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Single for Christmas

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By *ixedDevil OP   Man  over a year ago


It might just be me, but what do other people think about being single during the festive season. Its always nice to have someone with you to create memories with but that wont be the case for me this year and I don’t really know what to make of it lol

I reckon most people would say to just get on with it really!

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By *offiaCoolWoman  over a year ago


Been alone at Christmas for 13 years. It's just another day to me. Christmas is for families and I don't have any. I enjoy my day watching TV, eating and drinking.

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By *offiaCoolWoman  over a year ago


Oh, maybe this thread could be an opportunity for fabbers to find someone to share Christmas with

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By *riar BelisseWoman  over a year ago


I'm on 7 years single at Xmas now and it doesn't impact our family Xmas in any way

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By *ixedDevil OP   Man  over a year ago


"Oh, maybe this thread could be an opportunity for fabbers to find someone to share Christmas with "

I was thinking the same thing!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'll be single again this Christmas, no biggie

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Last year was my 1st Christmas and New year on my own.

I did struggle, didn't celebrate as seemed pointless being on my own.

Just treated it like a normal day.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Will be single but neighbor be joining me for dinner

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This will be my 9th Christmas single, yeah it’d be lovely to have someone to cuddle up with, watch films etc

But hey ho I’ve resigned myself to being a spinster who’ll end up with a lot of dogs (allergic to cats)

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By *uriousscouserWoman  over a year ago


One less present I have to buy

I spend so much time with my family over christmas that if I did have a partner they'd see precious little of me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It might just be me, but what do other people think about being single during the festive season. Its always nice to have someone with you to create memories with but that wont be the case for me this year and I don’t really know what to make of it lol

I reckon most people would say to just get on with it really! "

Nothing new here - doubt I'll see much of my Daughter neither... As long as there's chocs, I'm happy!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I don't feel I miss out on Christmas being single. Luckily still have family to spend it with x

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By *luttyLaylaWoman  over a year ago

North West

Christmas dates are the only time I miss not being single haha!

Then it gets to actual Christmas and I’m glad I am ha!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My first one so will be strange but, we crack on!

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By *hilcccMan  over a year ago

West Lancashire

My first year single in 15 years!! It will be different but I intended to enjoy myself!! Merry Christmas everyone

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Rather be single than all the fake crap that comes with been in a relationship.

Watch what you want on tv, bed to yourself, wouldn't change that!

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By *izzy.miss.lizzyCouple  over a year ago


I had a couple of Christmas's alone after my first Husband passed away, I actually quite enjoyed them!

It's nice to be able to please yourself sometimes instead of trying to please everyone else.

Treated myself to some nice cozy new pj's and slippers, spent the time cozy

on the sofa, under a nice fluffy throw, watching what I wanted on You Tube, mugs of hot chocolate now and again, deli style food from the fridge and cupboard to nibble on, a few ciders or glasses of rum and ... candle lit baths with bubbles... basically whatever I fancied whenever I fancied it.

It doesn't have to be miserable, just indulge yourself!!!


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By *ixedDevil OP   Man  over a year ago


"Last year was my 1st Christmas and New year on my own.

I did struggle, didn't celebrate as seemed pointless being on my own.

Just treated it like a normal day."

How do you reckon this year will go for you?

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By *ixedDevil OP   Man  over a year ago


"Rather be single than all the fake crap that comes with been in a relationship.

Watch what you want on tv, bed to yourself, wouldn't change that! "

I respect that but personally being in a relationship with someone in my opinion has more pros than cons

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By *LiamMan  over a year ago


I'm single but Christmas for me is about seeing my children nothing else. Enjoy all

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By *irestorm 500Couple  over a year ago


It's lonely being single throughout the year but I think Christmas is just a little more difficult.

Yes I have family and friends but to be able to spend it with that one special person for me would make Christmas.

X Storm X

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By *ad NannaWoman  over a year ago

East London

It isn't really much different for me than when I was married.

My husband didn't do anything special with me at Christmas and if we did go to the pub he would become paranoid that a happy person being friendly was trying to come onto me, and start on me.

You don't miss what you never had

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By *ad NannaWoman  over a year ago

East London

"Rather be single than all the fake crap that comes with been in a relationship.

Watch what you want on tv, bed to yourself, wouldn't change that!

I respect that but personally being in a relationship with someone in my opinion has more pros than cons "

And it isn't always fake.

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By *etcplCouple  over a year ago

Gapping Fanny

Get some toys and be a big kid.

Have fun and don’t dwell on being alone. Celebrate all those things you enjoy.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I had Christmas on my own when I was single for 4 years and yes I missed someone special to share it with but I also appreciated having time alone.

This could be because I have kids and I had them to occupy my time and when they were with my ex husband I then valued my alone time a little more.


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By *luebell888Woman  over a year ago


Does not bother me beig single. Half the time I am working anyway so don't have time to dwell on things.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Without a shadow of a doubt I miss having someone at Christmas!!!!

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By *rincess peachWoman  over a year ago

shits creek

I'll be working. When I get home I'll probably shed a few tears and wallow in self pity for a bit.

My life is defo not what I had in mind but it's the hand I've been dealt.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'll be working. When I get home I'll probably shed a few tears and wallow in self pity for a bit.

My life is defo not what I had in mind but it's the hand I've been dealt."

Not too many and not for too long please!!

I’m sure you’ll get your happy one day

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By *enm83Man  over a year ago


Always been single at Christmas, just let me play with my small violin!

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By *ig1gaz1Man  over a year ago


Im fine with being alone at christmas.

Though not realy alone when I can visit others.

Ive always taken a light aproach to christmas.

