
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Fabswingers.com site feedback > Name and shame time wasters

Name and shame time wasters

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


Dear admin could you change your site rules so people could name and shame all time wasters that arrange to meet you and don't turn up as this spoil someone evening and it cost money to travel to meet people so by naming these people we can worn other people so they don't waste there time and money arranging to meet these time wasters

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

What if someone said it about you but they were just being vindictive? If people believed it you may never get any fun again

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"What if someone said it about you but they were just being vindictive? If people believed it you may never get any fun again"
we bin on this site for over three years so people no us and wouldn't believe any one calling us a time wasters

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

We have been on here many years and not everyone knows us... I am guessing there would be people about who would believe that we were timewasters if it was plastered somewhere.

I think what you suggest is open to abuse.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

bit confusing unless your profile has been updated as its stated you only meet at clubs or organised parties...

there should have been no loss

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"bit confusing unless your profile has been updated as its stated you only meet at clubs or organised parties...

there should have been no loss"

that's why we only meet people at clubs now and we still get lots of time wasters but at least it doesn't spoil are night anymore as there always plenty of fun to have at a club but that the point the point is people still waist are time and it would be nice to worn other people who they are they then can make there own choice

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"We have been on here many years and not everyone knows us... I am guessing there would be people about who would believe that we were timewasters if it was plastered somewhere.

I think what you suggest is open to abuse."

yer that true but if people looked at how many times we bin verified then they wouldn't believe any abuse about us

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

"We have been on here many years and not everyone knows us... I am guessing there would be people about who would believe that we were timewasters if it was plastered somewhere.

I think what you suggest is open to abuse.yer that true but if people looked at how many times we bin verified then they wouldn't believe any abuse about us "

Mud sticks, no matter how many verifications someone has.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It would never work and would be open to all sorts of potential abuse. Your best bet is to lock and move on.

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By *entralscotscpl7Couple  over a year ago


No. End of thread.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Say for example a guy meets with a couple, it is their first MMF, one of the couple enjoys it too much and becomes infatuated witb said fella.

The other partner in the couple decides it isn't on and decides to destroy the reputation of the guy with negative feedback.

Because they are a couple, with multiple veri's they are by default genuine.

How do we police that? Mediation?

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By *he Queen of TartsWoman  over a year ago
Forum Mod

My Own Little World

"What if someone said it about you but they were just being vindictive? If people believed it you may never get any fun againwe bin on this site for over three years so people no us and wouldn't believe any one calling us a time wasters "

I don't know you......timewaster!

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By *AA123Couple  over a year ago


It is unworkable. It is subjective and open to abuse.

What about genuine issues affecting someone which prevents a meet at last minute (car breakdown, family issues, ill health?). The other party may not believe that and label them a timewastet regardless of the number of verifications they have.

As I've said before, the meet is the verification that someone isn't time wasting. Any assumptions made before the meet about how genuine someone is just risk management.

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By *irginieWoman  over a year ago

Near Marlborough

"We have been on here many years and not everyone knows us... I am guessing there would be people about who would believe that we were timewasters if it was plastered somewhere.

I think what you suggest is open to abuse.yer that true but if people looked at how many times we bin verified then they wouldn't believe any abuse about us "

I don't know you... nor do you know me, and importantly our definition of "wasted time" might be different. I have lots of verifications but past performance is no guarantee .... I can (and have) arranged to meet and pulled out because something changed and been accused of wasting time.

I would take all naming and shaming with a pinch of salt ... it would mean very little to me.

V x

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By *aloma12TV/TS  over a year ago

city cnt

Very true just block em in future unfortunately I learned the hard way and tbh can make u look very bitter also hope this helps

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We have been on here many years and not everyone knows us... I am guessing there would be people about who would believe that we were timewasters if it was plastered somewhere.

I think what you suggest is open to abuse."

