
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Ireland > Abortion..


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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Obviously this is a sensitive subject but after passing picketers a few days ago outside a family planning clinic in Belfast that provides referrals to locals wishing to have the procedure to English clinics..


do those picketers represent the general consensus or is it a case of a vocal minority imposing their views on a largely (in terms of this issue) indifferent majority?

Should the law be changed in Northern Ireland / Ireland to allow women to have them locally rather than adding to their stress and forcing them to go somewhere foreign?

the law doesn't prevent interested persons from having abortions ... far as can be gathered it aims to deter through inconvenience / financial barriers as the nhs in n.i. will not fund the procedure for persons from n.i.(which creates a class argument/ economic bracket divide in terms of access to family planning services through prohibitive economic circumstances).

do you agree with the current laws or should they be reformed and if so, how?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Thats an ugly subject to post about. Not going to touch with a ten foot barge pole

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Thats an ugly subject to post about. Not going to touch with a ten foot barge pole"

can appreciate where you're coming from kwm that aside though..

it's also a fact of life whatever your personal viewpoint on the issue is. thousands go to England every year from the island of Ireland to have abortions.

taking that into account , curious if people are generally supportive of some sort of reform to allow them in Ireland and under what conditions they'd want placed (if any) on access to the service.

Can appreciate it's a sensitive topic not trying to steer peoples views toward pro or anti.. just curious!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm pro choice so I think it would be good if the abortion laws in Ireland could be changed.

Should the government health service take over the costs? That could be argued. I'd rather have better and more accessable family planning services in ROI providing free services, such as pregnancy tests, STD screenings, condoms and cheaper access to other contraception methods. As far as I'm informed such services are much more accessable in N.I. and the UK.

Gosh, this will probably lead to a whole heated discussion. There's so much more linked to the whole abortion issue. Education, the church and and and.

As a good start I would hope that they at least start allowing rape victimes to get abortions without having to go through courts anymore. Or have they already? There was talk about it.

Anyway, I'm not the most educated person about this subject matter. Fortunately I never had to make that difficult choice.

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By *urfdudeMan  over a year ago


This is completely the wrong place to discuss this subject.

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By *ovedupstillCouple  over a year ago


"This is completely the wrong place to discuss this subject."

and why is that?

are the members of this site not educated enough to have this discussion?

do the women of this board not know their own minds?

those that say this shouldnt be discussed here are, imo, pathetic, and merely brushing a VERY important subject under the rug.

personally, i am too pro choice.

Em knows many young women that have made the journey to the UK to have this procedure carried out, adding hours to an already harrowing ordeal.

its not an easy choice to come to, and even harder when it involves having to search out in other countries.

better education of contraceptions, and easier access to such, would be a high priority, but also a MASSIVE change in the churches stance on contraceptives should also be forthcoming.

the procedure in the UK is NOT open to all, and will NOT be performed as a matter of course.

there are strict criteria to be met, and a long winded questionnaire to be completed.

it will not be performed for economical reasons, or as a replacement for an emergency contraception.

i am disgusted at the members on here that say this shouldnt be discussed, disappointed, and dismayed.

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By *ovedupstillCouple  over a year ago


oh, and for the record, Em gets condoms for her lads when she comes to the UK, as they are available here, FOC, at GUM clinics.

why arent they readily available in ROI without having to spend a fortune in tescos?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

only time abortion should be allowed is in a convicted rape case...otherwise it should be illegal

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Not all are convicted and this is a very grey area and i personaly think that if a woman has been raped she should be allowed to travel where she wants for an abortion.As for the church i have no comment on that. BB has pretty much got it covered. It is a personal choice and each to their own.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think the discussions about abortion , Nama , the euro crisis, Greek default , the civil war in Syria and 9/11 are all proper topics for discussion on a swingers site .

Don't we all agree that this notion of getting on a site and having some fun without discussing issues bound to cause a row is simply not right considering how serious our debt crisis is ??

