Right, take ye're eyes down from the ceiling, cause of the Subject line.
I got a DM this morning from an old enough adult child telling me "I'm hoping on ever thread giving out advice. I'm not verified meself. Clam down".
I know, that I don't need to say anything about it on here or anywhere. I'm sure there's other's that think like this person. So that's why, I'm doing it. I didn't reply to this person either, as I couldn't be arsed. They can read my reply on here now.
1, I'm not breaking any rules, as far as I know. As I'm sure I'd be band from the site.
2,If you don't like what I say or do, don't look at it & move on. You implying that I'm on every thread, that make's you sound like your stocking me. Otherwise how do you know what threads I'm on?
Are you doing this type of thing to other people on here?
You'd see that the threads I'm on, some of them are game type threads, other's are asking questions, for people to reply too. The "advice" I give out are to single guy's, that's finding it hard to get meet verified & finding they're feet on Fab. I'm not the only 1 that does it. Also I do it, so if they look on my profile I'm not meet verified yet either. It can take some people along time on here to get meet verified. So don't be panicking.
There's a fair few social event's happening over the summer for people to go to, to get meet verified. I'm not going to any of them. As I can't guarantee I'll be free at the exact time/weekend. So I'm going to wait until after the summer to do that. That said, I'm still open to a social meetup to get meet verified, with some planning. If anybody is willing & want to do that. When a "Help a Faber get verified" thread comes up on the forum, I'll join it, like other's.
I'm on the forum to interact with people on it. So they can get to know me better & they can make up they're own mind, to meet me or not. The only time I'll be bothered about not being meet verified is when my membership is up on here & weather I'll continue my membership or not.
Each to they're own.
Single guy's don't panicking, it'll happen in time.
So people, ye don't need to comment on this thread, if ye don't want to. I didn't do it for that. I did it to help other single guy's out. If it does, it's a bonus BIG TIME.  |