Recently there have been a couple of threads about being old or older.
I'm not talking about maturity here that's a different thing altogether.
How do you feel about 'older' whatever your age? Do you think older people should try to conceal signs of aging, cover up a bit, wear 'age appropriate' clothes and hair ? Should older try to look and behave younger or not?
Is age just a number to you? |
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Age isn't just a number for me.
I'm a grandfather but have really only started exploring life in the last 8 years.
I dress how I want, I'm computer literate and I'm proud of how I look just as I am without going to the gym or dying my hair or beard.
I've never followed trends or fashion at any stage in my life and never been influenced by peers so I will continue as I've always done. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Recently there have been a couple of threads about being old or older.
I'm not talking about maturity here that's a different thing altogether.
How do you feel about 'older' whatever your age? Do you think older people should try to conceal signs of aging, cover up a bit, wear 'age appropriate' clothes and hair ? Should older try to look and behave younger or not?
Is age just a number to you?"
You don't stop doing the things you love because you grow old grow old when you stop doing the things you love.  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I wouldn't judge or tell anyone "older" than me what they should do,wear,see, do etc etc.....
But, I couldn't personally meet anyone over a certain age range as my parents are only early 60's so wouldn't feel right to me. |
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I am definitely feeling at least my age today lol.
I think I've always prized being comfortable in attire over aesthetics.
I don't think anyone should feel like they need to comply with social conventions, in fact the term itself irritates me.
I just saw a squirrel run into my garden and got excited. I don't know what maturity is but if it's losing that I'm not sold on the concept. |
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"I am definitely feeling at least my age today lol.
I think I've always prized being comfortable in attire over aesthetics.
I don't think anyone should feel like they need to comply with social conventions, in fact the term itself irritates me.
I just saw a squirrel run into my garden and got excited. I don't know what maturity is but if it's losing that I'm not sold on the concept."
It can be difficult not to comply with social conventions in certain situations though.
Maturity involves being excited by squirrels I think. |
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By *amesB66Man
over a year ago
St Peter Port |
Now in my late 50s, I'm enjoying my life more than ever. More time, less stress, greater freedom and a far more chilled outlook on life.
Being less concerned with how others view me is another bonus.
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I dont feel my days are numbered but...I am very aware of the impact of age on my body. Things aren't as they used to be and while on the surface age has never bothered me I'm now very conscious of meeting anyone a lot younger than me as I cant help but think I will be compared to younger/firmer partners a man may have had. |
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Older age falls into a few categories for me, and yeah I am stereotyping.
The puckermouth if looks could make me vanish intolerant of anything.
The airy fairy no sense of who's around, with the are you sure I reversed Into you look.
The fun loving cheeky chappies who are kind, firm but fair.
The ravers whose heads will always be in their 20's regardless of any walking aids
And the sexual deviants in the care home strolling the hallway in the night, before nipping in for a bit of how's your fanny
Old age is just another journey that I am looking forward to  |
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By *TG3Man
over a year ago
Dorchester |
"Recently there have been a couple of threads about being old or older.
I'm not talking about maturity here that's a different thing altogether.
How do you feel about 'older' whatever your age? Do you think older people should try to conceal signs of aging, cover up a bit, wear 'age appropriate' clothes and hair ? Should older try to look and behave younger or not?
Is age just a number to you?" no i think they should let it hang how it hangs if its down to your knees so be it, i think some people by virtue of age still look amazing and you are one of those people  |
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Well, this is where I have a problem.
Being 66 this year, and a 'responsible' grandad, I feel only 36 inside. This becomes even more of a problem when I hop on my Honda Fireblade with full leathers on, I then become a teenager!!
Anyway, when I'm out for a few beers, I look good, smell good, and with an excellent bedside manner.
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It's such a gradual thing that you don't really feel yourself getting old.
The marathons become half marathons and then a half hour plod around the park.
You don't suddenly get a feeling of being old and change your fitness / clothing / sex life in an instant.
As an earlier poster said, life can be great.