Or can we just talk about sex instead ?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I agree it's not the nicest of subjects and a sensitive topic. However, as long as everyone can have a constructive and respectful discussion I don't mind. It's a very relevant subject in Ireland and it's interesting to see what others' opinions are.

As long as not all forum discussions are that grim

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By *weet threesome wifeCouple  over a year ago

somewhere out there

i am pro life, all the way in every circumstance! i know some1 who was raped and conceived as a result her daughter grew up with her mothers love. its not the resulting babies fault.

i DO NOT AGREE WITH MURDER in any way shape or form.

did u know that a baby is considered viable from 24 weeks gestation and yet u can have an abortion carried out at this stage! any body that thinks an abortion is ALWAYS carried out as a last resort is kidding themselves 9 times out of 10 its because its considered an inconvenience.

IN MY OPINION they should use contraception not murder.

The abortion rate remains highest for women aged 20-24 this is an age where women should know better we are not talkin about teenage pregnancies here!

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By *weet threesome wifeCouple  over a year ago

somewhere out there

p.s i dont think that those who chose not to discuss this subject should be called or considered PATHETIC! that statement in itself is pathetic IN MY OPINION! it is after all a sex site and if they wish to just talk about sex that is there right it is not any1s right to brand ppl pathetic for not wishing to partake in such a sensitive discussion as this.

to save the bother and trauma of having to travel to england for abortions they in my view should ban it their as well, then maybe ppl would take responsibility for their own actions rather than grab a cheap flight to england to "FIX" it

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By *weet threesome wifeCouple  over a year ago

somewhere out there

"Obviously this is a sensitive subject but after passing picketers a few days ago outside a family planning clinic in Belfast that provides referrals to locals wishing to have the procedure to English clinics..


do those picketers represent the general consensus or is it a case of a vocal minority imposing their views on a largely (in terms of this issue) indifferent majority?

Should the law be changed in Northern Ireland / Ireland to allow women to have them locally rather than adding to their stress and forcing them to go somewhere foreign?

the law doesn't prevent interested persons from having abortions ... far as can be gathered it aims to deter through inconvenience / financial barriers as the nhs in n.i. will not fund the procedure for persons from n.i.(which creates a class argument/ economic bracket divide in terms of access to family planning services through prohibitive economic circumstances).

do you agree with the current laws or should they be reformed and if so, how?


you IN MY OPINION, r looking for controversy and confrontation by posting something of this nature in the first place! LIKE I SAY IN MY OPINION!

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By *weet threesome wifeCouple  over a year ago

somewhere out there

"I think the discussions about abortion , Nama , the euro crisis, Greek default , the civil war in Syria and 9/11 are all proper topics for discussion on a swingers site .

Don't we all agree that this notion of getting on a site and having some fun without discussing issues bound to cause a row is simply not right considering how serious our debt crisis is ??

Or can we just talk about sex instead ? "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Will go and find a forum that's for grown up's

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

only if the mother is raped

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

all very interesting opinions indeed. it seems the people on here are either pro or anti.. no fence sitters!

Just to address those using the "murder" argument tho..

the biological purpose of sex is reproduction, most here ( the antis and the pros) practice sex recreationally employing forms of birth control to prevent conception.. sex and reproduction go together .. so by employing the 'murder' argument.. isn't safe sex / birth control premeditated 'murder' by that reasoning?

considering that should birth control be banned and women put in a position of constant pregnancy and ill health relating to it?

Also very interested with "lovedups" response.. prevention and better education!

TBH tho not sure about southern Ireland but the government in ni are very reluctant to introduce meaningful sex education into library bored maintained schools (secularized) and obviously faith schools regulate themselves and probably would not be interested in lessons that are counter to their teachings. very interesting idea tho! very difficult to consistently put into practice in reality.. at best with the current system it would probably be too fragmented and diluted to make meaningful difference.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

keeping quiet on this one, as I will only end up in a massive argument, but it really must be amazing to be able to see everything in life as so black and white for some people, I am almost envious :/

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Ok to add a new tangent, if the bible bashers are so set on not interfering in "Gods"(haha) unborn babys why are they happy to try and cure illness and disease which they should surely credit as their "Gods"(lol) master plan???

