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Work hard and pay taxes

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

What is your take on our culture of riding a free ride :-/ don't want to sound anti-social, I know there are real deserving people out there but it annoys me when you see people on benefits, with a gazillion kids all misbehaved and neglected (and falsely diagnosed as ADHD or some other fancy hyperactivity syndrome), enjoying an almost normal life all catered for.

I pay my bills my taxes and have to spend very wisely to make ends meet and I know if I can't work for xyz reasons I don't get paid :-/ thou my bills still keep coming......

Another thought, how do all these guys manage to smoke 30 odd fags a day and drink gallons of alcohol??????

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

And pay for cable telly, Internet and premium swinging club memberships???

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By *hole Lotta RosieWoman  over a year ago

Deviant City

how do you know kids are falsely diagnosed with ADHD?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Pretty obvious.... Did you ever see kids a few years back diagnosed with all this new stuff???

Recently got to know, if a kid is hyperactive and attention deficits - they are classified as difficult and parents would be eligible for some EXTRA cash to help fetching up those kids.... So if you add one plus one you get two, greedy parents push to get kids diagnosed :- I know I am probably making allegations but unfortunately it makes sense....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Pretty obvious.... Did you ever see kids a few years back diagnosed with all this new stuff???

Recently got to know, if a kid is hyperactive and attention deficits - they are classified as difficult and parents would be eligible for some EXTRA cash to help fetching up those kids.... So if you add one plus one you get two, greedy parents push to get kids diagnosed :- I know I am probably making allegations but unfortunately it makes sense....


I agree with you. Where I think they may be some exceptional cases of kids with ADHD I think there are lots more diagnosed with it who don't have it. As with any system of governance there will always be abuse of that system, but the reality is that many of kids simply lack discipline in their lives.

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By *hole Lotta RosieWoman  over a year ago

Deviant City

Its not easy getting a diagnosis of ADHD, so think your just going off assumptions.

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By *iggamanMan  over a year ago


"Its not easy getting a diagnosis of ADHD, so think your just going off assumptions."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Diagnosis? "Him" was diagnosed twice and confirmed once with a condition that is genetic and once you get it it does not go away. WRONG it went away for over 45 years..now its been back for seven years (they have no idea most times)and does he get any help from the benefit system NO! "Him" worked since 1964, paid Tax's,Served his country until 2008....Now he see's the way forward to survive in this country is to NOT get married and be a single parent, your fags,booze, mobile phones(for each of the family)laptops or computers along with playstations, so they do not feel left out a car is thrown in for the school run. The other option is not to be resident in this country, not speak English and get a free ride on Eurostar or in the comfort of a juggernaught on a ferry.

'This country needs you' we only need scroungers not workers here because you can vote.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What is your take on our culture of riding a free ride :-/ don't want to sound anti-social, I know there are real deserving people out there but it annoys me when you see people on benefits, with a gazillion kids all misbehaved and neglected (and falsely diagnosed as ADHD or some other fancy hyperactivity syndrome), enjoying an almost normal life all catered for.

I pay my bills my taxes and have to spend very wisely to make ends meet and I know if I can't work for xyz reasons I don't get paid :-/ thou my bills still keep coming......

Another thought, how do all these guys manage to smoke 30 odd fags a day and drink gallons of alcohol?????? "

Merry Christmas!

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By *iganflirtMan  over a year ago


Im with you on this scrooge!

Adhd my bloody arse most of these kids are just bloody naughty through poor parenting. And you and i have to work extra hard to support there parents lifestyle. Makes my blood boil!


i expect backlash for this post

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By *edbagioMan  over a year ago


welcome to England 2012 as it has been for the past 20 years.

could rant on but now isn't the time

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I expect backlash from this"

'Not from us'. Bring some reality back to life and if you cannot afford it go without kids are todays economy which is so sad. Its because politicians are younger and have kids themselves

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Im with you on this scrooge!

Adhd my bloody arse most of these kids are just bloody naughty through poor parenting. And you and i have to work extra hard to support there parents lifestyle. Makes my blood boil!


i expect backlash for this post


I agree wholeheartedly, no such thing and what's annoying is hard working tax payers pay for a taxi to take these kids to school yet some parents have a car!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Pretty obvious.... Did you ever see kids a few years back diagnosed with all this new stuff???

Recently got to know, if a kid is hyperactive and attention deficits - they are classified as difficult and parents would be eligible for some EXTRA cash to help fetching up those kids.... So if you add one plus one you get two, greedy parents push to get kids diagnosed :- I know I am probably making allegations but unfortunately it makes sense....

I agree with you. Where I think they may be some exceptional cases of kids with ADHD I think there are lots more diagnosed with it who don't have it. As with any system of governance there will always be abuse of that system, but the reality is that many of kids simply lack discipline in their lives."

Absolutely, when a child swears in front of an adult, I expect the parent to tell them off but they do nothing other than let him. I have poor attention skills, does that mean I have ADHD? Did my parents claim benefits? No they didn't because in those days, it didn't exist, I happened to have little patience nothing more

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Generally, the people that do need the benefits don't get them. The scroungers that make up conditions/ pop kids out just for the money/ screw the system get it all. Makes me sick.

And I don't mean genuine people that can't find work, and/ or are disabled. They are the people that usually can't get the benefits because the scroungers already nabbed it all.

The system is a farce.

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By *athnBobCouple  over a year ago


The most irritating to us is that in the past 2 years I have received 0% payrise and if I am lucky may get 1% rise next April. People on benefits have received 4-5% increases (although tbf I understand that trend has now been stopped)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

There are lots of people who do need benefits and I don't begrudge them one little bit.

The only time I ever got a bee in my bonnet was when I was seeing this guy.. he started seeing another girl, she worked loads of hours illegally, never paid any tax and his bathroom was full of HUGE bottles of her 'Clinique' toiletries, while I had a those tiddly versions of the same thing... lol! to say I was pissed of would be an understatement!

He married her and made her legal though so I'm over that

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Pisses me off mor so e as I am actually working till Christmas Eve and immediately after because we don't shut down.... Where as our dear benefit thieves are having a laugh! Grrrrr

And do say again I have nothing against people who honestly can't find work of have a disability..... But mind to actually find job one has to look ( sonetimes very very hard) for one. But enough jobs are out there for the willing....

I think there has to be a tougher system, where regular checks are made... and to be brutally harsh - child benefit should probably be only for the first if at all :-/ this would discourage baby pooping and leave parents with more time to teach their kid some manners!

Wasn't this world supposed to end on the 21st, thought our problems would vanish in time.... Humm prolly not, joys!!

Merry Christmas Everyone )) x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The world is full of inequalities and unjusts.

If I let them get to me, I would end up being very bitter and twisted.

I shall mind my own business, and live my life with a clear conscience that I am not a sponger.

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By *ucky_LadsCouple (MM)  over a year ago

Kidderminster+ surrounding areas.

"Diagnosis? "Him" was diagnosed twice and confirmed once with a condition that is genetic and once you get it it does not go away. WRONG it went away for over 45 years..now its been back for seven years (they have no idea most times)and does he get any help from the benefit system NO! "Him" worked since 1964, paid Tax's,Served his country until 2008....Now he see's the way forward to survive in this country is to NOT get married and be a single parent, your fags,booze, mobile phones(for each of the family)laptops or computers along with playstations, so they do not feel left out a car is thrown in for the school run. The other option is not to be resident in this country, not speak English and get a free ride on Eurostar or in the comfort of a juggernaught on a ferry.

'This country needs you' we only need scroungers not workers here because you can vote."

yep!, labour _iewed all these as possible future voters so just opened the floodgates!,but just 2 wweks ago leader ed millinband said ,"you were right,we were wrong!",was this a thinly veiled admission that the BNP were right in their preditions that labour wee ruining the country?.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The benefit system was introduced for a purpose and that purpose was to take monies from the work force to fund many situations such as pensions, NHS, unemployment, sickness etc.Over the years this has been amended, diluted and we are now at that stage that if for some reason you require any of the benefits you contribute to you need to meet the following criteria, Not contributed, never worked, single(never married parent, non UK national, non english speaker the list goes on.

You are however your needs not entitled if you have made any contributions to the system do not waste time filling in the exhaustive paperwork it will do you no good.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

""I expect backlash from this"

'Not from us'. Bring some reality back to life and if you cannot afford it go without kids are todays economy which is so sad. Its because politicians are younger and have kids themselves"

Why would you expect a backlash? You are entitled to your opinion which is why you live in the most tolerant country in the world. A few facts may ease your slightly one eyed _iew.

Currently (12/12/12) there are 2.51m adults out of work or 7.8% or the working age population. There are 1.58m receiving Job seekers allowance (those considered able to commence work within two weeks) Over 1m of those recieving JSA are between 16 and 24. The UK population is circa 62m. So if you analyse those figures you would deduce that we have about 0.00095% of the population above the age of 24 that claim "other social benefits" There were 960,000 recorded vacancies in November 2012 so we will some people who cannot work due to illness or disability and some who cannot because there are not enough jobs at the moment.

Its very easy to identify those who do not work as lazy but for 90% of those who are out of work there are valid reasons. As for children and conditions such as ADHD or Aspergers we are talking about 0.00001% of the school age population who may have one of these conditions. My point is that the healthy, strong and able should help and assit and not read the Sun or daily mail as its very easy to take a popualist _iew and round on those less fortunate. All figures are from the ONS website!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

On a happier note I would commend the Sullivan family from Rochester,Kent who have 12 children. The parents both work full time, have a web site and accept their responsibilty which is what many in this country need to do.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A lot of the UK's problem can be summed up by "DIET & DISCIPLINE" of which there is very very little if any.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A lot of the UK's problem can be summed up by "DIET & DISCIPLINE" of which there is very very little if any."
and National Service no doubt!

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

Gotta love the medical experts that frequent this site..

some folk have more chips on their shoulders than a tree surgeon ffs..

yes the system is not perfect..

yes people take the piss..

that has allways happened across the spectrum..

this must be the only gathering of holier than thou ranters where no one has ever...

topped up the expenses..

done or had a cash job done for them..

the amount of unpaid tax by people or corporations is massive..

the amount of wastage in capital projects by all governments is huge..

chuck in wars illegal or otherwise..

paying compo to innocent people we the state kidnapped and tortured..

got to love the irony of people maybe sitting with a skinny latte or whatever bollocks they serve in 'Starbucks', 'Googling' away and glancing at the Telegraph or the daily hell and ranting about asylum seekers and scroungers..

the bigger picture is'nt pretty, decades of failed PFI which our kids will all have to pay for whatever our political beliefs..

we are all being shafted by who ever is in 'power'..

thats the real issue, but its easier to pick on someone with an illness..


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By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire

"was this a thinly veiled admission that the BNP were right in their preditions that labour wee ruining the country?."

think he was reffering to UKIP or the immigration watch lot..

he never mentioned that bunch of fascist bullyboys you mention..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

National Service served a purpose, how many in this country would fight for this country if it was required?

It is the real diasbled and sick that are carrying the brunt of the Austerity measures and they are far from getting this country back on its feet, when MP's reduce their expenses because of the country's financial burden then many might just believe the country does have a problem.

My income leaves me paying £8.80 per month in Tax and the rest is to live on...what's the Personal Allowance these days?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Really do not often post in here because of rants. Let us get some things straight neither Labour nor Liberals not Tories run Britain - the country is run by "civil" servants who care first for themselves then for their "friends" in power then for the country.

They do not care about who gets what, where which benefit goes where and why some one gets a benefit. After 25 years "service" they retire to a nice pension for "nothing".

The real world is "People work hard, pay taxes, try and live a normal life" however it is the civil servants where ever either in Councils or government who dish out what happens. If they are "caught" doing it wrong they are either transferred to a different department or pensioned off to return 6 months later as advisers with a big "tax free" payment.

Benefits should be for all but controlled not to be used to buy booze but to buy food for the kids, clothes and heating... Do not grudge a drink in a while but when you see them drinking top brand booze on benefits it is sickening for the hard working classes may this be middle or whatever class does not matter... Rant over and Happy Christmas and more luck for next year for all

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Really do not often post in here because of rants. Let us get some things straight neither Labour nor Liberals not Tories run Britain - the country is run by "civil" servants who care first for themselves then for their "friends" in power then for the country.

They do not care about who gets what, where which benefit goes where and why some one gets a benefit. After 25 years "service" they retire to a nice pension for "nothing".

The real world is "People work hard, pay taxes, try and live a normal life" however it is the civil servants where ever either in Councils or government who dish out what happens. If they are "caught" doing it wrong they are either transferred to a different department or pensioned off to return 6 months later as advisers with a big "tax free" payment.

