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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Can you spot the signs?

What are they?

Are you someone that's stopped drinking?

Could you describe what we should look out for in terms of behaviours and the give away signs?

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By *educing_EmCouple  over a year ago


I can answer this ,I'll be back

Em x

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By *TG3Man  over a year ago


I've stopped drinking but i had a close relative who was an alcoholic and it killed him, he owned a pub, prior to owning the pub he drank a lot and i never saw him d*unk but once he owned the pub i never saw him sober i think he was different in that it was a very social thing for him, nevertheless anything in excess is bad for you

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By *UGGYBEAR2015Man  over a year ago


I have a couple of acquaintances who are alcoholic, I’ve never seen either one of them d*unk.

A couple of things that are common to both of them are-: they aren’t able to go more than 3 or 4 hours without an alcohol based drink and when they are forced too through circumstance, they become shaky or jittery. Particularly notice shaky hands.

I’m guessing there will be many different reactions to alcohol or lack of.

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By *rHotNottsMan  over a year ago

Dubai & Nottingham

It’s not really a name used anymore. But it’s an issue when it begins to affect relationships, finances, health and ability to work. Regular drinking or binge drinking usually will affect those.

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By *affron40Woman  over a year ago


I lived with an alcoholic. They don’t always appear at all d*unk. At times I used alcohol to make me feel better. These habits I’m super aware of and scare the shit out of me after other experiences. So I dont drink.

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By *educing_EmCouple  over a year ago


"Can you spot the signs?

What are they?

Are you someone that's stopped drinking?

Could you describe what we should look out for in terms of behaviours and the give away signs?


I've got a very close relative who's an alcoholic. She's in treatment as we speak.

Alcoholism is one size fits all,it can present differently from person to person. There are some common signs though.

- a very obvious one, a constant smell of alcohol

- doesn't want to be in situations where alcohol isn't accessible.

- becoming agitated in those situations if they have no choice.

- the lies will be endless

- becoming shaky and jittery when they haven't had it for a few hours

- lack of care in their appearance

- paranoia and shifty behaviour

- low self esteem

I'm not saying that everyone will have all these symptoms but these are from my experience.

Em x

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By *educing_EmCouple  over a year ago


Damn it isn't not is

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

After living with an alcoholic the signs aren’t always easy to spot and different depending on the person.

Being more irritable than usual. Especially in the morning.

Smelling of alcohol.

Being sick at weird times, without any warning.

Drinking alone.

Lying about how much alcohol they are consuming.

My mum used to carry around a “water bottle” everywhere she went and I’d find empty cups hidden behind the couch or curtains etc.

Eventually she stoped looking after herself and the house like she used to.

Some people are better at hiding it than others. It’s one of the hardest things to get someone to admit to. As said above she wouldn’t often appear d*unk and surprisingly managed to hold down a job. I knew she had a problem but it wasn’t until after she passed away that I realised how much of a problem it truly was.

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By *apidaryMan  over a year ago


A good friend drank himself to death. Each morning he stayed sober and worked. Very occasionally, some afternoons. Otherwise, he drank from lunchtime. He was always funny and charming, but his character narrowed the more he drank. He got less interesting; but was such an interesting man, he always had something to offer.

He was much older than me, and died in his seventies. His last years of decay were painful, and the drinking helped finish at least two marriages beforehand. I'm not sure he would have changed anything, oddly. He enjoyed drink too much.

I miss him. And he was the only alcoholic I ever knew who was still good company even when hammered; most become boors & bores, at best.

Perhaps for honesty I should add that I adore being tipsy. A lovely feeling, that I would miss greatly if ever removed. I absolutely loathe being d*unk, but I wasted a bit of time as a youth before figuring that out.

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By *mf123Man  over a year ago

with one foot out the door

I dont really drink i know a few drinkers but tbh i tend to stay out of folks beezwax unless directly affected

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By *ealMissShadyWoman  over a year ago

St Albans/ North Welsh Borders

It's different for different people and there are different types of alcoholism. I know someone who is alcohol dependant and can function day day, hold down a job and is always coherent.

But then I have known alcoholics who hide bottles all over the place, disappear for days on end, can't stop until they literally pass out from drinking.

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By *issmorganWoman  over a year ago

Calderdale innit

A close relative of mine died of alcoholism, these are some of my experiences.

They were very cunning and lied with ease, even if you'd seen them do something it would be denied.

Always having sweets or something to cover the alcohol on their breath.

or saying they need to go to shop as they're craving sweets, then hiding the drink and just showing the sweets/choc.

Having alcohol in a pop or water bottle to disguise it.

Stealing money from us, to the point of claiming somebody had been in the house and taken momey/goods.

Going missing for a bit, usually to get their fix or because they're too out of it.

Getting totally over emotional and defensive on a regular basis.

Self neglect ie not washing or taking care of themselves their home.

Not eating for long periods, but sleeping at all hours.

