
FabSwingers.com > Forums > Swinging Club Discussion > Single men and woman no longer allowed in libs

Single men and woman no longer allowed in libs

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Thoughts on this? I personally think it's bollox

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Sorry to sound silly, but what is libs ?

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Liberty elite

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By *anSusieCouple  over a year ago


What, no singles at all EVER?!? That sounds a bit counter productive to the running of a business. There always needs to be singles at any event as far as we are concerned. Can't see that rule holding up long!! (Dan)

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By *ee VianteWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in North Norfolk

No single women?

Shit, that's just fouled up my plans!

Actually, no single men pisses on my parade a bit too.

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By *ee VianteWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in North Norfolk

The website doesn't say anything about this and still has links for single male and single female membership.

They also have a Valentine's event that allows singles listed on the site.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Trust me he's stopped all singles women and men - he doesn't update the website ! Still says closed in march

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By *ee VianteWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in North Norfolk

Seems like an odd decision, but I have other options within the same sort of distance as Libs.

I'd planned to go with another female friend sometime in March, so it looks like we'll be going elsewhere.

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By *hole Lotta RosieWoman  over a year ago

Deviant City

well good luck to them on that venture, will have to cross off the list of clubs I wanted to visit

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


If this is true, I shall be asking for my membership fee back.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Another club bites the dust.

RIP liberty

We wont attend your funeral, we dont go where singles arn't welcome

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By *picyminxWoman  over a year ago


Where do you stand if you have membership as a single ..she refunds available?

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By *picyminxWoman  over a year ago


"Where do you stand if you have membership as a single ..she refunds available? "

sorry ..are refunds available?

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Seems a brave but somewhat odd business decision.

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By *tasiaCouple  over a year ago

West Bromwich

Here if needed guys!!

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By *lackCherryCouple  over a year ago


Well here is to the death of what was once a fairly busy club.

Its quite a nice place to go, but even when we went last year it was dead as fuck on a Saturday, with a lot of those we talked to mumering about the new barstaff and hosts being a big part of the problem.

Its not really our sort of venue but it will be sad if they go under because of this silly decision combined with some other quite poor ones that have been made recently.

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"Here if needed guys!! "

I know but Libs is only a 20 minute drive form me.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I'm sure the single men who complain on these forums about sexual discrimination in swingers clubs will be more than happy that they are being treated as equals to single ladies for a change!


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

And I never actually got around to going there

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

i assume they would have to refund part memberships for singles who had time remaining since they changed the rules on a blanket basis rather than individually....

be interesting to see how long the policy lasts... me thinks not long

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Thoughts on this? I personally think it's bollox"

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"i assume they would have to refund part memberships for singles who had time remaining since they changed the rules on a blanket basis rather than individually....

be interesting to see how long the policy lasts... me thinks not long"

I've emailed then to find out if this is true or not. There is nothing on their website to give it away, other than there are no events updated from the end of this month.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"i assume they would have to refund part memberships for singles who had time remaining since they changed the rules on a blanket basis rather than individually....

be interesting to see how long the policy lasts... me thinks not long

I've emailed then to find out if this is true or not. There is nothing on their website to give it away, other than there are no events updated from the end of this month."

Email and website is not monitored.

So good luck with a response

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

At £15 a year for single women membership, is a refund even worth driving over to collect?

Single men that have forked out £100 should get a refund though.

Either way members should get it quick, as other clubs have found out, couples only, isn't financially viable & even if they change their minds, the threads have already caused negativity.

I fully expect this to turn into 'actually single women always welcome'

and just refusing single men; which is a con anyways as we've never had problems with single men, but other men in couples with the attitude 'I came with a woman, so have more entitlement', and they have always been a bigger problem.

What they going to do next... Monitor fb/fwb couples? or install a 'come together play together' rule and deter half their only source of income??

Many couples want single men....

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By *yrdwomanWoman  over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

That's a shame, I was hoping to visit this one. Oh well, even if they do backpedal and allow in single women, I don't visit clubs that exclude single men. Good luck to them though.

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By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

John the owner is clueless. I spoke to him last time I went there and his reasoning is Fridays most clubs accept singles and couples. On his small brain he believes there is a niche market for couples only on Fridays.

Single men pay a membership of £100 plus £40 pounds every time they visit the club. Couples pay half of that so just for single males he needs 2 couples to compensate loss of revenue.

Most Fridays I have been there the club did not have more than 15-20 people including staff. What he does not see is once loyal customers are lost he will not be able to have them back. I will not even being 20 minutes drive for me. Just want to know how I am going to get my money back as I think my membership runs until November.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Yes once you lose your Clientiele in any business, it is near impossible to get them back...

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By *wo4moreCouple  over a year ago

around walsall, wolves, cannock

"At £15 a year for single women membership, is a refund even worth driving over to collect?

Single men that have forked out £100 should get a refund though.

Either way members should get it quick, as other clubs have found out, couples only, isn't financially viable & even if they change their minds, the threads have already caused negativity.

I fully expect this to turn into 'actually single women always welcome'

and just refusing single men; which is a con anyways as we've never had problems with single men, but other men in couples with the attitude 'I came with a woman, so have more entitlement', and they have always been a bigger problem.

What they going to do next... Monitor fb/fwb couples? or install a 'come together play together' rule and deter half their only source of income??

Many couples want single men...."

Many couples don't want single men, and find SOME of them pushy, aggressive, stalkerish and having a sense of entitlement due to "having to pay more". However clubs should really have single nights and couple nights as that caters for everyone.

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By *rummiePartyManMan  over a year ago


"I'm sure the single men who complain on these forums about sexual discrimination in swingers clubs will be more than happy that they are being treated as equals to single ladies for a change!

crystal "

I'm sure that couples that complain about single guys in swingers clubs will relish having to pay the increased entrance prices that will result from the loss of the substantial "single guy subsidy" that extortionate membership and admission prices got off the single guys in the past. Someone will have to make up the lost cash, and as fairy godmothers are banned too, it won't be her that's coming up with it.

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By *ardybumsCouple  over a year ago

peekin under duvet is it safe?

not liking this in the extreme,our membership is up so we are not paying £50 as usual to find out our fun fridays are no longer

hope this is just a rumour tho!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Another club bites the dust.

RIP liberty

We wont attend your funeral, we dont go where singles arn't welcome "

Hear hear .... Crazy decision

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I'm sure the single men who complain on these forums about sexual discrimination in swingers clubs will be more than happy that they are being treated as equals to single ladies for a change!


I'm sure that couples that complain about single guys in swingers clubs will relish having to pay the increased entrance prices that will result from the loss of the substantial "single guy subsidy" that extortionate membership and admission prices got off the single guys in the past. Someone will have to make up the lost cash, and as fairy godmothers are banned too, it won't be her that's coming up with it."

My post was very much tongue in cheek.

I have never complained about single guys being present on a night that I have chosen to attend. I have, however, complained about individual's behaviour which is a different matter.

Couples who want to avoid single guys are already able to do so by choosing to attend club nights that do not permit single guys to attend.

I do not understand why a club would want to exclude single men entirely as that excludes a huge chuck of their clientelle when couples already have the option of attending couples only nights.


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

What a liberty

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

maybe some clarification is sought before anyone condems them to death

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"What a liberty "

If it's true, it's obviously ELITE snobbery.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"maybe some clarification is sought before anyone condems them to death"

I guess that they have a profile or promoter on here and would have jumped into this thread by now

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"maybe some clarification is sought before anyone condems them to death"

The best word to get this from on Fab is the OP.

We've heard rumors of this prior to this thread for a while so it is most likely true. The same is also advised on sexinthe2ndcity's profile who hold an event at Libs.

