By *ouraine OP Couple
over a year ago
Blois, France |
Chapter 2 – Swinging clubs
This is a swinging forum so let’s get back to where we’re comfortable. For most UK swingers it’ll be in a swinger’s club you’ll meet – we’ll do internet dating in chapter 3. A swinger’s club is a ‘club libertin’ (some people say ‘boite’ but mostly it’s a ‘club’). Swinger’s clubs are all over the place, we’ve got 7 close to where we leave around Blois and Tours. To find one then type ‘club libertin Paris’ for example into the search engine. Once you’ve found an interesting one, It’s a good idea to look at the page that says ‘Horaires et Tarifs’ (opening times and prices), expect to pay around 50€ for a couple. For the single guys, you need to see if they have a price for ‘Hommes seuls’, if they do then you know they accept single men. After that go to the page ‘Agenda’ or ‘Soirées’ that shows the theme for different dates, you’ll also see if single men are welcome – often the Saturday night is just for couples.
The dress code is changing slowly, it used to be extremely well dressed but is becoming slightly more casual, but not that casual. No trousers are allowed for women and some clubs (mostly Paris) insist on high heels ‘Talons’. Cap in the summer is much more casual as they only have a short season to make their money. Clothes are important to the French so spend lots on a shirt and wear it for several years. Note: short sleeved shirts are out of fashion. Your entrance fee often includes a ‘conso’ which is a drink each but other clubs serve unlimited soft drinks and only charge for alcohol.
Pulling or as the French say, ‘draguer’ (the French drag where the English pull) often happens on the dance floor. If you see a couple dancing close to you and both are facing the same way with the woman in front of the man then it’s a sign they want to be approached. The response to this is for you to do the same, the man holding his partner, facing the same way, the women can then touch. Many women in our lifestyle are bi, but not all. Despite this its almost always the women who touch first, its less direct than the man touching the woman. The foursome are in a line (the men need long arms), they can then sway and caress for a while but eventually someone may say ‘Voulez-vous trouver un petit coin ?’ (do you want to find a little corner?). Wahoo, you’re off to the back rooms!
Single guys, don’t worry, I’m coming back to you. Many clubs have a jacuzzi and a sauna, if so you’ll have been given a key in a little pouch when you arrived. Put the pouch on your arm so as not to lose it, the number on it is used to order drinks, you pay when you leave. The key is for the locker where you’ll find your towels and where you’ll leave your clothes. You may also find a condom in the pouch. Great news guys, meeting in the jacuzzi is easy. Just sitting near someone is a good indication that you’re interested, if they feel the same, you’ll soon know. Single guys, you need to make eye contact with the husband to make sure he’s ok and to show him respect. If they’re not interested then leave well alone, No means No in a swinger’s club.
The evening is moving on and you haven’t been lucky, now is the time to try the ‘coins câlins’ (back rooms). Some have doors that lock, if it’s locked it means the people inside don’t want to be disturbed. Other rooms have just a chain across the doorway, this means you’re not allowed in but its ok to stand by the door and watch. Some rooms are completely open and have a large bed, this might seem like a free for all but stand close to the bed and wait to be invited by the participants (just jumping in isn’t too appreciated). Lots of contacts are made amongst the watchers, the female of the couple briefly brushes the arm of the other woman with her hand, it’s unobtrusive and indicates the couple is interested.
After playing couples often sit down together for a drink and may exchange ‘pseudos’ for the website to remain in contact. Single guys, its perhaps a good idea to invite the couple to have a drink, it probably won’t be accepted, your job is done, but it’s a nice touch that will be appreciated.