Divorced, kids away, mortgage free and on Fab |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
In terms of style and dress, it all depends on the person and the circumstances, in my humble opinion. There are people who keep on rocking as they always have, and they look… well…a bit silly (Madonna, being one), and there are some who haven’t changed their approach to fashion etc and still make it work (JLo).
I can’t wear a mini skirt down the high street anymore, but I could get away with it near the beach on holiday.
Retinol, botox, fillers, cosmetic surgery, and any number of other treatments people use to feel more youthful…if they’ve got the money and the inclination and it makes them feeeeeel better, why not? I’m a huge fan of makeover programmes like Ten Years Younger, more from the perspective that a lot of the people on those shows are able to reclaim some youth and confidence that they had entirely missed out on
But ‘acting’ older? Nah. There’s a time for silliness and a time for being serious, but I don’t think we’re talking about that here. My lovely Grandma was mischievous and young minded to the end, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
And that, is my tuppence worth  |
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"I am definitely feeling at least my age today lol.
I think I've always prized being comfortable in attire over aesthetics.
I don't think anyone should feel like they need to comply with social conventions, in fact the term itself irritates me.
I just saw a squirrel run into my garden and got excited. I don't know what maturity is but if it's losing that I'm not sold on the concept."
If you don't get excited by squirrels, there's something very wrong with you. |
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"Recently there have been a couple of threads about being old or older.
I'm not talking about maturity here that's a different thing altogether.
How do you feel about 'older' whatever your age? Do you think older people should try to conceal signs of aging, cover up a bit, wear 'age appropriate' clothes and hair ? Should older try to look and behave younger or not?
Is age just a number to you?"
I joanne prefer older but i am not ageist so am open but there has to be chemistry via a social to want to meet them for sex. I do prefer men a lot older than me though as my crush is anthony hopkins . I am more attracted to older men. Simular with ladies but i will reitterate that if the chemistry is there age within reason is not a barrier for me. John also open to age as long as we all get on during a social meet. |
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I quite often get told I don't look my age/look good for my age, so I ask people what 46 should look like. They rarely have an answer, I don't think 46 is "old".
I probably dress a little bit more conservatively then I used to, that's probably more of a comfort thing, but I can't see me ever cutting my long hair which was something that always puzzled me. Why people think older women should have shorter hair?
As long as it makes you happy, wear what you want, I love seeing people still being able to express themselves as they get (much) older and often compliment them on it.
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By *rder66Man
over a year ago
Tatooine |
"In terms of style and dress, it all depends on the person and the circumstances, in my humble opinion. There are people who keep on rocking as they always have, and they look… well…a bit silly (Madonna, being one), and there are some who haven’t changed their approach to fashion etc and still make it work (JLo).
I can’t wear a mini skirt down the high street anymore, but I could get away with it near the beach on holiday.
Retinol, botox, fillers, cosmetic surgery, and any number of other treatments people use to feel more youthful…if they’ve got the money and the inclination and it makes them feeeeeel better, why not? I’m a huge fan of makeover programmes like Ten Years Younger, more from the perspective that a lot of the people on those shows are able to reclaim some youth and confidence that they had entirely missed out on
But ‘acting’ older? Nah. There’s a time for silliness and a time for being serious, but I don’t think we’re talking about that here. My lovely Grandma was mischievous and young minded to the end, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
And that, is my tuppence worth " I think you would geat in anything, preferably nothing  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Do you think older people should try to conceal signs of aging, cover up a bit, wear 'age appropriate' clothes and hair ? Should older try to look and behave younger or not?"
I think it's a bit shit that people feel compelled to cover up signs of aging, as if there's no beauty in it. That's not a judgement against those who do, we're all conditioned to believe youth is synonymous with beauty and I'm certainly guilty of feeling dismay when a new wrinkle or sun spot appears.
On the other hand, I've never understood the transition to beige that some older people make, as though reaching retirement means renouncing colour and personality in favour of being respectable. My grandparents were like this.
There's a local woman who makes me smile everytime I happen to see her. Maybe late 60's, early 70's. Gorgeous silver hair in a short funky style, vibrant colours and prints. She hasn't tried to conceal signs of aging and she's still utterly beautiful.