The club dont use a official profile on Fab anymore since ade and brig left, and no one is likely to take it back up.

The only way you will know for sure is to phone the club and ask them direct!

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


I have just this second got off the phone with John and he said it was fine for me to tell you our conversation.

As from the end of the month, single guys will no longer be able to attend Libertys. He is planning to try to call all of them. Existing single men members ARE welcome to attend this Friday at a much reduced rate.

Single women remain welcome

The website and forum is being worked on as we speak.

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By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

[Removed by poster at 13/02/14 20:17:27]

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By *coobyroo218Couple  over a year ago


Could it not be just a plan to clean up the membership of all the singles

Put a blanket ban on them then over time allow new fresh single members with reduced numbers maybe??

Must be a reson behind it. maybe the owner does not like the idea of singles swinging and making it couples exclusive?

Maybe he has the same way of thinking as alot who visit these forums often pop up and say swinging is a couples thing how can a single swing???

Ah well time will tell!!!


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By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"I have just this second got off the phone with John and he said it was fine for me to tell you our conversation.

As from the end of the month, single guys will no longer be able to attend Libertys. He is planning to try to call all of them. Existing single men members ARE welcome to attend this Friday at a much reduced rate.

Single women remain welcome

The website and forum is being worked on as we speak. "

So he is excluding single males only as if single females would go there in big numbers. What a moron... I want my money back!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have just this second got off the phone with John and he said it was fine for me to tell you our conversation.

As from the end of the month, single guys will no longer be able to attend Libertys. He is planning to try to call all of them. Existing single men members ARE welcome to attend this Friday at a much reduced rate.

Single women remain welcome

The website and forum is being wor

ked on as we speak. "

I would think all single guys with membership will be going on Fruday then ..... For a refund !

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"I have just this second got off the phone with John and he said it was fine for me to tell you our conversation.

As from the end of the month, single guys will no longer be able to attend Libertys. He is planning to try to call all of them. Existing single men members ARE welcome to attend this Friday at a much reduced rate.

Single women remain welcome

The website and forum is being worked on as we speak.

So he is excluding single males only as if single females would go there in big numbers. What a moron... I want my money back!!!"

Give him a ring.

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By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"I have just this second got off the phone with John and he said it was fine for me to tell you our conversation.

As from the end of the month, single guys will no longer be able to attend Libertys. He is planning to try to call all of them. Existing single men members ARE welcome to attend this Friday at a much reduced rate.

Single women remain welcome

The website and forum is being wor

ked on as we speak.

I would think all single guys with membership will be going on Fruday then ..... For a refund !"

Good idea wasn't planning to go there tomorrow but it will be a good reason to pay a last visit lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"maybe some clarification is sought before anyone condems them to death"

This isnt the first thread re this topic, and others away from fabs (libs club members) have also confirmed this to us at chams

Like I said before, how will this impact the single men in fb couples and fwb??

I was a single man on this scene,

she was a single female on this scene.

We wont go where singles are not welcome, and that has no gender attached.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I do allow single women, just not men.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

That's sad news - I used to go there years ago and was thinking of revisiting at some point but obviously won't now....

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By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"That's sad news - I used to go there years ago and was thinking of revisiting at some point but obviously won't now.... "

Lovely pictures you have on your profile

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"That's sad news - I used to go there years ago and was thinking of revisiting at some point but obviously won't now.... "

You can still go Dee but there will be no single men there.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Why not get a few of the single guys togather and serve a stat demand on the cud and get there money back

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By *wesome ChauffeurMan  over a year ago

Saffron Walden, Essex

"That's sad news - I used to go there years ago and was thinking of revisiting at some point but obviously won't now.... "


Cum to me my darling xx

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By *rummiePartyManMan  over a year ago


There have been threads in the past on here about someone starting a club exclusively for couples only. It's been debated to death. Some liked the idea, others didn't. What we had though was lots of talk and theory about whether there was a place for it or not, and whether it would work or not.

NOW we will find out for real. Watch this space to find out if a club for couples only will really work or not.

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By *oulou45Woman  over a year ago


"I'm sure the single men who complain on these forums about sexual discrimination in swingers clubs will be more than happy that they are being treated as equals to single ladies for a change!

crystal "

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By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

As Topsy suggested just called John and is all confirmed from March couples only. Lads if you are member we should go there tomorrow in big numbers to ask for a refund.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Wouldn't you have thought he would have the decency to inform everyone officially on here , or through an e mail ?

What a strange way to run a business !

Anyway , no matter , his choice , and however this pans out , it will be interesting for other clubs to watch what happens next .

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I have just this second got off the phone with John and he said it was fine for me to tell you our conversation.

As from the end of the month, single guys will no longer be able to attend Libertys. He is planning to try to call all of them. Existing single men members ARE welcome to attend this Friday at a much reduced rate.

Single women remain welcome

The website and forum is being worked on as we speak. "

Wow-surprised a club would exclude such a huge section of the swinging community. It's not just single guys this will effect, it's also the single women and couples that seek them.

It will be very interesting to see how this effects the club.


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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

i think every single guy who has time on their membership left would be entitled to a part refund on that membership.....

legally, since he changed the rules on a blanket basis rather than an individual one he now doesn't have a leg to stand on...

so I would assume he will try to offer as little money as possible and buy people out

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"I have just this second got off the phone with John and he said it was fine for me to tell you our conversation.

As from the end of the month, single guys will no longer be able to attend Libertys. He is planning to try to call all of them. Existing single men members ARE welcome to attend this Friday at a much reduced rate.

Single women remain welcome

The website and forum is being worked on as we speak.

Wow-surprised a club would exclude such a huge section of the swinging community. It's not just single guys this will effect, it's also the single women and couples that seek them.

It will be very interesting to see how this effects the club.


Just what I'm thinking. I haven't been a regular club attender since my son's accident last summer but I think I'll make a bit more of an effort as see how it pans out.

Do we know of any other clubs that don't have single men?

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By *habsMan  over a year ago

Fortress of Solitude, Middlesex

"As Topsy suggested just called John and is all confirmed from March couples only. Lads if you are member we should go there tomorrow in big numbers to ask for a refund. "

For god's sake just don't let it kick off if the owners are not immediately willing to refund.

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By *habsMan  over a year ago

Fortress of Solitude, Middlesex

"i think every single guy who has time on their membership left would be entitled to a part refund on that membership.....

legally, since he changed the rules on a blanket basis rather than an individual one he now doesn't have a leg to stand on...

so I would assume he will try to offer as little money as possible and buy people out"

Only problem Fabio, as with most issues when legalities enter the swinging world, how does this get enforced? If the management's refuse to pay up who do put out members go to? Police? Trading Standards? Try to take it to court?

My guess is the management's know most people won't want this crossing over into their real lives (especially if police statements are needed). Which is sad if that's the management's motivation.

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By *hergarCouple  over a year ago


There is only one thing that can be done to save libs, bring back brigitte and ade. Simples

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"i think every single guy who has time on their membership left would be entitled to a part refund on that membership.....

legally, since he changed the rules on a blanket basis rather than an individual one he now doesn't have a leg to stand on...

so I would assume he will try to offer as little money as possible and buy people out

Only problem Fabio, as with most issues when legalities enter the swinging world, how does this get enforced? If the management's refuse to pay up who do put out members go to? Police? Trading Standards? Try to take it to court?

My guess is the management's know most people won't want this crossing over into their real lives (especially if police statements are needed). Which is sad if that's the management's motivation."

actually this one would be easy.... small claims court... breach of contract...

wouldn't even need to know what the membership was for, just that it have been withdrawn on a general basis....

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well if there are no guys I won't be going again and don't some couples go just for the single guys ? Won't they be also wanting a refund ?

