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if you actually were....
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By *ig badMan
over a year ago
Up North :-) |
"the leader of the country, what do you think you could change and where would you find the money to do it.
I would sort all them feking roadworks out on the M1 and pay for it by putting vat on viagra and love aids. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"the leader of the country, what do you think you could change and where would you find the money to do it.
pretty much anything I wanted to do, just by not spending money on feckin wars  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
better division of wealth.
national service as my 2 fav chaps said.
serious reforms of the welfare state more fairer for those in need complete cuts for anyone capable of working but too lazy.
review public transport.
god loads really!!
ohh n get osama over for a wee private meetin he he that man is fiiiiiittttt!!!!!xx  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Nice idea but dont think i would want the press looking onto my private life. First swinging Priminister! Well unless someone knows something about our previous ones. |
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i would raise money by charging the binge pissheads for ambulance and police time when they do stupid things ,like they charge people in car crashes for ambulances etc . And then use the massive amount generated to help the Injured soldiers and aged to live with dignity.
i would also make the civil service the professional government of the people responsible in law to only act in the best interests of a peoples parliament.
Make a peoples parliament where you serve for 12 months similar to jury service,your job would be protected and on full pay whilst serving .
oh and a British constitution and british law would be sovereign over all others within the uk .
thats it for the first week lol |
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By *ig badMan
over a year ago
Up North :-) |
Having thought about this I have to say I would sort one or two things out for my own pleasure first. Well you would just have to wouldn’t you!!!
All this bullshit about saying this or that to court public sympathy is a bit of a choker lol. Look after your self and your own first then sort out everyone else who needs help.
As for the money side! Well I would put a stop to all this bushtit early retirement and sponging off the state. Make all the lazy fekers leave their flats and doss houses and do something productive for society. Mind I would CRB check them first . Then we could have all those pot holes sorted and streets a little cleaner than they are right now.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Having thought about this I have to say I would sort one or two things out for my own pleasure first. Well you would just have to wouldn’t you!!!
All this bullshit about saying this or that to court public sympathy is a bit of a choker lol. Look after your self and your own first then sort out everyone else who needs help.
As for the money side! Well I would put a stop to all this bushtit early retirement and sponging off the state. Make all the lazy fekers leave their flats and doss houses and do something productive for society. Mind I would CRB check them first . Then we could have all those pot holes sorted and streets a little cleaner than they are right now.
Ooooh I do like the way you think  |
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ohh n get osama over for a wee private meetin he he that man is fiiiiiittttt!!!!!xx "
surely you don't mean that
Barack Obama may possibly be considered fit by some......................
....but...... Osama (Bin Laden) OMG
think that was a typo darlin' (least I hope so!!!!)
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ohh n get osama over for a wee private meetin he he that man is fiiiiiittttt!!!!!xx
surely you don't mean that
Barack Obama may possibly be considered fit by some......................
....but...... Osama (Bin Laden) OMG
think that was a typo darlin' (least I hope so!!!!)
Osama must be quite fit...he's been running for nearly 9 years now.
Fuck playing hide and seek with him...  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I would stop sending our men, well lets face it young lads really, over to fight other peoples bloody wars, not sure that would need founding so no money worries there lol
Ban fox hunting seeing as labour never did good on that promise
Make all kids stay in compulsory education till they was 21, hopefully giving them a better education, less young people on the dole and metter job opportunities for them when they did look for work.....(hey its only theoretical lol)
Oh and give myself a pay raise and the money for that can come from your lots taxes lol |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
bring back the boot camps for the young scumbags that cause missery for thousands of ppl .sick of the kid glove treatment these thugs get its time for hard and very tough action |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"bring back the boot camps for the young scumbags that cause missery for thousands of ppl .sick of the kid glove treatment these thugs get its time for hard and very tough action"
yeah i'll go along with that, kids now days get away with murder, and quite litterly at times, due to their age, im my opinion if your old enough to do the crime your old enough to do the time, i live in a rough area and i see it all the time where big groups of kids terrorize people, homes and whole estates at times, the police come, split the groups up into smaller group and piss off again within 5 mins the kids are all back together burning peoples gardens etc again |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
ohh n get osama over for a wee private meetin he he that man is fiiiiiittttt!!!!!xx
surely you don't mean that
Barack Obama may possibly be considered fit by some......................
....but...... Osama (Bin Laden) OMG
think that was a typo darlin' (least I hope so!!!!)
ha ha!! it was a typo!! dog was jumpin over laptop when i was typin!!!  |
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ohh n get osama over for a wee private meetin he he that man is fiiiiiittttt!!!!!xx
surely you don't mean that
Barack Obama may possibly be considered fit by some......................
....but...... Osama (Bin Laden) OMG
think that was a typo darlin' (least I hope so!!!!)
ha ha!! it was a typo!! dog was jumpin over laptop when i was typin!!! "
Pity...it was far more exciting a statement the first time....  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I'd give everyone free socks, coz it's bloody cold in this country and they can also double up as gloves or even a weapon if two snooker balls are placed inside one.
