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Waiting to VOTE

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Good morning Fabbers

Waiting to cast my vote and hopefully we can change Ireland for the Better

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By *r x mrs rampantCouple  over a year ago


"Good morning Fabbers

Waiting to cast my vote and hopefully we can change Ireland for the Better


job done here

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

How do you see it fairing out?

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By *r x mrs rampantCouple  over a year ago


"How do you see it fairing out?"
change hopefully

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Mine is done..here's hoping

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Change would be great , hopefully some of the promises will be delivered

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By *aradisecircusMan  over a year ago


I have a vote in Donegal and tbh it's a choice between a finger in the jap's eye or a fist up my hole. I'm no fan of SF North or South. They're a protest party who'll get a protest vote. They're telling the electorate what they want to hear so (unfortunately) they're probably gonna do quite well today.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It's time for change

FG and FF are basically the same party these days

Both have no idea how real people survive

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have a vote in Donegal and tbh it's a choice between a finger in the jap's eye or a fist up my hole. I'm no fan of SF North or South. They're a protest party who'll get a protest vote. They're telling the electorate what they want to hear so (unfortunately) they're probably gonna do quite well today."

unfortunately the alternatives aren't much better. best of a bad bunch and who knows they might actually do better then the past and current clowns that "ran" the country.

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By *aradisecircusMan  over a year ago


I had a quick look at rentals in Dublin. I've no idea what the wages are like but around 1500 quid average for a house or even a room in a house is just insane.

That's 4 times my mortgage here. Yes. 4 times.

Good luck sorting that one Mary Lou!!

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By *omtom1969Man  over a year ago


If the left like people before profit had organised better nd stopped making smaller parties nd gave us a manafesto we would be heading in the right direction but they didn't so we will GET a rainbow,,, FF,greens, Labour,,, I hope I'm wrong

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By *rmrs1234Couple  over a year ago


"I had a quick look at rentals in Dublin. I've no idea what the wages are like but around 1500 quid average for a house or even a room in a house is just insane.

That's 4 times my mortgage here. Yes. 4 times.

Good luck sorting that one Mary Lou!!"

the rents are chronic. And i see that ucd are now charging up to 1,000 a month for student accom. MY eldest is only 10 and she wants to do astro physics and its only available in dublin. thats the guts of 10 grand for one year and just for her accom for her to go to college. thank god we have started saving but we will still have 3 more to put through college

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Change Ireland for the better voting ira murder's into government fantastic hope you are all pleased with your shelf's.

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By *angtasticallyMan  over a year ago



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By *osmicGateMan  over a year ago


"Good morning Fabbers

Waiting to cast my vote and hopefully we can change Ireland for the Better


Wasting your time voting at all..nothing will change for the working man or woman..will always get shafted..

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By *oghunter33Woman  over a year ago

on the hill NordWest of

Well done lads, avail of your democratic rights and vote. Change might be slow but surely it will never happen if you keep sitting on your arse and accept all the shit silently.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Change Ireland for the better voting ira murder's into government fantastic hope you are all pleased with your shelf's.


Who’s the IRA murderers were voting in ?

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By *ol_ieMan  over a year ago

Dublin west

The politicians get changed but the civil servants never do so in the end nothing really changes.

But we will see.

The important thing is to get out and vote.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Voting done

Don't sit around whining about an ineffective government when you're too lazy to even vote.

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By *owdyboy 890Man  over a year ago

Country West

Voting done here so just see what happens xx

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By *osmicGateMan  over a year ago


As much as i like sf the numbers dont add up..if they got into power they would bankrupt the country..at least leo and co keeping things steady

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm inclined to agree. Since the foundation of our state, its been a series of conservative governments, alternating between FF, or FG, or some minority supported form of them. The result has been crises in health, massive homelessness, the highest rents ever in our history. Wealth is increasingly concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, and the poverty increasing. Time for Left Wing change I think.

Let's get out and vote out.

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By *j69funCouple  over a year ago


Vote done , they were saying the numbers are high on people who have voted already.

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By *anKinkyMan  over a year ago

Carrick on Shannon

CHANGE!! Nothing will ever change without ACCOUNTABILITY ,didn't hear anyone promise that!

I will strategically utilize my vote not to elect someone but more to keep them out

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By *enguin1Man  over a year ago

The sticks

Voted nice n early, had to queue for the first time in 15yrs using the same polling station.

Btw.....did everyone else get handed back their polling card, never remember that before

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Voting done

Don't sit around whining about an ineffective government when you're too lazy to even vote. "

Well said

Vote and be counted or STFU

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By *oserMan  over a year ago

where the wild roses grow

"If the left like people before profit had organised better nd stopped making smaller parties nd gave us a manafesto we would be heading in the right direction but they didn't so we will GET a rainbow,,, FF,greens, Labour,,, I hope I'm wrong "

Think you are right but hope you are wrong

F FAIL are cnuts

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By *evil_u_knowMan  over a year ago


It will be FF in power with a supply and scratch your back deal done by fg and labour.

