My ex could have leg shaking orgasms just from me massaging her nipples in slow circular motions. After a few minutes and it was a direct route to cum town.
Yes it happens, not very often maybe, from my experience, using lube, tongue and fingers, keep changing it up don't just suck the nipple, use teeth (nibble) tongue not just on the nipple but all around, and rotate fingers and also lightly squeeze or pinch, never spend too much time with just tongue/ fingers etc, mix it up regularly, give the woman all the time she wants and it happens,
I'm glad you said guys or girls because I didn't think it was even an erogenous zone for guys, but I can confirm it absolutely is. The best session I've ever had, and it wasnt even a fab meet
I had a guy once big into nipple play on him. He was a body builder and his nipples got super sensitive from the ‘roids.
I used a bullet vibe on them while he was inside me and omg when he came… yum.
One of my nipples is directly connected to my clit but I don’t think I could cum from that alone.. maybe there’s a challenge in there for someone