't find Maddie. My guess is if a strong lead came up they'd sell up and give all they have to get her back.

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman  over a year ago

Crumpet Castle

"I wish them well and hope they get positive news soon"

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By *reelove1969Couple  over a year ago


i hope this very sad story does one day find a positive conclusion but i fear it wont

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By *eryBigGirlWoman  over a year ago

East Yorkshire

Child abandonment!!

Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, parents in England and Wales can be prosecuted for wilful neglect if they leave a child unsupervised "in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health".

Punishment can be up to 10 years imprisonment but I'm guessing the mcCanns somehow are above the law!!

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By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"Child abandonment!!

Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, parents in England and Wales can be prosecuted for wilful neglect if they leave a child unsupervised "in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health".

Punishment can be up to 10 years imprisonment but I'm guessing the mcCanns somehow are above the law!!"

Haven't you noticed,Portugal isn't actually in England or Wales?

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


"Child abandonment!!

Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, parents in England and Wales can be prosecuted for wilful neglect if they leave a child unsupervised "in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health".

Punishment can be up to 10 years imprisonment but I'm guessing the mcCanns somehow are above the law!!

Haven't you noticed,Portugal isn't actually in England or Wales?"

Is that the case for the defence? It's OK 'cos they did it somewhere where it isn't illegal?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"Child abandonment!!

Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, parents in England and Wales can be prosecuted for wilful neglect if they leave a child unsupervised "in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health".

Punishment can be up to 10 years imprisonment but I'm guessing the mcCanns somehow are above the law!!

Haven't you noticed,Portugal isn't actually in England or Wales?

Is that the case for the defence? It's OK 'cos they did it somewhere where it isn't illegal?"

"They" did not "do it" until arrested/charged/found guilty.

The demonisation,if any is needed,should be at the abductor but no one seems to be as angry at them as at the parents.

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"Child abandonment!!

Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, parents in England and Wales can be prosecuted for wilful neglect if they leave a child unsupervised "in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health".

Punishment can be up to 10 years imprisonment but I'm guessing the mcCanns somehow are above the law!!

Haven't you noticed,Portugal isn't actually in England or Wales?"

pretty sure they would have similar laws

no matter what anyone says, leaving your 3 YOUNG kids alone while you go out and get pissed is disgusting behaviour and it should be punished but for some reason the McCanns have seemingly never been called to task over it.

Yes it is tragic that their daughter went 'missing' but unfortunately actions have consequences (no i am not a heartless bitch, just stating a fact).

We will never know what truely happened and i believe that they were more involved than the media steam train wants us to believe.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The only person I have any sympathy for in the whole sorry situation is Madeleine herself.

If her useless excuse of parents had hired a babysitter, and not left them alone for the night, she would have still been with them. And in any case, if they did that here, and social services got whiff of it, the McCann's would likely have had those kids taken away from them.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I hope that the poor little girl is dead, and that she died very quickly.

The alternative is ( to me) more scary.

I am of the opinion that there was more involvement from the parents than the media and McCanns led the public to believe, but when all said and done, it is just my opinion.

The only people who know what happened are the perpetrator (be that the McCanns or A N other) and possibly poor Madeleine.

I DO believe that THE McCanns should have had a case to answer for child neglect.

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


The way this country is going she'll end up in the House of Lords.

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By *ighland_RoseCouple  over a year ago


"Child abandonment!!

Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, parents in England and Wales can be prosecuted for wilful neglect if they leave a child unsupervised "in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health".

Punishment can be up to 10 years imprisonment but I'm guessing the mcCanns somehow are above the law!!

Haven't you noticed,Portugal isn't actually in England or Wales?

Is that the case for the defence? It's OK 'cos they did it somewhere where it isn't illegal?

"They" did not "do it" until arrested/charged/found guilty.

