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a BI lads story

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

my bi journey with life...

at the age of 13, I was abused by a married man ... I felt deeply ashamed with myself, why? because it happened 3 times, I knew what was happening the 2nd and 3rd time. I told NO-ONE for 30 years... my mum was a single mum working all hours to bring my sister and I up on her own.

( he has passed away, no point hurting his family )

thro school, I felt different, distant from boys.. I was artistic and spent most of my times in art classes... never playing football.. no boy pals. never wanted to be close to boys.

My pals were girls, my sister and my mum. From 14-17, I was name called all day long .... every playtime , walking home every night, they would start.. 'poof poof poof'... I was beat up too many times to remember... my sister helped me often to pick up my school bag and its contents ripped up off the road....

we agreed never to tell mum, she had enough worries bringing us up...

at 17 , off to art school.. felt free liberated... with like minded people and oh the sex..... shared flat with 2 lesbians art students.. and my first ffm , yippee I was a stud lol......and my first male fun. Really struggled with it ..... didna feel right, all I could think was ' that man ' made me do this... but jesus it felt good....

I came home to see my family most weekends, my mum and my sister were my world...

I would go out to some pubs and the one club in Forfar.. the beatings never went away... I was a punkish looking guy.. and most folks made some comment..... '0h the bender is home '

I was beat up one Fri night at 9pm by 4 guys.... I was bloodied and bruised but I went home, got changed and cleaned up and back out I went... these folks werena gonna win .....

One of the days that still haunt me, was the morning my mum woke me up and said 'come and see this ' some person/s had spray painted ' poof lives here ' in huge letters on the wall of my mum house..... my face is flushed typing this thinking of the shame I felt looking at my mum as we tried to wash it off, scrubbing and scrubbing the letters of shame off the wall to no avail..... people passing and looking, some giggling.... my poor mum....

I never went to gay pubs and clubs... hated them , didna want to be there..... didnt want to be gay.... please dont let me be gay..... but I like the buzz of sucking cock.....

no anal ever..... just oral.... I felt good.

My sister had a baby.... I distanced myself from the wee girl, I adored her but would never look after her, be left alone with her or her wee pals.. I would never take her to the park EVER.

why...... the bigots would have shouted kiddie fiddler..... and I KNEW IT.

sex with girls felt great , I loved it and was popular.....

I put my heart and soul into sex... I wanted to be good , I wanted to make the girl orgasm and orgasm and orgasm ... I stopped myself from coming..... I was there to please the girls so I could measure up to the guys calling me names...... a poof making a girl orgasm ...... RESULT.....

I never stand at a urinal.... even to this day.... I dont, ....... why?? because I cant pee there , lol... I am petrified guys think I am looking at their cocks so I panic and cant pee, so they then think , he is standing looking and no peeing.... pervert standing in loo ...... I only ever use a cubicle.... silly I know , but thats how I have been made to feel...

I have never had one relationship... with a girl or a guy ..... (until last year ).... never wanted to get close...

I was successful in my career due to being a great people manager.... I wanted everyone who worked for me to feel great about themselves...... I would have a kind word to say about everyone...... str8 , bi, gay, black, disabled... I was BT group diversity champion... first senior manager to say he was bi... and spoke about sexual orientation.... I wanted to give something back...

I discovered 'swinging'... loved it...

was/is a great single guy... try and be nice and kind to all.... had great meets.....

my mum committed suicide...... my world fell collapsed...

I never left the house, and my breakdown consumed me .... hospital, councelling....... and thro this councelling dealing with my grief , the councellor said the words ' there is something else apart from your mum you need to speak about ' how did she know, do I look like someone with a dirty secret..... and the memories of the man and the 13 year old boy came flooding out... and it was the best thing ever.... it changed me ...

chatrooms, had lost all my confidence, never left the house, accidently fell upon a chat roonm on another site... different rooms ...... scots room, scots bi room..... into the bi room I went...... and met Saradoll2002... my first friend in swinging.... feck the bi room was boring.... went into the scots room... and the rest is .....

