By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
For new mothers in high street shopping vouchers split into £120 at 6 weeks then £80 at 6 months if they sign to say they have breast fed.
I think it's total madness as lots of new mums struggle to breast fed. A stressed mum makes a stressed baby , a happy mum makes a happy baby. Breast is not always best.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
No its not possible for some and how can they do it some will sign to say they are even if they arnt.
Although its a nice thought will they also make sure there are enough breast feeding councillors for those that struggle.... As from experience the midwifes sometimes dont have the time to show you properly i was lucky enough to have my sister on hand when i struggled and got mastitis. |
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But should the government really be giving out financial incentives for people to do this?
As previously said, in some cases, it's the mum's choice not to, sometimes it's extremely difficult or painful and in some cases, the baby doesn't want to latch on and prefers a bottle. Plus, how do they expect to be able to 'police' it? Is the government planning to allocate a Health Visitor to 'live in' with these new mums for the duration of the qualification period, to ensure that there is no cheating? I really doubt that!
It feels 'almost' like the financial "incentive" that has, in some cases in the past, been given to truanting/ disruptive kids to keep them attending school. School attendance is a legal obligation and the state shouldn't have to resort to this.
I know I went off on a bit of a tangent there about kids but basically, this country's financial position isn't particularly good at present and to be offering these financial 'rewards' is just going to be yet another burden on the taxpayers. which can, as ever, easily be fraudulently claimed.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Its also very hard to keep it up for 6 months i couldnt have with the boys as it bacame too much for me and no matter how i tried i couldnt express...and with the hobbit i was back at work she had to be mix fed....good luck to those that can but i can see this falling flat on its face. |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Im signing up......just need to borrow a baby
What? times are hard and christmas is round the corner "
I'm in luck there will be a baby available soon for me to borrow , ah actually it's not due till 5 days after Christmas. How inconsiderate. Any one got any tips on how to induce labour  |
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Will expressing breast milk and feeding via a bottle count?
Ohhhh there are soooooo many loopholes growing in this latest tangled 1970s tanktop that the government are TRYING to knit. I think they should give it up as a bad idea and find ways to save the country's economy, not ways to put even more pressure on it.
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"I think it's a great idea as some don't even try... If it helps encourage breastfeeding for longer then it has to be a good thing
Oh and what an incentive, I'm going to breast fed because I'm going to get £200, nothing to do with it being good for baby.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
With more and more people opting to not even try I can't see it being bad... I've just had a heated duscusion with my future daughter in law. As she is bottle feeding from day one.. I am trying to convince her to try.. she says no as it will make her have saggy boobs...
Anything that encourages mums to breastfeed is a good thing to me.. |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"With more and more people opting to not even try I can't see it being bad... I've just had a heated duscusion with my future daughter in law. As she is bottle feeding from day one.. I am trying to convince her to try.. she says no as it will make her have saggy boobs...
Anything that encourages mums to breastfeed is a good thing to me.. "
Why would you even get involved though, it's not your baby and mum will do what she thinks is best for her and her baby. |
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I think its utter bollocks!!
I was never planning on having kids and had my breast op 5 years ago. They way they had to do my op meant they had to do a fair bit of chopping around in there and I was warned that I might not produce milk. No problem
As I wasn't going to have kids anyway.
After a contraception failure I fell preg and gave bf a try. But I couldn't. So what about those mums that truly try and for one reason or another cannot?
The money would be better spent having more trainee bf helpers that can go to new mums after the birth and show them what to do. I know so many new mums who have wanted to bf but after being in agony, not being able to get the correct latch etc have given up when they couldn't get a midwife round to show them. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"With more and more people opting to not even try I can't see it being bad... I've just had a heated duscusion with my future daughter in law. As she is bottle feeding from day one.. I am trying to convince her to try.. she says no as it will make her have saggy boobs...
Anything that encourages mums to breastfeed is a good thing to me..
