"Wasn't innocent, I simply said that I was blocking someone who admitted to being a timewaster, others said more but it was I that became the victim of bullying, abuse and vilification even cumulating in the opening of a further thread just to abuse me.
Many people have said they will block timewasters on here without such bullying tactics from a small minority who think they own the forums, can vilify anyone who disagree with thier opinions and who change thier minds on what is acceptable dependent on who says it, who post anything just to be accepted by a certain few.
Others said they were going to block the person but recieved no comments.
Some in that thread were far less sensative in what they wrote but did not recieve any comment, there are a few on here who will try to abuse anything I say and the more they do it the more I will post my own opinion.
If I announce I am leaving the forums for a while we can all imagine the comments they would make.
The bullies on here stop many people posting anything in fear of being bullied, I get many mails of support each day from such people."
Forum - N, meeting or medium for open discussion or debate.
Discussion - N of discuss - consider (something) by talking it over.
Some people have strong opinions on certain subjects..... erm, scratch that.... MOST people have etc etc, its just some people are more likely to air them honestly in an open forum, sometimes without thinking about the impact that these opinions will have on others (guilty as charged on many occassions)..... hmmmm.... like including the word "honestly" in the sentence above, which might be taken by some people that I am inferring that others are not honest, which is not the case, but diferent people read things diferently.
I too have been attacked in the forums for things I have posted, and had the PM's of support from others too afraid to post openly for fear of the backlash.
I dont think it should be like this, but unfortunately thats life. I cant go around constantly apologising after every sentence I write in case there is something in it that might be misconstrued, and anyway, some people will go out of their way to get upset at the slightest whiff of controversy. (Damn, I almost got to the end of a post without being confrontational!! )
I could stop coming into the forums, but that wouldnt stop this sort of thing happening, because my place would be taken by someone else... and if truth be told, there is a tiny part of me who (childishly... yeah, so what?) gets a bit of a kick out of posting knowing that it might annoy one or two people. I post my opinions honestly, if people disagree thats ok, but is there any need to get personal?
(Oh boy, look out... the shits gunna hit the fan now)  |