"I can admit after reading a few of these forums, that I didn't spend long enough on my profile before browsing and sending messages. I understand that people are getting a lot of messages, my question is how long is acceptable to wait to try make a better first impression? I don't want people feeling like I'm a pest. Apologies if I've already come across like that to anyone. "
In all honesty, I sometimes just completely miss messages and they travel down my inbox and off the page without me realising it...not because I get inundated with messages but purely because I just don't have the time to sit on fab on a regular basis and reply to every single message I receive! Also because I like to converse with a few people at once and just getting to the stage of arranging a meet can mean loads of messages being sent back and forth resulting in a full inbox! Until I actually sit down and delete all the messages I've replied to already, the bottom end of my inbox doesn't get looked at and then I find messages from weeks ago that I'm interested in and eventually end up replying to...it's worth sending a message for the second or third time and maybe stating that you've messaged before, it might result in a reply, even if it's a thanks but no thanks but check to see if they've read the first as if they have read it and haven't replied, it's most likely that they're not interested! I've messaged people more than once and vice versa and they've resulted in meets! Bug the fuck out of them op, you'll know they're not interested if they block you, they delete your message after reading it or even without reading it or if they tell you to stop harassing them after the 17th message!!!!!! Women don't get enough messages on here, fill their inboxes up and you might eventually get to fill their cunts up, I did just type that yes!!!! Trust me, it works sometimes, I've tried and tested it!!! Haha! You're only a pest in my eyes if you send a second message more or less exactly the same as the first one you sent, in a short space of time when the first one is still unread, give people a chance to reply, fab isn't on the top of the list of priorities in life for some! Or if you've had a thanks but no thanks message sent to you and you still persistently message!
I put a meet thingy up yesterday and for the first time since I blocked men, I took the filter off, had an inbox full in a very, very short space of time (not experienced that since I first joined, I'll be honest!) and because I had time to sit and reply, I thought I'd start going through my inbox from the bottom and sending the 'thanks but no thanks' messages out to those that didn't interest me...after only sending TWO out, I received 8 replies from just 2 blokes trying to get me to change my mind, asking why I'd said no and even sending abuse my way for replying with an answer that they didn't want or weren't expecting!...adding more bulk to my bloody full inbox! Ironically I got called a slag for saying no!!!! Because of 2 idiots, I gave up sending the no thank you messages out as I couldn't be arsed with the hassle and probably missed a few that I might've liked! Can't win when you send replies and can't win when you don't, it's ridiculous! When I can, I'll go through and just read and delete those that don't tickle my fancy and by doing that, indirectly tell them I'm not interested! Everyone's different though aren't they! Get re sending messages op, try your luck, why the bloody hell not but please, move on after a few attempts and definitely if you receive a 'thanks but no thanks' message! Nowt worse than having to deal with twatty people that can't handle rejection and take no as an answer! I usually don't understand the amount of stick that single blokes get as I've had my filters set from the beginning but after last night, I fully understand it!!! Not only single blokes that do it though, couples and single fems are just as bad for not handling rejection! If you're sending a message to someone, you yourself are giving that person/people the full right to reject you so why not just accept it and move on if they do?!? I don't get humans, fucking weirdos...on that note, I'm going to go give the pussy a stroke or few, never gives me hassle, much better than people!!!  |