The demonisation,if any is needed,should be at the abductor but no one seems to be as angry at them as at the parents. "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Did anybody hear her talking on Aled Jones's Radio 2 show 'Good Morning Sunday' this morning?. What she must have gone through in the last 2 years has been traumatic & her (& her husbands) pain continues. She does seem a very strong person though."

lol she probably did it, well statically speaking she did. Most kids are murdered by their parents.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The way this country is going she'll end up in the House of Lords."

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"Child abandonment!!

Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, parents in England and Wales can be prosecuted for wilful neglect if they leave a child unsupervised "in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health".

Punishment can be up to 10 years imprisonment but I'm guessing the mcCanns somehow are above the law!!

Haven't you noticed,Portugal isn't actually in England or Wales?

Is that the case for the defence? It's OK 'cos they did it somewhere where it isn't illegal?

"They" did not "do it" until arrested/charged/found guilty.

The demonisation,if any is needed,should be at the abductor but no one seems to be as angry at them as at the parents. "

should that not read 'abductor'?

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By *tirling DarkCouple  over a year ago


Think people need to step back from the accusations in public forums, remember what happened to the Speakers wife after her twitter comments?

Libel is libel, even on a swingers forum.

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


"Think people need to step back from the accusations in public forums, remember what happened to the Speakers wife after her twitter comments?

Libel is libel, even on a swingers forum."

Do you think Kate would take that risk, even if there were any libelous remarks on here?

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By *tebriCouple  over a year ago

sutton coldfield

"I got no sympathy for either of them. they should be in prison for neglect, at least. Both are in well paid jobs. The resort they were staying in offered a babysitting service that charged £10 a night. What they did was abosuletly disgusting.

Would you go out for a night and leave your kids at home???????

Having said that I would not like to be in their shoes emotionally speaking.

They have to live with the consequences of their actions.

But please don't ask me for a sympathy vote."

Totaly agree except when I took my children away I wouldnt even trust them to baby sitters. Makes me sick to think of leaving them to go for a meal. And dont forget that wasnt the only time.

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By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"Think people need to step back from the accusations in public forums, remember what happened to the Speakers wife after her twitter comments?

Libel is libel, even on a swingers forum."

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By *icoupleforfunz27Couple  over a year ago


"I got no sympathy for either of them. they should be in prison for neglect, at least. Both are in well paid jobs. The resort they were staying in offered a babysitting service that charged £10 a night. What they did was abosuletly disgusting.

Would you go out for a night and leave your kids at home???????

Having said that I would not like to be in their shoes emotionally speaking.

They have to live with the consequences of their actions.

But please don't ask me for a sympathy vote."

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *eryBigGirlWoman  over a year ago

East Yorkshire

"Child abandonment!!

Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, parents in England and Wales can be prosecuted for wilful neglect if they leave a child unsupervised "in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health".

Punishment can be up to 10 years imprisonment but I'm guessing the mcCanns somehow are above the law!!

Haven't you noticed,Portugal isn't actually in England or Wales?"

They ate British citizens therefore can be charged under English law!!

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago



They ate British citizens therefore can be charged under English law!!"

Is cannibalism actually illegal?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Child abandonment!!

Under the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, parents in England and Wales can be prosecuted for wilful neglect if they leave a child unsupervised "in a manner likely to cause unnecessary suffering or injury to health".

Punishment can be up to 10 years imprisonment but I'm guessing the mcCanns somehow are above the law!!

Haven't you noticed,Portugal isn't actually in England or Wales?"

Neither is Spain. Didn't stop the uk authorities prosecuting that lass for leaving her kid in the hotel and relying on staff while she went drinking!

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

"Think people need to step back from the accusations in public forums, remember what happened to the Speakers wife after her twitter comments?

Libel is libel, even on a swingers forum."

If anyone wants their post removed let us know, I really do think you are opening yourself up by writing these accusations.

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By *ark Gr8 Teddy BearMan  over a year ago


"I know I'm probably going to get flack for this but I think they killed her. Either by accident or not then disposed of her body. I can't shake this feeling that they have been lying since the start of it all. Something is just not right about them. For starters what responsible parent would leave their young children like that. They should be held responsible for her going missing if nothing else.

