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Face masks

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By *oghunter33 OP   Woman  over a year ago

on the hill NordWest of

Do/would you wear one in public? If not why not?

In many European countries face mask in public are compulsory and it has been proven to be effective in reducing the spread of the virus. Yet our science-gov bunch is only recommending it instead we have this pointless 2/5/20km travel allowance.

Also it seems we're opening up in slow motion in comparison to others...


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By *oxic1998Woman  over a year ago


I think I will take in my surroundings. Public transport if I have to use it then yes......crowded places...yes but I wont be one that will wear them all the time when out

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By *ustBoWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in Co. Down

"Do/would you wear one in public? If not why not?

In many European countries face mask in public are compulsory and it has been proven to be effective in reducing the spread of the virus. Yet our science-gov bunch is only recommending it instead we have this pointless 2/5/20km travel allowance.

Also it seems we're opening up in slow motion in comparison to others...

Thoughts? "

I don't wear a mask in public but I do stay over 2 meters away from people and I don't use public transport etc so I don't see the need for me to wear it out as well. I wear a mask all day at work. I also wash my hands when regularly. Masks don't prevent you catching it. It just helps you not spread it as easily if you have it

I think the way lockdown is being eased rather than the way some countries are doing it is better. Yes it's frustrating but I do believe if it helps stop this virus spreading it's a good thing.

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By *illybobby12Man  over a year ago



We have researched this a lot in last 6 weeks, have 270 people working in a building but plenty of space

And the outcome is mixed

We have face masks fully on offer

But uptake is only average

My opinion everyone should wear them

Also masks and quality of them disaster

And a lot from China Makes u wonder

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By *oghunter33 OP   Woman  over a year ago

on the hill NordWest of

"Do/would you wear one in public? If not why not?

In many European countries face mask in public are compulsory and it has been proven to be effective in reducing the spread of the virus. Yet our science-gov bunch is only recommending it instead we have this pointless 2/5/20km travel allowance.

Also it seems we're opening up in slow motion in comparison to others...


I don't wear a mask in public but I do stay over 2 meters away from people and I don't use public transport etc so I don't see the need for me to wear it out as well. I wear a mask all day at work. I also wash my hands when regularly. Masks don't prevent you catching it. It just helps you not spread it as easily if you have it

I think the way lockdown is being eased rather than the way some countries are doing it is better. Yes it's frustrating but I do believe if it helps stop this virus spreading it's a good thing. "

Yes, masks are not necessarily protecting you from getting but reduce the spread. That's why a 'recommendation' of wearing one is a pointless exercise it only works when it's done in unity.

And I understand if you're out and about ie for a walk there's no need of wearing one but for shopping, public transport etc.

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By *ustBoWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in Co. Down


Yes, masks are not necessarily protecting you from getting but reduce the spread. That's why a 'recommendation' of wearing one is a pointless exercise it only works when it's done in unity.

And I understand if you're out and about ie for a walk there's no need of wearing one but for shopping, public transport etc. "

Yes if you go on public transport or in close proximity with people shopping.the last 10 weeks I literally go to work where we wear ppe anyhow and home. The rare times I go shopping I go really early or later in the evening to the local shop when I know it's quiet. If it's busy I don't go in.

Another issue is people will reuse masks they are only effective up to 4 hours of wearing and once you take them off your face you should not put them back on. I've seen masks and gloves left in shopping trolleys when people are finished cos they can't be bothered to walk to the bin and dispose of them.So sometimes they can be more of a risk than a help. I don't know I guess unless it becomes mandatory then it will be up to everyone to make up their own minds.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I appreciate why they're neccessary now. But i hate the sight of them. They dehumanise us and the sooner we dont need to wear them the better. They are a symbol of a horrible time.

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By *hav02Man  over a year ago


If you're wearing the basic fluid-resistant mask, then it won't fully protect you. Otherwise, Why do you think there's such an uproar with PPE provision?!

I don't wear a mask in public, but I keep my distance from everyone too.

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By *oo32Man  over a year ago


Remember hannibal lecter in silence of the lambs??

He was wearing the mask for other peoples protection...not his own

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By *sLittleRedRidingHoodWoman  over a year ago

Magical Forrest

I use gloves.

I disinfect my hands at all times.

I wear disposable one time use masks and I keep my distance.

I do believe ireland is slow at reopening the country,the travel restrictions is a pain,but seeing as other countries who reopened the country then had to go back in lockdown,I prefer the speed we are going at.