This supply and demand deal done before is the worst thing to ever happen Irish democracy.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yes I'm heading to the polling station soon. I intend to vote to the left, as we need a left of center government to begin undoing the years of failed social policy by FG & FF

Before you give your local FF candidate your number 1 vote, just remember this party were responsible for bailing out the wealthy bond-holders Rothschild's & Roccafellas during the 2010 banking crisis that bankrupted our country

And before you consider giving your local FG candidate your number 1 vote count consider this.

FG are basically a right wing party who couldn't give a rat's ass about ordinary people, they only serve the wealthiest members of society and the well scrubbed middle class. We've had years of their failed social policy. The homeless crisis- most of em are landlord's themselves who made a fortune charging exorbitant house rental prices. No social housing build for years.

A chronically underfunded health service, with very ill patients waiting on trolleys in understaffed A&E departments, while anyone with a minor medical problem who has private health insurance is ushered immediately to a comfortable private room.

Oh don't forget the Irish Water debacle, FG mis-used our road/Motor tax money to set up Irish water, with a view to selling the utility off to one of their billionaire pals in the near future.

Neither can I see myself voting SF, after the recent revelation of their Td's being answerable to the people who were active members of the provisional IRA. Anyway our local SF candidate is likely to lose his seat after a poor performance in the last Dail, I gave him my 1st preference vote the last time, as I thought he deserved a chance.

Not forgetting Labor- Pat Rabbit used the Labor party as a vehicle for his personal ambitions, and alienated it's rank n file grassroots supporters. So they face an immense task to regain their place as a credible left wing party.

Well that's my tuppence worth anyway... Don't forgot to vote- Our patriot dead sacrificed their lives so we could have a privilege denied to many.

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By *osmicGateMan  over a year ago


"It will be FF in power with a supply and scratch your back deal done by fg and labour.

This supply and demand deal done before is the worst thing to ever happen Irish democracy."

I really hope you are wrong ff destroyed this country just over 10 years ago..a vote for them is excusing all the pain and suffering they caused ..mass unemployment and depression..suicide rate rocketed..remember people never forget

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Same as last GE everyone saying ohh I'll vote for change an what not yet they still remained in power. And they still will and by the looks of no change will come in the next 10 to 20 years.. use your vote wisely today is all I have to say

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Vote left, transfer left if you dont want to elect the same shitty people. Just dont vote for any FG FF

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By *anKinkyMan  over a year ago

Carrick on Shannon

Just home from work,day No.6 I might add.One Republic- it's too late to apologise is going on in my head all morning for some reason! Now I must go and do my Civic duty and utilize my vote

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Why are we wasting our time voting? Honestly, there is never any change no matter who gets voted! It’s time to stand up for ourselves and take the power back and not vote for anyone! But that will never happen. House prices won’t change rentals will never change, people will sit in their homes and complain but nothing will get down. The homeless crisis will get worse! The council or government won’t do anything about it just put more obstacles in the way. I build container homes and I tried to donate it to every homeless charity and Council in Ireland and couldn’t even get a response and I wasn’t looking money for it!!! The people in charge should be ashamed of themselves. They don’t deserve a vote! Say what you want about trump but we need more people like him

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By *evil_u_knowMan  over a year ago


Any social housing that happens now will be rushed and ill thought out.

Like in Rush they were going to build a badly needed shopping/town area. It's to be changed to fit in as many social houses as possible.

This will leave the area still badly in need of a town center.

Things like this happened in Tallaght, carrickmines, Finglas and well, its a bad way to build. You get numbers on the paper but people are moved into areas where they have nothing local.

Lets not forget. The christian brothers/Catholic church offered land all over Dublin as payment for wrongdoing in the past. This was basically free land. The government could have build on, and had prime social housing for working people.

None, and I mean none of it was taken, it all ended up in private developers hands.

Thats FF and FG, you can hand them a free get out of jail card, and they will sell it to their friends.

How did the donnybrook laundrete end up in private hands with permission granted for 44 apartments?

There is a reason Ireland is indexed as corrupt as some african and south american countries.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Any social housing that happens now will be rushed and ill thought out.

Like in Rush they were going to build a badly needed shopping/town area. It's to be changed to fit in as many social houses as possible.

This will leave the area still badly in need of a town center.

Things like this happened in Tallaght, carrickmines, Finglas and well, its a bad way to build. You get numbers on the paper but people are moved into areas where they have nothing local.

Lets not forget. The christian brothers/Catholic church offered land all over Dublin as payment for wrongdoing in the past. This was basically free land. The government could have build on, and had prime social housing for working people.

None, and I mean none of it was taken, it all ended up in private developers hands.

