
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Ireland > just wondering....

just wondering....

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Saw a guy post up about this the other day.. he got slated.. but may as well keep the discussion going... and, do discuss, no slaggin matches ffs, were all adult... ok here goes...

Flicking through single females profiles and they class themselves as "curvy and fabulous"... so lets cut all the bullshit out and get str8 to the point.. theyre "CHUBBY CHICKS"... or "FAT" ... so lets call a spade a spade... ok.. not skinny.....

now, thats fine, and no problem whatsoever... however... heres where we would want to continue the discussion from the poor guy who got slated...

at what point on this site do the "FAT GIRLS" think that they can actually demand on their profiles that the guys they want to meet would be "skinny, good looking, hung, 6 pack, attractive".... when infact they themselves would be as what would be described in the real world as "FKN MINGERS"... they also demand a picture is attached so they can judge wether they would get fucked by a guy who they couldnt even pull in a pub or a club ????

it just bewilders at times that everyone would frown upon a post like this, when, in your heart you actually know theres a valid point.... but, god forbid anyone should query or question the BBW on this site ??

anyhow, ive stuck my neck out, and anyone who knows me, knows i aint a skinny cunt lol ( been called a big fat ugly fkr many times lol ) .. so drop that argument right away... and do discuss the question i asked.... doing it from a couples point of view and ps.. before anyone starts.. we have MANY BBW SINGLE FEMALES WE MEET... they just dont have the bullshit profile attitude that a lot on here carry around with them....


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think it's a simple matter of supply and demand. The girls on here are simply spoiled for choice.

Personally I don't drop my standards on this, probably explains why I've only had a hand full of meets

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My point would be that I don't have a choice in being a pencil dick but...... please discuss

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

deffo is supply and demand.. agre..

but, weve heard of guys who have had to shave their beards off just to get a shag off here... would any guy go into a pub in real life, ask for a shag, be told to have a shave and come back... holy fuck, would u do it in real life... yet, weve heard of it happen on here from BBW

thats just 1 example...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

That's crazy, I could understand someone wanting a potential meet to maybe want someone to be clean shaven down below but shaving a beard off is extreme. I wouldn't shave my red stubble off for anyone. I might just trim my pubes for them though

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It's true a lot of people expect and punch way above their weight so to speak on here but in my opinion I think in the real world, the larger ladies or gents may suffer from confidence due to society being up its own arse in respect to size zero etc. Sites like these, ladies can pick and choose whoever they want, (the gents have to be very very patient lol) to meet and the supply is there for them to choose so they have the confidence to pick and choose. I think sites like these helps people who haven't the confidence or self esteem in 'the real world' to be themselves and get what they crave. Fair play is what I say

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Is this site then not creating a false sense of esteem then ?

Ie. . Ppl will get what they want here but in the real world they won't. .. ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think it is for sure creating a false sense of esteem and it can be a bit dangerous because we all live in the real world but some may think and enjoy this site as their real world. I'm not saying they can't get what they want in the real world but here it's a lot easier, I think!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Good point

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

what makes you think fat chicks are any less desireable than anyone else ? .Theres a lot to be said for the saying , if you have nothing nice to say ...say nothing .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"what makes you think fat chicks are any less desireable than anyone else ? .Theres a lot to be said for the saying , if you have nothing nice to say ...say nothing . "

Think OP's point is how demanding they are of others? He emphasised that

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Mistress.. Please read what I said. .. Your saying things I didn't say. . Please re-read many thanks xx

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By *onnor the greatMan  over a year ago


"I think it is for sure creating a false sense of esteem and it can be a bit dangerous because we all live in the real world but some may think and enjoy this site as their real world. I'm not saying they can't get what they want in the real world but here it's a lot easier, I think! "

I just pass by any profile that makes such demands.

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By *ichael McCarthyMan  over a year ago


Ah sure, what you want and what you might get could be two different things. People can demand all they want if there are enough people willing to accede to those demands.

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By *imwildWoman  over a year ago


I've seen some 'skinny' single ladies profiles that have the same demands. Why can't a 'bigger' woman have the same preferences?

Just because someone is fat or skinny doesn't nessessarily mean they find someone the same size sexually attractive.

There are lots of skinny men that are only sexually attracted to bbw.

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By *unstercplCouple  over a year ago


"deffo is supply and demand.. agre..

but, weve heard of guys who have had to shave their beards off just to get a shag off here... would any guy go into a pub in real life, ask for a shag, be told to have a shave and come back... holy fuck, would u do it in real life... yet, weve heard of it happen on here from BBW

thats just 1 example..."

You cant tar one section with this type of behaviour. You are dealing with personal desires and there are not the sole domain of BBWs. A cursory look at the "body beautiful" sect on here and you quickly see equally demanding and silly demands.

At the end of the day people make a choice to meet or comply with these requests to "get a meet". That is their choice so good luck to them.

The choice is all about fun so people can choose their requirements as they wish.

Have fun all xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So are you saying that a slim woman can make any demands she likes? Please be clear as that is kinda what it sounds like. Personally I don't see what the problem with people being specific in what they want? Just because someone is a 'FKN MINGER' as you so eloquently put doesn't mean they can't actually have a preference, sounds like someones got a dose of the sour grapes to me. This crappy attitude of 'take what you can get cos you're fat' seems to dominate this site, pretty damn insulting to be honest.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Far from it celia.. just reading some of the demands some of the profiles make is staggering. At least it's being discussed and bit turning into a slagging match

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ah sure, what you want and what you might get could be two different things. People can demand all they want if there are enough people willing to accede to those demands. "

They should see my 'demands' Mikey!

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By *razy-88Man  over a year ago


Are we having an open and adult thread on fab??? No name calling, no scarcasm? Look at us acting like adults.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Far from it celia.. just reading some of the demands some of the profiles make is staggering. At least it's being discussed and bit turning into a slagging match"

have you seen some of the demands set by the women who aren't fat? Are their demands more valid because they have what you would deem a more attractive body shape? sure you could have the body of an athlete and still have a face like a burnt out minibus

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

As close as you'll get to it on fab... dont worry. . The real forum users aren't awake yet. . Im sure they will join in once they've had their breakfast

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So are you saying that a slim woman can make any demands she likes? Please be clear as that is kinda what it sounds like. Personally I don't see what the problem with people being specific in what they want? Just because someone is a 'FKN MINGER' as you so eloquently put doesn't mean they can't actually have a preference, sounds like someones got a dose of the sour grapes to me. This crappy attitude of 'take what you can get cos you're fat' seems to dominate this site, pretty damn insulting to be honest."

