We're all different and some are attracted by visual appearance, others by clothing, some by voice, some by demeanour, some by smell, some are led by desire, some by reciprocity, and then there are pheromones, and..well you get the idea.
For myself however, and I have thought long and hard about this over the years.
Mine is Will. Everything else is irrelevant to me and does not attract me.
The best analogy I can give is imagine a room full of people. Different shapes, sizes, genders, clothes, looks, personas, the works. Every possible combination.
None will interest me. Because the part of my psyche that should imprint "Hunter" in my nature doesn't exist. I don't know why, and I know others have it, but I just don't. I do not have that instinct. It is alien to me.
But if a person approached me, I would assess their intentions, and if I will it, engage accordingly.
It's how me and Mrs DS met many decades ago. She "hunted" me and I willed it, because I wished to do so.
Does it imply a "Prey" mentality ? I have no idea. I am not naturally submissive or dominant. I do adopt a dominant persona when it's been requested of me, but otherwise I'm in "neutral gear". Unless I will it.
Complex answer I know, but it just shows how complex we creatures are !