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

would be the womans choice ! won,t write my views because i would be typin all day !

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By *ovedupstillCouple  over a year ago


thats what makes the subject such a difficult one to resolve easily in ireland.

you have the church telling you contraception is bad, so unless you go against the church, you realy have NO means of not having children,which leads to large families and a drain on the welfare state, and economic disaster.

must say, i was shocked when i first started coming to ireland that families were still able to afford to live with just 1 income.

hasnt been the way in the UK for as long as i can remember

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'd just to say one thing and i'll leave it at that. In some cases abortion could be considered essential. Example a couple find they are expecting a child a scan later discovers that a defect in the child's development would leave it dead outside the womb. Should the mother give birth to a dead child then? I think women should allowed to make up their own minds without having people ram stuff down their necks.

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By *ovedupstillCouple  over a year ago


"I'd just to say one thing and i'll leave it at that. In some cases abortion could be considered essential. Example a couple find they are expecting a child a scan later discovers that a defect in the child's development would leave it dead outside the womb. Should the mother give birth to a dead child then? I think women should allowed to make up their own minds without having people ram stuff down their necks. "

A flippin men!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

the day men can give birth , i will consider their opinion on what a woman can and cannot do with her own body . how bloody dare ye !!!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I don't see why men should not be able to express their opinions about this. This is an open forum and everyone is allowed to participate in discussions.

It's an opinion and it doesn't mean that a woman has to apply what they have to say about it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I don't see why men should not be able to express their opinions about this. This is an open forum and everyone is allowed to participate in discussions.

It's an opinion and it doesn't mean that a woman has to apply what they have to say about it.

i didnt say they couldnt express an opinion on it , however i do not feel they are qualified to make such decisions having never been in the position to consider needing to terminate .


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

devils advocate time here ......how about a hypothetical scenario for the consideration of the men who say under no circumstance should abortion be allowed , lets say your beautiful wife was bored and decided to have a bit of fun here , met some grotty spotty young buck and had a good roide with him and then discovered she was preggers , are ye saying ye would be happy in that circumstance to bring forth a child into the world ? and just for added annoyance , lets say the lucky stud who fathered the child is a different ethnicity , so theres no way ye can pass the child off as your own , would ya still be adamant that abortion is wrong , or would you stand by your declaration to protect the life of the unborn ?

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By *ovedupstillCouple  over a year ago


"devils advocate time here ......how about a hypothetical scenario for the consideration of the men who say under no circumstance should abortion be allowed , lets say your beautiful wife was bored and decided to have a bit of fun here , met some grotty spotty young buck and had a good roide with him and then discovered she was preggers , are ye saying ye would be happy in that circumstance to bring forth a child into the world ? and just for added annoyance , lets say the lucky stud who fathered the child is a different ethnicity , so theres no way ye can pass the child off as your own , would ya still be adamant that abortion is wrong , or would you stand by your declaration to protect the life of the unborn ? "

may i also play devils with your comments and suggest just as many women on this thread have said abortions shouldnt be allowed as men, so what about the opinions of other women that go against your own convention?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

my question was only geared at the male opinion , i have no issue with womens opinions on the matter .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

i think its the person or persons own choice whether it be medical/rape and plenty of other things could call for it but its there choice at the end of the day and they should have no one tell them what they can and cant do in life

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i think its the person or persons own choice whether it be medical/rape and plenty of other things could call for it but its there choice at the end of the day and they should have no one tell them what they can and cant do in life"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You should all read my earlier post again and I suspect the op had an agenda in posting it in the first place . There is moves afoot to open up all the old crap again and have us debate this most private most personal subject in public for the lunatics to scream and shout .

