By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
my bi journey with life...
at the age of 13, I was abused by a married man ... I felt deeply ashamed with myself, why? because it happened 3 times, I knew what was happening the 2nd and 3rd time. I told NO-ONE for 30 years... my mum was a single mum working all hours to bring my sister and I up on her own.
( he has passed away, no point hurting his family )
thro school, I felt different, distant from boys.. I was artistic and spent most of my times in art classes... never playing football.. no boy pals. never wanted to be close to boys.
My pals were girls, my sister and my mum. From 14-17, I was name called all day long .... every playtime , walking home every night, they would start.. 'poof poof poof'... I was beat up too many times to remember... my sister helped me often to pick up my school bag and its contents ripped up off the road....
we agreed never to tell mum, she had enough worries bringing us up...
at 17 , off to art school.. felt free liberated... with like minded people and oh the sex..... shared flat with 2 lesbians art students.. and my first ffm , yippee I was a stud lol......and my first male fun. Really struggled with it ..... didna feel right, all I could think was ' that man ' made me do this... but jesus it felt good....
I came home to see my family most weekends, my mum and my sister were my world...
I would go out to some pubs and the one club in Forfar.. the beatings never went away... I was a punkish looking guy.. and most folks made some comment..... '0h the bender is home '
I was beat up one Fri night at 9pm by 4 guys.... I was bloodied and bruised but I went home, got changed and cleaned up and back out I went... these folks werena gonna win .....
One of the days that still haunt me, was the morning my mum woke me up and said 'come and see this ' some person/s had spray painted ' poof lives here ' in huge letters on the wall of my mum house..... my face is flushed typing this thinking of the shame I felt looking at my mum as we tried to wash it off, scrubbing and scrubbing the letters of shame off the wall to no avail..... people passing and looking, some giggling.... my poor mum....
I never went to gay pubs and clubs... hated them , didna want to be there..... didnt want to be gay.... please dont let me be gay..... but I like the buzz of sucking cock.....
no anal ever..... just oral.... I felt good.
My sister had a baby.... I distanced myself from the wee girl, I adored her but would never look after her, be left alone with her or her wee pals.. I would never take her to the park EVER.
why...... the bigots would have shouted kiddie fiddler..... and I KNEW IT.
sex with girls felt great , I loved it and was popular.....
I put my heart and soul into sex... I wanted to be good , I wanted to make the girl orgasm and orgasm and orgasm ... I stopped myself from coming..... I was there to please the girls so I could measure up to the guys calling me names...... a poof making a girl orgasm ...... RESULT.....
I never stand at a urinal.... even to this day.... I dont, ....... why?? because I cant pee there , lol... I am petrified guys think I am looking at their cocks so I panic and cant pee, so they then think , he is standing looking and no peeing.... pervert standing in loo ...... I only ever use a cubicle.... silly I know , but thats how I have been made to feel...
I have never had one relationship... with a girl or a guy ..... (until last year ).... never wanted to get close...
I was successful in my career due to being a great people manager.... I wanted everyone who worked for me to feel great about themselves...... I would have a kind word to say about everyone...... str8 , bi, gay, black, disabled... I was BT group diversity champion... first senior manager to say he was bi... and spoke about sexual orientation.... I wanted to give something back...
I discovered 'swinging'... loved it...
was/is a great single guy... try and be nice and kind to all.... had great meets.....
my mum committed suicide...... my world fell collapsed...
I never left the house, and my breakdown consumed me .... hospital, councelling....... and thro this councelling dealing with my grief , the councellor said the words ' there is something else apart from your mum you need to speak about ' how did she know, do I look like someone with a dirty secret..... and the memories of the man and the 13 year old boy came flooding out... and it was the best thing ever.... it changed me ...
chatrooms, had lost all my confidence, never left the house, accidently fell upon a chat roonm on another site... different rooms ...... scots room, scots bi room..... into the bi room I went...... and met Saradoll2002... my first friend in swinging.... feck the bi room was boring.... went into the scots room... and the rest is .....
I was welcomed by many.... and thank you..
some of the best laughs ever.....
met some of my closest friends for life...
was the first lad to say I am bi....
tries to be nice to all......
have cocked up many times and have been a diva.... stropped and huffed...
reacted to people rightly and wrongly..
but always tried to do right by people .... and tried to represent BI GUYS WELL......
some of the very str8 guys in the room, who are now my closest friends say I have changed their view of bi guys and they are more accepting...... which makes me proud of myself and them xxx
all I want.... is to be treated as an equal, not BETTER or LESS than a str8 guy, str8 lady or a bi lady....
why..... because I look at the bullies of Forfar who made my teenage years at school and in the pubs SHEER HELL ON EARTH... directly in the eyes now... and say thank you, you could beat me, name call me ,ridicule me in front of my lovely innocent family.....
no idea why I wrote this now.... but hey...., but I hope it may help some Bi guys out there... |