Benefits should be for all but controlled not to be used to buy booze but to buy food for the kids, clothes and heating... Do not grudge a drink in a while but when you see them drinking top brand booze on benefits it is sickening for the hard working classes may this be middle or whatever class does not matter... Rant over and Happy Christmas and more luck for next year for all "

and you dont post because of the rants?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Really do not often post in here because of rants. Let us get some things straight neither Labour nor Liberals not Tories run Britain - the country is run by "civil" servants who care first for themselves then for their "friends" in power then for the country.

They do not care about who gets what, where which benefit goes where and why some one gets a benefit. After 25 years "service" they retire to a nice pension for "nothing".

The real world is "People work hard, pay taxes, try and live a normal life" however it is the civil servants where ever either in Councils or government who dish out what happens. If they are "caught" doing it wrong they are either transferred to a different department or pensioned off to return 6 months later as advisers with a big "tax free" payment.

Benefits should be for all but controlled not to be used to buy booze but to buy food for the kids, clothes and heating... Do not grudge a drink in a while but when you see them drinking top brand booze on benefits it is sickening for the hard working classes may this be middle or whatever class does not matter... Rant over and Happy Christmas and more luck for next year for all

Nicely written but you forgot the TAXI's to and from or the big Merc!

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By *ittle_brat_evie!!Woman  over a year ago


Should we really be able to dictate how someone uses their money?

Don't get me wrong, it winds ne up to hear people pleading poverty yet they have a better tv than me, all the ames consoles under the sun etc but I don't know that it is feasible to monitor what someone spends their money on if receiving benefits.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Pretty obvious.... Did you ever see kids a few years back diagnosed with all this new stuff???

Recently got to know, if a kid is hyperactive and attention deficits - they are classified as difficult and parents would be eligible for some EXTRA cash to help fetching up those kids.... So if you add one plus one you get two, greedy parents push to get kids diagnosed :- I know I am probably making allegations but unfortunately it makes sense....


My son has been diagnosed as bi polar I am working all the hours god sends thanks for saying I'm a d*unken scrounging bum

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Pretty obvious.... Did you ever see kids a few years back diagnosed with all this new stuff???

Recently got to know, if a kid is hyperactive and attention deficits - they are classified as difficult and parents would be eligible for some EXTRA cash to help fetching up those kids.... So if you add one plus one you get two, greedy parents push to get kids diagnosed :- I know I am probably making allegations but unfortunately it makes sense....

My son has been diagnosed as bi polar I am working all the hours god sends thanks for saying I'm a d*unken scrounging bum "

Forgot to add he is A D H D so thank u for your very kind words oh and he is on medication for the rest of his life. The tantrums coz he didn't think he would get his bike licence. The walls that need repairing at my exs house where he has lost his temper but hey go he is not ill we are scroungers of the highest order coz he gets D L A

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What is your take on our culture of riding a free ride :-/ don't want to sound anti-social, I know there are real deserving people out there but it annoys me when you see people on benefits, with a gazillion kids all misbehaved and neglected (and falsely diagnosed as ADHD or some other fancy hyperactivity syndrome), enjoying an almost normal life all catered for.

I pay my bills my taxes and have to spend very wisely to make ends meet and I know if I can't work for xyz reasons I don't get paid :-/ thou my bills still keep coming......

Another thought, how do all these guys manage to smoke 30 odd fags a day and drink gallons of alcohol?????? "

I totally agree with you, I've never claimed a penny I'm benefits all of my adult life. There are too many people out there who just don't want to work!

I work very hard & pay my taxes.... it really winds me up when there are so many people screwing the system!

I suppose we can blame the government for this for making it so easy to claim benefits.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Plus I must be a bad parent coz he is I'll and has been on medication sinse he was 2 years old for epilepsy

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Pretty obvious.... Did you ever see kids a few years back diagnosed with all this new stuff???

Recently got to know, if a kid is hyperactive and attention deficits - they are classified as difficult and parents would be eligible for some EXTRA cash to help fetching up those kids.... So if you add one plus one you get two, greedy parents push to get kids diagnosed :- I know I am probably making allegations but unfortunately it makes sense....

My son has been diagnosed as bi polar I am working all the hours god sends thanks for saying I'm a d*unken scrounging bum

Forgot to add he is A D H D so thank u for your very kind words oh and he is on medication for the rest of his life. The tantrums coz he didn't think he would get his bike licence. The walls that need repairing at my exs house where he has lost his temper but hey go he is not ill we are scroungers of the highest order coz he gets D L A "

I am a class 1 hgv driver so drinking in my job is a serious no no

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By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

""I expect backlash from this"

'Not from us'. Bring some reality back to life and if you cannot afford it go without kids are todays economy which is so sad. Its because politicians are younger and have kids themselves Why would you expect a backlash? You are entitled to your opinion which is why you live in the most tolerant country in the world. A few facts may ease your slightly one eyed _iew.

Currently (12/12/12) there are 2.51m adults out of work or 7.8% or the working age population. There are 1.58m receiving Job seekers allowance (those considered able to commence work within two weeks) Over 1m of those recieving JSA are between 16 and 24. The UK population is circa 62m. So if you analyse those figures you would deduce that we have about 0.00095% of the population above the age of 24 that claim "other social benefits" There were 960,000 recorded vacancies in November 2012 so we will some people who cannot work due to illness or disability and some who cannot because there are not enough jobs at the moment.

Its very easy to identify those who do not work as lazy but for 90% of those who are out of work there are valid reasons. As for children and conditions such as ADHD or Aspergers we are talking about 0.00001% of the school age population who may have one of these conditions. My point is that the healthy, strong and able should help and assit and not read the Sun or daily mail as its very easy to take a popualist _iew and round on those less fortunate. All figures are from the ONS website!"

Thank God for someone who had researched and come up with figures I was just going to post similar myself. I'm all for people expressing their opinions but don't go stating lazy thinking as fact it does a disservice to us all.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Should we really be able to dictate how someone uses their money?"

Is it about how it is spent or how it was obtained.

If you earn it who can tell you how to spend it....No one

Handed on a plate then listen to those who put this money on a plate for you....

Pride and self esteem do not keep you in the manner you expect, thats non taxable and personal

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

""I expect backlash from this"

'Not from us'. Bring some reality back to life and if you cannot afford it go without kids are todays economy which is so sad. Its because politicians are younger and have kids themselves Why would you expect a backlash? You are entitled to your opinion which is why you live in the most tolerant country in the world. A few facts may ease your slightly one eyed _iew.

Currently (12/12/12) there are 2.51m adults out of work or 7.8% or the working age population. There are 1.58m receiving Job seekers allowance (those considered able to commence work within two weeks) Over 1m of those recieving JSA are between 16 and 24. The UK population is circa 62m. So if you analyse those figures you would deduce that we have about 0.00095% of the population above the age of 24 that claim "other social benefits" There were 960,000 recorded vacancies in November 2012 so we will some people who cannot work due to illness or disability and some who cannot because there are not enough jobs at the moment.

Its very easy to identify those who do not work as lazy but for 90% of those who are out of work there are valid reasons. As for children and conditions such as ADHD or Aspergers we are talking about 0.00001% of the school age population who may have one of these conditions. My point is that the healthy, strong and able should help and assit and not read the Sun or daily mail as its very easy to take a popualist _iew and round on those less fortunate. All figures are from the ONS website!

Thank God for someone who had researched and come up with figures I was just going to post similar myself. I'm all for people expressing their opinions but don't go stating lazy thinking as fact it does a disservice to us all. I was merely trying to show that its the minority ( a small one at that) who abuse the system. For everyone peron who tales the mickey there are tens of thousands who do not. People like to attac blame and those less fortunate in society have no real voice so its easy to blame them! The real villans are those who fuelled the atomic reactor of the boom; the politicans and institutions that gambled on the future and we lost!


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By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

""I expect backlash from this"

'Not from us'. Bring some reality back to life and if you cannot afford it go without kids are todays economy which is so sad. Its because politicians are younger and have kids themselves Why would you expect a backlash? You are entitled to your opinion which is why you live in the most tolerant country in the world. A few facts may ease your slightly one eyed _iew.

Currently (12/12/12) there are 2.51m adults out of work or 7.8% or the working age population. There are 1.58m receiving Job seekers allowance (those considered able to commence work within two weeks) Over 1m of those recieving JSA are between 16 and 24. The UK population is circa 62m. So if you analyse those figures you would deduce that we have about 0.00095% of the population above the age of 24 that claim "other social benefits" There were 960,000 recorded vacancies in November 2012 so we will some people who cannot work due to illness or disability and some who cannot because there are not enough jobs at the moment.

Its very easy to identify those who do not work as lazy but for 90% of those who are out of work there are valid reasons. As for children and conditions such as ADHD or Aspergers we are talking about 0.00001% of the school age population who may have one of these conditions. My point is that the healthy, strong and able should help and assit and not read the Sun or daily mail as its very easy to take a popualist _iew and round on those less fortunate. All figures are from the ONS website!

Thank God for someone who had researched and come up with figures I was just going to post similar myself. I'm all for people expressing their opinions but don't go stating lazy thinking as fact it does a disservice to us all. I was merely trying to show that its the minority ( a small one at that) who abuse the system. For everyone peron who tales the mickey there are tens of thousands who do not. People like to attac blame and those less fortunate in society have no real voice so its easy to blame them! The real villans are those who fuelled the atomic reactor of the boom; the politicans and institutions that gambled on the future and we lost!


And I was agreeing with you!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sorry this thread got my blood boiling and I protect my family all the way and even though I don't get on with my ex wife in any way I have a duty of care to my children. The op does not know me or my family but has passed judgement on me.

I am proud of my boys they have had a tough time and still going throu so much.

All I will say is put a bit more thought into what you say before you say it as this thread is down right insulting to me.

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By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

I also know people who are self emolyed and employ very good accountants, they pay little in the way of taxes themselves, claim working tax credit, send their children to private school and buy a new car with cash every year, delight in boasting that they pay their staff minimum wage because "the government will make up the shortfall". I only know of this one example so I don't know how widespread it is but "benefit scroungers" come in all guises.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

""I expect backlash from this"

'Not from us'. Bring some reality back to life and if you cannot afford it go without kids are todays economy which is so sad. Its because politicians are younger and have kids themselves Why would you expect a backlash? You are entitled to your opinion which is why you live in the most tolerant country in the world. A few facts may ease your slightly one eyed _iew.

Currently (12/12/12) there are 2.51m adults out of work or 7.8% or the working age population. There are 1.58m receiving Job seekers allowance (those considered able to commence work within two weeks) Over 1m of those recieving JSA are between 16 and 24. The UK population is circa 62m. So if you analyse those figures you would deduce that we have about 0.00095% of the population above the age of 24 that claim "other social benefits" There were 960,000 recorded vacancies in November 2012 so we will some people who cannot work due to illness or disability and some who cannot because there are not enough jobs at the moment.

Its very easy to identify those who do not work as lazy but for 90% of those who are out of work there are valid reasons. As for children and conditions such as ADHD or Aspergers we are talking about 0.00001% of the school age population who may have one of these conditions. My point is that the healthy, strong and able should help and assit and not read the Sun or daily mail as its very easy to take a popualist _iew and round on those less fortunate. All figures are from the ONS website!

Thank God for someone who had researched and come up with figures I was just going to post similar myself. I'm all for people expressing their opinions but don't go stating lazy thinking as fact it does a disservice to us all. I was merely trying to show that its the minority ( a small one at that) who abuse the system. For everyone peron who tales the mickey there are tens of thousands who do not. People like to attac blame and those less fortunate in society have no real voice so its easy to blame them! The real villans are those who fuelled the atomic reactor of the boom; the politicans and institutions that gambled on the future and we lost!

And I was agreeing with you! "

I know.............and you are fit!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

ADHD, Aspergers, autism, and many other mental health illnesses have very indistinct boundary lines. As the old saying goes "ask 5 doctors for a diagnosis and you'll get 10 answers". Funnily enough, the conditions are generally diagnosed by experts with limited qualifications who are paid very well to diagnose and treat.

Having said that, there are, of course, many genuine sufferers.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"Sorry this thread got my blood boiling and I protect my family all the way and even though I don't get on with my ex wife in any way I have a duty of care to my children. The op does not know me or my family but has passed judgement on me.

I am proud of my boys they have had a tough time and still going throu so much.

All I will say is put a bit more thought into what you say before you say it as this thread is down right insulting to me. "

I agree. Lots of us don't think this way Vanguard and actually look at a situation before passing judgement wholesale. Good luck to you and yoru family

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Thank God for someone who had researched and come up with figures I was just going to post similar myself."

