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Rubbish but also nice week

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 45 weeks ago


Sorry if this is a woe is me post but due to lack of friends and only immediate family involved just want to speak.

So last 2 an half years started with tremors a been awaiting tests and scans etc been terrified for long time which hasn’t helped as meds didn’t stop or slow it down. Fear was being diagnosed with Parkinson at age and stuff but Tuesday met specialist and diagnosed with essential tremors which is a relief and new meds. Although still warned in future it can come and develop to Parkinson’s but now I can change develop new things put things in place to help reduce effect etc. so phew big relief.

Go to yesterday and it went all wrong my mum was screened month ago an mentioned a lump 2 weeks ago had biopsy cos concerns and yesterday diagnosed with cancer which is a kicker I know it’s lower risk and hope it’s caught but dr was concerned about size etc so that’s a devastating shock.

So the world fell apart immediate family which is a small group of 3 of us rallied but just devastated now.

Sorry for the post and rant just I don’t have friends and struggle like posted in past about post sexual/assault stuff am trying keep it together but since news my tremors gone insane which stress doesn’t help. But just needed get thoughts out

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By (user no longer on site) 45 weeks ago

Talk to your GP op they will point you in right direction.

We are not qualified here to advise.

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By *inger_SnapWoman 45 weeks ago


Sorry to hear your news, it's always a shock when cancer is mentioned.

I hope you've got plenty of support, I would suggest reaching out to Macmillan. Have a look at their website.

Hugs for you and your mum

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By *ot to giggleWoman 45 weeks ago


thats a lot to take on. Your tremors are probably worse because your stressed. Speak to you GP, break it down and deal with it in small chunks, one bit at a time. The whole picture is a lot to deal with , good luck and you can message me if you need someone to rant at xxx

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 45 weeks ago


"Sorry to hear your news, it's always a shock when cancer is mentioned.

I hope you've got plenty of support, I would suggest reaching out to Macmillan. Have a look at their website.

Hugs for you and your mum "

They where at her meeting and offered lots for her which was amazing and support also


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By *parrow77 OP   Man 45 weeks ago


"thats a lot to take on. Your tremors are probably worse because your stressed. Speak to you GP, break it down and deal with it in small chunks, one bit at a time. The whole picture is a lot to deal with , good luck and you can message me if you need someone to rant at xxx"

Thank you an go aware of new meds am on just time but just wow about it all.

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 45 weeks ago


"Talk to your GP op they will point you in right direction.

We are not qualified here to advise.


Sorry not after advise just wanted to speak an let out already diagnosed etc just hard at mo

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 45 weeks ago


It’s just all crazy sorry again for posting.

Just avoided meeting ppl cos tremors in past cos who would want get involved with someone with shakes and issues instead fun lol but hopefully meds reduce just hard lack confidence etc.

As for mum I just needed to speak and let out as have no friends and way vent or talk and that’s all wanted

Sorry if moan

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By (user no longer on site) 45 weeks ago

"Talk to your GP op they will point you in right direction.

We are not qualified here to advise.

Sorry not after advise just wanted to speak an let out already diagnosed etc just hard at mo"

Good luck

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By *ittlemissFlirtyCouple 45 weeks ago

3rd Rock from the sun

"Sorry if this is a woe is me post but due to lack of friends and only immediate family involved just want to speak.

So last 2 an half years started with tremors a been awaiting tests and scans etc been terrified for long time which hasn’t helped as meds didn’t stop or slow it down. Fear was being diagnosed with Parkinson at age and stuff but Tuesday met specialist and diagnosed with essential tremors which is a relief and new meds. Although still warned in future it can come and develop to Parkinson’s but now I can change develop new things put things in place to help reduce effect etc. so phew big relief.

Go to yesterday and it went all wrong my mum was screened month ago an mentioned a lump 2 weeks ago had biopsy cos concerns and yesterday diagnosed with cancer which is a kicker I know it’s lower risk and hope it’s caught but dr was concerned about size etc so that’s a devastating shock.

So the world fell apart immediate family which is a small group of 3 of us rallied but just devastated now.

Sorry for the post and rant just I don’t have friends and struggle like posted in past about post sexual/assault stuff am trying keep it together but since news my tremors gone insane which stress doesn’t help. But just needed get thoughts out "

No need to apologise for reaching out, I'm glad you have as bottling things up will make things worse.. as others have said Macmillan are a great source if information and help, and your GP or pharmacist can advise about medication x best wishes to you both

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By *sWyldWoman 45 weeks ago


Life can be so very hard and it's worse when you feel like you have no one for you, especially when trying to be strong for others.