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By *imwildWoman  over a year ago


"As close as you'll get to it on fab... dont worry. . The real forum users aren't awake yet. . Im sure they will join in once they've had their breakfast"

Are the rest of us not real?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Lolol... pinch yourself. . If it hurts your real

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I don't know about anyone else but reading that post , if I had met crazy diamonds I wouldn't be too happy that he thinks fat women are mingers lol!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

No no.. dont get me wrong.. good no. . Let me explain

some are fkn mingers.

Others are fkn beautiful


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"No no.. dont get me wrong.. good no. . Let me explain

some are fkn mingers.

Others are fkn beautiful


so can the beautiful ones make demands then?

sure nothing like starting the day with a good rant eh!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Ah don't take things personal. . Its just duscussion board. Good to have a we rant every now and again. . Relieves stress apparently

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By *imwildWoman  over a year ago


A lot of fkn minging men on here being very fussy too...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think we are all entitled to having expectations from who we will meet, regardless of our build or beauty. There are many profiles that have very high demands (face photo with first message, very precise criteria who they want to meet with). I do not think it is a bad thing necessarily. Maybe those BBW with high expectations are here to find very sexy playmates rather than to get played with by many. I have no issue with that and with how long they are happy to wait for the meet.

I also believe that curvy means that the lady has nice natural curves rather than extra kilos. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and putting body build type as they please on the site. If there are photos attached to the profile, each can judge for themselves if the physic is attractive to them or not.

Body type is not a search option, so doesn't affect my process of finding potential meets, so it is not an issue what people put up on their profiles.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Anno... fkn mingers...

Right girls. . I Have to go gym and try and lose some of this weight im carrying around. . Need to get nice n thin to improve my self esteem. .

any chubbies wanna come with me u can share my personal trainer. . Shes lovey size 8 and sexy

so please discuss in my absence and no name calling now

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By *razy-88Man  over a year ago


I think anyone can post whatever weird and wonderful demands they want. aslong as someone is willing to meet them demands.

I look at it like a job ad with shit wages and long hours, there's always someone willing to do it.(and b4 anyone starts I'm not calling anyone a job, with long hours and crap pay)

As for the guy who shaved his beard off for a meet, WTF man??

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ah don't take things personal. . Its just duscussion board. Good to have a we rant every now and again. . Relieves stress apparently"

Jesus if I took every opinion on here I didn't like personally I would have thrown myself off a cliff by now, live and let live, even the fat mingers!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Anno... fkn mingers...

Right girls. . I Have to go gym and try and lose some of this weight im carrying around. . Need to get nice n thin to improve my self esteem. .

any chubbies wanna come with me u can share my personal trainer. . Shes lovey size 8 and sexy

so please discuss in my absence and no name calling now"

lol enjoy the gym heading there myself later, maybe when we both get thin and beautiful then we can really get on our high horses!

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By *oughandCurvyCouple  over a year ago


"So are you saying that a slim woman can make any demands she likes? Please be clear as that is kinda what it sounds like. Personally I don't see what the problem with people being specific in what they want? Just because someone is a 'FKN MINGER' as you so eloquently put doesn't mean they can't actually have a preference, sounds like someones got a dose of the sour grapes to me. This crappy attitude of 'take what you can get cos you're fat' seems to dominate this site, pretty damn insulting to be honest."

Just because a woman is fat does that mean she has to lower her standards because she's not to ever ones taste? We're all here to live out fantasies so why should "fat chicks" comprises? When all we seem to do is go on about personal preference and how we are all entitled to it, or did I miss the bit where it excludes the fore mentioned "fat chicks"??

You also mentioned a poor lad who had to shave his beard to get a shag, how is that relevant? Did every woman on the site tell him they wouldn't do him unless he shaved it? Doubtful!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

At any point they want. Start, beginning or middle, it's their body & they can demand whatever they like.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"So are you saying that a slim woman can make any demands she likes? Please be clear as that is kinda what it sounds like. Personally I don't see what the problem with people being specific in what they want? Just because someone is a 'FKN MINGER' as you so eloquently put doesn't mean they can't actually have a preference, sounds like someones got a dose of the sour grapes to me. This crappy attitude of 'take what you can get cos you're fat' seems to dominate this site, pretty damn insulting to be honest.

Just because a woman is fat does that mean she has to lower her standards because she's not to ever ones taste? We're all here to live out fantasies so why should "fat chicks" comprises? When all we seem to do is go on about personal preference and how we are all entitled to it, or did I miss the bit where it excludes the fore mentioned "fat chicks"??

You also mentioned a poor lad who had to shave his beard to get a shag, how is that relevant? Did every woman on the site tell him they wouldn't do him unless he shaved it? Doubtful!! "

more fool him for being such a desperadoe that he did it!

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By *j47Man  over a year ago


Fkn mingers aside

Fat,curvey,its a description of choice u see their pics or meet for social and decide are they someone I'd play with for me its the whole package and body size,is well down the list. now don't all laugh at once but if some one excites my mind it far out weights body size shape.

Do some people and I am including males get a false sense of self esteem hell yea they do since I joined here mine has shot trough the roof it has made me more aware that others find me sexualy attractive. Is it a bad thing no if its managed right but like crazy says there some that have let it go to their head they aren't only larger ladies there a few size 8s and guys that have also. That's life only u can choose who u like to be with

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By *ingerrrrWoman  over a year ago


I'm a larger (than size 14) lady. I find the term BBW offensive. Why should I be labeled if I'm over a certain size?

I don't NEED to be here to get a shag, it's just less complicated than pulling in a bar. I also enjoy group play and that would be impossible to organise in the non swing world.

I have personal preferences, just like everyone else. I won't meet someone on here just because they offer it, I have things I like and dislike.

Had a guy get stroppy cause I said I'd be meeting in jan, never said I'd be meeting HIM specifically, but he assumed it was to be him. Eah no.

So me being on here is for me, my pleasure and amusement. If I choose to meet someone that I click with, wether he's tall, short, muscle bound or skinny.. Is up to me and him..

If you don't like my pics.. Move along.. That's what I do when I look at male pics and go yuck...