I have stated previously that "Him

" has a health issue that is restrictive in day-to-day life, research in this field indicates one in ten has similar conditions but in reality how many do you know???

The research only supports what the paymaster wants to reveal so do not go by research there are far to many experts these days and few real people.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

""I expect backlash from this"

'Not from us'. Bring some reality back to life and if you cannot afford it go without kids are todays economy which is so sad. Its because politicians are younger and have kids themselves Why would you expect a backlash? You are entitled to your opinion which is why you live in the most tolerant country in the world. A few facts may ease your slightly one eyed _iew.

Currently (12/12/12) there are 2.51m adults out of work or 7.8% or the working age population. There are 1.58m receiving Job seekers allowance (those considered able to commence work within two weeks) Over 1m of those recieving JSA are between 16 and 24. The UK population is circa 62m. So if you analyse those figures you would deduce that we have about 0.00095% of the population above the age of 24 that claim "other social benefits" There were 960,000 recorded vacancies in November 2012 so we will some people who cannot work due to illness or disability and some who cannot because there are not enough jobs at the moment.

Its very easy to identify those who do not work as lazy but for 90% of those who are out of work there are valid reasons. As for children and conditions such as ADHD or Aspergers we are talking about 0.00001% of the school age population who may have one of these conditions. My point is that the healthy, strong and able should help and assit and not read the Sun or daily mail as its very easy to take a popualist _iew and round on those less fortunate. All figures are from the ONS website!

Thank God for someone who had researched and come up with figures I was just going to post similar myself. I'm all for people expressing their opinions but don't go stating lazy thinking as fact it does a disservice to us all. I was merely trying to show that its the minority ( a small one at that) who abuse the system. For everyone peron who tales the mickey there are tens of thousands who do not. People like to attac blame and those less fortunate in society have no real voice so its easy to blame them! The real villans are those who fuelled the atomic reactor of the boom; the politicans and institutions that gambled on the future and we lost!

And I was agreeing with you! I know.............and you are fit!!!"

lol! Why thank you kind sir

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

""Thank God for someone who had researched and come up with figures I was just going to post similar myself."

I have stated previously that "Him

" has a health issue that is restrictive in day-to-day life, research in this field indicates one in ten has similar conditions but in reality how many do you know???

The research only supports what the paymaster wants to reveal so do not go by research there are far to many experts these days and few real people."

Ok, would you like to show me your research? I'd be fascinated to see it.

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By *oulou45Woman  over a year ago


I know a guy in his 50,s my guess is he has ADHD. I know others with it so its not fair to judge. I work and pay my taxes in fact I work a hell of a lot. I get annoyed as I know some that should be workin but won't. Others I won't judge ,I don't know anything about their lives circumstances etc.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Not always that easy though is it!

My eldest is disabled, looks totally normal but academic level of a 6 year old and he's 13. Recently got diagnosed with ADHD, started meds and suffering very un pleasent side effects.

Nothing to do with parenting as he brother is bright, doing well, well behaved etc. Yes I get 'hand outs' but still have to work full time and still in debt. So maybe next time I'm being battered I'll remember how lucky I am!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Quote"ADHD, Aspergers, autism, and many other mental health illnesses have very indistinct boundary lines. As the old saying goes "ask 5 doctors for a diagnosis and you'll get 10 answers". Funnily enough, the conditions are generally diagnosed by experts with limited qualifications who are paid very well to diagnose and treat.

Having said that, there are, of course, many genuine sufferers.

As research is the growing industry with so many experts why is the diet, discipline and way of life not taken as a contributor? Wheat the basic staple ingredient, guilty or not guilty???

For me guilty.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm 29 yo ADHD, don't claim, never have, worked since I was 15, never took meds either, work 60 hours a work.

Way to go with your generalizations OP

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"Not always that easy though is it!

My eldest is disabled, looks totally normal but academic level of a 6 year old and he's 13. Recently got diagnosed with ADHD, started meds and suffering very un pleasent side effects.

Nothing to do with parenting as he brother is bright, doing well, well behaved etc. Yes I get 'hand outs' but still have to work full time and still in debt. So maybe next time I'm being battered I'll remember how lucky I am! "

Please don't take all these ill informed comments to heart there are lots of us who understand and know that it isn't your fault

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Not always that easy though is it!

My eldest is disabled, looks totally normal but academic level of a 6 year old and he's 13. Recently got diagnosed with ADHD, started meds and suffering very un pleasent side effects.

Nothing to do with parenting as he brother is bright, doing well, well behaved etc. Yes I get 'hand outs' but still have to work full time and still in debt. So maybe next time I'm being battered I'll remember how lucky I am! "

I forgot how lucky I am for having a child with disability xxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sorry if that was a rant! Had a bad week.

Try imagining being a 13 year old with no friend's, no social outlet. Being bullied on facebook. Having to go to school miles away from home. Not liking your own behaviour but having compulsions you can't stop, feeling like home is a prison.

Why would any parent make that up for money. And yes I'm being slightly ironic because I know some do but not all off us. I use his DLA to have a day off, 80% of which are used for his hospital type appointments. And if they do stop DLA next year my family will be in crisis, as will others!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A dividing line between bad parents, of which there are many and the children/adults who because of this textbook society we live-in do not get the support that they deserve because of the sick sad people using the system for profit and not having to work. Who are the winners not the genuine sick, the needy but the system workers and we all know at least one!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I don't know about children being diagnosed with ADHD incorrectly but a lot of bad behaviour comes from poor parenting.

The thing that irritates me the most is the number of small children in pubs while there parents are drinking all afternoon.

I don't begrudge people their benefits if in genuine need. I do agree that some people with disabilities or mental health issues could actually work and don't because they can claim benefits.

But as with all of this I can hold my head high and know that I work and everything I have and everything my children have was paid for by us

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Pretty obvious.... Did you ever see kids a few years back diagnosed with all this new stuff???


I suppose before rickets was defined in the 17C kids were just bow legged shirkers.

New stuff? Or just recently defined?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"I don't know about children being diagnosed with ADHD incorrectly but a lot of bad behaviour comes from poor parenting.

The thing that irritates me the most is the number of small children in pubs while there parents are drinking all afternoon.

I don't begrudge people their benefits if in genuine need. I do agree that some people with disabilities or mental health issues could actually work and don't because they can claim benefits.

But as with all of this I can hold my head high and know that I work and everything I have and everything my children have was paid for by us "

So all badly behaved children have parents who claim benefits fraudulently?

And you've never claimed your.child benefit?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

By surreysensual Couple (MF) 1 hour ago


Gotta love the medical experts that frequent this site..

Is there a medical expert on or off this site, that can justify in this day and age why single parents have children or do they not practice contraception and the same applies to STI,s. Prehaps it is just a case that they really can not be bothered as they know we will all pick up their bills.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The world is full of inequalities and unjusts.

If I let them get to me, I would end up being very bitter and twisted.

I shall mind my own business, and live my life with a clear conscience that I am not a sponger.


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By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex


By surreysensual Couple (MF) 1 hour ago


Gotta love the medical experts that frequent this site..

Is there a medical expert on or off this site, that can justify in this day and age why single parents have children or do they not practice contraception and the same applies to STI,s. Prehaps it is just a case that they really can not be bothered as they know we will all pick up their bills."

With the greatest respect you really do.need to start backing these statements up with hard evidence.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Pretty obvious.... Did you ever see kids a few years back diagnosed with all this new stuff???

I suppose before rickets was defined in the 17C kids were just bow legged shirkers.

New stuff? Or just recently defined?"

In 1912 the last "Lunatic Assylum" was renamed as Theraputic Hospital. The majority of patients in the hospital at that time were women most of whom had post natal depression which was treated with a daily regime of cold baths and injections of eucalyptus oil as it was thought they needed to pull themselves together with shock treatment..............The is an explanation for most human behaviour or consitions that appear to make people behave differently. Its very easy to judge and round on those who need additional help and support. One further case that springs to mind. That is the man in south Wales who entered the BBC radio 4 "Challenge" week. His challemge was to get on a bus and go into town, Not much of a challenge I hear you cry? This guy had a severe case of agrophobia and had not left his house for 7 years..............scounger? lazy? cheat? No someone with a condition that caused him to have a nervous breakdown. We need to look at the person not their status ........

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Is there a medical expert on or off this site, that can justify in this day and age why single parents have children or do they not practice contraception and the same applies to STI,s. Prehaps it is just a case that they really can not be bothered as they know we will all pick up their bills."

Probably not. But then it's not a medical issue is it?

Why are people always demanding justification for the way others choose to live their lives?

It's none of my business what others do

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"The most irritating to us is that in the past 2 years I have received 0% payrise and if I am lucky may get 1% rise next April. People on benefits have received 4-5% increases (although tbf I understand that trend has now been stopped) "

actually... as someone who works in the civil service... I can tell you that all benefits have gone up in line with inflation (which was hanging around the 4ish % mark) with the exception of one.... the state pension........

if you want to be thankful...your single persons tax allowance has actually gone up a lot more than inflation in the last few years as well.......

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By *rightonsteveMan  over a year ago

Brighton - even Hove!

Maybe the increase in ADHD diagnoses is because more children actually have it. Maybe there were children with it years ago but it was not diagnosed and those children were labelled 'naughty'. Autism has always been around, just not diagnosed as such. Some people think Mozart was on the ASC spectrum. Bad parenting is not a cause of ADHD it just doesn't help manage it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Sorry this thread got my blood boiling and I protect my family all the way and even though I don't get on with my ex wife in any way I have a duty of care to my children. The op does not know me or my family but has passed judgement on me.

I am proud of my boys they have had a tough time and still going throu so much.

All I will say is put a bit more thought into what you say before you say it as this thread is down right insulting to me.

I agree. Lots of us don't think this way Vanguard and actually look at a situation before passing judgement wholesale. Good luck to you and yoru family "

Thank you for your kind words and support to me and my family just spent some quality time with my lad before I go off to Yorkshire xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

funny how nobody gives a fuck about the billions of pounds that companies like starbucks save by fiddling their tax but get dead angry when they see someone claiming a few extra pounds per week

im not saying benefit fraud is right, but its a drop in the ocean compared to corporate tax avoidence

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Work hard and pay taxes? It won't catch on, we have bred to many lazy and feckless in this country.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

benefit fraud costs the tax payer 1bn a year, vodafone was accused of avoiding the same amount in tax

people who think benefits are a big problem to this country need to pull their heads out their arses

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By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"benefit fraud costs the tax payer 1bn a year, vodafone was accused of avoiding the same amount in tax

people who think benefits are a big problem to this country need to pull their heads out their arses "

Fraud happend in all walks of life, tax evasion, overclaiming on expenses, employers pating part of peoples wages in cash so that they can qualify for tax credits...I could go on.

We need to stop demonising the poor and working classes and start pulling together.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"benefit fraud costs the tax payer 1bn a year, vodafone was accused of avoiding the same amount in tax

people who think benefits are a big problem to this country need to pull their heads out their arses

Fraud happend in all walks of life, tax evasion, overclaiming on expenses, employers pating part of peoples wages in cash so that they can qualify for tax credits...I could go on.

We need to stop demonising the poor and working classes and start pulling together."

if only people didnt believe the bullshit that the right wing media published....

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *rumalexMan  over a year ago


"benefit fraud costs the tax payer 1bn a year, vodafone was accused of avoiding the same amount in tax

people who think benefits are a big problem to this country need to pull their heads out their arses

Fraud happend in all walks of life, tax evasion, overclaiming on expenses, employers pating part of peoples wages in cash so that they can qualify for tax credits...I could go on.

We need to stop demonising the poor and working classes and start pulling together.

if only people didnt believe the bullshit that the right wing media published...."

agree, personally i dont care how others spend their money, at the end of the day i will still pay tax, i dont get a say how it is spent, if its not on benefits it will be spent on something else.

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By *ssexguy69Man  over a year ago

thurrock Essex

after 11yrs working for my self i find myself out of work threw no fault of mine , bang on xmas, 4weeks ago since i sign on and yet i still not had a penny in dole money , may be im the the wrong breed n colar , al iv been told after end less phone calls its being sorted but that aint no good to me , xmas in a couple of day that gona be great with nothing to buy anything with , al iv done is borrow borrow borrow off people , they seem to give hand outs to the wrong ones now that pisses me off

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Pretty obvious.... Did you ever see kids a few years back diagnosed with all this new stuff???

I suppose before rickets was defined in the 17C kids were just bow legged shirkers.