I hope things get better for you and your mum.

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By *issmorganWoman 45 weeks ago

Calderdale innit

Sorry to read this op, what a crap time you've both had.

Please don't be sorry for posting, we all need some support now and then.

I hope all will go well for your mum, I think mimi already said it, but Macmillan can be a wealth of support for you both.

Be Kind to yourself, your GP or nurse if you have one, can help signpost you to agencies that can support you too.

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By *atchmoMan 45 weeks ago


Please be strong. As mentioned above make sure you talk to people. You'd be amazed how many friends will step up and help out (people you may not consider "close" friends)

I'm going through something similar at the moment, and it amazes me how many people are concerned about my well being despite the fact my health is not a problem.

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By *ags73Man 45 weeks ago


OP sounds tough and find a little time for yourself even if it’s twenty minutes for to sit with a tea/coffee and a cake.

A little self care and help the mind to slow down

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 45 weeks ago


"OP sounds tough and find a little time for yourself even if it’s twenty minutes for to sit with a tea/coffee and a cake.

A little self care and help the mind to slow down "

Thank you all I really appreciate the posts and messages made me smile I know we have support of MacMillan etc and that’s idea for parents an my go aware of my condition just crazy times an hard at mo but know it’s the initial shock and anger.

But I appreciate the words and support thanks fab ppl

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 45 weeks ago


"Please be strong. As mentioned above make sure you talk to people. You'd be amazed how many friends will step up and help out (people you may not consider "close" friends)

I'm going through something similar at the moment, and it amazes me how many people are concerned about my well being despite the fact my health is not a problem. "

Thanks I’ll try it’s hard for me to speak to ppl or be open especially as most ppl know just ppl work with etc as at home am just own private island but will try reach out or least open a lil

Thanks for amazing chats here also

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By (user no longer on site) 45 weeks ago

It's good that you posted, you can find support in the least expected of places - we are all humans going through similar bumpy journeys.

It sounds as though you are still reeling with shock, and I'm not surprised, it is a lot to take in and deal with. It's good that you have family members to talk to

Keep processing the news, but try not to dwell on the negatives, instead when you are thinking about it, focus on the positives, this will help you to 'come to terms' with it.

As others have said mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools to reset the body and mind - remember, your own bucket needs to be full in order to ladle help out to others, so think of it as an investment.

Good luck OP, you'll get through this with a bit of time x

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By *ittlemissFlirtyCouple 45 weeks ago

3rd Rock from the sun

"Please be strong. As mentioned above make sure you talk to people. You'd be amazed how many friends will step up and help out (people you may not consider "close" friends)

I'm going through something similar at the moment, and it amazes me how many people are concerned about my well being despite the fact my health is not a problem. "

Sending yoy hugs x

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 44 weeks ago


"Please be strong. As mentioned above make sure you talk to people. You'd be amazed how many friends will step up and help out (people you may not consider "close" friends)

I'm going through something similar at the moment, and it amazes me how many people are concerned about my well being despite the fact my health is not a problem.

Sending yoy hugs x"

Thank you and to all who reached out means lots and I appreciate all who said stuff or messaged

Monday she’s getting a plan so the fight begins and will win and will destroy it’s ass

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 44 weeks ago


Just update she has plan and stuff so least a path to work on now and the scare is reduced a bit but still real but thank you again for chats an support ppl give and friends made who help when stuff gets bad

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By *ittlemissFlirtyCouple 44 weeks ago

3rd Rock from the sun

"Just update she has plan and stuff so least a path to work on now and the scare is reduced a bit but still real but thank you again for chats an support ppl give and friends made who help when stuff gets bad "

Am glad there's a plan in place, as always my inbox is open if yoy need a chat x

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 43 weeks ago


"Just update she has plan and stuff so least a path to work on now and the scare is reduced a bit but still real but thank you again for chats an support ppl give and friends made who help when stuff gets bad

Am glad there's a plan in place, as always my inbox is open if yoy need a chat x"

Thank you appreciate it

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 21 weeks ago


Crazy but she had operation last week so tumour removed thank god but not without issues and complications and had to get rushed back in for review over weekend but ok and stable again.

Feeels so crazy and life been such a rollercoaster just when feels normal and try do something normal goes off. Now a waiting game again see if spreading again but least stage 1 done.

Thank you again for kind words and msgs from ppl in past and chats.