One persons "fkn minger" as it's been used, is another's beauty queen.

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By *j47Man  over a year ago


As forthe fkn mongers what's a munger to u is a magnet to me

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By *j47Man  over a year ago


"I'm a larger (than size 14) lady. I find the term BBW offensive. Why should I be labeled if I'm over a certain size?

I don't NEED to be here to get a shag, it's just less complicated than pulling in a bar. I also enjoy group play and that would be impossible to organise in the non swing world.

I have personal preferences, just like everyone else. I won't meet someone on here just because they offer it, I have things I like and dislike.

Had a guy get stroppy cause I said I'd be meeting in jan, never said I'd be meeting HIM specifically, but he assumed it was to be him. Eah no.

So me being on here is for me, my pleasure and amusement. If I choose to meet someone that I click with, wether he's tall, short, muscle bound or skinny.. Is up to me and him..

If you don't like my pics.. Move along.. That's what I do when I look at male pics and go yuck...

One persons "fkn minger" as it's been used, is another's beauty queen.


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By *s louWoman  over a year ago


it's no different from the 'athletic' guys who say the women 'must' be shaved....in reality there's more meat on a butcher's pencil and they have a jungle of pubes themselves!!

Or the 26 year old, 6ft athletic guy who in reality is 49, is 6ft ( when he stands on a chair) and has the body of someone who drinks ten pints a day.

People make these demands/view themselves in a certain way....it's just a part of life - especially fab life.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Curvy/slim...tall/small...black/white.......nationality/religion.....arent we all entitled to preferences no matter what we are..what shape make etc we are? If you dont like a profile move on people shouldnt feel the need to highlight anyone just because that "type" is not their thing....its swinging were all different with different preferences ...From some forum posts i read people have made swinging way more complicated than it has to be.... the same sock doesnt fit everyone...happy swinging

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By *imwildWoman  over a year ago


Isn't it very hypocritical/contradictory to describe someone as a fkn minger when that person doesn't find you (whoever) attractive ?? Hmmm

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By *-4pleasureCouple  over a year ago


Profiles with absurd demands - we giggle at their pomposity and/or delusions then record in Private Notes so that we will know not to meet them in the future. Very useful as sometimes they show their true colours in update statuses that are temporary.

Be they large or petite it really doesn't matter to us. If they're up their own arse we don't wanna know

Mr 2-4

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I am a size 12 .have a belly and extra wobbly bits .. i do agree that some cases of how women get meets extreme but its Not just bbw making demands so where ur getting that information

is complete bull ..

ive seen women who are stick thin making even more bizare demands other than shave ..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

When u see ...usually a guy...a profile that looks like someone is fit athletic and ticks all the boxes and then see the veris, where there are some much older, much less fit profiles there are two ways to look at it, either...

..fuck me, yer man would fuck anything..jaysus


...fuck me...fair play to him, yer man fucks away at anything....

...it is a swing site..think the secret I simply not to judge..full stop

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"When u see ...usually a guy...a profile that looks like someone is fit athletic and ticks all the boxes and then see the veris, where there are some much older, much less fit profiles there are two ways to look at it, either...

..fuck me, yer man would fuck anything..jaysus


...fuck me...fair play to him, yer man fucks away at anything....

...it is a swing site..think the secret I simply not to judge..full stop"

there should be no fair play to him or jasus he fucks anything. Maybe larger ladies are the ladies he is attracted to.. maybe thats what turns him on. Maybe he went in search of these ladger fat mingers because they are the type of ladies he has preference in meeting.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

From what I have seen so far there is a lot more men on the site to women! What does that tell you? It's pretty obvious! Women hold the aces in all aspects! I spoke to a woman yesterday who told me she signed in to 100 mails! That is crazy

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By *oughandCurvyCouple  over a year ago


At the end of the day it's about choice! We all have the right to choose older/younger/big/small or whatever the hell we like the same way if we choose to shave our beards to get laid it's still a choice the same way we have the right to choose not to do something!

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By *imwildWoman  over a year ago


"From what I have seen so far there is a lot more men on the site to women! What does that tell you? It's pretty obvious! Women hold the aces in all aspects! I spoke to a woman yesterday who told me she signed in to 100 mails! That is crazy "

Funny how men think that's an advantage!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"From what I have seen so far there is a lot more men on the site to women! What does that tell you? It's pretty obvious! Women hold the aces in all aspects! I spoke to a woman yesterday who told me she signed in to 100 mails! That is crazy

Funny how men think that's an advantage!! "

what it tells me is men have to work extremelly hard to be succesful

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By *imwildWoman  over a year ago


"From what I have seen so far there is a lot more men on the site to women! What does that tell you? It's pretty obvious! Women hold the aces in all aspects! I spoke to a woman yesterday who told me she signed in to 100 mails! That is crazy

Funny how men think that's an advantage!! what it tells me is men have to work extremelly hard to be succesful "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"From what I have seen so far there is a lot more men on the site to women! What does that tell you? It's pretty obvious! Women hold the aces in all aspects! I spoke to a woman yesterday who told me she signed in to 100 mails! That is crazy

Funny how men think that's an advantage!! what it tells me is men have to work extremelly hard to be succesful


i never liked violins

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"At the end of the day it's about choice! We all have the right to choose older/younger/big/small or whatever the hell we like the same way if we choose to shave our beards to get laid it's still a choice the same way we have the right to choose not to do something! "
we'll the guy that did post it, seen his verifications and it was curvy women he did meet then have a cheek to say that about the women, which was not very nice. And for men some think because they Vwe you should be straight on them, we'll sorry they might have a nice downstairs but I like a good looking face attached to one. I'm always polite in my messages, if the person is not for me . But then I get abuse that I can't meet all the time, or insulted over my pictures I have been dragged up, why I use my block button .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"At the end of the day it's about choice! We all have the right to choose older/younger/big/small or whatever the hell we like the same way if we choose to shave our beards to get laid it's still a choice the same way we have the right to choose not to do something! we'll the guy that did post it, seen his verifications and it was curvy women he did meet then have a cheek to say that about the women, which was not very nice. And for men some think because they Vwe you should be straight on them, we'll sorry they might have a nice downstairs but I like a good looking face attached to one. I'm always polite in my messages, if the person is not for me . But then I get abuse that I can't meet all the time, or insulted over my pictures I have been dragged up, why I use my block button . "
ive one of those faces

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By *urph6969Man  over a year ago


"Saw a guy post up about this the other day.. he got slated.. but may as well keep the discussion going... and, do discuss, no slaggin matches ffs, were all adult... ok here goes...