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By *isalikesitWoman  over a year ago


"Well if there are no guys I won't be going again and don't some couples go just for the single guys ? Won't they be also wanting a refund ? "

I agree, Friday nights have always been fun, certainly won't be bothering to renew my membership, think John is mad to be doing this but a lot of his recent decisions have been that!


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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"There have been threads in the past on here about someone starting a club exclusively for couples only. It's been debated to death. Some liked the idea, others didn't. What we had though was lots of talk and theory about whether there was a place for it or not, and whether it would work or not.

NOW we will find out for real. Watch this space to find out if a club for couples only will really work or not.


It won't be couples only though will it as single women will still be able to go

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

They will if they only want to meet couples !

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"There is only one thing that can be done to save libs, bring back brigitte and ade. Simples


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By *ee VianteWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in North Norfolk

I've no interest in a club that doesn't allow single men at all, but good luck to them.

It's a shame as I have been to an event at Libs and liked the club. I was planning on going to a club night next month.

I'll go elsewhere now.

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

To be top of the game in this line of work you at least need to understand swinging! Ie be a swinger! Ade and Brig were, so they knew most of the time what couples wanted! They were always trying to improve the place, wether it be new towels, fire pit, new lights or just a picture it all made a big impact on the place but we can't look back unfortunately.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I don't think that it's a coincidence that on the night where all the single guys will be asking for a refund as it's the last night they can attend he is letting them in half price bet you he tries to deduct this from any membership refund when in reality entrance and membership are separate

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By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

[Removed by poster at 14/02/14 13:32:52]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"To be top of the game in this line of work you at least need to understand swinging! Ie be a swinger! Ade and Brig were, so they knew most of the time what couples wanted! They were always trying to improve the place, wether it be new towels, fire pit, new lights or just a picture it all made a big impact on the place but we can't look back unfortunately. "

It's actually quite easy to spend someone else's money x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Thoughts on this? I personally think it's bollox"

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I never fancied attending and reviewing this club before - this decision means it is definite no no for me now ... An interesting commercial ( or not ) decision by the owner

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By *ardybumsCouple  over a year ago

peekin under duvet is it safe?

Awww used to love the club especially Friday nights so much more chilled and relaxed than sat nights.

Looks like we will have to take our custom elsewhere then

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By *raglerockCouple  over a year ago


Well we have to confirm that all that has been said is true.John will be issuing a prorate re bate well this is what he has told us, we are not in to single guys but even we don't agree on this business idea but he feels it's something he has to try out ( his words not mine)there is no other club in the uk that is strictly couple and single females only however there are many places abroad that are, and are very successfully. Only time and members will tell

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


It is a shame. Libs is the only club in Leicester. I know the clubs in Derby and Birmingham are not that far away, but most of them are at least an hours drive.

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By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"Well we have to confirm that all that has been said is true.John will be issuing a prorate re bate well this is what he has told us, we are not in to single guys but even we don't agree on this business idea but he feels it's something he has to try out ( his words not mine)there is no other club in the uk that is strictly couple and single females only however there are many places abroad that are, and are very successfully. Only time and members will tell "

One thing I do not understand on this argument is; if it is couples only why single females are allowed. To me is machismo as not all women are bi and if for example ffm would appeal to a lot of men mmf also would appeal to women.

Hypocrite decision. Going there tonight just to get my money back!!!

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By *pands73Couple  over a year ago


Well we are gutted that John has decided to go down this route as we have been going to libs for a few years now and have seen so many changes.

The club has been very quiet as it is lately and although we can understand what john is trying to achieve , this is so unfair to all the regular singles that attend , some of which we know very well and consider friends. We have had a lot of fun on Friday nights there as we like to include singles into our playing although we also enjoy couples nights.....it's nice to have the choice. We haven't been as much since Bridgette and Ade left as that was the first nail in the coffin , and it has gone downhill since. We get on very well with John but really do think this will kill the place. Libs is our favourite club but now we are going to have to go else where for our singles fun.

John whatever were you thinking?

Please let someone buy the club that can put their heart and soul into it and get it back to being what it used to be.....a packed out Swingers club

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By *leasurexxWoman  over a year ago


Think anyone who is not happy with the change should get a refund..x

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Well we have to confirm that all that has been said is true.John will be issuing a prorate re bate well this is what he has told us, we are not in to single guys but even we don't agree on this business idea but he feels it's something he has to try out ( his words not mine)there is no other club in the uk that is strictly couple and single females only however there are many places abroad that are, and are very successfully. Only time and members will tell "

Fridays were always the easiest for us to make a night (take the peaches and cream events at F Club years ago).

But we would never go to libs whilst a lot of single guys hogged the hot tub/play area and followed you around like a bad smell, being very crude to females whilst the male was out of the way, trying to get anything they could.

But problem is the place's reputation has since nose dived, and it's not like it has a decent draw of couples or a decent DJ (on a regular basis) that can keep a dance floor and keep the girls happy and dancing! Dancing is the ice breaker for many - as many are too scared to start talking.

It could survive being a couples and girls only, there will be many that would like a niche club like that but it needs a lot of work on the marketing side. Promotion, finding decent DJ's etc. But we all know that wont happen (with John in charge), unless new management (with free reign) or owners go in.

What they should do is monitor single guy behavior, infact any guy behavior, even that of couples, since some think they can roam alone whilst their partner is sitting in the lounge.

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By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

[Removed by poster at 14/02/14 18:33:30]

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By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"Well we have to confirm that all that has been said is true.John will be issuing a prorate re bate well this is what he has told us, we are not in to single guys but even we don't agree on this business idea but he feels it's something he has to try out ( his words not mine)there is no other club in the uk that is strictly couple and single females only however there are many places abroad that are, and are very successfully. Only time and members will tell

Fridays were always the easiest for us to make a night (take the peaches and cream events at F Club years ago).

But we would never go to libs whilst a lot of single guys hogged the hot tub/play area and followed you around like a bad smell, being very crude to females whilst the male was out of the way, trying to get anything they could.

But problem is the place's reputation has since nose dived, and it's not like it has a decent draw of couples or a decent DJ (on a regular basis) that can keep a dance floor and keep the girls happy and dancing! Dancing is the ice breaker for many - as many are too scared to start talking.

It could survive being a couples and girls only, there will be many that would like a niche club like that but it needs a lot of work on the marketing side. Promotion, finding decent DJ's etc. But we all know that wont happen (with John in charge), unless new management (with free reign) or owners go in.

What they should do is monitor single guy behavior, infact any guy behavior, even that of couples, since some think they can roam alone whilst their partner is sitting in the lounge."

It is funny when someone tries to blame bad experiences they had in the scene on single males. I am not like that and most of the guys I spotted there were also very respectful and friendly.Quite few times I went to Libs I did not play just socialised. To me banning single men and allowing single women is pure and simple discrimination.

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By *rummiePartyManMan  over a year ago


"Going there tonight just to get my money back!!!"

Look forward to finding out tomorrow how you got on!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 14/02/14 18:37:59]

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By *ezebelWoman  over a year ago

North of The Wall - youll need your vest


It is funny when someone tries to blame bad experiences they had in the scene on single males. I am not like that and most of the guys I spotted there were also very respectful and friendly.Quite few times I went to Libs I did not play just socialised. To me banning single men and allowing single women is pure and simple discrimination."

I agree. Some of the worse behaviour Ive seen in clubs has been from pissed women.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Well we have to confirm that all that has been said is true.John will be issuing a prorate re bate well this is what he has told us, we are not in to single guys but even we don't agree on this business idea but he feels it's something he has to try out ( his words not mine)there is no other club in the uk that is strictly couple and single females only however there are many places abroad that are, and are very successfully. Only time and members will tell

Fridays were always the easiest for us to make a night (take the peaches and cream events at F Club years ago).