So you are saying, on a public forum, that they are murderers? Do you have the full details of the case? Are you an expert in this sort of crime? Or do you just like throwing allegations around like confetti? Child neglect and murder are not the same thing"

Its an opinion. Just as yours is. You don't know the facts just as I don't. The only 1 fact that's true is they did neglect their children that night so whatever happened is they're responsibility because if they'd taken care of the kids at they should have Maddy missing wouldn't be an issue. As for my other comment I can guarantee I'm not the only one who's thought this.

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By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"Think people need to step back from the accusations in public forums, remember what happened to the Speakers wife after her twitter comments?

Libel is libel, even on a swingers forum.

If anyone wants their post removed let us know, I really do think you are opening yourself up by writing these accusations."


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Think people need to step back from the accusations in public forums, remember what happened to the Speakers wife after her twitter comments?

Libel is libel, even on a swingers forum.

If anyone wants their post removed let us know, I really do think you are opening yourself up by writing these accusations.


Blinkered .

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

"Think people need to step back from the accusations in public forums, remember what happened to the Speakers wife after her twitter comments?

Libel is libel, even on a swingers forum.

If anyone wants their post removed let us know, I really do think you are opening yourself up by writing these accusations.


Hey I am just giving people the option

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"Think people need to step back from the accusations in public forums, remember what happened to the Speakers wife after her twitter comments?

Libel is libel, even on a swingers forum."

People have been saying it from day 1 and no prosecutions have taken place.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Think people need to step back from the accusations in public forums, remember what happened to the Speakers wife after her twitter comments?

Libel is libel, even on a swingers forum.

People have been saying it from day 1 and no prosecutions have taken place."

I'm guessing no libel prosecutions have taken place because it would put the onus on them to prove they are false.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

for her to sue for libel she would have to prove in court she didn't do it. a bit of a risk me thinks..

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By *oxy_minxWoman  over a year ago

Scotland - Aberdeen

But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok.

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok."

your parents left you alone when you were 6??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

They are both without a doubt intelligent people. What they did that night was not the actions of intelligent people. All parents need the odd break from your young ones,but to do so in another country ? Draw your own conclusions but it all makes very little sense to me.

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"They are both without a doubt intelligent people. What they did that night was not the actions of intelligent people. All parents need the odd break from your young ones,but to do so in another country ? Draw your own conclusions but it all makes very little sense to me."

and without arranging adult supervision

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok."

And did your parents use sleeping tablets to ensure you didn't wake up and interrupt their drinking and eating sessions?

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By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok."

voice of reason

and reality.

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By *ark Gr8 Teddy BearMan  over a year ago


Libel. I would stand in court tomorrow and say exactly what I've said here if it meant getting to the bottom of this and the truth coming out or the poor girl being found. And no I wouldn't care if it came out I was a member of this site as I'm not ashamed of it.

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

"But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok.

voice of reason

and reality.


Not in my world...we didn't ever leave our kids on their own while we drank with friends

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By *ruitWoman  over a year ago

near kings lynn

My parents never left me alone somewhere.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok.

voice of reason

and reality.


Reality? Really? Show me a parent that admits to leaving a six year old and two younger children alone, and i'll show you a neglectful parent!

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok.

voice of reason

and reality.

Reality? Really? Show me a parent that admits to leaving a six year old and two younger children alone, and i'll show you a neglectful parent!"

do they have cupboard clips?? (sorry, couldnt resist )

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok."

I think it was a very easy mistake to have

been made......I really can't believe you said that !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have always had an inkling that "something went wrong" ie maybe they did "drug" their children to ensure sleep etc but something happened to her. In that situation they would be well aware that their jobs and social standing would be ruined and also that their other two may be taken off them. However, if they did have something to do with it, I think that there would have been one of them, more than the other, "in charge" and the guilt would be eating them up....I would not be surprised if, sometime in the future, one of them cracked and admitted to something.....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok.

voice of reason

and reality.

