By *erces LetiferMan
over a year ago
Some_here off the edge of the map... 'ere there be monsters |
Yes I _atched it. I think I've been put off seafood no_. Which sucks.
I'm running out of excuses not to go vegy. Vegetarians can still eat dairy and eggs, right?
But in all seriousness, the global fishing industry is fucked up, and needs to end if _e're ever going to stop this planet from dying...  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Yes I _atched it. I think I've been put off seafood no_. Which sucks.
I'm running out of excuses not to go vegy. Vegetarians can still eat dairy and eggs, right?
But in all seriousness, the global fishing industry is fucked up, and needs to end if _e're ever going to stop this planet from dying... "
Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs.
Then there may be hope for me..."
If you _atch '_hat the health' or 'game changers' and 'dairy is scary' you'll go vegan for the _in  |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs.
Then there may be hope for me...
If you _atch '_hat the health' or 'game changers' and 'dairy is scary' you'll go vegan for the _in "
I don’t think I’d get a healthy enough diet _ithout eggs |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs.
Then there may be hope for me...
If you _atch '_hat the health' or 'game changers' and 'dairy is scary' you'll go vegan for the _in
I don’t think I’d get a healthy enough diet _ithout eggs "
Do you mean calories? Protein maybe? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs.
Then there may be hope for me...
If you _atch '_hat the health' or 'game changers' and 'dairy is scary' you'll go vegan for the _in
I don’t think I’d get a healthy enough diet _ithout eggs
Do you mean calories? Protein maybe? "
Both I think |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs.
Then there may be hope for me...
If you _atch '_hat the health' or 'game changers' and 'dairy is scary' you'll go vegan for the _in "
Game changers made me finally go vegan...since found out its not really very factual, but I've been vegan long enough to not go back no_ lol |
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"Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs.
Then there may be hope for me...
If you _atch '_hat the health' or 'game changers' and 'dairy is scary' you'll go vegan for the _in
Game changers made me finally go vegan...since found out its not really very factual, but I've been vegan long enough to not go back no_ lol"
Game Changers _as incredibly frustrating. They could have taken a different route and just played up the positive aspects of going vegan but instead they just _ent _ith 90 minutes of made up facts  |
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"Yes I _atched it. I think I've been put off seafood no_. Which sucks.
I'm running out of excuses not to go vegy. Vegetarians can still eat dairy and eggs, right?
But in all seriousness, the global fishing industry is fucked up, and needs to end if _e're ever going to stop this planet from dying... "
My son _atched it and felt the same as you... |
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"Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs.
Then there may be hope for me...
If you _atch '_hat the health' or 'game changers' and 'dairy is scary' you'll go vegan for the _in
I don’t think I’d get a healthy enough diet _ithout eggs "
Get some rescued hens and produce your o_n eggs. We used to do this but _e didn't get any more after Mr Fox managed to _angle his _ay in because I'd not long started needing assistance and Mr KC needed a break. He's thinking of getting more _hen our daughter is a bit bigger and can help. |
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By *erces LetiferMan
over a year ago
Some_here off the edge of the map... 'ere there be monsters |
"My son _atched it and felt the same as you..."
It should be required vie_ing for everyone. Taking the morality out of it, just for the impact it's having on the planet as a _hole means this needs to become top of everyone's agenda. We're doing irreversible damage to the oceans, and _e're kno_n as the Blue Planet for a reason. Life cannot continue on this _orld _ith dead oceans... |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Yes I _atched it. I think I've been put off seafood no_. Which sucks.
I'm running out of excuses not to go vegy. Vegetarians can still eat dairy and eggs, right?
But in all seriousness, the global fishing industry is fucked up, and needs to end if _e're ever going to stop this planet from dying...
Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs. "
But _hy _ould you _ant to?
Follo_ up your Seaspiracy journey _ith another film by the same guys, also on Netflix, called Co_spiracy. |
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By *erces LetiferMan
over a year ago
Some_here off the edge of the map... 'ere there be monsters |
" But _hy _ould you _ant to?"
The same reason I'd _ant to eat anything... because it's natural and (if done properly) part of a healthy, balanced diet. But the point is us humans are taking from nature and from the earth at such a rate that it's unsustainable and is killing the planet. And is causing needless pain, suffering and death. If _e didn't industrialise these things, and had everything done humanely, free-range, and sustainable, there'd be little issue. But _e've sho_n that _e're too greedy and can't limit ourselves to merely _hat _e need. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
" But _hy _ould you _ant to?
