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Bring back National Service

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

Further to some comments in another thread....

If we brought back National Service;

1 – How would it be funded?

2 – How would selection for conscription be made?

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

3 - How long should someone be forced to serve for?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

SEnd out £300 quid tax demands to every home in the country , and all numpties under age 23 should do 5 years

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

good points! imagine letting some of the scroats that are around, loose with guns! OMG dosen't bear thinking about..

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By *irtydanMan  over a year ago


theres plenty to clean first before guns id say let them have two years in and to fund it they wont be getting the dole

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"SEnd out £300 quid tax demands to every home in the country , and all numpties under age 23 should do 5 years "

as long as it doesnt come in before september then, im all for it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Which nation ?

Should Scots fight just for Scotland?

Should Canadians fight for UK?

Should Gurkhas families get housing in the UK if killed on military service?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

why would a gurker want to come from the most fantastic place on gods earth to end up in a potential grot spot in a town near you ??? take the pension yep ,,, and live like a lord in ya home village ,,, thats what i would do

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

ooops soz for goin off topic ,,, slaps back off my legs with a wooden spoon

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By *illwill69uMan  over a year ago


As an ex service man I would like to point out that service men pay for themselves.

For every person in uniform it takes another 2 to keep them supplied.

They need uniforms, food, barracks, transport, arms and ammunition ect, oops I forgot Thatcher closed, sold or gave away our arms and munitions industry to the yanks and anyone else who would line the pockets of her husband and children.

Maybe we could reopen the Royal Ordinance factories, Bristow’s and the rest of our arms industry.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Should force everyone to do 5 years national service as soon as they turned 18....could fund it by selling off the NHS into private hands and by increasing all business, capital gains, income road and petrol tax.

The ghurka's could all pitch tents on our common land which they'd share with any service personell from other Commonwealth countries. Of course, we'd charge them rent for the pitches etc.

To encourage all our charming young folk to get into the spirit of it all the uniform for the first year could be Burberry.....so once they're all chavved up with a weapon in their hands they'd think they were back at home

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Should force everyone to do 5 years national service as soon as they turned 18....could fund it by selling off the NHS into private hands and by increasing all business, capital gains, income road and petrol tax.

The ghurka's could all pitch tents on our common land which they'd share with any service personell from other Commonwealth countries. Of course, we'd charge them rent for the pitches etc.

To encourage all our charming young folk to get into the spirit of it all the uniform for the first year could be Burberry.....so once they're all chavved up with a weapon in their hands they'd think they were back at home "

Now thats funny but i would hate to think of some of the lost causes hanging around being our last line of defence lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

any uk resident over school leaving age would be given a choice.

Join the armed services or take a job. There is no dole for able bodied people.

Any immigrants would swear alliegance to UK and accept new life rules/laws. Dont like that, then go home. Simples.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

National Service is a nice concept but sadly, apart from clearing the streets of feral youths it would be anything but a service to the Nation.

We in the military currently have way too few assets, both personnel and equipment wise so we would simply not have the infrastructure or manpower available to train the youth of today.

Even if we did what would anyone see them being employed as? No regular serviceman/woman in their right mind would want any "pressed man" protecting his 6 as at the first sigh of adversity they would probably piss themselves and cry for their mums.

Rather than have them marching up and down achieving fuck all I would sooner we had every able bodied dole collector out litter picking, gardening for the elderly, cleaning up graffiti etc etc.

Never going to happen I know but there are so many ways people could be made to earn their benefits if only those in power had the "spuds" to put those sort of hard rules in place.

Sadly though because of "elf and safety" there is more chance of me becoming Pope

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"any uk resident over school leaving age would be given a choice.

Join the armed services or take a job. There is no dole for able bodied people.

Any immigrants would swear alliegance to UK and accept new life rules/laws. Dont like that, then go home. Simples.


Seconded sounds like a good idea. Who would drink cider in the parks in the summer though then?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"any uk resident over school leaving age would be given a choice.

Join the armed services or take a job. There is no dole for able bodied people.

Any immigrants would swear alliegance to UK and accept new life rules/laws. Dont like that, then go home. Simples.

