FabSwingers.com > Forums > Fabswingers.com site feedback > Not that Fabs listens to Ideas, But TS/TV option.
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"Many many many users have gone on about these being split as they are two different things. Alot of swinging sites are now appealing more to the TS Community because of it. (Fabs, you are loosing a lot of potential ts girls due to the clash). It should be: TS/TG TV/CD Why? TS is someone who was born one gender (medical condition) where there brain carries split gender structure, Female Brain data (And more!...) leading to confusion at later life with their birth gender. Some girls will happily live their life full time as a female on hormones, whilst others will get surgery to correct natures mistakes. TV is someone who enjoys Dressing up. They like to be the part time girl but have no intention on altering their body. Its just a little fun for them, and the men/woman they sleep with. TV Can be classified as cross dressing, drag queens or girls who live their life part time female (again, but have no intention on changing). So Clashing a medical condition with a Dress up? Bit silly. Its just very offensive to a lot of us ts girls to be put in a dress up criteria when it fact, transsexuality is a known and proven medical condition. When will people ever get heard on here, i don't know -_- (go onto most TS Girls profiles on here the one thing you will see is "Im not TV, Im TS". Start hearing us out fabs!) ![]() This is a very good explanation. There are lots of implications to splitting but we will look into the practicalities of it ![]() | |||
"Like i can understand TV's love glamming up just like us TS do, But as you say, they shouldn't be clashed together as one is for the fun of doing it and the joys and the other is living the correct sex. I wish they'd realize as even the TV girls on here hate being called TS just like us TS hate being called TV. Thought by now fabswingers would have listened lol xxx" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"I agree. It is time for Fab to get with the times and separate them. I would also like to see more sexual preference options, like pansexual as an option. I consider myself pan not bi." Yes I agree I'd rather be pan than bi ![]() | |||
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"You are the owners of FAB. You have 25,000 profiles marked TV/TS and decide to implement the suggestion. Do you mail every profile to ask if you are TV or TS? Do you ask for proof as (god forbid) people lie? I am just thinking that, as admin have pointed out, this excellent explanation does have practicalities to be dealt with. If the site started tomorrow, I am sure it would be taken up, but the current owners inherited what was already set up." Obviously not. TV/CD are quite honest and open on here TS/TG it should be for us girls. obviously given the one time option of updating the profile. In which, im a coder by trade. Fabswingers uses ASPX for their website language which is PISS easy to change data over or add extra options considering they're not using PHP. so the excuse of them not being able to do it is ridic, cos as i say, being a coder ive had my share coding and managing aspx and its quite easy to do. They just dont want to listen and treat people fairly on here. As i said above. THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. ![]() | |||
"Many many many users have gone on about these being split as they are two different things. Alot of swinging sites are now appealing more to the TS Community because of it. (Fabs, you are loosing a lot of potential ts girls due to the clash). It should be: TS/TG TV/CD Why? TS is someone who was born one gender (medical condition) where there brain carries split gender structure, Female Brain data (And more!...) leading to confusion at later life with their birth gender. Some girls will happily live their life full time as a female on hormones, whilst others will get surgery to correct natures mistakes. TV is someone who enjoys Dressing up. They like to be the part time girl but have no intention on altering their body. Its just a little fun for them, and the men/woman they sleep with. TV Can be classified as cross dressing, drag queens or girls who live their life part time female (again, but have no intention on changing). So Clashing a medical condition with a Dress up? Bit silly. Its just very offensive to a lot of us ts girls to be put in a dress up criteria when it fact, transsexuality is a known and proven medical condition. When will people ever get heard on here, i don't know -_- (go onto most TS Girls profiles on here the one thing you will see is "Im not TV, Im TS". Start hearing us out fabs!) ![]() ![]() If you need any help can always message me as I say ASPX is quite straight forward with me. Don't know how advanced you are with the coding side. Its not easy, but its possible! X | |||
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"in fairness to fab it does make changes. Despite the simple looking web page there is a lot going on behind the GUI. Changes are not simple and need to be scheduled, tested and implemented. Also changes can be costly, and we get a lot more for free than other sites. The silver supporter is cheap. Frankly Fab owners deserve the profit, somewhere they have invested time and money... although in equal fairness to the OP the changes you ask for are good ones, along with the Bi preference that keeps being requested, and should be next on the "to do" list. " Can be tricky to change / add things totally agree as theyd have to add functions then add it to the message filter options, and looking for options etc etc its alot to do, but worth the split! I see alot of sites slowly starting to change it and know so many people have begged for years to split them. Could be fabs rise higher to the top adding more things X ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
"in fairness to fab it does make changes. Despite the simple looking web page there is a lot going on behind the GUI. Changes are not simple and need to be scheduled, tested and implemented. Also changes can be costly, and we get a lot more for free than other sites. The silver supporter is cheap. Frankly Fab owners deserve the profit, somewhere they have invested time and money... although in equal fairness to the OP the changes you ask for are good ones, along with the Bi preference that keeps being requested, and should be next on the "to do" list. Can be tricky to change / add things totally agree as theyd have to add functions then add it to the message filter options, and looking for options etc etc its alot to do, but worth the split! I see alot of sites slowly starting to change it and know so many people have begged for years to split them. Could be fabs rise higher to the top adding more things X ![]() ![]() ![]() There is also a cognitive issue here in that we are discussing a difference that if you asked 90%+ of users they would not understand without explanation. We need to think how that would play out on all the areas of the site this would affect. Admin x | |||