But we would never go to libs whilst a lot of single guys hogged the hot tub/play area and followed you around like a bad smell, being very crude to females whilst the male was out of the way, trying to get anything they could.

But problem is the place's reputation has since nose dived, and it's not like it has a decent draw of couples or a decent DJ (on a regular basis) that can keep a dance floor and keep the girls happy and dancing! Dancing is the ice breaker for many - as many are too scared to start talking.

It could survive being a couples and girls only, there will be many that would like a niche club like that but it needs a lot of work on the marketing side. Promotion, finding decent DJ's etc. But we all know that wont happen (with John in charge), unless new management (with free reign) or owners go in.

What they should do is monitor single guy behavior, infact any guy behavior, even that of couples, since some think they can roam alone whilst their partner is sitting in the lounge.

It is funny when someone tries to blame bad experiences they had in the scene on single males. I am not like that and most of the guys I spotted there were also very respectful and friendly.Quite few times I went to Libs I did not play just socialised. To me banning single men and allowing single women is pure and simple discrimination."

We didn't blame all single guys. But a lot of issues are caused by guys (single and those in a couple) at clubs, who dont follow etiquette.

If you are respectful then thats great, but unfortunately not all are, and it's those that drive people away.

As said proper monitoring of all is required by club owners/management.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *pands73Couple  over a year ago


It's pretty simple really! Anyone that doesn't like singles or feels pressured or feels that they are Unrespectful etc etc ........ Don't go to a club on a singles night...... Go on a couples night then you won't get any problems.

In this game there are always going to be the single guys and on many occasions the male part of a couple that tries his luck as that is what they are there for after all .

Usually a simple no thanks does the trick and they leave you alone . I personally have never had any problems with single guys, if I was not interested then I would just tell them no... And they would move on.

If they don't try their luck then they won't get much action will they.

I also agree that it is discrimination to allow single women but not single men!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

people who complain about the bad behaviour of single guys in clubs must go to some crap clubs tbh!!!

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By *wo4moreCouple  over a year ago

around walsall, wolves, cannock

"people who complain about the bad behaviour of single guys in clubs must go to some crap clubs tbh!!!"

It's not the fact the clubs are crap, it's the people who go on a night. We go to _tasia and chameleons, have been on nights when single guys are there. There have been nights at both where there have been pushy guys, guys lurking and following, guys trying to get into private rooms and guys blocking corridors whooping and hollering through doors and windows at the action. But then there are nights where they are perfect gents. We have seen d*unk women, d*unk men at socials and clubs - again not down to a club being crap, just the people there on the night.

We prefer couples nights but every now and then will go on a singles night if we want a change. Think clubs should run nights for both, but it's the owners prerogative to change nights to how they see fit.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

never had a problem at chams to be honest. but the problem is the clubs that let single guys in with no vetting process in place, recipe for disaster.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Just to be clear, we dont have an issue with all single guys, we met and had the company of some..

However problem males are a club issue of non monitoring, down to poor management.

Take fun4two - they allow single guys to be a guest of couples on select nights, and they have their gigalo nights for couples looking for an extra guy.

It works very well there, and it's mainly a couples only club, because it's monitored and well managed - and it attracts couples from all over europe, so it's doing something right!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"That's sad news - I used to go there years ago and was thinking of revisiting at some point but obviously won't now....


Cum to me my darling xx "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"There have been threads in the past on here about someone starting a club exclusively for couples only. It's been debated to death. Some liked the idea, others didn't. What we had though was lots of talk and theory about whether there was a place for it or not, and whether it would work or not.

NOW we will find out for real. Watch this space to find out if a club for couples only will really work or not.


If it was a new club that from the start was couples only and by that I mean no single fems either then all well and good those who joined would know from the start would do so because that was what they wanted. To change and allow single fems but not males is wrong IMO and I would not attend a club that was like that.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 15/02/14 09:21:39]

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It's not the fact the clubs are crap, it's the people who go on a night. We go to _tasia and chameleons, have been on nights when single guys are there. There have been nights at both where there have been pushy guys, guys lurking and following, guys trying to get into private rooms and guys blocking corridors whooping and hollering through doors and windows at the action. But then there are nights where they are perfect gents. We have seen d*unk women, d*unk men at socials and clubs - again not down to a club being crap, just the people there on the night.

We prefer couples nights but every now and then will go on a singles night if we want a change. Think clubs should run nights for both, but it's the owners prerogative to change nights to how they see fit."

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Good luck to them our membership has got about six months left so we will see how it pans out. We are not planning on going anytime soon. Sometimes it's more convenient for us to go on a Friday so it may work for others.

We avoided the Friday nights because we did get sick of being followed about by people who just did not take no for an answer and in one case copped an unwelcome feel. Some guys were very respectful usually the ones who were succesful in the club. Couples nights had some people just as badly behaved though.

It's a brave decision we have had some fantastic nights there and not willing to write it off yet. But we are going elsewhere for a bit.

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By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

if people vote with their feet... the Bottom line tends to get the message across pretty quickly.....

but as someone says... once you lose customers, its pretty hard to get them back on board......

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Fuck them. Move on and find another club near the area. Simples.

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By *AMES19620Man  over a year ago


"I'm sure the single men who complain on these forums about sexual discrimination in swingers clubs will be more than happy that they are being treated as equals to single ladies for a change!

crystal "

to be honest i think 90%odd of single men who complain the single man discrimination thing never ever will attend a club in the 1st place

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By *tasiaCouple  over a year ago

West Bromwich

Little gamble, but worth mentioning on here. Any guy who has a Libs membership card still, we'll swap it for a Xtasia Provisional Membership card, FOC. That then gives you a month to see what you think of us, and us a month to see what we think of you.

We're 35 minutes along the M6 from you.

You'll also find A&B here a fair amount with some of our music nights, like PHUKT etc. and others, so you might like what you find.

Last night, Valentines, we had 64 couples in and no where near enough genuine singles for them all,

Anyway, offer for you all, once you've had a moan at J.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Little gamble, but worth mentioning on here. Any guy who has a Libs membership card still, we'll swap it for a Xtasia Provisional Membership card, FOC. That then gives you a month to see what you think of us, and us a month to see what we think of you.

We're 35 minutes along the M6 from you.

You'll also find A&B here a fair amount with some of our music nights, like PHUKT etc. and others, so you might like what you find.

Last night, Valentines, we had 64 couples in and no where near enough genuine singles for them all,

Anyway, offer for you all, once you've had a moan at J. "

What a fantastic offer from a fantastic club !! Xtasia more than any other club ive ever visited actually listen to members and forum posts and takes on board feedback and ideas ! Moves with the times too - I cant wait to go back xx

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Little gamble, but worth mentioning on here. Any guy who has a Libs membership card still, we'll swap it for a Xtasia Provisional Membership card, FOC. That then gives you a month to see what you think of us, and us a month to see what we think of you.

We're 35 minutes along the M6 from you.

You'll also find A&B here a fair amount with some of our music nights, like PHUKT etc. and others, so you might like what you find.

Last night, Valentines, we had 64 couples in and no where near enough genuine singles for them all,

Anyway, offer for you all, once you've had a moan at J.

What a fantastic offer from a fantastic club !! Xtasia more than any other club ive ever visited actually listen to members and forum posts and takes on board feedback and ideas ! Moves with the times too - I cant wait to go back xx "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *entaur_UKMan  over a year ago


Never visited Libs, and does'nt look like i'll get the chance to now either. Wonder how long Liberty elite will last now? If they keep this policy, bet the place will close down within 12 months?