As I have no intention of stressing with the holiday period, I either have it or I dont.

Dont get me wrong I do miss the snuggles/ cuddles on the sofa or in bed.

Cooking the main light dinner as no one is going to cook over a stove all day for me.

I prefer a light dinner and enjoy snacks to top up on

Because its so light you both can enjoy each others company and sex together.

But thats me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've a small family nowadays. My kids are adults and I love spending time with them each on their own butthe 3 mixed together is a bit of a concoction!

I've been single almost 4 years - previously it hadn't bothered me being single at crimbo /new year but the last couple of years with Covid and lockdown etc, it's made realise I prefer to be in a relationship but I'll never consider being in a relationship solely just for the sake of it.

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By *affron40Woman  over a year ago


11 years single at Christmas and really don’t notice it. It’s a busy time of year catching up with people

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Having a partner doesn't mean you have someone to snuggle up to on Christmas Day. I won't be with mine because he has other commitments he can't get out of. I'll be on my own and that's fine. Nobody will steal my favourite chocolate from the tub or tell me I can't watch trashy TV while crocheting.

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I thought this was about somebody releasing a Christmas single… how disappointed am I…

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I thought this was about somebody releasing a Christmas single… how disappointed am I… "

Pmsl I bet you were however, did you know Ed Sheeran and Elton John have released a crimbo single?

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By *xtrafun4youMan  over a year ago


My first Christmas as a single. After 25 years no the best.

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By *lex46TV/TS  over a year ago

Near Wells

I spend the day with my ex wife. No point in both of us sat at home lonely.

She always cooks an excellent dinner as well.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I spend the day with my ex wife. No point in both of us sat at home lonely.

She always cooks an excellent dinner as well. "

Aww that's lovely that you can do that.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead. "

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels "

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels "

Never said that people can't be sad! I have no family and my best friend and other ex is dying of cancer. I was clearly saying it's what you make of it! Putting words in my mouth. Lol

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 06/12/21 17:42:45]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels Never said that people can't be sad! I have no family and my best friend and other ex is dying of cancer. I was clearly saying it's what you make of it! Putting words in my mouth. Lol "

Haven’t put words in your mouth at all.

But when someone/people say they feel sad about a situation and someone says ‘well others are worse off’ - it just makes you feel worse and like your feelings aren’t valid

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels



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By *amie HantsWoman  over a year ago


This Christmas, I’m single. I normally quite like the single spells between relationships but at Christmas I do get a bit emosh. On the place side, I get to 5th wheel with my siblings and their partners and maybe they’ll pity me so much they’ll leave the strawberry roses for me

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels Never said that people can't be sad! I have no family and my best friend and other ex is dying of cancer. I was clearly saying it's what you make of it! Putting words in my mouth. Lol

Haven’t put words in your mouth at all.

But when someone/people say they feel sad about a situation and someone says ‘well others are worse off’ - it just makes you feel worse and like your feelings aren’t valid"

I didn't say he couldn't or feel sad? Drama queen I was being positive.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels

fake! "

How am I fake? Or what I’ve said is fake?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I’ve got family with me this year, so being single just means less presents to buy…. Finally decided I’m on the scrap heap….. and actually come to terms with it…..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels Never said that people can't be sad! I have no family and my best friend and other ex is dying of cancer. I was clearly saying it's what you make of it! Putting words in my mouth. Lol

Haven’t put words in your mouth at all.

But when someone/people say they feel sad about a situation and someone says ‘well others are worse off’ - it just makes you feel worse and like your feelings aren’t valid I didn't say he couldn't or feel sad? Drama queen I was being positive. "

You seem to get very angry and abusive towards others when people disagree with you - no need for it

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels


How am I fake? Or what I’ve said is fake? "

The guy is fake! Long story lol don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say the OP can't be sad or how he should feel?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Been single at Christmas for 17 years now.

Still felt single at Christmas when I was with someone within those years. Work that one out....

I always get that invite from the parents to make sure I'm thought of on the day

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By *lex46TV/TS  over a year ago

Near Wells

"I spend the day with my ex wife. No point in both of us sat at home lonely.

She always cooks an excellent dinner as well. "

We remain friends, she is still a nice lady and we help each other out if we can. I count myself very lucky.

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels Never said that people can't be sad! I have no family and my best friend and other ex is dying of cancer. I was clearly saying it's what you make of it! Putting words in my mouth. Lol

Haven’t put words in your mouth at all.

But when someone/people say they feel sad about a situation and someone says ‘well others are worse off’ - it just makes you feel worse and like your feelings aren’t valid I didn't say he couldn't or feel sad? Drama queen I was being positive.

You seem to get very angry and abusive towards others when people disagree with you - no need for it "

You were abusive to me? Creating drama my god. Lol

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By *herubchubWoman  over a year ago

Nr the sea

Not too proud to say I hate it! Will be my 5th single Christmas.

Whilst k don’t miss my ex or marriage, it wasn’t all bad and it would be wrong of me to imply it was! We had some lovely Christmas’ and I loved doing the festive things with someone.

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels Never said that people can't be sad! I have no family and my best friend and other ex is dying of cancer. I was clearly saying it's what you make of it! Putting words in my mouth. Lol

Haven’t put words in your mouth at all.

But when someone/people say they feel sad about a situation and someone says ‘well others are worse off’ - it just makes you feel worse and like your feelings aren’t valid I didn't say he couldn't or feel sad? Drama queen I was being positive.