Flicking through single females profiles and they class themselves as "curvy and fabulous"... so lets cut all the bullshit out and get str8 to the point.. theyre "CHUBBY CHICKS"... or "FAT" ... so lets call a spade a spade... ok.. not skinny.....

now, thats fine, and no problem whatsoever... however... heres where we would want to continue the discussion from the poor guy who got slated...

at what point on this site do the "FAT GIRLS" think that they can actually demand on their profiles that the guys they want to meet would be "skinny, good looking, hung, 6 pack, attractive".... when infact they themselves would be as what would be described in the real world as "FKN MINGERS"... they also demand a picture is attached so they can judge wether they would get fucked by a guy who they couldnt even pull in a pub or a club ????

it just bewilders at times that everyone would frown upon a post like this, when, in your heart you actually know theres a valid point.... but, god forbid anyone should query or question the BBW on this site ??

anyhow, ive stuck my neck out, and anyone who knows me, knows i aint a skinny cunt lol ( been called a big fat ugly fkr many times lol ) .. so drop that argument right away... and do discuss the question i asked.... doing it from a couples point of view and ps.. before anyone starts.. we have MANY BBW SINGLE FEMALES WE MEET... they just dont have the bullshit profile attitude that a lot on here carry around with them....


well said

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I personally only meet supermodels myself

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By *oldenFingersMan  over a year ago


"Saw a guy post up about this the other day.. he got slated.. but may as well keep the discussion going... and, do discuss, no slaggin matches ffs, were all adult... ok here goes...

Flicking through single females profiles and they class themselves as "curvy and fabulous"... so lets cut all the bullshit out and get str8 to the point.. theyre "CHUBBY CHICKS"... or "FAT" ... so lets call a spade a spade... ok.. not skinny.....

now, thats fine, and no problem whatsoever... however... heres where we would want to continue the discussion from the poor guy who got slated...

at what point on this site do the "FAT GIRLS" think that they can actually demand on their profiles that the guys they want to meet would be "skinny, good looking, hung, 6 pack, attractive".... when infact they themselves would be as what would be described in the real world as "FKN MINGERS"... they also demand a picture is attached so they can judge wether they would get fucked by a guy who they couldnt even pull in a pub or a club ????

it just bewilders at times that everyone would frown upon a post like this, when, in your heart you actually know theres a valid point.... but, god forbid anyone should query or question the BBW on this site ??

anyhow, ive stuck my neck out, and anyone who knows me, knows i aint a skinny cunt lol ( been called a big fat ugly fkr many times lol ) .. so drop that argument right away... and do discuss the question i asked.... doing it from a couples point of view and ps.. before anyone starts.. we have MANY BBW SINGLE FEMALES WE MEET... they just dont have the bullshit profile attitude that a lot on here carry around with them....


you are right in a lot of what you say and as the guy said it is supply and demand and that's fine. It's not a reason for someone to be an asshole. A bit of Humility is a nice trait in a human. And fair play to you for sticking your neck out. Nobody likes a fence sitter.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Forgive as I have only read the first handful of posts but isn't this down to personal taste? No reason why a guy fat or thin can say what he prefers and same for a woman.

I don't think anyone should have to think they are lowering standards just because they want a ride.

In my past I have been with all sorts and now a days I know what I like, so that's what I go for.

Just my thoughts not hating any posts here. A point is a point weather you agree with it or not

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A lot of fkn minging men on here being very fussy too... "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A lot of fkn minging men on here being very fussy too... "
jesus, we're all lovely

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

To be honest some of the hottest women on here dont interest me as they have the personality of a blunt pencil. A girl who can have me in stitches with a bit of banter can do as she pleases with me

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A lot of fkn minging men on here being very fussy too... "

Yep...... I won't meet unless they bring Sushi!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A lot of fkn minging men on here being very fussy too...

Yep...... I won't meet unless they bring Sushi! "

at least and a fusion razor just in case lol....

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By *ohn MingoMan  over a year ago


"To be honest some of the hottest women on here dont interest me as they have the personality of a blunt pencil. A girl who can have me in stitches with a bit of banter can do as she pleases with me"


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Is this site then not creating a false sense of esteem then ?

Ie. . Ppl will get what they want here but in the real world they won't. .. ?


I'm curvy with a high self esteem (or big ego) and I don't see how this site creates a false self esteem. I've always had a lot of demands in the 'real world' so why would I not have them here? Is this your way of saying you settled cause this site is where you can get what you want? From where I'm standing, that reads as what you have in the 'real world' isn't what you want. If I'm wrong by the way, feel free to correct me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What do people consider to be skinny chubby curvy fat?

Healthy 8 to 10 stone

Curvy 10 to 12

Chubby 12 to 14

Fat 14 plus

And don't come with "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and sit on the fence

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What do people consider to be skinny chubby curvy fat?

Healthy 8 to 10 stone

Curvy 10 to 12

Chubby 12 to 14

Fat 14 plus

And don't come with "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and sit on the fence


8-10 stone can be healthy for someone who's 5ft3" but not for someone who's 5ft6".

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What do people consider to be skinny chubby curvy fat?

Healthy 8 to 10 stone

Curvy 10 to 12

Chubby 12 to 14

Fat 14 plus

And don't come with "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and sit on the fence



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By *j47Man  over a year ago


"A lot of fkn minging men on here being very fussy too...

Yep...... I won't meet unless they bring Sushi! at least and a fusion razor just in case lol.... "

I prefer the fusion power myself that little viberatipn just brings it that much closer mmmmmm

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By *j47Man  over a year ago


"What do people consider to be skinny chubby curvy fat?

Healthy 8 to 10 stone

Curvy 10 to 12

Chubby 12 to 14

Fat 14 plus

And don't come with "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and sit on the fence

Nonsense. "

My wife was a size 10 when I met her at age 19 weighed 10stone at 5ft9inches like a stick insect she was

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A lot of fkn minging men on here being very fussy too...

Yep...... I won't meet unless they bring Sushi! at least and a fusion razor just in case lol....