Ive been on and off here for 3 years and no one knows me lol

And i must agree there are A LOT of vindictive people on here who will "name and shame" someone because they rejected them or insert pathetic reason here

And as much as id love to do it someonetimes, it doesnt help because by naming and shaming...it only makes you look like an asshole

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By *uxinteriorMan  over a year ago

south west , continental

Unfortunately timewasters come with the territory, there are so many undesirables on here now that it will happen. I would just click the block button, you could have a rant on your status update too, I have seen many now naming and shaming on this update tool.

From a personal observation perspective Fab is intertwined with genuine swinging couples and singles along with all the wannabe crowd, who really don't understand how and why swinging works. I never take anything too personal and just accept that's part of being here now. I would continue your meets at clubs and sometimes those people are on fab anyway. You never know your luck might change and you might meet some great people, I know I do

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

So because you've got lots of veris your not a time waster ! So someone decides to be vindictive and call me a time waster and because I've only 2 veris I'm a time waster ? Because I'm not a prolific swinger I'm a time waster!?

Absolutely silly idea. I think people who allow themselves to be open to no shows time wasters etc have themselves to blame. Use common sense and arrange meets wisely with communication and problem solved

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

im genuine but i dont get the chance to meet lol

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By *irginieWoman  over a year ago

Near Marlborough


And as much as id love to do it someonetimes, it doesnt help because by naming and shaming...it only makes you look like an asshole"

I stopped short of saying that but yes.... I agree.... when I see people whining about time wasters I automatically think the same

Rightly or wrongly.

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By *aloma12TV/TS  over a year ago

city cnt

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By *uckmefackwardsMan  over a year ago


The most annoying thing for me on this site is people who don't even open your mail to them. Opening and then deleting it or not replying is acceptable although rude enough. But to not even look at it is beyond being ignorant ! Some kind of auto reply might be a solution.

As for no shows well yes it's horrible but it happens. Happened to me several times.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"The most annoying thing for me on this site is people who don't even open your mail to them. Opening and then deleting it or not replying is acceptable although rude enough. But to not even look at it is beyond being ignorant ! Some kind of auto reply might be a solution.

As for no shows well yes it's horrible but it happens. Happened to me several times. "

if they've looked at your profile and decided that you're not for them, why would they wish to waste their time reading your message? i didnt read the UKIP leaflet pushed through my letterbox during the election because i knew it wouldn't be of any interest to me...

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By *AA123Couple  over a year ago


"The most annoying thing for me on this site is people who don't even open your mail to them. Opening and then deleting it or not replying is acceptable although rude enough. But to not even look at it is beyond being ignorant ! Some kind of auto reply might be a solution.

As for no shows well yes it's horrible but it happens. Happened to me several times. "

I agree with the idea raised elsewhere of deleting your sent messages so it avoids you looking back at them to see if they have been read or not and trying to second guess the recipient's actions or desire to meet. if they are interested in you then they will reply.

It's wishful thinking looking at the sent messages repeatedly which is time wasting in itself for yourself and of your own making.

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By *ougar_n_TILFCouple  over a year ago

Burton on Trent

"bit confusing unless your profile has been updated as its stated you only meet at clubs or organised parties...

there should have been no lossthat's why we only meet people at clubs now and we still get lots of time wasters but at least it doesn't spoil are night anymore as there always plenty of fun to have at a club but that the point the point is people still waist are time and it would be nice to worn other people who they are they then can make there own choice "

If you are getting "lots" of timewasters then it means one of two things:

A. Your definition of the word is too broad and you are using it to include people who simply have no interest in you.

B. You need to look at your selection process and how you decide wether someone is worth the time and effort, as it is clearly not working.

There aren't that many timewasters on here, if you are seeing them at every turn it's due to one of those reasons.

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By *aloma12TV/TS  over a year ago

city cnt

Sorry but tats rediculous wot Fab are you om the place is full of time wasters and no matter how good you think you are at spotting tem u will eventually get caught by one

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"im genuine but i dont get the chance to meet lol "
then why the he'll you on the site

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By *ougar_n_TILFCouple  over a year ago

Burton on Trent

"Sorry but tats rediculous wot Fab are you om the place is full of time wasters and no matter how good you think you are at spotting tem u will eventually get caught by one"

Yes you are correct, eventually we will get caught out by one despite our best efforts. And that is what we expect.