You seem to get very angry and abusive towards others when people disagree with you - no need for it "

Angry? Again telling me how i feel and what i said. When did i say the OP isn't allowed to be sad?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels


How am I fake? Or what I’ve said is fake? The guy is fake! Long story lol don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say the OP can't be sad or how he should feel? "

I know you didn’t - it’s what’s implied with ‘people are worse off’ - as though others should be grateful

Like I said above, haven’t put words in your mouth at all.

Don’t want to get into an argument - I’ve had a lot in the past after losing my husband say ‘well you can remarry you’re still young’ - or ‘be grateful you had kids’ etc

It just grates on me when I see a comment about others have it worse

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Need my glasses thought we were talking about new Elton Ed single sorry carry on

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels


How am I fake? Or what I’ve said is fake? The guy is fake! Long story lol don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say the OP can't be sad or how he should feel?

I know you didn’t - it’s what’s implied with ‘people are worse off’ - as though others should be grateful

Like I said above, haven’t put words in your mouth at all.

Don’t want to get into an argument - I’ve had a lot in the past after losing my husband say ‘well you can remarry you’re still young’ - or ‘be grateful you had kids’ etc

It just grates on me when I see a comment about others have it worse "

I have my crap and still positive? Not sure where or when i said others can't be sad. You think I'm on cloud 9 or something? Buy it's what you make of it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's lonely being single throughout the year but I think Christmas is just a little more difficult.

Yes I have family and friends but to be able to spend it with that one special person for me would make Christmas.

X Storm X"

Psst...you're posting this from a couples profile

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels


How am I fake? Or what I’ve said is fake? The guy is fake! Long story lol don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say the OP can't be sad or how he should feel?

I know you didn’t - it’s what’s implied with ‘people are worse off’ - as though others should be grateful

Like I said above, haven’t put words in your mouth at all.

Don’t want to get into an argument - I’ve had a lot in the past after losing my husband say ‘well you can remarry you’re still young’ - or ‘be grateful you had kids’ etc

It just grates on me when I see a comment about others have it worse I have my crap and still positive? Not sure where or when i said others can't be sad. You think I'm on cloud 9 or something? Buy it's what you make of it. "

Not repeating myself again, I give up

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Single but with my kids. Can’t wait to finish work and spend time at home.

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

People still have the right to feel sad or low about it, just because there’s worse things going on in the world or people worse off, doesn’t detract from how the individual feels


How am I fake? Or what I’ve said is fake? The guy is fake! Long story lol don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say the OP can't be sad or how he should feel?

I know you didn’t - it’s what’s implied with ‘people are worse off’ - as though others should be grateful

Like I said above, haven’t put words in your mouth at all.

Don’t want to get into an argument - I’ve had a lot in the past after losing my husband say ‘well you can remarry you’re still young’ - or ‘be grateful you had kids’ etc

It just grates on me when I see a comment about others have it worse "

my real dad i miss at Christmas he died to suicide when younger. No problem not looking for an argument either! I'll be quiet and not say anything.

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By *ong-leggedblondWoman  over a year ago

Next Door

Its hard at times being single and I find Xmas worst being single.

I have a small family and they will be around me but they will be mainly doing their things, which I love.

Not had a Xmas day with a partner for 12 yrs.

I am looking for someone, hopefully me being single will change in the New Year

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead. "

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Jingle your bells.

If you have a problem with Kinky or Tmontana I'd suggest talking with admin instead. I understand everyone can have their own opinions which is fine but I don't really think it is appropriate getting claws out.

It's great you're so passionate about something.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Oh, maybe this thread could be an opportunity for fabbers to find someone to share Christmas with "

Come round to mine and I will cook a sumptuous dinner!

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful. "

Never dismissed it? I said it's what you make of it. You are toxic by assuming things i ain't even said! I think being single and a roof over your head is something to be grateful for when world hunger still exists.

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"Jingle your bells.

If you have a problem with Kinky or Tmontana I'd suggest talking with admin instead. I understand everyone can have their own opinions which is fine but I don't really think it is appropriate getting claws out.

It's great you're so passionate about something."

Why are you butting in? Nothing to do with you really. I think she has a problem with me more like! Lol Oh he knows my problem with him. Thank you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful. Never dismissed it? I said it's what you make of it. You are toxic by assuming things i ain't even said! I think being single and a roof over your head is something to be grateful for when world hunger still exists. "

You can’t just call me toxic because I disagree. I didn’t say you were toxic, I said I don’t like toxic positivity. It’s a way if totally invalidating someone’s emotions.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Its hard at times being single and I find Xmas worst being single.

I have a small family and they will be around me but they will be mainly doing their things, which I love.

Not had a Xmas day with a partner for 12 yrs.

I am looking for someone, hopefully me being single will change in the New Year "

Excellent positivity!

I'm similar but less years being single. Here's hoping 2022 is a good year for those who seek romance.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Jingle your bells.

If you have a problem with Kinky or Tmontana I'd suggest talking with admin instead. I understand everyone can have their own opinions which is fine but I don't really think it is appropriate getting claws out.

It's great you're so passionate about something. Why are you butting in? Nothing to do with you really. I think she has a problem with me more like! Lol Oh he knows my problem with him. Thank you "

I have no problem with you - not everyone is going to agree on the forums, I’m allowed my opinion, as are you, only difference is you reply on the defensive and name call

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"Jingle your bells.

If you have a problem with Kinky or Tmontana I'd suggest talking with admin instead. I understand everyone can have their own opinions which is fine but I don't really think it is appropriate getting claws out.

It's great you're so passionate about something."

Sorry not sure what i said bad? Never once said the OP or anyone isn't allowed to be sad.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i'm single for every day of the year

so it makes no difference to me

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By *erfectman122Man  over a year ago

from somewhere nice

Single and love it at Christmas

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By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"Jingle your bells.