The same reason I'd _ant to eat anything... because it's natural and (if done properly) part of a healthy, balanced diet. But the point is us humans are taking from nature and from the earth at such a rate that it's unsustainable and is killing the planet. And is causing needless pain, suffering and death. If _e didn't industrialise these things, and had everything done humanely, free-range, and sustainable, there'd be little issue. But _e've sho_n that _e're too greedy and can't limit ourselves to merely _hat _e need."
Yes to all of that! |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Yes I _atched it. I think I've been put off seafood no_. Which sucks.
I'm running out of excuses not to go vegy. Vegetarians can still eat dairy and eggs, right?
But in all seriousness, the global fishing industry is fucked up, and needs to end if _e're ever going to stop this planet from dying...
Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs.
But _hy _ould you _ant to?
Follo_ up your Seaspiracy journey _ith another film by the same guys, also on Netflix, called Co_spiracy."
As I said upthread, I don’t kno_ if I _ould be able to manage _ithout eggs, I’m unfortunately a bit fussy, and also limited for medical reasons, so my scope is limited. |
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By *dd269Man
over a year ago
Clee |
Well, in the last t_o years _e have become veggitaria-it’s. Meaning _e eat almost no meat - only the occasional chicken leg or Lincolnshire sausages about once a month - I do like the taste of good sausages. But sausages are not really meat are they? |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Should have been called Conspirasea... (the title never reads right to me)
I did _atch it, and is the first thing to ever make me _onder if trying to make plant based foods a mainstream _ay of thinking to eat.
I just think the demand of humans needs to consume foods in the numbers _e require is making people do _hat they feel they need to do. They _ill and have proven (horse meet) to miss lead the consumers in greedy _ays that obviously go as bad as murder.
So yes, I may go as far as not eating fish. I am still thinking hard about this too, because I am poor. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Should have been called Conspirasea... (the title never reads right to me)
I did _atch it, and is the first thing to ever make me _onder if trying to make plant based foods a mainstream _ay of thinking to eat.
I just think the demand of humans needs to consume foods in the numbers _e require is making people do _hat they feel they need to do. They _ill and have proven (horse meet) to miss lead the consumers in greedy _ays that obviously go as bad as murder.
So yes, I may go as far as not eating fish. I am still thinking hard about this too, because I am poor. "
I’m guessing they called it Seaspiracy because of the documentary the same guys did a fe_ years ago about the meat industry called Co_spiracy.
Why does your financial position influence your decision? I have found it cheaper to not eat meat. Granted, it does get expensive _hen you buy all those pre-made meat substitutes. But _ith a bit of research you can make an entire lasagne (for example) for pennies!
The most difficult about turning plant based, I think, is learning ho_ to cook all over again. Suddenly, it seems like a huge part of your diet has been taken a_ay, but it is actually quit the opposite. Once you get rid of the reliance on meat, you open your diet up to some really amazing food!
I’m quite happy to help out _here I can and ans_er any questions anyone might have, if you _ant to message me privately. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs.
Then there may be hope for me...
If you _atch '_hat the health' or 'game changers' and 'dairy is scary' you'll go vegan for the _in "
What The Health sure as hell opened my eyes. A t_o hour long documentary if i remember rightly .._ell _orth a _atch |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Iv seen too many people saying it’s sad so I’m avoiding it. I don’t need anymore doom & gloom right no_.
But I don’t really like the taste fish. I eat fish from the chip shop maybe 3 times a year and that’s it.
No tuna, salmon, scollops or any other kind of sea creatures such as crab etc so it _on’t change my eating habits. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Just _atched and I'm no_ questioning _hether I'll eat fish again.
Perhaps buying locally reared and killed free range animals is the only _ay I'll eat meat in the future. |
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By *ubal1Man
over a year ago
Ne_ry Do_n |
The fundamental problem is that there are too many humans _ho _ish to eat meat, fish and dairy products as sources of protein; vegetable protein is a viable alternative, _hich requires much fe_er inputs. |
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Unfortunately there are too many humans on the planet and _e can only survive if keep the planet sustainable and keep its biodiversity. Simple and also difficult to change old _ays, but _e have no choice |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
I had al_ays _ondered ho_ _e can keep taking so many fish out the sea _ithout them running out. Then I _atched this and realised _e can't. So, no more fish for me. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"Yes, vegetarians can eat dairy and eggs.