I was welcomed by many.... and thank you..

some of the best laughs ever.....

met some of my closest friends for life...

was the first lad to say I am bi....

tries to be nice to all......

have cocked up many times and have been a diva.... stropped and huffed...

reacted to people rightly and wrongly..

but always tried to do right by people .... and tried to represent BI GUYS WELL......

some of the very str8 guys in the room, who are now my closest friends say I have changed their view of bi guys and they are more accepting...... which makes me proud of myself and them xxx

all I want.... is to be treated as an equal, not BETTER or LESS than a str8 guy, str8 lady or a bi lady....

why..... because I look at the bullies of Forfar who made my teenage years at school and in the pubs SHEER HELL ON EARTH... directly in the eyes now... and say thank you, you could beat me, name call me ,ridicule me in front of my lovely innocent family.....


no idea why I wrote this now.... but hey...., but I hope it may help some Bi guys out there...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

well done view... lifes trials make us the ppl we are character buliding I call it... hard though it is at the time and what a character you are I'm sure if your family know half of what you have been through they would be extremely proud of you coming out the other side the way you have ...

you won the battle mate well done xxxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

well view hun know what u were going through as young brother wnet through the same and def proud of u and him

love u loads and don``t change for no one tc and see u soon.xxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Reading your article with tears in my eyes and joy in my heart....

joy because you overcome

joy because you realise you are who you are

joy because you are in my life

never change...you are who you are and are loved and respected by many whos lives you enter, irrespective of gender or sexuality.

I love you.

Thank you for your courage and may those who read your post realise just how much it takes for you open up in this way, and may it be of some little help to any who need to open up too, whether to family friends or workmates.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

garry u r an inspiration to many people, everything u have been through could quite easily have pushed u the other way but u r the one that has come out on top. the world can be a very cruel place but having u in it makes it so much better. im sooooo proud of u, love u loads. trace & scott xxxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The underlying current of your entire post is one of constantly feeling you need to examine every aspect of your life on an ongoing basis in an attempt to spot if something you do could lead to someone else reacting to it - that called is life, my friend. We are reactionary by nature and those of us are are perceptive enough to know this also realise that others need freedom of space to be themselves.

Homophobia is based upon ignorance and fear, and sadly they won't, or can't, change. Some simply refuse to change. It's easy to say that it is their problem, not yours, but that's not strictly true as their problem becomes your problem when they use violence and rage against you.

The key to dealing with this kind of prejudice is to adapt to the environment in which you live. I know some people will argue, "Why should I?", but it's neccessary to be able to continually adapt to the changing world around you in order to fit into it. Putting oneself out on a ledge is inviting people to knock you off it.

Your sexuality is nobody's business except yours and the people you have sex with. It's a private matter and although we use sites such as this to procure sexual partners we are all of the same ilk so it's ok to be a little more open about it here.

I am bisexual but only my very close offline friends know about it. Some of my circle of friends would not like it at all if they knew as it changes their view of me in their world and they don't like anything to change that - forcing them to accept a 'me' they don't know is asking them to change, some will, most won't, and some, like the people who abused you, are so set in their ways that I know for a fact they'd never speak to me again.

But I don't blame them for the way they are and it suits me to keep the circle of friends I already have and the private sex life I currently enjoy. I've adapted, you see.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I am deeply honoured you have shared this all with us, it means alot, life can sometimes deal a crap hand......but the cards always change!!through out life.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I commend you Niew for opening up and telling everyone this. I hope you feel better doing it.

I'm a divorcee and my ex wife was all ways worried what other people thought of her. It eneded up making life very difficult for us and made the marriage a misery. It was the best thing I did when I asked for a divorce. I'm now with someone who enjoys their life like there is no tomorrow and doesn't give one iota what others think of her. Now sometimes this can be very very frutstrating and I'm slowly getting across that she has to "play the game and appease people" sometimes...... but god I'm so much happier now with her she's a brilliant person.

Guess what I'm trying to say is... fuck what other people think of you. Live by the morals you are happy with and do the best to make your self happy. If helping others to feel good about them selves makes you happy then that's great, good on you. But make sure you do it for the right reasons.

Be happy

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

you know what view....you ever thought of putting this into black and white and writting a book ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

ONE life live it, you never know whats around the corner !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

That beats the usual "Anyone fancy cock on cam" or "horny guy up for a meet" introductions!