Making you feel guilty if you won't give them money or get them drink.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Demon and drink go together well let's just say.

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By *orbidden eastMan  over a year ago

london dodging electric scooters

I had a ex-girlfriend that I think was an alcoholic and the tell tell sign was when it came to recycling. At the end of the week I could actually count one bottle of wine for each day. And you don’t realise, but it affects the relationship a lot.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Drinking throughout the day, i.e. from early morning. Choosing an alcoholic drink over others. having secret stashes. Tremors, withdrawal symptoms if they don't get alcohol, insomnia, irrational behaviour, slurred speech, not necessarily typical d*unken behaviour.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Stinking of alcohol in a morning.

Abusive texts in the middle of the night.

Allegedly no recollection of such the day after.

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By *eeliciouschaosWoman  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 11/11/23 15:50:15]

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By *aitonelMan  over a year ago


Son of an alcoholic, here. Em and Shivs covered it well.

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

I lived with a violent alcoholic. Life was hell. He was dead at 50. I've been a heavy drinker in the past and when my partner died I turned to alcohol. I've stopped now and rarely drink now

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By *andV4044Couple  over a year ago


I’m not sure if this will help, but grandpa was an alcoholic.

He smelt like whisky and fell asleep in his chair.

He was also a cunt if he wasn’t holding a glass of whisky. And an even bigger one when he was

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By *ruceyyMan  over a year ago


I definitely was heading down a slippery slope at one time and am still actively saying no sometimes when I think I could go with a drink.

I went through a stage where even home alone I would drink in the daytime. Worst one was where I went through an entire 10 can crate before 6pm...

I still feel like I would like a drink most evenings but stop myself

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By *ucka39Man  over a year ago


Few of my past relationships were with an alcoholic so yes I'm fully aware of the signs may differ from person to person because some drink from moment they've woken up and some have like a shift pattern but unable to stop until have nothing left and given the time isn't available late at night and make sure they have enough supposedly. Can become self blaming unable to go without a drink per day become toxic violent attention seeking and not being accountable for their own actions narcissist. Lying, cheating.

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By *inger_SnapWoman  over a year ago


Em, Shivs and Miss Morgan covered it really well.

My sis in law drank herself to death at 38, leaving behind 3 young children. I've never really got over that. One minute she was the best mum, the next minute the bottle was more important than anything else. I don't drink anymore.

My neighbour was also a functioning alcoholic, I used to count the number of times I heard him cracking open another tin. He also died, early 60s having just retired (with other factors) but the drink and cigarettes were a big part of it. I cared for him at home, until he went into a nursing home. He missed out on meeting his first grandchild by months.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My eyes are thoroughly opened reading this thread. Booze can just poison everything, can't it?

Looking back, I suspect my ex was addicted. He confessed that he'd driven his kids to school multiple times pissed because he had been drinking all night. But I thought that was his wake up call. I don't think I knew enough to spot when he started again.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have seen so much harm caused by booze. I would happily see it banned but that will never happen.

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By *os19Man  over a year ago


One of my mangers at a previous office always went to the pub at lunch time and when he finished work I would say every day for the 8 years that I worked at that office he took early retirement in his early 60’s sadly passed away a couple of years into his retirement.Another manager did not make it to 50 as I once said to him Stella and diabetes don’t mix well together.Ironically both managers wanted me to seek professional help as they felt I had my own addiction which I was always in control of.I wish they could have controlled their addiction the way I do mine.

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By *ermite12ukMan  over a year ago

Solihull and Romford

A lady who was my flat mates girlfriend used to get hammered on a Sat afternoon/evening and less often midweek.

Never knew initially she was an alcoholic. She was seriously beautiful in terms of looks and personality. Just a shame she couldn't stay sober for long. She popped her clogs probably two decades ago now though. Such a waste.

My ex partners sister was the alchi, that beats all alchis imho. From her being plastered at Xmas and we are having to wrap our own presents and others, in the family. To the many times we had to go visit her in hospital/clinic. Where you listen time after time. "I'm not going to drink again....".Then after years of this. The light suddenly dawned and I'd had enough and wouldn't drive over when she phoned her sister, asking for help.

My ex partners daughter. Seriously did not know she was an alcoholic. My partner did, but I had no clue until she died, almost 15 years ago.

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By *a LunaWoman  over a year ago

South Wales

My first serious relationship broke down because as soon as we moved in together I discovered he had a drinking problem.

We were young ish (20’s) so I’d always put it down to his liking for a drink to liking to chill out and relax and being social.

But once we’d moved in I started finding hidden empty bottles of booze both inside and outside the house. He used to meet me from work and I could smell alcohol on him, he said he had only stopped off for one whilst waiting for me, but he’d clearly had more than the one and alarm bells started going off that he was lying about that fact.

I was a bit naive really. His father was a full on alcoholic (obviously so) but I just didn’t see it in him (or maybe I didn’t want to). It was a massive contributor to us splitting up.