But the difference is it will just be one, and not lots.

We've only been doing this 2 years and haven't had one yet. We are only using the same fab as you, so must be doing something right.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"im genuine but i dont get the chance to meet lol then why the he'll you on the site "

Lots of people don't meet and use this site for forums only.

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By *entralscotscpl7Couple  over a year ago


"bit confusing unless your profile has been updated as its stated you only meet at clubs or organised parties...

there should have been no lossthat's why we only meet people at clubs now and we still get lots of time wasters but at least it doesn't spoil are night anymore as there always plenty of fun to have at a club but that the point the point is people still waist are time and it would be nice to worn other people who they are they then can make there own choice

If you are getting "lots" of timewasters then it means one of two things:

A. Your definition of the word is too broad and you are using it to include people who simply have no interest in you.

B. You need to look at your selection process and how you decide wether someone is worth the time and effort, as it is clearly not working.

There aren't that many timewasters on here, if you are seeing them at every turn it's due to one of those reasons. "

Perfect example.

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By *aloma12TV/TS  over a year ago

city cnt

Tats great guys you are obviously doin something right I wasn't disrespecting you in any way I just wanted to make tat point keep having fun x


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By *abe1200Couple  over a year ago


"Dear admin could you change your site rules so people could name and shame all time wasters that arrange to meet you and don't turn up as this spoil someone evening and it cost money to travel to meet people so by naming these people we can worn other people so they don't waste there time and money arranging to meet these time wasters "

But what if they cancel with a genuine reason,i think blocking them n moving on is a better option.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You can report time wasters... on the verification page there's the option to verify as genuine or not... pick not genuine and write your reason why for admin to see.

I'd like to think if someone got lots of complaints about them admin would act upon it.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

You can report time wasters... On the verification page there's the option to verify as genuine or not... pick not genuine and write your reason why for admin to see.

I'd like to think if someone got more than a couple of complaints about them admin would actually act upon it. Maybe that's me being too optimistic again!

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"You can report time wasters... On the verification page there's the option to verify as genuine or not... pick not genuine and write your reason why for admin to see.

I'd like to think if someone got more than a couple of complaints about them admin would actually act upon it. Maybe that's me being too optimistic again!


when we have arranged to meet someone and they don't turn up I always message them the next day to ask what happened to them and 99% of the time they just ignore us so then I report and block them and when we do put a meet page up we always put time wasters will be blocked and reported to the site but it doesn't bother them as they no nothing gets done about it

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"Sorry but tats rediculous wot Fab are you om the place is full of time wasters and no matter how good you think you are at spotting tem u will eventually get caught by one"
we bin caught out a few times that why we only meet at clubs so if they don't turn up there always plenty of fun going on

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

There is about 40% of people on here who's whole raison d'être is to be timewasters and they will get a thrill from being named n shamed. Don't legitimise them, just smile and move on.

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By *aloma12TV/TS  over a year ago

city cnt

Great thinking and great tip from maxmix I didnt know tat

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"So because you've got lots of veris your not a time waster ! So someone decides to be vindictive and call me a time waster and because I've only 2 veris I'm a time waster ? Because I'm not a prolific swinger I'm a time waster!?

Absolutely silly idea. I think people who allow themselves to be open to no shows time wasters etc have themselves to blame. Use common sense and arrange meets wisely with communication and problem solved "

that's why we put on are profile we only meet at clubs but most guys can't be bothered to read a fucking profile

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We have been on here many years and not everyone knows us... I am guessing there would be people about who would believe that we were timewasters if it was plastered somewhere.

I think what you suggest is open to abuse.yer that true but if people looked at how many times we bin verified then they wouldn't believe any abuse about us "

verified people also no show so it would be no use

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By *eal Deal PartiesWoman  over a year ago


"Dear admin could you change your site rules so people could name and shame all time wasters that arrange to meet you and don't turn up as this spoil someone evening and it cost money to travel to meet people so by naming these people we can worn other people so they don't waste there time and money arranging to meet these time wasters "

Report them, deleted and Block them!! SIMPLE!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"You can report time wasters... On the verification page there's the option to verify as genuine or not... pick not genuine and write your reason why for admin to see.