New stuff? Or just recently defined?"

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


" ..........

We need to stop demonising the poor and working classes and start pulling together."

There's a subsection of society which needs to demonise someone and if it weren't the poor and working classes, it'd be someone else.

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman  over a year ago

little house on the praire

They wanted to statement my son when he was about 8, it would of ment more money for the school and more money for me. I refused as i didnt want him labelled. It wasnt easy, i had to have an awful lot of patience with him. Hes turned into a lovely young man. I often wondered whether i did the right thing but now i feel as though i defintely did. He still doesnt have a very long attention span but then neither do i

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Annoys me the fact that ive worked hard and payed tax for 16 years (at the minute its £672 a month) and if i was to lose my job tomorrow and couldnt pay my mortgage id lose my house..the country needs to start looking at ways to help people who pay taxes all their life and through no fault of their own end up on hard times

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" ..........

We need to stop demonising the poor and working classes and start pulling together.

There's a subsection of society which needs to demonise someone and if it weren't the poor and working classes, it'd be someone else."

I don't think anyone has issues with the working classes. Its the lazy bastard non working classes that people, including myself, have issues with!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Annoys me the fact that ive worked hard and payed tax for 16 years (at the minute its £672 a month) and if i was to lose my job tomorrow and couldnt pay my mortgage id lose my house..the country needs to start looking at ways to help people who pay taxes all their life and through no fault of their own end up on hard times"

Totally agree

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


Not all non-working people are lazy bastards.

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By *nnyMan  over a year ago


"Annoys me the fact that ive worked hard and payed tax for 16 years (at the minute its £672 a month) and if i was to lose my job tomorrow and couldnt pay my mortgage id lose my house..the country needs to start looking at ways to help people who pay taxes all their life and through no fault of their own end up on hard times"

That's not entirely true. Those eligible for certain benefits are also entitled to have their mortgage (or at least the interest on their mortgage) paid after a certain length of time.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" ..........

the lazy bastard non working classes "

Bit of a sweeping statement. Are you applying that to people out of work,or people who have never had a job or people who actively avoid working,or all three?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" ..........

We need to stop demonising the poor and working classes and start pulling together.

There's a subsection of society which needs to demonise someone and if it weren't the poor and working classes, it'd be someone else.

I don't think anyone has issues with the working classes. Its the lazy bastard non working classes that people, including myself, have issues with! "

do you have any issues with the corrupt bankers and politicians who caused the current financial crisis?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I find some people's attitudes differ to finding work as well. When I was made redundant a few years back I was out of work for 1 month. That's all.

In that month I sent off over 100 applications(no exaggeration - I think I killed a small forest) all to different places in my town/area looking for work. That equated to about 20 companies getting back in touch. 10 actually offering an inter_iew. With around 3-5 actual job offers.

So if that's a 3% success rate after working my arse off it's no wonder some of them don't get a job when they think 'looking for a job' means sending in just one application a month to somewhere and not applying for anything else until they hear back from the first one.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I find some people's attitudes differ to finding work as well. When I was made redundant a few years back I was out of work for 1 month. That's all.

In that month I sent off over 100 applications(no exaggeration - I think I killed a small forest) all to different places in my town/area looking for work. That equated to about 20 companies getting back in touch. 10 actually offering an inter_iew. With around 3-5 actual job offers.

So if that's a 3% success rate after working my arse off it's no wonder some of them don't get a job when they think 'looking for a job' means sending in just one application a month to somewhere and not applying for anything else until they hear back from the first one. "

may I ask what is your job?

surely you must appreciate that the number of available jobs varies between different industries and your personal experience will not necessarily be the same as people's?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I work in a school in a deprived area and whilst I can't and wouldn't talk about specifics, There are a lot of kids who are from 'disconnected' families. By that I mean that one or other of the parent is not there and there is no money. Or with some neither parent wants the child (nothing wrong with the child) and they both 'use' the child as a way to hurt the other. We have had kids who have had to sleep rough and do things that kids should never have to do to get a roof over their head.

It's so easy to have a go at the parents, but all too often the kids get caught up in it and they are the ones that suffer.

At another place in the area I worked, we had nearly every week, a lady come in because she had been thrown out of the house by her partner. They had now where to go that night for them and their kids (some with babies).

We helped them to find shelter.

If you have generations of people that have never worked (lets forget a min why), then how do you instil into a child the works ethics?

Yes there are scroungers, and yes there are lots of people in need. The cost to the country is very low down on the list of costs. Yes it needs sorting, but if you are after saving money, sort out the things that cost far more.

As has been said, it is easy to pick on a group of people that can't 'fight back'.

My wifes family are Austrian Jews. A lot of them ended up in concentration camps. There have been many more worse atrocities in the world since then, and nearly all start with blaming the problems on a minority group.

People will never agree on this subject.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


If you have generations of people that have never worked (lets forget a min why), then how do you instil into a child the works ethics?


A recent study by a sociology professor carried out in glasgow and teeside failed to find a single example of the oft quoted "3 generations of the same family who have never worked"..Not one.

Government statistics show that 2 generations that have never worked is nationally less than 1%

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


A recent study by a sociology professor carried out in glasgow and teeside failed to find a single example of the oft quoted "3 generations of the same family who have never worked"..Not one.

Government statistics show that 2 generations that have never worked is nationally less than 1%"



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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


A recent study by a sociology professor carried out in glasgow and teeside failed to find a single example of the oft quoted "3 generations of the same family who have never worked"..Not one.

Government statistics show that 2 generations that have never worked is nationally less than 1%




I know of three families in our area.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I am foaming at most of the comments on here.

People who have no idea what it is like to be in this situation I would love to see them try it for a week.

Now I'm a hard working lad and worked all my life.

BUT I have an uncle who again worked all his life and one day when crossing the road on a zebra crossing he was hit by a policeman daughter speeding and carried for 1/2 mile bouncing on the bonnet of the car, he died on the scene but lucky for him a passer buy revived him 3 times may I add, now the family were told if he were to be lucky enough to wake up he would never walk or talk again and would have the mental age of a 7 year old, he was in a coma for 3 months, when he woke everyone was gob smacked.

It took him 3 years to learn how to talk and it took him 8 years to learn how to walk unaided.

He has very slurred speech and walks as if he has drank a pub dry but he has some quality of life also he can't remember him life before this accident and his mental age is the same as his normal age.

He has fathered 3 kids since this accident and one of his children are diabetic and have to inject them 3 times a day with insulin.

He receives benefits and is a great father and his children are brought up with manners and respect.

He would love to work and has applied for jobs and been knocked back every time, he don't drink or take drugs.

So if you would like to call him lazy or a bum or a scrounger then so be it but before you judge anyone find out why they are in the situation also I think he should be able to spend his money on what he wants to and if anyone sees a problem with that then I seriously do hope at some point in your life you end up in the same situation and see how much HARD WORK it takes to learn how to walk or talk again than crying about hard your job is and how hard you work etc as non of you healthy people know what hard work is until you go though something like that.

Now grow up go to work stop crying about it pay your taxes which the government see fit to dish out where is needed and stop crying about how hard you work because there's all ways someone working a lot harder than you its called life!!

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By *Ryan-Man  over a year ago

In Your Bush

"I am foaming at most of the comments on here.

People who have no idea what it is like to be in this situation I would love to see them try it for a week.

Now I'm a hard working lad and worked all my life.

BUT I have an uncle who again worked all his life and one day when crossing the road on a zebra crossing he was hit by a policeman daughter speeding and carried for 1/2 mile bouncing on the bonnet of the car, he died on the scene but lucky for him a passer buy revived him 3 times may I add, now the family were told if he were to be lucky enough to wake up he would never walk or talk again and would have the mental age of a 7 year old, he was in a coma for 3 months, when he woke everyone was gob smacked.

It took him 3 years to learn how to talk and it took him 8 years to learn how to walk unaided.

He has very slurred speech and walks as if he has drank a pub dry but he has some quality of life also he can't remember him life before this accident and his mental age is the same as his normal age.

He has fathered 3 kids since this accident and one of his children are diabetic and have to inject them 3 times a day with insulin.

He receives benefits and is a great father and his children are brought up with manners and respect.

He would love to work and has applied for jobs and been knocked back every time, he don't drink or take drugs.

So if you would like to call him lazy or a bum or a scrounger then so be it but before you judge anyone find out why they are in the situation also I think he should be able to spend his money on what he wants to and if anyone sees a problem with that then I seriously do hope at some point in your life you end up in the same situation and see how much HARD WORK it takes to learn how to walk or talk again than crying about hard your job is and how hard you work etc as non of you healthy people know what hard work is until you go though something like that.

Now grow up go to work stop crying about it pay your taxes which the government see fit to dish out where is needed and stop crying about how hard you work because there's all ways someone working a lot harder than you its called life!! "

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *nnyMan  over a year ago


"I find some people's attitudes differ to finding work as well. When I was made redundant a few years back I was out of work for 1 month. That's all.

In that month I sent off over 100 applications(no exaggeration - I think I killed a small forest) all to different places in my town/area looking for work. That equated to about 20 companies getting back in touch. 10 actually offering an inter_iew. With around 3-5 actual job offers.

So if that's a 3% success rate after working my arse off it's no wonder some of them don't get a job when they think 'looking for a job' means sending in just one application a month to somewhere and not applying for anything else until they hear back from the first one.

may I ask what is your job?

surely you must appreciate that the number of available jobs varies between different industries and your personal experience will not necessarily be the same as people's?"

That's the problem, isn't it.

100 applications in a month is less than 4 a day - not exactly hard work.

The challenge isn't sending off applications, it's finding genuine vacancies to apply for, especially vacancies which meet Ian Duncan Smith's 'better off in work' test.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

there should be a system put into place in this country were if you lose your job you get a percentage of you income for the first lets say 6 months after this period if you havent gained employment its reduce to the same rate as every one else who gets JSA but instead of every one on JSA getting cash in there bank every 2 weeks they should be issued smart cards with chip and pin thats topped up when they sign on and can be used to buy goods but a restricsion should be put in place to prevent this being used for buying fags and alcohol being out of work can lead to excesive drinking this would prevent this as for people who lose there job but have a mortgage at the moment you get the intrest paid for a year IF your singned of on the sick you dont always get it for JSA i thing this is wrong there could very easly be a system put in place were the day you lose your job your mortgade is frozen and then you rent your property from the company your getting your mortgage from you would then qualify for housing benifit and no need for you to lose your home pluss the banks carnt kick you out because they are still making money and if you return to work you should like anyone in a council home get it payed for one month this gives you the chance to get paid and restart your mortgage as for ADHD and other mental health problems if you see a family who is claiming benifits for a child who has ADHD and you dont belive the child has it and is just badly behaved ask the parents if you can move in with them for 6 months to see what the child is realy like and if your not prepared to do this then keep your opinions to your self because untill you live with the condishion you realy have no bloody idear what its like yes some people are of the opinion the ADHD should be called lack of slapped arse syndrom well my opinion is if you belive this then you must be the kind of person who belives if a child wont behave you should beet the crap out of him sorry just my opinion sits back now and waights for the flack ( sorry about spellings im dislexic and spell checker is having a hissy fit on new comp)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Unfortunately we live in a society that believes academic achievement guarantees a job.

It doesn't it's outdated and a lie.

Unfortunately we have little to no industry in this society for those who aren't academic but skilled in other areas to gain employment.

Unfortunately those who do pay taxes and the benefits of those in work see their money squandered by the political classes.

Essentially this money lines the pockets of an elite in big business and their shareholders.

That's privatisation.

Unfortunately we live in a society that is both divided and very individualistic, sections of society blame other sections and there is little community spirit or social conscience.

The economic system is unsustainable and consumes our finite resources. More taxes will be squandered, more people will be unemployed and even if the recession ceases we will still be faced with food wars in the near future, resource depletion, global warming, sea level rising, etc, world population levels reaching its zenith.

Paying taxes to an economic and political system which is as parasitical and consumerist as ours and that widens the gulf between the rich and the poor will only mean that more taxes will need to be paid and more benefits will be needed. More jobs will be lost and more of us will fall into poverty.

Eventually we'll all be poor and a few rich men and women will use up the last drops of oils, glasses of water and crumbs of food until we all cease to exist as a species.

People need hope and understanding.

The poor need more than hand-outs, in the long term they need a voice, they need people with money and influence to speak out about the injustices that exist in the status quo, both in the UK and globally.

