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Death sentence Pt 2
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
" from first thread, furbylad:
I believe in a state approved punishment wether it be capital or not if the majority vote then so be it. I don't agree with all that is said in the bible but I do agree with some of it. An eye for an eye yes I agree. Shall not kill obviously I don't agree have seen active service in 1 conflict 1 war and a policing action. Bible says its wrong to mark/change your body I'm heavily tattood.the point I'm trying to make is its my choice to pick and chose what I beleve in and not yours to tell me I can't which goes back to the original thread of do people think the Balinese have the right to execute a person who broke the law in they'r country. Without sounding rude I know a lot of the things I do In my life are wrong I'm the eyes of the bible but I'm honest about what I do where as you striker as a person who only has one outlook to any decision and that is your right we'r wrong."
Not at all, I'll be the first to put my hands up and say I'm wrong, if I am wrong, but I'll also be the first to speak up against an injustice, or someone who seeks to impose their will against the majority.
Sure, Indonesia (Bali is a part of Indonesia) have the right to execute people in their own country but it doesn't make it right, hence why the British political establishment across all parties have condemned this sentence. It is abhorrent in these so called modern times.
Combat the root causes of the problem that is drugs and you may win the war. How? It is known where most of the world's drug supplies originate so maybe this is something the UN should be involved in along with W.H.O to identify what is being grown where and to eradicate it with air strikes.
It is completely ridiculous to quote excerpts from a 600 year old book that was written when humanity didn't fully understand what humanity was as a means of laying down laws in our modern society. The bible in it's entirety is considered by religious folk to be the word of God, you cannot adopt parts of it that suit you and reject parts that don't. It really is an all or nothing affair. I choose nothing. |
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By *acreadCouple
over a year ago
central scotland |
I didn't read part one but can guess what it is about.
The lady in question must have known the law of the country or should have found out before smuggling the drugs.
It is not our country and it is not up to our government to try and interfere with the laws of that land in this case.
It was not on a par with sharia law which permits death by stoning mainly for women for what may be regarded as non offences in this country that sort of thing I would be happy for the UK government to shout about. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I’m just curious why people have felt it necessary to mention quotes from the bible because although the religious systems found in Indonesia comprises of a wide variety of beliefs it’s generally accepted that 90% of the population are Muslim….  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
" from first thread, furbylad:
I believe in a state approved punishment wether it be capital or not if the majority vote then so be it. I don't agree with all that is said in the bible but I do agree with some of it. An eye for an eye yes I agree. Shall not kill obviously I don't agree have seen active service in 1 conflict 1 war and a policing action. Bible says its wrong to mark/change your body I'm heavily tattood.the point I'm trying to make is its my choice to pick and chose what I beleve in and not yours to tell me I can't which goes back to the original thread of do people think the Balinese have the right to execute a person who broke the law in they'r country. Without sounding rude I know a lot of the things I do In my life are wrong I'm the eyes of the bible but I'm honest about what I do where as you striker as a person who only has one outlook to any decision and that is your right we'r wrong.
Not at all, I'll be the first to put my hands up and say I'm wrong, if I am wrong, but I'll also be the first to speak up against an injustice, or someone who seeks to impose their will against the majority.
Sure, Indonesia (Bali is a part of Indonesia) have the right to execute people in their own country but it doesn't make it right, hence why the British political establishment across all parties have condemned this sentence. It is abhorrent in these so called modern times.
Combat the root causes of the problem that is drugs and you may win the war. How? It is known where most of the world's drug supplies originate so maybe this is something the UN should be involved in along with W.H.O to identify what is being grown where and to eradicate it with air strikes.
It is completely ridiculous to quote excerpts from a 600 year old book that was written when humanity didn't fully understand what humanity was as a means of laying down laws in our modern society. The bible in it's entirety is considered by religious folk to be the word of God, you cannot adopt parts of it that suit you and reject parts that don't. It really is an all or nothing affair. I choose nothing."
Hello again. The bible is most properly a work of fiction but is a work that a lot of people believe in and find comfort in and some actually make some of they're laws from. The whole point is that people take from it what they believe and what gives them peace and hope and no one not you, me, or anyone else has the right to stop.
As for air strikes yes on the drugs that grow in nature (opeium, cannibis ) but man made its not going to help. The only point I'm trying to make is she committed a crime in a country that states smuggling drugs is punishable by death they'r country they're law. A question people will most have a go at me for but in some country's it's ok to drink and drive ( or have a higher limit to us )so if a national from that country gets caught drink driving here should we sentence them according to our law or they're law ? |
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By *acreadCouple
over a year ago
central scotland |
" I’m just curious why people have felt it necessary to mention quotes from the bible because although the religious systems found in Indonesia comprises of a wide variety of beliefs it’s generally accepted that 90% of the population are Muslim…. "
The bible constantly contradicts itself and anyway what kind of being would wipe out a whole planet including animals just allowing 2 of each to live and he said he was doing it because "they" were bad. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I didn't read part one but can guess what it is about.
The lady in question must have known the law of the country or should have found out before smuggling the drugs.
It is not our country and it is not up to our government to try and interfere with the laws of that land in this case.
It was not on a par with sharia law which permits death by stoning mainly for women for what may be regarded as non offences in this country that sort of thing I would be happy for the UK government to shout about."
I was the o p of this topic and i totally agree. Our government for various reasons are possibly losing the war against drugs despite what they feel is right approach just because we do not have death penalty who are they to dictate to places that do.
When folk in usa are on death row we are silent. Consistency is key for credibility.
The lady and others involved took a chance knowing the risks involved and got caught its that simple. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
" I’m just curious why people have felt it necessary to mention quotes from the bible because although the religious systems found in Indonesia comprises of a wide variety of beliefs it’s generally accepted that 90% of the population are Muslim…. "
Hi because to try to make a point I said that the bible states an eye for an eye and I know it also states thou shall not kill and turn another cheek I was trying to point out that people beleive in different things and find justification in places where you or I don't . I personally beleive that if you know for certain a person has commited a crime that is punishable by death ( in the country it was commited ) then what right do we have to tell that country it's wrong? Our days of having a empire have long gone and we need to remember that ?? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
All the old biblical fairy stories have been proved to be plain wrong ..the world created in 76 days with a day offf for mr omnipotent to put his feet up. A great flood..blimey it must have been chucking up in that boat..adam and eve and that nasty serpent. Thoughful christians now relate to tnese stories as nothing other than symbolism. We can and should take much of biblical fabalism as fairy stories and yet when you listen to the wonderful oratory of jesus you understand how he has inspired people to adopt a philosophy of peace and tolerance. Therefore as a predominately christian society we should take a moral stance against the abhorrance that is execution |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"All the old biblical fairy stories have been proved to be plain wrong ..the world created in 76 days with a day offf for mr omnipotent to put his feet up. A great flood..blimey it must have been chucking up in that boat..adam and eve and that nasty serpent. Thoughful christians now relate to tnese stories as nothing other than symbolism. We can and should take much of biblical fabalism as fairy stories and yet when you listen to the wonderful oratory of jesus you understand how he has inspired people to adopt a philosophy of peace and tolerance. Therefore as a predominately christian society we should take a moral stance against the abhorrance that is execution"
Question do you believe anyone entering the uk can be allowed to ignore our law and rules. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
" I’m just curious why people have felt it necessary to mention quotes from the bible because although the religious systems found in Indonesia comprises of a wide variety of beliefs it’s generally accepted that 90% of the population are Muslim….