It’s left me with zero tolerance with excessive drinkers in that if I notice a fella I’m dating likes to drink (a lot!) my red flags go off and I ditch them.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Thank you for the responses.

Does anyone have any insight on if eating habits change?

Like if they eat before drinking or only when they have had a drink or a certain time of day? Or if eating habits are normal?

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By *andyfloss2000Woman  over a year ago


Hiding drink! Compulsive lieing! Never having money! Ohh it's just misery for everyone x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've had a lot of exposure to alcoholics... The most recent being a friend who made multiple attempts to end their life.

Alcoholics are very easily able to hide their habit and dependency to their family and friends.

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By *ilsaGeorgeCouple  over a year ago


"Thank you for the responses.

Does anyone have any insight on if eating habits change?

Like if they eat before drinking or only when they have had a drink or a certain time of day? Or if eating habits are normal?"

I’m not sure if there is a specific answer to this. The people I know who are functional alcoholics don’t have a problem eating dinner, but equally they can’t eat dinner without having a drink. Have you looked on the NHS website for alcoholism support? It might be useful Xx

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By *ucka39Man  over a year ago


"Thank you for the responses.

Does anyone have any insight on if eating habits change?

Like if they eat before drinking or only when they have had a drink or a certain time of day? Or if eating habits are normal?"

From one alcoholic to another it's going to differ like some drink from moment they've woken up and may choose to eat at some point but only minimal like a snack.... Whereas as others may decide around drinking at evening but drinking like it's going out of fashion necking it not taking their time and needing to buy enough before the shops Shut but even with that having alcohol within the home if it's their their is no rest until it's finished unable to open a bottle and just have a few drinks and leaving the rest for another day..... Until they are flat out through the alcohol which is close to alcohol poisoning

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By *ady LickWoman  over a year ago

Northampton Somewhere

I work with, I think the phrase is, a functioning alcoholic. He hides it very well but disappears to his car for his breaks which he splits into 5 minute chunks. His breath smells and his confidence grows as the day goes on, hes very thin and has told me he doesnt eat regularly.

My boss is aware

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Thank you for the responses.

Does anyone have any insight on if eating habits change?

Like if they eat before drinking or only when they have had a drink or a certain time of day? Or if eating habits are normal?"

The alcoholics I know are out and out alcoholics no hiding it. They have very poor eating habits and might survive on a couple of rounds of toast a day. There very very thin

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Can you spot the signs?

What are they?

Are you someone that's stopped drinking?

Could you describe what we should look out for in terms of behaviours and the give away signs?

Is it a case that someone close is behaving in a way that you feel makes them an alcoholic

Bear in mind that simply heavy drinking does not make someone an alcoholic

However heavy drinking can lead to

Many family and social problems in itself

Bear in mind that alcohol

Is one of the easiest ways that people cope with stress, anxiety and trauma as it has a depressive effect bringing a person down

So many people self medicate with it

I was one of those

I was not an alcoholic but I did sail towards being a binge drinker

I think that with anyone who can enjoy alcohol to a heavy effect needs a wake-up call as they don’t often see the wedge getting thicker

There are many examples if the signs and symptoms

Best thing to do is have,”The discussion with the person, or yourself.”


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Can you spot the signs?

What are they?

Are you someone that's stopped drinking?

Could you describe what we should look out for in terms of behaviours and the give away signs?

Is it a case that someone close is behaving in a way that you feel makes them an alcoholic

Bear in mind that simply heavy drinking does not make someone an alcoholic

However heavy drinking can lead to

Many family and social problems in itself

Bear in mind that alcohol

Is one of the easiest ways that people cope with stress, anxiety and trauma as it has a depressive effect bringing a person down

So many people self medicate with it

I was one of those

I was not an alcoholic but I did sail towards being a binge drinker

I think that with anyone who can enjoy alcohol to a heavy effect needs a wake-up call as they don’t often see the wedge getting thicker

There are many examples if the signs and symptoms

Best thing to do is have,”The discussion with the person, or yourself.”


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By *octor ProdMan  over a year ago

working Overseas

There are some good websites where you can find out more about alcoholism, the signs and how to approach someone about their demon. A couple have ex-alcoholics who share how to best open a conversation with someone.

Go do some reading, I have seen it done badly and it took a few more years before the person reached out for help

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Friend passed away due to alcoholism. I suspect Gin &/or Vodka were the main tipples of choice.

Always had a water bottle, which was definitely not containing water. Later there would be bottles in brown paper bags. Didn't ever seem d*unk though.

Could get shaky and irritable with mood swings.

Probably the alcohol led to some mobility issues, so they stayed in more and drank more.

Always had extra strong mints or other mints on the go.

Strangely, didn't try hiding the bottles in the recycling, but was known to go to the odd bottle bank whilst still around to get rid of more bottles.