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By *oo32Man  over a year ago


"I use gloves.

I disinfect my hands at all times.

I wear disposable one time use masks and I keep my distance.

I do believe ireland is slow at reopening the country,the travel restrictions is a pain,but seeing as other countries who reopened the country then had to go back in lockdown,I prefer the speed we are going at.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Lots of anti bacterial soap, alcohol gel, keeping my hands as clean as can be.

Unless you are changing your mask regularly then there’s no benefit.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wear masks for work, In my opinion respiratory hygiene cough etiquette and hand hygiene are the most important thing to do for prevention and control of the virus I see far too many people with wrong fitting masks, reusing single use only masks, removing them incorrectly then not washing their hands and I would be interested to know how often and how many people wash the reusable masks, and where they store them after use...

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By *ohn400Man  over a year ago

Dublin or anywhere

C19 is here to stay.we get lots of new cases every day.you dont need masks but just keep about 3mtrs away form everybody/ good handwash gel lots on your hands....not the one the shops are selling..very little alcohol in the shop gel / hospital standard sanitizer.

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By *osmicGateMan  over a year ago


We should all be wearing them.. The Irish of course are light years behind their European counterparts.. You're almost sneered upon or looked at as being weak if you are seen in public wearing 1. It's bad for the image.. I wish the Irish would change their attitude

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By *oo32Man  over a year ago


"C19 is here to stay.we get lots of new cases every day.you dont need masks but just keep about 3mtrs away form everybody/ good handwash gel lots on your hands....not the one the shops are selling..very little alcohol in the shop gel / hospital standard sanitizer."

If it is here to stay...do you not think that face masks would be mandatory?it is after all a respiratory virus?so the mouth and nose should be covered!!

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By *angero3aMan  over a year ago


need to do some thing about price of them some chemist 1.75 each why not remove vat of them for a few months .in italy can only charge .50 cent a mask

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I think its absolutly rediculous that it is not compulsory to wear them in public places.

It is proven to reducing the spread, and is zero effort to just put it on and go about your buisness.

Yet when I go to a large Tesco HARDLY ANYONE, not even staff, is wearing one.

The majority of humans are irresponsible, selfish idiots, and history has shown us that untill we were forced by law, we wont wear seat belts, motorcycle helmets, drink & drive, smoke in the work place etc, etc.. and people will protest these changes untill they are inforced by law.

The fact is, there would be less dead people in ireland today, if everyone just put on a goddamn mask when they go into public, and people could get back to work quicker. Yet, it seems over 90% of the country doesnt give a shit and wondered around without one

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By *addubMan  over a year ago

dublin. 12

"need to do some thing about price of them some chemist 1.75 each why not remove vat of them for a few months .in italy can only charge .50 cent a mask "
the chemist shops are charging well over the odds for a mask that was on sale in my chemist in January cost of 50c now €2 a complete rip off as ND where are they coming from China !!!!! the place where this all started someone is making a lot of money from this.

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By *he English OneMan  over a year ago


"Do/would you wear one in public? If not why not?

In many European countries face mask in public are compulsory and it has been proven to be effective in reducing the spread of the virus. Yet our science-gov bunch is only recommending it instead we have this pointless 2/5/20km travel allowance.

Also it seems we're opening up in slow motion in comparison to others...

Thoughts? "

I'm waiting for mine to arrive I thought if I'm gunna look odd with them at least wear ones with style lol

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By *he English OneMan  over a year ago


"need to do some thing about price of them some chemist 1.75 each why not remove vat of them for a few months .in italy can only charge .50 cent a mask the chemist shops are charging well over the odds for a mask that was on sale in my chemist in January cost of 50c now €2 a complete rip off as ND where are they coming from China !!!!! the place where this all started someone is making a lot of money from this."

Yeah this has turned into a gold mine for those who stock masks and sanitizers in homesavers a pack of 10 €30 and that's for the disposable ones and let's face it most things we have come from China your electronics, fabrics, etc

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By *etergemmaCouple  over a year ago

South Dublin Area

"I think its absolutly rediculous that it is not compulsory to wear them in public places.

It is proven to reducing the spread, and is zero effort to just put it on and go about your buisness.

Yet when I go to a large Tesco HARDLY ANYONE, not even staff, is wearing one.

