"Ok so the light is still somewhat way off, however there maybe a direction of which clubs could take, of which would enable them to reopen and operate safely. An no I’m not talking HAZ suits for rent!
While passports would indicate that you have been vaccinated, there is still no proof that you are safe or safe to be near. especially not for this industry! after all, a passport would be similar to an MOT...on a given time and date, you were inoculated and thought to be 85-87% safe from catching it!
So enter the “rapid coronavirus test” apparently his offers results in thirty minutes! So how could this work? You rock up to your favorite club, show membership number and undertake the test. Leave the building and wait in your vehicle, returning after thirty minutes for the results. Either Great news your in....or hey buster, you need to go home and self isolate!
And here lies this issue... for argument sake, let’s suggest you show a positive test, do you now undertake another or assume that the results are from someone who knew what they were doing? We all make mistakes.....
Should you now notify the track and trace that you’ve shown a positive result? Isn’t this how it’s supposed to work?
Are you also someone who would go immediately home? How do you explain (should you need to) that you’ve shown a positive test? Oppsy
Or are you the sort to just ignore it, continue about your normal activities and without care, possibly spread this virus?
Perhaps we have a covid positive police task force, you show a positive result and hey, they’re one there way!!! slammer for you for at least a fortnight!! Oh and here’s the bill
On the plus side, if you’ve made it and others follow, then you know at that particular time, no one was showing any symptoms! Are you still able to relax, enjoy your attendance, Or still air on the side of caution? Difficult....
Then there’s the cost... how much are these tests? Can’t see the government allowing them to be offered for free, just so you can rock ya socks! Maybe pay as you go, or pay per test let’s say! would some then become difficult that they have paid out for the test and oops, sorry no entry my friend, you’ve got signs of the undesirable covid!
Personally I think it could work, but then again I’d be happy to pay for the test every time I wanted to attend, and yes, if shown positive - notify the track n’ trace! I’d go home and self isolate for at least two weeks! And not go back for at least a month. I’d prefer to be safe than sorry! But that’s me...
No matter how you look at this, it’s not going to be an easy task to implement or police! but at least it’s a possibility for clubs to consider? "
Clubs are way ahead of you mate. Don't forget we've had nearly a year to think about all this.
Several clubs have come together and have worked together for a while. How we re-open, the logistics etc...is part of this.
The tests have already been sourced and priced up. I have contacted Public Health already to go over lots of the points you raise as we will need policies in place.
You can't assume everyone will have a car, in fact most people who attend big parties at clubs don't drive, so we will need a secure testing area. This may not be possible for some clubs.
There are other things to consider to. Training, pre and post 'counselling', disposal and incineration of test kits to name a few.
It's a minefield, but the clubs involved in our plans will be considering all eventualities and working with their local public health authority to put everything in place.
It's all still up in the air and a very long way off...probably after September but it's something to aim for. How our mental health will be holding up by then, I don't know |