Fair play - made me read right to the last word.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago
Forum Mod

View that was compulsive reading and I read it with a lump in my throat

I just wanted to take that 13 year old boy and give him a huge cuddle and protect him from any more hurt

It can't have been easy for you to share your story with us and I give you utmost respect for doing so xx

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman  over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

I too am replying to this post with tears in my eyes but joy in my heart that i can trully call this man my friend what u have cum thro babes no one will trully understand what that must have felt for u but yes u have come out the othere side and felt strong enough to tell ppl what uve been thro n if this makes just one person sit up n think of the actions they do in everday life n change them for the better then this post has done its job...

there is room in this world for all sexuality live n let live Amen xxxxx

luv jacs


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By *ebzStarWoman  over a year ago


It is horrible to think that people are so horrid and mean just because of prejudices that at school we should not have.

All these feelings are amplified and taken as personal, even tho the people giving them, don't.

You carry them feelings and thoughts all your life and those people who did this too you probably dont even remember your name.

You have come out on top hunny, and i wish you all the best for your future, be you and be happy.

Love Debz xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


i aint gd wi words - but all i can say huni is u came out tops - u r one of the nicest guys on fab - infact one o the nicest i have came across in my life!

u have more than they will ever have, dont go changin huni, cause we all love u the way u r.

ps. i wanna thank the bullies - cause without u all - we wouldnt have the garry we all no and love today.

Love kinky xxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

sorry but has to be said...although i sympathise in what has happened and thabnks for sharing it xxxx

aint here for long stories...

sorry but thats how i feel, and im gonna get blasted for that lol

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman  over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

yeah i think u r ur choice to read or not u choose to read it then say ur not here to read long stories so why did u if it bothers u so much ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

new i was....but hey ho.

is anyone else here for that????????

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Was it Views article that was a "long story" or some of the replies it prompted that you found too long?

I have read each and every one of them, and digested what these people have been brave enough to come out with and chosen to share with us, I have every respect for them.

maybe you are more of a comic strip reader than an article reader, please feel free to ask me to interpret anything that may baffle or bore you though. Or may I suggest you just pass on reading entirely and replying in such a dismissive and disrespectful way.

All these people have chosen to be open and honest about experiences that were profoundly life changing for them in the hope that it may give insight hope and encouragement to others.

there are lots of people who are in the chatrooms every day and night who ask for just this help , posting it in the forums is a way of getting across to more than just one individual.

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman  over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

Laine hun couldnt have put it better ppl need to learn to respect what others r trying to do n say here n if they dont like it then dont read or even bother replying

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

First of all..respect and hugs in equal measure....my words do not do justice to what you just shared

To those who feel the need to make disparaging comments....shame on you....

NO ONE is forced to read anything...

Equally..if anyone is not here for long stories..odd that they visit and then read whats posted in the forums.

Almost like saying..wasnt here for a burger..but you are in McDonalds?



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


(I know that was on a different Forum but i think it fits here)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It is such a sad world when people can't be who they are in fear of gossips, bully's and such likes.

View, we have never met such and honest, open, caring and down to earth guy in our lives, don't change.

Hold your head up high and two fingers up to anyone that puts you down for that.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

View, thank you so much for sharing your story with us. My heart was in my mouth reading it but ended up blossoming at the end to think that you've come through the worst and are now strong and happy to hold your head up high. I too have gone through something similar (not the bullying) and my world collapsed around me too, literally. Yet like you I have come through the wilderness with the help of hospital staff, counsellors my husband, family and friends. I am not ashamed of what happened to me, why should I be and nor are you. Life at times can be cruel or more to the point people who come into your life can be, yet for all that, it's important to keep in mind why you are still here and why you want to be here, because believe you me there were times when I didn't want to be either. For me it is because I know I truly love people whom I have chosen now to be in my life and I also know that I am truly loved as well. It isn't easy sometimes to always bear that in mind yet when I feel down that is what brings me back to earth and for this I am very grateful. Although it may seem strange to others that I swing if I've been abused, yet for me it is not, it is just a part of my life that I thoroughly enjoy and have met and made some wonderful people along the way.

View I am so proud of you and honoured to call you my friend, I love you hunny xxxxxx L

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What an insperation for others

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman  over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

L hunni so sorry for what has happened to u also but sure by the presence u have in the scotland chat room and from meeting u for just a short time u are strong indepandant woman who has overcome the terrible things that happened to u n like u said that has all been possible with the help of family n friends u tgc hun

Both Garry and L r an insperation for many many ppl who have suffered in the same way xxxxxxx

luv jacs


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

thanks all for the kindest words......

everyone on this this site has a story to tell.... all I wanted to do was share mine.

