By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Apparentley the police are looking for the people responsible.......Now I generally dont agree with "direct action" but in this case I just hope the people don't look to hard. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Forum Mod |
I may be acting thick here but how has Fred seemingly got away with what he has done yet someone like Nick Leeson was jailed?
Feel free to call me Mrs Thicky I wont be offended  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I think it was because Leeson was a scapegoat, yes he made the huge trading errors but his bosses didnt watch what he was doing so piling all the blame on him hid thier own lack of supervission. |
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"I may be acting thick here but how has Fred seemingly got away with what he has done yet someone like Nick Leeson was jailed?
Feel free to call me Mrs Thicky I wont be offended "
Mrs Thicky, Mrs Thicky,
Mrs Thicky, Mrs Thicky,
Mrs Thicky, Mrs Thicky,
Mrs Thicky, Mrs Thicky,
Mrs Thicky,Mrs Thicky,
Mrs Thicky,Mrs Thicky,
Mrs Thicky,Mrs Thicky,
he he only Joking !!!
he hasnt got away with it ...yet ...there is one director who got even more evidently but sir fred hads the highest profile
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
he hasnt got away with it ...yet ...there is one director who got even more evidently but sir fred hads the highest profile
Seriously..he must have hidden his profile then |
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he hasnt got away with it ...yet ...there is one director who got even more evidently but sir fred hads the highest profile
Seriously..he must have hidden his profile then "
your irrepressible today |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Your are approcahed to do a job for someone and they are so keen to get you that they offer you a bloody good package that is far too good to refuse.
Do you:
A) take the job
B) turn it down quoting unreasonably high salary packages offend your sense of fairness and acceptability.
Let's be honest here, how many of us would choose option B)?
You can't blame Sir Fred for sticking to the CONTRACT he was offended and accepted. It's the Govt ministers who approved is pention when the taxpayer bailed out RBS who should be taking the flack for this.
Personal attacks and vendettas against the man are criminal and wrong and to even suggest that the police shouldn't look to closer at finding his attacker shows an arrogant contempt for the law that exists to protect us ALL.
We're hanging the wrong person here. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
he hasnt got away with it ...yet ...there is one director who got even more evidently but sir fred hads the highest profile
Seriously..he must have hidden his profile then
your irrepressible today "
well i was irresponsible yesterday so a change is as good as a rest  |
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"Your are approcahed to do a job for someone and they are so keen to get you that they offer you a bloody good package that is far too good to refuse.
Do you:
A) take the job
B) turn it down quoting unreasonably high salary packages offend your sense of fairness and acceptability.
Let's be honest here, how many of us would choose option B)?
You can't blame Sir Fred for sticking to the CONTRACT he was offended and accepted. It's the Govt ministers who approved is pention when the taxpayer bailed out RBS who should be taking the flack for this.
Personal attacks and vendettas against the man are criminal and wrong and to even suggest that the police shouldn't look to closer at finding his attacker shows an arrogant contempt for the law that exists to protect us ALL.
We're hanging the wrong person here."
i agree with the last part of your post totally ...but i have seen all the treasury committee meetings ...and it was definately a back door deal which no one in govt agreed to and there is worse abuses out there too.the prob is now the govt is bumping up against its own pension law where once a pension is awarded you can not take it back ...but i think they have found another way to skin the cat ..if todays pm question time is an indication .Trouble is Sir fred is not the only one
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Just all remember how fortunate we are that in this time of economic depression, at least our MPs and topbrass will not suffer we should be eternally greatful for that (NOT)
Craig xx |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Shame they did'nt strip the house of all his ill gotten gains and give them to the poor if you ask me !"
Spoken like a true socialist!
I know! Let's elect Robin Hood as PM eh? |
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The greedy b*st*rd is said to be 'shaken' by the action against him. The Fossil Fools Day environmental protesters (see www.fossilfoolsday.org) are planning to hang effigies of him from lamp-posts on 1st April, maybe it will terrify him enough to leave the country and not come back!
Don't forget - it was the socialist government that allowed him to stuff his pockets with cash. Some people really are more equal than others! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
People are not equal. They never have been and they never will be and any attempt to make them equal is doomed to failure.
We need leaders of men and captains of industry or else we'd be nothing more than a collective of individuals incapable of making a decision and getting anything done.
Leaders don't have bleeding hearts, they are selfish by nature, but we pay them more than anyone else because they are selfish and egotistical enough to actually do something instead of, like most common folk, whinge about the injustice of it but do absolutely fuck all about it.
Good luck to Sir Fred if he's managed to feather his nest adequately while he's still working. If he gave it all back he'd be unemployable as most top businessmen would think he had a screw loose!
I'd bet my life that everyone who's slagged the guy off would take just 10% of his pension off him for themselves if they could get away with it. Bet they wouldn't hand it back to 'the people' either.
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We do indeed need capable men at the top, but the point about Fred is that he is a useless, incompetent moron who lost his bank mega-billions by his greed and selfishness.
He actually ought to be in prison, rather than gloating over a pot of gold we, the taxpayers have given him. Instead, he's got a knighthood, thanks to his equally useless friend Gordon Brown, and doesn't give a stuff about the employees of his bank who are losing their jobs, the shareholders who are getting no return, or the taxpayers who are forking out for his lavish lifestyle.
Tar and feather him! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
No matter who has done what - 2 wrongs don't make a right
In fact so far as I understand things, part of this mans contract was that he'd be given x number of £'s for a pension - which he is now in reciept of.
I don't imagine that there'd be anything in his contract which states that if he accepts this money he'd have to endure action such as vandalism or intimidation in return
The only crimes being comitted here at the moment are the crimes being comitted by the vandals.
How would any of us feel if, in the humble opinion of our neighbours, we didn't deserve our pension from our employers then they decided to trash our house ?????
Lets be fair, Arthur Scargill cost the country billions and most folks said he was a hero .... right !! |
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