Why would you even get involved though, it's not your baby and mum will do what she thinks is best for her and her baby. "
Because I feel that all mums should try.. to decide while still pregnant with stupid reasons for not even considering it... And she obviously has no knowledge on it and if I can convince her to try or atleast make sure it's an informed decision she could perhaps not miss out on something that can be beautiful.
Not all mums can feed but I do think at least that first feed should be encouraged... As that's the important one..
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I never tried to breast feed, and with the amount he drank I would never have coped anyway!
He was on nearly twice the average milk intake from about 2 weeks old and then by 6 weeks the midwife said I had to move him to extra hungry formula because the regular wasn't giving him enough of what he needed
I think it's silly giving more money to those who breast feed, it's the ones who don't who need more money to be able to get the extra bottles, formula, etc! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Breast feeding has to be best in most cases, it saves a fortune on medical intervention, illness and also the cost of manufactured replacement milk,
Mothers milk is full of nutrients, antibodies and bacteria, that strengthen a new borns immune system.
I see this most days on the farm, foals, in fact every animal living on their mothers milk, is stronger, healthier and cheaper to raise.
There will always be exceptions of course, if a mother isn't well, doesn't produce enough milk, possibly a hereditry problem.
Bottle feeding can cause problems, besides health, prevents the new born bonding with it's mother and vice versa.
We live in a time when everything is about greed and convenience, in the farming world its become the norm to remove the baby from its mother and feed it man made "milk " pumped full of anti biotics and bacteria to replace the mothers milk. Resulting in many young animals with behaviour problems,
luckily for them they are destined to become meat within 12 / 20 weeks.
Anything that can be done to encourage natures way has to be a good thing.  |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"With more and more people opting to not even try I can't see it being bad... I've just had a heated duscusion with my future daughter in law. As she is bottle feeding from day one.. I am trying to convince her to try.. she says no as it will make her have saggy boobs...
Anything that encourages mums to breastfeed is a good thing to me..
Why would you even get involved though, it's not your baby and mum will do what she thinks is best for her and her baby.
Because I feel that all mums should try.. to decide while still pregnant with stupid reasons for not even considering it... And she obviously has no knowledge on it and if I can convince her to try or atleast make sure it's an informed decision she could perhaps not miss out on something that can be beautiful.
Not all mums can feed but I do think at least that first feed should be encouraged... As that's the important one..
I'm not saying breast isn't good for baby what I am saying people trying to force their views down other peoples mouths is wrong. For whatever reason mums decided to feed the way they want and for me as long as both mum and baby are happy that's all that matters. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I never tried to breast feed, and with the amount he drank I would never have coped anyway!
He was on nearly twice the average milk intake from about 2 weeks old and then by 6 weeks the midwife said I had to move him to extra hungry formula because the regular wasn't giving him enough of what he needed
I think it's silly giving more money to those who breast feed, it's the ones who don't who need more money to be able to get the extra bottles, formula, etc!"
You would have made enough milk.. my son was a hungry baby.. on solids early.. I had to feed every two hours to start..
Maybe they could use this money to better educate pregnant women about it... But as I say..if it encourages them to try... Some that may never have tried might give it ago. We have one of the lowest rates if breastfeeding in Europe..
So many myths and misconceptions... Some can't.. but there should be more help and good advice and support..
It always seems to be that if your pro breastfeeding you are rubbing it in the face of those that can't... I do not see it as that... and eeven if you can't for whatever reason why feel that positive encouragement of breastfeeding is a slight against you.
I fed all 6 yet struggled with two.. one I had to admit defeat and give expressed milk from a bottle.. I wasn't encouraged with my first.. and was expressing while away from him. It wasn't easy.. but I kept at it.
I just hope it encourages some that wouldn't normally try to do so. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"With more and more people opting to not even try I can't see it being bad... I've just had a heated duscusion with my future daughter in law. As she is bottle feeding from day one.. I am trying to convince her to try.. she says no as it will make her have saggy boobs...
Anything that encourages mums to breastfeed is a good thing to me..
Why would you even get involved though, it's not your baby and mum will do what she thinks is best for her and her baby.
