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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Don't understand why people whom have been on this brill site for over a year whom constantly place "meet today's" on but never have met anyone. To me these are un-genuine peeps. I think people whom have not met anyone in the first 1 year should be deleted. Harsh I know but hay TIME WASTERS WILL BE TIME WASTERS afterall

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By *heRainManMan  over a year ago

Warrington & Glasgow

"Don't understand why people whom have been on this brill site for over a year whom constantly place "meet today's" on but never have met anyone. To me these are un-genuine peeps. I think people whom have not met anyone in the first 1 year should be deleted. Harsh I know but hay TIME WASTERS WILL BE TIME WASTERS afterall"
I appreciate your frustration, but banning people just because they haven't met would rule out those who are only here to use the chat and forums. Maybe Admin could tune "meet today" so that it could only be used by Verified members. Unverified members would still be able to arrange meets through the other methods.

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By *b430Man  over a year ago



Maybe Admin could tune "meet today" so that it could only be used by Verified members. Unverified members would still be able to arrange meets through the other methods."

Why cut the chances of non-verified members getting to arrange meets even further by not allowing them to use the "meet today" facility?

It's hard enough for some on here as it is!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm with BB - why make it harder for people to meet? It's not fair. Someone may have set up a profile to talk and then decided to meet at a later date.

I'm a little confused about all the criticism of other menbers' profiles and the way they choose to use the site (not just this post).

If you don't like something - move on, look at the people who do meet your needs and leave the others to their own devices.

It's easy on meet today to see who's verfied - just do what I do and scan down looking to see who fits your preferences.

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By *j_markCouple  over a year ago
Forum Mod


Just use the search page, select "meet today" and "verified" and you'll get what you want:


Admin x

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

But "meet today" means or I believe it to mean your looking for a "meet today" same people every day who place "meet today" on but don't have the intention of meeting anyone that day. Come on if you join this site simply for the chat and banter then stay away from the "meet today" function, because they have no intention of "meeting anyone that day"


Yes I agree virified members should only be allowed to place "meet today"

God I will be saying "NEET TODAY" in my sleep

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By *harpDressed ManMan  over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

"But "meet today" means or I believe it to mean your looking for a "meet today" same people every day who place "meet today" on but don't have the intention of meeting anyone that day."

You don't know the intentions of others. They may be available, just really selective

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

But you're saying they're on meet today with no verifications - they might have been around a while just chatting, started trying to meet - and not had any luck yet. But they're on meet today because they're actively trying.

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By *b430Man  over a year ago


"But "meet today" means or I believe it to mean your looking for a "meet today" same people every day who place "meet today" on but don't have the intention of meeting anyone that day. Come on if you join this site simply for the chat and banter then stay away from the "meet today" function, because they have no intention of "meeting anyone that day"


Yes I agree virified members should only be allowed to place "meet today"

God I will be saying "NEET TODAY" in my sleep"

Why worry so much about what others do on here and why try to guess their intentions too? Because that is just what it is... you guessing!

Use the suggestion that Admin gave and you will only see verified members who are using "meet today"!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Precisely - isn't the very beauty of swinging the fact that there are no rules about the "right way to do it" and that, whatever you're looking for, there will be people looking to for the same.

So many people getting het up about "the right way to do it" and the naughty people who don't conform to it

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"But "meet today" means or I believe it to mean your looking for a "meet today" same people every day who place "meet today" on but don't have the intention of meeting anyone that day.

You don't know the intentions of others. They may be available, just really selective"

but if they place a meet today surely they would have feedback mmmmmm very selective indeed so much they dont meet anyone in over a year

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"But you're saying they're on meet today with no verifications - they might have been around a while just chatting, started trying to meet - and not had any luck yet. But they're on meet today because they're actively trying. "

sorry but actively trying over a year.... I think not. If someone wants to use the site for chat, then chat away. However if all they want to use the site for chat and nothing more then leave the Meet Today function alone. Try it look in your areas for search on meet todays its roughly the same people every day you email them and never get back........ Couples, Females(Gold dust) and single blokes will email these people with the hope of getting a meet. BUT that person has no intention. either time wasters or not so genuine on there profile.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

My belief in this matter is only use the "Meet Today" section if your intentions are "To Meet Today

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By *harpDressed ManMan  over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

"My belief in this matter is only use the "Meet Today" section if your intentions are "To Meet Today"

My belief is you should stop assuming that people's intentions are anything other than exactly that.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"My belief in this matter is only use the "Meet Today" section if your intentions are "To Meet Today

My belief is you should stop assuming that people's intentions are anything other than exactly that."