Tried to help but I think there has to be some willingness on their part to accept there's a problem.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"There are some good websites where you can find out more about alcoholism, the signs and how to approach someone about their demon. A couple have ex-alcoholics who share how to best open a conversation with someone.

Go do some reading, I have seen it done badly and it took a few more years before the person reached out for help"

Can I DM you plz?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I've had a lot of exposure to alcoholics... The most recent being a friend who made multiple attempts to end their life.

Alcoholics are very easily able to hide their habit and dependency to their family and friends.


I'm sorry to hear that.

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By *octor ProdMan  over a year ago

working Overseas

"There are some good websites where you can find out more about alcoholism, the signs and how to approach someone about their demon. A couple have ex-alcoholics who share how to best open a conversation with someone.

Go do some reading, I have seen it done badly and it took a few more years before the person reached out for help

Can I DM you plz?"

Please do, if I can help I will

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By *inister_SpinsterWoman  over a year ago


Alcohol Explained by William Porter might help you OP.

Ping me a message if you think I can help. I'm no expert, but I've a big chunk of sobriety, so have some personal insights.

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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

"I've stopped drinking but i had a close relative who was an alcoholic and it killed him, he owned a pub, prior to owning the pub he drank a lot and i never saw him d*unk but once he owned the pub i never saw him sober i think he was different in that it was a very social thing for him, nevertheless anything in excess is bad for you "

I used to know a publican in Ireland quite well, and he said it was a golden rule that you never drink in your own pub, for all sorts of reasons.

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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

"Can you spot the signs?

What are they?

Are you someone that's stopped drinking?

Could you describe what we should look out for in terms of behaviours and the give away signs?


Why do you ask? Are you concerned about someone you know?

One thing about potential “signs”, is that nobody will know those signs better than an alcoholic, and nobody will be better at covering up or explaining away those signs than an alcoholic

And when things get messy and it becomes clearer that an individual has a drink problem, and you or someone else sits down with them to discuss, the usual outcome is acceptance they they have a problem and agreement to stop drinking … this is usually meaningless and the alcoholic just wants the “intervention” to be over so takes the path of least resistance and agrees with everything. They then just got better at hiding their drinking.

I had an example in recent years where a woman who was very close to me, in her 30’s, had a drink problem. Over a period of a few years, several friends and family had detailed sit-downs with her and all went away convinced they they had got through to her and that she would now stay off booze.

It’s a very difficult time, lots of setbacks, coverups, lies, disappointments, and the alcoholics I have known have got very good at shrugging off messy situations they have got into while d*unk.

The latest on the lady I mention: fired from 2 jobs, multiple rehab stays, now appears to be dry again, but also appeared to be dry 2 years ago before being caught d*unk driving. Has leaned heavily, financially, on family members (rehab costs, bailouts when unemployed etc), … she seems to be in good shape now but family / friends all feel they we have been here a dozen times so don’t know what makes it different this time

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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

"I have seen so much harm caused by booze. I would happily see it banned but that will never happen."

The vast majority of people can responsibly enjoy a drink.

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By *ora the explorerWoman  over a year ago

Paradise, Herts

"I have seen so much harm caused by booze. I would happily see it banned but that will never happen.

The vast majority of people can responsibly enjoy a drink. "

Exactly. Of course it shouldn’t be banned. I like a drink every now and then. Why should I be deprived of that?!

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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

"Thank you for the responses.

Does anyone have any insight on if eating habits change?

Like if they eat before drinking or only when they have had a drink or a certain time of day? Or if eating habits are normal?"

No simple answer to that, I’m afraid. Some serious alcoholics eat very sparsely or poorly, but not all.

You will have read references above to some alcoholics being skinny and hardly eating at all, but others show no change to eating habits or go the opposite direction and put in weight due to post-closing time fast food binges.

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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

"Hiding drink! Compulsive lieing! Never having money! Ohh it's just misery for everyone x"

In the case of the most recent one I have been close to, we always thought she was a bit of a lightweight when it came to drinking, seeming to get very d*unk after one or two drinks.

We then noticed that that didn’t happen when she came to stay with us and we all started drinking at the same time. Took is a while to realise that the other nights were due to her secretly getting loaded before we met up, and would then be falling around or falling asleep after one or two glasses of wine.

Comparing notes with other friends and family, we realised that had been going on since her early 20’s.

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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

Lack of truthfulness and honesty often slow the identification of a problem drinker, and hamper any efforts to support or help them.

Having eventually accepted that she had a drink problem, my sister in law went to see a therapist, whatever info she gave the therapist, the verdict was that she was not an alcoholic but sometimes used alcohol as a coping mechanism due to her crumbling marriage. The fact that her drink problem predated been meeting her husband didn’t stack up. But that allowed her to keep drinking, blame the husband, and tell everyone she was now able “to drink responsibly”, muddying the waters for another couple of years

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By *illy IdolMan  over a year ago


Some very helpful observations above. From experience, biggest challenge they will have is them accepting they have a problem. Without personal acceptance, you can't be helped.