Food for thought, love thy neighbour. Merry Xmas.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Annoys me the fact that ive worked hard and payed tax for 16 years (at the minute its £672 a month) and if i was to lose my job tomorrow and couldnt pay my mortgage id lose my house..the country needs to start looking at ways to help people who pay taxes all their life and through no fault of their own end up on hard times

That's not entirely true. Those eligible for certain benefits are also entitled to have their mortgage (or at least the interest on their mortgage) paid after a certain length of time."

a few months...and the interest only after that diddly squat...i know people plenty off them who have lost homes after the social would only pay the interest on the mortgage for so many months...then what???? The same people have applied for hundreds of jobs and been offered 16 hrs a week jobs...what good are they with 4 kids and a £500 a month mortgage

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"there should be a system put into place in this country were if you lose your job you get a percentage of you income for the first lets say 6 months after this period if you havent gained employment its reduce to the same rate as every one else who gets JSA but instead of every one on JSA getting cash in there bank every 2 weeks they should be issued smart cards with chip and pin thats topped up when they sign on and can be used to buy goods but a restricsion should be put in place to prevent this being used for buying fags and alcohol being out of work can lead to excesive drinking this would prevent this as for people who lose there job but have a mortgage at the moment you get the intrest paid for a year IF your singned of on the sick you dont always get it for JSA i thing this is wrong there could very easly be a system put in place were the day you lose your job your mortgade is frozen and then you rent your property from the company your getting your mortgage from you would then qualify for housing benifit and no need for you to lose your home pluss the banks carnt kick you out because they are still making money and if you return to work you should like anyone in a council home get it payed for one month this gives you the chance to get paid and restart your mortgage as for ADHD and other mental health problems if you see a family who is claiming benifits for a child who has ADHD and you dont belive the child has it and is just badly behaved ask the parents if you can move in with them for 6 months to see what the child is realy like and if your not prepared to do this then keep your opinions to your self because untill you live with the condishion you realy have no bloody idear what its like yes some people are of the opinion the ADHD should be called lack of slapped arse syndrom well my opinion is if you belive this then you must be the kind of person who belives if a child wont behave you should beet the crap out of him sorry just my opinion sits back now and waights for the flack ( sorry about spellings im dislexic and spell checker is having a hissy fit on new comp)"

my point entirely i know theres people out there entitled to help and fair play to them some deserve more and theres people robbing the system at them peoples cost...but surely if youve payed tax all your life why should you be entitled to the same as some smackhead who does fck all...an old fella at the end of my road served half his life in the army and the rest of his working life as a engineer and he has to pay for all his prescriptions and health care because he took private pensions out...that he payed into all his life!!!! Yet our local chemist cant be entered on a thursday morning because theres that many smack rats waiting for a free script!!!!!

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple  over a year ago

in Lancashire


By surreysensual Couple (MF) 1 hour ago


Gotta love the medical experts that frequent this site..

Is there a medical expert on or off this site, that can justify in this day and age why single parents have children or do they not practice contraception and the same applies to STI,s. Prehaps it is just a case that they really can not be bothered as they know we will all pick up their bills."

that is something you would expect to hear from some despotic ruler in a dictatorship tbh..

how about we adopt the chinese one child method where 1st born baby girls were left to die as a son is preferable..

but the higher echelons were able to duck the system..

you ok with that soirt of society cos i'm not frankly..

what your actually talking about is a societal issue in any case..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

ive avoided this thread because i hate freeloaders - i know of so many people that get benefits when they are capable of work - im a single mum 2 kids in uni - own home - virtually never go out - buy clothes off the cheap rail - etc etc blah and so on - ( i know im one of thousands) - ive taken on extra work to give the kids money for xmas - im crap at taking of anbody mostly because i think of the way i was brought up - if you cant afford it you do without simple as - both kids had saturday jobs from 16 and i hope that they carry on with the same work ethic - think they call it self respect

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Unfortunately we live in a society that believes academic achievement guarantees a job.

It doesn't it's outdated and a lie.

Unfortunately we have little to no industry in this society for those who aren't academic but skilled in other areas to gain employment.

Unfortunately those who do pay taxes and the benefits of those in work see their money squandered by the political classes.

Essentially this money lines the pockets of an elite in big business and their shareholders.

That's privatisation.

Unfortunately we live in a society that is both divided and very individualistic, sections of society blame other sections and there is little community spirit or social conscience.

The economic system is unsustainable and consumes our finite resources. More taxes will be squandered, more people will be unemployed and even if the recession ceases we will still be faced with food wars in the near future, resource depletion, global warming, sea level rising, etc, world population levels reaching its zenith.

Paying taxes to an economic and political system which is as parasitical and consumerist as ours and that widens the gulf between the rich and the poor will only mean that more taxes will need to be paid and more benefits will be needed. More jobs will be lost and more of us will fall into poverty.

Eventually we'll all be poor and a few rich men and women will use up the last drops of oils, glasses of water and crumbs of food until we all cease to exist as a species.

People need hope and understanding.

The poor need more than hand-outs, in the long term they need a voice, they need people with money and influence to speak out about the injustices that exist in the status quo, both in the UK and globally.

Food for thought, love thy neighbour. Merry Xmas.

Socialisim!!!!! we can only dream and last year I paid £40k in tax!!! I would pay more if we had a classless society where

The young listened to the old and Learned of the past

The healthy make provision for the sick

The strong have compassion and welcomed the weak to their table.........

I have a dream...............

But ageing hippies are so last year!


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *hole Lotta RosieWoman  over a year ago

Deviant City

"I am foaming at most of the comments on here.

People who have no idea what it is like to be in this situation I would love to see them try it for a week.

Now I'm a hard working lad and worked all my life.

BUT I have an uncle who again worked all his life and one day when crossing the road on a zebra crossing he was hit by a policeman daughter speeding and carried for 1/2 mile bouncing on the bonnet of the car, he died on the scene but lucky for him a passer buy revived him 3 times may I add, now the family were told if he were to be lucky enough to wake up he would never walk or talk again and would have the mental age of a 7 year old, he was in a coma for 3 months, when he woke everyone was gob smacked.

It took him 3 years to learn how to talk and it took him 8 years to learn how to walk unaided.

He has very slurred speech and walks as if he has drank a pub dry but he has some quality of life also he can't remember him life before this accident and his mental age is the same as his normal age.

He has fathered 3 kids since this accident and one of his children are diabetic and have to inject them 3 times a day with insulin.

He receives benefits and is a great father and his children are brought up with manners and respect.

He would love to work and has applied for jobs and been knocked back every time, he don't drink or take drugs.

So if you would like to call him lazy or a bum or a scrounger then so be it but before you judge anyone find out why they are in the situation also I think he should be able to spend his money on what he wants to and if anyone sees a problem with that then I seriously do hope at some point in your life you end up in the same situation and see how much HARD WORK it takes to learn how to walk or talk again than crying about hard your job is and how hard you work etc as non of you healthy people know what hard work is until you go though something like that.

Now grow up go to work stop crying about it pay your taxes which the government see fit to dish out where is needed and stop crying about how hard you work because there's all ways someone working a lot harder than you its called life!! "

this... Thank you.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i would never slate anybody for benfits if they deserve them - just so many dont

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What is your take on our culture of riding a free ride :-/ don't want to sound anti-social, I know there are real deserving people out there but it annoys me when you see people on benefits, with a gazillion kids all misbehaved and neglected (and falsely diagnosed as ADHD or some other fancy hyperactivity syndrome), enjoying an almost normal life all catered for.

I pay my bills my taxes and have to spend very wisely to make ends meet and I know if I can't work for xyz reasons I don't get paid :-/ thou my bills still keep coming......

Another thought, how do all these guys manage to smoke 30 odd fags a day and drink gallons of alcohol?????? "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Another thought, how do all these guys manage to smoke 30 odd fags a day and drink gallons of alcohol??????


another sweeping statement??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Maybe we should just shoot the unemployed a bullet is cheaper than benifit. Might solve the overcrouding problem aswell

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Another thought, how do all these guys manage to smoke 30 odd fags a day and drink gallons of alcohol??????

another sweeping statement??"

Not really, look at any town centre or park during the day, they can be seen drinking and smoking. And by they, I mean the ones blatantly playing the system with no intention to work, not those that are trying to find work and struggling

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We've seen both sides of the family's with ADHD kids.

The first one she does have ADHD and they won't claim any benefits there entitled to claim for it.

The other has a child that has just been diagnosed with ADHD and they couldn't wait to get medication prescribed so they could get the DLA claim in which they were told they would get when medication is prescribed and also a carers allowance paid aswell. My opinion is its a bit of a joke to get paid for caring for your own child in these circumstances.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

And who's the fool? Pay tax for our government to wast on quangos or dont work and claim. I sometimes wander!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I cared for a partner with terminal cancer and couldnt get carers alllowance without him losing the equivalant amount from his benefit - guess we do it out of love and dont count the cost

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

never quite understand these types of threads... the people being pointed at are not going to be shamed into a job centre....

the ones who sadly carry shame by association and are desperate for work, don't need to be, they live breath their hunt for work for them and their loved ones..... and for them I wish the best in 2013.

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By *horleytwoCouple  over a year ago


I reckon the amount of money these so called scroungers are costing the state pales into insignificance compered to the likes of Jimmy Carr, Amazon,Google, overpiad footballers ect. Tax avoidance is seen as a bit jolly jape but sign on for £60 a week job seekers and you are the lowest of the low.

How many people calling people on benifits have asked a tradesman or retailer if they can "do it for cash"?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

if we pay tax they just waste it, look at how much money we give to other countries waste on useless new schemes etc, we should all stop paying until the gov start looking after us first, it would be the best form of protest

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I reckon the amount of money these so called scroungers are costing the state pales into insignificance compered to the likes of Jimmy Carr, Amazon,Google, overpiad footballers ect. Tax avoidance is seen as a bit jolly jape but sign on for £60 a week job seekers and you are the lowest of the low.

How many people calling people on benifits have asked a tradesman or retailer if they can "do it for cash"?"

I've never asked "if it can be done for cash" prefer proper receipts personally.

And yes big companies, actors, footballers etc are overpaid and/or not paying tax fairly, but that's a seperately subject entirely to what the OP has started.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"if we pay tax they just waste it, look at how much money we give to other countries waste on useless new schemes etc, we should all stop paying until the gov start looking after us first, it would be the best form of protest"

Would be a great idea if we all paid our tax ourselves, but seeing as majority of us have tax deducted from wages not really a plausible protest

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By *horleytwoCouple  over a year ago


But if we all refused to pay nurses, police, firemen ect would all not get paid and no doubt stop work, how many innocent people would die as a result of your suggestion?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"But if we all refused to pay nurses, police, firemen ect would all not get paid and no doubt stop work, how many innocent people would die as a result of your suggestion?"

very true i didnt think it through, but the worm has to turn at some point, we are taxed more than any time in history, but most sems to bee wassted on things we dont need or want, what else are we to do? and to say vote them out doesnt work as all parties in past history have been the same

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By *horleytwoCouple  over a year ago


I agree a lot of money is wasted, I work within the Motorbility scheme and see it on a weekly bases. We often report users who are defrauding the system, cars being used by the grandson to go to Uni, relatives using them for Pizza deliverys and we have even had one plated up and being used as a Mini-cab!!! Problem is Motab almost never take action against them

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I agree a lot of money is wasted, I work within the Motorbility scheme and see it on a weekly bases. We often report users who are defrauding the system, cars being used by the grandson to go to Uni, relatives using them for Pizza deliverys and we have even had one plated up and being used as a Mini-cab!!! Problem is Motab almost never take action against them"

so why should i pay tax?

its a reasonable question

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Unfortunately we live in a society that believes academic achievement guarantees a job.

It doesn't it's outdated and a lie.

Unfortunately we have little to no industry in this society for those who aren't academic but skilled in other areas to gain employment.

Unfortunately those who do pay taxes and the benefits of those in work see their money squandered by the political classes.

Essentially this money lines the pockets of an elite in big business and their shareholders.

That's privatisation.

Unfortunately we live in a society that is both divided and very individualistic, sections of society blame other sections and there is little community spirit or social conscience.

The economic system is unsustainable and consumes our finite resources. More taxes will be squandered, more people will be unemployed and even if the recession ceases we will still be faced with food wars in the near future, resource depletion, global warming, sea level rising, etc, world population levels reaching its zenith.

Paying taxes to an economic and political system which is as parasitical and consumerist as ours and that widens the gulf between the rich and the poor will only mean that more taxes will need to be paid and more benefits will be needed. More jobs will be lost and more of us will fall into poverty.

Eventually we'll all be poor and a few rich men and women will use up the last drops of oils, glasses of water and crumbs of food until we all cease to exist as a species.