If you have a problem with Kinky or Tmontana I'd suggest talking with admin instead. I understand everyone can have their own opinions which is fine but I don't really think it is appropriate getting claws out.

It's great you're so passionate about something. Why are you butting in? Nothing to do with you really. I think she has a problem with me more like! Lol Oh he knows my problem with him. Thank you

I have no problem with you - not everyone is going to agree on the forums, I’m allowed my opinion, as are you, only difference is you reply on the defensive and name call"

Well please don't assume what people mean! Have a good evening.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Jingle your bells.

If you have a problem with Kinky or Tmontana I'd suggest talking with admin instead. I understand everyone can have their own opinions which is fine but I don't really think it is appropriate getting claws out.

It's great you're so passionate about something. Why are you butting in? Nothing to do with you really. I think she has a problem with me more like! Lol Oh he knows my problem with him. Thank you "

People look out for others. Friends look out for friends. They have both been nothing but amazing as long as I've known them and spoke to them. My view point is a person looking from the outside in and you are the one with some issues this evening that you have no right to spout on to others.

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By *offiaCoolWoman  over a year ago


"Oh, maybe this thread could be an opportunity for fabbers to find someone to share Christmas with

Come round to mine and I will cook a sumptuous dinner!"

Awww, how lovely. I'm not actually looking to spend the day with anyone, I quite like my own company. But that was a very very generous offer

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"Jingle your bells.

If you have a problem with Kinky or Tmontana I'd suggest talking with admin instead. I understand everyone can have their own opinions which is fine but I don't really think it is appropriate getting claws out.

It's great you're so passionate about something. Why are you butting in? Nothing to do with you really. I think she has a problem with me more like! Lol Oh he knows my problem with him. Thank you

People look out for others. Friends look out for friends. They have both been nothing but amazing as long as I've known them and spoke to them. My view point is a person looking from the outside in and you are the one with some issues this evening that you have no right to spout on to others."

Okay! Still wasn't your place to try and gang up on me. Your friend made assumptions of what i said which clearly i didn't say no one can't be sad. It's what you make of it though! Being single in my opinion isn't the worst thing, But for some however it may hey positivity is good. Have a good evening

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Oh, maybe this thread could be an opportunity for fabbers to find someone to share Christmas with

Come round to mine and I will cook a sumptuous dinner!

Awww, how lovely. I'm not actually looking to spend the day with anyone, I quite like my own company. But that was a very very generous offer "

Enjoy the day ...........

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *hroatQueen_CATV/TS  over a year ago


"Jingle your bells.

If you have a problem with Kinky or Tmontana I'd suggest talking with admin instead. I understand everyone can have their own opinions which is fine but I don't really think it is appropriate getting claws out.

It's great you're so passionate about something. Why are you butting in? Nothing to do with you really. I think she has a problem with me more like! Lol Oh he knows my problem with him. Thank you

People look out for others. Friends look out for friends. They have both been nothing but amazing as long as I've known them and spoke to them. My view point is a person looking from the outside in and you are the one with some issues this evening that you have no right to spout on to others."

Spout onto others you sound aggressive? She spouted that i felt or said something i didn't even say. Lol oh I'm aware i ain't perfect who is perfect? You have no right to judge me you don't even know me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm single and hate this time of year, especially Xmas because I'm by myself. I would love to be able to share it with someone as it's such a lonely time. I just try and get through the day

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By *issYeuxBleusWoman  over a year ago

My boudoir - S Wales

This is my 3rd Christmas being single, I’d much rather that than the previous 6 where I didn’t know what degrading names I’d be called or if I was going to have to sleep in my car after a d*unk argument.

Also, I get to swear at the tv with my dad and have an afternoon nap now

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

As long as it's not wizard

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"This is my 3rd Christmas being single, I’d much rather that than the previous 6 where I didn’t know what degrading names I’d be called or if I was going to have to sleep in my car after a d*unk argument.

Also, I get to swear at the tv with my dad and have an afternoon nap now "

I'm sorry about those previous Christmasses. Enjoy your freedom.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *igGs19Woman  over a year ago

Castle Douglas

3 years single regardless of Christmas, but even then I think I've worked most Christmases over the past 12 years. It's just another day.

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By *toC Thats MeWoman  over a year ago


I’m pretty happy been single, would be nice to meet someone in the future but I don’t feel like my happiness depends on it as I’m pretty independent. Will be spending it with my kiddos and seeing family and friends so will be good all round

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By *ob08Man  over a year ago


99 problems......

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"This is my 3rd Christmas being single, I’d much rather that than the previous 6 where I didn’t know what degrading names I’d be called or if I was going to have to sleep in my car after a d*unk argument.

Also, I get to swear at the tv with my dad and have an afternoon nap now "

Good Heavens that is dreadful.

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By *orace99Man  over a year ago


First year in 34 years

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It might just be me, but what do other people think about being single during the festive season. Its always nice to have someone with you to create memories with but that wont be the case for me this year and I don’t really know what to make of it lol

I reckon most people would say to just get on with it really! "

Rather be single than with someone for the sake of it...its not so bad

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By *iger4uWoman  over a year ago

In my happy place

Nothing new here.

I couldnt care less.

Alone isnt a failure.

Relationships have a lifespan.

Perfect xmas is a work of fiction.

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By *he SurveyorMan  over a year ago


My first Christmas alone this year.

Offers in Gtr Manchester

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By *ENGUYMan  over a year ago


Having worked in Hospitality for most of my 47 year career, working Xmas and New Year became the "norm".

