There are a couple of things to try , skipping ,or cycling , as swimming is out for the moment , if your not used to taking strenuous exercise , you could start with a nintendo wii, buy one with a balance board and the wii fit and sports resort , there are gentle exercises , and a log so you can record your present weight bmi , and core strength and centre of gravity , and there are specific recommended exercises , lasting only a minute or twob, and after each one the assistant will tell you how long yoy have exercised for , and how many calories you have used . There yoga techinques requiring different levels of core strength , there are balance exercises, there are aerobic exercises , and there are toning exercises . Some require a little more concentration than others , you are continually learning, and you dont really think of it as work, because its a game , its fun, if you are unsure, dm me and wellbsort out a way to get the one i have over to you, you can try it for a a month, and if you havent list weight or improved your bmi closer to what is recommended , for your height and weight , you can try something else and you havent wasted your money, , a nine foot slipping rope with handles costs under a fiver on ebay, swimming is the most effective but cycling is next , both of those , involve cost however, so if that is an issue, try the game first , then once you have had a bit of success , you can move on, Im at home all day today if you fancy a chat , best wishes , A |