The majority of humans are irresponsible, selfish idiots, and history has shown us that untill we were forced by law, we wont wear seat belts, motorcycle helmets, drink & drive, smoke in the work place etc, etc.. and people will protest these changes untill they are inforced by law.

The fact is, there would be less dead people in ireland today, if everyone just put on a goddamn mask when they go into public, and people could get back to work quicker. Yet, it seems over 90% of the country doesnt give a shit and wondered around without one


From WHO website

-Only wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19.

-Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.

-Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

-If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Kaizer is contractually obliged not to wear a face mask


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By *he SophisticatsCouple  over a year ago

Casa Del Fun

We wear masks and use gloves (even sanitise the gloves in case of breakage) whenever we are in a public place like shopping etc

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By *ublinGirl92Woman  over a year ago


I wear masks and will continue to wear them in the future. We could all learn a thing or two from Asian cultures. They wear masks when ill to stop from spreading even just a cold. It's such a small gesture of caring and one that I'm happy to adopt. People will still get illnesses but they won't get them from me.

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By *ryst In IsoldeWoman  over a year ago

your imagination

I find wearing one for any length of time really claustrophobic (I've huge sympathy for anyone who has to wear one for work!), so I only wear mine when going into the supermarket, etc. I don't wear one outdoors, but keep my distance from anyone I meet when out and about anyway and avoid busy areas. It's just become part of my routine now when I leave the house... Check bag/pockets for keys, phone, purse, mask, gloves, sanitiser...

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By *unnyfookMan  over a year ago


I am starting to. with so many unknowns you have to assume you have it to protect others. because as the experts say unless you have covid a face mask is no good to you

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By *anFromMarsMan  over a year ago


I don't use public transport but I wear a mask in every shop or when in places with lots of people around. The way I see it it's to protect others from me as much as to protect myself, are the effective...who knows but saying I social distance in a shop isn't worth a damn because you cant control the actions of others and people walk up on top of me all the time. Have had people with no mask on sneeze infront of me and hardly cover their mouth, at least if you have a mask on it limits the germs you put out in the air when you sneeze

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wear the helmet when out, saves me being hassled by Stormtroopers

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I think its absolutly rediculous that it is not compulsory to wear them in public places.

It is proven to reducing the spread, and is zero effort to just put it on and go about your buisness.

Yet when I go to a large Tesco HARDLY ANYONE, not even staff, is wearing one.

The majority of humans are irresponsible, selfish idiots, and history has shown us that untill we were forced by law, we wont wear seat belts, motorcycle helmets, drink & drive, smoke in the work place etc, etc.. and people will protest these changes untill they are inforced by law.

The fact is, there would be less dead people in ireland today, if everyone just put on a goddamn mask when they go into public, and people could get back to work quicker. Yet, it seems over 90% of the country doesnt give a shit and wondered around without one

From WHO website

-Only wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19.

-Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.

-Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

-If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly."

Well, WHO have obviously never met half the people I have who spit when they talk, consistently rubbing their nose and face unconciously and picking up items to examine before leaving them back down. If you've ever stood in a queue with someone vaping you can see clearly that your breath spreads far greater than 2 meters.

I think WHO only say that to prevent panic buying and leaving no masks for healthcare. CDC recommend masks.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I wear masks and will continue to wear them in the future. We could all learn a thing or two from Asian cultures. They wear masks when ill to stop from spreading even just a cold. It's such a small gesture of caring and one that I'm happy to adopt. People will still get illnesses but they won't get them from me. "

There is still very much the stigma of feeling like a tool when walking around wearing a mask. That's the main reason most people dont wear them I think. Making an effort to wear a mask isnt just about you specifically not spreading it, but the more people who do it the more normalised it becomes in western culture... like it is in Asia.

There are definitly people who have been sniffing and coughing, but didnt wear a mask out because they think they will look stupid. We need to break that stigma.

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By *he rover returnedWoman  over a year ago


Open spaces, green spaces no i won't. Confined spaces where the risk is greater yes. Also handwashing at every opportunity.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I don't wear mask and I wouldn't.

No matter where I go.

Washing hands since being a toddler , so nothing has changed since then

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By *aid backMan  over a year ago

by a lake with my rod out

You can't even get people to wear condoms to protect against sti's they are hardly going to wear a mask. I came to the understanding that people in general are idiots and that they need to be treated as such. Remember when the first suggested stay at home restrictions where put in place and everyone fucked off out to the beaches and mountains thinking it was great craic that they where off work so the government had to put travel restrictions in place because people are idiots

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By *adboyandgirlCouple  over a year ago


People are not even social distancing... period!