I prefer the fusion power myself that little viberatipn just brings it that much closer mmmmmm "

I just might get confused though and think it's Rodger and then where would I be .

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By *j47Man  over a year ago


"A lot of fkn minging men on here being very fussy too...

Yep...... I won't meet unless they bring Sushi! at least and a fusion razor just in case lol....

I prefer the fusion power myself that little viberatipn just brings it that much closer mmmmmm I just might get confused though and think it's Rodger and then where would I be . "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A lot of fkn minging men on here being very fussy too...

Yep...... I won't meet unless they bring Sushi! at least and a fusion razor just in case lol....

I prefer the fusion power myself that little viberatipn just brings it that much closer mmmmmm I just might get confused though and think it's Rodger and then where would I be .

A&E "

wonder do the let bleeding mingers in there lol

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By *j47Man  over a year ago


"A lot of fkn minging men on here being very fussy too...

Yep...... I won't meet unless they bring Sushi! at least and a fusion razor just in case lol....

I prefer the fusion power myself that little viberatipn just brings it that much closer mmmmmm I just might get confused though and think it's Rodger and then where would I be .

A&E wonder do the let bleeding mingers in there lol "

U never know u maybe a bleeding magnet

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What do people consider to be skinny chubby curvy fat?

Healthy 8 to 10 stone

Curvy 10 to 12

Chubby 12 to 14

Fat 14 plus

And don't come with "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and sit on the fence

8-10 stone can be healthy for someone who's 5ft3" but not for someone who's 5ft6". "

Very true

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Im 5'6/7 and if i was 8 stone id be near dead!

11 stone does me

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What do people consider to be skinny chubby curvy fat?

Healthy 8 to 10 stone

Curvy 10 to 12

Chubby 12 to 14

Fat 14 plus

And don't come with "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and sit on the fence


I am over 10 stone and consider myself to be extremely healthy and fit. Muscle weighs heavy, you cant put people into categories like that, a lot of factors need to be taken into consideration.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What do people consider to be skinny chubby curvy fat?

Healthy 8 to 10 stone

Curvy 10 to 12

Chubby 12 to 14

Fat 14 plus

And don't come with "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and sit on the fence


In this day and age you can't go on clothes size.. A size 10 in River Island is a lot smaller that a size 10 in new look or Penneys

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"At the end of the day it's about choice! We all have the right to choose older/younger/big/small or whatever the hell we like the same way if we choose to shave our beards to get laid it's still a choice the same way we have the right to choose not to do something! we'll the guy that did post it, seen his verifications and it was curvy women he did meet then have a cheek to say that about the women, which was not very nice. And for men some think because they Vwe you should be straight on them, we'll sorry they might have a nice downstairs but I like a good looking face attached to one. I'm always polite in my messages, if the person is not for me . But then I get abuse that I can't meet all the time, or insulted over my pictures I have been dragged up, why I use my block button . "

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By *urious2013cCouple  over a year ago

Co Cork

I think people should be able to describe them selves and set out their demands as they see fit I find the ops description of some larger ladies insulting each to their own and all that

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By *ong riderMan  over a year ago


What about the men...

I'm fit, 'athletic', toned etc but I love nothing more than a BBW, chubby, plumper, fatty, larger lady, ample, fabulous or whatever they're called. Thank fuck for them uns that insist on guys my shape is what I say xxxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've literally just been told to shave if I want a meet haha think my beard is more worth keeping

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By *ohn MingoMan  over a year ago


"From what I have seen so far there is a lot more men on the site to women! What does that tell you? It's pretty obvious! Women hold the aces in all aspects! I spoke to a woman yesterday who told me she signed in to 100 mails! That is crazy "

Ah snickers, tis yourself! welcome back, long time no see!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 21/01/15 13:31:11]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"what makes you think fat chicks are any less desireable than anyone else ? .Theres a lot to be said for the saying , if you have nothing nice to say ...say nothing . "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"A lot of fkn minging men on here being very fussy too...

Yep...... I won't meet unless they bring Sushi! "

Added to the shopping list again this weekend

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By *etmebeurfantasyWoman  over a year ago

My town

"From what I have seen so far there is a lot more men on the site to women! What does that tell you? It's pretty obvious! Women hold the aces in all aspects! I spoke to a woman yesterday who told me she signed in to 100 mails! That is crazy

Ah snickers, tis yourself! welcome back, long time no see!!"

is it him..

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago



Big tits/small tits...

Big cocks/small cocks...

Light hair/Dark hair...

long legs/Short legs...

We're on a swinging site where variety is the spice of life,sit back and enjoy...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

wonder where OP went, maybe he had a heart attack ogling his personal trainer at the gym

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"...a face like a burnt out minibus "

Love it! Saying of the week.

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By *avie tCouple  over a year ago

otherside of nowhere

This ain't the real world...its fantasy so I think ppl should look for things their unlikely to get in reality.....I would like 4 or more men at the same time but if I look for that in the local I would be known for ever as the local bike....and in real life I think most ppl would want a relationship to be based on more then mere looks and body shape....

And on profiles I hate the use of the words ..fussy or standards.... Prefrence is more accurate

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago



Big tits/small tits...

Big cocks/small cocks...

Light hair/Dark hair...

long legs/Short legs...

We're on a swinging site where variety is the spice of life,sit back and enjoy... "

You missed out on midgets there,

Or am I aiming too high??

A gummy midget with no gag reflex....


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What do people consider to be skinny chubby curvy fat?

Healthy 8 to 10 stone

Curvy 10 to 12

Chubby 12 to 14

Fat 14 plus

And don't come with "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and sit on the fence


what utter balls, are you having a laugh?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago



Big tits/small tits...

Big cocks/small cocks...

Light hair/Dark hair...

long legs/Short legs...

We're on a swinging site where variety is the spice of life,sit back and enjoy...

You missed out on midgets there,

Or am I aiming too high??

A gummy midget with no gag reflex....


You'll find a midget on the UK Forum....Lol

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By *al2001Man  over a year ago


Im going to start wearing a dickie bow more often,to make myself seem interesting to strangers i meet

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've seen some 'skinny' single ladies profiles that have the same demands. Why can't a 'bigger' woman have the same preferences?

Just because someone is fat or skinny doesn't nessessarily mean they find someone the same size sexually attractive.

There are lots of skinny men that are only sexually attracted to bbw.


