By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
The problem with any prequel material is that it necessarily had to be a ‘based on the writing of…’ rather than a straightforward adaptation.
Tolkien wrote so much such for all the ages prior to the 3rd in which the events of the LOTR is based, but like actual records for eg Norse mythology, it’s fractured, incomplete, inconsistent. This is why I love it, it feels like real mythology, we don’t really have the full story, we don’t know which version is accurate etc. Tolkien wrote and rewrote in parts and in full, in prose and in poem, and never ever reached anything approaching a finalised version of the 1st and 2nd ages. Names changed, the timescales in which the same event was described in multiple retellings changed. The Silmarillion was never a prequel, it was an attempt by Christopher Tolkien to pull
Together a coherent history of the time before the LOTR, but much of what was included had been replaced as more and more of JRRTs works have been found and understood.
Anyone trying to pull out a lengthy single story of something happening in these times, much less trying to tell a story showing the span of these ages is doomed to have to choose which bits to use, and which bits they need to make up to fill the gaps. And to make it worse, almost any and all extant info on what he did wrote was not writing stylistically in any way like a story in the way of LOTR, but as a history. There’s precious little dialogue, and most of that is a very dry “And then Feanor said…” more like a court transcript than a dynamic breathing scene. We know what some characters did, and some events we can describe, but we don’t have the finer character detail, ergo
That’s something we law that must be made up.
And as we know, people have strong ideas about how it should be, so when someone else’s strong idea doesn’t match, we get annoyed. Some people are getting annoyed because there are black hobbits - Tolkien might jot have used the word ‘black’ (which is a crap catch all anyway) but he did describe certain Hobbits as “nut brown” or “darker of skin” and yet the anti woke brigade are here telling us only their version with white hobbits is correct. Elves and dragons is fine, but not a black actor..anyway that’s a a different rant…
I’ll watch it when it’s all released, in 1 go.
Here endeth the essay |