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By *ecky and justCouple  over a year ago


The thing I can’t handle about it is the lies..

how someone so obviously loving and genuine can lie so brazenly about anything to get their fix.

To the expense of everything else in their lives.

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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

"The thing I can’t handle about it is the lies..

how someone so obviously loving and genuine can lie so brazenly about anything to get their fix.

To the expense of everything else in their lives. "

That’s what addiction does, unfortunately.

My sister in law now said she is dry and has her life back on track, but years and years of lies and broken promises mean that we are no longer used to believing what she tells us.

She had burned her way through a lot of love, support and money from family and friends, and that takes its toll.

Unfortunately, nothing changes until the person themselves decides that they want to change, and even then it may take several attempts at best

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By *4bimMan  over a year ago

Farnborough Hampshire

I quit drinking many years ago and I don't miss it.

Just have the odd drink now and then.

When I lived in Glasgow it seemed everyone was pissed all the time. Just to get through the day we poured cough medicine in our beverages

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I quit drinking many years ago and I don't miss it.

Just have the odd drink now and then.

When I lived in Glasgow it seemed everyone was pissed all the time. Just to get through the day we poured cough medicine in our beverages"

Your Glasgow is very different to my Glasgow.

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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

"Some very helpful observations above. From experience, biggest challenge they will have is them accepting they have a problem. Without personal acceptance, you can't be helped."

Completely agree. And what makes that acceptance harder to reach is that the person may well sit there, listen, agree, and swear they will never touch the stiff again.

Michael Parkinson has a very close relationship with George best, and I heard him describe a situation where they were in a hotel, George had hit the rocks again, they had a big heart to heart, George gave chapter and verse on how this time he was definitely giving up, and then left the hotel … buying a bottle of brandy on the way out.

Parky’s summary was that an alcoholic will say anything to help quickly get to the end of a conversation about their drink problem, but their entire focus is on getting their next drink

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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

"I quit drinking many years ago and I don't miss it.

Just have the odd drink now and then.

When I lived in Glasgow it seemed everyone was pissed all the time. Just to get through the day we poured cough medicine in our beverages

Your Glasgow is very different to my Glasgow."

Mine too. No city matches that description.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Can you spot the signs?

What are they?

Are you someone that's stopped drinking?

Could you describe what we should look out for in terms of behaviours and the give away signs?

Why do you ask? Are you concerned about someone you know?

One thing about potential “signs”, is that nobody will know those signs better than an alcoholic, and nobody will be better at covering up or explaining away those signs than an alcoholic

And when things get messy and it becomes clearer that an individual has a drink problem, and you or someone else sits down with them to discuss, the usual outcome is acceptance they they have a problem and agreement to stop drinking … this is usually meaningless and the alcoholic just wants the “intervention” to be over so takes the path of least resistance and agrees with everything. They then just got better at hiding their drinking.

I had an example in recent years where a woman who was very close to me, in her 30’s, had a drink problem. Over a period of a few years, several friends and family had detailed sit-downs with her and all went away convinced they they had got through to her and that she would now stay off booze.

It’s a very difficult time, lots of setbacks, coverups, lies, disappointments, and the alcoholics I have known have got very good at shrugging off messy situations they have got into while d*unk.

The latest on the lady I mention: fired from 2 jobs, multiple rehab stays, now appears to be dry again, but also appeared to be dry 2 years ago before being caught d*unk driving. Has leaned heavily, financially, on family members (rehab costs, bailouts when unemployed etc), … she seems to be in good shape now but family / friends all feel they we have been here a dozen times so don’t know what makes it different this time "

I have come across two people in life that fit the description of alcoholics. With both I felt a certain way.

In counselling I'm being asked if I think certain persons in my past were possibly alcoholics, so I'm just exploring it as there's some sort of familiarity when I was the alcoholics that I know of. And I'm just trying to process it all to see if there is a link and what it could possibly be.

But I've not been in a relationship with one so I'm very uneducated and not experienced to know the signs. And as much as I could Google I find real experiences can be the most insightful from actual people. And besides that I could end up with someone that's an alcoholic in future so I'd like to arm myself with the information.

There does seem to be a similarity in behaviours with narcissistic traits and alcoholism which I think blurs things when I have done some Google searches. Though that came up in a search where I didn't use the term.

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By *eroLondonMan  over a year ago


"Alcohol Explained by William Porter might help you OP.

Ping me a message if you think I can help. I'm no expert, but I've a big chunk of sobriety, so have some personal insights. "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm well able to spot the signs. My mum was an alcoholic and it killed her. I still remember watching her on camera sobbing dying alone in hospital wishing she could take it all back. I've had a lot of experience with it in my family. My brother was a bit of a binge drinker and became dependent on booze after my mum died and then he put a rope around his neck and hung himself. I don't think he would have done it sober.

One thing I know for sure is that you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves no matter what lengths you go to.