Guys, anybody can put whatever the fuck they like on a profile. Its their profile, their choice.....end of. Just like it's everybody else's choice to jog on if they don't like what they see.

I find some of the profile demands ludicrous to say the least, but biggers girls aren't the only offenders here.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago



Big tits/small tits...

Big cocks/small cocks...

Light hair/Dark hair...

long legs/Short legs...

We're on a swinging site where variety is the spice of life,sit back and enjoy...

You missed out on midgets there,

Or am I aiming too high??

A gummy midget with no gag reflex....


You'll find a midget on the UK Forum....Lol "

Cheers A!!...

I'm off to 'peruse' the UK!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've,just ate,4 mince,pies,all in a,row (it's true) time for,me,to start raising my standards...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm not very fussy if that helps ??

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By *ichael McCarthyMan  over a year ago


"I've,just ate,4 mince,pies,all in a,row (it's true) time for,me,to start raising my standards... "

You ate them during an argument? Crazy bitch!


Oh no wait, it's all about the pronunciation, you lined them up in a straight line before you ate them. Still crazy!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've,just ate,4 mince,pies,all in a,row (it's true) time for,me,to start raising my standards...

You ate them during an argument? Crazy bitch!


Oh no wait, it's all about the pronunciation, you lined them up in a straight line before you ate them. Still crazy! "

Yeah crazy....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Saw a guy post up about this the other day.. he got slated.. but may as well keep the discussion going... and, do discuss, no slaggin matches ffs, were all adult... ok here goes...

Flicking through single females profiles and they class themselves as "curvy and fabulous"... so lets cut all the bullshit out and get str8 to the point.. theyre "CHUBBY CHICKS"... or "FAT" ... so lets call a spade a spade... ok.. not skinny.....

now, thats fine, and no problem whatsoever... however... heres where we would want to continue the discussion from the poor guy who got slated...

at what point on this site do the "FAT GIRLS" think that they can actually demand on their profiles that the guys they want to meet would be "skinny, good looking, hung, 6 pack, attractive".... when infact they themselves would be as what would be described in the real world as "FKN MINGERS"... they also demand a picture is attached so they can judge wether they would get fucked by a guy who they couldnt even pull in a pub or a club ????

it just bewilders at times that everyone would frown upon a post like this, when, in your heart you actually know theres a valid point.... but, god forbid anyone should query or question the BBW on this site ??

anyhow, ive stuck my neck out, and anyone who knows me, knows i aint a skinny cunt lol ( been called a big fat ugly fkr many times lol ) .. so drop that argument right away... and do discuss the question i asked.... doing it from a couples point of view and ps.. before anyone starts.. we have MANY BBW SINGLE FEMALES WE MEET... they just dont have the bullshit profile attitude that a lot on here carry around with them....


Firstly I have large on my profile not curvy not fabulous for the simple fact I don't want to mislead anyone, however I believe I have tge complete right as every other person weather they be slim or overweight to have standards in who I give my time up for. As I would expect any man to have, nobody forces any man into my bed be it from fab or indeed a bar (yes there are men outside of fab that find "the fatty" attractive, please sit down if you feel faint by the last comment) you're completely entitled to you're opinion of course, just as I'm entitled to believe it's the biggest load of crap I've ever read( just my opinion of course)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

beggars cant be choosers so setting ones expectations too high could leave you very lonely

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think it's a simple matter of supply and demand. The girls on here are simply spoiled for choice.

Personally I don't drop my standards on this, probably explains why I've only had a hand full of meets "

Agree supply and demand. However I would rather when price permits buy quality short lead time European product that cheap low quality Chinese product... Sometimes here we have cheap Chinese product that people are willing to take a punt on!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think it's a simple matter of supply and demand. The girls on here are simply spoiled for choice.

Personally I don't drop my standards on this, probably explains why I've only had a hand full of meets

Agree supply and demand. However I would rather when price permits buy quality short lead time European product that cheap low quality Chinese product... Sometimes here we have cheap Chinese product that people are willing to take a punt on!"

You may be from Belfast but you sure don't sound Super.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think it's a simple matter of supply and demand. The girls on here are simply spoiled for choice.

Personally I don't drop my standards on this, probably explains why I've only had a hand full of meets

Agree supply and demand. However I would rather when price permits buy quality short lead time European product that cheap low quality Chinese product... Sometimes here we have cheap Chinese product that people are willing to take a punt on!

You may be from Belfast but you sure don't sound Super."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think it's a simple matter of supply and demand. The girls on here are simply spoiled for choice.

Personally I don't drop my standards on this, probably explains why I've only had a hand full of meets

Agree supply and demand. However I would rather when price permits buy quality short lead time European product that cheap low quality Chinese product... Sometimes here we have cheap Chinese product that people are willing to take a punt on!

You may be from Belfast but you sure don't sound Super."

Usually when buying you like to be able to see the product your buying!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think it's a simple matter of supply and demand. The girls on here are simply spoiled for choice.

Personally I don't drop my standards on this, probably explains why I've only had a hand full of meets

Agree supply and demand. However I would rather when price permits buy quality short lead time European product that cheap low quality Chinese product... Sometimes here we have cheap Chinese product that people are willing to take a punt on!

You may be from Belfast but you sure don't sound Super.

Usually when buying you like to be able to see the product your buying! "

I'm not a product and I wouldn't want you to buy me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

anyway your profile pic is so blurred it could be a shop mannequin

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"anyway your profile pic is so blurred it could be a shop mannequin"

Nothing wrong with shop mannequins! I used to fancy the hell out of one in castle court! (Circa 1996)

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"anyway your profile pic is so blurred it could be a shop mannequin

Nothing wrong with shop mannequins! I used to fancy the hell out of one in castle court! (Circa 1996)"

You're status update "going somewhere where nobody will find me" made me giggle..... With you're attitude I doubt anyone is looking

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"anyway your profile pic is so blurred it could be a shop mannequin

Nothing wrong with shop mannequins! I used to fancy the hell out of one in castle court! (Circa 1996)

You're status update "going somewhere where nobody will find me" made me giggle..... With you're attitude I doubt anyone is looking "

What attitude? I have not criticised any women here? Simply commented on supply and demand

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Great discussion people.. see, no name calling and no bullying, amazing what a sensible adult discussion can do...