I'd like to think if someone got more than a couple of complaints about them admin would actually act upon it. Maybe that's me being too optimistic again!


funny i just went to do that on someone who no showed to a meet today and the only options that come up when u click verify is the usual verify by cam/in person/by phone what you are recommending is if you verify someone for the first time which comes up with verify as genuine or not. under not genuine it states to report them not anything else

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By *angbang junkieCouple  over a year ago


Naming and shaming achieves nothing apart from being open to abuse. Not naming and shaming is one of the basic rules of this site and has been since day One, that's not going to change.

Fab gives you all the tools you need, in order to get meets and avoid being messed around as far as is humanly possible.

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

"You can report time wasters... On the verification page there's the option to verify as genuine or not... pick not genuine and write your reason why for admin to see.

I'd like to think if someone got more than a couple of complaints about them admin would actually act upon it. Maybe that's me being too optimistic again!


You are best reporting from the profile itself as you would just be verifying them by doing that

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By *eal Deal PartiesWoman  over a year ago


"Naming and shaming achieves nothing apart from being open to abuse. Not naming and shaming is one of the basic rules of this site and has been since day One, that's not going to change.

Fab gives you all the tools you need, in order to get meets and avoid being messed around as far as is humanly possible."

Hear hear.. but will still happen.. no matter what u do

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By *rx1Couple  over a year ago

Torridge area of Devon

"bit confusing unless your profile has been updated as its stated you only meet at clubs or organised parties...

there should have been no lossthat's why we only meet people at clubs now and we still get lots of time wasters but at least it doesn't spoil are night anymore as there always plenty of fun to have at a club but that the point the point is people still waist are time and it would be nice to worn other people who they are they then can make there own choice "

You will never avoid those that are not genuine or hell bent on just messing folks around. Like others have said it would be easy to turn the tables on you, it is not about people that already know you, it is also about people that could be interested in you.

The only sure why of avoiding this (even at a Club) is just rock up at a Club without any pre arranged meets and see what happens, you cannot be let down that way. If you hook up with others on the night happy days, if not you can always play on your own and be in the Zone.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Any assumptions made before the meet about how genuine someone is just risk management."

I think this is spot on, use the tools the site provides and your own instincts and then common sense to minimise cost if they don't turn up. We wouldn't travel long distances for someone we'd never met before and if we book a hotel we go for ones you can cancel for free until the same day so if they drop off the radar just before we're not out of pocket.

Name and shame is too open to abuse, if you're being let down a lot rethink your approach.

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"We have been on here many years and not everyone knows us... I am guessing there would be people about who would believe that we were timewasters if it was plastered somewhere.

I think what you suggest is open to abuse.yer that true but if people looked at how many times we bin verified then they wouldn't believe any abuse about us

verified people also no show so it would be no use"

if you click on there name then click on menu then click block then click on report them that what we do but don't seem to make any difference doing that

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"bit confusing unless your profile has been updated as its stated you only meet at clubs or organised parties...

there should have been no lossthat's why we only meet people at clubs now and we still get lots of time wasters but at least it doesn't spoil are night anymore as there always plenty of fun to have at a club but that the point the point is people still waist are time and it would be nice to worn other people who they are they then can make there own choice

You will never avoid those that are not genuine or hell bent on just messing folks around. Like others have said it would be easy to turn the tables on you, it is not about people that already know you, it is also about people that could be interested in you.