If you're struggling with the drink, please seek help. You can take steps and get better. It's not an easy journey but you can do it.

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By *ansoffateMan  over a year ago

Sagittarius A

Nothing prepares you for those moments where you realise the last few month's were a facade. Whatever the sign of them slipping is. The AKA smell, the all to familiar patterns of behaviour, the hidden bottles you stumble across.

You're heart just sinks, it's a crushing blow. As you simultaneously realise what's to come, it's only going to get worse. The denial when you try to talk to them about it. And they know that you know. It's almost like a play, it feels so surreal.

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By *issmorganWoman  over a year ago

Calderdale innit

"Thank you for the responses.

Does anyone have any insight on if eating habits change?

Like if they eat before drinking or only when they have had a drink or a certain time of day? Or if eating habits are normal?"

Just my experience, my sister who it eventually killed, rarely ate once it really took hold.

Before she died, she weighed just over 6 stone, occasionally she'd binge eat, usually when she didn't have much alcohol.

I hope you find the answers you need and if you need to chat, you're welcome to pm me.

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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

"Can you spot the signs?

What are they?

Are you someone that's stopped drinking?

Could you describe what we should look out for in terms of behaviours and the give away signs?

Why do you ask? Are you concerned about someone you know?

One thing about potential “signs”, is that nobody will know those signs better than an alcoholic, and nobody will be better at covering up or explaining away those signs than an alcoholic

And when things get messy and it becomes clearer that an individual has a drink problem, and you or someone else sits down with them to discuss, the usual outcome is acceptance they they have a problem and agreement to stop drinking … this is usually meaningless and the alcoholic just wants the “intervention” to be over so takes the path of least resistance and agrees with everything. They then just got better at hiding their drinking.

I had an example in recent years where a woman who was very close to me, in her 30’s, had a drink problem. Over a period of a few years, several friends and family had detailed sit-downs with her and all went away convinced they they had got through to her and that she would now stay off booze.

It’s a very difficult time, lots of setbacks, coverups, lies, disappointments, and the alcoholics I have known have got very good at shrugging off messy situations they have got into while d*unk.

The latest on the lady I mention: fired from 2 jobs, multiple rehab stays, now appears to be dry again, but also appeared to be dry 2 years ago before being caught d*unk driving. Has leaned heavily, financially, on family members (rehab costs, bailouts when unemployed etc), … she seems to be in good shape now but family / friends all feel they we have been here a dozen times so don’t know what makes it different this time

I have come across two people in life that fit the description of alcoholics. With both I felt a certain way.

In counselling I'm being asked if I think certain persons in my past were possibly alcoholics, so I'm just exploring it as there's some sort of familiarity when I was the alcoholics that I know of. And I'm just trying to process it all to see if there is a link and what it could possibly be.

But I've not been in a relationship with one so I'm very uneducated and not experienced to know the signs. And as much as I could Google I find real experiences can be the most insightful from actual people. And besides that I could end up with someone that's an alcoholic in future so I'd like to arm myself with the information.

There does seem to be a similarity in behaviours with narcissistic traits and alcoholism which I think blurs things when I have done some Google searches. Though that came up in a search where I didn't use the term.



Firstly, good luck with your own counselling, I hope that helps and proved effective.

As for alcoholism, I hope the experiences shared in this thread give you a flavour for the fact that it is hard to spot and even harder to address.

Some people can display behaviours that may tick a lot of boxes on a “spot the alcoholic” checklist, but there may not be a dependency issue and they might grow out of the heavy drinking phase.

Others may convince themselves that they don’t have an issue because they can give up any time they want, and may point to extended dry periods as proof that they don’t have a problem / dependency.

The truth reveals itself over time, not always straightforward.

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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

"Nothing prepares you for those moments where you realise the last few month's were a facade. Whatever the sign of them slipping is. The AKA smell, the all to familiar patterns of behaviour, the hidden bottles you stumble across.

You're heart just sinks, it's a crushing blow. As you simultaneously realise what's to come, it's only going to get worse. The denial when you try to talk to them about it. And they know that you know. It's almost like a play, it feels so surreal."

My experience of it is that after the first person you have been on the journey with, you spot it a lot quicker after that and get drawn into it a lot less . Spokes cruel / detached, but there is very little you can do to help

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By *ee04Man  over a year ago


Alcoholic or alcohol dependent. What is it?

Having had friends who have been classed as alcoholic in varying degrees.

A woman I know gets in from work every day and once 6pm goes by has a drink or two. Sometimes a glass of wine sometimes a few or maybe a G&T. Is she alcoholic? To me yes as not a day goes by without a drink.

I know other people who go to bed with a drink at the side of the bed for when they wake up as they cannot function until they’ve had a drink.

If alcohol was a new drug coming to the market now it would be banned. The outcry would be unbelievable.

Like heroine it’s a physical addiction not like cocaine which is not physically addictive.

A alcoholic cannot just stop drinking and should only be done with medical supervision.