Seconded sounds like a good idea. Who would drink cider in the parks in the summer though then?"


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By *atureFem4FunWoman  over a year ago

Petts Wood

Saddling the armed forces with yobs that don't want to be there just won't work, the forces have changed a hell of a lot since the days of national service, you don't want to burden them with unwanted luggage.

You would also have the added problem of thousands of young Muslims being forced into service every year, best to keep your potential enemies at arms length than have them potentially causing havoc at the sharp end.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"any uk resident over school leaving age would be given a choice.

Join the armed services or take a job. There is no dole for able bodied people.

Any immigrants would swear alliegance to UK and accept new life rules/laws. Dont like that, then go home. Simples.

Seconded sounds like a good idea. Who would drink cider in the parks in the summer though then?

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "

you would have to drink a lot if you lived round here as they go through cases of it in the summer lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"National Service is a nice concept but sadly, apart from clearing the streets of feral youths it would be anything but a service to the Nation.

We in the military currently have way too few assets, both personnel and equipment wise so we would simply not have the infrastructure or manpower available to train the youth of today.

Even if we did what would anyone see them being employed as? No regular serviceman/woman in their right mind would want any "pressed man" protecting his 6 as at the first sigh of adversity they would probably piss themselves and cry for their mums.

Rather than have them marching up and down achieving fuck all I would sooner we had every able bodied dole collector out litter picking, gardening for the elderly, cleaning up graffiti etc etc.

Never going to happen I know but there are so many ways people could be made to earn their benefits if only those in power had the "spuds" to put those sort of hard rules in place.

Sadly though because of "elf and safety" there is more chance of me becoming Pope "

What I was thinking but couldn't quite articulate!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

nope, not s good idea. why make our forces full of the scum that hang about inthe streets and in the police cells at the weekend? do you allwant them to serve abroad representing YOU??

i have spent 5 years in the forces and i am going back to do more, the last thing id want when on operations overseas is a waste of space hardman with a rifle and a bad attitude standing beside me! The funny thing is that when we get poeople screaming for national service, its always aimed at ages below thiers....ie 24 year olds saying it should be 18-23 etc

the idea of posible life skill boot camps would be better,the idea of the bad lads army tv show sort of thing, but its a stupid idea to want to send the scum of this country overseas

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We dont need armed conscripts

We do need a conscripted national aid force.

Young people trained to man green goddess fire engines which can be used to pump water out of flooded areas

Young people who can be taught first aid to a high standard to assist in emergencies like floods or earthquakes (yes we in Britain now have earthquakes we could have a big one one day)

Young people trained in Mountain Rescue

Young people trained in evacuation procedures

Young people trained to control emergency situations, the people who need to get emergency lighting to a certain place, arrange heavy lift or heavy digging equipment, arrange emergency water supplies from another town or county.

Young people trained to care for animals caught up in an emergency situation.

The organisations can be run on a military styling but where the funding will come from you need someone with a brain to work that one out not me

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By *ouvakMan  over a year ago

clacton on sea


take away the commons expense account that alone would arm half the army and build six new ships and maybe a couple of fighter planes each year, make them live in the area for which they were elected then they would know just what its like to live in the area's they claim to represent,stop wasting money on pointless research into things that have little or any interest to anyone or anybody, take all profits made by the criminal element who are found guilty and put it in the kitty for the use of arming the force's, some of whom make more per year than the annual armed service's fund

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sorry guys but as an ex service woman of 20 years i disagree with national service, today we boast one of the finest if not the best armed services in the world and to make people join up who dont want to be there will only be detrimental to the reputation we have and more so the safety of those who serve.