I have sat in the chatroom this week and witnessed (after I wrote this )

1) female of a couple refer to someone as ' an arse bandit ' the guy had not even spoken to her......

2) a bi guy constantly whisper str8 guys asking them if they want a blow job.

both so wrong............ and no bloody wonder the str8 guy went la la.

if we can all respect difference, what a better place it would be..

and my post wont achieve that......




love , View, actually ..... its not View


Garry xxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Was my opinion thats all, about why we are here on the site. Wasnt disrespecting you in anyway, what had happened.

Sorry if i offended you in anyway.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Garry thank you so much for sharing something so personal and so horrific it can only be true. The fact that you have turned out the absolute gem that you are is mind blowing.

I know we have had our differences but am proud to say I know you.

I truly believe that "LIFE" makes us what we are and you are a diamond of the finest clarity.More precious than you realise and that knowing you has certainly enriched my life,

My respect for you is immeasurable.

Kay xxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago




I have my own view on 'changing the world'...

A lot of people believe that they can make a difference to the way the world is and very few actually manage to do it. Those are the ones we see every day, you know, the Bob Geldofs and Barack Obamas of this world. The ones you don't see are the people who go about their daily business day in day out, monotonously living their lives as true to themselves as they can be, often in the face of very strong adversity. But do they change the world?


Think about it for a minute.


Fifty years ago homosexuals were openly beaten up in public and if they dared to report it to the police they were simply laughed at and told 'be a man'.

But it didn't change them did it, or the next generation that came after them.

What did change however, was the knowledge of how to deal with homophobia, how to cope with it's aftermath, how to recover from it and how to move on. Knowledge that was passed among the homosexual community, man to man, if you like.


And the result of that is?


Well, gay people are protected as equally as straight people by the law now, it's rare to see thugs beating up gay people for simply being gay people (although I'm pretty sure it hasn't been eradicated entirely), and gays can be openly gay and not have to hide it away like some filthy little secret anymore.

So do we change the world?

Even when we think we don't?


You bet your ass we do!

Every single day, when we live our lives and pass on what we learn.

The OP of this thread posted a very moving and hearfelt story about his life and if it helps ONE SINGLE PERSON then the OP has changed the world. Or at least one person's own little world, and that has to be commended.

So yes, it is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all because the alternative is to stagnate in an ever decreasing spiral of depression until at the very end of your life you head off into oblivion and nobody ever knew you were here.

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By *arryandlilCouple  over a year ago


firstly well done view must have took alot to share that and second don t worrie about the peeing thing lots of guys have a shy bladder including me lol

once agian all respect to you view m8


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By *adcowWoman  over a year ago


garry .... hugs for you hun xxxx

you're a brave and caring man hun baring yer innermost soul to us all like this. it just goes to show the strong person you really are and not the joker some people may think you are.

my heart goes out to you for your loss but swells with pride on the way you have dealt with everything.

you're ma hero hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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By *rs kemeaCouple  over a year ago


view mate, you have become a friend to both me and mrs k in the short time that we have been on the site.

I tried to think of something to write that would do you justice but kept deleting it, because no matter what i write, it can never truly say what i am thinking.

You are a kind caring person and we all have our faults with taking strops and tantrums. When the dust has settled we settle back to who we really are.

You are a brilliant guy.

Cheers for sharing


PS I have a shy bladder too

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By *irtyduoCouple  over a year ago

nr stirling

maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself come getit!!!! if you aint here for long stories then dont read them no one asked you to!!!!

and altho you didnt mean to offend you clearly have, not just garry but those who love him and know that he is a great kind loving person!

anyway garry my pole dancing partner i had a lump in my throat reading your storie and im so happy that you overcame what life has thrown at you it shows what a strong person you are, and it has made you the big gem that you are today, dont ever change or adapt for any1, you are who you are and people should just except that!!!!

anyway i'l shut up now lol!!!!

luv _irtyduoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We all have opinions and its a free country!! and its on here for all to read and yeah my choice to read or not!

And he mailed to say he wasnt offended by what i put and i thank him for that.

so get over it _irtyduo ffs.

