
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Swinging Club Discussion > can clubs "overadvertise"

can clubs "overadvertise"

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By *abio OP   Man  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

been having a conversation with a few forum folk.... well... a lot... on this subject.........

i suppose they say all publicity is good publicity.... but can it get to the point where people are now turned off about trying some clubs because of over saturation of constant and blantant advertising

for example... posts and threads that have been escentially hijack by some to promote their club... or a specific night at their club

be interesting to hear the view point of others ...

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Where I live there are quite a few clubs that I can and do go to. As I'm quite lazy and can't be bothered checking out every website I like that I can see what's on in one place ie fab.

Ideally I'd like a chronological run down of what's on in my area. But I've a feeling that might be a bit difficult for fab to do that for everyone

But the way it is at the moment is a bit messy and there are chances that events are overlooked or some are saturated by comments.

Not sure quite what the ideal solution is. Maybe a place clubs can advertise events but not in a forum?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It puts me off, I don't know if a lot is advertising as much as over enthusiastic regulars but we tend to try somewhere if we like it we go back if not we don't

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

They can try too hard I think and if it looks like they are going overboard I start to wonder why?

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By *ustusboth2013Couple  over a year ago


"been having a conversation with a few forum folk.... well... a lot... on this subject.........

i suppose they say all publicity is good publicity.... but can it get to the point where people are now turned off about trying some clubs because of over saturation of constant and blantant advertising

for example... posts and threads that have been escentially hijack by some to promote their club... or a specific night at their club

be interesting to hear the view point of others ..."

To reverse the question. I think a club can "under advertise" and have visited a few clubs that run on fumes due to the lack of proactivity.

Personally. I prefer a club to get stuck in, advertise, boast or whatever. I think most of us want to go to the best and happening places and the marketing engine is fundamental to making that happen.

It's then up to the consumer to see through the fluff and make their own mind.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"To reverse the question. I think a club can "under advertise" and have visited a few clubs that run on fumes due to the lack of proactivity.

Personally. I prefer a club to get stuck in, advertise, boast or whatever. I think most of us want to go to the best and happening places and the marketing engine is fundamental to making that happen.

It's then up to the consumer to see through the fluff and make their own mind."

I agree I recently asked a club what was involved in their event and I got back a one line cryptic message. Not very helpful and has now that's put me off going. If these clubs want you to go they have to show some effort and not to expect people to just turn up. What ever happened to business plans and forecasts

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My club of choice i don't see too many posts from the owners to be honest.

its usually club goers including me

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By *mour manchesterCouple  over a year ago


Personally and from a club management point of view I don't see any harm in promoting the club through the forum, yes we put all our parties in the club events section, (that's what it's there for),

As for hijacking threads as you put it, most comments I would say are in response to direct questions placed by yourselves the forum users,

Oops seem to have hijacked your thread lol,

Don't we all have a right to freedom of speech or text, in fact half the people who reply to threads in the forum are doing so for there own publicity or gain, is this any different than a club doing so?

I personally flick through the forums on regular basis if don't want to read comments from someone or another club it's not exactly difficult to scroll past,

We are all part of the most liberated lifestyle and instead of moaning as some do on here about various things why don't we all just get out there and enjoy it,

Regards carl,

P.s won't promote the club, you guys do that with your your reviews and verifications,

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Some club goers I've met aren't even on sites like fab, but others I've met have attended after seeing adverts on here etc.

Some comments or profiles in general are a bit OTT though - saying there's limited spaces left 100 times doesn't sound great.

But I totally agree with the above - marketing is essential for any business, if the quality of a product is that good though, word of mouth is still great. Whatever works, there's a whole host of clubs in the northwest, most seem to be doing okay.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Personally and from a club management point of view I don't see any harm in promoting the club through the forum, yes we put all our parties in the club events section, (that's what it's there for),

As for hijacking threads as you put it, most comments I would say are in response to direct questions placed by yourselves the forum users,

Oops seem to have hijacked your thread lol,

Don't we all have a right to freedom of speech or text, in fact half the people who reply to threads in the forum are doing so for there own publicity or gain, is this any different than a club doing so?

I personally flick through the forums on regular basis if don't want to read comments from someone or another club it's not exactly difficult to scroll past,

We are all part of the most liberated lifestyle and instead of moaning as some do on here about various things why don't we all just get out there and enjoy it,

Regards carl,

P.s won't promote the club, you guys do that with your your reviews and verifications,


It was actually your club that gave me the one line cryptic response

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By *ownhouseTwosomeCouple  over a year ago


To be really honest, word of mouth has been our success story.

Yes we advertise on here and loads of other sites, we have several of our own websites...BUT, it's the members themselves who come along, have a great night and tell others that makes the difference for us.