right, im now gonna post a new topic up.. and this ones gonna be controversial !!!! buckle up, its gonna be a good one

nahhhh only kidding, i think ill put up a kiss, pass or fuck subject

happy swinging peeps

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"anyway your profile pic is so blurred it could be a shop mannequin"

At least he has one

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Great discussion people.. see, no name calling and no bullying, amazing what a sensible adult discussion can do...

right, im now gonna post a new topic up.. and this ones gonna be controversial !!!! buckle up, its gonna be a good one

nahhhh only kidding, i think ill put up a kiss, pass or fuck subject

happy swinging peeps"


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Great discussion people.. see, no name calling and no bullying, amazing what a sensible adult discussion can do...

right, im now gonna post a new topic up.. and this ones gonna be controversial !!!! buckle up, its gonna be a good one

nahhhh only kidding, i think ill put up a kiss, pass or fuck subject

happy swinging peeps"


All 3

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Great discussion people.. see, no name calling and no bullying, amazing what a sensible adult discussion can do...

right, im now gonna post a new topic up.. and this ones gonna be controversial !!!! buckle up, its gonna be a good one

nahhhh only kidding, i think ill put up a kiss, pass or fuck subject

happy swinging peeps

pass "

Fuckin hell curvy.......how come we've never met?? Oh wait Cork

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

why the sad face ? cork is not that bad

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"deffo is supply and demand.. agre..

but, weve heard of guys who have had to shave their beards off just to get a shag off here... would any guy go into a pub in real life, ask for a shag, be told to have a shave and come back... holy fuck, would u do it in real life... yet, weve heard of it happen on here from BBW

thats just 1 example..."

That's a joke !!! Lol but for a man to do that when the girl asks makes it seem ok !!! Fab is so strange at times !! I don't meet single guys in here I can get that in a club fab is used for swinging ,parties 3ways all the kinky shit u wouldn't get with someone u meet at the local pub !! But for a woman to have that power over a man on here is beyond me !!!! Come on guys grow a set or buy a inflatable friend if ur that desperate that u would change ur appearance just to get a fuck !!!!

Rant over enjoy ur evenings xxxx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"why the sad face ? cork is not that bad "

Might have to use the M&G as an excuse to find out lol I was hoping Cork was a bad, bad place

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"deffo is supply and demand.. agre..

but, weve heard of guys who have had to shave their beards off just to get a shag off here... would any guy go into a pub in real life, ask for a shag, be told to have a shave and come back... holy fuck, would u do it in real life... yet, weve heard of it happen on here from BBW

thats just 1 example...

That's a joke !!! Lol but for a man to do that when the girl asks makes it seem ok !!! Fab is so strange at times !! I don't meet single guys in here I can get that in a club fab is used for swinging ,parties 3ways all the kinky shit u wouldn't get with someone u meet at the local pub !! But for a woman to have that power over a man on here is beyond me !!!! Come on guys grow a set or buy a inflatable friend if ur that desperate that u would change ur appearance just to get a fuck !!!!

Rant over enjoy ur evenings xxxx"

I'd def ask a woman with a beard to shave before i'd shag her....is that any different????? lol

True story, I went on a blind meet(not from Fab) the whole way to...lets just say, close to Strabane...we'd cammed(no faces) and chatted for ages. She opened the door and no word of a lie, she had a fuller, darker, moustache than me!! Thankfully I always have an escape plan and left after a cuppa...still chuckle when I think about that one

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"deffo is supply and demand.. agre..

but, weve heard of guys who have had to shave their beards off just to get a shag off here... would any guy go into a pub in real life, ask for a shag, be told to have a shave and come back... holy fuck, would u do it in real life... yet, weve heard of it happen on here from BBW

thats just 1 example...

That's a joke !!! Lol but for a man to do that when the girl asks makes it seem ok !!! Fab is so strange at times !! I don't meet single guys in here I can get that in a club fab is used for swinging ,parties 3ways all the kinky shit u wouldn't get with someone u meet at the local pub !! But for a woman to have that power over a man on here is beyond me !!!! Come on guys grow a set or buy a inflatable friend if ur that desperate that u would change ur appearance just to get a fuck !!!!

Rant over enjoy ur evenings xxxx

I'd def ask a woman with a beard to shave before i'd shag her....is that any different????? lol

True story, I went on a blind meet(not from Fab) the whole way to...lets just say, close to Strabane...we'd cammed(no faces) and chatted for ages. She opened the door and no word of a lie, she had a fuller, darker, moustache than me!! Thankfully I always have an escape plan and left after a cuppa...still chuckle when I think about that one "

Girls shouldn't have beards so yes there's a difference lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"why the sad face ? cork is not that bad

Might have to use the M&G as an excuse to find out lol I was hoping Cork was a bad, bad place "

nooooo it's full of curvy women fabulous spot

and if anyone objects to me calling myself curvy well .... They can kiss my fat ass

You are more the welcome here woody I'll even wear my cowgirl outfit

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 21/01/15 21:05:23]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"why the sad face ? cork is not that bad

Might have to use the M&G as an excuse to find out lol I was hoping Cork was a bad, bad place

nooooo it's full of curvy women fabulous spot

and if anyone objects to me calling myself curvy well .... They can kiss my fat ass

You are more the welcome here woody I'll even wear my cowgirl outfit "

Lol well said!! Xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"why the sad face ? cork is not that bad

Might have to use the M&G as an excuse to find out lol I was hoping Cork was a bad, bad place

nooooo it's full of curvy women fabulous spot

and if anyone objects to me calling myself curvy well .... They can kiss my fat ass

You are more the welcome here woody I'll even wear my cowgirl outfit

Lol well said!! Xx"

Have you a cowgirl outfit too Grace?? Yeeeehawww

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"why the sad face ? cork is not that bad

Might have to use the M&G as an excuse to find out lol I was hoping Cork was a bad, bad place

nooooo it's full of curvy women fabulous spot

and if anyone objects to me calling myself curvy well .... They can kiss my fat ass

You are more the welcome here woody I'll even wear my cowgirl outfit

Lol well said!! Xx

Have you a cowgirl outfit too Grace?? Yeeeehawww "

now now if you bring along buzz I'll be jess and grace can be bo peep

we can have a xrated toystory

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"why the sad face ? cork is not that bad

Might have to use the M&G as an excuse to find out lol I was hoping Cork was a bad, bad place

nooooo it's full of curvy women fabulous spot

and if anyone objects to me calling myself curvy well .... They can kiss my fat ass

You are more the welcome here woody I'll even wear my cowgirl outfit

Lol well said!! Xx

Have you a cowgirl outfit too Grace?? Yeeeehawww

now now if you bring along buzz I'll be jess and grace can be bo peep

we can have a xrated toystory "

Well my Doxy makes a buzzing sound....would that count??