The bible constantly contradicts itself and anyway what kind of being would wipe out a whole planet including animals just allowing 2 of each to live and he said he was doing it because "they" were bad. "
So if he allowed 2 of each to live he didn't wipe them out did he. It wasn't because they where bad but to teach man kind a lesson. And again the point I was trying to make was not religious but that people ( and some laws ) quote the bible as justification for what they do. The whole point is should a British national who broke the law in a country that has the death penalty for that crime be put to death? Surely the answer is yes or as Brits are we so up our own arses that we still think we can dictate to others what they should do ? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
There's always the danger when using the bible for guidance that one party will adopt the 'fingers in ears la la la not listening' stance and the other will break out the CAPS LOCK. the bible also says slavery and child brides are ok. Its a two thousand year old book written by desert dwellers. Its not relevant.at all |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Your confusing imperialism..and i hasten to add i am a vehement critic of ongoing british and american imperialist warmongering with a moral imperative. Of course we cant dictate or impose our vision of the law on a foreign power though we still do so if and when it suits, but we can object when one of our citizens is threatened to have his or hers lives snuffed out |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Batonesque can i ask do you believe that anyone entering or living here should abide with our laws and rules or just to ignore consequences should they commit a crime and get caught. |
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"All the old biblical fairy stories have been proved to be plain wrong ..the world created in 76 days with a day offf for mr omnipotent to put his feet up. A great flood..blimey it must have been chucking up in that boat..adam and eve and that nasty serpent. Thoughful christians now relate to tnese stories as nothing other than symbolism. We can and should take much of biblical fabalism as fairy stories and yet when you listen to the wonderful oratory of jesus you understand how he has inspired people to adopt a philosophy of peace and tolerance. Therefore as a predominately christian society we should take a moral stance against the abhorrance that is execution"
i agree that state execution is wrong..
the wonderful oratory is make believe, just like the Hobbit or other works of fiction..
it is the same as all the other 'cult' handbooks wriiten to justify oppresion and enforce power over the masses usually by feaar throughout the centuries..
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"All the old biblical fairy stories have been proved to be plain wrong ..the world created in 76 days with a day offf for mr omnipotent to put his feet up. A great flood..blimey it must have been chucking up in that boat..adam and eve and that nasty serpent. Thoughful christians now relate to tnese stories as nothing other than symbolism. We can and should take much of biblical fabalism as fairy stories and yet when you listen to the wonderful oratory of jesus you understand how he has inspired people to adopt a philosophy of peace and tolerance. Therefore as a predominately christian society we should take a moral stance against the abhorrance that is execution"
Proved how? And by who? If people want to beleve then who are we to say its wrong fair enough if you don't agree with it that's your choice but remember the old saying ' there are no atheists in a trench' I know i'v preyed to a god when I was on active service and can you honestly say that in time of stress or fear you haven't asked a god for help? Be honest!! |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
" I’m just curious why people have felt it necessary to mention quotes from the bible because although the religious systems found in Indonesia comprises of a wide variety of beliefs it’s generally accepted that 90% of the population are Muslim….
Hi because to try to make a point I said that the bible states an eye for an eye and I know it also states thou shall not kill and turn another cheek I was trying to point out that people beleive in different things and find justification in places where you or I don't . I personally beleive that if you know for certain a person has commited a crime that is punishable by death ( in the country it was commited ) then what right do we have to tell that country it's wrong? Our days of having a empire have long gone and we need to remember that ??"
'An eye for an eye' and 'thou shalt not kill'. Aren't those two statements from the bible contradictory?
There are 12 British nationals on death row across the world and 55 under charges that could carry the death penalty. The British govt are involved in all of them to get those sentences reduced to anything that will negate executing them. The govt are not trying to exonerate them from their crimes but as a country we do not support the dealth penalty anywhere, including the USA.
It is not a case of us dictating to other countries how they should implement their laws and there have been instances in the past where British nationals have been executed in spite of the British govt's best efforts to try and get a stay of execution. We're not always successful in our appeals - which is what they are.
Sure, this woman knew what she was doing but is executing a 56y/o grandmother really going to solve the drug problem? Not a chance, so it becomes nothing more than Indonesia flexing their muscles and making an example of her, which is what I suspect the judge in this case was doing. If Indonesia are prepared to execute a 56y/o grandmother then the message being sent out is that nobody is immune from the death sentence. It still doesn't make it right though. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Not a fair analogy..yes they should adhere to our laws and peacefully object to the bad laws but we dont barbarically string people up in this country...you can leave her hung out to dry i will canvass for a prison term..perhaps im wrong |
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" but we can object when one of our citizens is threatened to have his or hers lives snuffed out"
as she was aware of the law and the punishment for breaking it .. is she really being 'threatened' or are they merely deliverying a sentence that she was forewarned of ??? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"All the old biblical fairy stories have been proved to be plain wrong ..the world created in 76 days with a day offf for mr omnipotent to put his feet up. A great flood..blimey it must have been chucking up in that boat..adam and eve and that nasty serpent. Thoughful christians now relate to tnese stories as nothing other than symbolism. We can and should take much of biblical fabalism as fairy stories and yet when you listen to the wonderful oratory of jesus you understand how he has inspired people to adopt a philosophy of peace and tolerance. Therefore as a predominately christian society we should take a moral stance against the abhorrance that is execution
Proved how? And by who? If people want to beleve then who are we to say its wrong fair enough if you don't agree with it that's your choice but remember the old saying ' there are no atheists in a trench' I know i'v preyed to a god when I was on active service and can you honestly say that in time of stress or fear you haven't asked a god for help? Be honest!! "
I can honestly say I've never prayed. 2012 was possibly the worst year of my life, and not once did I think to ask for the help of fictional characters. Harry Potter's not going to help, why would God? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Have to say from my original post about this which was simply that in this instance a brit has been found guilty of a crime in a country with the death penalty and should suffer what laws of the land dictate.
Recent posts are all about the bible and religious beliefs which is a red herring. In the usa some states still have the death penalty not based on religion but as what they perceive as the ultimate deterrant yet the government and all the wishy washy do gooders say bugger all. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
As for the wonderful oratory..scholars are unanimous in acknowledgement of a prophet namely jesus and his his words are documented and proven..it is conjecture as to whether he is the son of god but he certainly existed and there is overwhelming testimony to the words and philosophies that he espoused so your hobbit theory is f.....d |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"'there are no atheists in a trench' I know i'v preyed to a god when I was on active service and can you honestly say that in time of stress or fear you haven't asked a god for help? Be honest!! "
Isn't that more a case of someone hedging their bets? I am an athiest, not an agnostic. I do not believe in a supernatural entity who created everything. Science has shown that the universe is vast and populated by billions of planets, yet the bible makes no mention of them. Up until the 16th Century the establishment still purported the belief that the Earth was the centre of the universe and that the Sun revolved around the Earth.