Thats FF and FG, you can hand them a free get out of jail card, and they will sell it to their friends.

How did the donnybrook laundrete end up in private hands with permission granted for 44 apartments?

There is a reason Ireland is indexed as corrupt as some african and south american countries."

My point exactly! Well said!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Why are we wasting our time voting? Honestly, there is never any change no matter who gets voted! It’s time to stand up for ourselves and take the power back and not vote for anyone! But that will never happen. House prices won’t change rentals will never change, people will sit in their homes and complain but nothing will get down. The homeless crisis will get worse! The council or government won’t do anything about it just put more obstacles in the way. I build container homes and I tried to donate it to every homeless charity and Council in Ireland and couldn’t even get a response and I wasn’t looking money for it!!! The people in charge should be ashamed of themselves. They don’t deserve a vote! Say what you want about trump but we need more people like him"

More people like Trump? Wow. How so?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Any social housing that happens now will be rushed and ill thought out.

Like in Rush they were going to build a badly needed shopping/town area. It's to be changed to fit in as many social houses as possible.

This will leave the area still badly in need of a town center.

Things like this happened in Tallaght, carrickmines, Finglas and well, its a bad way to build. You get numbers on the paper but people are moved into areas where they have nothing local.

Lets not forget. The christian brothers/Catholic church offered land all over Dublin as payment for wrongdoing in the past. This was basically free land. The government could have build on, and had prime social housing for working people.

None, and I mean none of it was taken, it all ended up in private developers hands.

Thats FF and FG, you can hand them a free get out of jail card, and they will sell it to their friends.

How did the donnybrook laundrete end up in private hands with permission granted for 44 apartments?

There is a reason Ireland is indexed as corrupt as some african and south american countries."

You make an excellent point. Plus, I agree with your take on SF housing policy from another thread too actually, but I'm still voting SF. For the first time, I might add.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ah u see the old I won't vote because nothing ever changes cop out.

Well not voting will result in you playing your part in making sure nothing changes.

Get out and vote, and vote for those that are trying to make the change you complain that you never see.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Vote or die motherfucker

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ah u see the old I won't vote because nothing ever changes cop out.

Well not voting will result in you playing your part in making sure nothing changes.

Get out and vote, and vote for those that are trying to make the change you complain that you never see. "

agreed and in my opinion if you don't vote when you can you have no right to complain about the goverment whatsoever

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

None of them are worthy of a vote that’s why I’m not voting. I’d rather get up and work and make a difference that way instead of depending on corrupt politicians

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By *ornyForaLotMan  over a year ago


"Change Ireland for the better voting ira murder's into government fantastic hope you are all pleased with your shelf's.


we’re not living in the 1980’s anymore

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Voting done and the polling station here was the busiest I've seen it.

Now.....wait and see what comes of it.

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By *ornyForaLotMan  over a year ago


"Why are we wasting our time voting? Honestly, there is never any change no matter who gets voted! It’s time to stand up for ourselves and take the power back and not vote for anyone! But that will never happen. House prices won’t change rentals will never change, people will sit in their homes and complain but nothing will get down. The homeless crisis will get worse! The council or government won’t do anything about it just put more obstacles in the way. I build container homes and I tried to donate it to every homeless charity and Council in Ireland and couldn’t even get a response and I wasn’t looking money for it!!! The people in charge should be ashamed of themselves. They don’t deserve a vote! Say what you want about trump but we need more people like him"
yet you’re sitting on a thread complaining about people complaining but not willing to vote people died so we could vote and people aren’t willing to give anyone else a chance just complain that nothing will change without giving change a chance

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

SF won't be in government as they don't even have enough candidates never mind get enough seats. FF supported by FG or vice versa.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yep and we'll be voting again in 12mths

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By *oserMan  over a year ago

where the wild roses grow

"Change Ireland for the better voting ira murder's into government fantastic hope you are all pleased with your shelf's.


I have exceptional shelves, solid walnut with hidden fixings. I did them myself and am proud as fook.

Thats how I feel about the shelving and it pales by comparison as to how proud I am to have voted SF

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By *adrarfjordr VoyeurMan  over a year ago


"SF won't be in government as they don't even have enough candidates never mind get enough seats. FF supported by FG or vice versa. "

Yes they fucked up like Labour did back in the day. They could have been in pole position but you're probably right it will be FF/FG in one form or another.

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By *oghunter33Woman  over a year ago

on the hill NordWest of

While not conclusive, there seems to be a shift in the voting pattern but also the young ones came out to vote and expressed their discontent of being fucked over again and again by ff and fg. We might end up with the same crooks but at least there's a fresh breeze.

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By *oghunter33Woman  over a year ago

on the hill NordWest of

* By the same crooks I mean ff and fg go in coalition.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 08/02/20 23:53:31]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

SF might not have had enough candidates in this election and people regurgitating what they have read in the news that they fucked up like labour back in the day.