Because I feel that all mums should try.. to decide while still pregnant with stupid reasons for not even considering it... And she obviously has no knowledge on it and if I can convince her to try or atleast make sure it's an informed decision she could perhaps not miss out on something that can be beautiful.
Not all mums can feed but I do think at least that first feed should be encouraged... As that's the important one..
I'm not saying breast isn't good for baby what I am saying people trying to force their views down other peoples mouths is wrong. For whatever reason mums decided to feed the way they want and for me as long as both mum and baby are happy that's all that matters. "
My mum tried to force me to 'at least try', then she soon backtracked when - after my gut instinct told me not to try - it was the right choice |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"At the end of the day, its about education and choice, you have to be educated to make the best choices in life."
You have to be a mother first to make the best choice for you and your baby, nothing at all to do with being educated. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Is this really the Conservative way these days?"
If it saves money on the health service, produces stronger, better adjusted children, yes its the conservative way, and bloody good business sense.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I never tried to breast feed, and with the amount he drank I would never have coped anyway!
He was on nearly twice the average milk intake from about 2 weeks old and then by 6 weeks the midwife said I had to move him to extra hungry formula because the regular wasn't giving him enough of what he needed
I think it's silly giving more money to those who breast feed, it's the ones who don't who need more money to be able to get the extra bottles, formula, etc!
You would have made enough milk.. my son was a hungry baby.. on solids early.. I had to feed every two hours to start..
Maybe they could use this money to better educate pregnant women about it... But as I say..if it encourages them to try... Some that may never have tried might give it ago. We have one of the lowest rates if breastfeeding in Europe..
So many myths and misconceptions... Some can't.. but there should be more help and good advice and support..
It always seems to be that if your pro breastfeeding you are rubbing it in the face of those that can't... I do not see it as that... and eeven if you can't for whatever reason why feel that positive encouragement of breastfeeding is a slight against you.
I fed all 6 yet struggled with two.. one I had to admit defeat and give expressed milk from a bottle.. I wasn't encouraged with my first.. and was expressing while away from him. It wasn't easy.. but I kept at it.
I just hope it encourages some that wouldn't normally try to do so. "
That's fair enough, but my midwife told me I wouldn't have coped as I had almost no milk to give anyway as I wasn't producing
As I said on the other post, I had a gut instinct that it wasn't a good idea and I was right, but that's just my case
Not everything is that easy where they can just give something a go
I (like others have said) don't feel someone should be pressured to try something just because others believe it to be right to them and cause unnecessary stress |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"At the end of the day, its about education and choice, you have to be educated to make the best choices in life.
You have to be a mother first to make the best choice for you and your baby, nothing at all to do with being educated. "
Without knowledge you are not equipped to make the best choice for you or your baby,
If that was the case many many girls would not become pregnant and pass their child onto someone else to pay for and care for.
Ignorance and a lack of knowledge is responsible for many pregnancies. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"At the end of the day, its about education and choice, you have to be educated to make the best choices in life.
You have to be a mother first to make the best choice for you and your baby, nothing at all to do with being educated. "
Of course it is... Before mother's had advise many miscarried from eating unpasteurized foods.. now we know.. education is important. In all aspects of life. In my future daughter in laws case she has decided due to things she has heard from friends.. she hasn't looked at facts..
She also wants to feed baby enough.. and has been told by a mate that she may need hungry baby food.. so she needs to learn more.
It's personal choice but we are not born knowing all and no matter how much you think you know you can always learn more.
However I think with Laura it's more her mum, she never breastfed... Or her sister... Or her friends... So if this money made her consider it. Id be happy and have said I would help best I could.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I never tried to breast feed, and with the amount he drank I would never have coped anyway!
He was on nearly twice the average milk intake from about 2 weeks old and then by 6 weeks the midwife said I had to move him to extra hungry formula because the regular wasn't giving him enough of what he needed
I think it's silly giving more money to those who breast feed, it's the ones who don't who need more money to be able to get the extra bottles, formula, etc!
You would have made enough milk.. my son was a hungry baby.. on solids early.. I had to feed every two hours to start..