You will never see me asking God for assistance no matter how stressed I am as I simply don't believe God exists. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Study palentology evolution gene mutation cosmology and then decide. Personally the only conclusion that avoids intellectual suicide is an agnostic response ..none of us know..absolute certainty is absolute arrogance |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"We should be more in favour of bringing that brand of justice to this country putting drug dealers and smugglers to death "
serious question. Would you be prepared to be executioner? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"We should be more in favour of bringing that brand of justice to this country putting drug dealers and smugglers to death "
I'm not getting into this again, someone else do it. |
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By *U1966Man
over a year ago
Devon |
"We should be more in favour of bringing that brand of justice to this country putting drug dealers and smugglers to death
serious question. Would you be prepared to be executioner? "
Serious answer Yes |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"We should be more in favour of bringing that brand of justice to this country putting drug dealers and smugglers to death
serious question. Would you be prepared to be executioner?
Serious answer Yes"
then you belong in the 14th century. Seriously |
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"As for the wonderful oratory..scholars are unanimous in acknowledgement of a prophet namely jesus and his his words are documented and proven..it is conjecture as to whether he is the son of god but he certainly existed and there is overwhelming testimony to the words and philosophies that he espoused so your hobbit theory is f.....d"
so the fact is there is no proof that he is, yes?
there are scores upon scores of other 'prophets' or holy men who also did the same for hundreds of years before your one is said to have lived..
thats also documented..
its fiction, accept it.. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"We should be more in favour of bringing that brand of justice to this country putting drug dealers and smugglers to death
serious question. Would you be prepared to be executioner?
Serious answer Yes
then you belong in the 14th century. Seriously "
actually sorry that was rude. Id like to hear your considered justification why and where your moral beliefs stem from |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Anyone explain how a topic about a drug courier being caught has turned into a religious debate."
Someone quoted the Bible. With me and Wishy around that's like rolling a drum of petrol into a campfire. |
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"but remember the old saying ' there are no atheists in a trench' I know i'v preyed to a god when I was on active service and can you honestly say that in time of stress or fear you haven't asked a god for help? Be honest!! "
ok being very honest, did active service in NI in the 70's..
whilst it was'nt what the lads n lasses are going through in Afghan as we speak, it had its moments..
tbh i never called upon any deity at any time..
also post military have been in a cpl of pretty dangerous situations and never felt the need again..
if you have a belief then respect that you do, i may think its baseless but i still respect that you believe..
i however choose not to, that may explain why i dont ask any 'god' for help..
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Anyone explain how a topic about a drug courier being caught has turned into a religious debate.
Someone quoted the Bible. With me and Wishy around that's like rolling a drum of petrol into a campfire."
Thanks for explaining. |
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By *U1966Man
over a year ago
Devon |
Have no time for drugs or users this country has tried liberal rules and slapped wrists it doesnt work
The ultimate penalty for crimes that kill people and destroy lives we should learn from these countries not tell them how to run their justice system |
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By *acreadCouple
over a year ago
central scotland |
over the last few years there have been 2 persons in their mid teens died through drugs and while I will say they knew the risks before they took them I will also say if it was not for people like the lady in question prepared to smuggle drugs into the country then there would be little or no drugs to tempt them and who is to say if she had succeeded there would not have been some deaths directly down to her. |
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"We should be more in favour of bringing that brand of justice to this country putting drug dealers and smugglers to death
serious question. Would you be prepared to be executioner? "
i think when entering another country, a person should respect their laws, traditions etc and if that is beyond them then it is probably unwise to enter the country... ie .. there are plenty nations where minors can have sex legally and marry however if a foreign national came to the uk and had sex with a minor then we would expect to see them before the courts .. its all about mutual respect |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Anyone explain how a topic about a drug courier being caught has turned into a religious debate."
Because a passage from the bible was quoted as an excuse to endorse capital punishment.
I find it ironic that the bible is centred around a man who was executed himself.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"over the last few years there have been 2 persons in their mid teens died through drugs and while I will say they knew the risks before they took them I will also say if it was not for people like the lady in question prepared to smuggle drugs into the country then there would be little or no drugs to tempt them and who is to say if she had succeeded there would not have been some deaths directly down to her."
are brewers responsible from deaths due to alcohol abuse? Or landlord? The fact that alcohol is legal is irrelevant. People need to take responsibility for there own actions. Mules drug users and piss heads alike |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Have no time for drugs or users this country has tried liberal rules and slapped wrists it doesnt work
The ultimate penalty for crimes that kill people and destroy lives we should learn from these countries not tell them how to run their justice system "
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Anyone explain how a topic about a drug courier being caught has turned into a religious debate.
Because a passage from the bible was quoted as an excuse to endorse capital punishment.
I find it ironic that the bible is centred around a man who was executed himself. "
Thanks for clarifying it just went off on a tangent and could not work out why now it makes some sense. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Have no time for drugs or users this country has tried liberal rules and slapped wrists it doesnt work
The ultimate penalty for crimes that kill people and destroy lives we should learn from these countries not tell them how to run their justice system "  |
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"to endorse capital punishment.
I find it ironic that the bible is centred around a man who was executed himself. "
i think its probably a work of fiction .. i reckon a few guys on pot had a few too many tinnies round a campfire one night and wrote this clap trap and the rest is history !! |
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By *acreadCouple
over a year ago
central scotland |
"over the last few years there have been 2 persons in their mid teens died through drugs and while I will say they knew the risks before they took them I will also say if it was not for people like the lady in question prepared to smuggle drugs into the country then there would be little or no drugs to tempt them and who is to say if she had succeeded there would not have been some deaths directly down to her.
are brewers responsible from deaths due to alcohol abuse? Or landlord? The fact that alcohol is legal is irrelevant. People need to take responsibility for there own actions. Mules drug users and piss heads alike"
I did say they knew the risks and as regards alcohol if it was being introduced today there is no way it would be legalised.
Good question though as technically they are drug dealers.
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"Strange how people despise the dogmatism of religious zealots and yet are as dogmatic in there atheistic theories"
all zealots are despisable, though not as much as those 'who believe' who try to enforce that belief upon others..
personally i respect others right to have faith and some in religion do good things as do others who are none religous..
we all live by certain morals and decency, some of us dont need a fictitious crutch to get by.. |
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"Your justifying your own dogma..your not qualified and neither am i to determine whether christ was fictional or not"
now thats arrogant..
we are all 'qualified' as individuals whether we believe something or not..
would you accept that? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Your justifying your own dogma..your not qualified and neither am i to determine whether christ was fictional or not"
no but we're entitled to examine the evidence or lack thereof in a supreme being. If there's no god there's no son of god |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Strange how people despise the dogmatism of religious zealots and yet are as dogmatic in there atheistic theories"
I wonder if there's such a thing as an atheist zealot, or if you've just made it up. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
First. The bible is between 1500 and 3000 years old. Second just because its old doesn't mean its wrong. Our society morality is based on judo christian beliefs. Third, bali / indonesia is a sovering state, what right do we have to judge their laws. Four. Capital punishment can be an effective deterrent, and personally I agree with it. Point 5 - she was aware of the law and decided to break it, sounds like suicide to me. I hope they kill her, as it will be a lesson to those who might follow her actions. Point 6 _ drugs is a massive business _ can't air strike everything! And 7 - what's the WHO got to do with drugs!!! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
As i said i have studied many different sciences that contradict the ancient dieties and beleifs and conclude that the big bang and subsequent evolutionary mutations relegate most religious traditional beleif to be bogus..and yet in a finite void before the big bang what cosmic event triggered the process. There can not be an electrical or kick start event in the nothingness of that void..so how did it allbegin..science has no answers |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"All the old biblical fairy stories have been proved to be plain wrong ..the world created in 76 days with a day offf for mr omnipotent to put his feet up. A great flood..blimey it must have been chucking up in that boat..adam and eve and that nasty serpent. Thoughful christians now relate to tnese stories as nothing other than symbolism. We can and should take much of biblical fabalism as fairy stories and yet when you listen to the wonderful oratory of jesus you understand how he has inspired people to adopt a philosophy of peace and tolerance. Therefore as a predominately christian society we should take a moral stance against the abhorrance that is execution
i agree that state execution is wrong..
the wonderful oratory is make believe, just like the Hobbit or other works of fiction..
it is the same as all the other 'cult' handbooks wriiten to justify oppresion and enforce power over the masses usually by feaar throughout the centuries..