Putting up reliable candidates is not something that can be done over night it takes time. No point running dopes that are just getting elected due to the party being popular now as they would sink it in the end.

People are looking for real change and not cronyism!

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By *yesgreenMan  over a year ago

north and south

"SF might not have had enough candidates in this election and people regurgitating what they have read in the news that they fucked up like labour back in the day.

Putting up reliable candidates is not something that can be done over night it takes time. No point running dopes that are just getting elected due to the party being popular now as they would sink it in the end.

People are looking for real change and not cronyism!"


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By *ohndunboyneMan  over a year ago

Dunboyne & Dublin

"SF might not have had enough candidates in this election and people regurgitating what they have read in the news that they fucked up like labour back in the day.

Putting up reliable candidates is not something that can be done over night it takes time. No point running dopes that are just getting elected due to the party being popular now as they would sink it in the end.

People are looking for real change and not cronyism! Vote "

Too late now.

Job done.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


2 Cheeks of the same arse

Yet idiots keep voting for them

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By *ohndunboyneMan  over a year ago

Dunboyne & Dublin


2 Cheeks of the same arse

Yet idiots keep voting for them"

Ah, yes, agree bit, are Sinn Fein the brown star in the middle that could start squirting slurry?

Yet to be seen

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By *yesgreenMan  over a year ago

north and south


2 Cheeks of the same arse

Yet idiots keep voting for them

Ah, yes, agree bit, are Sinn Fein the brown star in the middle that could start squirting slurry?

Yet to be seen"

If they can just get RTE to be impartial that's a start , to listening

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By *ohndunboyneMan  over a year ago

Dunboyne & Dublin


2 Cheeks of the same arse

Yet idiots keep voting for them

Ah, yes, agree bit, are Sinn Fein the brown star in the middle that could start squirting slurry?

Yet to be seenIf they can just get RTE to be impartial that's a start , to listening "

Rather than dragging up something from years ago?

Yes, I agree.

Then again, if its something to do with a Sinn Fein member after they declared separation from the IRA, then it's a legitimate question.

Don't you agree?

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By *yesgreenMan  over a year ago

north and south


2 Cheeks of the same arse

Yet idiots keep voting for them

Ah, yes, agree bit, are Sinn Fein the brown star in the middle that could start squirting slurry?

Yet to be seenIf they can just get RTE to be impartial that's a start , to listening

Rather than dragging up something from years ago?

Yes, I agree.

Then again, if its something to do with a Sinn Fein member after they declared separation from the IRA, then it's a legitimate question.

Don't you agree?"

Yes every question but that you have to listen to the answers and let people who are in sf to answer them questions

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By *yesgreenMan  over a year ago

north and south


2 Cheeks of the same arse

Yet idiots keep voting for them

Ah, yes, agree bit, are Sinn Fein the brown star in the middle that could start squirting slurry?

Yet to be seenIf they can just get RTE to be impartial that's a start , to listening

Rather than dragging up something from years ago?

Yes, I agree.

Then again, if its something to do with a Sinn Fein member after they declared separation from the IRA, then it's a legitimate question.

Don't you agree?Yes every question but that you have to listen to the answers and let people who are in sf to answer them questions "

All the main parties were started by freedom fighters, we had to fight on as the others celebrated the Celtic Tiger

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

The nation has spoken

It's time for a change

It's just a shame SF didn't run more candidates

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Time for a change absolutely. I just hope everyone who voted for SF, read in depth their manifestos and considered the entire economic effect. I somehow very much doubt that they did.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Time for a change absolutely. I just hope everyone who voted for SF, read in depth their manifestos and considered the entire economic effect. I somehow very much doubt that they did. "

How do yo know? Do you always assume that most are not capable of making informed decisions?

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By *irl4fucking18Woman  over a year ago


I'm not to good on this politic stuff clearly SF is on fire and I keep hearing ff fg wont go into government with them. So then what? Ohh I only voted for independents

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Time for a change absolutely. I just hope everyone who voted for SF, read in depth their manifestos and considered the entire economic effect. I somehow very much doubt that they did. "

I have to agree its time for change, I just hope we get the change people are looking for but honestly you dont have to be a genius to figure out sinn Fein manifesto is frighteningly unrealistic

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By *irl4fucking18Woman  over a year ago


So what happens now judging by facebook Sinn Fein have it in the bag

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Nothing is in the bag. SF do not have enough candidates to form a government on their own or form one with another smaller party. It's all still to play for yet.

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By *yesgreenMan  over a year ago

north and south

"Nothing is in the bag. SF do not have enough candidates to form a government on their own or form one with another smaller party. It's all still to play for yet."
FG FF and there's are realistic but they never forfill them anyway or even care , Did rte interview one sf first vote ?

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