OMG have you read the thread,,,,,, instead of adding somthing silly ... OMG

if peoples intent was to meet on "meet today" then they would have at least met at least 1 person in a year instead of placing "Meet Today" on EVERYDAY and meeting nobody..... why use the function if there is no intenet to meet mmmmmm pic collectors and fake profiles..... not stereo typing or anything... we have all come across them but single males posing as couples.... agree to meet add on friends list view private pics...... then cancel last min........(mmmm as a single male I have alot of friends couples and singles this has happened to, nearly all of them)reason why "Meet Today" should not be used if the intent is not to meet.......... OMG aint i said this before

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By *harpDressed ManMan  over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else


OMG have you read the thread,,,,,, instead of adding somthing silly ... OMG"

Yes, I did. Was my response too complicated for you?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"OMG have you read the thread,,,,,, instead of adding somthing silly ... OMG

if peoples intent was to meet on "meet today" then they would have at least met at least 1 person in a year instead of placing "Meet Today" on EVERYDAY and meeting nobody..... why use the function if there is no intenet to meet mmmmmm pic collectors and fake profiles..... not stereo typing or anything... we have all come across them but single males posing as couples.... agree to meet add on friends list view private pics...... then cancel last min........(mmmm as a single male I have alot of friends couples and singles this has happened to, nearly all of them)reason why "Meet Today" should not be used if the intent is not to meet.......... OMG aint i said this before"

And you don't know they've not just been unlucky in searching previously or that they've been looking the whole time they've been on and are taking a while to get their first meet now they are using Meet Today to get their first meet.

What a rude response just because people haven't agreed with your suggestion. Everyone has a right to an opinion just as much as you do - and it doesn't have to be the one you want.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Maybe the unverified 'meet today' users are just very fussy about who they want to meet. Or maybe they're meeting every night, but (like me) they think that verifications are not important. Just because they have no verifications doesn't mean they're not meeting.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Maybe the unverified 'meet today' users are just very fussy about who they want to meet. Or maybe they're meeting every night, but (like me) they think that verifications are not important. Just because they have no verifications doesn't mean they're not meeting."

if someone has been verified it shows by a green tick....... its your choice to display it or not........

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"OMG have you read the thread,,,,,, instead of adding somthing silly ... OMG

if peoples intent was to meet on "meet today" then they would have at least met at least 1 person in a year instead of placing "Meet Today" on EVERYDAY and meeting nobody..... why use the function if there is no intenet to meet mmmmmm pic collectors and fake profiles..... not stereo typing or anything... we have all come across them but single males posing as couples.... agree to meet add on friends list view private pics...... then cancel last min........(mmmm as a single male I have alot of friends couples and singles this has happened to, nearly all of them)reason why "Meet Today" should not be used if the intent is not to meet.......... OMG aint i said this before

And you don't know they've not just been unlucky in searching previously or that they've been looking the whole time they've been on and are taking a while to get their first meet now they are using Meet Today to get their first meet.

What a rude response just because people haven't agreed with your suggestion. Everyone has a right to an opinion just as much as you do - and it doesn't have to be the one you want. "

not at all everyone is free to there opinions but make it ones what make sense instead of piss taking ones..... see your ripping me to bits but its fine your making sense. its great to banter but I still agree with the topic..... peeps ask yourself if you looked at a profile what had not been virified......joined over a year ago not even had a picture virified........ would you meet them????????... o and you had seen them on meet today all the time

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By *b430Man  over a year ago



not at all everyone is free to there opinions but make it ones what make sense instead of piss taking ones..... see your ripping me to bits but its fine your making sense. its great to banter but I still agree with the topic..... peeps ask yourself if you looked at a profile what had not been virified......joined over a year ago not even had a picture virified........ would you meet them????????... o and you had seen them on meet today all the time"

All I can say now is..... You must pay close attention to everyone that appears on "meet today"

Me, personally, I don't have the inclination or the time to study other people lives on here, the way you seem to!

The easy answer to your dilemma is..... Don't ask to meet anyone who isn't verified who appears on "meet today". It really isn't rocket science, honest guv!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"OMG have you read the thread,,,,,, instead of adding somthing .......... OMG aint i said this before

see your ripping me to bits but its fine your making sense. joined over a year ago not even had a picture virified........ would you meet them????????... o and you had seen them on meet today all the time"

The point is...how do you know how long they've been using Meet Today??? Have you been keeping lists every single day since they joined? It can take a single male months to get a meet, perhaps they've only been looking for the last 4 months and yes perhaps they've not managed to get a meet yet - but so what? Live and let live, all these attempts to set rules about the way the site must be used.

This is the 3rd time I think now I've put forward my opinion, it will also be the last - I don't say I'm right but you have a very forthright way of saying everyone else is wrong - see above.

Oh, and I'm not ripping anyone apart but your previous posts are VERY RUDE.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My initial impression on reading this is that it's all very stalkerish.... Do you make notes on who is on meet today and then check out their profiles the following week for verifications?

You obviously can tell who is using meet today yet in your opinion not actually meeting so just scroll on by them.

Some may be fantasists or could be, as mentioned very selective.

And just because they have a meet today up and you or others mailed them doesn't give a right to get a reply from them.

Scroll on by and look at others on the list.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm not saying that people are not allowed an opinion here but some people check out peoples posts on the forums as a way of checking prospective meets out.

Or is that just me/us?


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm not saying that people are not allowed an opinion here but some people check out peoples posts on the forums as a way of checking prospective meets out.

Or is that just me/us?