" have you actually read the bible? You clearly don't understand it. |
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By *xpresMan
over a year ago
Elland |
This aint a religious thread its about this granny up for firing squad..
Its simple she knew the law she took the chance she got caught... im not syperthetic i feel for her family but not her she threw the dice n lost... |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"There are no atheists in a foxhole..really?
Google image it. You'll find plenty "
You been there then have you I have and I'm not embarrassed to say I preyed to god cried for my mother and promised any thing to any one who would see me through it. Nothing to do with Bali and if I'm out of order so be it. But if you've seen conflict and can tell me you didn't do the same then I say your a liar because I know how much I did and I shit you not I think you would have to |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"First. The bible is between 1500 and 3000 years old. Second just because its old doesn't mean its wrong. Our society morality is based on judo christian beliefs. Third, bali / indonesia is a sovering state, what right do we have to judge their laws. Four. Capital punishment can be an effective deterrent, and personally I agree with it. Point 5 - she was aware of the law and decided to break it, sounds like suicide to me. I hope they kill her, as it will be a lesson to those who might follow her actions. Point 6 _ drugs is a massive business _ can't air strike everything! And 7 - what's the WHO got to do with drugs!!! "
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"All the old biblical fairy stories have been proved to be plain wrong ..the world created in 76 days with a day offf for mr omnipotent to put his feet up. A great flood..blimey it must have been chucking up in that boat..adam and eve and that nasty serpent. Thoughful christians now relate to tnese stories as nothing other than symbolism. We can and should take much of biblical fabalism as fairy stories and yet when you listen to the wonderful oratory of jesus you understand how he has inspired people to adopt a philosophy of peace and tolerance. Therefore as a predominately christian society we should take a moral stance against the abhorrance that is execution
i agree that state execution is wrong..
the wonderful oratory is make believe, just like the Hobbit or other works of fiction..
it is the same as all the other 'cult' handbooks wriiten to justify oppresion and enforce power over the masses usually by feaar throughout the centuries..
have you actually read the bible? You clearly don't understand it. "
whom are you addressing that to? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"There are no atheists in a foxhole..really?
Google image it. You'll find plenty
You been there then have you I have and I'm not embarrassed to say I preyed to god cried for my mother and promised any thing to any one who would see me through it. Nothing to do with Bali and if I'm out of order so be it. But if you've seen conflict and can tell me you didn't do the same then I say your a liar because I know how much I did and I shit you not I think you would have to "
that's you. Surely you don't speak for everyone who's been in a foxhole? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"So if nothing can come from nothing...lets say god does/did exist. Who created god? " . So science is meant to have all the answers, but has none for what was before the 'big bang' then the most logical thing is god. Science is man's man of denying god and in most cases just studies what god created and tries to think of new ways to justify it to fit their own agenda.
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"There are no atheists in a foxhole..really?
Google image it. You'll find plenty
You been there then have you I have and I'm not embarrassed to say I preyed to god cried for my mother and promised any thing to any one who would see me through it. Nothing to do with Bali and if I'm out of order so be it. But if you've seen conflict and can tell me you didn't do the same then I say your a liar because I know how much I did and I shit you not I think you would have to "
where was your foxhole moment if i may ask? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"All the old biblical fairy stories have been proved to be plain wrong ..the world created in 76 days with a day offf for mr omnipotent to put his feet up. A great flood..blimey it must have been chucking up in that boat..adam and eve and that nasty serpent. Thoughful christians now relate to tnese stories as nothing other than symbolism. We can and should take much of biblical fabalism as fairy stories and yet when you listen to the wonderful oratory of jesus you understand how he has inspired people to adopt a philosophy of peace and tolerance. Therefore as a predominately christian society we should take a moral stance against the abhorrance that is execution
i agree that state execution is wrong..
the wonderful oratory is make believe, just like the Hobbit or other works of fiction..
it is the same as all the other 'cult' handbooks wriiten to justify oppresion and enforce power over the masses usually by feaar throughout the centuries..
have you actually read the bible? You clearly don't understand it.
whom are you addressing that to?" . The person who wrote the original post |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Do those of you who go along with capital punishment celebrate christmas and baptise your kids..no ambiguity allowed if you are christian you cant advocate taking a life...if your not then fine believe its ok..cant have it both ways |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"So if nothing can come from nothing...lets say god does/did exist. Who created god? . So science is meant to have all the answers, but has none for what was before the 'big bang' then the most logical thing is god. Science is man's man of denying god and in most cases just studies what god created and tries to think of new ways to justify it to fit their own agenda. "
You're doing it backwards. You can't just fill all the gaps in your knowledge with God. Imagine if people in the real world did that. How does gravity work? Shall we work it out? No, let's just say it's God's work. What's beyond the edges of the universe? Must be God. How does reproduction happen? God. Do you see why that's nonsense? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Do those of you who go along with capital punishment celebrate christmas and baptise your kids..no ambiguity allowed if you are christian you cant advocate taking a life...if your not then fine believe its ok..cant have it both ways" . Haha.child Baptism is a creation of the catholic church, nothing to do with the bible which teaches batism is for adults who dedicate themselfs to god. Christmas was a pagan festive that nero merged with jesus's birth to unite his empire in 400 ad. Jesus was born when the sheep and shephards were still in the field. At dec 25th its snowy!!!
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"There are no atheists in a foxhole..really?
Google image it. You'll find plenty
You been there then have you I have and I'm not embarrassed to say I preyed to god cried for my mother and promised any thing to any one who would see me through it. Nothing to do with Bali and if I'm out of order so be it. But if you've seen conflict and can tell me you didn't do the same then I say your a liar because I know how much I did and I shit you not I think you would have to
where was your foxhole moment if i may ask?"
Course you can... On a mountain watching a ship we where trying to defend go up in flames ( men I knew on that ship ). Holding a young Irish man as he died ( he was early 20s I was 19 ) first gulf war. Trust me I preyed and if you've been in any of the conflicts before or after mine I think you have as well |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I'm not saying deny how things work. I know how gravity works. But its created by god, not some random big bag, which can't be recreated and somehow managed to produce a perfect working universe with no issues. Sounds to good to be true. Unless you believe in god! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Do those of you who go along with capital punishment celebrate christmas and baptise your kids..no ambiguity allowed if you are christian you cant advocate taking a life...if your not then fine believe its ok..cant have it both ways"
oh i dunno. In Luke 19:27 Jesus advocated his enemies being killed in front of him |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I'm not saying deny how things work. I know how gravity works. But its created by god, not some random big bag, which can't be recreated and somehow managed to produce a perfect working universe with no issues. Sounds to good to be true. Unless you believe in god!"