As for my tremor lol few ppl had fun with found use that makes for amazing clit orgasms lol supposedly but see what others say anyways thanks and sorry to moan and stuff

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By *ittlemissFlirtyCouple 21 weeks ago

3rd Rock from the sun

Glad the tumour has been removed, I guess it's going to be a long road to recovery.. how are you getting along? X

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 21 weeks ago


"Glad the tumour has been removed, I guess it's going to be a long road to recovery.. how are you getting along? X"

Exhausted and stuff as trying out brave face on constantly and hide my issues so not worry her or others but all ok.

Just want things normal but be while hence try get a lil normal on dates or fab but like other day things happen and bring back to reality but cos life first ppl get upset or think fake etc

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By *ittlemissFlirtyCouple 21 weeks ago

3rd Rock from the sun

You need to look after yourself xx and as for people they can be utter arse holes..try not to let it bother you ( easier said than done I know x ). What about getting to a group social to get out there and meet people..they're good fun xx

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 21 weeks ago


I know tried get a few but either been when things happened or planned to be done. Or silly I planned go one an as walked to it my anxiety kicked in that ppl wouldn’t talk or like me so I turn around and got train back home lol silly I know but am rubbish with new things.

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By (user no longer on site) 21 weeks ago

"Crazy but she had operation last week so tumour removed thank god but not without issues and complications and had to get rushed back in for review over weekend but ok and stable again.

Feeels so crazy and life been such a rollercoaster just when feels normal and try do something normal goes off. Now a waiting game again see if spreading again but least stage 1 done.

Thank you again for kind words and msgs from ppl in past and chats. "

Glad to hear her surgery went well and she's rallied over the weekend.. Fingers crossed it hasn't spread. How are you feeling now?

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 21 weeks ago


"Crazy but she had operation last week so tumour removed thank god but not without issues and complications and had to get rushed back in for review over weekend but ok and stable again.

Feeels so crazy and life been such a rollercoaster just when feels normal and try do something normal goes off. Now a waiting game again see if spreading again but least stage 1 done.

Thank you again for kind words and msgs from ppl in past and chats.

Glad to hear her surgery went well and she's rallied over the weekend.. Fingers crossed it hasn't spread. How are you feeling now? "

Not bad just exhausted and not the next waiting game begins for 2 weeks till biopsy result to decide if spread and further op or chemotherapy or other radiation therapy etc but she’s a trooper but also exhausted.

But also selfish side I been trying to have a life and get out and chat and have a mini life last few days to find escape which feels wrong even to point of going cinema which not don’t for last so many month.

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By *parrow77 OP   Man 18 weeks ago


"Crazy but she had operation last week so tumour removed thank god but not without issues and complications and had to get rushed back in for review over weekend but ok and stable again.

Feeels so crazy and life been such a rollercoaster just when feels normal and try do something normal goes off. Now a waiting game again see if spreading again but least stage 1 done.

Thank you again for kind words and msgs from ppl in past and chats.

Glad to hear her surgery went well and she's rallied over the weekend.. Fingers crossed it hasn't spread. How are you feeling now? "

Thank you all again tumour gone and now plan for radiotherapy and meds so hopefully heading for clear and then monitoring for yrs and yrs ect but hopefully no more operations.

Now can maybe sort my own neurology out if tremors ok or Parkinson’s etc but hard thinking of self when dealing with others but went on date and I always mention tremor as obvious but then hide or keep away as ppl focus on as issue but date made big issue as could look like detox or like health issue and had others same which makes think will all do same I dunno.

Hey hoe lol

But life slowly moves

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By (user no longer on site) 18 weeks ago

"Crazy but she had operation last week so tumour removed thank god but not without issues and complications and had to get rushed back in for review over weekend but ok and stable again.

Feeels so crazy and life been such a rollercoaster just when feels normal and try do something normal goes off. Now a waiting game again see if spreading again but least stage 1 done.

Thank you again for kind words and msgs from ppl in past and chats.

Glad to hear her surgery went well and she's rallied over the weekend.. Fingers crossed it hasn't spread. How are you feeling now?

Thank you all again tumour gone and now plan for radiotherapy and meds so hopefully heading for clear and then monitoring for yrs and yrs ect but hopefully no more operations.

Now can maybe sort my own neurology out if tremors ok or Parkinson’s etc but hard thinking of self when dealing with others but went on date and I always mention tremor as obvious but then hide or keep away as ppl focus on as issue but date made big issue as could look like detox or like health issue and had others same which makes think will all do same I dunno.

Hey hoe lol

But life slowly moves"

It's great that you can cross one item off the list and now focus on the next priorities

Good luck, get it checked, then you'll know what you are facing. Pointless worrying over something that might not be worth your worry x

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