People need hope and understanding.

The poor need more than hand-outs, in the long term they need a voice, they need people with money and influence to speak out about the injustices that exist in the status quo, both in the UK and globally.

Food for thought, love thy neighbour. Merry Xmas.

Socialisim!!!!! we can only dream and last year I paid £40k in tax!!! I would pay more if we had a classless society where

The young listened to the old and Learned of the past

The healthy make provision for the sick

The strong have compassion and welcomed the weak to their table.........

I have a dream...............

But ageing hippies are so last year!


It's not socialism and nor is it being an ageing hippy. I'm quite a bit younger than you R Send.

You're angry about your £40K in taxes being squandered, that's the fault of the political classes. Blame this gov't and the previous ones.

It's about what is fair, I don't agree with capitalism because it is just using up resources and destroying the environment.

Is there something wrong about giving a damn about others and the world we live in?

Trade is part of human nature, if we had an ease on taxation this county would flourish, but I believe it should do so within an ethical framework that is sustainable.

It's common sense and humanistic.

Label it if you like if that's the only way you make sense, but you should respect other people's opinion.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Right so get this: I am a single male, living at home with my parents. At work I should make close to £160k this year. Great you might think, but ill lose at least £58k in tax! That's another salary.... And what do I get for my money? NHS? No, I have Bupa. Dental? No I have private. Kids in school? Don't have any, and my parents paid tax for me to go when I was younger. Uni? Paid for myself...roads, pay massive tax on car and fuel already. Supporting immigrants and council scum, yes...that's where it all goes.....happy days

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"Right so get this: I am a single male, living at home with my parents. At work I should make close to £160k this year. Great you might think, but ill lose at least £58k in tax! That's another salary.... And what do I get for my money? NHS? No, I have Bupa. Dental? No I have private. Kids in school? Don't have any, and my parents paid tax for me to go when I was younger. Uni? Paid for myself...roads, pay massive tax on car and fuel already. Supporting immigrants and council scum, yes...that's where it all goes.....happy days "

er council scum? I take enormous offence to to that as I grew up in a council house, my father worked all his life and piad tax and rent for his house. How dare you call him or me scum!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I mean the scum who scrounge off the council when they could work. Not all the people who live in council houses. My mistake, sorry for the offence.

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By *eryBigGirlWoman  over a year ago

East Yorkshire

"Annoys me the fact that ive worked hard and payed tax for 16 years (at the minute its £672 a month) and if i was to lose my job tomorrow and couldnt pay my mortgage id lose my house..the country needs to start looking at ways to help people who pay taxes all their life and through no fault of their own end up on hard times"

Totally agree too. Ive paid tax consistently for 24 years and I currently pay around £800 in tax each month but when I tried to get some assistance between finishing uni and getting a job I was politely told to go away and live on the maintenance my ex pays for my daughter. I pointed out that this was money for her and not my income and regardless of that it wouldn't even cover my mortgage let alone feed my child I was told tough!!

Frustrating because if I weren't so stubbornly independent and insist on having my own house etc i would automatically have had my rent, council tax etc paid.

I'm well aware that there are some genuinely deserving people but there are many who think the world owes them a living and in my job I deal with them most days!!

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By *ssexguy69Man  over a year ago

thurrock Essex

i found myself out of work 4weeks ago after 11years working for myself , and i live in a council flat on a council estate and i aint scum either , iv paid my taxes over the years thank you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Right so get this: I am a single male, living at home with my parents. At work I should make close to £160k this year. Great you might think, but ill lose at least £58k in tax! That's another salary.... And what do I get for my money? NHS? No, I have Bupa. Dental? No I have private. Kids in school? Don't have any, and my parents paid tax for me to go when I was younger. Uni? Paid for myself...roads, pay massive tax on car and fuel already. Supporting immigrants and council scum, yes...that's where it all goes.....happy days "

So you take home £98K but still live with you parents? On that alone I question your judgement (unless your a carer, than it's understandable).

Well it doesn't sound fair being taxed that much, but channelling your anger at immigrants and people who are living in council houses is unwarranted.

In fact it's exactly what the Tories want you to do.

Why don't you channel that anger at those who make the decisions affecting your life.

You wouldn't being paying so much tax if the rich bankers, politicians hadn't gambled the nations finances, you're taxed so much because you're in work. No one said the system is fair but 'Tomas from Poland' and that family you sneer at from the poor end of town didn't cause the fuck up, they're victims too.

Have an ignorant xmas!

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By *mm_n_ZedCouple  over a year ago


"Right so get this: I am a single male, living at home with my parents. At work I should make close to £160k this year. Great you might think, but ill lose at least £58k in tax! That's another salary.... And what do I get for my money? NHS? No, I have Bupa. Dental? No I have private. Kids in school? Don't have any, and my parents paid tax for me to go when I was younger. Uni? Paid for myself...roads, pay massive tax on car and fuel already. Supporting immigrants and council scum, yes...that's where it all goes.....happy days "

You have over £100K pa net? How very, very fortunate you are.

Please take 4 minutes out of your life to watch this clip on you tube


... then thank your lucky stars that you're earning enough to pay £58K in tax.

Merry Christmas x

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By *eryBigGirlWoman  over a year ago

East Yorkshire

"i found myself out of work 4weeks ago after 11years working for myself , and i live in a council flat on a council estate and i aint scum either , iv paid my taxes over the years thank you"

No-ones saying your scum and I hope you find something else soon!! I clearly said there many people deserving the assistance but there's also many that don't!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Im council scum....come bite my arse!

Both parents have worked all their lives,both have a fantatsic work and life ethic,my brother and I have worked since we left school,we both have degrees,each of my parents and my sibling have or have been in until they reitred what most people would class as professional jobs

Love that we're scum because of where we came from

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Im council scum....come bite my arse!

Both parents have worked all their lives,both have a fantatsic work and life ethic,my brother and I have worked since we left school,we both have degrees,each of my parents and my sibling have or have been in until they reitred what most people would class as professional jobs

Love that we're scum because of where we came from


Divided nation here on fab, you guys are on the right side x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Guys, missed my re post. I don't mean everyone in council house is scum. I mean the scum who claim from council wrongly. Apologies if upset!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago
Forum Mod

"Guys, missed my re post. I don't mean everyone in council house is scum. I mean the scum who claim from council wrongly. Apologies if upset!"

As its christmas you're forgiven

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By *icecouple561Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

East Sussex

"I mean the scum who scrounge off the council when they could work. Not all the people who live in council houses. My mistake, sorry for the offence. "

I accept your apology, thank you.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Our nation has lost all identity,we are being drip fed information about the banks crashing,if they told us the truth in the 1st place we would be demonstrating in the streets the way the Greeks,French etc do.But we English take it ,and take it,and take more,because if we are working,and debts,lifestyle to maintain .I brought up my stepson from the of 7 who was diagnosed with tourretes syndrome,we discovered that day my wife has had TS all her life and has the tics associated,yet she holds a well paid,well taxed job. She never whines ,we are healthy,have a reasonable life, holidays etc.

My1st wife wanted a divorce,I lost my house ,2 children (we are reunited now)

And we had to pay £500/month

To the scumbag Csa so that dads who don't pay I supported,but hey ho life is hard and does go on.we now discover that we will shortly be bringing up our 2 grandchildren because of our son and partner drug problems. Maybe we have that Dunkirk spirit because by god if you work and own things you need it.Take a tip ,forget university ,a trade

,definitely banking. Get a job for life.go into politics,if you fail you can be a euro MP .ask Mr and mrs Kinnock. You cannot fail.

Our beloved country is doomed,I don't smoke, but they stopped us smoking,believe me ,we won't be drinking unless its moonshine in 10 years.they are taxing it to the hilt for health reasons,as if we are 50 million George bests,god bless the man.

We won't be safe to walk the streets because the white teenagers with attitude and pit bulls are running the place and not a policeman in site.And people worry about immigrants!!!Well let's not even go there,the last 2years I landed back home and a lady with a scarf item on her head was checking my passport so I could arrive HOME ?

I am a proud English person,I won't say British as our government let terrorists govern a well known isle and let our great nation build separate parliaments so jumped up egos reckon they can now be independent .

I thank my parents for my values and morals, because they are rare today , they came from council homes yet went to uni and worked hard installing morals etc.

I went to France couple of years ago to see war graves ,pay respects ,for them guys died for a free Europe , Jesus if I could have dug on of them up and said never mind that queer guy with the tash you should see the state of our country now,everybody from anywhere can come and go ,rob, rape pillage really them krauts are ok !!!!

god forbid a Third World War our hoodies on front line ,we may as well hand the keys over.

Question ?read some good threads on here tonight ,where do all the do gooders that wrecked this country live


Tired now ,had my Alf Garnett rant

Wouldn't believe it's Xmas in 2 days but enjoy that will also be gone soon tha prophet will not allow!!!

And did those feet in ancient times ?

What a laugh !!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A lot of peoples comments on here really are getting my back up I mean how narrow minded.

Just sheer cheek to think you are so badly done to and your the only one paying taxes I mean the person who is earning over 150k a year what a total joke you are living with your parents, are you getting your meals and washing done while you sit there and do nothing other than go to work? I mean come on you can judge people so ill judge you only fair !!

Tax this and tax that well if you don't like it blame the government its there fault you in this mess in the first place, good old maggy thatcher caused the problem as council houses were for families who could not afford a house of there own and were living in over crowded homes and she let people buy there own council home at a cut price (which they could not afford according to them) now are they scum?? Also look now there are less council owned homes and it is so hard for people to get one which will then reflect back to the 60s where you find families living with families in over crowded homes so basically back to square one!!

Now the benefit systems well jsa is quite hard to cheat over and over as you have to have proof of company's you have applied for and yes they can check up on you too and if you don't have a certain amount of jobs applied for per week you get signed off!!

Now incapacity/sickness benefit you have to prove with sick notes from doctors that you have a illness refraining you from working which again is hard I mean the good old bad back tale don't work these days as your sent straight for an mri scan to prove so and its a lot more difficult than most of you may think and what doctor is going to give you a sick note for a lot years for a made up illness that can't be proven as they would rather prove you have that problem and treat that problem if possible.

Now disability do you know if you have been in the forces and blown up and are missing a arm and both legs that its hard to get any dla benefit as in the eyes of the government you can answer a phone so you can work ??

Yes a lot harder than you seem to think and my comments have been proven over and over on tv in sites using secret footage!!

So when one of you high and mighty tax payers get hit by a bus or fall off a cliff and find yourself in the same situation all your so called opinions about scum will change when you are signing forms begging for money to help you live a normal life you won't be calling yourself scum then oh no it will be I didn't realise how hard it was/is to be on this end of the scale heard and seen it all before just pig headed and narrow minded and all this coming from a hard working 26 year old who clearly knows more than most of you put together now go and run along count your net taxes and weep.

Now add up your statistics and your percentages and listen to the dribble this government are feeding you but one thing is for sure you don't know what its like until you experience it first hand for yourself so walk around with your eyes closed and read the sun as much as you like but you can't put people and lifestyles into a box with a label on it, grow a backbone and blame the people responsible the government!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A lot of peoples comments on here really are getting my back up I mean how narrow minded.

Just sheer cheek to think you are so badly done to and your the only one paying taxes I mean the person who is earning over 150k a year what a total joke you are living with your parents, are you getting your meals and washing done while you sit there and do nothing other than go to work? I mean come on you can judge people so ill judge you only fair !!

Tax this and tax that well if you don't like it blame the government its there fault you in this mess in the first place, good old maggy thatcher caused the problem as council houses were for families who could not afford a house of there own and were living in over crowded homes and she let people buy there own council home at a cut price (which they could not afford according to them) now are they scum?? Also look now there are less council owned homes and it is so hard for people to get one which will then reflect back to the 60s where you find families living with families in over crowded homes so basically back to square one!!

Now the benefit systems well jsa is quite hard to cheat over and over as you have to have proof of company's you have applied for and yes they can check up on you too and if you don't have a certain amount of jobs applied for per week you get signed off!!

Now incapacity/sickness benefit you have to prove with sick notes from doctors that you have a illness refraining you from working which again is hard I mean the good old bad back tale don't work these days as your sent straight for an mri scan to prove so and its a lot more difficult than most of you may think and what doctor is going to give you a sick note for a lot years for a made up illness that can't be proven as they would rather prove you have that problem and treat that problem if possible.

Now disability do you know if you have been in the forces and blown up and are missing a arm and both legs that its hard to get any dla benefit as in the eyes of the government you can answer a phone so you can work ??

