Types of Cuckquean
There was an old post floating around out there that detailed various types of cuckquean. This is a similar attempt at nominal categorization. There are of course other types of quean not mentioned here- these are just the ones that came to my mind. Feel free to contact me with ideas to expand or correct the information presented here.
What is a cuckquean? Traditionally, a cuckquean (or simply quean) is a woman who gets sexual pleasure from her husband having sex with other women. This can manifest in a multitude of ways. What follows are just a few of them.
Casual cuckquean
Very nearly a swinger, the casual cuckquean differentiates herself from a purely open relationship in that she gets more sexual gratification from her husband with another woman than herself with another man. She may swing sparingly, but is otherwise content for her husband to swing while she merely watches, chaperones, or does something else altogether (maybe a girls’ night or a quiet night alone).
Closet cuckquean
For her, being a quean is purely a fantasy. For whatever reason it’s a lifestyle she can’t or chooses not to indulge in, but the idea of it is always on her mind. It’s her primary go-to for porn, and she fantasizes about it in bed whether alone or with a partner. While she may not be practicing or “in the lifestyle”, she is a valid quean and an important part of the community.
Humiliation cuckquean
Arguably the most common type of quean, she gets off on the humiliation of having a partner who seeks other women over her. She may want to be degraded, denied sexual activity, or dommed by her husband or his cake. For her, incredible mood swings are common, and it is important she have a husband who understands her ups and downs and is tuned in to her moods.
Compersive cuckquean
Simply put, compersion is the opposite of jealousy. A compersive person is happy when others are happy. In this way, a quean encourages her husband to partake in sexual or romantic relationships with other women, sharing her partner’s arousal. Similarly, she may offer her husband to a female friend whom she feels is deserving of or in need of sex with him.
Polyamorous cuckquean (Millennial cuckquean; Gen-Z cuckquean)
Similar to the casual cuckquean, the polyamorous cuckquean is far less concerned with monogamy. In line with millennial and Generation-Z sensibilities towards casual sexual relationships, she is likely to identify as polyamorous and be one of multiple women in a sexual and/or romantic relationship with a single man. Not strictly a cuckquean by this definition, things become more clear when she begins to derive sexual satisfaction thinking about or witnessing her male partner with another female in the relationship.
Bisexual/biflexible cuckquean
A quean who gets sexual gratification from interacting with the women her husband sleeps with. Physically very similar to a FFM threesome, the difference for the quean is mental. She is turned on not because the cake is a woman, but because she is an object of sexual desire for her husband. She identifies as straight, but will happily lick, suck, finger, or otherwise pleasure the women her husband chooses. She may do this while her husband is fucking her, or may wait until he is done and “reclaim” his cum from the other woman.
Cheated cuckquean
She either knows or suspects her husband cheats on her. She might not let on that she knows, allowing him to think he is fooling her. She experiences intense sexual arousal when she knows he is with his girlfriend or when she finds evidence of his infidelity (condoms, bobby pins, perfume or makeup smudges on his clothing, other womens’ clothing that is not hers, etc.). Alternatively, she may have a faithful husband she encourages to cheat, taking pleasure leaving him alone with female friends for long periods of time, talking up how attractive other women are, or dropping subtle hints that he is free to cheat.
Domme cuckquean (cuckqueen)
To her, both her husband and his cake serve her will. She gets off on choosing her husband’s partners, setting up their dates, and directing them in the bedroom. To her, it’s not about humiliation, but about having total control. Her husband fucks who she wants, when she wants. The cake is there only because she wants her there. She participates at her pleasure, and no one cums without her permission.
Gayplay cuckquean
The gayplay quean’s husband seeks sexual relationships with other men only. He may be truly gay and their marriage is a front; he may be bisexual and she prefers he be active with men over women; or she may be a domme and play off her sub husband’s biflexibility, humiliating him by making him perform gay acts for her pleasure.
Romantic cuckquean
Not satisfied with strictly sexual relationships, the romantic quean wants her husband to fall in love with his partners. She may want the love to be coequal, or she may want him to love his partners more than he loves her.
Breeding cuckquean
The breeding quean has an intense desire for her husband to cum inside other women, with the risk of impregnation front-and-center. She may believe his genes are superior and other women are lucky to be inseminated by him. Alternatively, she may only be interested in breed-play, where merely the idea or risk of pregnancy is the allure, and stops short of active breeding.
A woman who is jealous of her son’s sexual encounters (male version: cuckoldad; a man whose daughter is commonly known to be sexually promiscuous). She is not sexually attracted to her son, but she is obsessed with the obvious sexual pleasure his girlfriends get out of him. She fantasizes about her son fucking other women (not her), indulging in the shame of her near-taboo thoughts.
Some other things to consider:
Why “quean”?
The popular belief is that quean is purposely misspelled as a mockery or perversion of “queen”. While this most certainly is a factor in choice of spelling, it should be noted that “quean” dates back to the 10th century and through the centuries has meant “prostitute”, or a “disreputable, impudent or ill-behaved girl or woman” with strong undertones relating those traits to her sexual activities.
Who can be a cuckquean?
Cuckqueanism isn’t an exclusive club. Generally speaking, the rules are broad: The quean identifies as a female (he is a cuckold if he identifies as male), and she wants her romantic-sexual partner to have romantic and/or sexual relationships with other people. That’s about it. Her motives, feelings, and desires are unique to her.
Lesbian cuckqueans
A woman in a lesbian relationship can by all means be a cuckquean. As long as she wants to her partner to have a romantic and/or sexual relationship with another person. The lesbian cuckquean could have any of the motives listed here, with the added twist that she may prefer her partner have sex with a man, subverting their homophilic relationship.
Marriage is not a prerequisite to be a quean. Women with boyfriends and fiancees can be queans too. Similarly, age or experience doesn’t factor into what makes a “true” cuckquean, either. Indeed, a girl may realize she is a quean long before she ever has her first sexual relationship (or even knows there is a term for it).
As with marital status, gender roles are dynamic too. While the quean typically identifies as female, she may have a female or trans partner. Queanism isn’t constrained to traditional gender roles (see: lesbian cuckqueans).
Non-consensual cuckqueans?
I have been asked “How do I turn my partner into a cuckquean?”. Short answer; you can’t. And you shouldn’t try. It’s not your choice if your partner wants to be a quean, it’s hers. You can and should discuss your kinks and desires in open dialog with your partner, but if becoming a quean is a hard No, than respect that and move on. Being a partner to a quean is more than just a free pass to sleep with whoever you want (maybe your fantasies about having sex with people other than your partner stem from some other deficiency in your relationship you need to address). It is a complicated and sometimes damning role. At the end of the day, this is the quean’s kink. Her desire. Her game. You are just a player. Don’t cheat on your partner and dub her a quean. It won’t end well for anyone.
I hope you enjoyed the list, and I hope it opened your mind to the diversity of queans out there in the world, right this moment. If I missed anything, please feel free to drop me a message at cuckqueans-paradise.tumblr.com, cuckqueans-paradise.bdsmlr.com, or cuckqueans-paradise.newtumbl.com. Thanks for reading and may your curiosity lead you to things you never imagined possible.  |