Reality? Really? Show me a parent that admits to leaving a six year old and two younger children alone, and i'll show you a neglectful parent!

do they have cupboard clips?? (sorry, couldnt resist )"

Lol. Only on the outside of the cupboard though!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Highly qualified, apparently responsible people/parents.... The mind boggles as to why they would have wrecklessly abandoned their child in such a selfish manner. BUT, the fact that, potentially their child has been abducted still warrants empathy. In my mind, the jury is still out on the full authenticity of their claims. God bless that young angel. Whatever the case is. I am just very sceptical of the genuine facts surrounding her disappearing. Peace x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have always had an inkling that "something went wrong" ie maybe they did "drug" their children to ensure sleep etc but something happened to her. In that situation they would be well aware that their jobs and social standing would be ruined and also that their other two may be taken off them. However, if they did have something to do with it, I think that there would have been one of them, more than the other, "in charge" and the guilt would be eating them up....I would not be surprised if, sometime in the future, one of them cracked and admitted to something.....


Exactly. Didn't they find sme dna evidence in the boot of the hired car, (which was hired a day after maddies disapearance), which included a known sleeping agent in the drop of blood!

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By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that... "

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

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By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ..."

That's it...I know they differ in what they can sniff out as such..

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By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that... "

You've looked in great detail at the case.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I got no sympathy for either of them. they should be in prison for neglect, at least. Both are in well paid jobs. The resort they were staying in offered a babysitting service that charged £10 a night. What they did was abosuletly disgusting.

Would you go out for a night and leave your kids at home???????

Having said that I would not like to be in their shoes emotionally speaking.

They have to live with the consequences of their actions.

But please don't ask me for a sympathy vote."

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

You've looked in great detail at the case."

Nope the wonders of the forums you look up things that are posted

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

on the rapist threads, people are innocent until proven guilty, on other threads people are guilty of killing their child and disposing of the body without trial...

they were very very neglectful leaving them but jesus, they will rightly live with that guilt for the rest of their lives

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

You've looked in great detail at the case."

and you're the lead investigator i presume

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

You've looked in great detail at the case."

At least someone has eh!

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By *icketysplitsWoman  over a year ago

Way over Yonder, that's where I'm bound

"But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok.

voice of reason

and reality.

Reality? Really? Show me a parent that admits to leaving a six year old and two younger children alone, and i'll show you a neglectful parent!"

Mine left us all day during the school holidays. We couldn't afford childcare. I was five and my sister three and a half the first time. However, we weren't drugged to keep us quiet.

That was over 40 years ago. I can't imagine leaving children so young on their own here, let alone in a strange country.

It's very sad.

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By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ..."

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok.

voice of reason

and reality.

Reality? Really? Show me a parent that admits to leaving a six year old and two younger children alone, and i'll show you a neglectful parent!

do they have cupboard clips?? (sorry, couldnt resist )

Lol. Only on the outside of the cupboard though!


Ouch! I bet you wasnt 6 months old like the twins were and your parents didnt leave you to go on out drinking. Remember 6 month old twins.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens


world renounced?

A Youtube video...seriously!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"But I also think people need to think in the real world as well! How often did your parents leave you alone as kids thinking you were safe, because they were just next door? I know mine did!

That is why there is the saying 'hindsight is a wonderful thing!'

If only we were all so perfect and lived in a perfect world! Unfortunately we don't, yet sometimes we live in a false security, so whilst it is and has been a massive tragedy, I think it was a very easy mistake to have been made, just my opinion of course and yes my mother and I did discuss this often since this has happened, and yes, we were left on quite a few occasions with the odd head poked round the door to make sure everything was ok.

voice of reason

and reality.

Reality? Really? Show me a parent that admits to leaving a six year old and two younger children alone, and i'll show you a neglectful parent!

do they have cupboard clips?? (sorry, couldnt resist )

Lol. Only on the outside of the cupboard though!

