By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I cry. I cry when I’m alone. I’ve cried in front of my partner only in adulthood.
I don’t usually cry as often as I feel sad. So I usually express sadness by sitting quietly with my feelings |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Do you cry?
Do you cry in front of anyone, or only alone?
Have you cried recently?
How do you express yourself when you’re sad?"
No, but would love to be able to cry |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
usually over a variety of different things, from anger and frustration to heartbreak to stress to things i find upsetting.
today, i cried over exam stress.
Px |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I cry a lot. I'm highly reactive to movies and even, a few days a month, emotional songs can make my eyes leak.
I cry when I'm frustrated, or in confrontational situations (which are thankfully rare), or when I'm feeling sad or lonely, or overwhelmed by friendship, love or the beauty of nature, and during a good breathwork session.
I used to bottle that up but since having therapy my tears are free to flow. I always feel better after a good hard sob when something more serious goes down. |
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By *ags73Man
over a year ago
glasgow-ish |
"Do you cry?
Do you cry in front of anyone, or only alone?
Have you cried recently?
How do you express yourself when you’re sad?"
had to after a life experience, normally I’d go out with dog, hat on or hood up and could let it out whilst walking
I had a really nice surprise yesterday in terms of what fabber said about me and
had a bit of happy tears, again just with the dog
Right, I’ll go be manly and stuff..
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By *amierebelMan
over a year ago
My own little world |
I always thought I had a heart of stone but last couple years I've had more tearful moments that I care to admit on my own in public etc some things just kill and can't help but let the tears flow |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Yes I do cry, a lot of the time I don't mean to I just get sad or am soooooooo frustrated and have felt like a right dip stick.
I have cried a fair bit recently. It's not nice xx |
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I cry. A lot.
I cry when I'm sad, when I'm angry, when I'm lonely, when I'm happy... pretty much anything sets me off!
If I'm alone, I cry alone, if I'm in company I try to stifle it, but usually fail, so yes, I cry in front of others. I'm not scared of showing and sharing my emotions or vulnerabilities. They make us human right? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Do you cry?
Do you cry in front of anyone, or only alone?
Have you cried recently?
How do you express yourself when you’re sad?"
I very occasionally cry, the last time was over Christmas when I went to see It's a wonderful life. I always cry at the scene where George sees his brother's grave and realises his brother wasn't there to save the troops in WW2 because he wasn't there to save his brother.
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By *G LanaTV/TS
over a year ago
Gosport |
I use to only cry at the most intense of personal grief or extreme physical pain before going onto hormone treatment. Over the last few months though I can cry over the small things. The first time it happened over something happy took me by suprise. So far I've not done much in public but thats more luck than contorl or judgement. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Crying is reserved for my mum only
Others almost always disapprove of that kind of stuff. If it’s not used against you, it’ll be seen as a sign of weakness and be used as a negative about you |
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"Crying is reserved for my mum only
Others almost always disapprove of that kind of stuff. If it’s not used against you, it’ll be seen as a sign of weakness and be used as a negative about you "
Not by all people.
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By *ddie1966Man
over a year ago
Paper Town Central, Essex. |
Cried my last tears of grief when my maternal grandfather passed away. Only then at the cremation. He was my best friend too.
Tears of joy I cry often though..
Oh. And at the end of Forest Gump. |
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I've never been a big crier and when I did it was on my own
However since my partner died 15 months ago I've not shed a single tear. For him or anything else. I think it would do me good to have a good cry |
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By *lan157Man
over a year ago
a village near Haywards Heath in East Sussex |
Yes I have cried. When parents and friends have died and when relationships have ended.I find I get more emotional as I have gotten older. I have to give myself a good talking to sometimes . |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I've cried a lot in the last two days. Yesterday more so than today.
I've cried a fair few times in the past year.
I never used to let anyone see me cry and for a long time I found it very hard to cry. It depends what the upset is though and I'm not about to explain that either.
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Yep. I’m a proud ugly crier.
I don’t just cry from sadness, but also from happiness, frustration and anger as well as stress.
I’m really fortunate I’ve got amazing friends and family who I can openly express my emotions with. I rarely need pandering to. Sometimes I need to be told to get a grip and get on with it, other times I need someone to be angry with me so I don’t feel alone. Most of the time I just need someone to make a joke so I can laugh about it to make whatever the issue is feel smaller so I can tackle it.
Not all tears are justified. I cried today after being on and off hold to the insurance company for 1hr37mins and speaking to several different members of staff my phone died as my charger wasn’t switch on at the wall. 100% my own fault but I still cried about it  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I've never been a big crier and when I did it was on my own
However since my partner died 15 months ago I've not shed a single tear. For him or anything else. I think it would do me good to have a good cry"
Oh gosh, that's a long time to not be able to cry over your loss. Hard to know what might unlock that.  |
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By *eliWoman
over a year ago
. |
Yes I do.
I've cried in front of people - colleagues, loved ones, friends. Random people. I cry angry tears when I'm frustrated. Happy tears when I'm overwhelmed with joy (often at the simplest things that some how strike a chord in me). I cry when I watch something and I'm filled with happiness for them or imagining the hurt.
I used to think that I was too emotional. Too intense. Felt emotions too readily. Now I like that I feel.
I cried last weekend. A combination of things meant that I needed that cathartic release and Hamilton wasn't quite cutting it.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I'm comfortable crying
I mostly cry when I'm angry/frustrated. As if everything was trying to explode - emotions and eyes included.
