
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Ireland > The Sydney University Syndrome

The Sydney University Syndrome

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By *verage Joe Black OP   Man  over a year ago

Border Area

I see on lots of profiles some disclaimer text, usually at the bottom of the profile warning Sydney university not to use any info for research or other purposes.

Others have similar disclaimers, warnings, etc.

I’ve being seeing the Sydney one for years now. Does this mean Sydney Uni has some sort of open season on fabbers..? Or was it a one time thing that is now out of date..?

And surely with GDPR and other legislation they can’t do stuff like that anyway as everyone is protected by that and the Ts & Cs of fab itself.


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By *ealitybitesMan  over a year ago


Couldn't really give a XXXX

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

In Australia you need a 3rd level eduction to open a Fab Oz account iko

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By *rmrs1234Couple  over a year ago


its stated in the FAQs section that these disclaimers are useless and meaningless and they have actually asked people to delete it because it takes up extra space on the servers

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By *ilthyNightsCouple  over a year ago

East / North, Cork

I'm not an expert in GDPR, but I'm fairly sure it's about how organisations and businesses protect your data, and has nothing to do with data that's handed over to an individual... so allowing someone to see your private pics diesnt mean you have GDPR protection from that individual saving that pic. It would be more about how fab themselves handle user data.

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By *osmicGateMan  over a year ago


"I see on lots of profiles some disclaimer text, usually at the bottom of the profile warning Sydney university not to use any info for research or other purposes.

Others have similar disclaimers, warnings, etc.

I’ve being seeing the Sydney one for years now. Does this mean Sydney Uni has some sort of open season on fabbers..? Or was it a one time thing that is now out of date..?

And surely with GDPR and other legislation they can’t do stuff like that anyway as everyone is protected by that and the Ts & Cs of fab itself.


It's the ultimate idiot filter as if some university in Sydney has some sort of control over whether pics are saved or copied from the Internet.. Absolute rubbish.. Once you upload something online it's fair game anyone can copy it no law against it.. There is no expectation of privacy in public

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I see on lots of profiles some disclaimer text, usually at the bottom of the profile warning Sydney university not to use any info for research or other purposes.

Others have similar disclaimers, warnings, etc.

I’ve being seeing the Sydney one for years now. Does this mean Sydney Uni has some sort of open season on fabbers..? Or was it a one time thing that is now out of date..?

And surely with GDPR and other legislation they can’t do stuff like that anyway as everyone is protected by that and the Ts & Cs of fab itself.


It's the ultimate idiot filter as if some university in Sydney has some sort of control over whether pics are saved or copied from the Internet.. Absolute rubbish.. Once you upload something online it's fair game anyone can copy it no law against it.. There is no expectation of privacy in public "

Agreed. If I see that 'disclaimer' on a profile, it instantly tells me that this person is gullible and doesn't understand how the internet works.

This hoax started on Facebook in 2012 and for some reason refused to die.

Once you put a photo on a 3rd party website it is no longer your property.

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