Illogical nonsense. It's impossible to debate with the irrational, so I'll be ignoring your posts from now on. No offence, and have fun. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Do those of you who go along with capital punishment celebrate christmas and baptise your kids..no ambiguity allowed if you are christian you cant advocate taking a life...if your not then fine believe its ok..cant have it both ways"
So what where the crusades about. Knights templers very religious I beleve or you going to say it didn't happen and why do military chaplains bless troops ? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Funny, can't defeat my argument, so dismiss it and call it illogical. if only real life was that easy to give up when things get tough! Do you find yourself quiting all the time. Oh no, my jobs to hard, it must be irrational and illogical _ I'm not turning up to work, and don't phone me I won't answer. Crawl back to your cave! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"So if nothing can come from nothing...lets say god does/did exist. Who created god? . So science is meant to have all the answers, but has none for what was before the 'big bang' then the most logical thing is god. Science is man's man of denying god and in most cases just studies what god created and tries to think of new ways to justify it to fit their own agenda.
You're doing it backwards. You can't just fill all the gaps in your knowledge with God. Imagine if people in the real world did that. How does gravity work? Shall we work it out? No, let's just say it's God's work. What's beyond the edges of the universe? Must be God. How does reproduction happen? God. Do you see why that's nonsense?"
But why do we have to work these things out can't we just accept they happen/ exist? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I love the way people are making out drugs are a new thing, when in fact they have been at the very heart of the human existence since we ate a magic mushroom of some sort.Most of our early artists,scholars,scientists have had drug influences..and that obviously still happens today.
Drugs CAN ruin lives, they dont always...and u cant get away from the basic fact that they arent really different from food sources, whether synthesized or not
Lets take any substance thats classed as addictive, and u would soon find many legal produce being taken off the shelfs
prohibition never worked for alcohol, it hasnt really worked for drugs either...apart from lining the pockets of drugs barons(and some of them are the people in power around the world in my opinion), by creating the want for a product they push its price up, by dividing that product into a lesser quality product they increase profit.
I've met many healthy heroin addicts, who came from affluent backgrounds...whys that?(I know the answer btw, but u's can ask urselves why that is)
*and of course i dont want to see everyone out of their faces, kids getting hooked on drugs etc...but realistically?
sex and drugs(legal and illegal),essentially make the world go round- to varying degrees of good or bad. |
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"There are no atheists in a foxhole..really?
Google image it. You'll find plenty
You been there then have you I have and I'm not embarrassed to say I preyed to god cried for my mother and promised any thing to any one who would see me through it. Nothing to do with Bali and if I'm out of order so be it. But if you've seen conflict and can tell me you didn't do the same then I say your a liar because I know how much I did and I shit you not I think you would have to
where was your foxhole moment if i may ask?
Course you can... On a mountain watching a ship we where trying to defend go up in flames ( men I knew on that ship ). Holding a young Irish man as he died ( he was early 20s I was 19 ) first gulf war. Trust me I preyed and if you've been in any of the conflicts before or after mine I think you have as well "
Gallahad, knew a lad who is still on it..not a good day for all involved..
have never prayed to any deity as i said before m8, been in situations which were personally life threatening and never felt the need ..
as i said if thats someones belief that is what they may do, not for me though and thats not a lie ... |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I just have to say-PLEASE can people stop spouting incredibly inaccurate things about the Bible. Some of the things you guys have said is like me turning round and saying the Koran is made of cheese and was first invented by Father Christmas and later edited by Rolf Harris. Seriously! Do some research people!
I am not a Christian, and will freely admit that SOME elements of the bible are most probably hallucinations/made up. But it is NOT like "cult handbooks". It is made up of many different sections, collated together (albeit in a questionable manner) from many different sources over a period of time.
Jesus WAS a real person, just like Henry VIII was a real person, just like Cleopatra etc etc. He did exist. If you believe he was the son of God, depends on your faith.
There are so many things I want to say on this thread and so little time.
Grrr. Rant over.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I love the way people are making out drugs are a new thing, when in fact they have been at the very heart of the human existence since we ate a magic mushroom of some sort.Most of our early artists,scholars,scientists have had drug influences..and that obviously still happens today.
Drugs CAN ruin lives, they dont always...and u cant get away from the basic fact that they arent really different from food sources, whether synthesized or not
Lets take any substance thats classed as addictive, and u would soon find many legal produce being taken off the shelfs
prohibition never worked for alcohol, it hasnt really worked for drugs either...apart from lining the pockets of drugs barons(and some of them are the people in power around the world in my opinion), by creating the want for a product they push its price up, by dividing that product into a lesser quality product they increase profit.
I've met many healthy heroin addicts, who came from affluent backgrounds...whys that?(I know the answer btw, but u's can ask urselves why that is)
*and of course i dont want to see everyone out of their faces, kids getting hooked on drugs etc...but realistically?
sex and drugs(legal and illegal),essentially make the world go round- to varying degrees of good or bad." . This isn't about drugs being right or wrong or legal or not. Its about the law. The law says don't do this (doesn't matter what it is) she chose to do it, so she suffers the punishment. Also, she isn't a local, can't claim she's protesting. She's visiting someone elses country, show some respect! Gives the british a bad name. Don't we hate it when people come to the UK and disobey our laws, they may think its trivial, but its our sovereignty! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"There are no atheists in a foxhole..really?
Google image it. You'll find plenty
You been there then have you I have and I'm not embarrassed to say I preyed to god cried for my mother and promised any thing to any one who would see me through it. Nothing to do with Bali and if I'm out of order so be it. But if you've seen conflict and can tell me you didn't do the same then I say your a liar because I know how much I did and I shit you not I think you would have to
where was your foxhole moment if i may ask?
Course you can... On a mountain watching a ship we where trying to defend go up in flames ( men I knew on that ship ). Holding a young Irish man as he died ( he was early 20s I was 19 ) first gulf war. Trust me I preyed and if you've been in any of the conflicts before or after mine I think you have as well
Gallahad, knew a lad who is still on it..not a good day for all involved..
have never prayed to any deity as i said before m8, been in situations which were personally life threatening and never felt the need ..
as i said if thats someones belief that is what they may do, not for me though and thats not a lie ..."
The same and no your right not a good day. I know I did and I'm not ashamed of the fact. This all stems from some stupid git smuggling drugs and people wanting to argue and try to impose they're _iews on others. Ah well old wounds good luck and dreamless nights x |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I just have to say-PLEASE can people stop spouting incredibly inaccurate things about the Bible. Some of the things you guys have said is like me turning round and saying the Koran is made of cheese and was first invented by Father Christmas and later edited by Rolf Harris. Seriously! Do some research people!
I am not a Christian, and will freely admit that SOME elements of the bible are most probably hallucinations/made up. But it is NOT like "cult handbooks". It is made up of many different sections, collated together (albeit in a questionable manner) from many different sources over a period of time.