Think it's a pointless point given the above...

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By *oghunter33 OP   Woman  over a year ago

on the hill NordWest of

Here's one of the most recent studies about transmission prevention of covid-19. It concludes that face masks proved to be an effective measure beside 2m+ distancing and hand washing.


Imo if we have to live with covid-19 for a good while and want to avoid a second wave, there's no way around the compulsory face masks in shops, public transport, gym etc.

Btw WHO has been criticised by scientists for it's undecisive approach to face masks.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wear them cos I don't want to talk to anyone

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You can't even get people to wear condoms to protect against sti's they are hardly going to wear a mask. I came to the understanding that people in general are idiots and that they need to be treated as such. Remember when the first suggested stay at home restrictions where put in place and everyone fucked off out to the beaches and mountains thinking it was great craic that they where off work so the government had to put travel restrictions in place because people are idiots "

Nailed it

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By *etergemmaCouple  over a year ago

South Dublin Area

"You can't even get people to wear condoms to protect against sti's they are hardly going to wear a mask. I came to the understanding that people in general are idiots and that they need to be treated as such. Remember when the first suggested stay at home restrictions where put in place and everyone fucked off out to the beaches and mountains thinking it was great craic that they where off work so the government had to put travel restrictions in place because people are idiots "
Nailed it!

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By *ittyMissKittyWoman  over a year ago


"You can't even get people to wear condoms to protect against sti's they are hardly going to wear a mask. I came to the understanding that people in general are idiots and that they need to be treated as such. Remember when the first suggested stay at home restrictions where put in place and everyone fucked off out to the beaches and mountains thinking it was great craic that they where off work so the government had to put travel restrictions in place because people are idiots Nailed it!"

People have a problem, in general, with authority. Whether it is the stay at home guidelines or anything else. As someone who is forced to wear a mask because of where I work, I prefer not to wear them when I'm off. But saying that I have and will wear them to the shops and other places. I see it that I'm a likely source of the infection (even though thankfully I havent caught it) so need to protect others as well as myself. There is no substitute to hygiene though and some people will become more of a hazard than anything else wearing a mask, in no small part because they will forget about handwashing or safe disposal and end up putting more people at risk! It's a tough one

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By *etergemmaCouple  over a year ago

South Dublin Area

"Here's one of the most recent studies about transmission prevention of covid-19. It concludes that face masks proved to be an effective measure beside 2m+ distancing and hand washing.


Imo if we have to live with covid-19 for a good while and want to avoid a second wave, there's no way around the compulsory face masks in shops, public transport, gym etc.

Btw WHO has been criticised by scientists for it's undecisive approach to face masks. "

And the lancet is any better?


They all winging it this stage.

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By *eralt80Man  over a year ago


We could take a lesson from the Naked Gun movie and wear full body condoms

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You can't even get people to wear condoms to protect against sti's they are hardly going to wear a mask. I came to the understanding that people in general are idiots and that they need to be treated as such. Remember when the first suggested stay at home restrictions where put in place and everyone fucked off out to the beaches and mountains thinking it was great craic that they where off work so the government had to put travel restrictions in place because people are idiots "

People have a freedom to do what they want. Being in the woods or on the beach is our right.

Additionally, being out not inside give your body a strength, your immune system is weaker because of lack of vitamin D3 which comes from the sun. Lack of vitamin c and b12, also magnesium, iron and zinc is a sign for a really bad diet.

I dont need a government to tell me what to do. I use common sense.

If you want to wear a mask 24/7 - its your choice.

Washing hands regularly, having min 30min activity daily and good diet boosts our immune system.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You can't even get people to wear condoms to protect against sti's they are hardly going to wear a mask. I came to the understanding that people in general are idiots and that they need to be treated as such. Remember when the first suggested stay at home restrictions where put in place and everyone fucked off out to the beaches and mountains thinking it was great craic that they where off work so the government had to put travel restrictions in place because people are idiots

People have a freedom to do what they want. Being in the woods or on the beach is our right.

Additionally, being out not inside give your body a strength, your immune system is weaker because of lack of vitamin D3 which comes from the sun. Lack of vitamin c and b12, also magnesium, iron and zinc is a sign for a really bad diet.