Nell |
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"Do you think older people should try to conceal signs of aging, cover up a bit, wear 'age appropriate' clothes and hair ? Should older try to look and behave younger or not?
I think it's a bit shit that people feel compelled to cover up signs of aging, as if there's no beauty in it. That's not a judgement against those who do, we're all conditioned to believe youth is synonymous with beauty and I'm certainly guilty of feeling dismay when a new wrinkle or sun spot appears.
On the other hand, I've never understood the transition to beige that some older people make, as though reaching retirement means renouncing colour and personality in favour of being respectable. My grandparents were like this.
There's a local woman who makes me smile everytime I happen to see her. Maybe late 60's, early 70's. Gorgeous silver hair in a short funky style, vibrant colours and prints. She hasn't tried to conceal signs of aging and she's still utterly beautiful.
Yes I see women like that and think they look great.
We are conditioned to believe youth is the only age that can be beautiful. I don't agree with that at all. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Recently there have been a couple of threads about being old or older.
I'm not talking about maturity here that's a different thing altogether.
How do you feel about 'older' whatever your age? Do you think older people should try to conceal signs of aging, cover up a bit, wear 'age appropriate' clothes and hair ? Should older try to look and behave younger or not?
Is age just a number to you?"
Age is just a number, I don't do anything to conceal my age, I certainly don't dye my hair, but a bit of moisturiser is acceptable... I do keep in shape, but nothing compared to my younger days. I am just growing old disgracefully, my way... |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"So a man and woman in their mid eighties by the pool in Speedo's for him, thong bikini for her?"
That is their choice, their bodies might be trim, or have a little sag. There does need to be attraction, of course, and we are all different and are attracted to different types. They probably wouldn't be for me though... |
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Older people should feel comfortable to do whatever they please within their own state of well-being. Dress up, dress down, make up or remain 'au natural', cover up or bare all, look your age but feel younger or look younger and accept your age.
Whatever you do you're doing it for yourself, your contentment and delight, and not for other people. |
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By *4bimMan
over a year ago
Farnborough Hampshire |
"I can't wait until I'm old enough to say what's on my mind and get away with it."
Ah yes. I never forget the Xmas dinner when my mum announced to the family I was gay. Worse turkey ever! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I dye my hair otherwise it would be completely grey which I don't like. I also shave my pussy hairs off to get rid of the grey in them. My hair went grey before I was 40 though, so been dying it since then.
As for clothes, I tend to wear what I feel good in. I have lots of bright colours in my wardrobe.
I can't wear high heels though, too uncomfortable and I would likely trip and break a leg or something.... |
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"So a man and woman in their mid eighties by the pool in Speedo's for him, thong bikini for her?
That is their choice, their bodies might be trim, or have a little sag. There does need to be attraction, of course, and we are all different and are attracted to different types. They probably wouldn't be for me though..."
I still shag my crush anthony hopkins and he is nearly 40yrs older than me. It's not just the age, it's their character and how their personality projects to. Speedos or not id still jump him  |
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This is sparked by a conversation I've just had with a friend who's approaching 60 and thinking she should adjust the way she dresses. I joked with her about a thong bikini and she said she'd put people off their beer. She's a fabulous, willowy blonde, a regular gym goer and to my mind gorgeous. I thought it was a bit sad she felt that way |
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By *4bimMan
over a year ago
Farnborough Hampshire |
"This is sparked by a conversation I've just had with a friend who's approaching 60 and thinking she should adjust the way she dresses. I joked with her about a thong bikini and she said she'd put people off their beer. She's a fabulous, willowy blonde, a regular gym goer and to my mind gorgeous. I thought it was a bit sad she felt that way"
Link to profile please  |
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"This is sparked by a conversation I've just had with a friend who's approaching 60 and thinking she should adjust the way she dresses. I joked with her about a thong bikini and she said she'd put people off their beer. She's a fabulous, willowy blonde, a regular gym goer and to my mind gorgeous. I thought it was a bit sad she felt that way
Link to profile please "
She's not on fab. |
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"This is sparked by a conversation I've just had with a friend who's approaching 60 and thinking she should adjust the way she dresses. I joked with her about a thong bikini and she said she'd put people off their beer. She's a fabulous, willowy blonde, a regular gym goer and to my mind gorgeous. I thought it was a bit sad she felt that way"
Send her our way lmao id love to play with older ladies. Jo. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"This is sparked by a conversation I've just had with a friend who's approaching 60 and thinking she should adjust the way she dresses. I joked with her about a thong bikini and she said she'd put people off their beer. She's a fabulous, willowy blonde, a regular gym goer and to my mind gorgeous. I thought it was a bit sad she felt that way
Link to profile please
She's not on fab."