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By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"Little gamble, but worth mentioning on here. Any guy who has a Libs membership card still, we'll swap it for a Xtasia Provisional Membership card, FOC. That then gives you a month to see what you think of us, and us a month to see what we think of you.

We're 35 minutes along the M6 from you.

You'll also find A&B here a fair amount with some of our music nights, like PHUKT etc. and others, so you might like what you find.

Last night, Valentines, we had 64 couples in and no where near enough genuine singles for them all,

Anyway, offer for you all, once you've had a moan at J. "

Very kind offer but we do not have membership cards just our names on reception. Having said that I would love to visit the club

Last night I went to Libs but did not get my money back he promised we will refund all single guys. Not sure how he is going to do that!!

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By *uietlyKinkyUsCouple  over a year ago


Why am i not surprised this turned into actually no more single men.

Let the couples have libs. I won't go.

My single female friends and i don't attend couples only nights never mind couples only clubs.

I'll wager a thousand internet fluffs that within a year this decision is reversed however by then the decent single men Will have been welcomed elsewhere & I'll be welcoming them elsewhere

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"Why am i not surprised this turned into actually no more single men.

Let the couples have libs. I won't go.

My single female friends and i don't attend couples only nights never mind couples only clubs.

I'll wager a thousand internet fluffs that within a year this decision is reversed however by then the decent single men Will have been welcomed elsewhere & I'll be welcoming them elsewhere "

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By *overmanMan  over a year ago


Don't think this will have an adverse effect on Libs as all clubs are over run with single guys and they would all come running back with their c**ks in their hands given half a chance. I usually take an fb to clubs as most couples are rightly fed up of being stalked all night by the sad majority of singles looking to get their moneys' worth regardless of etiquette.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Don't think this will have an adverse effect on Libs as all clubs are over run with single guys and they would all come running back with their c**ks in their hands given half a chance. I usually take an fb to clubs as most couples are rightly fed up of being stalked all night by the sad majority of singles looking to get their moneys' worth regardless of etiquette."

Of course it will many couples and single girls want single guys and they will not go now, so not only has the club lost a major source of income from the guys it will also loose couples and single girls and without the income the upkeep of the club will also suffer.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *tasiaCouple  over a year ago

West Bromwich

"Little gamble, but worth mentioning on here. Any guy who has a Libs membership card still, we'll swap it for a Xtasia Provisional Membership card, FOC. That then gives you a month to see what you think of us, and us a month to see what we think of you.

We're 35 minutes along the M6 from you.

You'll also find A&B here a fair amount with some of our music nights, like PHUKT etc. and others, so you might like what you find.

Last night, Valentines, we had 64 couples in and no where near enough genuine singles for them all,

Anyway, offer for you all, once you've had a moan at J.

Very kind offer but we do not have membership cards just our names on reception. Having said that I would love to visit the club

Last night I went to Libs but did not get my money back he promised we will refund all single guys. Not sure how he is going to do that!!"

We have a way of verifying you guys with or without cards, no issues.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Don't think this will have an adverse effect on Libs as all clubs are over run with single guys and they would all come running back with their c**ks in their hands given half a chance. I usually take an fb to clubs as most couples are rightly fed up of being stalked all night by the sad majority of singles looking to get their moneys' worth regardless of etiquette.

Of course it will many couples and single girls want single guys and they will not go now, so not only has the club lost a major source of income from the guys it will also loose couples and single girls and without the income the upkeep of the club will also suffer. "

Not necessarily.

Libs is very well placed in the middle of the country, and many people can and will travel to it.

Johns niche idea "could" work.

However without a good marketing machine like F Club and Dhiren the manager there used to have it wont attract enough.

John will then need to outsource, take a back seat and get better management.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

To see some of the moaning by couples here you would think single men are scum of the earth. If clubs decide to ban singles so be live by the sword die by the sword.

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By *yrdwomanWoman  over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"Don't think this will have an adverse effect on Libs as all clubs are over run with single guys and they would all come running back with their c**ks in their hands given half a chance. I usually take an fb to clubs as most couples are rightly fed up of being stalked all night by the sad majority of singles looking to get their moneys' worth regardless of etiquette."

I don't play with couples, so the removal of single men from a clubs attendee list means there's no point in me ever visiting, and there are a lot of single women out there who feel the same.

If a club has dedicated couples nights, why restrict it more by doing all couples all the time? one mixed night too much hassle all of a sudden?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"Little gamble, but worth mentioning on here. Any guy who has a Libs membership card still, we'll swap it for a Xtasia Provisional Membership card, FOC. That then gives you a month to see what you think of us, and us a month to see what we think of you.

We're 35 minutes along the M6 from you.

You'll also find A&B here a fair amount with some of our music nights, like PHUKT etc. and others, so you might like what you find.

Last night, Valentines, we had 64 couples in and no where near enough genuine singles for them all,

Anyway, offer for you all, once you've had a moan at J.

Very kind offer but we do not have membership cards just our names on reception. Having said that I would love to visit the club

Last night I went to Libs but did not get my money back he promised we will refund all single guys. Not sure how he is going to do that!!We have a way of verifying you guys with or without cards, no issues. "

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"Don't think this will have an adverse effect on Libs as all clubs are over run with single guys and they would all come running back with their c**ks in their hands given half a chance. I usually take an fb to clubs as most couples are rightly fed up of being stalked all night by the sad majority of singles looking to get their moneys' worth regardless of etiquette."

Are you for real dude or speaking for yourself? I never hassled, followed or stalked anyone on a club and most of the guys I know from Libs do follow the etiquette. Why I will go back to a place that treated their main source of revenue with disrespect, breaking a membership contract and making you feeling not welcome.. RIP Liberty my friend!!!

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Little gamble, but worth mentioning on here. Any guy who has a Libs membership card still, we'll swap it for a Xtasia Provisional Membership card, FOC. That then gives you a month to see what you think of us, and us a month to see what we think of you.

We're 35 minutes along the M6 from you.

You'll also find A&B here a fair amount with some of our music nights, like PHUKT etc. and others, so you might like what you find.

Last night, Valentines, we had 64 couples in and no where near enough genuine singles for them all,

Anyway, offer for you all, once you've had a moan at J.

Very kind offer but we do not have membership cards just our names on reception. Having said that I would love to visit the club

Last night I went to Libs but did not get my money back he promised we will refund all single guys. Not sure how he is going to do that!!"

Why did he not give you your money back ? I am sure you would not get in without paying so when he stops you from going you should get your money back straight away.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Don't think this will have an adverse effect on Libs as all clubs are over run with single guys and they would all come running back with their c**ks in their hands given half a chance. I usually take an fb to clubs as most couples are rightly fed up of being stalked all night by the sad majority of singles looking to get their moneys' worth regardless of etiquette."

see this is my point re faux couples or fwb/fb.

In our experience single men bring less hassle than some 'attached men' as they dont bring a 'sense of entitlement'.

So as I said previously, whats next..

Marriage certificates/ tax bills??

come together so stay together policies???

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"Little gamble, but worth mentioning on here. Any guy who has a Libs membership card still, we'll swap it for a Xtasia Provisional Membership card, FOC. That then gives you a month to see what you think of us, and us a month to see what we think of you.

We're 35 minutes along the M6 from you.

You'll also find A&B here a fair amount with some of our music nights, like PHUKT etc. and others, so you might like what you find.

Last night, Valentines, we had 64 couples in and no where near enough genuine singles for them all,

Anyway, offer for you all, once you've had a moan at J.

Very kind offer but we do not have membership cards just our names on reception. Having said that I would love to visit the club

Last night I went to Libs but did not get my money back he promised we will refund all single guys. Not sure how he is going to do that!!