I dont need a government to tell me what to do. I use common sense.

If you want to wear a mask 24/7 - its your choice.

Washing hands regularly, having min 30min activity daily and good diet boosts our immune system.

Greetings "

Commkn sense isnt very common. A lot of people clearly need the government to tell them what to do. You can have the best immune system in the world, but until it completly kills the virus from your system, you are contagious, and can spread it around.

"Responsible" people crowding to the beach and the woods, filling up car parks and the nearby shops, set an example to other irrisponsible people that its OK, and then they follow suit.

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By *he SophisticatsCouple  over a year ago

Casa Del Fun

"You can't even get people to wear condoms to protect against sti's they are hardly going to wear a mask. I came to the understanding that people in general are idiots and that they need to be treated as such. Remember when the first suggested stay at home restrictions where put in place and everyone fucked off out to the beaches and mountains thinking it was great craic that they where off work so the government had to put travel restrictions in place because people are idiots

People have a freedom to do what they want. Being in the woods or on the beach is our right.

Additionally, being out not inside give your body a strength, your immune system is weaker because of lack of vitamin D3 which comes from the sun. Lack of vitamin c and b12, also magnesium, iron and zinc is a sign for a really bad diet.

I dont need a government to tell me what to do. I use common sense.

If you want to wear a mask 24/7 - its your choice.

Washing hands regularly, having min 30min activity daily and good diet boosts our immune system.


Commkn sense isnt very common. A lot of people clearly need the government to tell them what to do. You can have the best immune system in the world, but until it completly kills the virus from your system, you are contagious, and can spread it around.

"Responsible" people crowding to the beach and the woods, filling up car parks and the nearby shops, set an example to other irrisponsible people that its OK, and then they follow suit."


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You can't even get people to wear condoms to protect against sti's they are hardly going to wear a mask. I came to the understanding that people in general are idiots and that they need to be treated as such. Remember when the first suggested stay at home restrictions where put in place and everyone fucked off out to the beaches and mountains thinking it was great craic that they where off work so the government had to put travel restrictions in place because people are idiots

People have a freedom to do what they want. Being in the woods or on the beach is our right.

Additionally, being out not inside give your body a strength, your immune system is weaker because of lack of vitamin D3 which comes from the sun. Lack of vitamin c and b12, also magnesium, iron and zinc is a sign for a really bad diet.

I dont need a government to tell me what to do. I use common sense.

If you want to wear a mask 24/7 - its your choice.

Washing hands regularly, having min 30min activity daily and good diet boosts our immune system.


Commkn sense isnt very common. A lot of people clearly need the government to tell them what to do. You can have the best immune system in the world, but until it completly kills the virus from your system, you are contagious, and can spread it around.

"Responsible" people crowding to the beach and the woods, filling up car parks and the nearby shops, set an example to other irrisponsible people that its OK, and then they follow suit."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If the face mask works - why social distance?

If social distance works - why face masks?

If both work - why lockdown?

Let that sink in.

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By *oghunter33 OP   Woman  over a year ago

on the hill NordWest of

"If the face mask works - why social distance?

If social distance works - why face masks?

If both work - why lockdown?

Let that sink in. "

The lockdown was needed to flatten the curve of the first wave. Social distancing and face masks wouldn't have done the trick fast enough. Now it's important to keep the infection rate as low as possible to avoid a second wave.

The measures such as social distancing, hand washing, face masks etc are put in place to protect yourself and your environment respectively to reduce spreading of the virus and to keep new infections low.

None of the measures are 100% effective and none can replace the other but together they are quite effective.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If the face mask works - why social distance?

If social distance works - why face masks?

If both work - why lockdown?

Let that sink in.

The lockdown was needed to flatten the curve of the first wave. Social distancing and face masks wouldn't have done the trick fast enough. Now it's important to keep the infection rate as low as possible to avoid a second wave.

The measures such as social distancing, hand washing, face masks etc are put in place to protect yourself and your environment respectively to reduce spreading of the virus and to keep new infections low.

None of the measures are 100% effective and none can replace the other but together they are quite effective. "


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Would I wear a face mask? Not going about my daily business living and working in an area with a low population and low incidence of coronavirus, I have asthma and wearing a mask is unpleasant and exhausting over a long period.

If I had to use public transport or move about in a city I definitely would wear one.