Yes a lot harder than you seem to think and my comments have been proven over and over on tv in sites using secret footage!!

So when one of you high and mighty tax payers get hit by a bus or fall off a cliff and find yourself in the same situation all your so called opinions about scum will change when you are signing forms begging for money to help you live a normal life you won't be calling yourself scum then oh no it will be I didn't realise how hard it was/is to be on this end of the scale heard and seen it all before just pig headed and narrow minded and all this coming from a hard working 26 year old who clearly knows more than most of you put together now go and run along count your net taxes and weep.

Now add up your statistics and your percentages and listen to the dribble this government are feeding you but one thing is for sure you don't know what its like until you experience it first hand for yourself so walk around with your eyes closed and read the sun as much as you like but you can't put people and lifestyles into a box with a label on it, grow a backbone and blame the people responsible the government!! "

So its thatchers fault theres no council houses is it?

thatcher gave people the right to buy so the money raised could beused to buy land and build new housing stock only LABOUR didnt use the money they spent it on the welfare state

good old BLAIR also ended the right to buy and sold of the housing stock to housing associations who then sold of houses they didnt want to private developers so they could build houses for sale shame they didnt build low cost houses

Camron has brought back the right to buy but the money HAS to be used to build new homes for rent

as for benefit cheets under Camoron when they are court they now go to prison and have to pay every penny back were as under Blair and Brown they got a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again

LABOUR built a system were its better to be out of work than in work were as now its getting changed to being better to work only the so called scum dont want to work

not every one on benefits are scum but a lot are and i think you will find most on this forum post are refering to the ones who have spent all there lives in and out of prison and have never had a job

then theres the drug addicts who use taxpayers hard earned cash that they pay in tax of there wages to get stoned on what ever they can get and when that money runs out they steal of working familys to get more drugs

then you have the alcoholics who get DLA to sit in a pub all day and get pissed

if you have payed tax and national insurance and lose your job you should be entiteld to benefits

if your in you 20's/30's/40's and upwards and have NEVER done a days work in your life then your benefit scrounging SCUM

UNLESS you have a genuin illness that stops you from working

and as this goverment has proved if your on DLA and can sit infront of a computer on facebook all day or sit and play games on and Xbox or what ever you can sit infront of a computer and damb well get paid for it and pay tax

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By *ctavius StuntMan  over a year ago


Benefit fraud for disability is 0.2% which is less than the DWP error rate 0.5%. the lowest fraud of any available benefit.

Personally i think if you believe the govt propaganda and lies about disability benefit fraud you are dumb and should be shot.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Benefit fraud for disability is 0.2% which is less than the DWP error rate 0.5%. the lowest fraud of any available benefit.

Personally i think if you believe the govt propaganda and lies about disability benefit fraud you are dumb and should be shot. "

Right so that explains why 4 people in the carlise area have been sent to prison in the last 6 months all on DLA and all been proved to be comiting fraud i suggest you pick up the gun and suck on the barrel pal

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By *ctavius StuntMan  over a year ago


"Benefit fraud for disability is 0.2% which is less than the DWP error rate 0.5%. the lowest fraud of any available benefit.

Personally i think if you believe the govt propaganda and lies about disability benefit fraud you are dumb and should be shot. Right so that explains why 4 people in the carlise area have been sent to prison in the last 6 months all on DLA and all been proved to be comiting fraud i suggest you pick up the gun and suck on the barrel pal"

Those are the govts own statistics. 4 people wow.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Benefit fraud for disability is 0.2% which is less than the DWP error rate 0.5%. the lowest fraud of any available benefit.

Personally i think if you believe the govt propaganda and lies about disability benefit fraud you are dumb and should be shot. Right so that explains why 4 people in the carlise area have been sent to prison in the last 6 months all on DLA and all been proved to be comiting fraud i suggest you pick up the gun and suck on the barrel pal

Those are the govts own statistics. 4 people wow."

you said dont belive the goverments on propaganda the quote the goverments statistics erm pot and kettle comes to mind

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"funny how nobody gives a fuck about the billions of pounds that companies like starbucks save by fiddling their tax but get dead angry when they see someone claiming a few extra pounds per week

im not saying benefit fraud is right, but its a drop in the ocean compared to corporate tax avoidence"

The Government (Ha!) actually has MORE benefit fraud investigators than tax evasion officers. The Government puts the level of benefit fraud at approx 1.7% of the total paid out. It will not commit to a figure for tax evasion. Wonder why that might be...?

Just shows where their priorities lie...

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By *ctavius StuntMan  over a year ago


"Benefit fraud for disability is 0.2% which is less than the DWP error rate 0.5%. the lowest fraud of any available benefit.

Personally i think if you believe the govt propaganda and lies about disability benefit fraud you are dumb and should be shot. Right so that explains why 4 people in the carlise area have been sent to prison in the last 6 months all on DLA and all been proved to be comiting fraud i suggest you pick up the gun and suck on the barrel pal

Those are the govts own statistics. 4 people wow.you said dont belive the goverments on propaganda the quote the goverments statistics erm pot and kettle comes to mind"

Errrrr no.

The govt dont release these stats they keep them very quiet. what they do is shout loud about scroungers. fraudsters, lay abouts and thieves bleeding the country dry. Its a silly little game to give people like you somewhere to wrongly put your anger. now have the last word if you want, you sound like a last word freak, but i am blocking you because i find your _iews offensive.

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By *ctavius StuntMan  over a year ago


"funny how nobody gives a fuck about the billions of pounds that companies like starbucks save by fiddling their tax but get dead angry when they see someone claiming a few extra pounds per week

im not saying benefit fraud is right, but its a drop in the ocean compared to corporate tax avoidence

The Government (Ha!) actually has MORE benefit fraud investigators than tax evasion officers. The Government puts the level of benefit fraud at approx 1.7% of the total paid out. It will not commit to a figure for tax evasion. Wonder why that might be...?

Just shows where their priorities lie...


its 1.7% over all benefits and 0.2% for disability. You are right, this is all just propaganda. If you demonise a small group to the masses, whether that be police officers , disabled, teachers, nurses, fireman, unions or anyone on a benefit then you can do what you like to them. its the same thing hitler did in nazi germany pre ww2

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Thank you to those forumites who took the time to contact me privately. To those who support my (true) socialist ideals I do have a dream! For those who think I am a champagne socialist you may have a point as I do work hard and pay my taxes so I do enjoy the fruites of my labour! Maybe I am a Chilean Merlort Socialist?

However I am spending a lot of time in Scandinavia at the mpment and in particular Denmark. They have hogh taxes bur a 30% higher standard of living than we in the UK regardsless of your employment status. The thing is they spend their taxes on proper and rewarding projects (new metro systems, roads, school and hospitals) and a fair open and honest welfare system that encourages work for those who are fit and able to do so. They have a state sponsored child care system giving a chance to young families to work and sensuring kids are caared for. They dont have a nuclear deterent or have troops in far off lands. They have a liberal but cautious outlook on life but they have no issues with spreading the wealth that is created. Given there are only 4m in the country it maybe easier to create such and environment. I am an aging hippy who works hard pays his taxes and wants a better world for the next generation ........and yes smiley face do have a habit of taking the fireceness from a post!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I find some people's attitudes differ to finding work as well. When I was made redundant a few years back I was out of work for 1 month. That's all.

In that month I sent off over 100 applications(no exaggeration - I think I killed a small forest) all to different places in my town/area looking for work. That equated to about 20 companies getting back in touch. 10 actually offering an inter_iew. With around 3-5 actual job offers.

So if that's a 3% success rate after working my arse off it's no wonder some of them don't get a job when they think 'looking for a job' means sending in just one application a month to somewhere and not applying for anything else until they hear back from the first one.

may I ask what is your job?

surely you must appreciate that the number of available jobs varies between different industries and your personal experience will not necessarily be the same as people's?"

It's warehouse work. A good attitude and willingness to do physical work is all it takes. The qualifications I had from college were irrelevant to the role(they are computer based). The main benefit I might have over others out of work is that i've been lucky enough to maintain jobs from the age of 16 without being out of work aside from that month of redundancy.

That's why some of the people coming out of college etc need to be discouraged from having 'gap years' or not even getting their first job until they've finished college or uni. People need a balance of education AND experience. Not an abundance of education and NO experience.

I still faced problems because i'm capable of doing office work AND physical work. Some jobs fobbed me off saying i'd be better at the other so being able to do both was also a hinderance.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Would be interested to know where you got your figures for children with ADHD/aspergers from. I work in the field and if your figures are right I seem to have every one of them here

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I find some people's attitudes differ to finding work as well. When I was made redundant a few years back I was out of work for 1 month. That's all.

In that month I sent off over 100 applications(no exaggeration - I think I killed a small forest) all to different places in my town/area looking for work. That equated to about 20 companies getting back in touch. 10 actually offering an inter_iew. With around 3-5 actual job offers.

So if that's a 3% success rate after working my arse off it's no wonder some of them don't get a job when they think 'looking for a job' means sending in just one application a month to somewhere and not applying for anything else until they hear back from the first one.

may I ask what is your job?

surely you must appreciate that the number of available jobs varies between different industries and your personal experience will not necessarily be the same as people's?

That's the problem, isn't it.

100 applications in a month is less than 4 a day - not exactly hard work.

The challenge isn't sending off applications, it's finding genuine vacancies to apply for, especially vacancies which meet Ian Duncan Smith's 'better off in work' test."

Yeah that's the big problem the government need to sort out. Why would someone out of work go to work for 20+ hours a week only to get less than they do for staying at home? That's upto them to make low paid jobs have a higher take home amount than those on benefits get for being at home so it makes them better off for going to work rather than bringing home less.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"benefit fraud costs the tax payer 1bn a year, vodafone was accused of avoiding the same amount in tax

people who think benefits are a big problem to this country need to pull their heads out their arses

Fraud happend in all walks of life, tax evasion, overclaiming on expenses, employers pating part of peoples wages in cash so that they can qualify for tax credits...I could go on.

We need to stop demonising the poor and working classes and start pulling together."

That's what always happens in a recession.

The reason why the economy is fucked and we are all struggling is nothing to do with those at the bottom of the social pile. But most people on this thread appear to be unable to grasp that.

Some of the _iews on this thread are abhorrent.

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By *ucky_LadsCouple (MM)  over a year ago

Kidderminster+ surrounding areas.

"if we pay tax they just waste it, look at how much money we give to other countries waste on useless new schemes etc, we should all stop paying until the gov start looking after us first, it would be the best form of protest"

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By *yrdwomanWoman  over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

I am almost 100% certain that if the benefits bill was reduced in any way, my tax and NI would not be reduced. Seeing as I can't do anything about it then I tend not to be too concerned about how others live their lives.

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

tax evasion by the corporates and benefit fraud are both wrong.....

one should not be excused by the other, they should be tackled

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Right so get this: I am a single male, living at home with my parents. At work I should make close to £160k this year. Great you might think, but ill lose at least £58k in tax! That's another salary.... And what do I get for my money? NHS? No, I have Bupa. Dental? No I have private. Kids in school? Don't have any, and my parents paid tax for me to go when I was younger. Uni? Paid for myself...roads, pay massive tax on car and fuel already. Supporting immigrants and council scum, yes...that's where it all goes.....happy days "

I live in a council house, I also work pay my taxes...in fact I work damn hard for my wages and most weeks I work 60 hours a wk to help my son out who is at uni.

Mr also works full time.

See, not everyone who lives in a council house is scum

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By *iewMan  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Angus & Findhorn

some of the biggest snobs I know are the ones who grew up in council housing and bought a house

most people I know who were born into wealth are often the kindest and most down to earth.

note use of some and most.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Money does not buy grace, style, sophistication, intelligence and good manners, that's for certain, IMHO.

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By *amschwingerzCouple  over a year ago


Half the problem is those genuine people who are not the type to ponce everything they can off the state see people coming to this country and getting everything...or 'professional scroungers' bleeding the system dry and take the line 'fuck it, if they give it to them I'll get what I can (and more) too'...

Unfortunately the welfare state breeds resentment..

My parents lived in a freezing cold Victorian council house...I remember growing up there and scraping the ice off the INSIDE of my bedroom window in the winter...one gas fire in the lounge,..the council wouldn't give them anything..in moves an eastern Europen couple in the flat upstairs and bang..they get central heating fitted and a new (albeit basic) kitchen...having not contributed a fucking thing to this country in their lives!

I didnt begrudge them it..they were a lovely couple..they didn't work but looked after their place and kept the garden nice..didn't bother anyone..

I told me parents to screw the system for everything they could after that..but they wouldn't, they never owed a penny to anyone and would rather eat shit for breakfast then default on their rent..