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"Actually the easiest way to solve this with least offence is to just rename the category to Trans*. We are all on the trans spectrum and that way no-one is offended. The only thing I would then say about that is that cross-dressing,i.e. like wearing wifes knickers and stockings whilst on cam in chat or for photos whilst knocking one off is then not covered under trans. Trans* is then purely for people that are truly trans. It also means you can categorise any picture as trans related without the issue of what category do I put this under. As a trans woman I would put things under Cpl if I am with a man or FF if I am with a woman but many would probably have different opinion. If Trans is open and generic then anything trans related is covered. That makes the solution much easier to manage. " Put it this way, Some men want TS. not TVs. I cant tell you the amount of people that have it blocked yet message me on facebook or twitter because they cant happily search for TS's without getting unwanted messages from TV. Probs vice versa to other people too. Its an individual liking kinda thing and i think on all levels they should not be clashed. Fabs is just causing confusion with them being together. Making the split would change alot of how fabs can work regarding TS and TV individual's. Im fed up of getting "Your a hot TV" its rude. | |||
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"I would have thought that TS and TG could be added to the gender drop down as gender possibly along with agender as we are now understanding that gender is not a binary concept (male or female) Of course I'm not techy enough to know if that's a simple thing to do or not?" its tricky cos they have to add the option then add the string values to each and every page where it lists a gender. Would take a while to update codes and hope that it causes no errors, so its a little tricky, but as i say, one thats worth making the change. ![]() | |||
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"I guess I suggested TS goes into gender because as far as I'm aware you can be any combination of these 3 categories. male, female or trans - gender Gay, straight, bi - sexuality CD, TV is an activity that you enjoy doing the same as any other activity/kink Guess it sounds from the techy point of view that this would not be the easiest thing to undertake ![]() AMEN!! Ones a gender the other is a activity! ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"Although I don’t associate transsexuals and transvestites together, I do accept there is confusion in the wider community, Which is why I feel that by continuing to categorise TS/TV's together here on Fab, we are just perpetuating the misconception instead of trying to raise awareness and acceptance of the huge difference. ![]() Those that want to know, will know the difference, those that have no interest will not really care. Obviously, to have correct section for all would be of a help to all that need it, but then we are all still waiting for bi search and filter (male and female) 2+ years at least down the line from it's first request. But lets be realistic, Fab is most likely a part time enterprise being a free site, with no real generation of money other than donations. Which most will probably go on the site as is, just to keep it going, and make small changes. Large scale changes, including testing requires time and money and a full time employment of customer service goons as they call it, let alone web techs etc. Take another worldwide site which charges members approx $30 a month - they have the finances to make changed where required, but they are still slow doing them and they dont seperate TS/TV's etc. Fab has changed from a general swingers site (as in couple swapping with couples), to a broad sex finders site (not just couple swaps). They have tried to seperate some of them out by bring a fab guys site and the single site, but compared to fab itself they are hardly used. Fab need to realise, if you want a site that does it all, stick with the one site and make it functional for everyone. Otherwise the just need to provide different sites for different interests. | |||
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"Although I don’t associate transsexuals and transvestites together, I do accept there is confusion in the wider community, Which is why I feel that by continuing to categorise TS/TV's together here on Fab, we are just perpetuating the misconception instead of trying to raise awareness and acceptance of the huge difference. ![]() as i stated above, it costs nothing to add functions and fabs are slowly getting round to it. A website is numerous pages of written language. in order for the language to work, it has to pull information from a database etc. So they could add the functions for bi , TS/TG, TV/CD, etc, but it is just time consuming cos you have to edit alot of functions in order for it to work correctly. Hopefully soon, they'll do more things to fab making it a more advanced place. But raising ideas at this point is better than nothing as they then know what they need to work towards. I have seen alot of people asking for the Bi search so your not on your own on that one. everyone has something they'd like adding, but this one is more regarding gender and dress up. your born transsexual unfortunately. its not a case of "dressing up" as you live your life as the correct sex. xxx ![]() | |||
"Although I don’t associate transsexuals and transvestites together, I do accept there is confusion in the wider community, Which is why I feel that by continuing to categorise TS/TV's together here on Fab, we are just perpetuating the misconception instead of trying to raise awareness and acceptance of the huge difference. ![]() ![]() the costs are testing, not adding a few options. and bi search/filter has taken over 2 years, and still waiting.. fab is just behind the times.. (not knocking the site though, as it currently stands it's just a "black book" for us, nothing more) | |||
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