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By *hocko87Man  over a year ago


We'll big girls skinny girls I allways enjoy them all . I don't think there's much difference so long as there's chemistery . To b honest I've had great fun with big girls . I've never turned down a big girl except once n that' was years ago .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"why the sad face ? cork is not that bad

Might have to use the M&G as an excuse to find out lol I was hoping Cork was a bad, bad place

nooooo it's full of curvy women fabulous spot

and if anyone objects to me calling myself curvy well .... They can kiss my fat ass

You are more the welcome here woody I'll even wear my cowgirl outfit

Lol well said!! Xx

Have you a cowgirl outfit too Grace?? Yeeeehawww

now now if you bring along buzz I'll be jess and grace can be bo peep

we can have a xrated toystory "

Hahaha!!!! Liking the sound of that lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"anyway your profile pic is so blurred it could be a shop mannequin

At least he has one "

yes he already covered that, which is what I was responding to, no need to cover old ground love.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"anyway your profile pic is so blurred it could be a shop mannequin

At least he has one

yes he already covered that, which is what I was responding to, no need to cover old ground love."

I can cover what ever ground I wish, love

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"anyway your profile pic is so blurred it could be a shop mannequin

At least he has one

yes he already covered that, which is what I was responding to, no need to cover old ground love.

I can cover what ever ground I wish, love "

that was quick have you just been sittin refreshing waiting for me to reply? ach bless.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"anyway your profile pic is so blurred it could be a shop mannequin

At least he has one

yes he already covered that, which is what I was responding to, no need to cover old ground love.

I can cover what ever ground I wish, love

that was quick have you just been sittin refreshing waiting for me to reply? ach bless."

Your's was just as quick

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I was responding to a post you made five hours ago , wouldnt call that the same, but sure you away, smiling is good for the soul!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I was responding to a post you made five hours ago , wouldnt call that the same, but sure you away, smiling is good for the soul!"

I was responding to your last one

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

yes, forums are good for that.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"yes, forums are good for that."

Don't make a smart comment about me replying quickly, when you did exactly the same

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"yes, forums are good for that.

Don't make a smart comment about me replying quickly, when you did exactly the same "

ok ill break it down for you, you posted five hours ago, I respond, then you post seconds later, I made a joke about you refreshing waiting for me to pick up on your 'joke', ohhhkaaay?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"yes, forums are good for that.

Don't make a smart comment about me replying quickly, when you did exactly the same

ok ill break it down for you, you posted five hours ago, I respond, then you post seconds later, I made a joke about you refreshing waiting for me to pick up on your 'joke', ohhhkaaay?"

And you posted seconds after

Oh it was a joke, my bad

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"yes, forums are good for that.

Don't make a smart comment about me replying quickly, when you did exactly the same

ok ill break it down for you, you posted five hours ago, I respond, then you post seconds later, I made a joke about you refreshing waiting for me to pick up on your 'joke', ohhhkaaay?

And you posted seconds after

Oh it was a joke, my bad "

yes, that's because I'm online now, sheesh if you really need all this explained I give up, carry on, I'll go and take a profile pic to give my posts more validity sure.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"yes, forums are good for that.

Don't make a smart comment about me replying quickly, when you did exactly the same

ok ill break it down for you, you posted five hours ago, I respond, then you post seconds later, I made a joke about you refreshing waiting for me to pick up on your 'joke', ohhhkaaay?

And you posted seconds after

Oh it was a joke, my bad

yes, that's because I'm online now, sheesh if you really need all this explained I give up, carry on, I'll go and take a profile pic to give my posts more validity sure. "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I shaved for a meet....she loves to suck on nice smooth balls so I thought id better make her wish cum true!!...such a gent eh!!!

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By *at69driveMan  over a year ago


"Saw a guy post up about this the other day.. he got slated.. but may as well keep the discussion going... and, do discuss, no slaggin matches ffs, were all adult... ok here goes...

Flicking through single females profiles and they class themselves as "curvy and fabulous"... so lets cut all the bullshit out and get str8 to the point.. theyre "CHUBBY CHICKS"... or "FAT" ... so lets call a spade a spade... ok.. not skinny.....

now, thats fine, and no problem whatsoever... however... heres where we. would want to continue the discussion from the poor guy who got slated...

at what point on this site do the "FAT GIRLS" think that they can actually demand on their profiles that the guys they want to meet would be "skinny, good looking, hung, 6 pack, attractive".... when infact they themselves would be as what would be described in the real world as "FKN MINGERS"... they also demand a picture is attached so they can judge wether they would get fucked by a guy who they couldnt even pull in a pub or a club ????

it just bewilders at times that everyone would frown upon a post like this, when, in your heart you actually know theres a valid point.... but, god forbid anyone should query or question the BBW on this site ??

anyhow, ive stuck my neck out, and anyone who knows me, knows i aint a skinny cunt lol ( been called a big fat ugly fkr many times lol ) .. so drop that argument right away... and do discuss the question i asked.... doing it from a couples point of view and ps.. before anyone starts.. we have MANY BBW SINGLE FEMALES WE MEET... they just dont have the bullshit profile attitude that a lot on here carry around with them....


. Even member is entitled to state their expectations regardless of what they look like themselves . The ultimate test is how many meets they achieve or want to achieve . If their expectations are unrealistic and failing to achieve what they require hopefully they would have enough common sense to change their profile .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Each to their own lots of skinner people have demands too so many demand pic's and have none up themselves I think people need to realise we are here for mutual sexual fun not here to meet our life partners x

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By *ong riderMan  over a year ago


wonderful! this topic really did restore my faith in the forums..people where being far too nice to each other for a while after the banterville crew took leave...delighted to see bitterness, bitchyness, fiestyness and the monster from loch ness is real and alive!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"wonderful! this topic really did restore my faith in the forums..people where being far too nice to each other for a while after the banterville crew took leave...delighted to see bitterness, bitchyness, fiestyness and the monster from loch ness is real and alive!"

Nope still here....

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