| In response to the last review. Many thanks fog our comments, we welcome both positive and negative reviews, these help us improve our business. We are glad you enjoyed your previous three visits. The night of your last visit on 6th August was exceptionally busy and the majority had a fabulous night (see other reviews). If you found the top floor too cold, it would've been easy for us to alter the temperature at the time. Too late for us to react a week later ! The same applies to a problem you had with pushy guys - tell us at the time, we can do something there and then !
In answer to your comments about the price increase, this is to bring it inline with our other event prices. If you would like price parity to "Nomercy Manor" at £30 per couple, then yes we can do that !! The new price from 20th Aug makes it the same as the men only events at £14 per person.
We could employ stewards to control the main activity floors but this would incur extra costs which would need to be paid for, resulting n an increased entry fee! Guests would not feel comfortable havng the main areas constantly monitored.
Basically - tell us at the time of any problems, those we can solve, we will.
We want our guests to feel confident that they will be attending a venue that complies with Licensing Laws, Health & Safety Regulations, Fire Regulations, Public Liability Insurance, PRS Licenses and PPL Licences, all these add to the rising costs of our venue. We suggest you make sure other venues have the same coverages before commenting on our below average prices !
Since introducing our couples only area, we have lost about a third of the single males, but, overall it has been a good move as more couples are attending.
We are thinking of introducing a booking system for single males. This may solve a few issues, as we could identify problem guests. This does depend on us being told of any problems at the time though.
All this will culminate in a better venue.
We hope everyone reads your review and our comments, as feedback will only improve our venue.
Date: 11 August 2016