Does 1 job always lead to another?
I've put a load of washing in the dryer, emoties the water and noticed the condenser needs cleaning
Oh well...what's that can't make an omelette without cracking a few eggs
It always does and the endless job list you see needs sorting out chorzzzzzzz ,you win for an hour and it re appears , not nice either after you finish work and wonder where the heck it even came from and how?!
I find when doing the cupboards, for example put the washing up away.. you find stuff randomly in places(lazy urchins) which you didn't put there and have to like you sort tha job out on top.. annoying!
"It always does and the endless job list you see needs sorting out chorzzzzzzz ,you win for an hour and it re appears , not nice either after you finish work and wonder where the heck it even came from and how?!
I find when doing the cupboards, for example put the washing up away.. you find stuff randomly in places(lazy urchins) which you didn't put there and have to like you sort tha job out on top.. annoying! "
Oh I bear you