Jesus WAS a real person, just like Henry VIII was a real person, just like Cleopatra etc etc. He did exist. If you believe he was the son of God, depends on your faith.
There are so many things I want to say on this thread and so little time.
Grrr. Rant over. " . Please explain, with justification which part of the bible is made up. A book which 1.8 bn people follow. On face value you don't have a leg to stand on. |
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"There are no atheists in a foxhole..really?
Google image it. You'll find plenty
You been there then have you I have and I'm not embarrassed to say I preyed to god cried for my mother and promised any thing to any one who would see me through it. Nothing to do with Bali and if I'm out of order so be it. But if you've seen conflict and can tell me you didn't do the same then I say your a liar because I know how much I did and I shit you not I think you would have to
where was your foxhole moment if i may ask?
Course you can... On a mountain watching a ship we where trying to defend go up in flames ( men I knew on that ship ). Holding a young Irish man as he died ( he was early 20s I was 19 ) first gulf war. Trust me I preyed and if you've been in any of the conflicts before or after mine I think you have as well
Gallahad, knew a lad who is still on it..not a good day for all involved..
have never prayed to any deity as i said before m8, been in situations which were personally life threatening and never felt the need ..
as i said if thats someones belief that is what they may do, not for me though and thats not a lie ...
The same and no your right not a good day. I know I did and I'm not ashamed of the fact. This all stems from some stupid git smuggling drugs and people wanting to argue and try to impose they're _iews on others. Ah well old wounds good luck and dreamless nights x"
take it easy fella.. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"There are no atheists in a foxhole..really?
Google image it. You'll find plenty
You been there then have you I have and I'm not embarrassed to say I preyed to god cried for my mother and promised any thing to any one who would see me through it. Nothing to do with Bali and if I'm out of order so be it. But if you've seen conflict and can tell me you didn't do the same then I say your a liar because I know how much I did and I shit you not I think you would have to
where was your foxhole moment if i may ask?
Course you can... On a mountain watching a ship we where trying to defend go up in flames ( men I knew on that ship ). Holding a young Irish man as he died ( he was early 20s I was 19 ) first gulf war. Trust me I preyed and if you've been in any of the conflicts before or after mine I think you have as well
Gallahad, knew a lad who is still on it..not a good day for all involved..
have never prayed to any deity as i said before m8, been in situations which were personally life threatening and never felt the need ..
as i said if thats someones belief that is what they may do, not for me though and thats not a lie ...
The same and no your right not a good day. I know I did and I'm not ashamed of the fact. This all stems from some stupid git smuggling drugs and people wanting to argue and try to impose they're _iews on others. Ah well old wounds good luck and dreamless nights x
take it easy fella.."
You to x |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I just have to say-PLEASE can people stop spouting incredibly inaccurate things about the Bible. Some of the things you guys have said is like me turning round and saying the Koran is made of cheese and was first invented by Father Christmas and later edited by Rolf Harris. Seriously! Do some research people!
I am not a Christian, and will freely admit that SOME elements of the bible are most probably hallucinations/made up. But it is NOT like "cult handbooks". It is made up of many different sections, collated together (albeit in a questionable manner) from many different sources over a period of time.
Jesus WAS a real person, just like Henry VIII was a real person, just like Cleopatra etc etc. He did exist. If you believe he was the son of God, depends on your faith.
There are so many things I want to say on this thread and so little time.
Grrr. Rant over. . Please explain, with justification which part of the bible is made up. A book which 1.8 bn people follow. On face value you don't have a leg to stand on. "
I said "most probably" made up. Eg. pillar of salt, burning bush, ladder to heaven-i could go on. But as a logical person i also recognise that many of these things may have scientific explanations-eg. Red Sea-tsunami is a popular belief. In my opinion that doesnt take away any creditability for them-they are still just as miraculous.
Just becuase 1.8bn belive it, doesnt make it true. Not so long ago we all believed the world was flat, and look how that turned out.
Saying i dont have a leg to stand on....how do you work that out? I gave a practical, logical and informed response based on my knowledge of said book (considering i've been going to church every week for the last 15 years im not completely ignorant).
Ahh just realised that you probably thought i was getting at the people who were sticking up for the bible-in fact i was doing the opposite and trying to get people to realise that many many parts of the bible are fictional, historical accounts. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Funny, can't defeat my argument, so dismiss it and call it illogical. if only real life was that easy to give up when things get tough! Do you find yourself quiting all the time. Oh no, my jobs to hard, it must be irrational and illogical _ I'm not turning up to work, and don't phone me I won't answer. Crawl back to your cave!"
Whoooooaaa there genius. I'm back in for £10K. The fact is, young fella, you have no idea what you're on about. You use the classic tactic of deliberately misleading everyone into thinking you have some scientific knowledge and using clever-sounding sentences to give your argument false weight. The Bible is not a science textbook. It is a collection of fairy stories. If you choose to live your life by the standards set down in an anthology of fiction, fine. I'll believe in what I can see and I'll make my own decisions on morals.
Do yourself a favour: find a copy of The God Delusion. Get a grown-up to tell you what the big words mean  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Classic god denyers. Oh, can't be god parting the red sea, has to be low water levels etc. Why can't the burning bush be true or the pillar of salt? If you believe in god and the bible, you have to take the whole book lock stock. You can't pick and chose or try and rationalize it. It is either gods word or not. Who are you to analyse it and pick it apart. If you don't believe the whole bible and only parts your not a real christian. Simples! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Funny, can't defeat my argument, so dismiss it and call it illogical. if only real life was that easy to give up when things get tough! Do you find yourself quiting all the time. Oh no, my jobs to hard, it must be irrational and illogical _ I'm not turning up to work, and don't phone me I won't answer. Crawl back to your cave!
Whoooooaaa there genius. I'm back in for £10K. The fact is, young fella, you have no idea what you're on about. You use the classic tactic of deliberately misleading everyone into thinking you have some scientific knowledge and using clever-sounding sentences to give your argument false weight. The Bible is not a science textbook. It is a collection of fairy stories. If you choose to live your life by the standards set down in an anthology of fiction, fine. I'll believe in what I can see and I'll make my own decisions on morals.
Do yourself a favour: find a copy of The God Delusion. Get a grown-up to tell you what the big words mean "
Read it. Loved it. Watched a lot of his documentaries. Having a rounded opinion-nothing wrong with that! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Classic god denyers. Oh, can't be god parting the red sea, has to be low water levels etc. Why can't the burning bush be true or the pillar of salt? If you believe in god and the bible, you have to take the whole book lock stock. You can't pick and chose or try and rationalize it. It is either gods word or not. Who are you to analyse it and pick it apart. If you don't believe the whole bible and only parts your not a real christian. Simples!"
And if you read my original post on this, you would see i clearly say i am not a Christian and don't claim to be-i go to church because im in the choir and love it- everyone is very friendly, welcoming, it is a very peaceful environment with a lot of good messages.