When working away from Hotels etc, I still worked in businesses which operated throughout the Festive Season.

But in those 47 years I had only 6 Christmases off, and then really only 1 day off in each. Thus last Xmas, after redundancy from work, I'd my 1st WHOLE CHRISTMAS OFF.

It was bliss, did what I wanted, when I wanted, etc.

It will be the same this year!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I shall be single for christmas, but have been 'alone' for many previous ones so this will be not a lot different. I do have the kids though so I have company. Do you have any family or friends you can visit, or are you going it completely alone.

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By *rMojoRisinMan  over a year ago


I’ll be single at Christmas, I’m going to the pub at lunchtime, eating what I want, probably lobster, as I’m cooking for my son and I on Boxing Day.

Sounds great to me!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I will be home alone over the Christmas holidays and looking forward to it.

No family argument

No cooking for hours

No washing up

No trying to make a Barbie camper van

No hunting around for batteries

No one drinking all the wine

No one eating all the chocolates

And on top of this I get to watch what I want on the telly with our someone talking over it. Happy days

I do have many happy memories of Christmas.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I will be home alone over the Christmas holidays and looking forward to it.

No family argument

No cooking for hours

No washing up

No trying to make a Barbie camper van

No hunting around for batteries

No one drinking all the wine

No one eating all the chocolates

And on top of this I get to watch what I want on the telly with our someone talking over it. Happy days

I do have many happy memories of Christmas. "

Do you get invited to many parties?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wont be alone at Christmas as I have my daughter, but the following week will be tough when she is away at her dads. I actually don't mind my own company, and have very little social life, being a single parent.

I have few memories of New Year that were really good! Mostly spent thinking wtf am I doing braving stupidly d*unk people who I don't really want to be with!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"As long as it's not wizard "

I really must read the title of these threads properly I thought this was a post about Christmas singles ...lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Single for Christmas here as it has been for a few years now, unless of course cupid decides to intervene between now and then

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By *ophieslutTV/TS  over a year ago


Christmas is probably better alone for me and I can create good memories any time off the year. Preferably when more things are possible.

I feel as if the strong arm of capitalism has hijacked our lives, to no benefit to us and with huge downsides.

I don't subscribe to the creation of a shadow Disney magical lifestyle, when the simpler things in life are superior

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By *ittleMissCaliWoman  over a year ago

all loved up

"It might just be me, but what do other people think about being single during the festive season. Its always nice to have someone with you to create memories with but that wont be the case for me this year and I don’t really know what to make of it lol

I reckon most people would say to just get on with it really! "

this year I'm working. Last year was the first time in 16 years I'd spent xmas with someone.. this year back to it being just me ( kids are elsewhere)

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By *orace99Man  over a year ago



I feel as if the strong arm of capitalism has hijacked our lives, to no benefit to us and with huge downsides.


Totally agree with this...

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By *gent CoulsonMan  over a year ago

Secret hideaway in the pennines

Christmas as a singleton here, at the moment, it will be just another day

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Not alone but definitely single. I enjoyed having someone in my life last Christmas. Was not meant to be. I doubt I will dwell on it.

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By *iffyjeffMan  over a year ago

I'll go to town

"It might just be me, but what do other people think about being single during the festive season. Its always nice to have someone with you to create memories with but that wont be the case for me this year and I don’t really know what to make of it lol

I reckon most people would say to just get on with it really! "

but also for us singletons ..it's the time of Yr we get to fist a bird amd give it right good stuffing

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I will be home alone over the Christmas holidays and looking forward to it.

No family argument

No cooking for hours

No washing up

No trying to make a Barbie camper van

No hunting around for batteries

No one drinking all the wine

No one eating all the chocolates

And on top of this I get to watch what I want on the telly with our someone talking over it. Happy days

I do have many happy memories of Christmas.

Do you get invited to many parties?"

Lucky I don't as I normally dodge the invitation before it's give. Bliss

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By *ixedDevil OP   Man  over a year ago


"It might just be me, but what do other people think about being single during the festive season. Its always nice to have someone with you to create memories with but that wont be the case for me this year and I don’t really know what to make of it lol

I reckon most people would say to just get on with it really! but also for us singletons ..it's the time of Yr we get to fist a bird amd give it right good stuffing "

Haha that is a good point

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful. "

Well it was a question....

I've looked at her post as a positive without malice....

What's the ganging up all about now?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

A virtual MS teams/zoom/Skype film day with others could be interesting....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful.

Well it was a question....

I've looked at her post as a positive without malice....

What's the ganging up all about now?"

Why do you see it as ganging up? I made a comment.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

3rd year being single at Christmas, spend the day with my kids and grandkids then the rest I'll ne out having a good time with my single friends.

Also less presents to buy.

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By *bw44DDWoman  over a year ago


"It might just be me, but what do other people think about being single during the festive season. Its always nice to have someone with you to create memories with but that wont be the case for me this year and I don’t really know what to make of it lol

I reckon most people would say to just get on with it really! "

It’s my third Christmas being single and I hate it. I surround myself with family which I enjoy every minute of but it would be nice to have a partner to spend it with

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful.

Well it was a question....

I've looked at her post as a positive without malice....

What's the ganging up all about now?

Why do you see it as ganging up? I made a comment."

Cos she already was battered by comments from another woman. Which I'm sure you saw....

Anyway did you see the question she asked or not?

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By *ea monkeyMan  over a year ago

Manchester (he/him)

I’ve spent five Christmases on my own and I can absolutely understand the feelings of dread or sadness associated with it, especially if it’s the first one on your own.