Moeny to pay for them would come from everyone using aforementioned weapon to smack-a-chav so he can't fookin sign on.  |
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Mine would be cut all dole payments for people able to work unless they take on un-paid work daily.
Any cost to catch and prosecute people would then have to be paid back in full by working on comunity projects.
Ban children from being driven to & from school.
Make parents pay for any damage caused by kids and lock parents up if children commit crime.
Hell the list is endless
Steve  |
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Compulsory National Service for anyone over 16 who doesnt go into further education, with those between 16 and 18 only serving in the UK.
Tax breaks and interest-free loans for students. Only payable after reaching an income of £25,000.
Introduction of "chain-gangs" for low risk prisoners, for community projects like grass cutting etc. This will free up the council workers to fekkin repair the roads!!!
American "three strikes" rules applied to offenders, whereby committing three offences (however minor) garauntees a minimum prison sentence of at least ten years.
Compulsory "citizenship" lessons for immigrants, where they learn English, UK history, customs and values.
Abolishment of our membership of Europe, the Lisbon treaty, European Convention on Human Rights Act and many other "Non-Sovereign" Laws and Acts.
Death penalty introduced for acts of terrorism, peadophilia and murder motivated by greed.
Mp's to have their salary capped at £50,000 to include all allowances, and free housing to be provided along the model of the Indian Parliament, utilising a block of flats.
Soldiers pay to be doubled, and tax free when in theater.
Soldiers families (wives, husbands, kids) to get free medical and dental care.
All senior public servants to be elected into office every 5 years.
Overseas aid reduced, and stopped to any state which fails "humane and compassionate" tests to its own people.
Very high earners tax levels raised.
Windfall taxes on financial institutions.
Declare war on France.
Somebody stop me.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
There's a very simple and effective method of combating our economic migrant problem AND our 'French' problem in one fell swoop...
Here's what we have to do...
Firstly, we instigate discussions with the French Govt. along the lines of, "this Channel Tunnel we dug... we reckon we need another one. We'll even pay for it."
That's the clincher you see. Allow me to explain...
You know you have the KKK in America? Well, just across the ENGLISH Channel you have the FFF - that stands for 'Fucking French Freeloaders', who will do anything so long as some other mug is paying for it.... things like... Capitulate one's country when invaded so that not too many of your own citizens have to die getting it back and then when it's been liberated they can simply say, "Merci, we haf no cash, de Germanz hav stolen all zer murney."
Anyway, I digress...
The FFF have taken the bait and work begins on Chunnel 2... we employ anyone who doesn't have a job to dig the bugger (in particular, all those fookin wankers who shouldn't be here anyway and are undercutting skilled British workers - AND NOT PAYING FOOKIN TAX ON IT!)... and then... now here's the best bit...
...when it's finished, we invite all those on the French side in illegal scumbag-migrant-worker-camps to come over the to English side on the promise of a better life... (and for each one that comes they have to be accompanied by a Froggy bastard) ... and then when they're halfway through we collapse the tunnel and drown the fucking lot of em!  |
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its far too late to consider bothering with it
those like brown and cameron only give lip service so they may aquire the top job and line there own pockets
theres no point flogging a dead horse , and you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear
the country is finished , consider these points
traffic jams , speed bumps , speed cameras , shity weather , cant smoke in the pub , litter fines for droping a sweet wrapper , cant park anywhere , tv liscence so you can watch dads army and ello ello AGAIN , car mot thats is so strict you can fail a new car , road tax , expensive house rates , cant put f all in you dusbin without risking a fine , water rates , expensive ciggarretes , CCTV wherever you go , cant go to hospital even if you might die cos if you do go you will get MRSA and you WILL die , cant get a dentist , and having to speak half a dozen languages to make yourself understood
anyway to be the leader of the UK you must of course be the MONARCH
now thats something that i do think is a wonderfull insitution , i did draw up comprehensive plans a few years back to get a few thousand good men and invade essex , once i had secured a bridgehead divide my forces and simualtaniously march on york and london , unfortunately my second in comand was going on a fishing holiday and the plans had to be mothballed |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Make parents pay for any damage caused by kids and lock parents up if children commit crime.
do you really think thats a good idea?
Where we live they have just bough in a new thing, when you drop litter you get a fine right? if kids drop litter their parents foot the bill? so hows that making kids take responsability for their actions, yeah fuck it drop the crisp packet its only mum thats got to pay hummm brill idea...i think not, so now, and im not sure if this is a trial thing or everywhere but in my area they have given parents a chance to opt out of paying the fine and making their kids do 5 hours supervised litter picking, which i thinks a great idea, some kids just go off the rail and its not always the way they was bought up so why punish the parents, whats that teaching the kids? its teaching them they can get away with what they like thats what, maybe if they know they have to walk round the street for 5 hours every time they throw something on the floor they may think twice about it, and yes i know theirs far worse crimes that littering but its a start to making them think about their actions |
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