That doesnt stop me having opinions about it as a book. You can't deem the whole thing to be a fairy story, just like you cant say that its all absolute fact. It is mans interpretations (some of them) of God as selected by a group of men with their own interests. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Classic god denyers. Oh, can't be god parting the red sea, has to be low water levels etc. Why can't the burning bush be true or the pillar of salt? If you believe in god and the bible, you have to take the whole book lock stock. You can't pick and chose or try and rationalize it. It is either gods word or not. Who are you to analyse it and pick it apart. If you don't believe the whole bible and only parts your not a real christian. Simples!"
get off a swingers site then...u clearly dont believe in the doctrine urself..... |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Classic god denyers. Oh, can't be god parting the red sea, has to be low water levels etc. Why can't the burning bush be true or the pillar of salt? If you believe in god and the bible, you have to take the whole book lock stock. You can't pick and chose or try and rationalize it. It is either gods word or not. Who are you to analyse it and pick it apart. If you don't believe the whole bible and only parts your not a real christian. Simples!
And if you read my original post on this, you would see i clearly say i am not a Christian and don't claim to be-i go to church because im in the choir and love it- everyone is very friendly, welcoming, it is a very peaceful environment with a lot of good messages.
That doesnt stop me having opinions about it as a book. You can't deem the whole thing to be a fairy story, just like you cant say that its all absolute fact. It is mans interpretations (some of them) of God as selected by a group of men with their own interests. " . Not really. If you believe the bible its gods words. How could man give the insight that is contained in the bible without gods input |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Classic god denyers. Oh, can't be god parting the red sea, has to be low water levels etc. Why can't the burning bush be true or the pillar of salt? If you believe in god and the bible, you have to take the whole book lock stock. You can't pick and chose or try and rationalize it. It is either gods word or not. Who are you to analyse it and pick it apart. If you don't believe the whole bible and only parts your not a real christian. Simples!
get off a swingers site then...u clearly dont believe in the doctrine urself....." ???? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"I love the way people are making out drugs are a new thing, when in fact they have been at the very heart of the human existence since we ate a magic mushroom of some sort.Most of our early artists,scholars,scientists have had drug influences..and that obviously still happens today.
Drugs CAN ruin lives, they dont always...and u cant get away from the basic fact that they arent really different from food sources, whether synthesized or not
Lets take any substance thats classed as addictive, and u would soon find many legal produce being taken off the shelfs
prohibition never worked for alcohol, it hasnt really worked for drugs either...apart from lining the pockets of drugs barons(and some of them are the people in power around the world in my opinion), by creating the want for a product they push its price up, by dividing that product into a lesser quality product they increase profit.
I've met many healthy heroin addicts, who came from affluent backgrounds...whys that?(I know the answer btw, but u's can ask urselves why that is)
*and of course i dont want to see everyone out of their faces, kids getting hooked on drugs etc...but realistically?
sex and drugs(legal and illegal),essentially make the world go round- to varying degrees of good or bad.. This isn't about drugs being right or wrong or legal or not. Its about the law. The law says don't do this (doesn't matter what it is) she chose to do it, so she suffers the punishment. Also, she isn't a local, can't claim she's protesting. She's visiting someone elses country, show some respect! Gives the british a bad name. Don't we hate it when people come to the UK and disobey our laws, they may think its trivial, but its our sovereignty!"
again, that country in my opinion are a corrupt and oppressive regime, hypocrites who serve only their own greed |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Classic god denyers. Oh, can't be god parting the red sea, has to be low water levels etc. Why can't the burning bush be true or the pillar of salt? If you believe in god and the bible, you have to take the whole book lock stock. You can't pick and chose or try and rationalize it. It is either gods word or not. Who are you to analyse it and pick it apart. If you don't believe the whole bible and only parts your not a real christian. Simples!
And if you read my original post on this, you would see i clearly say i am not a Christian and don't claim to be-i go to church because im in the choir and love it- everyone is very friendly, welcoming, it is a very peaceful environment with a lot of good messages.
That doesnt stop me having opinions about it as a book. You can't deem the whole thing to be a fairy story, just like you cant say that its all absolute fact. It is mans interpretations (some of them) of God as selected by a group of men with their own interests. . Not really. If you believe the bible its gods words. How could man give the insight that is contained in the bible without gods input"
Have you read the bible? Large portions of it are in the most simplistic terms, a persons accounts of things that have happened to them/others. Not all of it is someone saying "God has asked me to write this down so here goes". Plus-most of it is written from a JEWISH perspective-not Christian. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Classic god denyers. Oh, can't be god parting the red sea, has to be low water levels etc. Why can't the burning bush be true or the pillar of salt? If you believe in god and the bible, you have to take the whole book lock stock. You can't pick and chose or try and rationalize it. It is either gods word or not. Who are you to analyse it and pick it apart. If you don't believe the whole bible and only parts your not a real christian. Simples!
get off a swingers site then...u clearly dont believe in the doctrine urself..... ????"
You are saying we cannot choose which parts of the bible to believe and it should be followed to the letter?...have u attempted to sleep with another mans wife? had sex before marriage? etc etc need I go on? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Classic god denyers. Oh, can't be god parting the red sea, has to be low water levels etc. Why can't the burning bush be true or the pillar of salt? If you believe in god and the bible, you have to take the whole book lock stock. You can't pick and chose or try and rationalize it. It is either gods word or not. Who are you to analyse it and pick it apart. If you don't believe the whole bible and only parts your not a real christian. Simples!
get off a swingers site then...u clearly dont believe in the doctrine urself..... ????
You are saying we cannot choose which parts of the bible to believe and it should be followed to the letter?...have u attempted to sleep with another mans wife? had sex before marriage? etc etc need I go on?"
And advocate violence, not forgiveness by telling people to "kick his head in". Not looking good for you. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Of course, the jewish race were god's chosen people until they spiritually abandoned him. Jesus, gods son came to earth to give him life for mankind and repair adam's sin and also created the christian faith as the successor to the jews as god's people. The catholics and others then twisted christianity into the twisted organised religion we have today which allows paedophiles and gays to be priests! |
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By *iewMan
over a year ago
Forum Mod Angus & Findhorn |
"Of course, the jewish race were god's chosen people until they spiritually abandoned him. Jesus, gods son came to earth to give him life for mankind and repair adam's sin and also created the christian faith as the successor to the jews as god's people. The catholics and others then twisted christianity into the twisted organised religion we have today which allows paedophiles and gays to be priests! "
Robert Powell was very good  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Prove I made my answers up!
No. I've had enough of talking to you, I've got better things to do." bye quitter. Maybe have a debate with a 12 year old, you may win! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Of course, the jewish race were god's chosen people until they spiritually abandoned him. Jesus, gods son came to earth to give him life for mankind and repair adam's sin and also created the christian faith as the successor to the jews as god's people. The catholics and others then twisted christianity into the twisted organised religion we have today which allows paedophiles and gays to be priests! "
You have just proven your own ignorance. If you believe that the Jews abandoned God then fair enough although i think they would disagree with you.
Jesus did NOT create the Christian faith-he himself was a Jew, which im sure you know.
Do you say the Creed in your church?? Do you rememeber the line "one holy, catholic and apostolic church"??? C of E and Roman Catholics are both Catholics-its just that C of E are a newer form of catholics.
As for your last statement-well its just horribly inaccurate and homophobic. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Prove I made my answers up!
No. I've had enough of talking to you, I've got better things to do. bye quitter. Maybe have a debate with a 12 year old, you may win!"