Thats my tuppence but ive got the tshirt and earned the right to say that.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

its always the yoofs what about the long term dole dwellers!!

there a guy up road from me has never worked and i mean never i swear when he signs of the dole he will get a clock for long service!! he makes me fuckin sick!! big plasma telly never short of a cigarette or a few quid for a pint!!

whoever said earlier about people doin voluntary work in the community i agree with i did when i wasnt working or studying and i got great skills from it that came in very handy!!

youth unemployment should be same placed with an employer or a voluntary basis or for £10 quid a wk whatever get the skills and hopefully get a job and get them off the streets!!

my very own niece is 16 and refuses to get a job doesnt see why she should work if she was mine i would be dragging her round every employer but her mother never worked a day either so no example there! x

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By *ouvakMan  over a year ago

clacton on sea

it could be made almost self funding if it was two tiered, those showing an aptitude for it are allowed to carry it through to final training and into the regular service, those who are unwilling could be enlisted in the manufacture of equipment needed by the regulars and the surplus sold to other countries armed service's the profits being funneled into the services

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By *ouvakMan  over a year ago

clacton on sea

maybe we ought to look at other ways of getting the people back to work, like offering extra payments to those willing to put in say 16 hours a week on a community project, giving all involved a purpose in life and some new work skills to boot, i know i for one would sign up in a flash for such projects if i thought at the end of the day it would enable me to achieve full-time employment

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Most here are missing the point of national service as our parents knew it.

We had just had a second world war and were having the cold war.It was designed to give us an army that we could call upon if we went back to war.Rationing had only just ended for many of what we call staples but were luxuries then.

Yes bring it back at 18 for all.Stay in for 18 months or two years.The biggest thing that it would do is break up all the little gangs of youth that plague most towns and cities.

It would also teach a sense of self worth to most and self reliance and install discipline.Sadley missing from most.

Just think all this youth that are used to doing what they like with little or no fear of the police,suddenly find themselves in tent city or barracks with 60 others in their platoon and they step out of line.Eveyone gets punished.Yes funny the first couple of times but soon it gets very annoying.

Also you don`do it with your mates you have 59 other people from all over.

When you go back after yes your mates are still there but hopefully you`ve all grown up.

And how many would stay as might give them a family that they don`t have at home.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We dont need armed conscripts

We do need a conscripted national aid force.

Young people trained to man green goddess fire engines which can be used to pump water out of flooded areas

Young people who can be taught first aid to a high standard to assist in emergencies like floods or earthquakes (yes we in Britain now have earthquakes we could have a big one one day)

Young people trained in Mountain Rescue

Young people trained in evacuation procedures

Young people trained to control emergency situations, the people who need to get emergency lighting to a certain place, arrange heavy lift or heavy digging equipment, arrange emergency water supplies from another town or county.

Young people trained to care for animals caught up in an emergency situation.

The organisations can be run on a military styling but where the funding will come from you need someone with a brain to work that one out not me "

I would agree with most of this, don't give them a gun but getting them doing something positive for everyone.

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By *leasureDomeMan  over a year ago

all over the place

"Most here are missing the point of national service as our parents knew it.

We had just had a second world war and were having the cold war.It was designed to give us an army that we could call upon if we went back to war.Rationing had only just ended for many of what we call staples but were luxuries then.

Yes bring it back at 18 for all.Stay in for 18 months or two years.The biggest thing that it would do is break up all the little gangs of youth that plague most towns and cities.

It would also teach a sense of self worth to most and self reliance and install discipline.Sadley missing from most.

Just think all this youth that are used to doing what they like with little or no fear of the police,suddenly find themselves in tent city or barracks with 60 others in their platoon and they step out of line.Eveyone gets punished.Yes funny the first couple of times but soon it gets very annoying.

Also you don`do it with your mates you have 59 other people from all over.

When you go back after yes your mates are still there but hopefully you`ve all grown up.

And how many would stay as might give them a family that they don`t have at home.


well said. i thought i was living in victor meldrew land for a minute

Remember all the conscripts in ww2 were national service and the post war conscripts did honourable service many laying down there lives for our country in combat operations, including the Malayan emergency, and the Korean War where conscripts to the Gloucestershire Regiment took part in the last stand during the Battle of the Imjin River.

They took part in the Cyprus emergency, and in Kenya against the Mau Mau Uprising.Talk of not trusting them is potentially condeming a generation

Re the youth on street corners ..what else is there for em to do, if we provide services for em to get through the dangerous teenage years ,we all moan about the council taxes going up.