Bitter?...to fucking right I am (unfortunately)

Our daughter has to live on the state at the moment in private accommodation with he daughter...she wants to work..she has had inter_iews and been offered jobs, unfortunately she will end up far worse off..it really frustrates her as she doesn't come from a family of lazy conning dole and benefit ponces..

But pride doesn't pay the bills..

She couldnt even get legal aid over the access of her daughter because she had already had it once when she went to court the first time over her..

The same legal aid they gave to the Labour MP's caught fiddling their expenses..and terrorists..

The system needs sorting out and quick..otherwise we might as well all stay at home and ponce.

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By *rishmochaMan  over a year ago


Present & previous governments have made a point of making people at the bottom of the social ladder the ones we should vilify. Why don't we complain about MP's who have second incomes or falsify their claims. Businesses that are willing to pay 'little' to avoid paying 'plenty' in taxes. Yes there are folks who avoid work & claim from the state, but everyone is at it not just the ones you read about in the Daily Mail & like.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


The reason why the economy is fucked and we are all struggling is nothing to do with those at the bottom of the social pile. But most people on this thread appear to be unable to grasp that.

Some of the _iews on this thread are abhorrent.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Right so get this: I am a single male, living at home with my parents. At work I should make close to £160k this year. Great you might think, but ill lose at least £58k in tax! That's another salary.... And what do I get for my money? NHS? No, I have Bupa. Dental? No I have private. Kids in school? Don't have any, and my parents paid tax for me to go when I was younger. Uni? Paid for myself...roads, pay massive tax on car and fuel already. Supporting immigrants and council scum, yes...that's where it all goes.....happy days "

why don't you save as much money as you can and go and live somewhere where you'll be happier. Its a win/win really because you'll be doing us a fucking favour too

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By *ucky_LadsCouple (MM)  over a year ago

Kidderminster+ surrounding areas.

"tax evasion by the corporates and benefit fraud are both wrong.....

one should not be excused by the other, they should be tackled"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Right so get this: I am a single male, living at home with my parents. At work I should make close to £160k this year. Great you might think, but ill lose at least £58k in tax! That's another salary.... And what do I get for my money? NHS? No, I have Bupa. Dental? No I have private. Kids in school? Don't have any, and my parents paid tax for me to go when I was younger. Uni? Paid for myself...roads, pay massive tax on car and fuel already. Supporting immigrants and council scum, yes...that's where it all goes.....happy days

I live in a council house, I also work pay my taxes...in fact I work damn hard for my wages and most weeks I work 60 hours a wk to help my son out who is at uni.

Mr also works full time.

See, not everyone who lives in a council house is scum "

Same situation here, and what irritates quite often is this, being tarred with same brush attitude from the council itself, i get letters from the council threatening that if this has to be tidied up again or this is damaged again, we will charge every resident for this etc. Simply not guilty of causing any of this, its temp residents, who enjoy such things as fully re-furnished,carpeted, brand new kitchen appliances installed by the council,and they systematically mess it all up, damage it,some even try to sell it on for a few quid.

Suddenly decide they dont like where they are and get punted to somewhere else and dump whatever they cant take with them litterally out the door.

Think the next idea is meterless electricity,which makes sense,keeping every light on in the house 24/7 needs free electric i guess.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well said

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 23/12/12 14:32:59]

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By *ucky_LadsCouple (MM)  over a year ago

Kidderminster+ surrounding areas.


Same situation here, and what irritates quite often is this, being tarred with same brush attitude from the council itself, i get letters from the council threatening that if this has to be tidied up again or this is damaged again, we will charge every resident for this etc. Simply not guilty of causing any of this, its temp residents, who enjoy such things as fully re-furnished,carpeted, brand new kitchen appliances installed by the council,and they systematically mess it all up, damage it,some even try to sell it on for a few quid.

Suddenly decide they dont like where they are and get punted to somewhere else and dump whatever they cant take with them litterally out the door.

Think the next idea is meterless electricity,which makes sense,keeping every light on in the house 24/7 needs free electric i guess."

i hear that some in london actually complained that they had no garden with trees like the place they left in eastern europe!,why they not piss of back there then?.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

As a ex serviceman I take your point but in the 22 years I served I covered for firemen when they went on strike, did the same for dustmen knew of plans to cover hospitals and heard on many occasions of civil unrest heard the cry of send in the army. I had no oppertunity to refuse earned less than most I covered and now I'm paying more tax on my pension because HMRC made a mistake!! Also can't claim any benefits ( if u need to as I have a pension )

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By *he_original_poloWoman  over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"benefit fraud costs the tax payer 1bn a year, vodafone was accused of avoiding the same amount in tax

people who think benefits are a big problem to this country need to pull their heads out their arses "

Oh that's alright then... it's about the pound sign not the principle or what it all leads to in the long term.... phewwwwwwwwww I can relax now.

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By *ctavius StuntMan  over a year ago


"benefit fraud costs the tax payer 1bn a year, vodafone was accused of avoiding the same amount in tax

people who think benefits are a big problem to this country need to pull their heads out their arses

Fraud happend in all walks of life, tax evasion, overclaiming on expenses, employers pating part of peoples wages in cash so that they can qualify for tax credits...I could go on.

We need to stop demonising the poor and working classes and start pulling together.

That's what always happens in a recession.

The reason why the economy is fucked and we are all struggling is nothing to do with those at the bottom of the social pile. But most people on this thread appear to be unable to grasp that.

Some of the _iews on this thread are abhorrent.


Abohrrent is right. I can forgive ignorance, but im amazed on threads like this at the ammount of un disguised racism, generalised hatred and intolerance. Its funny though how many attractive people can become instantaneously hideous and ugly to me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"some of the biggest snobs I know are the ones who grew up in council housing and bought a house

most people I know who were born into wealth are often the kindest and most down to earth.

note use of some and most.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A lot of peoples comments on here really are getting my back up I mean how narrow minded.

Just sheer cheek to think you are so badly done to and your the only one paying taxes I mean the person who is earning over 150k a year what a total joke you are living with your parents, are you getting your meals and washing done while you sit there and do nothing other than go to work? I mean come on you can judge people so ill judge you only fair !!

Tax this and tax that well if you don't like it blame the government its there fault you in this mess in the first place, good old maggy thatcher caused the problem as council houses were for families who could not afford a house of there own and were living in over crowded homes and she let people buy there own council home at a cut price (which they could not afford according to them) now are they scum?? Also look now there are less council owned homes and it is so hard for people to get one which will then reflect back to the 60s where you find families living with families in over crowded homes so basically back to square one!!

Now the benefit systems well jsa is quite hard to cheat over and over as you have to have proof of company's you have applied for and yes they can check up on you too and if you don't have a certain amount of jobs applied for per week you get signed off!!

Now incapacity/sickness benefit you have to prove with sick notes from doctors that you have a illness refraining you from working which again is hard I mean the good old bad back tale don't work these days as your sent straight for an mri scan to prove so and its a lot more difficult than most of you may think and what doctor is going to give you a sick note for a lot years for a made up illness that can't be proven as they would rather prove you have that problem and treat that problem if possible.

Now disability do you know if you have been in the forces and blown up and are missing a arm and both legs that its hard to get any dla benefit as in the eyes of the government you can answer a phone so you can work ??

Yes a lot harder than you seem to think and my comments have been proven over and over on tv in sites using secret footage!!

So when one of you high and mighty tax payers get hit by a bus or fall off a cliff and find yourself in the same situation all your so called opinions about scum will change when you are signing forms begging for money to help you live a normal life you won't be calling yourself scum then oh no it will be I didn't realise how hard it was/is to be on this end of the scale heard and seen it all before just pig headed and narrow minded and all this coming from a hard working 26 year old who clearly knows more than most of you put together now go and run along count your net taxes and weep.

Now add up your statistics and your percentages and listen to the dribble this government are feeding you but one thing is for sure you don't know what its like until you experience it first hand for yourself so walk around with your eyes closed and read the sun as much as you like but you can't put people and lifestyles into a box with a label on it, grow a backbone and blame the people responsible the government!! So its thatchers fault theres no council houses is it?

thatcher gave people the right to buy so the money raised could beused to buy land and build new housing stock only LABOUR didnt use the money they spent it on the welfare state

good old BLAIR also ended the right to buy and sold of the housing stock to housing associations who then sold of houses they didnt want to private developers so they could build houses for sale shame they didnt build low cost houses

Camron has brought back the right to buy but the money HAS to be used to build new homes for rent

as for benefit cheets under Camoron when they are court they now go to prison and have to pay every penny back were as under Blair and Brown they got a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again

LABOUR built a system were its better to be out of work than in work were as now its getting changed to being better to work only the so called scum dont want to work

not every one on benefits are scum but a lot are and i think you will find most on this forum post are refering to the ones who have spent all there lives in and out of prison and have never had a job

then theres the drug addicts who use taxpayers hard earned cash that they pay in tax of there wages to get stoned on what ever they can get and when that money runs out they steal of working familys to get more drugs

then you have the alcoholics who get DLA to sit in a pub all day and get pissed

if you have payed tax and national insurance and lose your job you should be entiteld to benefits

if your in you 20's/30's/40's and upwards and have NEVER done a days work in your life then your benefit scrounging SCUM

UNLESS you have a genuin illness that stops you from working

and as this goverment has proved if your on DLA and can sit infront of a computer on facebook all day or sit and play games on and Xbox or what ever you can sit infront of a computer and damb well get paid for it and pay tax "

So basically you know it all well let me set you straight you missed out john major you remember him yes after thatcher what did he do with the money raised for council homes ?

And the fact that council homes were for families who could not afford to buy went out of the window when they sold the homes at a reduced rate which put the situation back the sqaure one !!

Now also your comment about people in there 20s/30s/40s never doing a days work are scum what if these people were born disabled do your opinions still stay the same that they are scum because by the looks of it they do.

I think you should really do your homework before you make a comment I can't even be arsed to waste my breath anymore on people like you the real SCUM

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I have bipolar and its a real disability. Anyone who dont think its an illness can explain what killed my father to me. im a single mum i work full time, in the past ive had to have time off for it but now im more stable. I work 45 hour 6 day week get paid min wage so i have to claim benefits and we still cant afford holidays or meat, its very stressful being working mum, i worry i dont get enough time with my kids and they will go off the rails, sometimes i wonder why i bother? Its hardly wonderland for disabled people on benefits to aspire to is it, i dont blame them for not working really.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Oh and im a single mum because my x husband fucked off with another woman before u say well why have kids...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Oh and im a single mum because my x husband fucked off with another woman before u say well why have kids...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" ..........

We need to stop demonising the poor and working classes and start pulling together.

There's a subsection of society which needs to demonise someone and if it weren't the poor and working classes, it'd be someone else.

I don't think anyone has issues with the working classes. Its the lazy bastard non working classes that people, including myself, have issues with!

do you have any issues with the corrupt bankers and politicians who caused the current financial crisis? "

Whoops, me bad, do 2 wrongs make a right?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

" ..........

the lazy bastard non working classes

Bit of a sweeping statement. Are you applying that to people out of work,or people who have never had a job or people who actively avoid working,or all three?"

Unemployment at some point in your life is almost inevitable and not always the fault of the individual. I have been made redundant twice, but both times, I have walked into another job, which is fortunate.

Disability Allowances are different as you cannot prevent illness that prevents you working.

My issue is with those out there who have the begging cap out and claiming benefits, when they are perfectly fit to work, but choose not to. They feed off the system, and it truly makes me sick.

I know they exist as I have a 3 cousins who have played the system for years and have a better home and more disposable income than me. How they can be right, when they have never put anything in to the system I do not know.... And yes they do know my feelings on it.

Years ago I lived in France and the system they had there was everyone could claim unemployment benefit for something like 3 years of their working life. It was there to help you through the hard times, which I believe is how it should be.

Benefits are just that... a benefit, not a good given right for the feckless in our society!

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By *ucky_LadsCouple (MM)  over a year ago

Kidderminster+ surrounding areas.

"some of the biggest snobs I know are the ones who grew up in council housing and bought a house

most people I know who were born into wealth are often the kindest and most down to earth.

note use of some and most.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Pisses me off big style, why people need 4,5,6 plus children i will never know. i have worked from the day after i left school, and when i look at the tax i pay to keep these lay abouts it depresses me. No family allowance should be paid for more than 2 kids, no Family allowance paid to foreigners who's kids live in Poland or where ever. No DLA unless you are really ill, getting DLA for depression fuck sake get a life/

Rant Over

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By *b430Man  over a year ago


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