Ouch! I bet you wasnt 6 months old like the twins were and your parents didnt leave you to go on out drinking. Remember 6 month old twins. "

The above was a bit tongue in cheek regarding another thread mate! Nothing to do with locking kids in cupboards. Sorry for the confusin.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

You've looked in great detail at the case.

and you're the lead investigator i presume "

no. I just dont know the full details to be able to judge the mccanns.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 12/09/13 21:42:34]

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens


No shit sherlock!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

When it comes to the choice of being hungry,or leaving my kids locked in a hotel room alone.

You can be 100% certain I would be having a double breakfast the next day.

If we couldnt take our kids in a place on holiday,we didnt go in either.

What would have happened if the place had caught fire FFS,3 dead kids and who would be to blame then ???

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

world renounced?

A Youtube video...seriously!"

Er the dogs are...used in a lot of cases and never proved wrong

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


They weren't protecting her so of course they are to blame. If they had of been there or arranged a baby sitter it couldn't of happened.

It is impossible for parents to always"protect" their children.

By your argument then other parents of abductees could be blamed too.


Not unless they are leaving a child to fend for themselves while they go eat and drink.

If they were with their child no one could have taken her "


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

No shit sherlock!"

isnt it ironic?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *o-jCouple  over a year ago

Outskirts of Notts

Do you think she likes being in the spotlight , it's been very quiet on the kate mccan front recently so why not a court case , am I being cynical ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

No shit sherlock!

isnt it ironic?"

Don't you think....

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

Remember that little boy that went missing in Greece??

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

world renounced?

A Youtube video...seriously!

Er the dogs are...used in a lot of cases and never proved wrong "

That's as may be but a Youtube video is not proof of anything.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

No shit sherlock!

isnt it ironic?"

Isn't what ironic?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

world renounced?

A Youtube video...seriously!

Er the dogs are...used in a lot of cases and never proved wrong

That's as may be but a Youtube video is not proof of anything."

No of course not I was just saying that I watched a video of these dogs going into the apartment they recorded it and put it on you tube...it's interesting _iewing whether its right or wrong...it does get you thinking that is all..

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *andWCouple  over a year ago


"on the rapist threads, people are innocent until proven guilty, on other threads people are guilty of killing their child and disposing of the body without trial...

they were very very neglectful leaving them but jesus, they will rightly live with that guilt for the rest of their lives


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Do you think she likes being in the spotlight , it's been very quiet on the kate mccan front recently so why not a court case , am I being cynical ?


Kates been in court today in Portugal , Kate and Gerry are attempting to claim £1million in damages from The portugese investigating officer .

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

world renounced?

A Youtube video...seriously!

Er the dogs are...used in a lot of cases and never proved wrong

That's as may be but a Youtube video is not proof of anything.

No of course not I was just saying that I watched a video of these dogs going into the apartment they recorded it and put it on you tube...it's interesting _iewing whether its right or wrong...it does get you thinking that is all.."

who recorded it and put it on Youtube?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

world renounced?

A Youtube video...seriously!

Er the dogs are...used in a lot of cases and never proved wrong

That's as may be but a Youtube video is not proof of anything.

No of course not I was just saying that I watched a video of these dogs going into the apartment they recorded it and put it on you tube...it's interesting _iewing whether its right or wrong...it does get you thinking that is all..

who recorded it and put it on Youtube? "

The dog handler...I think I can't recall the full details of it...

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

world renounced?

A Youtube video...seriously!

Er the dogs are...used in a lot of cases and never proved wrong

That's as may be but a Youtube video is not proof of anything.

No of course not I was just saying that I watched a video of these dogs going into the apartment they recorded it and put it on you tube...it's interesting _iewing whether its right or wrong...it does get you thinking that is all..

who recorded it and put it on Youtube?

The dog handler...I think I can't recall the full details of it..."

