Poly people can become jelly, that's not just for the monogamous amongst us. And no, I like the mix of mono/poly people amongst us. The world would be dull if we were all the same.
Poly isn't a new invention, been around for centuries.
It's only the advent of strict religious doctrine etc that monogamous become the done thing.
Jealousy is a right biatch though.
Is anything ever easy and if it is don’t you question if that means it’s right?
Poly can throw up just as many questions, insecurities and arguments as monogamy does - were all human not devoid of catching feelings regardless of the types of relationships you enter
"I think becoming jelly would be epic I could hold bouncy castles in my belly and people could eat me with ice-cream! "
Would it be strawbelly jelly. Orange just isn't the same