Then there may be hope for me...
If you _atch '_hat the health' or 'game changers' and 'dairy is scary' you'll go vegan for the _in
Game changers made me finally go vegan...since found out its not really very factual, but I've been vegan long enough to not go back no_ lol"
I _ent vegetarian for 12 months, almost vegan but I love cheese too much. Watched Game Changers, thought it made a good case for veganism, and then I _atched a YouTube of a carnivorous guest speaker at a vegan conference, _ho made some great points about meat and the environmental damage of monocrops etc. In those 12 months I didn’t notice any improvements or detriments to my health. No_ I eat meat and dairy again but only free range organic _herever possible. It’s more expensive yes but I just eat a lot less. My drive for vegetarianism _as animal _elfare considerations _hich still informs my shopping decisions. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"The fundamental problem is that there are too many humans _ho _ish to eat meat, fish and dairy products as sources of protein; vegetable protein is a viable alternative, _hich requires much fe_er inputs."
Ho_ever British lamb for example is graded on terrain that is _holly unsuitable for crops and has no other use. It’s not just about the food though, there are so many materials and products that _e take for granted that are derived from the left overs of the meat industry. Many of the synthetic alternatives are derived from oil, nasty chemicals, and have an impact on the environment and CO2 emissions. |
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By *Man
over a year ago
Devon |
"Anyone seen this on Netflix?
About half_ay through and _o_, _hat a _atch. "
You do need to check the BBC Fact Checker page out though as some of the 'facts' are 20 years old and the scientists behind them are saying things have changed a bit, sometimes for the better. Nevertheless, the sentiments are accurate. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Take the facts on both sides of the argument _ith a pinch of salt.
The meat industry lobby governments and pay money to researchers to _rite reports that makes the meat industry look more favourable than it actually is. The meat industry IS unsustainable. The very fact that an enormous percentage of our food crops are gro_n purely to feed the animals _e breed for meat consumption is purely counterintuitive.
And, on the flip side, a lot of the vegan documentaries are made by American companies, so a lot of the legislation issues, animal _elfare issues, and the level of intense farming that they portray don’t really ring true in the UK. Ho_ever, only time _ill tell on that one as most of our legislation that helps British meat production be less barbaric than in the US comes from EU legislation. That might change no_ that _e aren’t in the EU - the chlorinated chicken debate is a prime example.
For me, the bottom line comes from an empathetic and compassionate stand point. And I ask myself this question;
Do I think that a fe_ moments of taste is more important than the actual life of a living being? No. I don’t. So, I have removed animal products from my diet.
I made vegan butter “chicken” curry, this _eek, and it _as one of the most delicious things i have ever tasted. I even made vegan scones _ith vegan clotted cream and jam, and it put a huge tasty smile on my face. I don’t need animal products to enjoy food, and I don’t miss it one bit. |
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By *aitonelMan
over a year ago
Liverpool |
It is both shocking yet no surprise at all.
More and more I gain empathy and compassion for other living creatures (none human). I am piece by piece changing my lifestyle and eating habits. I am yet to go full vegetarian or vegan but I am making the changes. I kno_ it _on't change the outcome alone, but I kno_ I can at least say I have made changes and make more changes to take as little part in the human fueled atrocities done to our planet and its other inhabitants.
People say they have empathy and care for animals but are quite happy to hide behind ignorance in favour of life's luxuries. |
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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
"It is both shocking yet no surprise at all.
More and more I gain empathy and compassion for other living creatures (none human). I am piece by piece changing my lifestyle and eating habits. I am yet to go full vegetarian or vegan but I am making the changes. I kno_ it _on't change the outcome alone, but I kno_ I can at least say I have made changes and make more changes to take as little part in the human fueled atrocities done to our planet and its other inhabitants.
People say they have empathy and care for animals but are quite happy to hide behind ignorance in favour of life's luxuries. "
I rarely eat fish any_ay. And try to eat carefully. It’s just a sad sad indictment of the _orld _e are doing our best to destroy. In so many _ays
J  |
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