Pessimism of the spirit; optimism of the will. Expect the worst and hope & aim for the best.
Applies particularly when picking the early gooseberries & raspberries. Likely to be mouth-puckeringly sour in a startling way, but - oh - if you get a sweet one...
I'm wildly pessimistic bordering on nihilistic - but stubborn as fuck.
Think David and Goliath.
Well, I'm fucked, but best to fight this as hard as I can.
Sometimes Goliath goes down with a thud, "nevertheless, she persisted" etc.
"I wear rose tinted glasses…I never used to but the optician says by law I need to to drive.
(Did I spell it right lol)"
Haha. You’re asking me???
Erm. Yeh?!?!
Just remember a pessimist is never disappointed.
I always think the worse but once in a very VERY blue moon I'm proven wrong and something good happens.
Next one can't come soon enough
Optimists spend their lives being miserable because nothing turns out as good as they thought it would. Pessimists are continually delighted that the world is better than they feared.