The only sure why of avoiding this (even at a Club) is just rock up at a Club without any pre arranged meets and see what happens, you cannot be let down that way. If you hook up with others on the night happy days, if not you can always play on your own and be in the Zone. "

that is what we do but when you get messages from people saying we would like to meet you and what club will you be at and we tell them and they reply by saying we will be there and guess what they don't turn up and when we message them the next day to ask what happened to them they iv ignore us or say couldn't be bothered or to nervous so we block and report them

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By *rx1Couple  over a year ago

Torridge area of Devon

"bit confusing unless your profile has been updated as its stated you only meet at clubs or organised parties...

there should have been no lossthat's why we only meet people at clubs now and we still get lots of time wasters but at least it doesn't spoil are night anymore as there always plenty of fun to have at a club but that the point the point is people still waist are time and it would be nice to worn other people who they are they then can make there own choice

You will never avoid those that are not genuine or hell bent on just messing folks around. Like others have said it would be easy to turn the tables on you, it is not about people that already know you, it is also about people that could be interested in you.

The only sure why of avoiding this (even at a Club) is just rock up at a Club without any pre arranged meets and see what happens, you cannot be let down that way. If you hook up with others on the night happy days, if not you can always play on your own and be in the Zone. that is what we do but when you get messages from people saying we would like to meet you and what club will you be at and we tell them and they reply by saying we will be there and guess what they don't turn up and when we message them the next day to ask what happened to them they iv ignore us or say couldn't be bothered or to nervous so we block and report them "

The Maths are easy, just say look we will be there if we see you great, if we dont, dont worry..Dont even think about getting all bent up over it and messaging them the following day.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"bit confusing unless your profile has been updated as its stated you only meet at clubs or organised parties...

there should have been no lossthat's why we only meet people at clubs now and we still get lots of time wasters but at least it doesn't spoil are night anymore as there always plenty of fun to have at a club but that the point the point is people still waist are time and it would be nice to worn other people who they are they then can make there own choice

You will never avoid those that are not genuine or hell bent on just messing folks around. Like others have said it would be easy to turn the tables on you, it is not about people that already know you, it is also about people that could be interested in you.

The only sure why of avoiding this (even at a Club) is just rock up at a Club without any pre arranged meets and see what happens, you cannot be let down that way. If you hook up with others on the night happy days, if not you can always play on your own and be in the Zone. that is what we do but when you get messages from people saying we would like to meet you and what club will you be at and we tell them and they reply by saying we will be there and guess what they don't turn up and when we message them the next day to ask what happened to them they iv ignore us or say couldn't be bothered or to nervous so we block and report them "

you report people for being too nervous to go to a club?

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By *aloma12TV/TS  over a year ago

city cnt

The op never said tat, people shud hav the decency to tell you if they can't make it simple as tat

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"bit confusing unless your profile has been updated as its stated you only meet at clubs or organised parties...

there should have been no lossthat's why we only meet people at clubs now and we still get lots of time wasters but at least it doesn't spoil are night anymore as there always plenty of fun to have at a club but that the point the point is people still waist are time and it would be nice to worn other people who they are they then can make there own choice

You will never avoid those that are not genuine or hell bent on just messing folks around. Like others have said it would be easy to turn the tables on you, it is not about people that already know you, it is also about people that could be interested in you.

The only sure why of avoiding this (even at a Club) is just rock up at a Club without any pre arranged meets and see what happens, you cannot be let down that way. If you hook up with others on the night happy days, if not you can always play on your own and be in the Zone. that is what we do but when you get messages from people saying we would like to meet you and what club will you be at and we tell them and they reply by saying we will be there and guess what they don't turn up and when we message them the next day to ask what happened to them they iv ignore us or say couldn't be bothered or to nervous so we block and report them

you report people for being too nervous to go to a club? "

if they say they will meet us and don't turn up saying you was to nervous then why be on a swingers site that just another excuse and they are a time wasters

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"bit confusing unless your profile has been updated as its stated you only meet at clubs or organised parties...

there should have been no lossthat's why we only meet people at clubs now and we still get lots of time wasters but at least it doesn't spoil are night anymore as there always plenty of fun to have at a club but that the point the point is people still waist are time and it would be nice to worn other people who they are they then can make there own choice

You will never avoid those that are not genuine or hell bent on just messing folks around. Like others have said it would be easy to turn the tables on you, it is not about people that already know you, it is also about people that could be interested in you.

