So started our application for this summers visa, on the application website got through first group appilication.
Then had to start all over again on their appiontment website, which of course required you repeat input of the info onto the appointment website. Infuriatingly spent an absolute age trying to get the date format correct as it was the oppersite to the previous website e.g. 01/05/2023 became 2023-05-01. Read the earliest application for application 3 months prior to departure date. So all good? Not if you had a visa prior to that you then cannot apply until 6 months have elapsed from from the end of that visa ours elapsed 01/10/2022 or 2022-10-01! So we need to apply 02/04/2023 or 2023-04-02 thats just in the 20 day recomended date. Fingers crossed that they are not inundated with people applying for the two week annual holiday visas .
Must be an easier way to do this. Why restrict the application date if the travel date isnt until after the 6 months expiry date?