S. "

No I do the same - and have just yesterday, in fact, made an opinion formed not just on the content of the mail I received but on the content of the sender's argumentative manner on the forum.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


No I do the same - and have just yesterday, in fact, made an opinion formed not just on the content of the mail I received but on the content of the sender's argumentative manner on the forum."

Good job I always behave then eh?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago
Forum Mod

"Just use the search page, select "meet today" and "verified" and you'll get what you want:


Admin x


Just thought id bump this up from admin as it says it all really but I have noticed that very few people seem to take any notice when ever admin do post a response that answers a question and then you hear people moaning that admin never respond

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

"Just use the search page, select "meet today" and "verified" and you'll get what you want:


Admin x

Just thought id bump this up from admin as it says it all really but I have noticed that very few people seem to take any notice when ever admin do post a response that answers a question and then you hear people moaning that admin never respond "

* nods *

In answer to the OP...if something puts us off profiles for whatever reason, we just move to the next one.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Maybe the unverified 'meet today' users are just very fussy about who they want to meet. Or maybe they're meeting every night, but (like me) they think that verifications are not important. Just because they have no verifications doesn't mean they're not meeting.

if someone has been verified it shows by a green tick....... its your choice to display it or not........ "

I know that. My point is that leaving a verification for someone is not compulsory! I meet, but I don't leave verifications (unless someone asks me to). So some of the people I have met are still unverified. Because they, like me, don't think that verifications are important. Just because someone is not verified, does not mean they are not meeting.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

This is getting silly now and way off the point rudeness is calling me a stalker or even suggesting I am far far from it I take a look see what people are up to who wants to meet etc. If I'm looking a meet myself I look on meet today no the whole country but east midlands why would I want to know what Scotland peeps are doing???? Strange I'm not abusive or rude not once have I put anyone down just said how I felt regarding meet today function....... But to suggest I'm a stalker is utterly wrong and offensive

Try and keep this simple Mmmm you don't buy a car if you have no intent of driving it.........

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Try and keep this simple Mmmm you don't buy a car if you have no intent of driving it......... "

Just because you don't see them driving the car, doesn't mean they're not driving it when you're asleep. You can't confiscate the car, just because you don't see them driving it.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Try and keep this simple Mmmm you don't buy a car if you have no intent of driving it.........

Just because you don't see them driving the car, doesn't mean they're not driving it when you're asleep. You can't confiscate the car, just because you don't see them driving it."

What??? Now this is going well beyond the point I was trying to make....... Would you meet a single fella or couple or female who had been on over a year without virification who is always on meet today????

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

I do love debates keeps the brain healthy and active

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago
Forum Mod

Personally I have no interest or concern with anything that im not interested or concerned with

So if I was interested in a meet today with a verified guy I would use the tools that admin have provided to allow me to do that

Sod wasting time being bothered with how everyone else is spending their free time on here

Life is too short

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Personally I have no interest or concern with anything that im not interested or concerned with

So if I was interested in a meet today with a verified guy I would use the tools that admin have provided to allow me to do that

Sod wasting time being bothered with how everyone else is spending their free time on here

Life is too short"

Free time I'm at work

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What??? Now this is going well beyond the point I was trying to make....... Would you meet a single fella or couple or female who had been on over a year without virification who is always on meet today????"


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By *harpDressed ManMan  over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

"I do love debates keeps the brain healthy and active"

How do you know you love debates?

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By *b430Man  over a year ago


"Try and keep this simple Mmmm you don't buy a car if you have no intent of driving it.........

Just because you don't see them driving the car, doesn't mean they're not driving it when you're asleep. You can't confiscate the car, just because you don't see them driving it.

What??? Now this is going well beyond the point I was trying to make....... Would you meet a single fella or couple or female who had been on over a year without virification who is always on meet today????"

You are still missing the most simple of answers to your dilemma -

You simply don't meet anyone who isn't verified and who you perceive to always be on "meet today" but let others, on here, spend their OWN time as they want to!

It sill isn't rocket science!

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"What??? Now this is going well beyond the point I was trying to make....... Would you meet a single fella or couple or female who had been on over a year without virification who is always on meet today????


more fool you for putting yourself at risk.... i know many who wouldnt

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"I do love debates keeps the brain healthy and active

How do you know you love debates?"

what????? how do i know mmmmmm its me,,,, do alot with my job???? how else would i know

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

"Try and keep this simple Mmmm you don't buy a car if you have no intent of driving it.........

Just because you don't see them driving the car, doesn't mean they're not driving it when you're asleep. You can't confiscate the car, just because you don't see them driving it.

What??? Now this is going well beyond the point I was trying to make....... Would you meet a single fella or couple or female who had been on over a year without virification who is always on meet today????

You are still missing the most simple of answers to your dilemma -

You simply don't meet anyone who isn't verified and who you perceive to always be on "meet today" but let others, on here, spend their OWN time as they want to!

It sill isn't rocket science! "

read the thread that was not the delima???????

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By *ugby 123Couple  over a year ago
Forum Mod

O o O oo

I think this is just going around in circles now.

Maybe take the advice from Admin and filter your search.

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