Maybe they could use this money to better educate pregnant women about it... But as I say..if it encourages them to try... Some that may never have tried might give it ago. We have one of the lowest rates if breastfeeding in Europe..
So many myths and misconceptions... Some can't.. but there should be more help and good advice and support..
It always seems to be that if your pro breastfeeding you are rubbing it in the face of those that can't... I do not see it as that... and eeven if you can't for whatever reason why feel that positive encouragement of breastfeeding is a slight against you.
I fed all 6 yet struggled with two.. one I had to admit defeat and give expressed milk from a bottle.. I wasn't encouraged with my first.. and was expressing while away from him. It wasn't easy.. but I kept at it.
I just hope it encourages some that wouldn't normally try to do so.
That's fair enough, but my midwife told me I wouldn't have coped as I had almost no milk to give anyway as I wasn't producing
As I said on the other post, I had a gut instinct that it wasn't a good idea and I was right, but that's just my case
Not everything is that easy where they can just give something a go
I (like others have said) don't feel someone should be pressured to try something just because others believe it to be right to them and cause unnecessary stress"
This payment isn't force, its an incentetive to try, something that may not have been considered, its a carrot to encourage, not a stick to punish. |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"At the end of the day, its about education and choice, you have to be educated to make the best choices in life.
You have to be a mother first to make the best choice for you and your baby, nothing at all to do with being educated.
Without knowledge you are not equipped to make the best choice for you or your baby,
If that was the case many many girls would not become pregnant and pass their child onto someone else to pay for and care for.
Ignorance and a lack of knowledge is responsible for many pregnancies. "
And without a mothers instinct you are not able to make the best choice for you and your child however much knowledge you have. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"At the end of the day, its about education and choice, you have to be educated to make the best choices in life.
You have to be a mother first to make the best choice for you and your baby, nothing at all to do with being educated.
Of course it is... Before mother's had advise many miscarried from eating unpasteurized foods.. now we know.. education is important. In all aspects of life. In my future daughter in laws case she has decided due to things she has heard from friends.. she hasn't looked at facts..
She also wants to feed baby enough.. and has been told by a mate that she may need hungry baby food.. so she needs to learn more.
It's personal choice but we are not born knowing all and no matter how much you think you know you can always learn more.
However I think with Laura it's more her mum, she never breastfed... Or her sister... Or her friends... So if this money made her consider it. Id be happy and have said I would help best I could.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"At the end of the day, its about education and choice, you have to be educated to make the best choices in life.
You have to be a mother first to make the best choice for you and your baby, nothing at all to do with being educated.
Without knowledge you are not equipped to make the best choice for you or your baby,
If that was the case many many girls would not become pregnant and pass their child onto someone else to pay for and care for.
Ignorance and a lack of knowledge is responsible for many pregnancies.
And without a mothers instinct you are not able to make the best choice for you and your child however much knowledge you have. "
Instinct, intuition is strongest between a mother and her child I agree 100% and instinct/ intuition will always be a bond you cant buy, the problem with instinct and gut feelings is they can tell you what your head wants to hear. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I never tried to breast feed, and with the amount he drank I would never have coped anyway!
He was on nearly twice the average milk intake from about 2 weeks old and then by 6 weeks the midwife said I had to move him to extra hungry formula because the regular wasn't giving him enough of what he needed
I think it's silly giving more money to those who breast feed, it's the ones who don't who need more money to be able to get the extra bottles, formula, etc!
You would have made enough milk.. my son was a hungry baby.. on solids early.. I had to feed every two hours to start..
Maybe they could use this money to better educate pregnant women about it... But as I say..if it encourages them to try... Some that may never have tried might give it ago. We have one of the lowest rates if breastfeeding in Europe..
So many myths and misconceptions... Some can't.. but there should be more help and good advice and support..
It always seems to be that if your pro breastfeeding you are rubbing it in the face of those that can't... I do not see it as that... and eeven if you can't for whatever reason why feel that positive encouragement of breastfeeding is a slight against you.