It is sad that people feel they are over the hill just because of age.. |
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"This is sparked by a conversation I've just had with a friend who's approaching 60 and thinking she should adjust the way she dresses. I joked with her about a thong bikini and she said she'd put people off their beer. She's a fabulous, willowy blonde, a regular gym goer and to my mind gorgeous. I thought it was a bit sad she felt that way
Send her our way lmao id love to play with older ladies. Jo. "
She's not on fab |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Sexy is comfortable in your own skin, some stunning folk in their 60's and some car crashes in their 30's..
Attitude and charisma go a long way "
Yes... |
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"This is sparked by a conversation I've just had with a friend who's approaching 60 and thinking she should adjust the way she dresses. I joked with her about a thong bikini and she said she'd put people off their beer. She's a fabulous, willowy blonde, a regular gym goer and to my mind gorgeous. I thought it was a bit sad she felt that way
Link to profile please
She's not on fab.
It is sad that people feel they are over the hill just because of age.. "
I don't think she feels over the hill as such just that she needs to adjust how she presents herself to the world. I feel that way too sometimes |
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Each to their own is my motto, but I know I make adjustments for my age.
Maybe I'm too cautious, but I'm aware of being 'age appropriate' and I wouldn't wear certain things or have my hair cut as short as I did when I was younger, as I would feel silly.
But it's very much what you feel comfortable with individually rather than there being any hard and fast rules, I think. |
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"age appropriate" clothes ???
what? who gets to decide what is and what isn't???
only thing I try to avoid wearing is other peoples narrow minded judgement on what I put on in the morning or take off at night. |
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"Each to their own is my motto, but I know I make adjustments for my age.
Maybe I'm too cautious, but I'm aware of being 'age appropriate' and I wouldn't wear certain things or have my hair cut as short as I did when I was younger, as I would feel silly.
But it's very much what you feel comfortable with individually rather than there being any hard and fast rules, I think."
I tend to agree with you |
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"So a man and woman in their mid eighties by the pool in Speedo's for him, thong bikini for her?
If they want to why not!
You don't think people would look and make comments?"
I think they would. Do I think they should? No! That’s flat out ageism - “They shouldn’t be in skimpy beach gear because they’re old” |
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"So a man and woman in their mid eighties by the pool in Speedo's for him, thong bikini for her?
If they want to why not!
You don't think people would look and make comments?
I think they would. Do I think they should? No! That’s flat out ageism - “They shouldn’t be in skimpy beach gear because they’re old”"
But it undeniably exists, no matter how much we say it shouldn't |
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By *4bimMan
over a year ago
Farnborough Hampshire |
"This is sparked by a conversation I've just had with a friend who's approaching 60 and thinking she should adjust the way she dresses. I joked with her about a thong bikini and she said she'd put people off their beer. She's a fabulous, willowy blonde, a regular gym goer and to my mind gorgeous. I thought it was a bit sad she felt that way
Link to profile please
She's not on fab."
Ohhh bugger  |
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"So a man and woman in their mid eighties by the pool in Speedo's for him, thong bikini for her?"
A fab look thats quite often seen abroad on the beaches, unfortunately not so much seen here, we are uptight  |
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"Recently there have been a couple of threads about being old or older.
I'm not talking about maturity here that's a different thing altogether.