There is good an bad in all barrels but to suggest all people without jobs or

kids with nothing to do are bad, is a bit like breaking a butterfly on a wheel

I for one wont condemn the kids of today,the majority of em are ok and going through puberty in a different world to us ...remember if we were caught scrumping,climbing a tree or having a scrap it was a kick up the arse and that was the end of it ...now its a dna swab and on the offenders register,thats without the example set by violence in films and on TV and games machines and lyrics in music putting the american east coast ,west coast gang culture right in there ears .

i wish we had national service to give the poor bastards somthing to do what dont cost the earth,its a shame though in an era of cutbacks even the existing Air training corp and army and navy youth "encouragement" services are contracting.

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

Here’s the thing with Nation Service form my point of view….

It’s OK saying it’s going to get the scumbags off the street…. but it will be your kids too! In fact it will be all the kids including those who would be going into higher education… that’s going to mean a shortage of doctors, pharmacists, dentists and so on for a couple of years… meaning we’ll have to go recruiting even more from other countries. Then there will also be a shortage of new talent in business, design, technology, research… which won’t just be a problem for UK employers, it will effect our position in the world economy.

Unless of course there is a selection process which gives a free pass to people going to university or going on to do an apprenticeship.

The danger here being it becomes National service for the poor (and stupid to some degree).

And even if that sits OK with you… who’s going to ask you if you want fries with that burger? Who’s going to cover those Saturday shifts in the shops?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Is this about getting everyone between the age of 18-23 off the streets? They're either in further education, a job or on National Service?

Why pay them to be soldiers when you can get them to do voluntary work whilst on job seekers?

People would be much less likely to litter if they knew they were the ones who'd have to tidy up. Much better to have "local benefit" schemes than having them hidden away on army camps.

The Army does not need conscripts so why put an extra work load on an already over stretched system. Get them to do something locally and unpaid instead.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Totally agree bring back national service. If young thugs want to fight and attack with knives then insted of sending them to young offenders let them fight for the country give them respect and a back bone.

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By *he_original_polo OP   Woman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"Totally agree bring back national service. If young thugs want to fight and attack with knives then insted of sending them to young offenders let them fight for the country give them respect and a back bone."

Well at the very least they'll be trained to use the knife properly and defend themselves better.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Totally agree bring back national service. If young thugs want to fight and attack with knives then insted of sending them to young offenders let them fight for the country give them respect and a back bone.

Well at the very least they'll be trained to use the knife properly and defend themselves better."

Love it! watch out troops armed with knifes and forks

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"nope, not s good idea. why make our forces full of the scum that hang about inthe streets and in the police cells at the weekend? do you allwant them to serve abroad representing YOU??

i have spent 5 years in the forces and i am going back to do more, the last thing id want when on operations overseas is a waste of space hardman with a rifle and a bad attitude standing beside me! The funny thing is that when we get poeople screaming for national service, its always aimed at ages below thiers....ie 24 year olds saying it should be 18-23 etc

the idea of posible life skill boot camps would be better,the idea of the bad lads army tv show sort of thing, but its a stupid idea to want to send the scum of this country overseas "

Ok ,, maybe not overseas ,,, just to Wales ,,, that would sort them out ,,,,,,,,,,

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We dont need armed conscripts

We do need a conscripted national aid force.

Young people trained to man green goddess fire engines which can be used to pump water out of flooded areas

Young people who can be taught first aid to a high standard to assist in emergencies like floods or earthquakes (yes we in Britain now have earthquakes we could have a big one one day)

Young people trained in Mountain Rescue

Young people trained in evacuation procedures

Young people trained to control emergency situations, the people who need to get emergency lighting to a certain place, arrange heavy lift or heavy digging equipment, arrange emergency water supplies from another town or county.

Young people trained to care for animals caught up in an emergency situation.

The organisations can be run on a military styling but where the funding will come from you need someone with a brain to work that one out not me "

Put a tax on plasma tv sets ,,, we could set the tax at variying levels , those in paid employment ,, lets say %1 above list price ,,unemployed 2 years or less ,,% 50 above list price ,, over two years ,,,,,%95 above list price and remove the jeremy kyle function ,,, oh ,,and sterilisation for any adult (sic) with one or more dependant sprogs

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *mumaWoman  over a year ago



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