Name calling isn't debate. Learn the difference. |
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By *icketysplitsWoman
over a year ago
Way over Yonder, that's where I'm bound |
What a busy night you've all had. My favourite bits were View popping in to say that she won't be executed and noting that the most Christian comments were from someone who is not a practicing Christian but it probably at church more often than those declaiming their faith.
Nearly every poll result I have ever seen on the question of the death penalty comes out in favour of re-introducing it in this country. Why has no parliament ever tried? Think about it.
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All this over some silly woman with a bag of white powder in her suitcase, maybe there would have less antagonism on here if everyone had had some tonight.
As Dave Allen used to say "May your god go with you" |
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By *B9 QueenWoman
over a year ago
Over the rainbow, under the bridge |
I have no religious _iew on this, not being religious. I just find the death penalty abhorrent wherever and whoever practices it. If a state says killing someone is wrong, then it is wrong. State sanctioned killing is still killing. If a state wishes to be seen as part of a modern enlightened world then the death penalty has no place there - regardless of what state it is, what the politics are or the religious argument.
Whilst this woman broke the law - quite clearly - she should, of course, face some kind of consequence. I simply disagree that that should be death. |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"What a busy night you've all had. My favourite bits were View popping in to say that she won't be executed and noting that the most Christian comments were from someone who is not a practicing Christian but it probably at church more often than those declaiming their faith.
Nearly every poll result I have ever seen on the question of the death penalty comes out in favour of re-introducing it in this country. Why has no parliament ever tried? Think about it.
I suspect it is merely bravado when joe public says, "Yeah, let's hang them!" but when it comes right down to it, and Mr Kiddie Snatcher is mounting the scaffolding for his date with destiny most of would turn our heads away at the vital moment and not look. We're squeamish like that. We want someone else to do it for us, quietly, and away from public gaze.
But I know full well that if the death penalty was re-introduced that all it would take would be one wrong conviction, one innocent person put to death and there would be uproar and outrage, and a call to end it forever.
My take on it is, why take us down that road if we're only going to turn around and come back anyway. |
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"What a busy night you've all had. My favourite bits were View popping in to say that she won't be executed and noting that the most Christian comments were from someone who is not a practicing Christian but it probably at church more often than those declaiming their faith.
Nearly every poll result I have ever seen on the question of the death penalty comes out in favour of re-introducing it in this country. Why has no parliament ever tried? Think about it.
I suspect it is merely bravado when joe public says, "Yeah, let's hang them!" but when it comes right down to it, and Mr Kiddie Snatcher is mounting the scaffolding for his date with destiny most of would turn our heads away at the vital moment and not look. We're squeamish like that. We want someone else to do it for us, quietly, and away from public gaze.
But I know full well that if the death penalty was re-introduced that all it would take would be one wrong conviction, one innocent person put to death and there would be uproar and outrage, and a call to end it forever.
My take on it is, why take us down that road if we're only going to turn around and come back anyway."
So true...2.4 million Chickens are eaten per day in the UK..ask most people to kill a chicken and eat it and they couldn't do it...lots of bullish people comfy behind keyboards!! |
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By *acreadCouple
over a year ago
central scotland |
"Do those of you who go along with capital punishment celebrate christmas and baptise your kids..no ambiguity allowed if you are christian you cant advocate taking a life...if your not then fine believe its ok..cant have it both ways"
I take it you don't believe in the 10 commandments? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
i am not religious and believe relegion has caused more deaths than lives it has saved. but to the point of this lady shouldnt the question being asked be weather or not she had a fair trial ?
ok in this country our punishments are lax and soft but to some extent have our hands tied by the human rights do gooders who also cause more problems than they solve. ie a certain unable to be deported muslim cleric. but our justice system is without doubt one of the best and fairest,most least corrupt in the world. had she been found guilty here you could be quitly confident she had done it and the case was as put, but the same cant be said for other countries especially aisan counties like thailand, indonesia etc where kangaroo courts and corruption are common place. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I believe we are a christian democracy and our laws our firmly based upon christian ideology,therefore you if you purport to have christian ideals there is no ambiguity..you cant advocate the death penalty |
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By *acreadCouple
over a year ago
central scotland |
"Not suer how you determine my comments as a repudiation of the ten commandments"
I just wondered as a religious person do you obey any of the 10 commandments or do you obey the ones you want to.
Thou shalt not commit adultery. |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Not suer how you determine my comments as a repudiation of the ten commandments
I just wondered as a religious person do you obey any of the 10 commandments or do you obey the ones you want to.
Thou shalt not commit adultery."
That's a stoning offence innit?  |
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By *acreadCouple
over a year ago
central scotland |
"Not suer how you determine my comments as a repudiation of the ten commandments
I just wondered as a religious person do you obey any of the 10 commandments or do you obey the ones you want to.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
That's a stoning offence innit? "
Certainly hope not or fab will be a lonely place  |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"Is she dead yet?
As View said it is unlikely she will be executed but then again the same was said about the British guy in Thailand a few years back."
She has roads to two appeals and failing that she can appeal to the Indonesian president directly for clemency. She won't be executed anytime soon. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
whatever it is she committed a crime..and will pay for it in some manner..
however, some of the _iews _xpressed above about drugs etc etc..they always do sound like the ill informed or people who have the personal agenda...I'm afraid free thinking isnt that easy to pin down.
the facts about drugs are widely manipulated, the misinformation is highly distributed, the ignorance to actual 'healthy' drug use is hidden
I've already said previously, we accept drugs are part of our lifestyle directly or indirectly...they have an influence on us(try that butterfly effect), sometimes its a good influence..sometimes its bad
I dont need to sit and say I took this and I took that...almost everyone has taken something, legally or illegally that counts scientifically as a drug
those that also easily condemn others, have no clue what addiction really is
unless ur holier than the pope of course (fuck that argument again ffs  |
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By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
"whatever it is she committed a crime..and will pay for it in some manner..
however, some of the _iews _xpressed above about drugs etc etc..they always do sound like the ill informed or people who have the personal agenda...I'm afraid free thinking isnt that easy to pin down.
the facts about drugs are widely manipulated, the misinformation is highly distributed, the ignorance to actual 'healthy' drug use is hidden
I've already said previously, we accept drugs are part of our lifestyle directly or indirectly...they have an influence on us(try that butterfly effect), sometimes its a good influence..sometimes its bad
I dont need to sit and say I took this and I took that...almost everyone has taken something, legally or illegally that counts scientifically as a drug
those that also easily condemn others, have no clue what addiction really is
unless ur holier than the pope of course (fuck that argument again ffs "
Can't pick a single argument with that.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"whatever it is she committed a crime..and will pay for it in some manner..
however, some of the _iews _xpressed above about drugs etc etc..they always do sound like the ill informed or people who have the personal agenda...I'm afraid free thinking isnt that easy to pin down.
the facts about drugs are widely manipulated, the misinformation is highly distributed, the ignorance to actual 'healthy' drug use is hidden
I've already said previously, we accept drugs are part of our lifestyle directly or indirectly...they have an influence on us(try that butterfly effect), sometimes its a good influence..sometimes its bad
I dont need to sit and say I took this and I took that...almost everyone has taken something, legally or illegally that counts scientifically as a drug
those that also easily condemn others, have no clue what addiction really is
unless ur holier than the pope of course (fuck that argument again ffs
Can't pick a single argument with that. "
thank fuck cos am pished out my face lol |
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