How do you feel about 'older' whatever your age? Do you think older people should try to conceal signs of aging, cover up a bit, wear 'age appropriate' clothes and hair ? Should older try to look and behave younger or not?
Is age just a number to you?"
I suppose I’m middle aged, now. Cripes!! Where did that come from?!
For a few years my hair has been going grey and face hair is following quickly behind. Luckily I can confidently report no grey pubies.
I’m not usually a fan at all of clichéd sayings like “Age is just a number”, but I do think it’s valid. As society evolves and we all live longer, life’s stages will elongate or occur later. So, if you want to grow old disgracefully - bloody do it! And bollocks to anyone who says otherwise.
I won’t be dying my hair purple and buying a Harley Davidson, but I also won’t be turning slowly beige.
On a few recent occasions I have looked at the skin around my face and pondered the topic of a facelift. Every fibre of my being is fighting it because I’m not vain, but then I think why not?
And I am still properly silly. I refuse to take life seriously because it’s too much fun to joke around and play pranks. I will be doing silly things and telling crap jokes into my nineties. |
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By *eliWoman
over a year ago
. |
Age isn't just a number. I can appreciate the sentiment behind it, agree with it to a certain extent but it's not.
In terms of older people...
I'm going to sod it to diplomacy, might as well type how I feel. I don't think there's a particular way of dressing younger. If you've got the legs for it, wear that miniskirt. Those thigh highs. I mean, choose your occasion yes. But fashion is about doing what makes you happy. Even with hair. Why are fat women and older women told to cut their hair? No. Long grey hair is beautiful.
I think there's a different kind of beauty that comes from a person as they age. They're generally more comfortable with who they are, the experiences of their life leaves little traces on their face. They seem more... content? In themselves. Less trying to please others. I like that.
When people say 'oh I might be 60 but I feel 25'. Or 'oh people always tell me I look at least ten years younger'.
Fuck, no, Sue, please don't.
People look their age. It might be a less battered 60 but you look 60. You might look good, that's not despite your age. Oh yeah - that sort of compliment is crap isn't it?
'You look really good for 60, I'm surprised you've not grown warts and turned green.' That's what they're saying.
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Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would reach the age I now am i.e.83, I wear what I feel comfortable in not what people think I should wear.
I do what I want not what people think I should do at my age.
I am currently seeking to buy a Mazda MX5 roadster and my daughter and son in law are giving me grief about me being too old for that type of car.
In my case how I live in my old age is currently being dictated to by my ongoing health issues, I have good days and bad days but just have to put them to the back of my mind and get on with doing what I want to do.
Still targeting 100 then I will be outside everyone ones Fab age parameters. |
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By *issmorganWoman
over a year ago
Calderdale innit |
It's more than a number in terms of the people I'd meet or go out with if i was single.
However, I do think people can dress how they choose and some older people look fanstastic.I think it can depend on the individual& their style. |
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"So a man and woman in their mid eighties by the pool in Speedo's for him, thong bikini for her?
If they want to why not!
You don't think people would look and make comments?
I think they would. Do I think they should? No! That’s flat out ageism - “They shouldn’t be in skimpy beach gear because they’re old”"
But it undeniably exists, no matter how much we say it shouldn't |
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"Recently there have been a couple of threads about being old or older.
I'm not talking about maturity here that's a different thing altogether.
How do you feel about 'older' whatever your age? Do you think older people should try to conceal signs of aging, cover up a bit, wear 'age appropriate' clothes and hair ? Should older try to look and behave younger or not?
Is age just a number to you?"
Sadly its not just a number is it? Its real? See if your 10 year old dog is as sprightly as your 1 year old dog.
Deal with it how you feel best. If pretending it isnt a real thing helps folk enjoy their lives... Good for them. Equally... If accepting its happening helps... Good for them. |
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"Age isn't just a number. I can appreciate the sentiment behind it, agree with it to a certain extent but it's not.
In terms of older people...