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

View, i have to say i couldnt type here before as i felt too emotional. My story is completly different to yours but the one bit that hit home was that they couldnt take your soul. Like you i turned my life around because although they tried no one was ever going to break me. I dont know you but you sound a wonderful person and i wish you well in your lifexxxkarenxx

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By *irtyduoCouple  over a year ago

nr stirling

get over yourself!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

do ya know...some people. lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

sounds to me that you really gay...and sometimes tries it with the girls just to see....either way, lifes tough...just get over and on with it.

You should try anal...you'll know then for sure.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

view...see after what you have be thru hun take the un-needed catty comments with a pinch of salt and hold yer head up high hun!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

You should try anal...you'll know then for sure

I am not going to reply with the exception I find your comment deeply offensive....... but hey,

I wish you well ...

garry x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"sounds to me that you really gay...and sometimes tries it with the girls just to see....either way, lifes tough...just get over and on with it.

You should try anal...you'll know then for sure."

dont do it view!!!! it will hurt no matter how much they promise it wont lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"sounds to me that you really gay...and sometimes tries it with the girls just to see....either way, lifes tough...just get over and on with it.

You should try anal...you'll know then for sure."



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"sounds to me that you really gay...and sometimes tries it with the girls just to see....either way, lifes tough...just get over and on with it.

You should try anal...you'll know then for sure.

dont do it view!!!! it will hurt no matter how much they promise it wont lol"

Only the first time Kitty and it doesn't taste as bad as some would make out

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think folks need to remember that the story that view tells is a rough outline of what happened in his life...it was a very long tuff battle that went a lot more indepth that whats written in the forums and obviously was a very painfull journey....and for people to make cutting and un-needed comment really says a lot about the person making them!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

ok i help everyone out here

view i will take it up the bottom for ya and tell ya if it any good.

how kind am i

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

waits for kitty getting loadsa anal offers now, her inbox will be full lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

will just be another day for me LOL

i tell ya one thing i have never known so many pregnant single MALES wanting to swap pics of our bumps!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

kitty ya brave lol view is 1 of my bestest buddys an i aint taken it up the chuff 4 him lol xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

just speading the love hun, it cant hurt that much can it LOL

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

kitty i dont mind spreading the love but i sure aint spreading my arse cheeks lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

hahahahaha u just made me piss myself laughing lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

oh kitty u into watersports 2 now is that wat ur saying lol xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

well i used to be called kinky kitty remember LOL

but no sadly not for fun no more its my son he dont like my bladder and kicks it ever day lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

gd hun ull no be reeking a pish then lol

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By *dinburgh_duoCouple  over a year ago


"gd hun ull no be reeking a pish then lol "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

respect view xxxxxxxx

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By *irtyduoCouple  over a year ago

nr stirling

wot a nasty little "bi" person u are!!

why dont you ask your bi male playmate to take it up the ass and be done with it????

or maybe he has!!!!

keep your nasty little comments to yourself!!

like view says if you aint got nothing nice to say button it!!!!!


apologies to cum getit your opinion wasnt offensive compared to gushers comment!!!

view hun just a small minded insigificant individual!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Did i really read gusher4u and dirty duos comments right? People including my wife and obviously our friend View, have had a very tough time in life. I dont think View was looking for sympathy, just explaining what has happened to him and his sexuality. Yet you 2 seem to ridicule his or even our lifes tough journey. I (G) hardly ever post on here but .... get a life and try and be nice, you will find your life gets better by being supportive and friendly.

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By *irtyduoCouple  over a year ago

nr stirling

i wasnt ridiculing view at all so yes you read my message wrong, view happens to be a friend of mine who, i have met a few times and think the world of so i would never ridicule him in any way whatsoever.

i was getting at gushers comment.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well then i apologise _irtyduo but i agree with u re gushers comments also. G

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By *irtyduoCouple  over a year ago

nr stirling

thanks xxxxxxx

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By *awty_MissDynomiteNo1Woman  over a year ago

No idea, I'm lost. Damn Sat nav!

Dumbfounded by gusher4u's comment n i dint blame garry for being offended

yes garry had a really tough time and i know as a friend he still does by the bigoted and homophobic people still around everyday and dont u think gusher at the age garry is and after all this time he knows weather or not hes gay ffs ?

get a life n stop ur nasty comments if u got nothing nice to say .

Garry no offence hun about the age comment lol still THE KING OF SCOTLAND SWING FOR SURE LOL XXXXXXXXX

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