Personally I am like millions of people and enjoy a beer or whisky, I do not crave it but to many others it’s an addiction they do not know they have.

I never drink on a work night this can mean going a couple of weeks without a drink.

But am I alcoholic as when I get to the days off I have a drink?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I just want to say my heart goes out to those that have lost people to drinking. I can't imagine what that's like to see and experience.

I did have one friend, who was amazing, had everything going for her and support, get addicted to something horrible. I walked into her flat one day and saw her boyfriend giving her what she was addicted to and it was a horrible thing to see for so many reasons. She passed away not so long ago. She went from being a larger than life attractive soul of the party type to begging in the streets. She gave her child up too.

So I guess I can relate a little tiny bit to it in a different way.

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By *ools and the brainCouple  over a year ago

couple, us we him her.

Sneaks up on you.

Don't realise it's a problem until it is!

I started younger than I should,was dependent by 17, met Jools and my life changed I honestly don't think I'd be here now if I hadn't met her.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Can you spot the signs?

What are they?

Are you someone that's stopped drinking?

Could you describe what we should look out for in terms of behaviours and the give away signs?

Why do you ask? Are you concerned about someone you know?

One thing about potential “signs”, is that nobody will know those signs better than an alcoholic, and nobody will be better at covering up or explaining away those signs than an alcoholic

And when things get messy and it becomes clearer that an individual has a drink problem, and you or someone else sits down with them to discuss, the usual outcome is acceptance they they have a problem and agreement to stop drinking … this is usually meaningless and the alcoholic just wants the “intervention” to be over so takes the path of least resistance and agrees with everything. They then just got better at hiding their drinking.

I had an example in recent years where a woman who was very close to me, in her 30’s, had a drink problem. Over a period of a few years, several friends and family had detailed sit-downs with her and all went away convinced they they had got through to her and that she would now stay off booze.

It’s a very difficult time, lots of setbacks, coverups, lies, disappointments, and the alcoholics I have known have got very good at shrugging off messy situations they have got into while d*unk.

The latest on the lady I mention: fired from 2 jobs, multiple rehab stays, now appears to be dry again, but also appeared to be dry 2 years ago before being caught d*unk driving. Has leaned heavily, financially, on family members (rehab costs, bailouts when unemployed etc), … she seems to be in good shape now but family / friends all feel they we have been here a dozen times so don’t know what makes it different this time

I have come across two people in life that fit the description of alcoholics. With both I felt a certain way.

In counselling I'm being asked if I think certain persons in my past were possibly alcoholics, so I'm just exploring it as there's some sort of familiarity when I was the alcoholics that I know of. And I'm just trying to process it all to see if there is a link and what it could possibly be.

But I've not been in a relationship with one so I'm very uneducated and not experienced to know the signs. And as much as I could Google I find real experiences can be the most insightful from actual people. And besides that I could end up with someone that's an alcoholic in future so I'd like to arm myself with the information.

There does seem to be a similarity in behaviours with narcissistic traits and alcoholism which I think blurs things when I have done some Google searches. Though that came up in a search where I didn't use the term.


Actually I feel the need to clarify something before it gets misread.

Where I wrote....

But I've not been in a relationship with *one so I'm very uneducated and not experienced to know the signs.

*One means alcoholic, not one of the two guys that I mentioned above.

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By *ose manMan  over a year ago


I didn't know that man drank until I seen him sober ....


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By *immyinreadingMan  over a year ago

henley on thames

"Alcoholic or alcohol dependent. What is it?

Having had friends who have been classed as alcoholic in varying degrees.

A woman I know gets in from work every day and once 6pm goes by has a drink or two. Sometimes a glass of wine sometimes a few or maybe a G&T. Is she alcoholic? To me yes as not a day goes by without a drink.

I know other people who go to bed with a drink at the side of the bed for when they wake up as they cannot function until they’ve had a drink.

If alcohol was a new drug coming to the market now it would be banned. The outcry would be unbelievable.

Like heroine it’s a physical addiction not like cocaine which is not physically addictive.

A alcoholic cannot just stop drinking and should only be done with medical supervision.

Personally I am like millions of people and enjoy a beer or whisky, I do not crave it but to many others it’s an addiction they do not know they have.

I never drink on a work night this can mean going a couple of weeks without a drink.

But am I alcoholic as when I get to the days off I have a drink?


Alcohol is nothing like heroin or cocaine in terms of likelihood of becoming addicted.

And no, if you enjoy an occasional drink, as you described, that does not make you an alcoholic.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I just want to say my heart goes out to those that have lost people to drinking. I can't imagine what that's like to see and experience.

I did have one friend, who was amazing, had everything going for her and support, get addicted to something horrible. I walked into her flat one day and saw her boyfriend giving her what she was addicted to and it was a horrible thing to see for so many reasons. She passed away not so long ago. She went from being a larger than life attractive soul of the party type to begging in the streets. She gave her child up too.