I'm going to sod it to diplomacy, might as well type how I feel. I don't think there's a particular way of dressing younger. If you've got the legs for it, wear that miniskirt. Those thigh highs. I mean, choose your occasion yes. But fashion is about doing what makes you happy. Even with hair. Why are fat women and older women told to cut their hair? No. Long grey hair is beautiful.
I think there's a different kind of beauty that comes from a person as they age. They're generally more comfortable with who they are, the experiences of their life leaves little traces on their face. They seem more... content? In themselves. Less trying to please others. I like that.
When people say 'oh I might be 60 but I feel 25'. Or 'oh people always tell me I look at least ten years younger'.
Fuck, no, Sue, please don't.
People look their age. It might be a less battered 60 but you look 60. You might look good, that's not despite your age. Oh yeah - that sort of compliment is crap isn't it?
'You look really good for 60, I'm surprised you've not grown warts and turned green.' That's what they're saying.
I agree  |
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"Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would reach the age I now am i.e.83, I wear what I feel comfortable in not what people think I should wear.
I do what I want not what people think I should do at my age.
I am currently seeking to buy a Mazda MX5 roadster and my daughter and son in law are giving me grief about me being too old for that type of car.
In my case how I live in my old age is currently being dictated to by my ongoing health issues, I have good days and bad days but just have to put them to the back of my mind and get on with doing what I want to do.
Still targeting 100 then I will be outside everyone ones Fab age parameters. "
Aim high Tarkus! |
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"I am definitely feeling at least my age today lol.
I think I've always prized being comfortable in attire over aesthetics.
I don't think anyone should feel like they need to comply with social conventions, in fact the term itself irritates me.
I just saw a squirrel run into my garden and got excited. I don't know what maturity is but if it's losing that I'm not sold on the concept.
It can be difficult not to comply with social conventions in certain situations though.
Maturity involves being excited by squirrels I think. "
True what is and what ought to be often don't align.
I was an incredibly mature 5 year old then lol |
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"So a man and woman in their mid eighties by the pool in Speedo's for him, thong bikini for her?
If they want to why not!
You don't think people would look and make comments?
I think they would. Do I think they should? No! That’s flat out ageism - “They shouldn’t be in skimpy beach gear because they’re old”"
Of course no-one should criticise anyone else's fashion choices. Personal choice and all that.
But this is where self-regulation comes in for me. I accept that certain things won't look as good on my older body than they might have done when I was younger and adapt - for me, looking like I was trying to hang on to my inner 20yo would be the worst of all worlds.
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"So a man and woman in their mid eighties by the pool in Speedo's for him, thong bikini for her?
If they want to why not!
You don't think people would look and make comments?
I think they would. Do I think they should? No! That’s flat out ageism - “They shouldn’t be in skimpy beach gear because they’re old”
Of course no-one should criticise anyone else's fashion choices. Personal choice and all that.
But this is where self-regulation comes in for me. I accept that certain things won't look as good on my older body than they might have done when I was younger and adapt - for me, looking like I was trying to hang on to my inner 20yo would be the worst of all worlds.
Here's the thing though. Is it trying to hang on to youth or wearing something because you like it? |
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"Recently there have been a couple of threads about being old or older.
I'm not talking about maturity here that's a different thing altogether.
How do you feel about 'older' whatever your age? Do you think older people should try to conceal signs of aging, cover up a bit, wear 'age appropriate' clothes and hair ? Should older try to look and behave younger or not?
Is age just a number to you?"
Age is definitely just a number, and it's down to personal choice but at 38, I do especially feel sorry for younger people who use social media influencers as a litmus test of how they think their lives should be going, what they should look like and what their goals should be in life. I guess it's also ironic to point this out on a social media site of sorts but it really puts pressure on people who think they're not where they should be. I know girls in their early twenties who are using fillers and getting cosmetic treatment done when their skin is at the best it will probably ever be. I wouldn't say anything to them about their choices but if they feel the need to do it at such a young age then how do you then keep up with all of that as you get older? Similarly, where I might not choose to dress like a 20-year old myself, we should wear and style ourselves in a way that makes us feel as confident as we can. If it isn't hurting anyone else then why does it matter? On the whole (though not always) I think men are let off the hook far more easily. A lot of straight women and gay men for example like grey hair on a man, whereas women would be probably judged more on that. |
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"So a man and woman in their mid eighties by the pool in Speedo's for him, thong bikini for her?