For me the issue is not so much the day, it’s the marketing and ‘pressure’ to have your Christmas look a certain way. That it should be indulgent, full of family and friends and if it’s not, it’s not worthwhile. That was a thought process that I found hard to shrug off, I still struggle not being around my children.

The key point it to make it something that is fun for you. Get something nice to eat, plan what you’re watching and treat it like another day. Don’t worry about what others are doing, just do your day your way

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By *urora1912Woman  over a year ago

Norfolk East anglia

My first Christmas being single after my marriage break down after 20 years...

Going to be a massive shock

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By *LiamMan  over a year ago


"My first Christmas being single after my marriage break down after 20 years...

Going to be a massive shock "

stay strong

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead. "

It is what you make of it and it's a time you could make another person's Christmas by being positive with this way of thinking....I smiled when I read this, especially as it was an open question....

Thank you

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful.

Well it was a question....

I've looked at her post as a positive without malice....

What's the ganging up all about now?

Why do you see it as ganging up? I made a comment.

Cos she already was battered by comments from another woman. Which I'm sure you saw....

Anyway did you see the question she asked or not?"

Just because someone else has commented doesn’t mean I can’t.

I don’t like toxic positivity, it’s unhealthy.

That’s my right.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *urora1912Woman  over a year ago

Norfolk East anglia

"My first Christmas being single after my marriage break down after 20 years...

Going to be a massive shock stay strong "

I will

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By *erDirtyRockstarMan  over a year ago


I dont mind being single at Christmas, makes no difference to me

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By *urvy ClarissaWoman  over a year ago


12th single Christmas for me! Nice to know I’m not the only one! Yes I feel it, but would I rather be single or with the wrong one and miserable?!

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By *inky-MinxWoman  over a year ago


"This will be my 9th Christmas single, yeah it’d be lovely to have someone to cuddle up with, watch films etc

But hey ho I’ve resigned myself to being a spinster who’ll end up with a lot of dogs (allergic to cats) "

Same here, except 10th and I have cats

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful.

Well it was a question....

I've looked at her post as a positive without malice....

What's the ganging up all about now?

Why do you see it as ganging up? I made a comment.

Cos she already was battered by comments from another woman. Which I'm sure you saw....

Anyway did you see the question she asked or not?"

Battered? That's not accurate. Kinky did not do that.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inky-MinxWoman  over a year ago


"12th single Christmas for me! Nice to know I’m not the only one! Yes I feel it, but would I rather be single or with the wrong one and miserable?! "

I agree it's much better being home alone than being in the wrong relationship

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"My first Christmas being single after my marriage break down after 20 years...

Going to be a massive shock "

Oh I was here four years ago. You will be raw so be kind to yourself.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *inky-MinxWoman  over a year ago


It also depends on how 'single' one is.

Being single but having friends and/or family around is nothing like being single and home alone every Christmas

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *urora1912Woman  over a year ago

Norfolk East anglia

"My first Christmas being single after my marriage break down after 20 years...

Going to be a massive shock

Oh I was here four years ago. You will be raw so be kind to yourself. "

Thank you. I've got good family and friends around me

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It also depends on how 'single' one is.

Being single but having friends and/or family around is nothing like being single and home alone every Christmas "

I agree, been very lucky in that sense.

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By *revie179Man  over a year ago

near Loughborough

I been on my own for the last 17 no so it’s just another day for me

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It also depends on how 'single' one is.

Being single but having friends and/or family around is nothing like being single and home alone every Christmas "

Agreed. I think being alone if you don't want to be must be so hard at Christmas.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"My first Christmas being single after my marriage break down after 20 years...

Going to be a massive shock

Oh I was here four years ago. You will be raw so be kind to yourself.

Thank you. I've got good family and friends around me "

They will help as long as your brothers ain't like mine . Joking, mine are good as gold really

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"My first Christmas being single after my marriage break down after 20 years...

Going to be a massive shock

Oh I was here four years ago. You will be raw so be kind to yourself.

Thank you. I've got good family and friends around me "

Oh good. It takes time to process when it ends. Especially an LTR.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This is my 13th Christmas single. I don't think that feeling has ever gotten any easier.

I know I'm very lucky, I have my sons and I do my best to make it lovely for them but I just can't help but wish there was someone wanting to make it special for me.

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By *inky-MinxWoman  over a year ago


"Agreed. I think being alone if you don't want to be must be so hard at Christmas. "

It is

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By *ed velvet thornWoman  over a year ago

over the rainbow

My 1st as a single pringle but defo NOT in the mood to mingle at the moment

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful.

Well it was a question....

I've looked at her post as a positive without malice....

What's the ganging up all about now?

Why do you see it as ganging up? I made a comment.

Cos she already was battered by comments from another woman. Which I'm sure you saw....

Anyway did you see the question she asked or not?

Battered? That's not accurate. Kinky did not do that."

Thank you lovely

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've never not been single at Christmas.

Although I've also never not been single period

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

This will be my first Christmas single for a number of years. I'm looking forward to all the cheeky snogs under the mistletoe and maybe a d*unken fumble on the works do.

I'll be seeing family and friends over Christmas anyway, so I won't be alone alone. Still, would be nice to have someone to warm my feet on

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By *J69Man  over a year ago

plymouth / penzance

I will be single again this Christmas but won’t be alone as cooking Christmas dinner for a few people i know that have fell on hard times and on Boxing Day will have my children visiting. So quite looking forward to it

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By *indergirlWoman  over a year ago

somewhere, someplace

Not single but will be alone (will do obligatory dinner at my mums). Kids are spending their first Christmas with their dad, and he will be with his family so I'll be alone most of Xmas until I go to my mums

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've never not been single at Christmas.