I was 18 when the first abortion referendum started up in Ireland and 19 when Anne Lovett died in county Longford in a graveyard giving birth secretly because of all the crap about abortion , for and against . Anne was 15 years old and died alone in the dirt . No debate no discussion no opinion helped her .

Shame on any of you who consider it a topic fit for this kind of site !!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You should all read my earlier post again and I suspect the op had an agenda in posting it in the first place . There is moves afoot to open up all the old crap again and have us debate this most private most personal subject in public for the lunatics to scream and shout .

I was 18 when the first abortion referendum started up in Ireland and 19 when Anne Lovett died in county Longford in a graveyard giving birth secretly because of all the crap about abortion , for and against . Anne was 15 years old and died alone in the dirt . No debate no discussion no opinion helped her .

Shame on any of you who consider it a topic fit for this kind of site !!!!"

Why is it not a fit topic for this site? Are we as swingers not entitled to opinion and discussion?

Indeed there would be those that would think that this lifestyle should make us all the more open to discussion as surely the risk of unplanned pregnancy increases with the amount of casual partners you have

After all - condoms are not infallible

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

No debate no discussion no opinion helped her you say sad as it is if there was opinions and topics on this abortion bullshit before it happened then it might have helped this poor kid..everyone has a free opinion on any subject they want on any site we are after all free speech state.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You should all read my earlier post again and I suspect the op had an agenda in posting it in the first place . There is moves afoot to open up all the old crap again and have us debate this most private most personal subject in public for the lunatics to scream and shout .

I was 18 when the first abortion referendum started up in Ireland and 19 when Anne Lovett died in county Longford in a graveyard giving birth secretly because of all the crap about abortion , for and against . Anne was 15 years old and died alone in the dirt . No debate no discussion no opinion helped her .

Shame on any of you who consider it a topic fit for this kind of site !!!!"

sorry but you are after all part of this topic aswell as you posted on it sorry but no shame on anyone unless yourself is included not trying to start shit but kettle calling the pot comes to mind here plus MY opinion is its looking like trolling now

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 09/07/12 19:11:01]

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Would imagine in light of the tragic case mentioned above and the posters despairing tone at it, they would be more interested in remedying the societal stigmas / circumstances that lead to those events.. rather than stiffing and berating those who are by recounting tragic events in a unrelated tangent type fashion.

does raise questions though, would the person mentioned in the post above still be here if she had access to some sort of impartial service to make her aware of her options and rights instead of enduring it alone and ultimately prematurely exiting her life in such remote and lonely manner?

also without having the thread derailed with other peoples egos and unwillingness to discuss the subject constructively.. there was no "agenda" beyond being curious about other peoples views on the matter.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Pretty obvious this guy is stirring it

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 09/07/12 19:48:51]

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Pretty obvious this guy is stirring it "

don't understand you tbh. you mention a tragic event then rather than questioning what lead to the tragic event occurring / if it was preventable and if so what changes / reform need to introduced to prevent reoccurrence.. you rant and suggest everyone should bury there heads in the sand?


no one has placed a gun to your head and compelled you to read this thread or post a reply. if you are unprepared to contribute - respect those who are and bow out instead of behaving like a dictator and telling others what they can and cannot discuss.

discounting your bizarre attitude, interesting views so far.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Pretty obvious this guy is stirring it

don't understand you tbh. you mention a tragic event then rather than questioning what lead to the tragic event occurring / if it was preventable and if so what changes / reform need to introduced to prevent reoccurrence.. you rant and suggest everyone should bury there heads in the sand?


no one has placed a gun to your head and compelled you to read this thread or post a reply. if you are unprepared to contribute - respect those who are and bow out instead of behaving like a dictator and telling others what they can and cannot discuss.

discounting your bizarre attitude, interesting views so far."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Ok to add a new tangent, if the bible bashers are so set on not interfering in "Gods"(haha) unborn babys why are they happy to try and cure illness and disease which they should surely credit as their "Gods"(lol) master plan??? "

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