Why did he not give you your money back ? I am sure you would not get in without paying so when he stops you from going you should get your money back straight away. "

He said we needed to go to the office in order to check the membership and refund it pro-rata and could not do it yesterday but will be contacting the single males members in order to give them a cheque or transfer the money as if I will be giving him my bank details. Not sure what to do

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Little gamble, but worth mentioning on here. Any guy who has a Libs membership card still, we'll swap it for a Xtasia Provisional Membership card, FOC. That then gives you a month to see what you think of us, and us a month to see what we think of you.

We're 35 minutes along the M6 from you.

You'll also find A&B here a fair amount with some of our music nights, like PHUKT etc. and others, so you might like what you find.

Last night, Valentines, we had 64 couples in and no where near enough genuine singles for them all,

Anyway, offer for you all, once you've had a moan at J.

Very kind offer but we do not have membership cards just our names on reception. Having said that I would love to visit the club

Last night I went to Libs but did not get my money back he promised we will refund all single guys. Not sure how he is going to do that!!

Why did he not give you your money back ? I am sure you would not get in without paying so when he stops you from going you should get your money back straight away.

He said we needed to go to the office in order to check the membership and refund it pro-rata and could not do it yesterday but will be contacting the single males members in order to give them a cheque or transfer the money as if I will be giving him my bank details. Not sure what to do "

The membership details are kept on the computer on reception how else would they know you are a member when you come in ! He has had you over !

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


And thinking about it, of the single men I spoke to last night, not all of them knew about his decision. He should have informed them on the door and adjusted their entrance fee accordingly.

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By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


He also stated that his other ventures were supporting Libertys. Apparently, he has been in the business over 20 years and owns at least one lap dancing club.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"He also stated that his other ventures were supporting Libertys. Apparently, he has been in the business over 20 years and owns at least one lap dancing club. "

He's very well off..

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By (user no longer on site) OP     over a year ago

Has he ever said the name of the lap dancing club as I would like to go have a look at that one! Imagine of he stopped single me there lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"Has he ever said the name of the lap dancing club as I would like to go have a look at that one! Imagine of he stopped single me there lol "

I can't remember but topbloke might.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Has he ever said the name of the lap dancing club as I would like to go have a look at that one! Imagine of he stopped single me there lol


TBH guys are probably 95% of lap dancing clubs customer base, that would be commercial suicide.

How many have you been to, where there are plenty of couples and girls watchin or paying for dances?

Most clubs we have been to, the girls dancing are not into dancing for girls, or don't even try to get the business.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"Has he ever said the name of the lap dancing club as I would like to go have a look at that one! Imagine of he stopped single me there lol

I can't remember but topbloke might."

I am afraid I don't remember and would not try to go there as Deviantz stated single men are likely to be banned as well..lol

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Don't think this will have an adverse effect on Libs as all clubs are over run with single guys and they would all come running back with their c**ks in their hands given half a chance. I usually take an fb to clubs as most couples are rightly fed up of being stalked all night by the sad majority of singles looking to get their moneys' worth regardless of etiquette."
I disagree....the one I go to regularly restricts the amount of single guys - they have to 'book in' beforehand and are not allowed in if they just turn up on the night

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Has he ever said the name of the lap dancing club as I would like to go have a look at that one! Imagine of he stopped single me there lol


Shades in Lemington

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago


It is funny when someone tries to blame bad experiences they had in the scene on single males. I am not like that and most of the guys I spotted there were also very respectful and friendly.Quite few times I went to Libs I did not play just socialised. To me banning single men and allowing single women is pure and simple discrimination.

I agree. Some of the worse behaviour Ive seen in clubs has been from pissed women."

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"Has he ever said the name of the lap dancing club as I would like to go have a look at that one! Imagine of he stopped single me there lol

Shades in Lemington "

That's the one! Thanks.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Also spells the end of the parties that sexinthe2ndcity organise. We are pretty upset by that tee and Kim had put a fair amount of effort it. As most clubs are an overnight stay for us we will stick to chams!


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ee VianteWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in North Norfolk

"Don't think this will have an adverse effect on Libs as all clubs are over run with single guys and they would all come running back with their c**ks in their hands given half a chance. I usually take an fb to clubs as most couples are rightly fed up of being stalked all night by the sad majority of singles looking to get their moneys' worth regardless of etiquette."

I don't know which clubs you've been going to but I've never been to a club and found it "overrun" with single men. Generally numbers have been well managed.

Sure, some single men don't behave well but the same can be said for some women and some couples. And it's the men that are most likely to get chucked out for it.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Is there any talk of couples being able to get a refund on there membership, as one of the main reasons we joined was to go on a Friday night when guys were allowed ?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"Also spells the end of the parties that sexinthe2ndcity organise. We are pretty upset by that tee and Kim had put a fair amount of effort it. As most clubs are an overnight stay for us we will stick to chams!


Apparantly, they are still running their parties there but no single men.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"Is there any talk of couples being able to get a refund on there membership, as one of the main reasons we joined was to go on a Friday night when guys were allowed ?"

Hadn't thought of that. Call him and let us know what he says.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"Don't think this will have an adverse effect on Libs as all clubs are over run with single guys and they would all come running back with their c**ks in their hands given half a chance. I usually take an fb to clubs as most couples are rightly fed up of being stalked all night by the sad majority of singles looking to get their moneys' worth regardless of etiquette.

I don't know which clubs you've been going to but I've never been to a club and found it "overrun" with single men. Generally numbers have been well managed.

Sure, some single men don't behave well but the same can be said for some women and some couples. And it's the men that are most likely to get chucked out for it."

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"Is there any talk of couples being able to get a refund on there membership, as one of the main reasons we joined was to go on a Friday night when guys were allowed ?"

I don't know when I went in there last Friday I asked John about my membership he gave me a lame excuse he will look into all single men memberships and will refund them pro-rata sending a cheque or through bank transfer. We have to wait and see.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *abioMan  over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Is there any talk of couples being able to get a refund on there membership, as one of the main reasons we joined was to go on a Friday night when guys were allowed ?

I don't know when I went in there last Friday I asked John about my membership he gave me a lame excuse he will look into all single men memberships and will refund them pro-rata sending a cheque or through bank transfer. We have to wait and see. "

If they are saying they have all of those details on computer then it would take them all of 2 minutes to find out that information... so it sounds as if you have been fleeced mate.... and if a club was kicking me out, last thing I would do is give them any bank details...

if you gave them the membership money as cash... then legally you have the right to ask for that money back as cash....

if it was paid on a card, then the refund has to go back on a card

Couples asking for membership back is a much more thorny issue as technically they haven't changed their T&C's at all... so I don't think legally they have the right to asks for money back.... whereas in this case the single guys do......

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Don't think this will have an adverse effect on Libs as all clubs are over run with single guys and they would all come running back with their c**ks in their hands given half a chance. I usually take an fb to clubs as most couples are rightly fed up of being stalked all night by the sad majority of singles looking to get their moneys' worth regardless of etiquette.

I don't know which clubs you've been going to but I've never been to a club and found it "overrun" with single men. Generally numbers have been well managed.

Sure, some single men don't behave well but the same can be said for some women and some couples. And it's the men that are most likely to get chucked out for it."

I've found single guys to be mostly polite. I've had more issues with male halves of couples that seem to think they can do whatever they want.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"Don't think this will have an adverse effect on Libs as all clubs are over run with single guys and they would all come running back with their c**ks in their hands given half a chance. I usually take an fb to clubs as most couples are rightly fed up of being stalked all night by the sad majority of singles looking to get their moneys' worth regardless of etiquette.

I don't know which clubs you've been going to but I've never been to a club and found it "overrun" with single men. Generally numbers have been well managed.