The only sure why of avoiding this (even at a Club) is just rock up at a Club without any pre arranged meets and see what happens, you cannot be let down that way. If you hook up with others on the night happy days, if not you can always play on your own and be in the Zone. that is what we do but when you get messages from people saying we would like to meet you and what club will you be at and we tell them and they reply by saying we will be there and guess what they don't turn up and when we message them the next day to ask what happened to them they iv ignore us or say couldn't be bothered or to nervous so we block and report them

The Maths are easy, just say look we will be there if we see you great, if we dont, dont worry..Dont even think about getting all bent up over it and messaging them the following day."

then they shouldn't message us and waist are time at the end of the day anyone that don't message you and say they can't make it are time wasters

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By *aloma12TV/TS  over a year ago

city cnt

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By *ungBlackTopMan  over a year ago


Dear admin can we have some rules regarding spelling and grammar too?

OP I agree

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I don't understand why people not showing at a club is wasting anyone's time. Surely thats why you meet at a club, so if they don't make it for any reason you haven't wasted your time, should be able to find an alternative. I think people have very different ideas of what constitutes time wasting.

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"I don't understand why people not showing at a club is wasting anyone's time. Surely thats why you meet at a club, so if they don't make it for any reason you haven't wasted your time, should be able to find an alternative. I think people have very different ideas of what constitutes time wasting. "
What a load of crap it doesn't matter if you arrange to meet someone at a club or private if you don't turn up you are a time wasters easy as that

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By *ougar_n_TILFCouple  over a year ago

Burton on Trent

"I don't understand why people not showing at a club is wasting anyone's time. Surely thats why you meet at a club, so if they don't make it for any reason you haven't wasted your time, should be able to find an alternative. I think people have very different ideas of what constitutes time wasting. What a load of crap it doesn't matter if you arrange to meet someone at a club or private if you don't turn up you are a time wasters easy as that "

No, if you were going to go to that particular club on that night anyway then how exactly have they wasted your time?

If you weren't going to go and they said they would meet you there which made you change your mind, then that's slightly different. But even so you may still meet someone else, so still haven't wasted your time. Unless your the sort of couple who only goes to clubs when you have a guaranteed meet arranged?

As I said before, think your definition of the word is far too broad.

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By *armite6774 OP   Couple  over a year ago


"I don't understand why people not showing at a club is wasting anyone's time. Surely thats why you meet at a club, so if they don't make it for any reason you haven't wasted your time, should be able to find an alternative. I think people have very different ideas of what constitutes time wasting. What a load of crap it doesn't matter if you arrange to meet someone at a club or private if you don't turn up you are a time wasters easy as that

No, if you were going to go to that particular club on that night anyway then how exactly have they wasted your time?

If you weren't going to go and they said they would meet you there which made you change your mind, then that's slightly different. But even so you may still meet someone else, so still haven't wasted your time. Unless your the sort of couple who only goes to clubs when you have a guaranteed meet arranged?

As I said before, think your definition of the word is far too broad. "

are you for real it doesn't matter if it a club meet or not if you contact someone saying they would like to meet you and they say they will meet you and don't turn up they are a time wasters because they was the one that contacted me for them to meet us so if they don't turn up then again time wasters so get your head out of your ass

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

This is just going round in circles now.

Admin have said they won't have a name and shame section but if they change their mind over this I am sure they will let us all know.

I will post onto the next post what Admin say they do with reports.

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

Here is an explanation from Admin from another thread on how they deal with reports.

******Just a quick note. If people report others and we can verify that they have broken site rules, we always take action (either a first and final warning, partially suspended account, fully suspended, mixture of the above).

Every single report sent via the REPORT link is reviewed. Clearly it's not in our interests to have people on here who are bad for the site. Equally we need to verify what has been reported and be fair to those who have been reported.


PS. we never provide feedback on what has happened. It's just not practical given that we get 100s of reports a day.

Here is what the page says after a report has been submitted:


Your feedback has been saved.

A website admin will shortly review your feedback and take the necessary action. After reviewing the evidence available to us, we may disable an account, remove a user, disable certain aspects of that user's account or issue a warning.

By leaving feedback you help improve the site for everyone who uses it. Thank you.******

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