Our best advertising is ourselves and our club. We put most of our efforts into the events themselves and the presentation of the club as you just can't buy personal recommendation.

I like to chat on the forums as it's my connection with people. I want people to see that I am a decent person, running a nice club and that I am approachable. Also, I am a swinger, so I like to read what is going on and who tickles my fancy

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By *mour manchesterCouple  over a year ago


"To be really honest, word of mouth has been our success story.

Yes we advertise on here and loads of other sites, we have several of our own websites...BUT, it's the members themselves who come along, have a great night and tell others that makes the difference for us.

Our best advertising is ourselves and our club. We put most of our efforts into the events themselves and the presentation of the club as you just can't buy personal recommendation.

I like to chat on the forums as it's my connection with people. I want people to see that I am a decent person, running a nice club and that I am approachable. Also, I am a swinger, so I like to read what is going on and who tickles my fancy


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"To be really honest, word of mouth has been our success story.

Yes we advertise on here and loads of other sites, we have several of our own websites...BUT, it's the members themselves who come along, have a great night and tell others that makes the difference for us.

Our best advertising is ourselves and our club. We put most of our efforts into the events themselves and the presentation of the club as you just can't buy personal recommendation.

I like to chat on the forums as it's my connection with people. I want people to see that I am a decent person, running a nice club and that I am approachable. Also, I am a swinger, so I like to read what is going on and who tickles my fancy


Of all the north west clubs, I seem to hear the most about yours - you must be doing it the right / best way

I'll be visiting soon enough, haven't been since you guys have made a success of it

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Word of mouth is always the best recommendation but we still need to know what's going on and when

Even M&S has to advertise

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By *ustusboth2013Couple  over a year ago


"Word of mouth is always the best recommendation but we still need to know what's going on and when

Even M&S has to advertise "

Well props to the two clubs jumping on the thread. Brand awareness at its best without having to oversell the club.

Word of mouth. I'd rather you save the mouth for other swinging purposes x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

My 5 pence worth lol.....

A good marketing strategy is essential to any business, vanilla or not.

If a club has a professional, engaging and friendly strategy then they will reap the rewards and benefit from the word of mouth that then follows that, however purely running on word of mouth will not make your club successful.

We try not to " over advertise " as it were but we do our best to engage any and everyone that mentions it or has an interest in our event. Swinging is a niche market and there is bound to be competition for market place, however we believe if you come across correctly then you will stand out head and shoulders above the rest

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By *picyminxWoman  over a year ago


"been having a conversation with a few forum folk.... well... a lot... on this subject.........

i suppose they say all publicity is good publicity.... but can it get to the point where people are now turned off about trying some clubs because of over saturation of constant and blantant advertising

for example... posts and threads that have been escentially hijack by some to promote their club... or a specific night at their club

be interesting to hear the view point of others ..."

Totally agree although it doesn't seem to be happening much at the moment. I'm imagining that you're talking about the blatant ones rather than people just actually joining in the discussion. A little while ago it was very over excessive and to me looked cliquey and quite desperate . If a clubs good enough word and mouth goes along way rather than all the come here come here business. Just my view .

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By *it of fun cplCouple  over a year ago

village between York and Hull

In general I would say no, where a lot go wrong is advertising almost every night as some type of special event or party where as in reality it is just another club night.

Make events just that, something special.

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By *ustusboth2013Couple  over a year ago


"In general I would say no, where a lot go wrong is advertising almost every night as some type of special event or party where as in reality it is just another club night.

Make events just that, something special.


Absolutely! If you emphasise everything, then you emphasise nothing. However, if a club is open everyday and needs to, then away from making every night amazing, they need to create something to make people feel like coming. A bit like people nipping to the pub after work for a drink. If it feels like that type of atmosphere & the price is right, then people will attend.

We went to Cupids once on a quiet Wednesday night where it was couples only and bring your own. I have to say, wow was this represented! About 30 or more couples and why? Because they charged a tenner and made a notoriously quiet school night for swinging couples appealing. That was with little effort and hopefully saving budget for marketing bigger events.

I have to say, we don't care EE are ending Orange Wednesday, as we have something more interesting to consider

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i suppose they say all publicity is good publicity.... but can it get to the point where people are now turned off about trying some clubs because of over saturation of constant and blantant advertising"

There's a fine line but some club "owners" seem to think they are God's answer to Clubs, and that we by the way aren't too smart hence, they (and their staff and friends) have to hijack numerous threads, CONSTANLTLY!

But, of course, it's only because we are not intelligent enough to seek information ourselves or try out clubs on own initiatives.

The other types of club owners are sweet and non-pushy, for example, just a private message to hear what I think makes a better impression on me.

The thread hijackers, and their friends, will never stop because basically they think Swingers aren't that smart.

p.s. Just to spell it out, I do mean threads, I do not talk about reviews under the club listings.

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