I fed all 6 yet struggled with two.. one I had to admit defeat and give expressed milk from a bottle.. I wasn't encouraged with my first.. and was expressing while away from him. It wasn't easy.. but I kept at it.
I just hope it encourages some that wouldn't normally try to do so.
That's fair enough, but my midwife told me I wouldn't have coped as I had almost no milk to give anyway as I wasn't producing
As I said on the other post, I had a gut instinct that it wasn't a good idea and I was right, but that's just my case
Not everything is that easy where they can just give something a go
I (like others have said) don't feel someone should be pressured to try something just because others believe it to be right to them and cause unnecessary stress
This payment isn't force, its an incentetive to try, something that may not have been considered, its a carrot to encourage, not a stick to punish."
I wasn't just talking about the payment, I mean the general idea of people trying to convince others to try something they aren't sure of/don't want to do because others think it is the right thing |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I wasn't just talking about the payment, I mean the general idea of people trying to convince others to try something they aren't sure of"
That's where education can help, being able to get the facts and having the choice to make an informed decision removes the unknown elements and the fear of the unknown.
Not one thing is right for everyone, and as a mother you want whats best for your child and for you. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
That's fair enough, but my midwife told me I wouldn't have coped as I had almost no milk to give anyway as I wasn't producing
As I said on the other post, I had a gut instinct that it wasn't a good idea and I was right, but that's just my case
Not everything is that easy where they can just give something a go
I (like others have said) don't feel someone should be pressured to try something just because others believe it to be right to them and cause unnecessary stress"
See I think that you were let down by the midwife.. I had a great one.. my first baby was a hungry one.. I didn't think I could feed him...She told me as klong as I fed him my body would catch up .. that did mean 3 days of pretty much constant feeding but had she not helped me.. and helped again when at day 3 I had cracked nipples And then mastitis.. I would have given up. My mum and dad were supportive too...
I had wanted to bottle feed because I was still at school and would have been easier... But because of the advise and support I tried it...
I don't think advising people and trying to get them to try is pushing... |
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I tried so hard to breast feed, I almost cracked up! My baby wouldn't latch on, I tried to express but due to lack of "routine" the milk wasn't enough, so ended up every two hours trying to express one oz whilst crying and having to top up with formula. I felt like such a failure and the way people would look at me when I said I didn't feed him myself before they knew all the facts was horrible! My point is I don't agree with this new incentive, it's a huge intimate commitment and it should be a personal choice not a financial one. As someone has previously said, those that don't breast feed are already made to feel like leapers, this is going to make things worse!  |
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And apparently all the policing that will happen is a professional witnessing a feed and signing it off but this won't be regularly! Ridiculous! And will more support staff be recruited? I doubt it! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"With more and more people opting to not even try I can't see it being bad... I've just had a heated duscusion with my future daughter in law. As she is bottle feeding from day one.. I am trying to convince her to try.. she says no as it will make her have saggy boobs...
Anything that encourages mums to breastfeed is a good thing to me.. "
I had a heated debate with my mum when we were both present at my the birth of my niece,my sister didnt want to breast feed my mum was trying to pressure her into it.
It was her choice and should be respected....as it turns out she hasnt kept the her daughter and its been a heartbreaking choice for her....and would have been a whole lot worse had that bond been made through pressure.
Each to their own,your body your choice i dont think it makes you less of a parent i fed my babies as i thought id give it a whirl see what happens but i know people that didnt but still want rhe best for the kids just dont like the idea. |
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"What a disgusting idea. What about all the mums who are unable to breast feed. They are already made to feel like social lepers, now they will be financially worse off as well
i dont follow how they are going to be financially worse off ...i havent heard that they are going to fined for not breastfeeding so i dont understand how their financial situation is going to be altered at all ?
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I know I'm not in the area to get this but on a personal opinion since i am not allowed to breastfeed my twins when they arrive it is a joke. And incase anyone is going to ask who told me i can't breastfeed it was both my gp and gyny doctors due to the meds i have to go back on for my MS |
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