It was Anotheroneforjustice that uploaded it. Two videos. One from the room and one from the hired car.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

No shit sherlock!

isnt it ironic?

Isn't what ironic? "

rain on your wedding day.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

world renounced?

A Youtube video...seriously!

Er the dogs are...used in a lot of cases and never proved wrong

That's as may be but a Youtube video is not proof of anything.

No of course not I was just saying that I watched a video of these dogs going into the apartment they recorded it and put it on you tube...it's interesting _iewing whether its right or wrong...it does get you thinking that is all..

who recorded it and put it on Youtube?

The dog handler...I think I can't recall the full details of it...

It was Anotheroneforjustice that uploaded it. Two videos. One from the room and one from the hired car."

There you go I was wrong in who it was...I was never good at cluedo....

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

No shit sherlock!

isnt it ironic?

Isn't what ironic?

rain on your wedding day."

Nope. Thats not ironic at all.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Some vile _iews above. We lost our son on a beach once - was the most scared, worried and angry I've ever been in my life. Cannot imagine what I'd do in their situation other than dedicate every second of my life to doing everything possible to get her back.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

No shit sherlock!

isnt it ironic?

Isn't what ironic?

rain on your wedding day.

Nope. Thats not ironic at all. "

by jove she's got it !!! (Thanks dr Higgins)

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"Some vile _iews above. We lost our son on a beach once - was the most scared, worried and angry I've ever been in my life. Cannot imagine what I'd do in their situation other than dedicate every second of my life to doing everything possible to get her back."

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

No shit sherlock!

isnt it ironic?

Isn't what ironic?

rain on your wedding day.

Nope. Thats not ironic at all.

by jove she's got it !!! (Thanks dr Higgins)"

I think you will find its a him...and I got it first

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

No shit sherlock!

isnt it ironic?

Isn't what ironic?

rain on your wedding day.

Nope. Thats not ironic at all.

by jove she's got it !!! (Thanks dr Higgins)

I think you will find its a him...and I got it first "

isnt it a she?

But gold star anyhoo!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

No shit sherlock!

isnt it ironic?

Isn't what ironic?

rain on your wedding day.

Nope. Thats not ironic at all.

by jove she's got it !!! (Thanks dr Higgins)

I think you will find its a him...and I got it first

isnt it a she?

But gold star anyhoo!"

Last time I looked edinguy was a he....I like gold stars

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *oftfocusMan  over a year ago


"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

No shit sherlock!

isnt it ironic?

Isn't what ironic?

rain on your wedding day.

Nope. Thats not ironic at all.

by jove she's got it !!! (Thanks dr Higgins)

I think you will find its a him...and I got it first

isnt it a she?

But gold star anyhoo!

Last time I looked edinguy was a he....I like gold stars "

your gold star is taken back and you've been given a black mark.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It warms my heart to see such compassion flowing through this thread,

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *tirling DarkCouple  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 13/09/13 03:16:06]

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *tirling DarkCouple  over a year ago


"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

world renounced?

A Youtube video...seriously!

Er the dogs are...used in a lot of cases and never proved wrong "

What "never"?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

No shit sherlock!

isnt it ironic?

Isn't what ironic?

rain on your wedding day.

Nope. Thats not ironic at all.

by jove she's got it !!! (Thanks dr Higgins)

I think you will find its a him...and I got it first

isnt it a she?

But gold star anyhoo!

Last time I looked edinguy was a he....I like gold stars

your gold star is taken back and you've been given a black mark."

oh you are a cheery chappy

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

world renounced?

A Youtube video...seriously!

Er the dogs are...used in a lot of cases and never proved wrong

What "never"?"

That is the point I was trying to make, so many unsubstantiated statements. I know nothing about this video and its authenticity beyond what has been said on here and so far no one has said anything which makes me inclined to think that it contains anything that might contribute factually in any way to finding out what happened to a small girl.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

And The Lord said " Let he who has not sinned, cast the first stone"

A lot of brick throwing going on in this thread. Must be all perfect people.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

"And The Lord said " Let he who has not sinned, cast the first stone"

A lot of brick throwing going on in this thread. Must be all perfect people."

