I think it was called secrets downstairs in Cita
Felt like the kids in Charlie and the chocolate factory when the door opened into the edible garden but looked like Granpa Joe
Got a guided tour from a woman I met in the bar upstairs so I paid in as a couple and shared the drinks
The visit into the play area was eye opening
Hopefully in October when I go back it'll be better
On the scene about 4 years and I brought up the topic first as I've always thought it a great idea
We chatted about it for years before finally taking the plunge with an amazing weekend in Amsterdam.
No nothing major, we both are on the same wavelength thankfully, not to say it's been plain sailing, plenty of drama along the way! But we can tell you all about that next month if ye are around
Miss K is definitely the kinkier one !!!! Plenty of practice in certain scenes …
Mr S is getting there though - we feel it’s all about getting that practice in !!!!