Although I've also never not been single period "

Absolute travesty that!!

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By *heonix_flamesWoman  over a year ago


It’s pretty rubbish. When you spend Xmas alone and everyone else you know is with their families, it’s not much fun

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It’s pretty rubbish. When you spend Xmas alone and everyone else you know is with their families, it’s not much fun "

How many of them aren't happy though? We always had a big argument on Christmas Day and Mum could be heard saying things like "can't we just get on, it's Christmas?". I'm done with all that.

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By *ecadent_DevonMan  over a year ago


I may be single but I am never alone……

There’s the mice skiing in the trifle, the gnomes repairing my shoes at midnight, and come midnight the fairy’s coming down from the tree and doing her duty….

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I may be single but I am never alone……

There’s the mice skiing in the trifle, the gnomes repairing my shoes at midnight, and come midnight the fairy’s coming down from the tree and doing her duty…."

Trifle mice better not leave little chocolate sprinkles behind them.

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By *ecadent_DevonMan  over a year ago


"I may be single but I am never alone……

There’s the mice skiing in the trifle, the gnomes repairing my shoes at midnight, and come midnight the fairy’s coming down from the tree and doing her duty….

Trifle mice better not leave little chocolate sprinkles behind them. "

Well I ain’t buying them! Bah humbuggery

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I may be single but I am never alone……

There’s the mice skiing in the trifle, the gnomes repairing my shoes at midnight, and come midnight the fairy’s coming down from the tree and doing her duty….

Trifle mice better not leave little chocolate sprinkles behind them.

Well I ain’t buying them! Bah humbuggery "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Once I have my family I'm good. However this will be the third Christmas I'll be spending away from them because I don't have any family in the UK. So it would be lovely not to be single around this time but unfortunately I have massive trust issues with women atm, and I can't see myself opening up to a woman emotionally until maybe middle of 2022 (which is why I'm back on fab after an 8 month hiatus)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Once I have my family I'm good. However this will be the third Christmas I'll be spending away from them because I don't have any family in the UK. So it would be lovely not to be single around this time but unfortunately I have massive trust issues with women atm, and I can't see myself opening up to a woman emotionally until maybe middle of 2022 (which is why I'm back on fab after an 8 month hiatus) "

I find this curious that you've predicted the date when you'll have got a handle of your trust issues...

I can't see an end date yet for mine

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By *ouise73Woman  over a year ago


My 3rd one alone but the last 2 I've been working. My parents are out with family all 4 days. So it's just me myself and I

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By *adyBugsWoman  over a year ago


Last year was the first time I was completely on my own without family or friends so I spent the day in my pjs cooking my Christmas dinner, had a bath, watched films and then got dressed into a pretty dress, make up & hair, even lingerie and heels and ate my dinner drinking champagne before putting on fresh pjs and napping on the sofa. Best of times

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By *o new WinksMan  over a year ago


Single Christmas again this year.

Working so no issue. Just a normal day...won't even have Crimbo food.

What an absolute git I seem

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By *nimaginativeUsernameMan  over a year ago

Rochester, Kent

The usual/single Christmas this year, I do miss waking up and exchanging pressies etc.

Big difference this year is both my parents are ill, so I can’t even blag a dinner off them.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It’s pretty rubbish. When you spend Xmas alone and everyone else you know is with their families, it’s not much fun "

I'm sorry to hear that. I think Christmas is presented as this wonderful time for all but that's not the reality for many.

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By *uzie69xTV/TS  over a year ago


When I've been single at Christmas I book a holiday with other single friends and we have a blast! Brighton is particularly great! The Travelodge around the corner from the seafront is perfect!

One year, a local fella popped over on Christmas Day and we spent the day drinking wine, eating crisps and fucking.

Then after he left, I put on my glitter dress and my friend and I found a lovely small family owned Italian restaurant down The Lanes. It was great having a pizza celebrating with the other diners!

The next day we shopped the Boxing Day sales!

I am lucky I got a fabulous man in my life now but being single at Christmas can be fantastic too! You just have to make it so!

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By *nitterWoman  over a year ago

the land of tall tales and yarn

Why does being single stop you making memories? I'm sure you are just awesome as you are

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful.

Well it was a question....

I've looked at her post as a positive without malice....

What's the ganging up all about now?

Why do you see it as ganging up? I made a comment.

Cos she already was battered by comments from another woman. Which I'm sure you saw....

Anyway did you see the question she asked or not?

Just because someone else has commented doesn’t mean I can’t.

I don’t like toxic positivity, it’s unhealthy.

That’s my right. "

It was nothing of the sort....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Jingle your bells.

If you have a problem with Kinky or Tmontana I'd suggest talking with admin instead. I understand everyone can have their own opinions which is fine but I don't really think it is appropriate getting claws out.

It's great you're so passionate about something. Why are you butting in? Nothing to do with you really. I think she has a problem with me more like! Lol Oh he knows my problem with him. Thank you

People look out for others. Friends look out for friends. They have both been nothing but amazing as long as I've known them and spoke to them. My view point is a person looking from the outside in and you are the one with some issues this evening that you have no right to spout on to others. Spout onto others you sound aggressive? She spouted that i felt or said something i didn't even say. Lol oh I'm aware i ain't perfect who is perfect? You have no right to judge me you don't even know me. "

Welcome to the 'friends' of the forum

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful.

Well it was a question....

I've looked at her post as a positive without malice....

What's the ganging up all about now?

Why do you see it as ganging up? I made a comment.

Cos she already was battered by comments from another woman. Which I'm sure you saw....