That would only apply if any one had done what the Mcganns did, which was leave three young children on their own while they were fed and watered.

For us, we NEVER left our children alone in a building be that abroad or at home on their own.

No food or drink is more important than a childs welfare.

If that means I am perfect then yes, I was perfect at never leaving our children in a building alone while I drank and ate in another building

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Some vile _iews above. We lost our son on a beach once - was the most scared, worried and angry I've ever been in my life. Cannot imagine what I'd do in their situation other than dedicate every second of my life to doing everything possible to get her back."

this to me is what every parent would do.

however, cant help but think they havent been doing just this.

we discussed it at the time and V couldnt believe how calm they both were.

she said her youngest was 20 minutes late coming in after playing round his friends house and she was out, with the other kids, searching the estates for him, and thats 20 minutes.

they have only ever been back to portugal for photoshoots and money making opportunities.

we would be bankrupt, travelling the world following every lead ourselves, because thats what worried parents that are missing a child do!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

Pretty sure that they (Mcanns)know all too well that they fucked up in a major way when they left their kids to go and eat..

pretty incomprehensible to us as parents tbh, but in raising ours we did make mistakes also and I would hazard a guess that we are not the only ones..

called being human and learning etc..

theirs was at the very higher end of whatever scale one would attach it to, possibly had they done that over here they most likely would have been prosecuted and probably deservedly so..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Interesting thought ...If you had allowed a child of yours to go on holiday with these people and this crime happened ...would you accept their version of events ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

" but in raising ours we did make mistakes also and I would hazard a guess that we are not the only ones..

called being human and learning etc..


I don't think any parent would dispute that

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I rarely judge anyone but theres a lot of double standards going on with the parents. If they were both on long term benefits and from the lower end of society they would be getting hounded and not a great deal of sympathy. No because these are two people with responsible careers and well respected in their community,they get the red carpet treatment. Anyone who thinks your class and upbringing matters little these days,is living in cloud cuckoo land

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"this to me is what every parent would do.

however, cant help but think they havent been doing just this.

we discussed it at the time and V couldnt believe how calm they both were.

she said her youngest was 20 minutes late coming in after playing round his friends house and she was out, with the other kids, searching the estates for him, and thats 20 minutes.

they have only ever been back to portugal for photoshoots and money making opportunities.

we would be bankrupt, travelling the world following every lead ourselves, because thats what worried parents that are missing a child do!"

I understand there are doubts - that's inevitable but I think a lot of people are making judgements based on very little besides a bizarre lynch mentality. It's not pleasant and says much.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Regrettably this is another case of trial by media and conjecture ....

There was another case on Crimewatch last night, where a 7 year old girl was murdered 21 years ago ... Her mother had left two daughters and a cousin in her flat whilst she went to visit family in the same estate ... One daughter and the cousin to see Mum and then left to go back to the flat ...

Tragically the daughter was taken and killed ....

But where is/ was the vilification in this tragic case ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *isscheekychopsWoman  over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"There is a you tube video of world renounced sniffer dogs that they took to the apartment the Mcanns was staying in and they sniffed out blood and I think one of them could sniff human remains or something like that...

Eddie and Keelah , specialist dogs , never been known to be wrong ...

Ahhh!!! The plot thickens

world renounced?

A Youtube video...seriously!

Er the dogs are...used in a lot of cases and never proved wrong

What "never"?

That is the point I was trying to make, so many unsubstantiated statements. I know nothing about this video and its authenticity beyond what has been said on here and so far no one has said anything which makes me inclined to think that it contains anything that might contribute factually in any way to finding out what happened to a small girl."

I watched the video and really based no judgement on it. I thought it was interesting. The only people who know the truth are the people involved...the parents fucked up and they know they did and they have to live with that for the rest of their lives. The only person i feel sorry for in this case is maddy...

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