Sure, some single men don't behave well but the same can be said for some women and some couples. And it's the men that are most likely to get chucked out for it.

I've found single guys to be mostly polite. I've had more issues with male halves of couples that seem to think they can do whatever they want. "

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I wouldn't go there again anyway was shit atmosphere was crap all to clicky

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Well it is a shame, but I wish john all the best in moving the club forward, I will miss my Fridays there and a the people, but things change for better or worse, for single guys there's always a market in the swinging scene, it's a brave move and a forward thinking one, only downer is that the single ban should be blanket not select and include women as well as that will show a true commitment to a couples only venue.

Maybe a once a month Friday where couples can invite a single guy maybe a future option?

Once you've been to other clubs you will realise how protected from the crap 'meercat' type guys are out there spoiling venues.

Good luck to Liberty Elite in your future adventure and hope it works, be a shame to totally lose a club

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

We hadn't yet ventured to Libs, and if there's no single guys there we can cross it off our list of places to go. But I'm sure the couples who only meet couples will be happy.

Sounds boring to us though. Each to their own.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *yrdwomanWoman  over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"Once you've been to other clubs you will realise how protected from the crap 'meercat' type guys are out there spoiling venues."

I wish I knew where all these clubs are that attract men who follow you around and touch up 'helpless' women, as I can say, after visiting about 10 clubs it has never happened to me. I would love it though so if someone could let me know I would be delighted.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Other clubs like new paradise 20 mins away, singles always welcome and membership only £5 a year

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It is a shame. Libs is the only club in Leicester. I know the clubs in Derby and Birmingham are not that far away, but most of them are at least an hours drive.


There's one nr Loughborough, 20 mins away lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"Seems a brave but somewhat odd business decision.


Brave in what way? Granted its not likely i'd ever be through the doors but surely singles of both sexes must make up at least a quarter to a third of a club dynamic. Business must be great if they can forgoe that kind of income....

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *overmanMan  over a year ago


"I wouldn't go there again anyway was shit atmosphere was crap all to clicky "

Sour grapes?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It seems a shame that a few posters on this thread are too quick to judge Liberty Elite for THEIR decision to make the club couples only.

Clubs up and down the country have their criteria for what they consider to be a good night and what clientele they want to attract.

I think its THEIR decision to make and they must feel they can still make it a successful and profitable club for couples only.

I dont think its fair to slate them for it, or have sour grapes etc, its the owners choice as a business. It is a bold decision to make but again it is THEIRS to make.

People make their choices where they want to go and if a club doesnt suit your purpose simply dont go there, coming on the forums and slating somewhere your never gonna get to go to now is pretty pathetic.

Remember its about personal preference and choice.


Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *yrdwomanWoman  over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"It seems a shame that a few posters on this thread are too quick to judge Liberty Elite for THEIR decision to make the club couples only."

They haven't made it couples only though. Single women are still allowed.

I could understand the couples only, if not want to partake personally, but only preventing single men from attending is unfair.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It seems a shame that a few posters on this thread are too quick to judge Liberty Elite for THEIR decision to make the club couples only.

They haven't made it couples only though. Single women are still allowed.

I could understand the couples only, if not want to partake personally, but only preventing single men from attending is unfair. "

Fair comment and appreciate that, however the amount of single girls going to clubs is negligible

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

And also lets be honest how many couples would refuse to go to a club because there where single girls there ??

Yet there are plenty that wont go to a club if there are single guys allowed in ??

Just playing devils advocate

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

It worked really well when partners tried couples only just on certain nights.

It lasted a few months before it turned out it wasn't financially viable & the couples were too "cliquie"

What this really means from our point of view is within months the club closes completely as he will only run it t a loss for so long.

Mind he does have the single men membership fees that he was still taking weeks ago lining his pockets

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *wo4moreCouple  over a year ago

around walsall, wolves, cannock

"We hadn't yet ventured to Libs, and if there's no single guys there we can cross it off our list of places to go. But I'm sure the couples who only meet couples will be happy.

Sounds boring to us though. Each to their own. "

As do couples who only meet single guys... To us that's not swinging, as there is always at least one person involved in a spectator sport - which to us is ok every now and then, but anything more regular Boring too!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *opsy RogersWoman  over a year ago


"It is a shame. Libs is the only club in Leicester. I know the clubs in Derby and Birmingham are not that far away, but most of them are at least an hours drive.

There's one nr Loughborough, 20 mins away lol"

I've been to that one and it's not a patch on Libs.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *yrdwomanWoman  over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"It seems a shame that a few posters on this thread are too quick to judge Liberty Elite for THEIR decision to make the club couples only.

They haven't made it couples only though. Single women are still allowed.

I could understand the couples only, if not want to partake personally, but only preventing single men from attending is unfair.

Fair comment and appreciate that, however the amount of single girls going to clubs is negligible "

There are more of us than you think.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *wo4moreCouple  over a year ago

around walsall, wolves, cannock

"It worked really well when partners tried couples only just on certain nights.

It lasted a few months before it turned out it wasn't financially viable & the couples were too "cliquie"

What this really means from our point of view is within months the club closes completely as he will only run it t a loss for so long.

Mind he does have the single men membership fees that he was still taking weeks ago lining his pockets "

"He also stated that his other ventures were supporting Libertys. Apparently, he has been in the business over 20 years and owns at least one lap dancing club."

Hardly lining his pockets if he's running the club at a loss really is it? He's every right to try different things if he is subsidising the club anyway surely?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *wo4moreCouple  over a year ago

around walsall, wolves, cannock

"And also lets be honest how many couples would refuse to go to a club because there where single girls there ??

Yet there are plenty that wont go to a club if there are single guys allowed in ??

Just playing devils advocate "

How many single girls do you see stalking couples round clubs, whooping and yelling, being quite pushy? If only eh lol

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"I wouldn't go there again anyway was shit atmosphere was crap all to clicky

Sour grapes?"

no genuine review

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *uietlyKinkyUsCouple  over a year ago


"It seems a shame that a few posters on this thread are too quick to judge Liberty Elite for THEIR decision to make the club couples only.

They haven't made it couples only though. Single women are still allowed.

I could understand the couples only, if not want to partake personally, but only preventing single men from attending is unfair.

Fair comment and appreciate that, however the amount of single girls going to clubs is negligible

There are more of us than you think."

But we get ignored on couple only nights so a couples only club

Its been said that club couldn't even get the numbers in with single men permitted

Still plenty more clubs out there & ample single men

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *yrdwomanWoman  over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"It seems a shame that a few posters on this thread are too quick to judge Liberty Elite for THEIR decision to make the club couples only.

They haven't made it couples only though. Single women are still allowed.

I could understand the couples only, if not want to partake personally, but only preventing single men from attending is unfair.

Fair comment and appreciate that, however the amount of single girls going to clubs is negligible

There are more of us than you think.

But we get ignored on couple only nights so a couples only club "

Oh I thought it was just me. Couples only nights and clubs are not for me. Fair do's if the owner of Libertys thinks he has a niche, and I am sure he won't care if I don't go. I am glad there are clubs that welcome single men, and will always prefer visiting them.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"And also lets be honest how many couples would refuse to go to a club because there where single girls there ??

Yet there are plenty that wont go to a club if there are single guys allowed in ??

Just playing devils advocate

How many single girls do you see stalking couples round clubs, whooping and yelling, being quite pushy? If only eh lol"

I (by that I mean we!) have seen plenty of couples behave this way - and the odd single female.

On couples (and of course single fems) nights.

Like anything - it's down to individuals, not gender.

An arse is an arse regardless of the anatomy round the front!