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By *amissCouple  over a year ago


Face coverings, mandatory, from 15th June, on all public transport, in England. Can be refused travel if we dont comply. So coverings can be scarves, bandanas, must cover nose and mouth

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If the face mask works - why social distance?

If social distance works - why face masks?

If both work - why lockdown?

Let that sink in.

The lockdown was needed to flatten the curve of the first wave. Social distancing and face masks wouldn't have done the trick fast enough. Now it's important to keep the infection rate as low as possible to avoid a second wave.

The measures such as social distancing, hand washing, face masks etc are put in place to protect yourself and your environment respectively to reduce spreading of the virus and to keep new infections low.

None of the measures are 100% effective and none can replace the other but together they are quite effective. "

Yes, that's what tv and Facebook police tell me.

My question stands - why lock down the whole country instead of only protecting the most vulnerable and making adults act like adults and enforcing strict social distancing measures and making masks mandatory?

Lockdown isn't there to flatten any curves. Giving people money and three months worth of extra time to spare is not protecting anyone from anything. While some people stayed hidden away others were more "social" than ever before (we all have witnessed the house party types having a blast).

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If the face mask works - why social distance?

If social distance works - why face masks?

If both work - why lockdown?

Let that sink in.

The lockdown was needed to flatten the curve of the first wave. Social distancing and face masks wouldn't have done the trick fast enough. Now it's important to keep the infection rate as low as possible to avoid a second wave.

The measures such as social distancing, hand washing, face masks etc are put in place to protect yourself and your environment respectively to reduce spreading of the virus and to keep new infections low.

None of the measures are 100% effective and none can replace the other but together they are quite effective.

Yes, that's what tv and Facebook police tell me.

My question stands - why lock down the whole country instead of only protecting the most vulnerable and making adults act like adults and enforcing strict social distancing measures and making masks mandatory?

Lockdown isn't there to flatten any curves. Giving people money and three months worth of extra time to spare is not protecting anyone from anything. While some people stayed hidden away others were more "social" than ever before (we all have witnessed the house party types having a blast). "

But they DID do their best to protect the most vulnerable. Over 70s and ill people were told to cocoon, no exiting your house, no visitors etc. But it's not good enough!

Elderly still need food deliveries, healthcare, homecare etc etc. All these people they must interact with on a daily basis to stay alive, must also be free from the virus. And even when we did a full lockdown, and cocoon the elderly, there was still over 1600 deaths. Clearly the measures we put in place werent even severe enough.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If the face mask works - why social distance?

If social distance works - why face masks?

If both work - why lockdown?

Let that sink in.

The lockdown was needed to flatten the curve of the first wave. Social distancing and face masks wouldn't have done the trick fast enough. Now it's important to keep the infection rate as low as possible to avoid a second wave.

The measures such as social distancing, hand washing, face masks etc are put in place to protect yourself and your environment respectively to reduce spreading of the virus and to keep new infections low.

None of the measures are 100% effective and none can replace the other but together they are quite effective.

Yes, that's what tv and Facebook police tell me.

My question stands - why lock down the whole country instead of only protecting the most vulnerable and making adults act like adults and enforcing strict social distancing measures and making masks mandatory?

Lockdown isn't there to flatten any curves. Giving people money and three months worth of extra time to spare is not protecting anyone from anything. While some people stayed hidden away others were more "social" than ever before (we all have witnessed the house party types having a blast).

But they DID do their best to protect the most vulnerable. Over 70s and ill people were told to cocoon, no exiting your house, no visitors etc. But it's not good enough!

Elderly still need food deliveries, healthcare, homecare etc etc. All these people they must interact with on a daily basis to stay alive, must also be free from the virus. And even when we did a full lockdown, and cocoon the elderly, there was still over 1600 deaths. Clearly the measures we put in place werent even severe enough. "

Sorry, I think I misread some of what you said. I do agree masks should be mandatory, and social distancing should be properly inforced!!

So much money and livelihoods were affected due to this, yet some people wont bother their arse stand a few extra feet apart, or wear masks when going into public. Gaurds should have been enforcing this for months

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By *oghunter33 OP   Woman  over a year ago

on the hill NordWest of


Yes, that's what tv and Facebook police tell me.

My question stands - why lock down the whole country instead of only protecting the most vulnerable and making adults act like adults and enforcing strict social distancing measures and making masks mandatory?