So I guess I can relate a little tiny bit to it in a different way.


It's honestly devastating seeing the damage that comes with addiction. I'm sorry you've dealt with it.

If you are worried about someone, I think the best way forward is to be open and explain to them why you're concerned. Sadly, most take it as an attack and jump into denial mode. My mum always felt like we were constantly having a go at her, and no matter how much we reassured her we were doing it out of love she never once could see our side until she was told she would be dead within a few days.

So yes, offer support but be prepared for a backlash. If you have a feeling they are d*unk then don't even bother trying until it feels right. I've only had a quick skim through the thread as I'm out but there's so much great advice above. Remember they will only get better if they want to do it. And don't forget to take care of yourself too because supporting and dealing with addiction and everything it brings is not good for your mind and you need to look after yourself and remember that there is a big chance you will not be able to help them.

My mum wasn't a great mum. She was cruel and a shitty person. But she was still my mum and I often think of her as a little girl, innocently playing and laughing not knowing the horrors of her future. I am at least glad now that she doesn't have to fight the addiction anymore.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Can you spot the signs?

What are they?

Are you someone that's stopped drinking?

Could you describe what we should look out for in terms of behaviours and the give away signs?

Why do you ask? Are you concerned about someone you know?

One thing about potential “signs”, is that nobody will know those signs better than an alcoholic, and nobody will be better at covering up or explaining away those signs than an alcoholic

And when things get messy and it becomes clearer that an individual has a drink problem, and you or someone else sits down with them to discuss, the usual outcome is acceptance they they have a problem and agreement to stop drinking … this is usually meaningless and the alcoholic just wants the “intervention” to be over so takes the path of least resistance and agrees with everything. They then just got better at hiding their drinking.

I had an example in recent years where a woman who was very close to me, in her 30’s, had a drink problem. Over a period of a few years, several friends and family had detailed sit-downs with her and all went away convinced they they had got through to her and that she would now stay off booze.

It’s a very difficult time, lots of setbacks, coverups, lies, disappointments, and the alcoholics I have known have got very good at shrugging off messy situations they have got into while d*unk.

The latest on the lady I mention: fired from 2 jobs, multiple rehab stays, now appears to be dry again, but also appeared to be dry 2 years ago before being caught d*unk driving. Has leaned heavily, financially, on family members (rehab costs, bailouts when unemployed etc), … she seems to be in good shape now but family / friends all feel they we have been here a dozen times so don’t know what makes it different this time

I have come across two people in life that fit the description of alcoholics. With both I felt a certain way.

In counselling I'm being asked if I think certain persons in my past were possibly alcoholics, so I'm just exploring it as there's some sort of familiarity when I was the alcoholics that I know of. And I'm just trying to process it all to see if there is a link and what it could possibly be.

But I've not been in a relationship with one so I'm very uneducated and not experienced to know the signs. And as much as I could Google I find real experiences can be the most insightful from actual people. And besides that I could end up with someone that's an alcoholic in future so I'd like to arm myself with the information.

There does seem to be a similarity in behaviours with narcissistic traits and alcoholism which I think blurs things when I have done some Google searches. Though that came up in a search where I didn't use the term.


Firstly, good luck with your own counselling, I hope that helps and proved effective.

As for alcoholism, I hope the experiences shared in this thread give you a flavour for the fact that it is hard to spot and even harder to address.

Some people can display behaviours that may tick a lot of boxes on a “spot the alcoholic” checklist, but there may not be a dependency issue and they might grow out of the heavy drinking phase.

Others may convince themselves that they don’t have an issue because they can give up any time they want, and may point to extended dry periods as proof that they don’t have a problem / dependency.

The truth reveals itself over time, not always straightforward. "

Thank you.

I thinks it's quite apparent why I can't answer the question I'm being asked and I have to answer it with there is no answer.

Appreciate your replies.

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

I've known far to many people die of alcoholism for more than anyone should know. The last was a friend who died on November 4th. He was a marine who was discharged on medical grounds due to ptsd. He took to drink to conquer his demons. I remember going to his pass out parade and he was so proud

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By *ansoffateMan  over a year ago

Sagittarius A

"Nothing prepares you for those moments where you realise the last few month's were a facade. Whatever the sign of them slipping is. The AKA smell, the all to familiar patterns of behaviour, the hidden bottles you stumble across.

You're heart just sinks, it's a crushing blow. As you simultaneously realise what's to come, it's only going to get worse. The denial when you try to talk to them about it. And they know that you know. It's almost like a play, it feels so surreal.

My experience of it is that after the first person you have been on the journey with, you spot it a lot quicker after that and get drawn into it a lot less . Spokes cruel / detached, but there is very little you can do to help "

I think I know the feeling you are referring to. I couldn't say if that's a better or worse place to be. All I can remember, at those junctures, is looking at the faces of my baby daughters - who wanted their mother back and had no way of comprehending that it wasn't their fault.

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