If they want to why not!
You don't think people would look and make comments?
I think they would. Do I think they should? No! That’s flat out ageism - “They shouldn’t be in skimpy beach gear because they’re old”
Of course no-one should criticise anyone else's fashion choices. Personal choice and all that.
But this is where self-regulation comes in for me. I accept that certain things won't look as good on my older body than they might have done when I was younger and adapt - for me, looking like I was trying to hang on to my inner 20yo would be the worst of all worlds.
Here's the thing though. Is it trying to hang on to youth or wearing something because you like it?"
True. I guess only the person would know, and no-one should feel pressured into *not* wearing something!!
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"This is sparked by a conversation I've just had with a friend who's approaching 60 and thinking she should adjust the way she dresses. I joked with her about a thong bikini and she said she'd put people off their beer. She's a fabulous, willowy blonde, a regular gym goer and to my mind gorgeous. I thought it was a bit sad she felt that way
Link to profile please
She's not on fab.
It is sad that people feel they are over the hill just because of age..
I don't think she feels over the hill as such just that she needs to adjust how she presents herself to the world. I feel that way too sometimes "
But should we conform to what society dictates, just based on age and not on other factors... Reading what you say about your friend, she has nothing to worry about and shouldn't conform to type, looking at your profile, neither should you
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"This is sparked by a conversation I've just had with a friend who's approaching 60 and thinking she should adjust the way she dresses. I joked with her about a thong bikini and she said she'd put people off their beer. She's a fabulous, willowy blonde, a regular gym goer and to my mind gorgeous. I thought it was a bit sad she felt that way
Link to profile please
She's not on fab.
It is sad that people feel they are over the hill just because of age..
I don't think she feels over the hill as such just that she needs to adjust how she presents herself to the world. I feel that way too sometimes
But should we conform to what society dictates, just based on age and not on other factors... Reading what you say about your friend, she has nothing to worry about and shouldn't conform to type, looking at your profile, neither should you
We conform to society's dictates on so many things some of which are actually useful. It's quite difficult to be the only person looking or behaving a certain way when you know other people are looking askance |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"So a man and woman in their mid eighties by the pool in Speedo's for him, thong bikini for her?
If they want to why not!
You don't think people would look and make comments?"
That's the people making the comments problem and judgement ... tbh I doubt the people on their 80s would care |
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Interesting. My mum is 78 and still wears skinny jeans and pretty little sundresses and looks good in them.
I've been dying my hair since I was 12 and for the first time in I'm growing my hair out to its natural colour. I have very little grey coming through and want to see what I look like natural. I may go back to dying it again.
But do what you like it's none else's business |
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Hmm it's only recently I've started to feel and look older I think. I have two white go faster stripes above each ear. Which I've decided to live with, instead of reaching for the hair dye. But the biggest thing is I've started a new dance class where the majority of the class are under 30. And it's a kind of sexy one, so think fishnets, kinckers and bra etc. And though everyone is supportive, the amount of comments I get about how brave I am etc. I'm only prancing about in heels and underwear. Dread to think what they'd think of some of the photos I post on here  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I turn 6O this year and am not going to be dressing differently. There's no need to start wearing crimplene Norah Batty tights and old lady bloomers, until one goes into the nursing home xx |
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"I turn 6O this year and am not going to be dressing differently. There's no need to start wearing crimplene Norah Batty tights and old lady bloomers, until one goes into the nursing home xx"
Why not? Pwoarr!  |
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"So a man and woman in their mid eighties by the pool in Speedo's for him, thong bikini for her?
If they want to why not!
You don't think people would look and make comments?
That's the people making the comments problem and judgement ... tbh I doubt the people on their 80s would care "
That's interesting that you doubt people in their 80s would care. People often say that you care less for others opinions as you get older but I think it takes a very strong stomach to completely disregard them. |
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