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *uietlyKinkyUsCouple  over a year ago


"It seems a shame that a few posters on this thread are too quick to judge Liberty Elite for THEIR decision to make the club couples only.

They haven't made it couples only though. Single women are still allowed.

I could understand the couples only, if not want to partake personally, but only preventing single men from attending is unfair.

Fair comment and appreciate that, however the amount of single girls going to clubs is negligible

There are more of us than you think.

But we get ignored on couple only nights so a couples only club

Oh I thought it was just me. Couples only nights and clubs are not for me. Fair do's if the owner of Libertys thinks he has a niche, and I am sure he won't care if I don't go. I am glad there are clubs that welcome single men, and will always prefer visiting them."

Nah. I get approached by people everywhere. I can make friends waiting for a train. But couples only nights and i must wear my invisibility cloak . Cat & i went to _tasia and it was the same (yes friends chatted with us) but i often go with other single women or alone & couples just don't approach nor usually acknowledge me/us.

Never had a problem on a mixed night and I've been to a fair few venues

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *nigmatic1Woman  over a year ago

A seaside town near you!

"Thoughts on this? I personally think it's bollox


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By *onnyforfunMan  over a year ago


"I do allow single women, just not men."
ive been looking at the posts although its too far for me seems like youll be losing a lot of custom from couples and single females who want single men there ah well you know best your business

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *portyndNaughtyMan  over a year ago

Nearby Hinckley

"It seems a shame that a few posters on this thread are too quick to judge Liberty Elite for THEIR decision to make the club couples only.

Clubs up and down the country have their criteria for what they consider to be a good night and what clientele they want to attract.

I think its THEIR decision to make and they must feel they can still make it a successful and profitable club for couples only.

I dont think its fair to slate them for it, or have sour grapes etc, its the owners choice as a business. It is a bold decision to make but again it is THEIRS to make.

People make their choices where they want to go and if a club doesnt suit your purpose simply dont go there, coming on the forums and slating somewhere your never gonna get to go to now is pretty pathetic.

Remember its about personal preference and choice.


Easy to say would like to see if you had the same opinion if your membership was canceled with still 7 months to go and you likely not to see a penny back. Plus or he is a genius or very naive as there are no clubs in the country which follow this business model. Finally by allowing single women and not men is definitely discrimination. As you said his club his rules but he has to remember once he lost his clientele we will not have them back.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *overmanMan  over a year ago


"It seems a shame that a few posters on this thread are too quick to judge Liberty Elite for THEIR decision to make the club couples only.

They haven't made it couples only though. Single women are still allowed.

I could understand the couples only, if not want to partake personally, but only preventing single men from attending is unfair.

Fair comment and appreciate that, however the amount of single girls going to clubs is negligible

There are more of us than you think.

But we get ignored on couple only nights so a couples only club

Oh I thought it was just me. Couples only nights and clubs are not for me. Fair do's if the owner of Libertys thinks he has a niche, and I am sure he won't care if I don't go. I am glad there are clubs that welcome single men, and will always prefer visiting them.

Nah. I get approached by people everywhere. I can make friends waiting for a train. But couples only nights and i must wear my invisibility cloak . Cat & i went to _tasia and it was the same (yes friends chatted with us) but i often go with other single women or alone & couples just don't approach nor usually acknowledge me/us.

Never had a problem on a mixed night and I've been to a fair few venues "

Maybe couples are more choosy who they play with?

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ee VianteWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in North Norfolk

"It seems a shame that a few posters on this thread are too quick to judge Liberty Elite for THEIR decision to make the club couples only.

Clubs up and down the country have their criteria for what they consider to be a good night and what clientele they want to attract.

I think its THEIR decision to make and they must feel they can still make it a successful and profitable club for couples only.

I dont think its fair to slate them for it, or have sour grapes etc, its the owners choice as a business. It is a bold decision to make but again it is THEIRS to make.

People make their choices where they want to go and if a club doesnt suit your purpose simply dont go there, coming on the forums and slating somewhere your never gonna get to go to now is pretty pathetic.

Remember its about personal preference and choice.


It's absolutely his decision but we are all entitled to express an opinion on it, positive or negative.

And if he should be issuing refunds immediately to all men with time remaining on their membership, without question. He already charged them a significant amount more than anyone else. Failing to refund is nothing short of criminal in my opinion.

He also ought to refund anyone who no longer wishes to remain a member now the service provided has dramatically changed.

He must have been considering this change for some time, so continuing to permit men to join, as it seems he has done, is very unreasonable.

Failing to refund and making excuses is unconscionable.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *ee VianteWoman  over a year ago

Somewhere in North Norfolk

"It seems a shame that a few posters on this thread are too quick to judge Liberty Elite for THEIR decision to make the club couples only.

Clubs up and down the country have their criteria for what they consider to be a good night and what clientele they want to attract.

I think its THEIR decision to make and they must feel they can still make it a successful and profitable club for couples only.

I dont think its fair to slate them for it, or have sour grapes etc, its the owners choice as a business. It is a bold decision to make but again it is THEIRS to make.

People make their choices where they want to go and if a club doesnt suit your purpose simply dont go there, coming on the forums and slating somewhere your never gonna get to go to now is pretty pathetic.

Remember its about personal preference and choice.


Easy to say would like to see if you had the same opinion if your membership was canceled with still 7 months to go and you likely not to see a penny back. Plus or he is a genius or very naive as there are no clubs in the country which follow this business model. Finally by allowing single women and not men is definitely discrimination. As you said his club his rules but he has to remember once he lost his clientele we will not have them back."

Put together a letter informing him he has a set, reasonable time in which to refund you or you take the matter to the Small Claims Court. Get as many members who want a refund to send a letter as possible.

Maybe get something drafted and make it available to anyone who wants it.

He clearly thinks nobody will go the legal route but I doubt he wants the negative publicity. I wouldn't.

Businesses frequently live and die by their reputation.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"We hadn't yet ventured to Libs, and if there's no single guys there we can cross it off our list of places to go. But I'm sure the couples who only meet couples will be happy.

Sounds boring to us though. Each to their own.

As do couples who only meet single guys... To us that's not swinging, as there is always at least one person involved in a spectator sport - which to us is ok every now and then, but anything more regular Boring too!"

As our profile shows we meet both

And no one is ever left out unless they want to be ...

I'm talking of past experience with the couple only couples which has ended up being one supposedly bi lady who wants touching but won't touch back, won't let my partner touch her either but is happy for her partner to have a little play with me , but only a little

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

I hate only couples nights at clubs as found them to be so clicky .... I like the mix of singles in there as make for a better night we find .. Would never go to a club just couples.

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

Just to clarify on previous posts, the matter of refunds to the single guys was not mentioned by me but i do agree that they should get a refund ( no issue with that at all )

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By (user no longer on site)  over a year ago

"It is a shame. Libs is the only club in Leicester. I know the clubs in Derby and Birmingham are not that far away, but most of them are at least an hours drive.

There's one nr Loughborough, 20 mins away lol

I've been to that one and it's not a patch on Libs."

ah New Paradise, unique selling point "cheapest in the midlands and no dress restrictions"

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By *andyMooCouple  over a year ago


Chameleons in Newport changed the Saturday night some time ago to couples and single fems. It flopped.

They now do not open at all on a Saturday

I can see this going the same way.

Never mind though. Jaydees is open on a Friday night. No membership fee and cost less to get in.

Reply privately (closed, thread got too big)


By *overmanMan  over a year ago


"Chameleons in Newport changed the Saturday night some time ago to couples and single fems. It flopped.

They now do not open at all on a Saturday

I can see this going the same way.

Never mind though. Jaydees is open on a Friday night. No membership fee and cost less to get in. "

..ah Jaydees - now there's class

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