Anyway did you see the question she asked or not?

Just because someone else has commented doesn’t mean I can’t.

I don’t like toxic positivity, it’s unhealthy.

That’s my right.

It was nothing of the sort...."

It’s is, that’s exactly what it is.

Others have it worse, so you’re fine, stop moaning. Toxic positivity.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Rather be single than all the fake crap that comes with been in a relationship.

Watch what you want on tv, bed to yourself, wouldn't change that! "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful.

Well it was a question....

I've looked at her post as a positive without malice....

What's the ganging up all about now?

Why do you see it as ganging up? I made a comment.

Cos she already was battered by comments from another woman. Which I'm sure you saw....

Anyway did you see the question she asked or not?

Just because someone else has commented doesn’t mean I can’t.

I don’t like toxic positivity, it’s unhealthy.

That’s my right.

It was nothing of the sort....

It’s is, that’s exactly what it is.

Others have it worse, so you’re fine, stop moaning. Toxic positivity."

As soon as a comparison is made between people individual situations not matter how well meaning it starts to invalidate another persons feelings. Often it occurs when someone tries to empathise ‘oh I know how that feels’ The truth is while you may have similar experiences you can never truly know how someone is feeling.

In this instance saying that there are people worse off in the world starts to invalidate the OP’s feeling by telling him that he should be grateful for what he has, in essence to not complain.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's what you make of it? People in the world staving to death and some have no family. Being single isn't the end of the world! Spoil yourself instead.

I don’t like this toxic positivity.

Dismissing someone else’s troubles because other people have it worse can actually be quite harmful.

Well it was a question....

I've looked at her post as a positive without malice....

What's the ganging up all about now?

Why do you see it as ganging up? I made a comment.

Cos she already was battered by comments from another woman. Which I'm sure you saw....

Anyway did you see the question she asked or not?

Just because someone else has commented doesn’t mean I can’t.

I don’t like toxic positivity, it’s unhealthy.

That’s my right.

It was nothing of the sort....

It’s is, that’s exactly what it is.

Others have it worse, so you’re fine, stop moaning. Toxic positivity."

It's what you make of it??????

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The question mark to the post that's started and not finishing sooo much controversy.....

I must be weird looking into a question mark soo much haha

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It can be a lonely time. It’s also a time where couples are out holding hands whilst they shop and they adverts aren’t full of happy families. I think it’s the only time of year that I consider my life. Then Boxing Day arrives and I’m over it

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By *2000ManMan  over a year ago


I have close family and online friends so it's not really a problem for me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It can be a lonely time. It’s also a time where couples are out holding hands whilst they shop and they adverts aren’t full of happy families. I think it’s the only time of year that I consider my life. Then Boxing Day arrives and I’m over it "

Yeah I feel you on that

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By *otSoPoshWoman  over a year ago

In a ball gown because that's how we roll in N. Devon

"It can be a lonely time. It’s also a time where couples are out holding hands whilst they shop and they adverts are full of happy families. I think it’s the only time of year that I consider my life. Then Boxing Day arrives and I’m over it "

Except for the Boxing Day part I completely agree.... I tend to allow the thoughts to fester for far too long and it's miserable January before I can snap out of it.

However, there are two sides to it for me, I can relate to the posters who are looking forward to a Christmas free of an ex partner as well, when you're in any type of abusive situation it is often exacerbated over the "festive" season for a myriad of reasons. Not having to walk on eggshells, be careful what you say or do in case of repercussions which could cone no matter what you say, do or don't say or do.... yeah. Being single and alone is preferable to that.

Not being able to be with those you love for whatever reason is hard though, and while that's hard all year, it is harder when you see happy looking couples and families everywhere you look. But for those of us who can't be with those we want to be with, something someone wise keeps saying to me is really appropriate.... it's a great time to be alive, we have so many ways to communicate with others these days and even if we can't be with people we can still reach out using technology. I hope anyone feeling lonely can find a way to reach out, if not to those they love then to at least strangers who may feel similar.

And yes, some people have it worse than me (and others). But that doesn't negate the fact that our struggles and sadness are valid. It's so harmful to say anything along the lines of "well others are worse off", as it implies that someone's feelings aren't valid, when they are. The term "man up" is discouraged these days for that reason, and in my view it's not actually any different from "suck it up, there are people worse off than you".

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Posted on Twitter by Rev Kate Bottley

May 5, 2020

"In case you need it: Sadness is not competitive. Just because there are ‘others worse off’ it doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to feel down. You don’t need to look on the bright side or be glass half full, it’s ok to want to throw the glass against the wall."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Single still too.

All this love to give and no one to give it to

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Single still too.

All this love to give and no one to give it to "

Someone’s out there for you Rachael!!

You’ll find that person

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Posted on Twitter by Rev Kate Bottley

May 5, 2020

"In case you need it: Sadness is not competitive. Just because there are ‘others worse off’ it doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to feel down. You don’t need to look on the bright side or be glass half full, it’s ok to want to throw the glass against the wall.""

I love Rev Kate she lives in the real world

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Granted i'm no longer a singleton but if we didn't have kids I would've loved to have invited in people for christmas, people of all ages, sexes and walks of life, shy people and confident people, people that would've otherwise been alone at Christmas. Love the idea of making a huge christmas dinner with all the trimmings and just leaving the door open for anyone to come over for a good old natter, food, drink and music. Nobody should be alone at Christmas unless thats genuinely what they want. When our kids are older i'd love to work xmas day and see how everyone else celebrates.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Single still too.

All this love to give and no one to give it to

Someone’s out there for you Rachael!!

You’ll find that person "

I hope so

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