Though I had tears in my eyes yesterday when given an unexpected little rainbow gift. So all for tears of joy too
T |
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I cry. Usually alone. If something tugs on my heart strings, and that could be a story I've read on social media, a particular movie, or seeing someone in the real world braving a hard existence, I'll shed a tear. Some things that people go through make us feel for them, and there's no shame in that.
I cried recently when I arrived back at my hotel from visiting the floating village in Siem Reap. The kids I saw there looked so happy, but hearing how their life is from my guide, when i got back to my hotel I had a cry. We have such an easy life in the west, compared to those less fortunate in parts of the world like cambodia.
If I can help a little even, I try to do my part. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I cry a lot. Usually alone.
I miss my daughter. My 7 year relationship ended just over a month ago and he collected his stuff yesterday. And to top it off I'm menopausal! I could really use a break! |
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By *edeWoman
over a year ago
the abyss |
I do cry - I think it's good to let emotions out. I tend to bottle things up until it's like a damn bursting.
Generally unless it's during a film or something I don't cry in front of others.
I had a good cry to myself on Wednesday night after a lot of anxious emotions had being doing a number on me the past week. Released in time for the new moon energy  |
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"What's the point in crying?"
It's a release, certainly with issues such as grief..
When my Mum died I sort of locked the emotion away as our children were quite young and I didn't want them to see their Dad cry, it came out eventually but it wasn't good I believe to try and bottle it up..
When my Dad died I sobbed like a child, the difference in the grieving for both of them who I loved equally the same was tangibly different..
I've stood at the graves of other men in the military and emergency services who locked their emotions away and for them sadly the outcome wasn't good.. |
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No, I rarely do, and esp not as a child. Even as a 7 yr old when my dad said my mum died. He left me to do the washing up. I went upstairs to my room to have a think about it. Same a few years later with my dad.
However, I did when I was rushed to the emergency room when I had my daughter bc she was in danger but that was the last time. |
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By *viatrixWoman
over a year ago
Redhill |
I used to cry all the time, a lot.
Since my mother died in November ‘22 in quite traumatic, albeit not unexpected circumstances, my self-preservation instinct has kicked in and I in much better control of my emotions and my reactions to them. I don’t cry as much as I used to…
Lol right now I do feel like crying about losing my shoes. But tough sh*t, I’ll just have to suck it up and buy a new pair… 2 years ago I’d be bawling like a baby hahaha |
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By *essiCouple
over a year ago
suffolk |
I don't cry if I can help it..be it through grief or feeling distraught etc,not good as it gets bottled up and when it surfaces is probably far far worse..
When I found out my older brother had terminal cancer the utter shock and disbelief sent me over the edge and I cried and wailed like a demonic banshee..I was at work at the time,so not a good look. That taught me to lighten the load sooner rather than later,but..I'll still refrain if I can..
J |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I very rarely cry now. Had a very turbulent few years some time back and although things have settled, something has switched off within me and I have become very unemotional.
I wish I could cry and be more open about how I feel with other people. |
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Occasionally - and more often as I get older. Into my 30s I think I hadn't cried since being a child. Now occasionally things build up and I find myself crying. Sometimes I start imagining upsetting things and the tears start - I think it's my mind's way of tricking my body into getting rid of negative emotions.
I also sometimes find myself crying with laughter.
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By *ustBoWoman
over a year ago
Somewhere in Co. Down |
Yes I cry sometimes.
I prefer to be alone when I do.
The last time I cried was earlier this week when I had one of my dogs put to sleep.That day I cried in front of the vet.
When I'm that sad I prefer to be alone that day to process things. When I am sad I tend to go quieter than normal and usually try and avoid talking about things too much as I don't like to cry in front of people. |
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By *stella OP Woman
over a year ago
London |
"Yes I cry sometimes.
I prefer to be alone when I do.
The last time I cried was earlier this week when I had one of my dogs put to sleep.That day I cried in front of the vet.
When I'm that sad I prefer to be alone that day to process things. When I am sad I tend to go quieter than normal and usually try and avoid talking about things too much as I don't like to cry in front of people. "
dogs |
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By *mf123Man
over a year ago
with one foot out the door |
Never again iv cauterized my tear ducts so it will never happen again and purged emotional responses of all kinds in hope of never being a sap again i dont do vulnerability well |
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"Do you cry?
Do you cry in front of anyone, or only alone?
Have you cried recently?
How do you express yourself when you’re sad?"
I am dominant man and everyday life i wouldnt dream of crying in front of anyone .but with my new love i get tears in my eyes how wonderful it is to be with her and not ashamed admit ting it .there very in awe happy tears |
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By *stella OP Woman
over a year ago
London |
"Oh god, I bawled yesterday! Total pity party cos I felt like crap and was totally fraustrated. Felt much better after though!"
They say it gets all the stress hormones out literally in the tears so it’s really very healthy to cry. Glad you’re feeling better. |
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"Cried twice today about my dad, who died a month ago.
Aside from grief, I'm a regular crier and don't have a problem doing it in front of others. "
I hope the crying releases your sadness. Sorry for your loss,
. |
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By *ullyMan
over a year ago
Near Clacton |
Being a guy I never shed a tear, no matter what. But and it's a big but, after losing the love of my life my friend my soulmate of 49 years after nursing for 4 years with cancer, it truly broke me, I cried at every mention, every thought, and am still fragile now almost 9 years on. |
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