Lockdown isn't there to flatten any curves. Giving people money and three months worth of extra time to spare is not protecting anyone from anything. While some people stayed hidden away others were more "social" than ever before (we all have witnessed the house party types having a blast). "

'Adults reacting like adults' Missus you're long enough on fab you should know better...

Besides we don't have the discipline and experience of the South Koreans or Taiwanese when it comes to virus pandemics so that we could have done without a full lockdown.

Additionally most European countries watched the tsunami coming but reacted way too late. With infection figures exploding the only solution was lockdown.

The closest to what you're suggesting is what the Swedish have done and it looks like they wouldn't go down that road again. We're all learning how to deal and live with the beast, it's an ongoing process.

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By *etergemmaCouple  over a year ago

South Dublin Area

Medical grade masks or don’t bother


The Director of the UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory has told the Dáil's special Covid-19 committee that the evidence around the use of cloth masks is "not fantastic".

Dr Cillian De Gascun told the committee the uptake of masks had not been very large, but added that there was not great evidence that the virus was stopped by non-medical grade or cloth masks.

He said that while medical grade masks worked very well, inappropriate mask use could be potentially harmful and could increase the risk of transmission.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Just got the train from Kerry back up home and at least 90% were wearing masks, so put one on myself.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

If guidelines say to wear it I'll wear it where they recommend.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"If guidelines say to wear it I'll wear it where they recommend. "

Most definitely! It’s naive and ridiculously stupid not to wear one ! So many silly people think that wearing one and it’s mostly men will look foolish ( but you’ll look slick in A&E)

! I use to wear them at dance events so rocking down the street wearing one is no problem!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I've been pretty cool with this since March. Been Lockedown, haven't been out. No one has caught it in my fam. Never wore a mask. Mams a Healthcare Worker. Been abiding, but not been touched by the virus. Idk, it hasn't touched our family or friends.

I hope thts bcos of our adherence

Statement only .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I've been pretty cool with this since March. Been Lockedown, haven't been out. No one has caught it in my fam. Never wore a mask. Mams a Healthcare Worker. Been abiding, but not been touched by the virus. Idk, it hasn't touched our family or friends.

I hope thts bcos of our adherence

Fair play to your mother mate ! Not sure if she was in the midst of it but regardless

Statement only . "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Medical grade masks or don’t bother


The Director of the UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory has told the Dáil's special Covid-19 committee that the evidence around the use of cloth masks is "not fantastic".

Dr Cillian De Gascun told the committee the uptake of masks had not been very large, but added that there was not great evidence that the virus was stopped by non-medical grade or cloth masks.

He said that while medical grade masks worked very well, inappropriate mask use could be potentially harmful and could increase the risk of transmission.


To be honest, I hadnt realised there was so much debate over this topic! I just assumed it was common knowledge for 100 years that any sort of mask, even coughing into your elbow, reduces the spread of germs.

After giving a bit of thought I think I understand it now though!

While the benifits of trained individuals wearing masks in controlled environments is undeniably, there's very little data for huge populations of people wearing them in a non-controlled environments.

The grey area is because of the predictable stupidity of man. If everyone covered their face and mouth properly, it would surely reduce the spread. But in mass populations, that 1% of people, who use the same mask every day-in day-out without changing, is literally carrying around a super charged hive of contagion everywhere they go. That 1 person will be so infectious, that they may do more harm than what was prevented by the other 99% combined.

Statisticaly, it may be better for no one to wear them, than forcing everyone to wear them.

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By *ichael McCarthyMan  over a year ago


"Medical grade masks or don’t bother


The Director of the UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory has told the Dáil's special Covid-19 committee that the evidence around the use of cloth masks is "not fantastic".

Dr Cillian De Gascun told the committee the uptake of masks had not been very large, but added that there was not great evidence that the virus was stopped by non-medical grade or cloth masks.

He said that while medical grade masks worked very well, inappropriate mask use could be potentially harmful and could increase the risk of transmission.

To be honest, I hadnt realised there was so much debate over this topic! I just assumed it was common knowledge for 100 years that any sort of mask, even coughing into your elbow, reduces the spread of germs.

After giving a bit of thought I think I understand it now though!

While the benifits of trained individuals wearing masks in controlled environments is undeniably, there's very little data for huge populations of people wearing them in a non-controlled environments.

The grey area is because of the predictable stupidity of man. If everyone covered their face and mouth properly, it would surely reduce the spread. But in mass populations, that 1% of people, who use the same mask every day-in day-out without changing, is literally carrying around a super charged hive of contagion everywhere they go. That 1 person will be so infectious, that they may do more harm than what was prevented by the other 99% combined.

Statisticaly, it may be better for no one to wear them, than forcing everyone to wear them.


The other danger is that people wearing masks may possess a false sense of security and ignore social distancing etiquette as well as hand washing etiquette.

I handle killers on a regular basis and one of the common threads running through the various courses I've done over the past 35 years is that wearing the wrong type of mask, or wearing the correct type of mask incorrectly, can be counter productive.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Medical grade masks or don’t bother


The Director of the UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory has told the Dáil's special Covid-19 committee that the evidence around the use of cloth masks is "not fantastic".

Dr Cillian De Gascun told the committee the uptake of masks had not been very large, but added that there was not great evidence that the virus was stopped by non-medical grade or cloth masks.

He said that while medical grade masks worked very well, inappropriate mask use could be potentially harmful and could increase the risk of transmission.

To be honest, I hadnt realised there was so much debate over this topic! I just assumed it was common knowledge for 100 years that any sort of mask, even coughing into your elbow, reduces the spread of germs.

After giving a bit of thought I think I understand it now though!

While the benifits of trained individuals wearing masks in controlled environments is undeniably, there's very little data for huge populations of people wearing them in a non-controlled environments.

The grey area is because of the predictable stupidity of man. If everyone covered their face and mouth properly, it would surely reduce the spread. But in mass populations, that 1% of people, who use the same mask every day-in day-out without changing, is literally carrying around a super charged hive of contagion everywhere they go. That 1 person will be so infectious, that they may do more harm than what was prevented by the other 99% combined.

Statisticaly, it may be better for no one to wear them, than forcing everyone to wear them.

The other danger is that people wearing masks may possess a false sense of security and ignore social distancing etiquette as well as hand washing etiquette.

I handle killers on a regular basis and one of the common threads running through the various courses I've done over the past 35 years is that wearing the wrong type of mask, or wearing the correct type of mask incorrectly, can be counter productive. "

Also, I think if a person is going to go through the effort of sourcing and buying medical grade masks, it's safe enough to assume they will go through the effort of learning and following through with the correct handling of it also, as opposed to someone who picked them up cuz they saw them while queuing at the counter in Dealz.

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By *ontbesillywrapyourwillyMan  over a year ago


"Medical grade masks or don’t bother


The Director of the UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory has told the Dáil's special Covid-19 committee that the evidence around the use of cloth masks is "not fantastic".

Dr Cillian De Gascun told the committee the uptake of masks had not been very large, but added that there was not great evidence that the virus was stopped by non-medical grade or cloth masks.

He said that while medical grade masks worked very well, inappropriate mask use could be potentially harmful and could increase the risk of transmission.

To be honest, I hadnt realised there was so much debate over this topic! I just assumed it was common knowledge for 100 years that any sort of mask, even coughing into your elbow, reduces the spread of germs.

After giving a bit of thought I think I understand it now though!

While the benifits of trained individuals wearing masks in controlled environments is undeniably, there's very little data for huge populations of people wearing them in a non-controlled environments.

The grey area is because of the predictable stupidity of man. If everyone covered their face and mouth properly, it would surely reduce the spread. But in mass populations, that 1% of people, who use the same mask every day-in day-out without changing, is literally carrying around a super charged hive of contagion everywhere they go. That 1 person will be so infectious, that they may do more harm than what was prevented by the other 99% combined.

Statisticaly, it may be better for no one to wear them, than forcing everyone to wear them.

The other danger is that people wearing masks may possess a false sense of security and ignore social distancing etiquette as well as hand washing etiquette.

I handle killers on a regular basis and one of the common threads running through the various courses I've done over the past 35 years is that wearing the wrong type of mask, or wearing the correct type of mask incorrectly, can be counter productive.

Also, I think if a person is going to go through the effort of sourcing and buying medical grade masks, it's safe enough to assume they will go through the effort of learning and following through with the correct handling of it also, as opposed to someone who picked them up cuz they saw them while queuing at the counter in Dealz.


did you see cillan de gascun in the dail yesterday saying certain type face masks are not great at all, think it was cloth material. I have a relative, a former guard who reckons soon it will be compulsory to wear face masks when in closed buildings, grocery shopping etc.

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